Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
150px-Leon S Kennedy Darkside Chronicles Artwork

Leon Scott Kennedy a character from the Resident Evil series.

He is an American agent for the Division of Security Operations (D.S.O.). Prior to this, he served as a police officer with the Raccoon City Police Department (R.P.D.) for a single day. The actions in the city led to his successful recruitment as a member of US-STRATCOM after the incident in Raccoon City.

The M.O.D.A.B. Storyline[]

Phase 1[]

The Great Time Travel Adventure[]

Leon first shows up in The Great Time Travel Adventure helping Ada and the other heroes take down Huhson Abadeer.

Phase 2[]

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

Leon is going to return and help Dib and the others once again but this time against Discord and Sigma. He leaves with Ada to get a file on the culprit on the attacker. Leon joins the Membrane Elite and helps the team against the others such as the Republic and Loboto's forces.

Phase 4[]

Double Life Emergence[]

After a long time Leon returns to work with President Deathstroke to assist him against The Cartel due to his skills and capablity as a major character. Leon is unaware that Bender is working the same case as him or even that Bender also works for/with his benefactor.

Act 1[]

Episode 2[]


He is recruited by Guzma to help Deathstroke with his operations and to investigate his oppositions which he does by assisting them in their investigations of Goodkin University and discovering what Professor Chang is up to and his partnership with Milton Midas as well as dealing with the Salamanca's enforcers.

Episode 3[]

With the Woods being given as a place of investigation, Leon decides to go investigate this for the president and is joined by Mike, Tiger Claw and Malcolm Merlyn. The 4 of them manage to discover some of the experiments that Professor Chang had being working on and are horrified by some of Chang's own works with the Woods as well as fighting off the Salamancas who are also trying to learn more about the Woods, as they warn to establish themselves as top dog to Professor Chang getting favor with Don Eladio, He is able to take out plenty on both fractions and gets The Salamancas to flee while keeping track of the work he has done and presents this to Deathstroke

Leon is informed of what Deathstroke had managed to cover on Midas's work and what he noticed on what Chang has been up to and tells him about he and Dr.Orm have been working on.

Episode 4[]

Leon having figured out what Dr.Orm has worked on with his associates and is brought up to speed who Captain Hero is by Deathstroke who informs Leon of Captain Hero's role as an ally of them and a former ally of the cartel who was coerced into helping him. Leon figures out that this is revenge for Hero betraying them and feels that killing him would be too wasteful so cloning him is the way to go.

He learns that he is getting sued alongside Deathstroke's group for trespassing and leaking info to outsiders and has to go to court. This is when Leon gets a restraining order put on him and the others, though Leon isn't arrested unlike Malcolm and Guzma. With the idea of something being leaked to the Cartel in that prison, Deathstroke and Mike decide to work with something with Leon and Tigerclaw.

Episode 5[]

Leon makes a plan with Tiger Claw, Mike and Deathstroke to try and help their allies without violating the restraining order. he and TigerClaw eventually decide that they need a way to post bail for them even if it doesn't work. Deathstroke agrees and sends Leon to fetch his number 2 guy for the bail saying that if even if there isn't any bail hope, no dirty cop could turn down money something he apologizes to Mike about after mentioning it.

He manages to bring in Number 2 like ordered and discussing the cases and how to post the bail, Deathstroke and Mike arrive back saying that they got their allies to keep Guzma and Merlyn posted and that they will transfer the money to them so that they can get Merlyn and Guzma out the right way. A wrench is through into this when Mike overhears using a bug he has them installed that Pablo Esacabar is going to kill them.

Episode 6[]

Joining with Tigerclaw, they go investigating the Salamancas which they do while the rest of the team is looking in regards to the bail to get Tigerclaw's allies. As the duo goes closer this ends up with the two in conflict with Jack Horner, Hector Salamanca, El Mar Verde and The Cousins who try to have them killed for their bosses. Though Tigerclaw manages to help them get away

He eventually comes across Lincoln and Lydia's group and decides to help out with their activity.

Act 2[]

Episode 7[]

Leon, Lydia, Lincoln and 16 manage to figure out what happened with the water commissioner as Leon learns there was a water commissioner that went missing which he confirms to the others and believes he was killed. He also discovers what happened with the bodies they discovered in the Lake Chapula area, which he sends this info to Gus Fring as it turns out that some of the many bodies found in the lake, where some of Gus's own men.

He also does notice that had saltwater in their lungs which Carmelita was able to notice as well and it was ruled out in the papers that Carmelita read that it was considered as drowning, Which Leon and Carmelita think is a bit too obvious considering how much people mysteriously drowned. Leon returns to Deathstroke with the information he found out.

Episode 8[]

Leon and Mike go undercover for themselves and end up finding Pablo who is helping spread Bliss with his men and as part of an advertisement from Midas he placed on TV. Advertising how Midas's new involvement will help relax people in stressful situations and how it's an innovation for today's work force and college/university students. With Pablo and Machine Head in the area, Mike instructs Leon to get the others out of the vinciity so he can put a stop or snipe them if he has to which Leon goes to do.

As he does so, Mike joins up with Luan, Harry, Celes and Captain Hero which Leon is a bit unsure considering Luan is a minor though Mike vets for her saying she helped break their allies out of jail from the hands of that Warden. Seeing the withdrawal symptoms make him feel uneasy which he makes obvious though this is when Machine Head and Pablo notice them and try to have ran off a cliff metaphorically speaking. Leon finishes evacuating the rest of the innocent bystanders and then helps Mike and Harry deal with their men by shooting at them as Luan, Celes and Captain Hero do their own thing against them.

With Mike reporting what he had came cross, and Leon mentioning what he saw Bliss do with people. Deathstroke declares a war on the Bliss drugs and that he will be clearing the street of these drugs. Felicity is able to figure out how Midas got the deal done and hacked a webcam to do so and Deathstroke sends her to give the info to his active man, despite Leon volunteering to do so, as the Cartel leaders know who Leon is, Felicity has more of a chance to go undetected.

Episode 9[]

Leon, Gus and Mike investigate the laundry mat and discover what Gus had in his meetings with Eladio discovering what Eladio wants out of Gus. As well testing the quality of this Bliss without trying the product. Leon and Mike are able to run tests for Gus and they discover it's potent effects at their hands that go beyond what occured earlier. Gus does admit they will have to keep pushing just to keep the money in so they can keep Eladio from deciding to kill Gus or them. Leon feels uncomfortable having to give Bliss out to people, Mike says that they won't they will be just doing what have always done it's just they will get rid of it while they're at it.

Deathstroke and his posse use their authority to get the drugs on the street from where Mike and Leon are able to get this from and Leon just steps on the drugs to destory any use for them. He also hands back people their money like The Presdient as the President wants to lower the homeless rate as much as he can and help the needy not to get any poorer.  Deathstroke hears of the news that had occurred with the schools and the students from Felicity. Guzma, Merlyn and Tiger Claw are at least relieved that they were able to save a few people. As Gus, Leon, Mike managed to disccover that Midas was running something as well and it was under covered by those kids. Deathstroke is questioning why the kids are very much in this. Leon asks how he knows the kids he met and Deathstroke explains his former history as a right hand man to Eobard Thawne.

Episode 10[]

Deathstroke infroms his colleagues about what he has come up with the Resistance and how they come around into all this as well as what he has found out at the abadoned recycle factory.  Guzma and Felcicity study the Bliss that they did uncover and destroy it as Mysterion helped find and he explains what Midas was up to with his factory. Leon admits he has tried that slurry and it's gross and agrees with the assessment that Midas is going out of his way to hide his hand in all this

Joined by Tiger Claw, The party that was sent by Deathstroke end up discovering the project that Midas is ultimately up to. Iron Masked Marruder and Ardos ambush them and both use their shadow pokemon to get rid of them and this is when Rose, Mysterion, Tiger Claw, Mike and Leon fight them off using their powers and skill set. Though they discovered they are overpowered by them due to the use of Snag and Dark Balls

Mike managed to avoid capture as he instructs Leon to sabotage the acid rain machine as he had managed to take advantage of this surrouding by knocking out Ardos's snagem agents and leaving them gagged on the floor. Thanks to 16's timely arrival, Mike and Leon are then able to get the help of 16's allies and James to rework and stop the acid rain machine so Midas can't do any more potential damage to infrastructure, though as Mike does say that despite this, it doesn't stop Midas from that massive plan of his as he was informed by Mrs.Smoak of what she found.

Episode 11[]

Guzma and Leon with the multiversal resistance to try and figure out Ardos and The Iron Masked Marruader got their hands on the shadow pokemon to use for that acid rain plan.

Mysterion and Rose are able to deduct the location is in Oore in the desert area a decaying Pokemon Region that went under rough time apart from the tower and lab which the former takes seriously due to being poor himself. Rose questions how they will even get there and Team Rocket already has an idea in using the mech they have. Leon questions if this is wanting to do good or loyalty to their boss. Jessie, James and Meowth admit the part of getting rid of Shadow Pokemon is partly what the boss wants, but they really do have standards against this.

Having arrived in Oore, Leon and Guzma with the Multiversal Resistance arrived at the lab like what Team Rocket said. Meowth and Mysterion are able to deactivate the web cams so the rest of the gang can get in safety. Jessie and James use disguises though more convincingly as this isn't like stealing Pikachu. Guzma manages to steal a Cipher costume to use as Rose and Leon go ahead to discover what is going on.

Ardos and The Iron Masked Marrauder have gone ahead to request some powerful dark ball pokemon from Ein, The Spot and Professor Chang who are the ones creating the shadow pokemon for them. Though Johnny Orm has no joy in this unlike his comrades which Chang and Ein mock him for being too soft. The rest of the Resistance find out about this and Team Rocket runs into the process of making it and decide to sabotage the machine from making more which they do with Leon's help.

Leon, Mike, Mysterion and Guzma having learned the purification methods to deal with Shadow Pokemon decide to go to Agate Village to find the area so they can get rid of what Ein and Spot will provide Midas. Leon and Mysterion are able to find that they need some time flutes for this and decide to go looking for them with Guzma as Mike decides to stay behind to protect the people of the village

Episode 12[]

Deathstroke and Felcitiy having overheard of what happened with  Morgana  from Bender, he decides to send in Leon to go investigate the car she tried to go into and Leon proceeds  to go and arrives at the scene of crime which is now mostly defunct and Leon manages to get it checked in the odometer, the kind of vechile, the gas cup and all that and even sees the blood on the seat and he reports this to Felciity, Mike and Deathstroke. Deathstroke knows that drastic times need drastic measures and tells Leon to meet up with his Investigator that he has been working with for a while and informs Mike to tell Leon where to meet up with him..

Leon is surprised Bender is in on this with the others and he questions if the others know about him being here. Bender informs him they don't and it's just him with his friends. Luan remembers Leon and so does Leon. Leon Questions Bender on not telling the others implicating how he still hasn't learned even after Morgana died. Wile E, Bender and Dee Dee all saw the death and don't deny this but Bender tells Leon he can't inform him he has no idea what he has to contend with here and deal with. Leon says he doesn't blame Luan or the kids for not doing but him and Wile E should know that secrets keeping sucks. Bender says that he can not afford to pit his friends against the Cartel after what he dealt with and that he should just help Deathstroke with the situation. Luan tells him he should leave but Leon says he is going to make clear to Dib, Lizbeth and the others that they know what happened to Morgana until some wind is felt by Wile E and he alerts Bender. Bender and Wile E sheild the kids as they back away with Stan and Dee Dee questioning how did someone get in as Leon says that Bender cannot hide the truth from M.O.D.A.B

The reason that Dee Dee, Bender, Wile E, Stan and Luan were backing away becomes evident  as it's Anton who shows up. Luan tells Leon that he needs to leave the room, Leon doesn't know who Anton is and asks who is he, Anton explains he is of a no one's concern and that he is here for a talk with the 5 of them. Leon assumes that Anton should just get a hair cut and quit the theratrics as some advice to him, Dee Dee tells Leon to just turn around and go. Anton just tells Leon to take his time and Leon asks with concern what is going on here and Anton pulls out a gun. Bender tells Leon that the girls are not joking or kidding that he needs to get his ass out of the room as Leon is beginning to realizing what Bender and Luan crossed into was something they wanted no else to get into. Stan tells Anton to just tell him what he wants, and Anton explains once more a simple talk. Bender suspects that Anton is going to try shoot him, Wile E or the kids and pulls a riffle of his own with a silencer and tells Wile E to get Leon out. Leon notices the gun and silenecer and tries to reassure the 5 that there is no reason to and well before he could finish. Anton shoots Leon straight in the head and his fluids splat all over the room and his head hits the floor freaking out everyone involved.

Allies and enemies[]

Friends: Clarie Redfield, Ada Wong, Sherry Birkin, Chris Redfield, Dib, Bubbles, Bender, Milo, Lizbeth, Edd, Boomer, Nina, Starfire, Skipper, Jorgen, Axel, Heloise, Finn, King Julian, Django of the Dead, Marceline, Ice King, Noob, Hans, Luciaus, Dr. Doofenschimtz, Dr. Blowhole, Stewie, Oscar, Emperor X, Pinky, Brain, Nibbler, Zapp Brannigan, Megaman X, Hiscord, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, John Price

Enemies: Albert Wesker, Krasuer, Osmond Sadller, William Birkin, Derek Simmons, Carla Radames, Hunson Abadeer, The Joker, Darkwarrior Duck, Alternate Doofenschimtz, Taurus Bulba, No Heart, Eggman Nega,Discord, The Dystopia League, Sigma, The Sigma Organization,
