Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki


LOTM: Template Guild is a story and WB/RP written by Ghostingod.

It is the first in a series of storylines about a multiversal conflict initiated by Ken Prime (the real Earth's Cyborg Superboy... Real Name: Kenny Tran, an OC California resident). After the events of the pocket dimension "The Known World of Template Guild", Ken revealed that it was all a test to recruit and select the best of the best for his personal amassed army which aims to conquer the entire multiverse.

Near the end of the story, Ken Prime revealed that his real name is Brian Kent, the Silent Knight, the ancestor of the modern day Kent family. "There was.. a long time ago... it was, actually... that I served The Presence... for my debut was one and the same as Ktar Deathbringer's and He, the Presence, gifted me with a son... my Sentius... and well... I'm proud of you... Clark... I have no need to conquer the Mutliverse anymore." - Ken Prime

"Alas... I got what I wanted... I finally found... my half-son... Daniel Hall is it?... Dream of the Endless... Well... now I might be an old man and just an angel... but there was a time... son... when I had conquered many parts of the Multiverse... and I kinda wanted you to do the same... but you turned out better than I did. So..." - Ken Prime

The Cosmic Hegemony[]

The cosmic hegemony was founded by Ken after many years spent conquering the vastness of space and time. It is a collection of 66 worlds, which Ken had previously traveled to and conquered, under a dictatorship lead by Ken who is its eternal regent. As Ken's ambitions are to conquer every single planet and realm, including Earth first and foremost, most of the focus is on the military of the Cosmic Hegemony; note that the military holds all the power anyways. The 3 divisions of the military are considered equal, but they are rival to one another and often compete for glory and bounties.

  • Regent: Ken Prime (OC)
  • Ambassador: Willow Daemon (OC)
  • Spokesman: Clark Dreiberg

Crimson Army[]

Crimson is the main attack force of the military. It has land, sea, air, and space forces. It consists of 54 legions, each led by a separate general, and contains hundreds of thousands of combatants. The heads of Crimson are:

Black Hole Reverses[]

This reserve division is said to have infinite numbers of ready and willing space fighters, but in actuality they likely only number into the millions or possibly even the tens of millions. Its leadership consists of:

  • Captain Tam (OC)
  • Lieutenant McRustyJr (OC)

Black Knights Intelligence Agency[]

This intelligence agency has thousands of agents at its command and possibly even more. It is the most elite unit in the entire military is able to even field ground force and a small space armada outside of its specialties. It is lead by:

  • Major Maximilian (OC)
  • Ensign Fey (OC)


  • Professor Zoom
  • Poison Ivy
  • Superboy Prime
  • Cyborg Superman
  • Batman Who Laughs
  • Rose Wilson - Governor of Disputed Cambodia under the Cosmic Hegemony
  • God of Wicca - King of Cosmic Hegemony (puppet position)
  • Manchester Black - Agent of Cosmic Hegemony
  • Submissionary Judah - Nobleman of Cosmic Hegemony


  • Aquaman


  1. Ken Prime is planning his invasion of Atlantis and he starts to rethink about the whole thing. He doesn't know if he trusts his own military leaders in getting this specific mission done as he believes Aquaman has gotten to them mentally. Ken approaches Professor Zoom at the Azure Factory to ask him to lead the invasionary force on Atlantis and possibly join the militiary, but apparently Kanae won't let him go as he has a job to do at the Azure Facotry. Yuna is also very upset and feels excluded by the whole thing.
  2. Ken Prime has Sentius launch an invasion into Earth-TRN135 mistaking it for Earth-TRN935 and arrived to find that there was no Spiderman or any superheroes whatsoever in the alternate reality. He then decides to just leave Sentius there to be in charge of Earth-TRN135, hoping he could build it up into something greater than nothing.
  3. Ken Prime and Governor Saber/Artoria Pendragon make their way to Prime-Earth where they track down Brainiac who is hanging around the isolationist minded Earth 41 where he is trying to take over. Ken Prime orders a siege of Earth 41 while him and Artoria head in in person to face Brainiac to bring him into the Cosmic Hegemony by force. He gives up, but runs away and escapes capture.
  4. Emperor of the Cosmic Hegemony, Ken Prime and Governor Saber/Artoria Pendragon land on Earth-132, the site of a still unexploded Krypton. Ken Prime is immediately depowered by the lack of a Yellow Sun as Krypton has a Red Sun.
  5. Ken Prime announced that he has retained Clark Dreiberg, son of Doctor Manhatten, as a spokesman who made this statement: "Ken Prime is the supreme and all must bend the knee else face all out conflict. I, personally, will bar the abstract and cosmic entities from interferring in Ken Prime's plans for a new ponzi with a new top and up-top for those who are wise enough to see the truth. HE'S THE ONLY ONE WHO EXISTS! (in the Astral Plane of existence)".
  6. For the finale of LOTM: Template Guild, Ken Prime reveals that... Alpha Centauri's Mr. Nwabudike Morgan, CEO of Morgan Industries, has sold the Dark Multiverse to Ken Prime in exchange for Ken Prime's shares in the Energy Monopoly at Morgan Industries in Alpha Centauri. "Sweeping changes..." - Ken Prime


Reverend Kenny Tran is actually a black belt in combat ninjutsu in real life...
