Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Jacob Zack "Jake" Peralta is the lead protagonist of the TV show Brooklyn 99. A cocky, arrogant and immature but talented NYPD detective stationed in Brooklyn's 99th Precinct. Although extremely capable, he refuses to take his job seriously. His disdain for the rules and authority figures and his drive to single-handedly prove his superiority to everyone around him brings him into immediate conflict with his new commanding officer.

Double Life Emerged[]

Act 4[]

Episode 20[]

Jake is called in by Frank to detain and arrest the Cartel associates and with his fellow cops and Peacemaker manages to put anyone they can under arrest. Which in turns reveal Pyrrha is their captain of the team.

Episode 21[]

He later works to seize the assets of Midas with Peacemaker and Captain Holt as they decide to close the book on the Cartel after what Carmen and Juni exposed

Episode 24[]

He is present during Toby and Pyrrha's call about recuriting Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud into the operation of the Streaming Resistance which he is the only one who doesn' have an opinon as Amy is the only one who agrees while the other 3 don't agree on account of getting normal kids into an operation is straight out dangerous. Jake then decides to agree with both and say that maybe that the Resistance can see how they fare in future events before considering recruitiation.

War of The Streams[]

Jake as well as his partner Amy are sent on a case by Holt to investigate the Underwood Cabinet respectfully as there is a sense of supscion going on in part to what was heard about the man. The two manage to get to blows with Doug Judy who is only working with Underwood and The Cartel to get by. He and Judy refrain from tring to go all out despite Underwood's own warning. He and Amy dig up details on the Cartel respectfully, discovering Underwood's attempts to control the Streamverse and the how. Jake learns of Slade's empire and Underwood attempts to take it way from him through blackmail and threats. He finds The Streaming Resistance with Amy joining up with them and providing what they know.


Eventually Holt locates Bean and Nacho's group and has the two go find them so they can be bring down Frank Underwood. Doug Judy also joins too as he has had enough of Frank and wants to bring him down. They manage to succeed and bring down Underwood and his allies, though Spot went unaccounted for. He and Amy alongside The Party decide on Hobie's prompting to find who Holt decides to have them find.




After receiving a report on Spot and Melvin Borg's remergance, he and Amy are putting in charge of something by Peacemaker to mediate something in case Spot and The N.Trophies manage to succeed in something. While Hopper and Holt lead a police investigation on this and watch over them

Chapter 1[]

Jake is told of what just happened from Holt about The two kids's arrival in the Streamverse. Which is what they suspected as Holt and Hopper managed to figure out what exactly is going on

He decides that he will talk to the kids and get their co-operation as they did scare the kids to an extent. Amy competes with him that she should do so respectively which Jake states she is just kissing up to Holt. Holt makes them both go to talk to the kids then

Jake and Amy enter the junkyard and tell Lincoln and Lydia that they just want to talk, they're not in trouble. They admit this isn't a usual situation respectively and they want to help The two get home as well. Lincoln listens and convinces Lydia to come along.

Part 2[]

Jake and Amy arrive with refreshments in hand and explain that  are ready to talk to Holy. They enter the room and tell Lincoln and Lydia why they're here.

After explaining what happened with the poltergeist, Jake and Amy with Hopper and Holt who join the talk explain that they are here in part to the recent events that have happened in regards to a group they have been after. Jake explains that Lincoln and Lydia were seeked out because Vecna was defeated by them and considering this huge threat that's says something. Despite what they believe, Jake sees something in them as does Amy and the other cops and this why he had Nate and Erica tail the two respectively. A Black out is then caused by Victoria Von Gale and this causes them and the Cops to investigate.


Jake, Amy, Hopper and Holt decide to investigate the black out with Lydia in toll. As Holt tells Peacmaker and the others over phone what happened, Jake figures out Victoria Von Gale was behind this and before he calls this. Spot and White Dragon show up to go after them, He joins his cops in fighting White Dragon as Lydia takes on The Spot. White Dragon is resistant but they manage to keep Spot distracted through Lydia appearing to his desire to be recognized. When Peacemaker shows up with his team, they switch targets and go after Spot as they try to prevent Spot from getting closer in his plans.

Jake regroups with his group and they discuss everything that has happened respectively after preventing The Spot from stealing some personal stuff. They come to a head when they realize that There are plenty of anomalities in the Streamverse, which Jake deducted by Spot's presence When Holt decides to stay put and do his own investigation, Jake wants to join him ,but he is told he has to stay with the team, As Holt needs Jim Hopper to help him. Amy pulls him away and the two head with the others to the Magic School Bus

Jake and Amy discuss Lydia's involvment with The FBI Agents in the profile they got when they got her. Amy informs Jake that Holt will keep his eye on them. Jake was assigned to help the kids, Jake questions how Spot can be some cosmic flaw or how he even got his powers as he thought on what Lydia and Lincoln said on their analysis.

Part 3[]

The Magic School Bus arrives in the Hissuan Region with Peacemaker, Vigilante, Emila, Blinky, Amy and Jake all seeing this region as Jake and Amy are driving the Bus respectively. Peacemaker, Emila and Vigilante learn from Economos that the Hissu Region is the past of the Sinnoh Region, and what is was once called

All the others have a meeting and upon recongizing the vast region they decide to split up respectively. To do the job,  Blinky, Eleven, Wendesday, Lincoln and Lydia decide to take charge on one side while Peacemaker, Will and the others decide to lead the others.

Lydia and Lincoln get their Sinnoh Pokeballs and hand them to Erika and Will saying that these are some of their own Sinnoh Pokemon which they caught and to use for their own uses, they'll listen to them. Penny asks about them and their own pokemon, Lincoln says he has Hissuan Pokemon with Lydia. Jake and Amy both receive some themselves a partner pokemon to use as well

Peacemaker, Will and the others learn about the info on Noble Pokemon and other Hissuan stuff from the the other group. Will, Penny, Jake, Amy, George, Harold and Erika try to get a handle on the Pokemon given to them so they can have a better time using them for the mission

The Party head off to the woods to queil the situation respectfully and find afoul into a group of Kleavors. The first of the noble pokemon,

- Will, Penny, Jake and Peacemaker decide to go calm them respectfully. Will having made his own pokedex from observing Lincoln and Lydia's pokemon work advies what is the best choice and the former three send their respective pokemon.

The next part of their side takes them through the Solceanon Ruins . Jake, Amy, Peacemaker and Will lead the investgiation and Will explains how this is where the Unown orginated from and that they have branches in the Sevil Islands and Johto. Jake and Amy use the Unown prescribing to figure out they have some connection to Arecus as well like as warned and considering Volo has a god obession complex, this could link into Arecus. Emila considers this and sends this back to John to look up.

- Penny, Erica, Geroge and Harold run into a Ursaluna and they do their darnest to get it under control as it marks it's territory. After the others come back, Penny informs them of the attack which they stopped and how they tamed it. In turn the gang rides it off to their next location

Lydia and Lincoln inform them of Firespit Island to them and they need to use a Basculegion to do so and there will be food that can do the trick. Which Penny uses to summon it. The heroes all go to Firespit Island and find out what's going on after a few more pokemon battles with Will, Emila, Peacemaker and Vilgiante taking charge. It turns to be Lord Hissuan Arcranine on a frenzy respectfully, Jake and Amy step to the plate to quell it as they were given the normal verison of Arcanine to help take it on. They save each other from it's attack with Erica stepping in to help too as the Boys decide to try and quell it like they did for Kleavor.

Under their instuction they head to Alabaster Icelands and quell Avalugg with Geroge, Harold and Erica being the ones to do with Will and Penny since they are more willing to follow through with the others's words. Jake and Amy also help by defending them from it's attacks and with their Arcanines

Peacemaker and the others decide to make the first visit to Lake Verity and they dont see Mespirit like stated, insead they are attacked by a Goodra which the others fight back and take the measureThey tell the others about this in case they think will see Azelf or Uxie. Peacemaker, Will, Jake, Amy and the others all learn about the plates, and learn that they are 2 other ones around and learn the Snow Point Temple is a place, which they go exploring and find Regigigas. Will, George, Harold and Erica manage to detain and capture it respectfully keeping out of Volo's hands while getting the Blank Plate

Peacemaker, Jake, Amy, Emila and Vigilante  all decide to head to Perlude Beach and they manage to find the Fist Plate Respectfully. The Group all manages to get the rest of the plates and meet back up with the team

When everyone gets back together, this is when Volo ambushes the heroes and steals the plates with The Spot in tangent where the anti matter riff is once again there and Hissuan Region begins to collapse by using Giratina

Peacemaker and the others try to fend off the holes and fend off Spot who makes this diffcult for them as he creates more portals for them to close

Eleven and her firends manage to fix all the holes while Peacemaker and the others manage to keep Spot under control and when Lincoln and the otehrs come back. Spot cuts his losses and brings back Volo and harms Peacemaker before returning.

Nate decides to return his pokemon to the base as Lydia and Lincoln made a pc box for him. Jake and Amy lead the others back to a new base for travel respectfully so they can all take a rest after their mission and just goof off til the next anomality emerges

Chapter 2[]

Jake, Amy and Peacemaker all manage to learn about the next location of the Spot based Anomality damage and learn it was around Nevermore from Holt, and Hopper. Jake asks about the Federal Agents and this is when the three find out that Mulder and Scully are being watched by them for the kids. As well as being on the case of orginial instigator who attacked Nevermore in Marlyin and Tyler.

Peacemaker, Geroge, Harold, Nate, Erica, Amy and Jake go to Wednesday who infroms of the situation she has foreseen about being told of Nevermore being the next location Spot had damaged due to cosmic flaw status

He is brought with the others to Wednesday's meeting about Nevermore their situation and what they need to do respectively in their time there. Though him and Amy decide to assist their Captain and Hopper on their own case respectively

With Amy, he finds a way to temporarily escape the Streamverse to join Holt and Hopper using the fact Spot endangered their universe which they explain. Eleven questions this with the cops explaining that they want a safe way to insure the kids''s return. When he is asked on how Nate and Erica managed to do just that before. While Amy doesn't have an answer, Jake puts it together that was what Spot was after at the station. A Way to keep them mostly sealed in the Streamverse without leaving a universe in an anomality state.

Part 2[]

Jake returns with Amy, Hopper and Holt to the burnt down Nevermore Academy to pick up the others after they did own investigation outside the Streamverse. Jake tells the others about what they dealt with and how they found some of Spot's outside sources there in Miss.Tweedy who used her chicken business to make profits for herself and Spot so he can keep his plans operating underground. They stopped her operations and Hopper shot her dead.

He also informs them that they met the federal agents who are looking into the Spot's Actions as well and are heading down to Royal Woods respectfully though Holt reminds him he has Hopper telling the kids this. Giving time off, Jake decides to join the kids in going to a 80s film since he loves the Die Hard Series respectfully as he mentions and helps them get into the film. He also goes to a steakhouse with Boss Baby and Peacemaker so he can have nachos. While bedding down with Amy afterwards.

Part 3[]

Jake works with his fellow allies and friends to investigate where the next Spot based Anomalty is and he notices something that stands out to Jake. He pinpoints that it's from The Captain Underpants Universe and it must be the work of Melvin Borg who has acquired something from that universe. He asks the others to get the kids so to tell them where to next

Jake arrives in the Captain Underpants Universe to learn what happened respectfully and he heads out with the cops and Peacemaker's group to go after the robber robots and the robots of George and Harold who go causing trouble respectfully. Jake manages to help the others deal with them and he with Holt and Hopper go to deal with The Bionic Booger Boy as well as the rest of the group dealing with Von Gale and trying to arrest her respectfully.

With Amy and Holt he recovers the weather machine and studies it respectfully thinking on Von Gale got it to work respectfully. He Suspects it has to with Magitek and fairies which Holt dimisses respectfully

Once everyone got back together after their own missions and Jake with Holt and Amy notice how off Lincoln and Lydia feel and discuss what they learned at the Colation. The three state that while they did know the two were important regarding Creel. Jake is clear that this isn't just about Creel but what else they achieved before that point. He admires that the two are kids and managed to accomplish a lot. Amy and Jake consider getting some back up in Alaska as it's been untouched by Spot respectfully.

He and Amy bundle up as they arrived in Alaska respectively.

Chapter 3[]

Jake and Amy go looking for their guy who they learn is Jessie Pinkman who mistakes them for trying to arrest him in his role in the Hisenburg Empire. But they reassure him that is not the case and that they need his help for something. However things get complicated when Neil and Kandy show up and try to go after them. While dressed as cops, Jake wonders what kind of cops were hired, Pinkman knows they're not cops but only dressed up like them. The Three fight them off respectively

Neil and Kandy are nearly taken down but reveal their own trick which takes Holt to get them out of trouble. And afterwards they head back to the others.

Part 2[]

Jake and the others come back with Jessie Pinkman who they recruited for the mission respectfully. The Chief tells him and the others about the newest mission regarding the Castlevaniaverse and to find Trevor Belmont who might be most useful to bring as a honorary agent

Jake agrees and joins the party in going against Death and his Castlevania creatures. He notes that Neil and Kandy had a role in resurrecting him and his forces and with their cops teams up with Professor Membrane to put the two away as such. He tries to get info out of them about their employer, but it doesn't respond. Jake notes that they have been paid to keep quiet. Jake decides to step up his game and look to an old friend for help

When Jake returns he learns what has happened in the aftermath of it and when he hears of the quarantine they're stuck in. Jake basically recalls of how he and Amy lived through it with the latter's material leave being longer and how His partner left in the middle of what happened with the cops. Jake and Amy decide to investigate the situation.

Chapter 4[]

Jake feels like they have to do something in regards to the others with the whole fall out thing. He has his gut feelings here and decides to call what The Bandit has found. He learns about the Invinicble Universe was an universe that came fine due to Spot's actions and the kids decide to go investigate

Peacemaker has them on contact, and informs them of what each of them has seen. Jake is given a Hast mast suit and gas mask due to the situation respectively to look into Trolberg. Through Professor Membrane using a way to travel, Amy travels with Jake to Trolberg respectively

Jake and Amy arrive and investigate respectfully. While Amy is more focused on the Nuclear fall out, Jake manages to put some clues together and how this universe was more targeted than the other causalities out of a personal hatred. Jake though doesn't see any particular clues other than some clocks around and Jake considers taking them but goes against it due to Fallout

Jake and Amy run into the rest of the team and learn what is going on as well as Lydia, Lincoln and Will Robinson are helping Hilda. The two then learn by Membrane that they need to get the others as time is running out for the others to Trolberg. As something has been hindering the process of The Hildaverse. Jake and Amy arrive with the group apart from Will, Lydia and Lincoln and decide to evacuate them from Hilda's universe. Jake gets his car ready and drives the others there as Penny uses the foot prints of the others and the Spider Frog to trace

The group find Lincoln and Lydia with Will, Hobie and The Robot and they help take The Robotoid from doing any other harm and evacuate the group away from Hilda's universe. He informs the posse that he hired his old foe Doug Judy to investigate some actions and through Rave, the group found out that Peacemaker's universe is in trouble now due to Spot and his group. He also learns Neil Kandy escaped from prison so they have to go after him and White Dragon

Part 2[]

Jake and his friends all arrive at the Peacemaker Universe and since they're cops. He allows Peacemaker, Eleven, Lydia, Lincoln and the others to go into all of Peacemaker's teamamtes houses so they see if they can find Spot

This proves unsucessful, and then Spot actually does show up on the group with White Dragon and Kregg. Throwing Doug Judy to them as they found out what he did. Jake checks up on Doug Judy as he helps Peacmaker's crew and his cops go after White Dragon respectfully and learns that Judy was trying to encourage mutiny in Spot's entourage as he was noting signs of discontent in the group

Jake, Amy, Holt and the others all manage to corner White Dragon with Peacemaker and his crew and help defeat White Dragon respectfully. He goes head in on trying to kill Kregg, though it's powerless against a Virtumite and has to be saved by The Time Agents respectfully who were on the path to Kregg himself

When Grace Wain needs the kids coming with her to find her superior. Jake tells the kids to just go with Grace respectfully as they will gather what they need under Nate's universe

Chapter 5[]

Upon Arriving in Maine, the crew all decide to make their plans of how to best The Spot, noting that they will never truly succeed as long as The Spot is still around

He manages to get a communcaiton from the Time Bureau from Mike and Dustin with Amy, Blinky and Peacemaker and learns what happened down there and what happened to Lincoln and Lydia's team free will team. This only gets worse when the two discover that Holt is danger on account of that dinosaur going to kill him while he is in the hopsital. Jake and Amy both decide to go to travel back to Peacemaker's universe to protect Holt from Richfield

The two manage to get themeselves to Holt just before B.P Richfield arrives to try and eat or stab Holt. He tries to take on the dinosaur as Amy protects Holt the way he protected her from the gun shot at White Dragon's hands. Fortunately he isn't alone as Claire and Jim followed suit and they eventually manage to stop Richfield from doing anything to Holt.

Sad to say though, Holt doesn't make it but he does make it clear to him and Amy it has been a true pleasure to watch his 2 rookies develop into fine officers and partners and that they can keep up everything he taught them. Having to leave, The 4 all head back only to learn that they have followed into the Flying Rhino Junior High Universe which they manage to head to respectivefully

Amy and Jake manage to arrive in the universe and they investigate a lab and they find something horrifying and decide to go back to the others. However, Jake and Amy find they are too late as Mulder and Scully have already done so as they sensed something. The two of them inform the crew what it is and Spot even informs them as well this is true and what is being made is a being of pure evil.

Chapter 6[]

Jake and Amy both take a route of their to find the lab and to insure The tentacles don't find them. This works remarkably well as they're the only characters who don't have to deal with the False Groudon at first

Jake finds the lab and waits for the others to arrive as Amy scouts it's location respectfully. This is when the group does arrive with whatever is left, Jake notes what just happened and Amy comes back as a result of what's she found. Jake and Amy insist the kids and The Spot must be reverse the polarity as do Hobie and Peacemaker respectfully. When Lydia shows worry for this, Jake tells her that they will be fine and the agents have faith in them, then he, Amy, Holt and the others fo

Jake, Amy, Mulder, Scully, Jaune and Johanna serve as the final breach as they try to fight and avoid the False Groudon. While they are caught eventually he knows this was the right decision to make. When The False Groudon is destroyed, Jake is returned and he helps book Mr.Crocker, Chandler and Polly Sparks respectfully. He and Amy book them away from Candice as Chandler will go to her for help if they do.


Jake, Amy and Rave head back to the Brooklyn 99 Universe and decide they have to drop the news in regards to Holt's passing to the rest of the former two's team. Jake has Amy and Rave decide to commit to some investigation to the activity of the benefactor of Spot and Team Free Will's slaughtering as he suspects they're connected. But only on work days.

Jake gets back home and he attends to their child and is in support of Amy's decision to help Team Free Will find out what ultimately caused the Team Free Will Massacre as he puts it.



Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

Amy and Jake before arrive home with Rave in tow as they have all worked on what they discovered on The Team Free Will Massacre. The two show concern how Rave is acting a bit crazy using his minor living alone status to do what he sees. Rave is just trying to be a good detective like Amy, Amy said there is a difference between them. Jake tells them both to knock it off, he just found certain info on the massacre and shares that they happened in multiple places at once and that there is an ongoing theme and how they all happened in a certain row and pattern.

Rave finds something in the mail for him and it's an invite to a a multiversal traveling road like camp. He is surprised he is being invinted, Amy is supscious of this, though both Rave and Jake point out that Rave should techincally go as he is a kid and does need to have a child hood

Amy asks if Jake has been hanging around with Lincoln and Lydia?, they talk about that kind of thing. Jake admits the two have a fair point, but it wasn't their presence that did so. He really thinks Rave should do so.

Jake and Amy both then decide to rock and paper scissors who will take him, Amy loses which means she has to bring him to the camp.

Doug Judy is around the house the three are living, he has info he needs to provide Jake as he managed to tag a bit into the underworld and found out somethings that he needs to tell Jake. As he Sees Amy tug Rave in, Doug Judy knocks on the door and Jake is suprised to see him, he tell Perlaita that they need to talk.

Doug Judy and Jake discuss what Doug Judy has found, in that there will be a need to keep an eye for a corrupt police officer who has once again gotten out of prisonment. Jake seems to be aware of bad cops, and he suspects it's the Gumby rip off. Doug Judy confirms it is him, but he has noticed that he isn't exactly going after other cops, it's like he wants something else or someone else. Jake asked how did Judy's sources get this. Doug explains that when you serve The Cartel, and you and other members betray them, it's best to keep contacts. Jake tells Judy the Cartel is gone so how does he know. Judy explains that some of his other sources know a few of the members are still alive just not with them. Glass then breaks and it's Ham Hand who has been sent to go after the cops. Jake asks about the big guy to Doug, Doug has no idea who he is and that it's a bit of a surprise the guy found them.

Ham Hand attacks both of them and using his hammer hand and putting both of them on the defense with his capabiltiies. Jake hears Amy call what is going on down there, Jake is just casual and just mentions that it's a hammer handed wrestler here to kill them. Amy comes running down and helps the two fight Ham Hand. While Ham Hand still has the physical strength, the three are able to get the drop on him with their wits and skill. Ham Hand smoke screens out having gotten his point across as he leaves. Amy questions how Ham Hand just dropped it after Jake said he was here to kill them.

Doug Judy though has a better thought process on this and says this was about intimadtion to keep them off some scent or they're getting something someone doesn't want them. Jake and Amy both realize that this may have some connection To The Team Free Will Massacre. They agree to send off Rave before Ham Hand or who ever hired him kills him. Jake gets a call from John Ecnomos and Peacemaker and explains that they need to meet up and soon. Jake agrees having explained how he was attacked by Ham Hand.

Before Jake and Amy can both take their leave to get to the others, Amy decides that she must go to help Rave and whoever else might be going to that camp. If Ham Hand was able to find them, then Amy feels she needs to help the boy. Jake understands and tells Amy to keep in touch with him if needed handing a pager. Amy questions why not use a phone, Jake explains that it's better to be discrete.

Peacemaker and Jake have called a meeting with his guys, and sees that Eleven and her friends, Penny, Wednesday, Jim, Claire, Frizzle and Blinky have arrived. John Economos asks about the others and their locations or why they're not here. Mike tells Peacemaker and Jake that Dustin went to road camp and Penny is suprised Dustin went there. When Max asks her why, Penny explains because Will, Erica and Nate also are going. Jake says that so did Rave. Wednesday puts it through that it's the smart ones that pretty much went to camp which Peacemaker doesn't get.

Peacemaker and Jake explain to them how they were attacked by Ham Hand and spy agents in their own locations working under a big brained nerd or methuman with portal powers. They suspect it has something to do with Jake investigating the Massacre of Team Free Will.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake, Mike, Lucas, Max, Jim, Blinky, Claire, Membrane are joined by Doug Judy who go with Mrs.Frizzle to the Captain Underpants Universe so they can find the boys and can their help with this situation. The crew all lands in the universe where Jake takes the lead with Peacemaker with a gun as Lucas has a slingshot ready right behind them in case thing goes down, Eleven decides to join up with the three to see if they can detect the boys.

Lucas and Eleven arrive in George's House and Peacemaker with Jake goes into Harold's House and they notice their parents tied up and gagged. Lucas and Jake decide to untie them and learn what went down, This is when they learn their boys were attacked by chrome like agents one looking like a cowboy and the other being a bald headed guy. Peacemaker and Eleven both notice the marks and the sand marks, Eleven tells Peacemaker what she sees. Peacemaker has a feeling that the perptrators are what he was told about a while ago. Eleven, Jake and Lucas ask what he means.

Eleven and Lucas both observe the marks on their friends's parents and wonder why these cops targeted them despite their profession. Jake feels that this was a further warning not to deal with whoever is behind the Team Free Will Massacre, that these agents are also who Ham Hand is under and know that the Resistance is getting close to some answers.

Doug and Jake both think and come to an agreement, at the same time. They recalled that Spot has some associates that are still alive and maybe that the gang can go see all of the ones still alive and trackable and get some info. Wednesday, Eleven and Peacemaker all agree with this idea that they will do this and will get a beat on each location. Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane work on a leak in to see who they need to see who still has ties to Spot and whoever his benefactor. As it turns out Wednesday has been in secret trying to look into who Spot's backer for a while as she snarks after  the wedding of fairies and the huntsman. She had an inkling that he would like to find who Spot's Backer though he was busy being lovey dovery with his wife.

Jake says Wednesday should be nice, they're on a honeymoon. Professor Membrane calms them and explains that he had his own work done with Vought that he needs to have claimed from a business rival of his. He has contacted the services of an old friend  of his son to assist and aquire his biological project. Jake asks why would he do that, Membrane explains to keep the Supes under control and to help man kind.  

Part 2[]

With the gang, all basically in agreement that the group must go looking for Spot's remaining allies, former and not. Wednesday, John Ecnomos, Emila, Viglante and Jake look into who is still alive as the others discuss the idea

Wednesday, Jake, Vigilante, Emila and Economos pull out who they have assessed on The Spot and they have managed to seek out of the cells. The party of 5 explain that B.P Richfeild, Chelsea Van Der Zee, Chandler Mcc Cain, Mr.Crocker, Polly Spark and Victoria Van Gale are all still alive and worked with The Spot and thus may know anything about the massacre or who Spot worked with. Jake does add that Crocker, Van Gale, and Chelesa are not in prison while the others are put away so he will be needed to assess Chandler, B.P and Polly or at least get the go ahead. The latter three ask about Chelesa, Crocker and Van Gale, Wednesday insturcts Peacemaker's allies to see if they can find them since she does know Crocker is an asylum. Economos confirms this it's just he has no idea about the ladies. Emila corrects that Chelesa could be easier, it's Van Gale who might be tough and she has to been trying to reach to anyone who knows about Van Gale.

After everything is set in stone. the others get back to the ones in charge. Mike tells Peacemaker, Wednesday, Jake, Eleven, Blinky and Professor Membrane that they have attempted to tell the others about what had occured but they havn't gotten any calls. Emilia and John are a bit concerned that someone must have been tracking the others too and must have known about this.

Jake, Professor Membrane and Blinky all decide to hand out the assignments to where they all are to go to find Spot's associates. Eleven, Mike, Lucas and Max all are given the location of Candice Sampson. Blinky has Jim, Claire and Enid accompany him to find where Chandler McCann was placed. Upon realizing that Polly Sparks and B.P Richfield  have not being considered for the investigations, Jake and Professor Membrane decide to pursue the two with Doug Judy assisting them. Mrs. Frizzle sets all the co-ordinates so they can all make their way to the locations set by the others.

Jake and Judy both arrive at another juvie hall and they see Polly Spark who cheerfully greets the detective and criminal asking what must they see her for. Jake asks does Polly know anything about Spot's benefactor and backer as they are investigating the Team Free Will massacre

Polly Sparks tells the two that she was betrayed after assisting him with his plans regarding fiance and time travel. Doug asks what exactly did he do or plan, Polly Spark say that she discovered that they had plans beyond what she expected, World and Multiversal destroying even. Polly was willing to use time travel for her own answers to be right on a test, but this was escessive even for her standards. Doug asks what standards, considering how nuts he see her. Polly explains professional ones anyway. Jake quesitons if she even knew what they planned, Spark say she doesn't know about this massacre, though can tell them it has to with time travel.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor

Professor Membrane and Jake are seen planning with Doug Judy to have the latter infiltrate Neuman and her followers as a countermeasure.

Judy doesn't have a problem with this as he tells Eleven, he is aware of the danger and knows what he has to do. Jake and Wednesday finish putting on the wire and Wednesday tests it for communcation. Jake explains that his logic with this is that eventually someone could slip up and reveal what they knew about the events that occured they're looking into.

Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane head back to the bus and get the audio tape prepared in the back.

Part 3[]

Max and Eleven  both take note of the weather machine Van Gale had and they simply destroy it so no one else can use it. Mrs.Frizzle picks them up and she had with Jake and Membrane conducts a vet on Van Gale that explains her intentions about joining Spot as well as what happened before that point.

Wednesday, Penny, Enid, Jake and Professor Membrane all decided to take another way all together. Wednesday snuck her away on to the Tofuken Train so they can down there as she has a hunch as do the other 4. Though Penny does ask why Wendesday brought them down here, she says she was here before when she, Eleven and Peacemaker came down here to get her brother, Lincoln, Lydia, Hobie and The Robot out of trouble when they went with Hilda to find her grandparents. They're fairies or whatever the sacchrine term for mystical creature is. Enid says it is a fairy to her and for some reason they don't take well to Robots.

Professor Membrane and Jake both go around and ask about fairies go to get slammed on at every opporunity. Enid points how rude they are and that they'll look themselves and she knows where. Wenesday follows suit with Penny as the three end up finding a fairy mound. Professor Membrane and Jake catch up to them and ask what the trio found, Enid informs them that she has a feeling Van Gale might be here as she did recall she was fasicinated by the fairy mound or whatever it's called. Wednesday does a feel on the mound and gets another vision  of something arriving on them, she explains this to Penny. Penny believes Wednesday and that they'll wait to see if it happens.

Professor Membrane and Jake both decide to call up their allies to meet them here so they can find Van Gale

The Streaming Reisstance has managed to arrive at the fairy Mound and a good deal of the group wander how to ulimately get in there. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday themselves are baffled how are they even able to have gotten in there to begin with to find the others.

Jake, Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker and Professor Membrane all having aquired a sample of hair from Van Gale use to find her location. Max is baffled how they got a hair of hers for that long, Jake explains it's a way to get a sense of someone's dna and Membrane adds it can be used for cloning or any other great science work. Everyone give Membrane a look which he looks a bit embarrassed to have said.

Jake, Professor Membrane and Blinky overhear from Doug Judy what happened with George and Harold and they are shocked about this. Blinky considers saving them, but Judy points that his cover will be blown if they do that. This Jake agrees on but he asks what do they do despite that. Judy believes if he can find out how they were frozen in carbonite, they can reverse after. Membrane is in agreeance on this. Jim and Claire both though tell the others that something is up

Rodrigo and Angstorm Levy have arrived with the mini Chaos Bots and have arrived to kill Van Gale for saying too much. Van Gale looks terrified of them, spefically the former as she does know her boss did have ties to him. Redneb holds up a pistol and tries to shoot her immediately as he sends the chaos bots to do their stuff. The Rest of the Resistance fights back against them with Peacemaker and his team going after Levy with Eleven and her friends as Wednesday and  her comrades taking on the chaos bots

Wednesday, Jake and Professor Membrane find what Rodrigo is doing and tries to stop him. Redneb holds his omega Cannon and coereces off Jake with it though the other two go at him anyway, Redneb decides to just leave which Wednesday and Membrane decide to remember his look. Jim, Claire, Blinky and Mrs.Frizzle arrive to tell them they have to leave the Fairy Country is being drained of it's life

Jake believes that they need to get Van Gale to Trollberg hospital or whatever, and he'll take her he just needs some help in which Jim, Claire and Blinky decide to help out with this. and Jake takes a car and puts the 4 in with them saying they'll catch up later.

Jake, Jim, Claire and Blinky arrive at the hopsital and drop off Van Gale there, Van Gale is worried that the boss might put another hit on her life after that. Jake is sure that they can trick who ever was her boss that they can fake her death. Van Gale isn't so sure as N.Tropy knows where she resides and can do her in. Claire does have a solution with her magic and who use that to help. Blinky looks through his books and finds the perfect spell to use and shows to Master Jim, Claire and Jake. Claire uses it to cloak  Van Gale away from N.Tropy and his alternate counterpart's hands.

Blinky helps himself to a troll's diet while Jim, Claire and Jake head back to the others. As Jake drives Jim, Claire and Blinky back to the others, Doug Judy calls up the 4 about what else he knows. As he is driving he passes it to Jim, this is when Doug reveals that the fairy energy is with Van Gale's former bosses. Blinky knew that was going to happen, Jim and Jake ask what else.

Judy goes on about how the fairy energy is being used for some kind of plan, which had to with delityness for a reason. Claire and Jim both seem baffled who thinks fairy energy can be used for that. Judy says that this blue dude does and that the other associates were right on that there is two of them.

Jake congrautlates Doug and tells him to keep them coming, Judy isn't so sure as The N.Trophies are going to find him eventually and likely have his head blown off.

With the return of the other 4, they inform of Van Gale's condition and also of what Doug told them. Penny, Enid and Max gather that whoever was behind Spot is clearly even more insane that he ever was. Peacemaker decides on following Wednesday's ideas and intterograte Angstorm Levy.

Jake and Eleven decide to help Peacemaker and Wednesday with this with the usual routine. Professor Membrane gets the portal gun and shoots it to Anders's apartment for the others to go into.

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Levy is interrogated about his role in the Fairy Country's destruction, his motive and his reason by the team. Jake, Eleven and Emila take the good cop approach while Peacmaker, Wednesday and Vigilante take the bad cop approach. Jake naturally shows his skills at this due to role as a cop and manages to let Levy slip some info to them about what Angstorm has been up to around here.

Vigilante, Peacemaker, Emilia and Jake  record what they have under covered and must inform their friends about his intentions towards Invincible and as what this might be meaning for Team Free Will going forward as well as the future Levy traveled to.

Rodrigo Redneb breaks into Ander's Apartment and rescues Levy due to N.Tropy's orders with Jake equips his pistol and takes shots at him, though he does manage to singe some of his clothes where Rodrigo just pushes him out and throws him at the wall as he and Levy leave.

Enid and Penny return with what they have found and Enid worries that her friends could have ruined Anders's place and her own home if they don't clean it up. Jake and Eleven decide to help with Enid as they understand and are the more optimstic of the bunch for him. Jake also manages to get more info on N.Tropy's intents through Doug Judy, Jake apparently learned that Ford is the leader of Team Free Will who Lydia and Lincoln work for, Doug knows that as he has been around the area before and ratting out the Cartel outed to the cops which Jake also remembers

Jake decides to accompany his partner to the woods when Amy informs him that Lincoln, Lydia and Will Robinson are intend to investigate the Woods thank to the hot tip they got from the former two's guy. While Jake does feel a bit offended that they went to someone else as well, he decides to go along and help his friends like he promised.

Part 5[]

Jake arrives in the cop car with the others to see Amy, Will, Lydia and Lincoln to start their investigation. However they need some more help as Anti Cosmo, Bender and Dawn are helping out with this which he has some of them go in the trunk as he drives them to the University. Jake does manage to sneak them into the woods using his credentials and they enter the Woods to start investigating.

Jake, Amy and Dawn come to light to see find something that was found earlier in the Shetty Virus that kills supes which is horrified to them and the fact Professor Membrane worked on a new kind of it worries him. Jake is then informed of the footage they found on James Rogers's death which Lydia, Lincoln, Enid, Anti Cosmo and Bender all found which is yet another step in the find out what happened to Team Free Will situation.

Captain Putty and Fire Cracker hold Jake and Amy at gun point to get them to leave the premises as they are trespassing in the Woods which Putty was assigned to keep guard of, The two decide to pick targets. Jake takes on Fire Cracker who has a Glock ready on them and Jake finds himself overpowered physically by Firecracker who is a Supe and Jake knows he's in a stalemate against Firecracker in a gun fight. He is eventually able to trick her and outwit her and he is able to stun her and tries to handcuff her. Though Firecracker does escape.

Sterling and Myrtle find them and asks where the latter's grandson is, Jake and Amy meet back up with the others to esacpe the Woods as it crumbles under the university

The Streaming Resistance return back to each other with Arcadia and Rackleff in mind though Amy and WIll do find out that it will have in the junction point between Rackleff and another location. Jake heads back with the gang.

- Enid, Wendesday, Jake and Eleven are brought to light by Max, Blinky, Jim, Claire, Mike and Lucas about what they had found in their brief investigation of Arcadia.

Part 6[]

John Economos gives his analysis of the situation with Jim, Blinky and Claire to the rest of the team. Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday decide to ask for the portal gun so they are able to go deal with the troll problem head up. Though As Professor Membrane points out, Enid has already made way into troll market

Jake arms himself to help out with the situation,

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim and Claire enter Troll Market and find that Queen Usurna is on the warpath to find Enid Sinclair. The Gumms end up finding them and go after the 7 of them as they are part of the Streaming Resistance who N.Tropy warned Queen Usurna about

Professor Membrane and Wednesday decide to find out more about the Gumms/ Peacemaker, Eleven and Jake join up with Jim and Claire to take on the Gumms to find Enid. Jake manages to find and rescue his friends from even though Scully is already able to free herself and the others, he just serves as backup to cause the queen to flee.

Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake and Enid talk to Will and The Robot and they learn of the return of Nevermore which means Wednesday will likely look move back there and that she is informed of Eugene's safety. The Pruning is also revealed by Will and The Robot which has Wednesday and Jake suspicious of the reasoning to why this had all went down.

It is decided with what the heroes acquired at Troll Market that a close look into it will be needed and that Professor Membrane has a lab back at home he can use to his advantage so he decides to take his team there.

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House.

Peacemaker, Jake, Eleven, Wednesday overhear that Daniel will be in touch with them at some point. Though they are told, he might meet up with the others first before and and that it will be Daniel who decides this as Lydia and Lincoln inform them as they head to the Last Kids On Earth Universe. Peacemaker and Jake both think on anything that could be happening here as the trio did come before to this universe and are questioning how they are going to make only to learn that the duo had the Magic School Bus repaired and have Mr.Fusion on it so they can use garbage as fuel.

Eleven senses something with her senses and goes to follow to see what she sees, Mike asks if she is okay. Eleven says that Mike needs to stay safe in here as she senses danger and not danger he can deal with without it weighting on her. Peacemaker, Jake, Vilgilante, Claire, Jim and Max all decide to follow up with this.

Peacemaker, Jake, Vilgiante all get loaded with their fire arms, Max holds out the war hammer with Claire and JIm getting their troll hunter gear on. Jim and Claire both feel that it is completely possible that they know precisely who it is. They thought the guy was dead this is when Eleven, Peacemaker and Jake finally decide to ask who are referring to. Jim says that it's one of the foes he has feared the most, a fellow troll who was a feared assassin. Peacemaker, Jake and Eleven decide to prepare to fight to deal with this to protect their friends and themselves

As Peacemaker, Jake, Eleven, Vigilante, Max, Jim and Claire all follow what Eleven suspects this is when Zib and Angor Rot both make their strike against them and that Queen Usurna has the Gumms Gumms accopany the two on her own orders to deal with the Streaming Resistance. Zib does this so he can get his hands on his father before he makes a plan to settle with his main enemies.

The Fight continuing to go way between them all and Zib and Angor Rot are just about ready to petrify and capture Jim and Claire. Until Professor Membrane and Wednesday manage to arrive and help turn the table and realize Zib is controlling Rot and Membrane can tell as he can see how Zib is controlling the Gumms Gumms and the others all get back to base at Membrane's house

Professor Membrane, Wednesday, Jake, Peacemaker and Eleven all check what Professor Membrane and Wednesday found and that Zib and Ushurna are controlling him with a ring that controls the troll hunter slayer. Penny, Mike, Max, Lucas and Jake receive a call from Amy who is with Will as they are looking for a Mr.Sullivian in the universe as he had gone missing and Lincoln and Lydia both feel that they could get his help with this. Jake decides he can try to run a look on where Jack is for the two, Will says that doesn't Jake not know who he is, Jake can look into by going in the multversal files and when Daniel is mentioned. Eleven offers that she and the party can go looking for him too as Lucas tends to Max who did take some blows at the hands of Angor Rot.

The Streaming Resistance find an invite in Professor Membrane's mailbox and it's an invite to Vernon Manor which has Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday look into this and show supscion at all this with the others to make a plan to deal with this. As Professor Membrane has reservations about this and once Enid gets back that they will tell her as they can also talk to Lydia, Lincoln, Will and Amy on this.

Part 8[]

Jake discovers what Membrane has been doing with the Virus that was at the woods that he investigated with his allies as well as Bender and Anti Cosmo were given to Lincoln's little Sister Lisa to go looking into. When Professor Membrane mentions their alliance with Butcher and what happened, Jake shows skepticism with trusting Billy Butcher due to his dislike of supes. Professor Membrane decides to include Jake in the Tek Manor plans using his status on the force to assist and that Amy will be likely be joining on this. He also insists Will, Lincoln and Lydia join this too as does Penny.

Jake hides out from Tek Knight upon arrival and watches him fork out the info of the Shetty Virus and interrogates The Peacemaker Team Penny Robinson, Blinky and Professor Membrane. Jake knows if Tek Knight finds him, then he get what he needs out of him as he is aware of Tek's own abilties and calls Wednesday and Betty to force him to retreat as Tek Knight isn't that super strong compared to most.

Jake and Professor Membrane both manage to hear from Dib and his friends about Mojo Jojo visting them on things and Professor Membrane decides to take him and his friends to the manor saying that he wants them to have a good time and not worry about him. Jake asks about the robot and Professor Membrane as well as Mojo Jojo say that he is on Membrane's operation and if his connection is learned by Neuman that could be bad for all of them. Doug Judy returns with his own intel and tells of where Enid is and he leads most of the group to go find her and Jake learns from Doug that the operators of the Team Free WIll Massacre are blue skinned and are brits, though Jake is still blank on the names.

Hearing from Amy, Will, Lincoln and Lydia, Jake joins Professor Membrane in heading over to Camp Mastadon and learns Bender, Anti Cosmo, Toby and AAAGGRRUHH are there too.

Part 9[]

Jake joins his group in heading to Tek Knight Manor and helps Amy, Lydia, Lincoln and the others with their mission as he is intent to arrest Neuman here and now as well as her allies if he is able to. He shows suspicion on what is going on and is proven right when Tek Knight takes his plot with Sister Sage. He decides the importance of his friends suriving is more important afterwards and distracts the other supes to do so and he shows worry Lydia and Lincoln stayed in the Manor.

He has Amy go find them and learns later on they did catch and find what Neuman was up to and while they allowed her to escape, Jake doesn't show anger as he notes someone must have betrayed her and that Sage and Tek Knight were setting her up. Jake also is later informed by Amy of the danger they are all after coming back with Lydia, Lincoln, Toby, Will, AAARRUGHH, Steve, Bender and Anti Cosmo who became informed of what they all are up to by Tom Lucitor.

With the former 5 and Peacemaker, he goes to tell Wenesday and Eleven of this and everything pertaining to Neuman who they went to get info on this. He, Amy, Eleven and Wednesday all decide to act on seeing how far this rabbit hole goes about the Team Free Will Massacre is going when it comes to the assailant's grudge on Team Free Will namely Lincoln and Lydia.

Chapter 4[]

Jake and the others decide to track down Neuman with the intend to arrest her for her actions, though he discovers Tek Knight has taken over from Vought and that he must also deal with Levy, Richfield and Gunmar as well. Jake does get some results in that he learns she is going to do Mexico like they are and He decides to make way to there with the main members to make way to deal with Ucrumu.

Chapter 5[]

Jake gets the rest of the team to go on their stealth mission to save JIm, Claire and Blinky and discovers the device was already fired already from what N.Tropy's forces stole from Slade and he decides to rush on his way to Mexico to find the Rest of the team. As a result he find Ford and Team Free Will do and helps deal with Judge Holden. Jake also finds Slade, Bender and The Boys, informing the former of the device being fired to cause the end of the world

Chapter 6[]

Jake helps his team and Team Free WIll fight off Ucrumu and is able to help Punguari save Ronnie Anne from him at the last second and is able to defeat the demon soliders to aid his allies. He gets a police report about Neuman and decides to visit her and has her arrested in the hopsital though he agrees to hear her with Lincoln, Lydia, Ford, Sid, Bender, and Anti Cosmo with his team when it comes to what she knows in regards to The Streaming Resistance and Team Free Will.

Jake then attends his knighting at the Streaming Resistance and establishes an alliance with Ford and Team Free Will.

Book 2: Interlude[]
