Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

(The heroes are seen battling the group of Demons)

Dante: RAAH!!!

(Dante slashes through a few Scudo Angelos with one swing)

Dante: Heh!

(Ruby slices an Empusa in half)

Ruby: Eww!

(Ieyasu punches a Empusa's head off, while Aqua slices another in half)

Aqua: How do you fight these things Dante?? They're relentless!

Dante: With style and skill babe!

(Dante stabs through two Hell Cainas before shooting a Scudo Angelo in the head)

Yang: These guys aren't super tough at least!

(The Proto Angelo then lands in front of Yang)

Yang: !

(The Angelo lifts its sword and swings as Yang blocks it)

Yang: HNNG!!!

(Blake then rams her sword into the Angelo's back, causing it to grunt in pain before turning and grabbing her by the arm)

Blake: !!

(The Angelo throws Blake aside)

Blake: AH!!

Yang: Blake! *growls*

(Yang pushes back, knocking the Angelo off balance)

Proto Angelo: !!

(Yang punches the Angelo hard, causing its head to break off and decapitate it)

Yang: *Pants*

Blake: Thanks Yang.

(Yang nods as the scene goes to Steve and Tony fighting together)

Tony: Cap! Shield!

(Steve holds up his shield, Tony fires a unibeam. the beam reflects from the shield sending the beam in different directions, killing more of the Angelo's.)

Tony: Haha it worked!

Steve: Never fails to do so it seems.

Tony: That's what tech like this gets ya.

(The heroes are seen as the Demons are shown defeated)

Dante: Well, that's that then.

Adeleine: You fight those everyday?

Dante: Pretty much.

Aqua The things we all face on a regular bases.

Tony: Criminals, monsters, demons, Grimm, creatures of darkness, can safely say we'll never be bored.

Dante: Heh, no we won't.

Ruby: Well, maybe now we can go find this trial!

Ieyasu: Where should we start Dante?

Dante: Good question.

(Dante looks around)

Dante: Hmmm....Huh?

(Dante spots a nearby cathedral that is heavily infected with Amalgamation)

Dante: Well, that seems promising.

Ieyasu: A cathedral.

Batman: The Amalgamates are gathering there. Our best lead.

Dante: Then let's move!

(The heroes head down the road)

Dante: Maybe we can reach it before anyone else can.

Hat Kid: Yeah! Come on let's finish this place!

(Hat Kid and Adeleine run off ahead)

Aqua: *Sighs and runs after the two* Kids! Stop running ahead of us!

Hat Kid: We're not going far, just-

(Ice is suddenly blasted down in front of the heroes, forming a wall on the road)

Hat Kid and Adeleine: !!!

Dante: ! What the?!

???: That's far enough.

(The heroes all look and see who fired the ice, and its shown to be Mr. Freeze)

Batman: Victor!

Mr. Freeze: I have no desire to fight you. Leave this world and be spared.

Dante: ANd who the hell are you supposed to be?

Mr. Freeze: Doctor Victor Fries. But my associates tend to refer to me as 'Mr. Freeze'.

Dante: Well you definitely seem a bit cold on the shoulder there.

Ruby: What do you want?

Mr. Freeze: For you to leave. This trial and the wish ahead are mine to claim.

Dante: And why is that?

Mr. Freeze: I need its power. It could be the only thing left that can save my wife.

Aqua: ? Your wife?

Batman: Victor's wife suffers from a terminal illness. Victor's whole goal in life to find a way to save his wife.

Adeleine: That's... THat's so sad...

Mr. Freeze: Yes... I'd shed a tear if I could.


(Dante pulls out Rebellion)

Dante: Your reason is admirable, but the fate of millions is at stake if we don't get that wish.

Mr. Freeze: The only thing that matters is my Nora. Now step aside now.

Tony: Sorry bud, but weren't not leaving, and you're seriously outnumbered.

???: Is he Tony Stark?

(Ultron then stands atop a building)

Tony: Oh give me a break...

Hat Kid: Whoa it's that robot from the beginning.

Tony: That's Ultron...

Yang: I take it he's evil?

Tony: He's many things. A mistake being the biggest.

Ultron; Hmph.

(Ultron jumps down)

Ultron: Isn't it euphoric Stark? Being so close to victory, only to be beaten by a foe who's always one step ahead.

Tony: Hey, no one's yet Ultron. You know the old saying about chickens and eggs.

Ultron: Either way, it ends here.

Dante; I don't think so buddy.

???: You starting the party without me?!

(The heroes look to another roof top as Carnage joins in)

Peter: Carnage!?

Carnage: I'm back to the rest of my meal Spider-Man!

(Carnage jumps down)

Peter: Crap...!

Carnage: Nowhere to run this time!

(The heroes all stand ready to fight)

Tony: Ultron, Carnage, and the ice guy. This just got a whole lot harder.

Adeleine: A-Anyone got any ideas?

Dante:...Just get ready to rumble.

(The heroes glare at the villains)

