Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

John Economos is a snarky but well-meaning member of A.R.G.U.S., and an aide to Amanda Waller. Economos was part of mission control support for Task Force X during the mission in Corto Maltese, after he and his team disobeyed Waller to help the squad in defeating Starro. As revenge, Waller placed Economos and Emilia Harcourt on Clemson Murn's team and put them in charge of bringing in Peacemaker on a mission to save the world by going from the threat of Butterflies.

Recruiting Smith, Economos began to have a rivalry with him over his facial hair and arresting the former's dad.

During the attack on Royland Goff, Economos killed a gorilla saving the team and beginning to forge a friendship with Christopher Smith and the rest of the team. Economos later continued to research butterflies and helped Peacemaker stop the Aryan Empire during a manhunt. Having reunited with the team after the Butterfly invasion spread, the team turned their efforts to killing the cow.

After completing the mission, Economos was treated at Mount Rouge Health Center and returned to his previous job in Belle Reve shortly after



He plays mission control as he guides Peacemaker's team to go after Spot and gives him the location and files of Victoria Von Gale

Chapter 1[]

Economos pulls the others out of their situation and through Will Robinson and the others he briefs Peacemaker and the others on what had happened with the Poltergeist play Spot was a part of.

Part 2[]

Economos calls Emila about the blackout and sends a message to Peacemaker about what happened respectfully. When the plans are formed, he guides Wednesday, Will, Nate and the others into restorring the power.

After their success, He works with Dustin to see if they track where The Spot attacked in the streamverse. They manage to discover the Hissuan Region was the first of those places. The two then help Blinky set up a communciations with the Pokemon Professors so Lincoln and Lydia can obtain one of their teams they have in the region to help out.

Part 3[]

The Magic School Bus arrives in the Hissuan Region with Peacemaker, Vigilante, Emila, Blinky, Amy and Jake all seeing this region as Jake and Amy are driving the Bus respectively. Peacemaker, Emila and Vigilante learn from Economos that the Hissu Region is the past of the Sinnoh Region, and what is was once called

Holt, Hopper and Ecnomonos tell the six the info they learned after telling Peacmaker about Volo's plans and all that. As well as the lakes. Lincoln and Lydia acknowledge the deja vu they're dealing with it since they had to something similar with the Lake Trio last time but didn't have Dawn with them.

Chapter 2[]

Economos and Steve managed to co-operate with Dustin's girlfriend and through this they detected an another Spot based Anomality and it's located around Nevermore. This is where Wednesday resides with her friend Erica Sinclair.

He then informs the Cops, Peacemaker and the others about this.

John Economos is briefed of what has occurred in part to Wednesday's investigations. He brings up the possible theory that Crackstone has returned. But he feels Marlyin might be unaware of this, as she was betrayed by him. Ecnomos is proven right as N.Tropy is doing this behind her back, he decides to assist Eleven, Emila, VIlgante and the others on their side of the investigation.

Part 2[]

Eleven, Mike, Will Byers, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Emila Harcount, Vigilante and John Ecnomos all head to the cafe to wait for something to go down noting something will happen. Something indeed does happen when Crackstone and Spot arrive respectfully and Eleven strands herself out fighting The Spot as Mike and the others try to capture Crackstone

Vilgiante, Emila and Ecnomos help provide backup for Eleven as Spot holds off them with his own hole powers. Upon hearing the Spot Escape, Eleven and the others rebound with Mike and the others and learn Crackstone has escaped and must puruse him.

Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes. Cutting through undead pilgirms with a chain saw, he helps Max and Lucas get the Addams to safety and takes them back to their home.. Economos is picked up by the Cops and informed of what has gone down on their ends and he is told of their encounter with Mulder, Scully and their battle with Mellisa Tweedy and her plans which were funding Spot,

Given some time off, He decides to leave the next mission briefing to Holt and others, so he can listen to the music of Hanoi Rocks.

Part 3[]

Economos is working with the adults to find where the next amoalty status on the anomalty detector and once they find something. He calls up Lucas so he can back to base so they can discuss what to do next.

Arriving in The Captain Underpants Universe, he is realization with Emilia that Cuphead, Mugman and MIss.Chalice is missing and he wonders what could have happened. He decides to recruit Will Robinson and Boss Baby to do so. Joining up with the latter and the other posse's he goes to disable the robots Spot and Melvin Borg brought in respectively. Economos recognizes the alien that is coming due to Will, Penny and Blinky and decides to investigate and alongside Lincoln, Lydia and Nate comes across Allen who takes the team alongside Mrs.Frizzle to see his mentor/father figure/boss

He asks Mrs.Frizzle what took her so long and she explains she was busy with something important. This is when Krell attacks them with Melvin Borg's new reinforcements which has him and the other take control of the ship and then traverse the planets to find Mrs.Frizzle. Upon arrival to the Colation, he and the kids are brought in and introduced to Thanus who briefs them on the case with Spot and the urgency that Linc and Lydes spefically have in this case here.

Afterwards, he arrives back with the others to learn about Spot's actions regarding Hawkins and joins back with them to head there.

Chapter 3[]

Economos with Professor Membrane study the juices respectively that Will Robinson picked up respectively and learn what it's uses are respectively. He also agrees to put the juices away for later use respectively. Economos also is in contact with the Chief who has the reports on what is going on in regards to the events he learned from Thandus that Allen and Miss.Frizzle are investigating in regards to the Cupheads.

Upon arrival to Hawkins, Economos goes with the rest of the team to deal with these threats using a chainsaw to cut through multiple upside down threats. Once Will Byers starts to act up, he stays with the others as Peacemaker, Boss Baby, Will Robinson and Vigilante go on their way to deal with Spot who Economos recongizees is around

Part 2[]

Economos gets an contact from The Chief learning of another potential attack from what it's interrupted by Spot and his group. He stays at the base as the others go out and helps Mike attend to Will respectfully

After the events, he gets a communication from Peacemaker and the others, learning what happened in Trolberg. He decides to try and find some way with Vigilante to insure a way to insure Lincoln, Lydia, Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Will Robinson, Penny Robinson and Blinky get back to them despite the quarantine beginning in the Hildaverse

Chapter 4[]

Economos discovers the next actions being done by The Spot and that this time they are on his own universe which he decides to take a direct action in helping out.

Part 2[]

John looks around with the others to try and find where The Spot is hiding, despite what they do they don't find him until Spot makes himself known with White Dragon and Kregg. He decides to accompany the others into Boss Baby's universe and help deal with Francis's own plans respectfully

After the others do so, he returns to the others and pals with Peacemaker respectfully as they decide to make their own gambit after visiting Emilia and Vigilante.

Chapter 5[]

Economos and the gang arrive in Maine and they begin to discuss how they are going to deal with The Spot respectfully and the others as they sneak into Nate's house unknown to his family and friends

He manages to find a dispatch from the hopsital regarding Holt and He has Jake and Amy head on their own way. Then things get worse when Spot and his cronies arrive in Maine for a random action and ends up following them all the way through the holes which are heading to Flying Rhino.

Using a chainsaw he manages to cut through many of N.TRopy's robot mooks resepctfully so he can allow the others to get in and find the others respectfully. He returns to Professor Membrane and discovers with him that something is beginning to emerge from a lab somewhere and it's not good and an unknown threat.

Chapter 6[]

Economos arrives to warn Vigilante and Emilia of False Groudon but he ends up too late and Economos goes to try and warn Peacemaker about what has happened. He does so, but is then consumed by False Groudon

He is eventually brought back in Flying Rhino Junior and he sends the co-ordinates for everyone to head back and to oversee everything that has happened.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

Peacemaker, John and Vigilante have all decided to go check on Emilia as she has been getting physical therapy for herself after what happened at the hands of Spot's forces. Economs admits that she has been keeping to herself since the incident and it's been a while since they checked. Peacemaker says that she is always aloof like that, and he would know. Vigilante admits even a nutso like him can show worry

Emila is sitting down on a stool and sees the three come in, and knows they have came to see her. She insists she's doing fine after what happened. Economos puts a hole saying if she then why as she kept distance. Emilia said because she wants to focus on herself before going back in the field, she doesn't have Peacemaker's healing abilties.

John Ecomonos begins to detect something on his intel and it's an ambush by a few mooks that have made their way and tells the three to stay alert. He runs out of his room to go get his chain saw to help them

Peacemaker, Vigilante and Emilia are surrounded by the mooks, which apparently work under Rufus and Fifi Dufus who were under orders to go after The Streaming Resistance by N.Tropy and led by Angstorm as it was his personal assignment for him to do. Peacemaker and Vigilante pass Emilia a fire arm to get ready to deal with the Dupus henchmen which they all proceed to do as they go after them. John Econmos cuts down some of the henchmen as he goes to find the others

As Economos does, this he is quick to notice the portal powers where Dufus's henchmen are coming from Angstorm Levy and The Dufus Family, Knowing he can't go after them with just a chain saw, He decides to just observe them and while the Dupus family are pretty quiet, Levy does point out that he has completeed the boss's assignment and now he wants to go deal with Grayson and that their mountain man will be back soon.

Economos thinks that The Dupus must have know he would see something and makes his way back to the trio. Peacemaker, Vigilante and Emilia have managed to finish the job and surrounded by defeated agents of the Dupus. Economos arrives with what he saw and tells them about the husband and wife duo of The Dupus and Levy. Peacemaker decides it might be hi time he gets the crew on this for another job.

Peacemaker and Jake have called a meeting with his guys, and sees that Eleven and her friends, Penny, Wednesday, Jim, Claire, Frizzle and Blinky have arrived. John Economos asks about the others and their locations Peacemaker and Eleven do notice how Enid isn't here either or Professor Membrane. John Economos says that Membrane told them he was going to be late and how Enid didn't reply.

Vigilante then inquries what John is doing and he saying he's calling some old friends in for help. The two manage to get a ring and on the other line is Lincoln and Lydia, both of them being in the car of Mulder and Scully while the others are taking bathroom breaks. Lincoln asks the Streaming Reisistance what's up, Viiglante informs Lincoln that they may have a problem and that they need both him and his girlfriend to help. Lydia tells Vigilante that she and Lincoln are taking the summer off, they even said so to Blinky prior and he can confirm this. Economos explains that they are in a sticky situation and they can really use their help with this. Lydia thinks on this and decides to meet the two halfway. If they still have this problem afterwards their vacation, then she and Lincoln will help out. Vigilante still wants them to help, but John understands and tells the two to have a nice trip then, he asks where they are going. Lincoln just answers camping and tells them that keep a good bit of attention on the events in the event, he and her have to be called in.

Vigilante and John explain what their talk with the two detailed. Blinky and Emila both apparently knew of Lincoln and Lydia's request and allowed it as they understood well why they did so.

Levy and The Dupus family are all being investigated by Peacemaker and his crew, Professor Membrane, Jake and Eleven who run background checks on them as Economos remembered what Levy looked like. Jake has a photo of Ham Hand he drew and the others got their hand on the Dupus family and know this is all connected somehow. Viiglante, Emilia and Peacemaker notice how Economos was able to recount what Levy looked like and his powers, while Peacemaker is quick to notice that this is some kind of multiversal activity

Wednesday, Enid and Penny all manage to arrive back to base with John, Vigilante and Emila and announce that they have gotten back. Emila inquires what took them so long, Wednesday and Penny were getting into a disagreement about directions and gathering evidence for the case. Enid explains that the two wanted to make their own investigation on what was going on to help their friends and Penny's brother. John Ecnomos asks if anyone followed them, Wednesday admits no one did, anyone who did would be foolish. Vigilante inspects the three and confirms there are no bugs on them. Penny and Enid also wanted to get Hilda and her friends involved but Wednesday declined this. Emila agrees with Wednesday on this suprising the other two.

Part 2[]

With the gang, all basically in agreement that the group must go looking for Spot's remaining allies, former and not. Wednesday, John Ecnomos, Emila, Viglante and Jake look into who is still alive as the others discuss the idea

Wednesday, Jake, Vigilante, Emila and Economos pull out who they have assessed on The Spot and they have managed to seek out of the cells. The party of 5 explain that B.P Richfeild, Chelsea Van Der Zee, Chandler Mcc Cain, Mr.Crocker, Polly Spark and Victoria Van Gale are all still alive and worked with The Spot and thus may know anything about the massacre or who Spot worked with. Jake does add that Crocker, Van Gale, and Chelesa are not in prison while the others are put away so he will be needed to assess Chandler, B.P and Polly or at least get the go ahead. The latter three ask about Chelesa, Crocker and Van Gale, Wednesday insturcts Peacemaker's allies to see if they can find them since she does know Crocker is an asylum. Economos confirms this it's just he has no idea about the ladies. Emila corrects that Chelesa could be easier, it's Van Gale who might be tough and she has to been trying to reach to anyone who knows about Van Gale.

After everything is set in stone. the others get back to the ones in charge. Mike tells Peacemaker, Wednesday, Jake, Eleven, Blinky and Professor Membrane that they have attempted to tell the others about what had occured but they havn't gotten any calls. Emilia and John are a bit concerned that someone must have been tracking the others too and must have known about this.

Peacemaker, Emilia, Viglante, Emilia and Economos all decide to go puruse Mr.Crocker at the mental asylum he was located at as they are obvious the best choices to go after Crocker. Wednesday and Penny Robinson decide to work together to find Chelesa.

John Economos has found the mental asylum with Peacemaker, Emilia and Vigilante. He tells them that this is where Mr.Crocker has been confined in part to his fairy obession. Peacemaker wanders why Jaune Arc didn't kill Crocker when he had the chance. Emilia says because if he did he would be arrested and unable to marry that british woman from behind bars, even if Crocker did deserve it, it's still murder and attempting would be worse considering the insanity plea.

Peacemaker does admit he would have done so if his family was danger, Jaune has the family he always wanted and not because he meet and drove them to the wedding. Vigillante decides to observe for bugs if someone is observing them.

Mr.Crocker is found and he notices the Streaming Resistance and asks what brings them to his asylum, here to mock him. Vigilante admits yes he is here to mock him, Peacemaker takes charge and asks about Spot and if he had someone backing him and who. Mr.Crocker says that someone was backing Spot, and not someone but two people, and they tried to kill him himself.

Emilia questions why would they try to kill Crocker, Mr.Crocker said that he discovered the real plan and it was to devour the multiverse or destroy it and because he found out about it, Spot's benefactors tried to kill him.

Peacemaker asks it's the False Groudon wasn't it, Crocker says yes it was that. Economos asks for a description, Crocker says he was blue, was a brit and had a fetish for clocks. Emila writes it all down intend to look into the database. Peacemaker and Vigilante decide to leave and the former thanks him for co-operating. Crocker also lets them know that the backer was how he learned of the fairy heritage of the Hilda family. Emilia and John just roll their eyes as they leave.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor.

Eleven asks about Von Gale, they still havn't found her. John Econmos admits he hasn't found anything on Von Gale. Enid, Penny and Wednesday do admit they were in Trolberg and maybe Van Gale was around there even if Economos couldn't find her. Mrs. Frizzle decides to set a location to Trolberg for the crew so they can get all go looking for Victoria Van Gale.

Part 3[]

The Streaming Resisitance has arrived in Trolberg,and they go around trying to find Van Gale with each of them giving a try of finding her. Peacemaker goes with Emilia, Vigilante, Jim,Claire, and Blinky to where Van Gale was seen after that point which was an old windmill. Economos explains that Van Gale was here and was last seen here before recruited by The Spot. Emilia, Peacemaker and Vigilante search through what Van Gale left behind with Peacemaker mentioning how Van Gale is an one time a season kind of person. Emilia informs him Eleven and her friends went to her weather station and didn't find her. Economos does notice something and talks to them about Nisses, Blinky immediatly hears this and asks about what them, Economos notes that Van Gale always has a Nissese with her, though it was Artifcial. Blinky having known about them mentions how they can travel between spaces and keep stuff in their wormholes.

At the Fairy Country, when they find Van Gale. Van Gale finishes explaining exactly what had gone down to the parties involved. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all find this interesting that Van Gale was found in the hole she was stuck in by not one  but two of them, and was brought on the plan to help them under pretenses of doing good for man kind. Only to them to be used for a revenge plan against both Lydia and Lincoln. Wednesday adds how they still didn't get the names, Eleven and Peacemaker feel that she didn't know the names as much as the others didn't. As least they have something, Penny does have a suggestion and asks if Economos can look into alternate selves and Enid agrees to this idea too.

John Economos and Mrs.Frizzle debate what to do with Levy after he wakes up and what to do with the chaos bots depree. This is when Mrs.Frizzle gets a S.O.S call and she sees it's from The Robot and some of their other allies. John states how they're okay now for the time and that they must have found Lydia and Lincoln. Frizzle decides to head off to the locale to help them with their situation if that's fine with John. Economos admits it's fine despite her having the school bus, because Professor Membrane did some scout work and found a portal gun he managed to get back to work after a time had passed. Frizzle asks what else has Membrane worked on other than that gun and the Supe Virus, John explains he doesn't know everything the Professor, but he does think it's for the better of man kind as Frizzle heads off.

The Streaming Resistance manages to escape Fairy Country, though Van Gale is hurt from Rodrigo's ambush and they watch the Fairy Country be drained away from the energy it once had. Mike, Lucas and Eleven try to hold Van Gale considering her injury and ask what they shall do.

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Professor Membrane's work is shown to Economos where he explains his intent and what is he doing. He also explains to him that he managed to acquire something back when he went up against Vought and is working on a way to go Frankstein on something.

All the while, Economos and Membrane record what they heard from Levy. Economos waits about for what the others have to say with magic.

Professor Membrane and Economos learn from Jim, Claire, Blinky, Mike, Max and Lucas what has all happened and what the trolls told Blinky. Jim, Blinky and Claire have an idea of their own and as Enid suspects it has to do with Fairy Country, Hilda and once more the stuff that has to do with Trolberg. Economos agrees with this and puts some thought into this.

Professor Membrane gathers the rest of the team and puts together what Blinky and the others had to report as well and they all come to a grasping reality that that will have to go to if not return to Arcadia for their next few answers. This he works with Blinky and Professor Membrane to find a way to get to Arcadia.

Part 5[]

Upon arrivng in Arcadia, The Troll Hunters and The Party try to find Toby and ARRGH only to discover that they are no longer in Arcadia.

Professor Membrane and the Peacemaker Crew investigate all the events in Arcadia and they learn changelings are around there as some point and the 4 feel that maybe there is a way to reach some indications of what Enid is looking for.

He later helps Professor Membrane with the portal gun with Mike and Lucas to have it be used properly and when he discovered the Shetty Virus he joins Peacemaker, Penny, Emilia and Vigilante in calling out Professor Membrane on this.

Part 6[]

John Economos gives his analysis of the situation with Jim, Blinky and Claire to the rest of the team which end up setting up the Troll Market heist and then assists Professor Membrane in getting the others to go back to his home.

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House.

Peacemaker, Jake, Eleven, Wednesday overhear that Daniel will be in touch with them at some point. Though they are told, he might meet up with the others first before and and that it will be Daniel who decides this as Lydia and Lincoln inform them as they head to the Last Kids On Earth Universe. Peacemaker and Jake both think on anything that could be happening here as the trio did come before to this universe and are questioning how they are going to make only to learn that the duo had the Magic School Bus repaired and have Mr.Fusion on it so they can use garbage as fuel.

John Economos finds the idea ridiculous that Frizzle was able to do that, Emilia admits it does feel kind of ridiculous the concept of it. Wednesday and Professor Membrane though find the idea has potential with Wendesday saying she could dispose bodies in this matter.

Wednesday, Professor Membrane, Enid, Blinky, Penny, Mike, Lucas, Emilia and John all end discovering some answers about Hilda's petrification with her family. Enid, Mike, Penny and Lucas manage to get something important with their research and that Hilda, Jaune and her family were ambushed by Angor Rot who was acting on orders of Queen Ushurna in troll Market, and he somehow managed to turn them into stone.

The Streaming Resistance find an invite in Professor Membrane's mailbox and it's an invite to Vernon Manor which has Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday look into this and show supscion at all this with the others to make a plan to deal with this.

Part 8[]

Doing his research on what Professor Membrane and Lisa Loud have been doing with the Shetty Virus, he is a bit questioning of working with a criminal like Bender but is at least more willing than Emilia is despite what he is told. Though the info he has is blurted out to Tek Knight as he did arrive to innteograte them on this matter which he is embarrassed about but it is acceptable due to Tek Knight's powers and Professor Membrane and Peacemaker have him join them to find Lincoln, Lydia, Will and Amy at Camp Mastadon.

Part 9[]

Peacemaker, Emilia Harcourt, Jake Peralta, John Economos, Max Mayfield,Penny Robinson, Professor Membrane and Vigilante all join up with the rest of their teamates to deal with the situation at Tek Manor. He stays to serve as mission control with his crew as Carmen, Juni, Luan, Rave and Truman all work to assist the team regarding the Manor. When the power goes off and notes what Bean has been doing in part to Cate. He goes to restore the power as the others take actions. Later on he is told of Penny becoming a mermaid and the powers that came with it, he looks and sees it has to do with the moon that came out and as he recalled from some involvements back to Frank Underwood this is how it all happened.

Chapter 4[]

Economos helps Wednesday try to relocate Neuman again as he does have a feeling something bad is going to go down as a result of Neuman and her own allies, former or like wise. They discovers the Dufus and what the rest of the team are doing trying to find a device that was given from the Zebron Brotherhood managed to get their hands on. Despite things going south, Economos does manage to find where they are going with Jim, Claire and Blinky are heading. He sticks with Peacemaker and the main members to find Lincoln, Lydia and their team.

Chapter 5[]

He and the rest of the Resistance make way to Mexico and he is able to secure connections with the rest of the team out to rescue Jim, Claire and Blinky and guides them through the base with Emilia as the team makes way to Mexico and reunites with the team to find the rest of the Streaming Resistance and Team Free Will. Though the rise of the demon begins to cause a problem despite this.

Chapter 6[]

Economos overhears everything Neuman tells her allies later at the hospital after having her bottom and tops reattached. This he can relate to as she admits to and considers looking into the rest of the actions all committed as a way to get closer to N.Tropy who unknown to him she is after. Though this needs to be put to rest as the Streaming Resistance is to be knighted as a result of their bravery and skill.
