LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
Louise appears as a friend of Castiel, despite not having powers, she is still to be very helpful to Cas and May. Louise joins with Cas to head to the western area where she looks forward to getting drunk. When they get there, Louise and Lydia both decide to be on the lookout when they see Burford go there. Doc also calls them to see him and then the three save Diaval who Burford hangs. When Castiel storms Buford and sees him escape, Buford gets caught again by Lydia which Louise complements for snaring him with a rope. She and Lydia also join Isabella in bringing the scraph back and like May, Stardash and Isabella they begin realizing Sora is in love with Tai and just want her to admit. Louise joins up with the rest of the heroes and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining.it.
Louise arrives in Springfield and gets to Bart, Black Star and Colonel Star and Stripes as they all head to the Simpsons Household and begin planning what to do though Marceline figures them out and they all begin talking with her.May and the others work with Castiel and Jack as well as Dib in stopping CSMs Plans.
Castiel and his friends are on the same mission as Bender and his buddies which is use the ocarina to open a door as Sylvester gave one to them. Castiel and Free Will Members get to the entrance where Lydia who has the ocarina uses it to open the door with Zelda's Lullaby. Louise and Lydia end helping Isabella defeat and kill Sebastian Shaw and they also join up for the BlackGarurumon and the Niburu encounter where they give hope by playing the power one song a third time for their friend to stop the Niburu.

Return of The Weirdmageddon Cult[]
Louise is contacted by Lydia and Castiel to join up with them to combat Toffee and Bill Cipher who have returned and their newly formed cult.
Rick did manage to get his hands on Blssina, Filmore, Dawn, Jin, James Rogers, Shark Boy, Qui Gon, May, Lava Girl and Louise. Rick mentions how they seem like a tag of misfits but somehow get the job done which was why Cas vouched for them as Castiel required Rick to do so. Castiel greets his others friends and decides to infrom of what Rick and Ford told him.
Chapter 2[]
Ronnie Anne and Sid have tried their darnest to wake up Lincolin and Lydia with pranks, senses, K Pop etc and yet they just sleep through them. Louise who noticed the espacades called their ammaturs and proceeds to wake up both of them by making ocean sounds. Which causes the two to startle up and the other two girls to cover their ears and to warn them next time she does this. May and Dawn also show up aggrivated by Louise's sea gull noise and Louise states it woke them up.
Ronnie Anne, Sid, May, Dawn and Louise explain to Lydia and Lincolin what Ford, Amanda and Cleo have told them and came up as well as Bill appearing in Ford's head. Lincolin states that he felt stuck in his dreams, and that he saw some truly disturbing things and felt like he was seeing the future. Louise dismisses Lincolin for just trying to find a reason to sleep in, though Lydia believes Lincolin may be on to something which Ronnie Anne agrees with and ask the others to leave them.
Castiel, Blissina, Filmore, Craft, Crowley, Dawn, Doc, James Rogers, Jin, Shark Boy, Lava Girl ,Louise Beltcher, May, Qui Gon, Ronnie Anne and Sid Chang all take a lead to grasslands as that is the most likely place to find it with May and Dawn leading the way using one of their Pokemon to guide the way for any one else who will come. In the Grass lands, May is using her Beautifly and Dawn is using her Buneary to lead the way for them, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Louise, James Rogers and FIlmore where they discuss Lincolin and his sights and how true they could be. None of them truly think Linc is crazy but James Rogers and Dawn think they is something unnatural about him having visions about it and how vague they are, Louise thinks they're cool and she may have been wrong about Lincolin being just some normie. May and Filmore though don't be suprised that Lydia would believe Lincolin and she always seems to believe what he says, and that Lydia could be deluding herself because it's Lincolin which ROnnie Anne does take some offense though May does aploogize for this. Sid does notice that Bunary and Beautifly found something and goes after it unknown to the others.
Sid with May and Dawn's Pokemon find the Liama Symbol which James and Louise show up too as they did notice Sid running off and ask her why Sid did this without their knowledge. Sid explains that May and Dawn were distracting talking about LIncolin and she had to do something. Louise feels that this is too boring as something should happen which is when Lalo arrives and asks is this interesting enough? Sid asks how long as he's been listening and Lalo says he heard something while his gang did something.Meanwhile with Lalo is using SId, Louise and James Rogers to encover the words under it and using them as leverage they are doing it though and Louise kicks Lalo in the shins having enough and Lalo orders the gang to catch Louise which they do though Cleo, Cas and Crowley with Ronnie Anne show up and wash away the group though Lalo did take his gun and fire a few blank shots. May and Dawn use Piplup and Warotle to spray him back and Blaziken and Quilava to attack the Gang Green Gang.
After wards, they run into Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Rick and Amanda who noticed Cleo saved them and the symbol

Chapter 3[]
Cleo talks to most of the others minus Lydia, Lincolin, Crowley and Amanda in that she is in disbelief about what happened to Emma and Rikki and is both angered and sad about what Toffee did to them. Dawn suspects Toffee took away their ability to talk, while stregnthing them to make them mindless, Louise does question that last part as simple brainwashing.
Louise, May and Dawn stay in the ship as they try to get a contact to Sid's location but aren't getting any sucess. Louise believes that that wherever Sid is, it's far and distant. When questioned, she feels that Sid wouldn't be killed as she gives off a weird expression for people to want to kill her which May points out is just like Louise which she denies and points how she is still smart despite this. Dawn is more successful and is just about to lock a location when the power goes out. Louise and May begin to look outside and see the Sergant/Warden who has the place surrounded and is ready to make his enterance to grab them when she fratically starts to press buttons which May tries to get a hold of her of it.
Chapter 4[]
Rick decides to check up on Blissina, Louise, Craft, James Rogers, Shark Boy and Lava Girl on how getting a track on Sid Chang is going. James Rogers and Shark Boy have her scent and tell Rick that she's in a Disney universe which suprises Craft and Blissina how they know that, which Shark Boy states he's a shark he gets senses of people. Rick points out that you shark hybrids are weird and that he will look into the universes to find out what could be the best place to get a true contact to the K Pop obessed kid. A Few Minutes later, Rick tells them they must head to Amphibia have acquiried their next symbol, which Lava Girl and Shark Boy ask what is and Louise states it's a shooting star, so basically they're in the right area. Louise then pushes Shark Boy and James out of the way and helps Rick in discovering a wormhole to go to Amphibia. Blissina calms Louise down and Rick thinks she a bit to escastic
Doc and Louise were not stranded out of the ship like the others and they struggle to try get the ship to safety to save the rest, Doc gets in contact with the rest and states that he is going to try to get to the station and try to do repairs there but they need to get rid of the villains first. Louise finds a mini ship and takes it to stall Lord Dominator's fleet while Doc manages to barely avoid the other attacks thanking himself for giving everyone oxygen and space helmets before the attack
Rick and Castiel find Louise who found a minaiture shooting star and wants to take it back to the ship and despite the two's reservations they agree eventually.
Chapter 5[]
Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Amanda, Cleo, Castiel, Rick, Crowley, Blissina, Shark Boy, Lava Girl, Ronnie Anne, Louise, May, Dawn, Doc and James Rogers Arrive at Newtopia. Ford and Rick lecture the group about Amphibia and that this is a new land to all them and to be extra careful.
Ford explains that this world is full of nothing but reptiles like frogs, toads, newts etc and this is one of the most unsual worlds he has heard of. This digusts some of the girls though Lydia, Ronnie Anne and Louise seems to be quite exicited at such prospects. When called on this, Louise calls the other girls sissies and that they're tough like her, Ronnie and Lydia. Lydia states it's not a matter of toughness it's tolerance but yes that makes sense. Crowley then pretty much dipsoses the pandora and destorys it with Louise and Blissina after being informed of it from the others
Chapter 6[]
Louise shows the crew in their travel to Austraila, but unlike the rest of the cast doesn't do anything as she just spent her time eating, playing around the island and being on the phone with Regular sized Rudy. She joins the crew on the ship
The Morning afterwards and is everyone is alseep except Ford and Eda who decided to stay up and keep an vilgant eye while drinking together about their lives.
Everyone else is very much asleep with Cricket asleep with Louise as they snore on the floor, mumbling about things with their hands in water.Eda and Ford serve breakfast to the crew and Eda notes that they must have not slept well with Anne and Sprig giving nervous grins to all of them with gulity written all over them. Ronnie Anne and Lincoln decide to work together to prank them after this is all done. Louise wants to make them pay for their pranks, and almost socks Anne for it. Anne tells Louise it was a joke and Sprig states that she has a poor reaction to jokes.
Chapter 7[]
Ford, Louise, Cricket and Ronnie Anne work to try to get the mermaids to safety as Ford is aware that Toffee is after them considering the location. Ronnie Anne asks about the othes and Ford states that they need to get the girls back to the boat before doing so and then go from there. Cleo takes a little offense belveing that she and the girls can deal wth Toffee, Emma and Rikki agree and the 3 girls leave to find Toffee as they are tired of runnning. Louise admires their bravery and voices her confidence they can do so, as does Cricket who feels Toffee can't take on all three of them. Ford however feels that they underestimate Toffee's intellgence and he needs to go after them. Ronnie Anne, Cricket and Louise decide to basicall pick up the rest of the team on the boat as they find the others.
Ford with Cricket and Louise stop Ushari from delivering the bite with a few whacks by a golf club. Ford is prepared to save Cleo who is too shocked at what Toffee did to do something against Toffee. Cricket and Louise manage to find the other bodies and Louise figures out that Toffee has techinally killed Emma, Rikki and Lewis singlehandy with the snake.
Toffee seems suprised that Lincoln could do just that. Ford, Lydia, Lincoln, Cricket, Louise and Marcy Wu are ambushed by the Geki Clan who Toffee sent to keep them distracted from the real plan.
Ford, Marcy Wu, Louise and Cricket notice as the two are getting close to Cleo's limp body. Lincoln and Lydia manage to get to the body but despite this they almost are out of air and both of them loose hold over Cleo's body when Ford saves both of them with Marcy Wu, Louise and Cricket basically pull up Ford who has pulled up the duo who nearly ended up unconsicous. Where Ronnie Anne finds them and asks what happened and Ford tells her what had recently happened.
Lydia, Lincoln, Ford, Marcy Wu, Ronnie Anne, Cricket and Louise arrive back to the rest of the group and Amanda asks where is Cleo. Ford states that Toffee has his way with her, and Lydia adds that he murdered Cleo in cold blood and tossed her body into the ocean as well as murdering the other mermaids.
Marcy states that Andiras also showed up to stop Toffee from killing Lydia, Lincoln and themselves as the duo tried to save Cleo's limp body. Lydia still acquired a scale of Cleo's mermaid body and intends that they must burry it, Louise thinks it's pretty cool Lydia got even that. Lincoln adds despite his new found strength he just didn't have enough breath to save her from possibly drowning.
Crowley is on his phone and is talking to the families informing them about the deaths at the hands of Toffee and Louise is quick to see how sincere and how he lacks his ususal sacarsm and states Crowley isn't supposed to be this way for a King of the hell. Castiel feels that Crowley might have had a wake up call and that must explain it. Luz asks of Cas's history with Crowley and Castiel tells Luz and Louise of his uneasy history with Crowley.
Rick takes Sprig, Blissina and Louise and decides to find a new locale for their next move as he searches the multiverse for a ideal plan. Louise asks Rick what it's his plan and Rick states that they are still a few zodiacs short and that he has a good idea where to go.
Rick, Sprig, Blissina and Louise have managed to find the next locale in Gravity Falls. Rick indicates that this pretty much in the world Ford resides in and that they may have a better edge this time. Louise argues what edge, Rick states that despite everything it feels like their standoff with The Weirdmageon Cult is rather even handed up to this point. Blissina agrees that despite everything the villains did, they have managd to keep up. Sprig adds that they helped before meeting the group so that's spot on,
Ford, Eda, Rick, Louise, Castiel and Crowley begin to set up the co-ordinates for their ravel. Rick is grateful that Marcy's connections to Andrias have allowed them to use a spot of the line vechil. Eda asks Ford what's his knowledge on Gravity Falls and Ford says he pretty much knows everything about Gravity Falls and all it's weirdness. Louise is fasciated with this and wants to get going now. Eda calms her down and Ford states that she will regret what she said, and to trust him. Crowley and Castiel also agree with Ford as well and Castiel asks Ford about Bill's orgins as he comes from Gravity Falls too. Ford tells Cas that Bill is active in Gravity Falls, but is actually from another universe it's just he was summoned by someone who knew the spell. Eda asks did Ford do so, Ford states to Eda that he didnt do so at least currently, he did years ago.
Ford assigns Castiel, Crowley, Ronnie Anne, Sprig, Louise and Blissina to go find the zoidac with the 6 fingers, which may be on a hidden jounral due to him being the one who wrote the jounrals.Ronnie Anne remembers that the journal was left in the forest and in a tree and that the tree it's in with a distinct sound. Louise questions Ronnie on how would a tree sound different, Crowley states that anything can sounds weird in this world and he takes out a crow bar and states it's about how trees feel plain. Castiel and Blissina roll their eyes to Crowley's comments as Ronnie Anne and Crowley go ahead.
Chapter 8[]
Louise is among many of the characters who joins Ford to Mewni, although she complains about why Lydia, Lincoln, Crowley and Castiel are getting to do something so awesome. Ford states that the 4 of them are not doing something awesome and that Lincoln is dealing with something that isn't really cool
Louise joins the others at heading to the butterfly Castle and works with Blissina and Dawn into looking for some info on the Land of Mewni. Louise unlike her friends is remarkably bored after nothing to do she is interested. Louise knocks some books down in frustation and ths is where books fall down and Blissina reads them and finds out where to go.
Blissina, Louise and Dawn go find Ford, Eda and Amanda and tell them exactly where to head to. The three of them lead the others to the Underworld with the intention to secure the final zodiac and after being crossed with Cleopatra and then the forces of Toffee. Louise and the others find out about Weirdmagedon being underway and unfortauntly she was petrified alongside Blissina and Dawn.
Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]
Louise is unpetrified as a result of Bill's defeat and is briefed on what happened in regardless to Weirdmagedon and is told of Castiel's passing. Deiciding to head back home as she has a date with Regular Sized Rudy she has to keep with him.
N.Tropy and his Alternate Self killed her and the vast majority of Team Free Will and threw their bodies at the time bureau to send a message to both Lincoln Loud and Lydia Lopez.