Jasper is a villain from Steven Universe.
She is voiced by Kimberly Brooks.
Jasper is a ruthless, arrogant, and aggressive Gem Warrior that acts as a superior to Peridot, in which the two need to report to a mystery guest known as Yellow Diamond.
She has a deep resentment for Garnet as she believes fusion forms are a "cheap tactic to make weak Gems stronger.".
At least till she was fused with Lapis. She now approves of it. Even going so far as to try and fuse back with her, but failed.
Fire Rebellion Storyline[]
Fire Rebellion: Season 5[]
Fire Rebellion: Season 12[]
The B Team Storyline[]
She joins Thawne and has desires to destroy the gems and works under Deathstroke's team as Bender and his team don't know her and that he went out of his way to recruit. Jasper goes to capture her archenemies and manages to get the 3 original Gems that rebelled against homeworld. Jasper already has tendencies to be someone who is hard to work as Merlyn is irked by her ego that it was easy when really it wasn't that simple. Jasper is brought into Deathstroke's plan that he hasn't talked about.
Jasper works alongside Theo, Azarel and Mark Mardon in their own plan to get the drop on Django, King Julian and the others which they put into effect with Mark and Theo's work. Jasper ambushes the team and beats down with her strength, though Django does have an edge on her with his speed. She nearly traps the crew until Jorgen arrives and shows her who's boss. She and the rest of Deathstroke's followers help Reverb with trying to bring Slade, Anti Cosmo, Hades, Celes Chere, Harry Wells, Rip Hunter, Sara Lance and Wally West to a stop from getting to Bender, Skipper and the others from finding the Well of Disney.
Jasper is next present as one of Darhk's allies who attack Mewni and the new members of The B team and the Crystal Gems. When the Gems are freed, Jasper works to take out all of them including her former allies and is stopped only by a team up by all the gems. Jasper continues to help Thawne and Deathstroke find the spear of destiny with hopes of running Home World losing her respect for her commander Yellow Diamond. She gets a good control over it and as a result sells out Deathstroke to Thawne when the former betrays the latter and This causes Deathstroke to retreat and join forces with Bender against the rest of the legion. Jasper manages to survive her encounter with Twilight Sparkle and works alongside Toffee after Toffee takes control
Jasper is brought by Toffee and works with him after being told of Deathstroke's betrayal and Thawne's death at his hands. Jasper fights for him and Cipher and attacks her way through Mewni and the heroes on their 2 wars only to killed by Rick Sanchez, with help from Lincoln and most of his sisters.