Lisa Snart is Captain Cold's Sister and a partner in crime, she wields a gun that turns people into gold.
Lisa is recruited by Sideshow Bob, Eddy and Mojo Jojo with her brother to help them in stealing their X Parasites from Joker and his team. Sideshow Bob and them get back in time to save Julian, Django, Marceline Ray Palmer and Nate Heywood and using her gun to goldenize anyone who gets their way.
Slade, Leonard, Celes and Lisa are all out cold having took quiet the hit from Uka Uka's attack and an pink blob like creature looks down hungry on them, and sets his antennae to turn them into chocolate until The Flying Dutchman tells him not to eat them as he will rain hell on him if he does. Remembering that Toffee has NOS-4A2 and Mandarin on his team, Slade and Leonard deduct that it is possible that they can find where the three by taking a notice of the drained machinery. Lisa and Leonard trade off some banter about how they should do this when Alchemy and his metahuman gang show up again and some of the metahumans recognize The Snarts from Central City and It turns into a brawl between them and The Dutchman
Dr. Alchemy has beaten down Slade and the others and plans to destroy them when Majin Buu decides to intervene and gives them all an deserved beatdown and Alchemy lost his mask which he manages to recover before Slade got to see it. But Buu tells Slade that The voodoo Doctor Thing lost his mask and has lighter blonde hair, Slade asks about the shape of Alchemy, Snart takes it as an innuendo but did notice something unique about the body look and how it was distinct filled and fit. Lisa then calls Leonard on paying attention not to the face where he puts back with sometimes getting the look is better. Slade and Celes both begin to recognize that Eobard is out of their hands as he knows too much about them but the reverse is also true. This is when Leonard and Lisa have an idea to go to Central City to find Barry Allen who would know.
Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Chapter 1[]
Slade and Marcy Wu wave their goodbyes to the rest of the others as Slade leads Marcy to his ship and sees Celes. Slade tells her the others are heading off to their missions, Celes takes Slade that she got Mojo, Leonard Snart his sister and Captain Hook putting everything in place
Leonard Snart, Mojo Jojo and Captain Hook reunite with Marcy and Leonard Snart introduces his sister Lisa to Marcy as Slade goes to see Celes. Marcy realizes that Slade meant himself, Anti Cosmo, Bender and Slade's empire are the remaining remants of the old days and Slade wants to make sure they are all remembered.
Marcy, Mojo, Cold, Golden Gridler and Captain Hook are ready and Slade has Captain Hook take charge of the ship and insturcts the rest of the empire to keep an eye on things. Slade and Marcy look out and Marcy asks Slade what's the 1st move. Slade and Celes both look at each other and states that they need to go where the wind takes them as Celes puts it.
Marcy is confused as is Mojo Jojo who decides to just go after the aliens as does the Snarts. Slade states he's the leader of this operation, and it's his say though he will accept other ideas.
Chapter 2[]
Hook, Snart and Lisa joins Slade and Celes in the attack. Slade, Celes, Captain Hook, Snart and Lisa are all busy fighting the forces on their ship attack. Hook is determined to protect his ship and tells Mojo to put the sheilds up which he does. Hook and Celes, then join up to fight Dregg's forces while Snart and Lisa equipped with their guns take shots at the monsters and Dregg, while Slade decides to ambush Z9 himself and wait for the move.
Hook warns the crew that they need to escape as the power sheilds are failing, Slade and Celes agree as The Snarts cover their escape using their guns to cover their escape.
Mojo, Varrick and his assistant, Snart, Lisa and Dr.Insano are busy with the codec Slade gave to them from his play. They begin analyzing it and notice how secure the protection is. Varrick and Lisa realize it's a higher up file that has been used to keep info safe from people like them.
Chapter 3[]
Celes, Mojo, Dr.Insano, Zhan-Li, Lisa Snart all basically decide to look more of their encrpytions. Insano and Mojo are aware that Slade knows a lot already but maybe the encriptons can say more. Mojo shows the repair parts as well as to Lisa and Zhan-Li and has them repair the Ray 03 in turn.
Mojo, Zhun-Li and Lisa Snart all arrive and state that managed to use the encription and realized something of the Conspiarcy. Though Aliens are part of his plan, it seems that have plenty of allies that are human or animals. He is proably using the former to achieve his real plan, particually with Zib according to Mojo. Lisa shows what each member's purpose is for the group as Zhun Li and Mojo observe. Leonard decides to get a past file on Him, so they can find more about him and he heads off to acheive this
Mojo Jojo, Varrick, Zhun-Li, Lisa Snart and Dr.Insano are getting closer to the truth as they use the encripted file. However their computer is hacked and the files are erased
They Hear sounds and Mojo states and it looks like they have been found as well. Lisa Snart and Mojo go to check it out and they notice that Homelander is here with Martian Z9, Zib and A Train like before.
The Crew find themselves in a Martian situation as Mojo and Lisa Snart are busy fighting off the Martians that Z9 sent after them.
The Crew find themselves in a Martian situation as Mojo and Lisa Snart are busy fighting off the Martians that Z9 sent after them.
Lisa, Captain Hook and Mojo keep the rest of the martians at bay as Their leaders respectfully face off with one another. Mojo asks where Marcy is, and Hook tells him that Marcy is keeping an eye on the General so she can take a hit at him.
As Slade, Mojo, Celes, Marcy, Captain Hook, Lisa Snart, Varrick, Zhun-Li, Dr.Insano, Kid and Black Star watch as Z9 stranded them here. The Crew is trying to think how to go on furhter.
Lisa states her brother could find a way as he went off on something before they attacked, which Varrick confirms.
Chapter 4[]
Lisa Snart gets on board to The Flying Dutchman's ship to make their way to Townsvile as she is informed of what is keeping her brother from getting involved as he was stopped by The Sales Guy who hindered them with an attack with a mini monster army.
She checks on Insano and co and they are getting their transporter ready for the other two to return to, when They find Anti Cosmo and Bender who are coming on a crossroad with them as Homelander is going after them with Captain Putty who Slade is aware of due to the attack on them piror
When Arriving in Townsvile, Lisa sees CSM's forces attempting to attack, She gets her gold gun and uses it to face off the forces of CSM. Only retreating when the Destoryahs make their entrance knowing she is outmatched like the others and heads out
Leonard returns and has the info he found, he tells his sister he's okay and that he managed to keep Homelander and Tighten from trying and sucessfully murdering him and Rory.
Chapter 5[]
With Slade's other men, Lisa goes to the Ice Berg Lounge to find Penguin to get info on what they know. Lisa meets Riddler and Two Face as Snart talks with Penguin and they know a bit as well when it comes to Operation Countdown
Captain Putty and The Seven attempt to arrest them with their Vought Mecerenaries who Lisa and her allies go up against as they all get into a fight in the middle of the Iceber Lounge which they escape which Putty shuts down
Getting back to Slade, they escape to Halverston and Area.
Chapter 6[]
Lisa and her fellow Rogues arrive and they are sent to find Luan and Harry to get them to safety in case Homelander is after them as Slade goes to get his extra monkey power. They manage to find the others and wait for Slade to get the other team respectfully. Once everyone is brought together, the Black Arms and The Conpsiracy arrive to go after the collective group which Lisa and the others work to prevent and succeed.
After this She and the others retreat to the Powell Resident to make their plan.
Lisa helps the empire take on the rest of the alien invaders in the areas respectfullyWith the rest of Slade's empire she brings in and takes out Martian General Z9 and Blackfire
After defeating the Smoking Man, she returns to Slade's contient.
Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Chapter 5[]
Celes and Slade get The Rogues to help resuce Marcy from Mina and her forces. Lisa arrives and helps Celes take on Belos's crew with her gold gun and they take on Belos and his empire with the other members of Slade's Empire. As Lisa and the others so, she takes the midas hand from Jack Horner to Presnt to Slade. Lisa and Snart present it to the crew as Bender and them are intent on bringing down Horner's smuggling magic operation so that Slade get the bakery operation and have it ran more legit.
Chapter 6[]
Lisa joins Slade's empire in looking to see Belos's plan with his empire. Receiving help from Belos's rogue coven heads, they discover the Draining Spell and what he intents to do with it. Telling Celes and Slade of this respectfully, she inquires on getting the 3 BEars Crime family to run Horner's business which Slade tells her to be patient with this
With the others, they escape Warden Wrath and head off to regroup with Slade and his guys at Hexside.
Chapter 7[]
Lisa reports to the others with about Belos and what his plans are She then helps Bender and Slade rescue Team Free Will before deciding to fight Belos
Chapter 8[]
She and Slade's empire take on The Magic Royal High Comission and Belos's soliders
After seeing Slade, she and the others go to claim Jack Horner's bakery business to help Slade's continent thrive more in the food court business.
Chronicles of Zaragoza[]
Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]
Lisa is one of the members of Slade's empire that faces off with the Cartel as they work with Calamity, Chip , Dale, Dale Gribble, Hailey Banks, Libby, Scrooge and Spider Gwen to try and get AC, Bender, Harry, Marcy and Slade back. While also taking on Thawne after he reveals himself.