(Cosmic is seen being surrounded by hooded demons)
Demons: *snarling*
Cosmic: Sure you still wanna do this?
(Cosmic looks back behind her. Several dead demons are seen)
Cosmic: I’ve already made a mess of a few of your friends so far.
(The demon charges at Cosmic who stomps on the ground and raises a chunk of the ground, sending the demons in the air. She then fires heat vision, burning them to ash)
Cosmic: Hmph, warned you.
(Cosmic looks and sees one single demon left standing)
Cosmic: How about you? You want a piece?
(The demon glares for a moment. He looks at his dagger. He suddenly raises it up and then stabs himself)
Cosmic: Heh. Okay, take the coward’s way out why don’-
(Black mist explodes from the demon)
Cosmic: ! W-Whoa!
(The mist floats into the air)
Cosmic: The hell??
(The mist fades out, as the demon suddenly change forms. He became a giant black worm like creature with 7 eyes and giant teeth. It roars at Cosmic)
Cosmic: Oh come on, they can change forms too??
(The worm shrieks and tries to bite Cosmic who jumps back)
Cosmic: Tch, well, guess you’ll suffice for a trophy!
(Leaps up and tries to attack Cosmic who speeds away as the worm lands. It turns to Cosmic and spits out some acid of sorts at her, as she dodges each one. Cosmic shoots heat vision hitting the worm. After it stops the worm roars and starts leaping all over the place. Cosmic starts dodging all over)
Cosmic: Jeez this thing’s fast! I gotta find a way to take it out!
(The worm leaps again as Cosmic dodges, making it turn and roar)
Cosmic: Hmm, you like to keep that mouth open.
(The worm spits acid again which Cosmic dodges. She then forms arm blades)
(Cosmic charges at the worm. It opens up its mouth and chomps on Cosmic.)
(The worm stands up tall as it swallows Cosmic and roars. Soon however, it stops roaring and grunts. It hisses and shrieks before it begins to cough up blood. A slicing sound is heard inside it as it roars and shrieks in pain. Soon, after it struggles against the pain, it falls silent and collapses, bleeding from its mouth with a green blood-like substance. Soon, a blade cuts through its skin as Cosmic slices herself free from the body, now completely covered in the worm’s blood)
Cosmic: *Panting* Now that’s…what I call bad indigestion.
(Cosmic walks over to the worm’s mouth. She goes and grabs one of its teeth, pulling it and tearing it from the mouth as she looks at it)
Cosmic: Hmm…This could be a good trophy to take back.
(Cosmic flies off)
Cosmic: Sure someone in his crime world can make use of a giant tooth.
(Cosmic just looks at herself as she flies)
Cosmic: Eugh…I just hope he at least offers me a shower as a reward.
(Cosmic keeps flying off as the scene cuts to Zertrex looking at the tooth)
Zertrex: Ooooo. Yes. Very nice. This will make quite the trophy indeed.
(Zertrex holds the tooth up and smiles)
Zertrex: Very good work rebel, you brought me a real gem here!
Cosmic: You’re welcome. It was…a messy process as you can see.
Zertrex: So I see. Tell you what, you can use the wash over there.
Cosmic: Thanks.
(Cosmic walks off as Zertrex looks at the tooth)
Zertrex: Oh yeah, you’re making me very rich…
(Cosmic is seen in a bathroom of sorts washing herself with water)
Cosmic: *sigh* Well, that was an interesting fight out there. Hopefully this gets me that intel we need. I’ll ask once I get this blood off…
(Cosmic keeps washing. She then heard the sound of the store door opening. She then hears an argument.)
Cosmic: What the heck is going on out there?
(Cosmic keeps washing. The scene cuts to Cosmic going back to the store, where she sees a Darkwatch Trooper leaving. Cosmic looks confused as she goes up to Zertrax)
Cosmic: Everything all right?
Zertrax: Oh just Nakal sending his goons to harass me again. Health violations, back taxes, ect ect ect.
Cosmic: Is it bad?
Zertrax: Pfft, nothing serious I promise.
Cosmic: I see…
Zertrax: Now I believe I owe you your payment.
Cosmic: Yeah. You had intel.
Zertrax: Yes. It regards Nakal and those creatures you see outside the city.
Cosmic: The demons?
Zertrax: If that’s what you wanna call them.
Cosmic: Right. Now, tell me what I wanna know.
Zertrax: Hmmm…
Cosmic: Don’t do that, just tell me.
Zertrax: Very well. My associates tell me there’s a connection between Nakal and the demons. Reports say explorers from another planet came here, bearing cargo and other items. Nakal quickly took possession of everything as you can imagine.
Cosmic: I see.
Zertrax: He took these items, and not long after, I hear that’s when the demons made themselves known.
Cosmic: So you think they might’ve brought them here?
Zertrax: It’s a possibility.
Cosmic: Hmm…Well, I suppose it’s a lead worth tracing.
Zertrax: I’m afraid I don’t know where he keeps his stolen goods, but I’m sure you’ll figure it out.
Cosmic: Right.
Zertrax: That’s about all I got.
Cosmic: Seriously? You sure you have nothing else to offer?
Zertrax: You expect me to just have all the answers for you on a silver platter?
Cosmic: I mean, no.
Zertrax: That’s all you get. Unless you want to do another job.
Cosmic: No, it’s fine. I’ll take that back to the rebels and tell them about it. Thanks.
Zertrax: Keep an ear open. I might have more for you soon.
Cosmic: Right.
(Cosmic leaves and flies off)
Cosmic: Could that be how Archeon escaped? The amulet got taken by aliens?
(Cosmic thinks)
Cosmic: How could it have even got into space in the first place? No way Adrian could’ve lost it…Hmmm…
(Cosmic looks ahead as she flies)
Cosmic: Still, it’s a lead. I’ll tell Danea and see what he says about it.
(Cosmic flies away as the scene fades to Danea looking at his table)
(Cosmic comes in)
Cosmic: Hey Danea.
Danea: Oh Cosmic. Welcome back. How was Zertrax?
Cosmic: He had me do some trophy hunting.
Danea: What kind?
Cosmic: Demons.
Danea: Oh, and how did that go?
Cosmic: Got him a nice tooth from a giant worm that swallowed me whole.
Danea: Oh dear, are you okay??
Cosmic: I had to wash myself bad after. But never better.
Danea: Good. There’s still a lot I don’t know about these demons. Don't’ want you hurt.
Cosmic: Eh, I’ve had worse. Still, had to cut my way out of the damn thing. I think I still got some of its blood in my hair…
Danea: Well, did he get you any intel for that trophy?
Cosmic: Turns out Nakal might be the reason for the demons.
Danea: How?
Cosmic: Some aliens came one day with a bunch of stuff, Nakal took the stuff and then demons popped in.
Danea: That’s… Odd.
Cosmic: I got no proof so far, but the amulet might have ended up in his hands, which would explain Archeon’s return.
Danea: Hmm…
Cosmic: Can you work with that?
Danea: Maybe. I’d have to see about contacting some of our other contacts, maybe see of Kol’va knows something about shipments. Still, it’s a good lead we could track. Nice job!
Cosmic: Thanks. How are things going on here?
Danea: We’re keeping an eye and ear open. Nakal’s quiet right now. But that’s never good. Something is coming.
Cosmic: Could it be bad?
Danea: It’s likely.
Cosmic: I see. Well, do you need anything from me?
Danea: Be ready when we need you. You can head out into the city or chill out here if you want for now.
Cosmic: Cool, thanks.
Danea: Just stay safe. Never known when Darkwatch might strike.
Cosmic: I got this.
Danea: Good. Just take it easy till I call on you all.
(Cosmic nods and leaves the room)
Cosmic: Right, just gotta wait…
(Lizun is seen walking out)
Lizun: Hey there cupcake. Whatcha you up to?
Cosmic: Nothing at this point. Just going out in the city.
Lizun: Oooh I see.
Cosmic: You wanna come with?
Lizun: Sounds like a plan! Say, how about I get Bellina and we can have a little girls day out?
Cosmic: YOu think she’ll want to?
Lizun: Oh for sure. I’ll get her.
(Lizun walks off. Bellina is seen in her lab looking at a monitor)
Bellina: *humming*
(Lizun comes in)
Lizun: Hey Bellina!
Bellina: What do you want Lizun?
Lizun: You’re gonna hang out with Cosmic and me.
Bellina:.. And why is that?
Lizun: Cause I said so.
Bellina: Uh huh. You can leave now I-
(Lizun picks Bellina up)
Bellina: Ah- H-Hey!
(Lizun walks off carrying Bellina under her arm)
Lizun: Not anymore, you’re hanging with us today.
Bellina: You can’t force me to do stuff because I don’t have any powers!!
Lizun: I can tell you that you need to stop staying cooped up in this lab.
Bellina: *groan* This had better be worth it…
(Lizun leaves the room as the scene cuts to Cosmic Lizun and Bellian walking in the city)
Lizun: So girls ready to have some fun?
Cosmic: Depends on your idea of fun.
Bellina: Yeah…
Lizun: Oh I could show you two a thing or two.
Cosmic: I’m sure, but remember Bellina is-
Bellina: No damn comment on my age, I swear to Titanus!
Cosmic: O-Oh, right sorry.
Bellina: *sigh*
Lizun: Just stick with me girls.
(The three head off together)
(Lizun looks around for a moment and stops)
Lizun: Oh how about there?
Cosmic: What?
(The three look and see some sort of restaurant or club of sorts)
Lizun: That looks fun!
Bellina: How do you figure?
Lizun: It just does. Come on!
(Lizun goes off as Cosmic follows as Bellina shakes her head)
Bellina: I don’t get how she became so talented…
(Bellina follows as the three are seen entering the club)
Lizun: Ooooh.
(The building appears to be a combination resturant, and party area. People are seen eating in booths, or on dance floor, waving their arms as if to forget their problems)
Lizun: Now THIS has fun all over it!
Bellina: Yeaaah…
Cosmic: Doesn’t seem too terrible. I could use a meal.
Lizun: You kidding, I wanna see you on the dance floor!
Cosmic: I’m mainly here to chill Lizun.
Lizun: Come oooon, you can afford a little dance!
Cosmic: Well…can I eat first?
Lizun: All right, but once you’re done, we’re dancing!
Cosmic: Okay.
(Cosmic goes to go grab a seat at a booth)
Cosmic: This seems like a fine spot.
(Cosmic sits down)
Cosmic: Now…
(Cosmic looks for a menu. She then notices a button on the table. She presses it and it shows a hologram of a list of items)
Cosmic: Ooooo nice!
(Cosmic looks over the items)
Cosmic: Now what sounds like something I can eat…?
(Cosmic scrolls through the list)
Cosmic: Hmm…lotta new names to me on this list. Psy soup, pickled needler root…Weird stuff, but it sounds good too.
(As Cosmic looks over the stuff someone walks by)
???: Whoa look at you!
Cosmic: Hm?
(Cosmic looks and sees a reptilian, purple-skinned humanoid at the table)
???: Aren’t you a sight?
Cosmic: Uh… Hi. Can I help you… Whatever you are?
???: I’m just a Scal is all, a tourist of this world.
Cosmic: A Scal huh? And I guess you went from a tourist to a resident.
???: Oh too true! Not that I’m complaining! This planet has some amazing sights!
Cosmic: So I’ve heard.
???: Heheheh. So, you alone?
Cosmic: I do have friends nearby.
???: Ah I see. I doubt they're as lovely as you are.
???: So, what are you?
Cosmic: Can you not already tell?
???: Well you look like Imperia, but your ears don’t match.
Cosmic: Uh huh. Well I’m a human.
???: Hu-Man? Weird name, but I don’t care what you’re called.
(The alien sits beside Cosmic)
???: I like what I see.
Cosmic: Hey listen, I’m just trying to get something to eat so do you mind?
???: Oh I don’t mind at all.
Cosmic: Good, then-
(Cosmic sees the alien’s tail, appearing like a lizard’s tail but much skinnier, as it almost seems to inspect her)
???: You have some real smooth skin don’t you? It looks real nice.
(Cosmic doesn’t reply, keeping a close eye on the tail)
???: Oh, don’t mind the tail. It’s a sensory organ of sorts for my people. It acts like a second set of eyes and nostrils in a way.
Cosmic: That right?
???: Oh yes. And did I mention, you smell as nice as you look.
Cosmic: *Thinking* Maybe if I stop talking to him, he’ll go away.
(Cosmic takes her eyes off the alien and looks back at the menu)
???: Hmm? What, gonna be stoic now huh?
(Cosmic doesn’t reply)
???: Is something wrong beautiful? I was enjoying the sound of your voice.
(Cosmic still doesn’t answer)
???: Hehe, the silent treatment huh? That’s okay, I know how to make the ladies sing.
(The tail goes up to Cosmic’s stomach and starts to tickle her)
Cosmic: !
???: Heh, oh you tensed up real quick.
Cosmic: *Thinking* J-Just…ignore it…!! Don’t give him…. S-Satisfaction…!
???: I was right to. Your skin is sooooo smooth. I like it alot.
(Cosmic just powers through and scrolls through the menu, her hand trembling slightly)
???: Hmm, doesn’t seem to be working well on you. Must not be your sweet spot.
(The tail stops and Cosmic gives a silent sigh of relief)
???: You know, fun fact, on my planet, women love a man who can make her laugh. And that’s hard to do.
???: Sure, it seems like a childish trick, but it works wonders on Scal ladies, and other aliens too. In fact, Scal women often get married to the man who makes her laugh.
Cosmic: *thinking* The hell kind of idea is-
???: So, can I make you laugh my dear?
(Cosmic gets a disturbed look)
Cosmic: *Thinking* What the hell?! This guy thinks making me laugh is gonna make me marry him?! Jeez, talk about space harboring all kinds of life…
(The alien smirks as Lizun comes up smirking)
Lizun: What’s this I hear about marriage?
(The two look over at Lizun)
Lizun: Cupcake did you find a soulmate when I wasn’t looking?
Cosmic: NO!
???: *whistle* Well, look at you.
Lizun: Hello there. Like what you see or something?
???: I do. You aren’ showing as much skin as this love thing here, but you are a beauty to behold.
Lizun: Aw well thank you. Say. You’re a Scal aren’t you?
???: That I am.
Lizun: Ooo yeah I heard of you. You’re the ones who set marriages up based off making a woman laugh huh?
???: We sure do. By any means necessary.
Lizun: That right?
???: Oh yes. It very important to our people.
Lizun: So you must be looking hard for a wife then.
???: Well not just ANY woman will do.
Lizun: Oh?
???: She has to be strong, yet beautiful. Tough, yet sensitive at the same time. Our people value strength and emotion all the same.
Lizun: That right? Well…. What about me?
(Cosmic looks in surprise)
Cosmic: *Thinking* Oh don’t tell me…
???: What about you?
Lizun: I like to think I’m pretty strong. Beautiful too.
???: Well, you do look the part hehe.
Lizun: Then you think I have a chance to be your wife?
Cosmic: *Thinking* Lizun!!
???: Depends.
(The alien smirks as his tail hovers near his head)
???: May I see if I can’t make you laugh darling?
Lizun: How about we step outside and see if you can?
???: Hehe, I don’t mind at all.
(Lizun smiles as she leads the alien outside. Cosmic just watches dumbstruck)
Cosmic:....D-Did that really just happen?
(Cosmic sighs and shakes her head)
Cosmic: I’ll have to explain that to Bellina and the team later… One of their own wants to get married to a-
(Cosmic hears commotion outside thanks to her enhanced hearing. She hears the sound of someone getting beaten before metal slams around. She watches as the door opens and Lizun walks back inside alone, heading back over and sitting beside Cosmic)
Lizun: Ahhh, problem solved.
Cosmic: Lizun?
Lizun: Yes?
Cosmic: Uh… What happened to-
Lizun: Oh the lizard? He’s taking a nap in a dumpster.
Cosmic:... W-Wait weren’t you-
Lizun: What you thought I was gonna marry him?
Cosmic: I-I mean…
Lizun: Hehe, the perks of a silver tongue Cupcake. No way would I just let some rando marry me just because I let him put his tail on me.
Cosmic:... Oh.
Lizun: Why didn’t you do anything? You could have just hit him on the head and he’s be out.
Cosmic: I guess I didn’t want to cause a scene and get the authorities called here.
Lizun: Hm, I guess that’s fair. Still, next time someone tries to do that to you, hit them please. It’s called self-defense.
Cosmic: I got it. I guess I was just…taken aback by how he was…proposing.
Lizun: Sounds like he was still getting handsy before the proposing.
Cosmic: Y-Yeah kinda.
Lizun: Still, Cupcake, no rando’s should touch you if you don’t want them to.
Cosmic: Right.
Lizun:... *Smirks* But me on the other hand.
(Lizun puts a hand on Cosmic’s waist and pulls her over slightly)
Lizun: You don’t mind, right?
Cosmic: Eheh, I-I guess not.
Lizun: Hehe good.
Cosmic: C-Can I order my food now?
Lizun: Oh yeah, go for it.
(Cosmic nods as she goes to order…)