Keima Katsuragi (桂木 桂馬, Katsuragi Keima) is the main protagonist of The World God Only Knows series, written and illustrated by Tamiki Wakaki. He's known in the gaming world as the God of Conquest (落とし神, Otoshigami) for being extremely skilled at conquering every girl in dating sims. He's known in his normal life as Otamegane (オタメガネ), a portmanteau of "Otaku" (オタク, Nerd) and "Megane" (メガネ, Glasses). "Otamegane" can roughly be translated to "gloomy geek with glasses", referring to his silent and extremely cold behavior. Keima is obsessed with games, to the point of closing himself up in his own room and playing for three days straight, just to make it for his "deadline" on the Internet. His main catchphrase is "I can see the ending!"