LOTM: Darkness Incarnate is a "What If" story created by 22kingdomheartsfan.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This story is not for minors due to language, death, and various other things.
You have been warned.
Angewomon had defeated Megatron and ended a war that had plagued the Multi-Universe for so long. As well that other heroes such as Lizbeth Zaragoza, Maka Albarn, and others stopped many other threats. Thanks to their efforts peace has come all over the Multi-Universe. But peace sometimes never lasts as new villains had out of nowhere begun rampaging all over.
A large group of humans have banded together and seek to destroy all non-humans in the Multi-Universe. And a group a aliens have joined together and seek to destroy humankind.
While that's going on, despite losing Megatron, the Decepticons have not given up on their conquest and even have gotten a new leader.
And worse yet, an old yet very powerful evil returns: Unicron! He returns to life in Megatron body. Using Megatron as a vessel, Unicron has gathered his Heralds and seeks to send the Multi-Universe into complete total darkness.
Will our heroes be able to stop these villains?
Main Characters[]
Maka Albarn: Voiced by Laura Bailey
Lizbeth: Voiced by Melanie Tonello
Angewomon: Voiced by Edie Mirman
Major Characters[]
Optimus Prime: Voiced by Peter Cullen
Bulkhead: Voiced by Kevin Michael Richardson
Bumblebee: Voiced by Will Friedle
Arcee: Voiced by Sumalee Montano
Ratchet: Voiced by Jeffery Combs
Ultra Magnus: Voiced by Michael Ironside
Wheeljack: Voiced by James Horan
Smokescreen: Voiced by Nolan North
Kratos: Voiced by Terrence Carson
Bender: Voiced by John DiMaggio
Fairy Leviathan:
Death The Kid: Voiced by Todd Haberkorn
Liz Thompson: Voiced by
Patty Thompson: Voiced by Cherami Leigh
Zero: Voiced by Lucas Gilbertson
Ciel: Voiced by Rie Tanaka
Commander Shepard: Voiced by Jennifer Hale
Crona: Voiced by Maxey Whitehead
Ragnarok: Voiced by Sonny Strait
Deimos: Voiced by Mark Deklin
Athena (God of War): Voiced by Carole Ruggier
Ares (God of War): Voiced by Steve Blum
Slade: Voiced by Ron Perlman
Anti Cosmo: Voiced by Daran Norris
Skipper: Voiced by Tom McGrath
Heloise: Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
Soul Eater Evans: Voiced by Micah Solusod
Dib: Voiced by Andy Berman
Mickey Mouse: Voiced by Wayne Allwine
Sailor Moon: Voiced by Tracey Moore
Sailor Mercury: Voiced by Karen Bernstein
Sailor Mars: Voiced by Katie Griffin
Sailor Jupiter: Voiced by Susan Roman
Sailor Venus: Voiced by Emilie Barlow
Sailor Mini Moon: Voiced by Stephanie Beard
Sailor Uranus: Voiced by Sarah LeFleur
Sailor Neptune: Voiced by Barbara Radecki
Sailor Pluto: Voiced by Susan Aceron
Sailor Saturn: Voiced by Jen Gould
Sailor Star Fighter: Voiced by Shiho Niiyama
Sailor Star Maker: Voiced by Narumi Tsunoda
Sailor Star Healer: Voiced by Chika Sakamoto
V: Played by Hugo Weaving
Alucard: Voiced by Robert Belgrade
Twilight Sparkle: Voiced by Tara Strong
Pinkie Pie: Voiced by Andrea Libman
Fluttershy: Voiced by Andrea Libman
Rainbow Dash: Voiced by Ashleigh Ball
Applejack: Voiced by Ashleigh Ball
Rarity: Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
Princess Celestia: Voiced by Nicole Oliver
Princess Luna: Voiced by Tabitha St. Germain
Princess Cadance: Voiced by
Starfire: Voiced by Hynden Walch
Jorgen Von Strangle: Voiced by Daran Norris
Phineas Flynn: Voiced by Vincent Martella
Isabella Garcia Shapiro: Voiced by Alyson Stoner
Jack Bauer: Played by Kiefer Sutherland
Suede: Played by Will Dufresne
Captain Jean-Luc Picard: Played by Patrick Stewart
Makoto: Voiced by
Linkara: Played by Lewis Lovhaug
Oswald the Lucky Rabbit: Voiced by Frank Welker
Bubbles: Voiced by Tara Strong
Boomer: Voiced by Rob Paulsen
Nina Cortex: voiced by Debi Derryberry
Black☆Star: Voiced by Brittney Karbowski
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa: Voiced by Monica Rial
Blue the Raidramon
Protoman: Voiced by David Kaye
Magneto: Voiced by Christopher Judge
Terra: Voiced by
Patch: Voiced by Bobby Lockwood
Collette: Voiced by Kath Soucie
Emperor X and the Anime Empire
Nick Fury: Played by Samuel L. Jackson
Agent Coulson: played by
G.I. Joe. Sigma Six
Nathan Drake: Voiced by Nolan North
Victor Sullivan: Voiced by Richard McGongle
Lara Croft: Voiced by Judith Gibbons
The Master Chief: Voiced by Steve Downes
The Arbiter: Voiced by Keith David
Samus Aran: Voiced by Jennifer Hale
Unicron: Voiced by John Noble
Darkseid: Voiced by Michael Ironside
Unicron's Heralds
Blitzwing: Voiced by
The Decepticons
Kane (Command and Conquer): Played by
Sovereign: Voiced by
Harbinger: Voiced by
Hal 9000
General Tor
The Illusive Man: Voiced by Martin Sheen
Dr. Weil
Omega (Megaman
Zeus: Voiced by Corey Burton
New Characters[]
Sheogorath: Voiced by Wes Johnson
Haskill: Voiced by
Deadpool: Voiced by Nolan North
The Crashing Tide
The Crawler
Mr. Freeze: Voiced by Michael Ansara
Ortensia: Voiced by Audrey Wasilewski
Major Kirrahe
Iji Kataiser
Misty: Voiced by Rachael Lillis
Brock: Voiced by Eric Stuart
Aqua: Voiced by