Jessie is a character from the Pokemon series and a member of Team Rocket. In a way she is the leader of her, James and Meowth as she is very aggressive and hot headed to the point of scaring James and Meowth.
LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]
Jessie joins the conflict against the Children of BlackGarurumon and the Sinisters of Evil by joining forces with Dr. Strange and the Multi-Universal Resistance. Jessie and James wish good luck to the others as they all head off on their mission.
Jessie, James and the rest arrive at Jungle Isle and learn of what happened with the base. Jessie noticing Flash and Dr. Strange leave gets her to think that they are being arrogance though James, Grey and Batman correct her on it. Jessie goes to the mines where Carmen Sandiego tries to stop them. She suggests everyone to come since she suspects something up relating her experience with the twerps. She and James decide to go with 16 in analyzing the island as it's something to do. Carl, 16, Jessie and James all get an analysis and where to find the treasures to form their second piece and Jaeris also shows up on them giving them a heads up on the villains and their arrival.
Jessie and her friends escape and thus go into space where they meet Sky and the Bodyguard Unit. Where they learn of the shot disco ball. After meeting Static and Serena James and Jessie notice that Blythe has gone missing in addition to Zoe. The teams led by Skipper, Katara, and Tony attack Sinister's castle while they're distracted so Strange and Bender can enter the castle and get Sinister in which they all fight many members of the Sinisters of Evil. Jessie heads with the others to the Paradise Lost Kingdom where she meets with the doppelganger who's ruling the kingdom Lady Anastasia and Henry the grandson (great) of Peter Pan who they help defend the kingdom from Loki and Dukat. Everyone joins up and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining. Jessie and the resistance land on their next island which resembles Zim universe and they all work to stop BlackGarurumon and Loki/Wesker's plans with the mutagen and Sentox. James and Jessie find the Sentox with the use of their Pokemon before doing the job, Strange and the guys as well as Batgirl stop BlackGarurumon's men form doing doing so only to get a beating from Nihilus and then getting kidnapped by Crowley. Jessie with the other females set off to do their two jobs then of saving them and stopping the Neo Umbrella Corps plan and they only manage to get the latter off the ground.
Double Life Emerged[]
Act 2[]
Episode 7[]
Jessie alongside James, Meowth, Rose and Kenny have all been found by Carmen who was searching for some allies of 16 so they can look into what happened. Jessie, James and Meowth all are being sent to investigate the Cartel as well as discover who killed the team.
Episode 9[]
Jessie, James and Meowth discover Midas's abadoned factory and help the group break in the factory noting how it's a cover for the eagle's actions through a recycling plant. Jessie does start to get the idea that a ex Team Rocket Member might be involved here and has to stop James from ingesting a Bliss pill noting how dangerous it is as the result are down.
With Midas's goons arriving to deal with the heroes, Jessie like James gets her pokemon to help deal with The cartel. Like James, she admits this is a break from villainy and that why they love being crooks. Jessie shows a willingness to help and do some good when the stakes are high and tells the kids to just get the info they need as they can't use their pokemon forever to deal with the Cartel.
Later she and her allies join Deathstroke in his next mission he has in mind.
Episode 11[]
Guzma and Leon with the multiversal resistance to try and figure out Ardos and The Iron Masked Marruader got their hands on the shadow pokemon to use for that acid rain plan. Team Rocket is able to figure in part to telling Giovanni who informed them of the Cipher Organization and despite liking power. Giovanni ordered the project to be destroyed as he is aware of the destructive power of it.
Mysterion and Rose are able to deduct the location is in Oore in the desert area a decaying Pokemon Region that went under rough time apart from the tower and lab which the former takes seriously due to being poor himself. Rose questions how they will even get there and Team Rocket already has an idea in using the mech they have. Leon questions if this is wanting to do good or loyalty to their boss. Jessie, James and Meowth admit the part of getting rid of Shadow Pokemon is partly what the boss wants, but they really do have standards against this.
Having arrived in Oore, Leon and Guzma with the Multiversal Resistance arrived at the lab like what Team Rocket said. Meowth and Mysterion are able to deactivate the web cams so the rest of the gang can get in safety. Jessie and James use disguises though more convincingly as this isn't like stealing Pikachu. Guzma manages to steal a Cipher costume to use as Rose and Leon go ahead to discover what is going on.
Team Rocket and Rose decide to go find the Snagem Machine and following Deathstroke and Felciity's instructions to find it.
Episode 12[]
The Snagem Project is Done acquiring by the group as well as the purification method is found by the others to use on the Shadow Pokemon as acquired by the rest of the team.
When Deathstroke decides that he has to report and insure his quarantine orders immediately which he has Team Rocket as his camera crew as he gives orders to his allies outside of the area to precure themselves for this and to do the research needed to make a cure.
Act 3[]
Episode 13[]
Jessie, James and Meowth make way to Russia under orders of Giovanni who knows Iron Masked Marrauder is here and discovers the Shadow Pokemon Labs being ran by Ein and how Ardos and The Iron Masked Marrauder are operating with their mooks. Jessie radios into Juni and Carmen about this info when it comes . When The Defenders of Arcadia, Lincoln, Lydia and Alice arrive to Russia. James, Jessie and Meowth with Carmen and Juni meet up with the gang to discuss what they found and also find Guzma who Deathstroke sent to help them.
Team Rocket teams up with Lydia, Lincoln and Krel to go into The rogue Team Rocket's member work. Learning where their first location is James, Jessie, Meowth, Krel, Lincoln and Lydia head into town and join up to secure shadow pokemon in the first area which James, Jessie, Lincoln and Lydia all use their pokemon to secure locations with James, Jessie and Meowth fighting in a tournament to get their hands on them as Lincoln and Lydia go downtown with Krel before storming the building for the others. They are then informed that they need to be careful from Jack Sullivan , 16 and Pyrrha as Midas is getting the government on them.
Episode 14[]
Jessie, James and Meowth find that Colonel Kurbitz and the others are chasing down them and co-ops with Lincoln, Lydia, Krel and Alice to escape them, before heading to the Under, to acquire the rest of the shadow pokemon down under. Upon regrouping with Toby and discovering what it is going in actuality. Team Rocket gets arrested and their Pokeballs are confiscated which upon waking them agree to conspire with Lydia, Lincoln, Toby and Pepperjack to get the pokemon they love back.
Episode 15[]
Team Rocket successfully manages to escape using their trickery against the Cartel Guards being used to guard them and Jessie saves her pokemon from being experimented on and she uses them to rain hell down on everyone who captured them as James and Meowth just watch her blow up on their captors. Upon escaping, Jessie reminds the others of their mission they still need to completer, this the gang follows when it comes to Hoenn Pokemon where they capture.
Later Jessie and the rest of Team Rocket manage to get back to the rest of the team.
Episode 16[]
Jessie discovers what had gone on with the group since her trip to Russia and is able to discover what went done in Russia, during their own time there. She also learns that Kuribitz is returning and the side effects of Midas's fast food project which she doesn't try and has the aliens try so it doesn't mess her up.
Episode 17[]
This was a wise move, as she and the others discover Midas's egg sandwiches are the key to his plans which leads to encounters with The Cartel and Solider Boy at different points where he is greatily outmatched by the latter.
Episode 18[]
Despite her beatdown, she decides to at least try and aid her allies in saving Lincoln, Lydia and Aaron's family from the slaughter house which they are successful at doing so. She and Meowth in getting the purified Pokemon from James and Quint where they prepare to fight against Midas and put a stop to it.
Act 4[]
Episode 20[]
Team Rocket joins up with Lincoln, Lydia, Toby, Pepperjack and Guzma to deal with the return of Iron Masked Marrauder, Ardos and Ein and their shadow Lugia and Celebi with their own pokemon and are able to defeat them. Despite being thieves, Jessie, James and Meowth agree to let the shadow pokemon they found go. Team Rocket then lends to gear and equipment to storm the area for the heroes to deal with in Anton and Midas.
Episode 23[]
Team Rocket decides to later rebound at the defeat of their enemies, they decide to go on vacation as well and they helped put Pi-Pi away as well so they can get a vacation with the water they and Deathstroke's allies were able to get back and enjoy the sun.
The Unown Threat[]
Chronicles of Zaragoza[]
Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]
Having stopped pursuing Pikachu and Ash, and stoping from the Unown Threat. The Team Rocket Trio are recurited by Mike to deal with the Cartel and take on rogue team rocket member Vicious. They manage to deal with The Cartel and help deal with Thawne when he reveals himself to the others as well as his council of Thawnes.
Allies and enemies[]
Friends: Dr. Strange, Alexander Fox Xanatos, Android 16, Batman, Batman Beyond, Big Barda, Blythe Baxter, Carl Clover, Dan, Eska, Grey, James, Mister Miracle, Mysterion, Norman, Sam, Sunil, Zoe, Tony Animeda and The Flash, Sora, Anna, Biyomon, Bender, Death the Kid, Skipper, Heloise, Phineas, Isabella, Jack Bauer, Twilight Sparkle, Suede, Gohan, Jack Frost, Picard, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Mr. Gold, Discord, Makoto, Dr. Manhattan, Stan, Wendy, Will Vandom, Saul Goodman, Blue, Protoman, Magneto, Jesu Otaku, Salem, Ozymandias, Aleu
Enemies: The Children of BlackGarurumon, the Sinisters of Evil, the S.E.V.C.O.S.E.T Squad
Former Pokemon