Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

the sequel for the second war


2 months have passed, the invasions of the armies of the outer gods commanded by Nyarlatotep had conquered a third of the multiverse. Even annoyed by the death of Azathoth, he wants to destroy everything that has to do with the lineage of the worlds. the conquered anime kingdom, marvel world, dc world, the Digiworld and all the other free kingdoms. the villains who wanted to be part of their revenge had to follow a path of evil and perversion and in that when they do enough evil to that Nyarlatotep I see that they are one of his children he will give them the answer. the other villains who did not follow Nyarlatotep's example were killed or sacrificed for the ogdru hem and the many angled ones.

chapter 1: new world order[]

in the ruins of townsville

Steve rogers:the others were waiting us in the north.and  rescue the informant.

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Yugi:how we will know the good  with the bad ones?

blue sniper:good. they won't attack us when they see us

Steve rogers:in silence, move on without being seen.

blue sniper:yes sir.

Yugi:beware of enemy patrols prowling the area.

the team advanced through the city tunnels, without the enemy knowing it.

Steve rogers:wait¡¡¡

Steve rogers:there is a guard post in front, I'll take care of the one in the tower, Yugi and you eliminate the soldiers from the entrance.

Blue Sniper is positioned to eliminate the guards from the gate while Yugi was stealthy alongside Dark Magician Girl who eliminated the guards from the building.

once when the lookout was cleaned.

Steve rogers:nice job. There should be other surveillance posts later. Craniummon and his men are waiting for us in a field to the northwest.

the 4 went under the bridges to evade the ogdru hem who were coming up.

Yugi:sniper go and kill the soldiers in that house.try to get he attention.

blue sniper:okay mate.

then they went through the sewer tunnels not to be seen.

in the windows of the tunnels you could see the monsters that were looking for them at all costs.

when they got to the point.

Craniummon:Why were you late?

Steve rogers:your information was not accurate, Craniummon you said that this place was clear.

Craniummon:sure they haven't had any problems yet.

Craniummon: Do you have any idea what it took to bring them here?

Steve rogers:enough talk. what is the situation?

Craniummon:the dark ones have plasma bugs on the other side of the city, their projectiles have killed hundreds of people.

Steve rogers:well we must eliminate the plasma bugs so that they do not continue to wreak havoc.

Craniummon:here. there is a good point from which your sniper can cover my troops.

They went through the parking building where through the valcon you could see that a part of the city did not exist, you only saw the insects that protected the plasma bugs that shot towards the sky without stopping.

Plasma bug 1997 01

Craniummon:all units start the attack.

at that moment the heroes began to attack the area where the plasma bugs were. first eliminating all the frog monsters and the warrior bugs that protected the area.

Steve rogers:sniper destroy the Laser weaponry so that the Craniummon men can advance.

but at that moment.

Craniummon: crap. leviathans.


Steve rogers:Craniummon ,you didn't tell me there would be leviathans.

Craniummon:I didn't say there would be any. we must protect my troops from those leviathans. here!

Steve rogers:well  hurry we must get to the area.

Craniummon:you shouldn't worry. we will eliminate the plasma bugs and we will make our way to the meeting area.

Yugi:sir we have company. leviathans with troops approaching at full speed.

the heroes attacked the approaching enemies. asking them to get to the point.
they fought against the enemies that blocked the way.

Craniummon:Captain America, my men have met with strong resistance. Help me support them from the cliffs.

Steve rogers:what about our informant? time is running out.

Craniummon:then help us! The more my men can enter the town, the closer we will be to their informant..

the blue sniper started shooting at the enemies that came from under the building. clearing the way for the allies to pass.

Craniummon:okay now we make progress follow me to the top floor.

Craniummon: Look at that place they must have your informant.

Steve rogers:how do you know.

Craniummon:that is the most protected post where they have prisoners of the enemies of the new order.

yugi:yes but the problem is how we enter that place.

Craniummon:we must destroy the main wall to enter.

they went to the place where they were going to storm the place to rescue the informant.


dark magician girl:it seems that they already know where we are going.

Steve rogers:we must clean up and rescue our informant quickly!.

Heroes must first destroy the defenses outside the fort, then plant a bomb on the wall to enter the fort.

Craniummon:okay now that we remove the defenses we must now put a load on the wall.

Steve rogers:FIRE IN THE HOLE.

the bomb that was planted on the main wall sounds.

Steve rogers:well the wall fell now everyone enters through the wall.

the heroes, together with the allied troops, surrounded the pillboxes, which fired incessantly.

Steve rogers:sniper come here now!

Steve rogers:we will never be able to enter inside that bunker, due to the 2 sentries posts that block the way.

Steve rogers:sniper you will have to run towards the entrance, we will cover you.

blue sniper:okay mate.

the sniper went straight ahead walking fast to evade the fire from the turrets, arriving at the trench of the place.

blue sniper:Now how will I destroy those turrets?

then he saw a kind of cannon in the trench that he could use to destroy the turrets.

the 2 turrets exploded.

Steve rogers:okay now we go to the trench.move,move,move.

when the heroes gathered at the entrance ready to enter.

Steve rogers:WATCH OUT¡¡

one of the mortar shells fell into the trench leaving the heroes trapped.

Steve rogers:you did a good job mundee.now listen we must enter the bunker to clear the place and rescue the informant.

soldier 1:WAIT

the other desperate soldier entered the door but was shot by the bullets of the machine guns.

sniper shot the gas barrels next to the turret post. leaving a smokescreen that did not reveal anything.

on the way inside the bunker the tremors were felt by the cannons that came from the battle that suspends outside.

sniper encountered a lot of resistance inside the bunker. From Chitauri and Orc soldiers, the sniper then advanced down the stairs. eliminating all enemies in its path. then at the top he went stealthily to see what was going on inside.

between the hallways.

eldritch commander:no . reports indicate  there are only  a few  hundred remaining.

radio operator:there are thousands on the city now!

the fast sniper eliminated the operator and the other soldiers who were inside so they don't call reinforcements, then he destroyed the radio. Then I enter the corridors of the fort to reach the pillbox first to eliminate the artillery.tremors were still heard in different corridors, due to the battle that was happening outside.

Through the tunnels I reach the stairs where the machine guns rang.

near before the place there was a banging in the room below.

the sniper came quickly to rescue the informant.

blue sniper: who are you 

Shoutmon: I'm Shoutmon I was captured before all this happened.

blue sniper:well now we must get out of here.

sniper and Shoutmon entered and eliminated those who mounted the machine guns.

Steve rollers: sniper HEY SNIPER!!!!. he yelled at him from the other far tower.

The captain planted a flare in the tower for the artillery to destroy. The sniper did the same to fulfill the mission. the sniper and Shoutmon ran to the door where the exit was before it all came crashing down.

Steve rogers:Excellent job, Mr. Munde. I see that you have already advanced to rescue the informant. now that we take this fort. You will be hired for special missions. Good job sniper.

END OF ACT 1 to be continue tomorrow for new chapter please wait
