James Lake, Jr. usually known as Jim, is the main protagonist of Trollhunters, is a minor character in 3below and a major character in Wizards

Chapter 4[]
Part 2[]

Jim manages to arrive with Claire to ultimately save Blinky from N.Tropy and Spot's Associates as it turns they managed to surivive what Blinky thought did them in as he failed them. In turn the two both join The Streaming Resistance
Chapter 5[]
Jim joins with the others in Maine and they begin to discuss how they are going to stop Spot and his cronies. He is brought in the loop about what happened like Claire as they are recent recruits
Upon learning about what is going on with Holt, Jim and Claire decide to catch up with Jake and Amy and help try to go after Richfield
The two manage to arrive to help Jake find Richfield and manage to chase him off respectfully but they also have to watch Holt succumb to his injury from White Dragon. Jim and Claire join the detectives/cops and head on their own way to where they find is Flying Rhino Junior High
Jim arrives there and helps the team fight off N.Tropy's posse and his robotic forces and chases them down to the boiling room where they help Hilda and her friends fight off the rest of N.Tropy's forces that were sent. He is approached by Rave, who has also detected something unusal and it's what The Spot's benefactors have done respectfully
Chapter 6[]
With their plan ready to go, Jim and Claire with Blinky join Mrs.Frizzle and the others in an aerial distraction to allow the others to get to the lab and reverse the monster's polarity
They then also do their own darnest to hold the monster as the rest of the crew head off to do in the monster. With the rest of the group back, Jim and the rest of the team decide to do their own thing respectfully and get back to their homes.

Jim and Claire arrive in Hawkins with Blinky and they arrive to help chaperone Max and Lucas to Sadie Hawkins in Royal Woods. When asked, why he is going as is Claire. The two decided to take a chance going yet again to a dance they could have gone to. He and Claire also just wanted to take it easy afterwards
Claire, Jim, Blinky, Max and Lucas all arrive at Sadie Hawkins and come by to See Lincoln/Lydia, Frida/Clyde, Eleven/Mike and Dustin/Suzie and they support Lincoln and Lydia deciding to take some steps in their realtionship
They manage to have a good time as well not having to worry about troll hunting or anything like that
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
Peacemaker and Jake have called a meeting with his guys, and sees that Eleven and her friends, Penny, Wednesday, Jim, Claire, Frizzle and Blinky have arrived. John Economos asks about the others and their locations or why they're not here. Mike tells Peacemaker and Jake that Dustin went to road camp and Penny is suprised Dustin went there. When Max asks her why, Penny explains because Will, Erica and Nate also are going. Jake says that so did Rave. Wednesday puts it through that it's the smart ones that pretty much went to camp which Peacemaker doesn't get.
Mrs.Frizzle asks if JIm, Claire and Blinky were under attack. Blinky says he wasn't he was spending time in Trolberg with Enid Sinclair as he found a place he can live in without too much trouble and that the Hilda Family very much accepts him. Jim and Claire meanwhile just admitting to living normally like nothing happened after The Spot's defeat. Peacemaker and Eleven do notice how Enid isn't here either or Professor Membrane.
Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake, Mike, Lucas, Max, Jim, Blinky, Claire, Membrane are joined by Doug Judy who go with Mrs.Frizzle to the Captain Underpants Universe so they can find the boys and can their help with this situation.
Jim and Claire notice the footsteps of the agents and follow them to the tree house and as they discover this was where the boys were attacked and kindapped by Mace and Shieve. They call for the other 4 and report this to them. Jim, Claire, Peacemaker, Eleven, Lucas and Jake all return to the bus.
Peacemaker and the rest of the posse all return and they inform the team that Geroge and Harold were all kidnapped by mirror agents. Eleven, Lucas, Jake, Jim and Claire all tell Peacemaker's friends about what they saw in that universe.
Part 2[]
With the gang, all basically in agreement that the group must go looking for Spot's remaining allies, former and not. Wednesday, John Ecnomos, Emila, Viglante and Jake look into who is still alive as the others discuss the idea
Jim and Claire who weren't with the team ask about that event with Eleven, Peacemaker, Blinky and Penny explaining what went down in Trolberg and what it all lead down. This is when the Troll Hunters notice that was an opening to who it was. Mike then has a revealtion and discusses where they went going after Spot, is it completely possible that Spot's advocate must have been acting as well during those times the universes were quarrintied. Peacemaker takes this into consideration as does Enid. Mrs.Frizzle asks if Peacemaker and the others want to use the school bus to figure this out. Max feels that they should investigate Spot's allies first but does take this up. Blinky says and each of these trips had the kids with him which he with Penny who was justing thinking that The Team Free Will Massacre is targetting Lydia as well as Lincoln in particular and proxy is the word to consider here.
As Things are getting settled. Mike, Lucas and Max meet up with Jim, Claire, Penny and Enid and they decide to try and get any call to Dustin, Will, Rave and The Robot. Mike, Lucas and Max attempt to communciate with Dustin however they are noticing nothing but static on the other side from their walk talkies about useage. Penny after noticing deicdes to try call Robot and Will , but is still not getting anything.
Enid decides after noticing the lack of success decides to finally try Rave on his and for the third time, no one is picking up. Jim begins to question where are the others as they're not picking up. As it turns out all their communication devices are all in lock up by Victoria Neuman and she had removed the batteries on top of that.
Claire and Enid consider getting some potential help as well after their investigation to see what is going on their end. Maybe sending another members as Claire suggests could help out which Enid and Jim try to think on who in that case.
Blinky has Jim, Claire and Enid accompany him to find where Chandler McCann was placed.
Enid, Blinky, Jim and Claire have all been dropped at Royal Woods at juvie hall, to find what Chandler Mcann knows on this. Blinky knowing Chandler's irrational dislike towards Lincoln tells the other 3 to stand by if he pushes it. Jim asks isn't Blinky the non violent type, Blinky says he is it's just Chandler does grind his gears and how he bullied Lincoln just angers him.
Claire agrees she doesn't like bullies as they enter the juvie hall and find Chandler. Chandler recongizes Enid as her best friend cost him a part of his essence. Claire points out he had it coming. Chandler knows they're here for something and what. Jim says that they're looking into something in regards to The Spot and think he knows an answer about who was backing him. Chandler does concede someone is backing Spot, he had more direct interaction than the other he worked with due to his dislike of Lame o as he puts it. Blinky isn't suprised that Chandler is doing out of personal dislike towards Lincoln and Enid asks why did he do this. Chandler says because it amuses him to do and to keep in check when he takes his dog off a leash.
Claire and Jim both look rightfully annoyed with Chandler for it, Chandler says that his bosses really have a personal problem with them and he gets it he got his nose broken by them just because of friendly ripping. Enid looks like she wants to kill him, but restrains herself knowing to not let it get her. Chandler does say that they really have no hope protecting Team Free Will, his boss will kill them he already managed to take out plenty of the team. Jim decides to just let him rant knowing he's gone insane
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor.
Part 3[]
The Streaming Resisitance has arrived in Trolberg, and they go around trying to find Vicky Van Gale with each of them giving a try of finding her.
Peacemaker goes with Emilia, Vigilante, Jim,Claire, and Blinky to where Van Gale was seen after that point which was an old windmill. Economos explains that Van Gale was here and was last seen here before recruited by The Spot. Emilia, Peacemaker and Vigilante search through what Van Gale left behind with Peacemaker mentioning how Van Gale is an one time a season kind of person. Emilia informs him Eleven and her friends went to her weather station and didn't find her. Economos does notice something and talks to them about Nisses, Blinky immediatly hears this and asks about what them, Economos notes that Van Gale always has a Nissese with her, though it was Artifcial. Blinky having known about them mentions how they can travel between spaces and keep stuff in their wormholes.
Jim, Claire and Peacemaker question how Blinky even knows about them, Blinky admits he has dabbled in Trolberg's magicial creatures a bit and learned about through Hilda and her mom. He says that Lydia saw them as meatballs with grape fruits for noses. Peacemaker and Vigilante laugh, and Emilia tries not to laugh at this herself.
Claire senses something and Jim asks what's up and Claire says that she has a bad feeling that something else has arrived here and that they're not alone.
Jake, Professor Membrane and Blinky overhear from Doug Judy what happened with George and Harold and they are shocked about this. Blinky considers saving them, but Judy points that his cover will be blown if they do that. This Jake agrees on but he asks what do they do despite that. Judy believes if he can find out how they were frozen in carbonite, they can reverse after. Membrane is in agreeance on this. Jim and Claire both though tell the others that something is up
Jim, Claire, Blinky and Mrs.Frizzle arrive to tell the others that they have to leave the Fairy Country is being drained of it's life
Jake, Jim, Claire and Blinky arrive at the hopsital and drop off Van Gale there, Van Gale is worried that the boss might put another hit on her life after that. Jake is sure that they can trick who ever was her boss that they can fake her death. Van Gale isn't so sure as N.Tropy knows where she resides and can do her in. Claire does have a solution with her magic and who use that to help. Blinky looks through his books and finds the perfect spell to use and shows to Master Jim, Claire and Jake. Claire uses it to cloak Van Gale away from N.Tropy and his alternate counterpart's hands.
Blinky helps himself to a troll's diet while Jim, Claire and Jake head back to the others.
As Jake drives Jim, Claire and Blinky back to the others, Doug Judy calls up the 4 about what else he knows. As he is driving he passes it to Jim, this is when Doug reveals that the fairy energy is with Van Gale's former bosses. Blinky knew that was going to happen, Jim and Jake ask what else.
Judy goes on about how the fairy energy is being used for some kind of plan, which had to with delityness for a reason. Claire and Jim both seem baffled who thinks fairy energy can be used for that. Judy says that this blue dude does and that the other associates were right on that there is two of them.
With the return of the other 4, they inform of Van Gale's condition and also of what Doug told them. Penny, Enid and Max gather that whoever was behind Spot is clearly even more insane that he ever was. Peacemaker decides on following Wednesday's ideas and intterograte Angstorm Levy.
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
In a location around the forest, Blinky, Jim, Claire, Mike, Max and Lucas investigate the troll activity that has occured as Blinky knows the magic may have to do with trolls. They are able to communicate with the trolls as well as something did go down earlier on here. Jim, Blinky and Claire all seem to be aware of the changlings effects being done in Hilda's universe too just back in Arcadia.
Professor Membrane and Economs learn from Jim, Claire, Blinky, Mike, Max and Lucas what has all happened and what the trolls told Blinky. Jim, Blinky and Claire have an idea of their own and as Enid suspects it has to do with Fairy Country, Hilda and once more the stuff that has to do with Trolberg and it's connections to other universes like maybe their own universe due to Jim recalling Troll Market.
Professor Membrane gathers the rest of the team and puts together what Blinky and the others had to report as well and they all come to a grasping reality that that will have to go to if not return to Arcadia for their next few answers. With the help of Blinky, Professor Membrane and Economos the gang finds the bridge between Trolberg and Arcadia and cross it to go to Arcadia as Enid and Penny were able to further confirm this. Jim and Claire both hope that Toby and ARUGH were able to hold down the fort as they and Blinky were so busy out from Arcadia helping out the multiverse and helping against The Spot.
Part 5[]
Upon arriving in Arcadia, The Troll Hunters and The Party try to find Toby and ARRGH only to discover that they are no longer in Arcadia. Professor Membrane and the Peacemaker Crew investigate all the events in Arcadia and they learn changlings are around there as some point and the 4 feel that maybe there is a way to reach some indications of what Enid is looking for
Jim and Claire consider this too and with Lucas, Max and Mike they do undercover that the last people who saw Toby and ARUGH can confirm that they left in a van with a kid and some other passengers for parts unknown.
Blinky, Jim, Claire and Professor Membrane manage to find some way to Troll Market so they can go get some help on locating the two. They discover Troll Market is in disarray and that the trolls were basically petrified too just like how Frida was. They all decide to work together and look through Troll Market to find who caused it all
Professor Membrane and his peers bring the petrified trolls to the lab where Blinky, Jim and Claire are as are Mike and Lucas where they discover the full truth about petrifaction.
With the other six basically returning from the Woods, Enid, Wendesday, Jake and Eleven are also brought to light by Max, Blinky, Jim, Claire, Mike and Lucas about what they had found in their brief investigation of Arcadia.
Part 6[]
John Economos gives his analysis of the situation with Jim, Blinky and Claire to the rest of the team as they are the most aware of the Arcadia situation. Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim and Claire enter Troll Market and find that Queen Usurna is on the warpath to find Enid Sinclair
The Gumms end up finding them and go after the 7 of them as they are part of the Streaming Resistance who N.Tropy warned Queen Usurna about, Jim calls upon his power to help fight the Gumms Gumms which he manages to do with the others as they go to looking for Enid as well as Max, Emilia and Vigilante.
Thanks to the gang all finding them as well as Mulder and Scully, Jim and his friends manage to get them out of danger from Usurna. Jim also shows disgust that Usurna is using her own allies as cannon fodder so they can get away.
Upon they return thanks to Penny, MIke and Lucas using the portal gun, Jim realizes Despite Jim and Claire's own look into Troll Market, They note how Toby and AURGH weren't there so it's not likely anything happened to them at the hands of Usurna
It is decided with what the heroes acquired at Troll Market that a close look into it will be needed and that Professor Membrane has a lab back at home he can use to his advantage so he decides to take his team there.
Chapter 3[]
Part 7[]
The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House.
Enid then asks Professor Membrane what has he figured on Jaune Arc and Hilda's family. Membrane has no idea on this, though he says if they keep looking around and consider Aracdia, then maybe. Jim, Claire and Blinky approach the two and the trio do admit that they have dealt with being turned to stone with a friend of theirs and that they feel that maybe The Gumms Gumms are working with Neuman. Mike asks for their history with this and they are more than happy to provide
Eleven senses something with her senses and goes to follow to see what she sees, Mike asks if she is okay. Eleven says that Mike needs to stay safe in here as she senses danger and not danger he can deal with without it weighting on her. Peacemaker, Jake, Vilgilante, Claire, Jim and Max all decide to follow up with this.
Peacemaker, Jake, Vilgiante all get loaded with their fire arms, Max holds out the war hammer with Claire and JIm getting their troll hunter gear on. Jim and Claire both feel that it is completely possible that they know precisely who it is. They thought the guy was dead this is when Eleven, Peacemaker and Jake finally decide to ask who are referring to. Jim says that it's one of the foes he has feared the most, a fellow troll who was a feared assassin.
As Peacemaker, Jake, Eleven, Vigilante, Max, Jim and Claire all follow what Eleven suspects this is when Zib and Angor Rot both make their strike against them and that Queen Usurna has the Gumms Gumms accompany the two on her own orders to deal with the Streaming Resistance. Zib does this so he can get his hands on his father before he makes a plan to settle with his main enemies.
Zib and Angor Rot go straight on the offense which leads to the heroes deciding to fight back against them.
The Fight continuing to go way between them all and Zib and Angor Rot are just about ready to petrify and capture Jim and Claire as they are both nearly beaten by the Gumms Gumms. Until Professor Membrane and Wednesday manage to arrive and help turn the table and realize Zib is controlling Rot and Membrane can tell as he can see how Zib is controlling the Gumms Gumms and the others all get back to base at Membrane's house
The Streaming Resistance find an invite in Professor Membrane's mailbox and it's an invite to Vernon Manor which has Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday look into this and show supscion at all this with the others to make a plan to deal with this. As Professor Membrane has reservations about this and once Enid gets back that they will tell her as they can also talk to Lydia, Lincoln, Will and Amy on this.
Part 8[]
JIm discovers that Anger Rot had attacked Enid, Mulder and Scully at some point when pursuiting leads about Hilda, Jaune Arc and her family from Daniel and that he did to them what he and his own friends had to deal with a long while ago and later helps Wednesday and Betty chase away Tek Knight from intterograting his friends on the Shetty Virus. Later from a call with Lincoln and Lydia, he is reliefed to see Toby fine as he did have to get another war hammer for Max and that he and AAAGRRUUH did manage to find Lincoln and Lydia who they wor with. Despite wanting to see his best friend, he is told to assist Wednesday in finding Enid with Claire which he does follow up on.
With Wednesday, Claire and Doug Judy he is able to find Enid, Mulder, Scully, Eugene and Anders. He and Claire also reunite with Toby who they havn't seen in a while due to how long the two have been away from Arcadia while wondering what Toby and AAAGURRH have been up since they left. Though Toby is able to say he learned a bit about himself, he doesn't tell JIm or Claire that the three are all friends and allied with the same kids. After getting Enid to join them, Jim, Claire and Doug Judy leave with Wendesday not before promising to help Anders, Mulder and Scully with Hilda and Jaune Arc.
Part 9[]
Joining Wednesday, Enid and Doug Judy, Jim and the Trollhunters arrive to Arcadia to help Mulder, Scully, Anders and Eugene when it comes to the pet frication when it comes to Hilda and her family. Upon sharing what he and Claire know, he does get into an argument with Anders about trusting Changlings pointing out how changlings can be better people despite his distrust of them. When The Gumms Gumms do arrive to go after them, he and Claire work with the others to take on the Gumms Gumms and assists Mulder and Scully in doing so.
Later, Jim with Claire, Doug, Enid and Wednesday arrive to Trolberg to discuss notes with Eleven and Blinky who were looking into Frida's own petrification and the death of Victoria Van Gale to look into how to save the family that Lincoln and Lydia hang with so much. Jim, Blinky and Claire have a plan of their own to help out with them as it's looking for an antidote to bring Hilda and her friends out of their states and to save them before Usurna and Gunmar break them for good.
Chapter 4[]
Jim works with Anders and the team to find a way to help HIlda and go down to Ucumuu when he is kidnapped eventually by N.Trophies's forces and flash frozen with Blinky and Claire.
Chapter 5[]
He is eventually saved like Doug Judy with the others and he informs the team that Slade and his forces made something that they are going to use for their own uses. But that Richfield and Gunmar are using it for their own ends. Afterwards, he sits out from this due to the scale of his freezing
Chapter 6[]
He does get better in time to be there for his knighting with the rest of his team.