Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Gus "Gustavo" Fring is the overarching antagonist of Breaking Bad Seasons 3 and 4 as well one of the triagonists of Better Call Saul. He is the head of a massive Meth empire and also runs poultry. He is very much unopposed due to many not knowing he's a drug kingpin.

Fring has a hatred for the Cartel for killing his partner and lover Max and specifically towards Hector Salamanca who he believes only he shall kill and means it going so far to blackmail Nacho Varga by killing his partner with his own hands by suffocating him with a plastic bag and tying him with zip ties.

When he kills directly, he gets creative and another example is the box cutter he uses to slit someone's throat.

He is nearly untouchable due to his confidence, charisma, ruthlessness, and power. He becomes Kingpin's partner in the Criminal Empire working alongside him.

Gus is one of the only 3 characters to be a main character in both Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad. The other two characters being Jimmy Mcgill (Saul Goodman) and Mike Ehrmantraut.

Meister of War[]

After the heroes are framed, Kingpin tells his Criminal Members of his secret partner, revealed to be Gus Fring. Kingpin and Fring both have similar goals, which is why they both become partners.



Gus Fring is employed by Eobard Thawne into his league of villains alongside Kingpin to help him in his plans. He is one of the more unwilling ones to work with The Joker due to how insane he is. Gus is easily the sanest of The Joker's group and seems to only be working with Thawne to help his business. Gus is brought on by Vilgax, Porky and Bison to help make their trap with Discord along with associate Mike using Gus's efficient way of planning.

He joins The Joker with many of his associates and leads an attack on his former boss while The Joker makes his other plan going well. However he works to get something important for The Joker, He brings in his cleaner man and top henchman Mike to get this file for him.

Gus unlike his teammates doesn't fight down but is observant and has Mike take care of business and is the first to reconsider their plan with Vilgax. Gus leads the villains in an attack on the heroes when Starfire and Slade's team go after them. When Leonard freezes the lock to keep anyone else from entering. Mike however, stealthy spies on this and reports this to Gus, who Had anticipated this and decides to hold Curveo hostage for the Parasite, as he tells Mike so they can keep it out of Joker's hands. King Julian and Django however refuse to give it over feeling Gus would lie to them

Dr. Weil, Gus, Mike, Kingpin, Asura, Rodrigo, Ra's Al Ghul, Sylar all go after Discord, Axel, Colress, Suede and Rick who landed away from the others and they already have attacked many of Kingpin and Gus's henchman. Gus and Skylar explain made a trap for Discord while they were all fighting with each other with Uka Uka explains that they used Discord's Dystopia League tools to create it and now they got them in their clutches. When the Galactic Federation comes to arrest Rick and extends this to the Legion, Gus and Mike are the only two members that aren't arrested as they believe the Legion was harassing Gus.

Gus having no loyalty to Weil wants to leave him there though Joker turns this down and Gus decides to act elusively in finding the spear not actively attacking the heroes and doesn't even want anything from the spear apart from perfect efficiency in running his empire. Gus ends his partnership with King Pin due to Kingpin becoming a danger to Gus and Mike, Gus decides to also terminate his team up with Thawne fearing for him and his associates life. He learns of Deathstroke's backstabbing of Thawne and decides to help him in escaping and makes a truce with Bender and his friends against Thawne intending to recover the multiverse as he is bored with how the new multiverse is formed.

Gus and the rest of the group rescue Bender, Deathstroke and others and acts behind the scenes with Gus making plans to get the drop on Toffee and Bill. Gus tells the team that like Deathstroke he didn't trust Toffee at all and suspected him, as he has Mike do research on Toffee. Gus though admits that Toffee is an enigma which didn't surprise him and that he may have an idea of how to get info.

Gus suggests Mewni and as the rest of the followers go to fight, Gus makes his own studies and designs to find Toffee and Bill Cipher. When the heroes come back with their knowledge, Gus tells the others he knows where the cult is and managed to find the entrance. Gus gives the team what they need to get the drop on the cult.

When the spear is used, Gus and Mike resume their spots in Gus's workplace. However, Maka Albarn when going to New Mexico, encounters Gus and his crew along with Mike. Maka being surrounded, has no other choice but to become a hostage under Gus' orders. Where they interrogate her. Soul finds out and heads towards the laundry hideout where Gus is located. When entering, he becomes a weapon where Maka grabs him and slices Gus' face off, she then proceeds to murder the entire crew and goes in a showdown with Mike. He shoots Maka in the shoulder where she falls and is injured. Soul transforms back to human but is shot by Mike too. It's not til The Joker shows up, giving time for Soul and Maka to leave. Gus still alive from his wound, goes with Mike to see what The Joker wants. Only for him to grab his grenade and say "I'm the Joker baby" and blows himself up with Gus and Mike. Gus walks out of the fire with his whole face in just skeleton before he collapses dead.

Anglesmith Origins[]


Gus is also present for Deathstroke's hiring for Bender. Fring reveals to Bender he is here, as he heard Bender and the others were fighting the Cartel from his superiors who he is trying to break away them Now that he knows, he insisted on Deathstroke getting Bender to work with them as now they have an another ally against Eladio and the Cartel

Double Life Emergance[]

Act 1[]

Episode 1[]

Gus Fring partners with Bender and Slade to fight the Cartel and to take revenge on Don Eladio and his group for killing his partner. He assists them using his connections and helps Slade build his empire while insuring Bender can get the upperhand against Eladio's cartel leaders. He and The President join up to look into the assassinations so they can discover what is Don Eladio and his men up to.

Episode 2[]

Gus discovers the culprit behind the attack on the group through Mike and Deathstroke and identifes him as Anton Chrieguth. Gus and Deathstroke manage to figure out that the Cartel stopped their attempt to warn the others of Anton. Gus does use his connections in the Cartel to figure out what their next move is and has Mike go to help at the hotel as he and Deathstroke's forces find a business partner alongside Professor Chang. Investigating an University of Supes, this is how Gus and his allies discover Chang's partner is the businessman, scam artist, Captain Planet villain Milton Midas.

Episode 3[]

Gus recognizes Midas as a Cartel associate and a very highly successful one due to his ability to bring in money, he is also aware that Midas's lack of standards and decides that in order to keep his own plans against The Cartel mainly Eladio he has to insure Midas is hindered and has his agents work to get any infomation that is possible. When Deathstroke inform Gus of Bender's dealing with Midas at Morgana's restaurant, Gus sees an opening to attempt some damage on Midas which they do.

Episode 4[]

Gus gets a call and learns about Midas way of getting around the law despite what he had Mike do regarding Saul as he had discovered who he answers to protected Midas by hiring Tom Hagen to represent them. He informs the president, that the Cartel ususally protects their top earner from Eladio and from the authorities with Milton being this for him, that Deathstroke as well as his allies have to impreachable when dealing with them.

Episode 6[]

Gus went back to his restaraunt to do his more legit business where he ending up serving Lydia who was ready to investigate with Lincoln after getting a breakfast special. He was also in a meeting with Bolsa about his earnings, as well the favor Milton Midas has with Eladio. Gus returns to Deathstroke and confirms that The Warden is complicit in the attempted murder on his allies forcing Deathstroke and Mike to make a quick measure and move of their own.

Act 2[]

Episode 7[]

He is present with Mike and implores him to make an impeachable way to acquire what he and his associates placed in the prison so Norton and The other cops don't get a scent of what they did.

Through Leon working alongside Lydia and Lincoln, Gus is able to discover that somehow his own henchmen were among the main bodies found in the Lake Chapula, Gus is skeptical about the idea they were all simply drowned in the ocean and tells Leon to look into this further and see if any of his false associates would do know anything about this.

Episode 9[]

Leon, Gus and Mike investigate the laundry mat and discover what Gus had in his meetings with Eladio discovering what Eladio wants out of Gus. As well testing the quality of this Bliss without trying the product. Leon and Mike are able to run tests for Gus and they discover it's potent effects at their hands that go beyond what occured earlier. Gus does admit they will have to keep pushing just to keep the money in so they can keep Eladio from deciding to kill Gus or them. It is agreed about that they should pretend Meth is Crack and just distribute it as Bliss so Gus can have Eladio off his back and aid his own designs

Deathstroke hears of the news that had occurred with the schools and the students from Felicity. Guzma, Merlyn and Tiger Claw are at least relieved that they were able to save a few people. As Gus, Leon and Mike managed to discover that Midas was running something as well and it was under covered by those kids when it came to the factory that produced the slurry.

Episode 10[]

Gus, Deathstroke, Felciity and Merlyn all end end being called by MIdas, Professsor Chang and Hector who are taunted and gloated to by Midas who says that he and the Professor have managed to make something spectacular so he can take revenge on all of them As Well as Hector being able to sabotage Gus's own business. Deathstroke calling Midas a coward, questioning why does he just go after them now. Midas says because he and the boy have been creating something to destroy infrastructure and it's just about time for the storm to begin. Felicity looks outside and she nots it's raining but not any rain.it's melting another building.

Episode 11[]

Gus has a lab prepared with Merlyn and Mike  as well with the president so they can study whatever they suspect is Milton Midas's plan with this auction of water. Gus and Mike both show awarity that Milton is plotting a trap with this water auction. Merlyn concurs due to redundancy being a consistent as a businessman that one has to learn. Deathstroke explains this is why he put them on the job to understand a corrupt businessman.

Thanks To Felciity managing to get some of the water from Midas handing to Deathstroke, they go down to the lab with Gus where the three run tests on the water handling it like meth which Gus has build his own empire   The three manage to discover that Milton Midas has contaminated this water and some of the other water he sold, Deathstroke suspected this the whole time due to what he knows on Midas's actions. Felciity decides that they should dump it, Deathstroke declines this as if they do it may be what Midas wants with this. He considers doing what was advised if nuclear fallout ever struck the world to do with the water. Gus agrees with him and they decide to boil the contaimated water.

Episode 12[]

Dee Dee and The Space Bandits were able to get some info out to Los Pollos Hermanos and have a meeting alone about how to find Don Eladio, as Slade and Bender now he''s the leader.Gus decides to use this as part of his design to go after the Cartel and tells them where Eladio lives. He does tell them to leave Hector for himself and as well as tell them. Turns how Midas had managed to do more than what was expected and he was able to infect Gus, Saul and Tigerclaw with Rat Rot as it happenes in front of the remaining Deathstroke Associates and Resistance.

Act 4[]

Episode 19[]

Gus is restored back to normal and having learning what Midas did, he calls in his men to deal with the Cartel to bring down Midas and insturcts the group to keep Hector Alive for him to save. This is what the heroes agree to do for Fring.

Multiversal Noir[]

Chapter 3[]

He was brought back by Deathstroke through the spear of destiny and brought back into his connection as the president and has Gus Fring work with his associates. Deathstroke advises Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan, HIlda, Captain Hero, Bean and Cleo to go Los Pollos Hermanod which Gus found and have some dinner there as well as having Gus meet them on business as well.

This goes accordingly as Gus meets Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo and Deathstroke after hours and they discuss their situation regarding the machine of multiversal hopping. Gus took the 4 to his factory farm and showed them the location to see if it was to their liking which they agree. Everyone then goes to the factory and put the machine to work. Gus scolds Captain Hero for stealing his product for trying to snort it for free and forces Hero to pay for reimbursements. Gus then heads off afterwards telling the crew to clean up after they are done.

Chapter 5[]

Gus has on his eye on Security for Deathstroke and his associates, this is when he notices Ratiskor and the Separtians have indeed found his compound. Knowing a fight is immeint, Gus has Mike lead his men to deal with Ratiskor's army as he gives a head up to Deathstroke and Bender.

Upon learning of Deathstroke and Bender's info regarding London, Gus arranges his men to pick up Bender and Anti Cosmo. Guzma joins them on Deathstroke's advice  as they pick up Anti Cosmo and Bender who had their friends distract them so they can head to London.

As everything winds down between the heroes, Deathstroke's assoicates and Ratiskor's army. Gus hires a clean up crew to make it look like the attack never happened, which Mike oversees.

The Prankster Point Paradox[]

While Mike is out assisting Deathstroke's plan, Gus Fring is busy attempting to investigate the Pranks A Lot Mob upon learning that former members of the Weridmagedon Cult joined in and this included Lalo Salamanca of the Salamanca his rival who was a former part of Toffee's empire


At the White House, Gus is contacted by Bender about putting contacts with Guzma as he has been drafted on another case. When When Bender, Luan, Marcy Wu, Ronnie Anne and Cricket visit the White House, Gus questions why Bender is doing this when he is still on that sabbatical regarding the Lizbeth case as they come to recruit Wile E.  Bender states Marcy Wu recruited him to this case and she can help him with this case.

Fring isn’t amused and states that Deathstroke was insistent that he take a break after the Lizbeth Case and that doing so will make his condition worse as he did keep track of this. Bender states he will be fine and Gus shouldn’t be so cautious about this.

With Bender, Luan, Marcy, Ronnie and Cricket bringing in Wile E, Gus decides he must control this situation himself in case Bender does go off the rails. Gus calls up his henchmen Victor and Tyrus to keep an eye on him and they arrive in a convertible where Fring joins up with them in riding too to pick up Cleo and later Slade’s team. Gus has them stay outside to cover Fring in case he is followed.

With Bender, Marcy, Guzma and Malcolm, he also manages to covince the gelated heroine G-LO to  join the case as Gus notes that someone with her attributes could be good to have in case.

Victor and Tyrus drop off Gus back to the White House to see Malcolm Merlyn who has a bug for him to use for suspecting the P.E.A.C.E Agency as G-Lo told them about.

Chapter 1[]

Gus upon learning about some of the work of the gangsters and mob under The Prankster makes a plan of it. He calls his mid level henchmen to look into it for him as he decides between him and Merlyn that they must get the kids involved.

Malcolm offers to pick up Ace and Hilda (AU) and calls his driver to get him to the compound where Deathstroke's associates are.

After Malcolm runs his own observation with them, Gus and Malcolm both find out from Gus's men Tyrus and Victor about F.O.W.L covering their name and renaming them the P.E.A.C.E Agency that is working with the mob.

Gus notes that Bradford is clearly attempting to hide in plain sight, but he knows the truth like everyone and that he is terrible at it which is why according to Merlyn, some Gumby wannabe is in charge instead. Malcolm and Gus agree that ensuiring Ace and Hilda to know about them is key to his and that as long as the two, Marcy, Bender and the others are on the case, They will have the upperhand against The Prankster.

Chapter 2[]

Ace Savry Jr and Hilda are staking out with Guzma to figure out the designs of the Prankster as they are observing Lorenzo, Chip Whistler and the others are doing their own work with Lorenzo leading it

Guzma connects with Fring to inform of their move, and Fring instates that what Guzma got on some of the mob and that he will have inacquires on this and sent Ace to go after it and Guzma agrees

Upon reaching a pier at a carnvial, both Guzma and Gus are called on this by Ace. Fring states to just keep a low profile on this and not make a spectacle of themselves.

Regarding the aftermath, Gus and Guzma both discuss the carnival setting with Gus explaining that this is one of the many hideouts of The Prankster. Guzma asks why use a carnival hideout, and Gus states that the butler is the one setting it up and that this is a common setting for this person. Guzma realizes and decides to tell him that they need to look more into amusments parks.

Chapter 3[]

Using what clues that Ace and Hilda found, they move way to another amusement park which Prankster has recolated yet another hideout of the many hideouts

Hilda questions traveling, and states then why work with all the criminials and mobsters and Shocker states it's all about money and influence, he was actually paid for his servivces. Ace asks where Prankster is hiding and he better tell him. Shocker states he doesn't know but he does know she likes amusement parks and theme parks lairs.

Gus looks into this as he overhears this and seem a bit unimpressed that this so called mastermind uses amusement parks.

The four of them find Gus, and Gus Fring reports that he may have a way to find the next hideout of The Prankster. Though he is still undettered that The Prankster is a criminal mastermind with that mentality.

Ace, Hilda and Guzma are unsure though that she shouldn't be taken seriously.  They ask where to get to.

Malcolm states that they would have to go to this next theme park. It's in the hot sun as he puts it and likes that carnival hideout, it's populated with people. Malcolm suspects that The Prankster hides there to make sure no one is after her will have the high ground as long as there are innocents. Gus does add to this from what Victor and Tyrus report, that as much as he underestimates The Prankster, she is making legitamely smart decisions by not harming innocents.

Gus shows them photos of what Victor took and they see dead bodies at the park horrfifying Guzma, Ace and Hilda. Gus adds that these people were the junkies he resents so much and anyone who tried to threaten her or her men.

Ace asks to be taken to the theme park and Merlyn accomodates this takes and takes his non bugged plane to go the theme park.

Ace, Hilda, Guzma, Gus and Merlyn all take their sail to the park and the former two decide to take a look into it all. Gus calls his men and that cased the area and it seems that The Prankster is around here yet again. Ace states that he and Hilda will go pursuing The Prankster in this hideout. Malcolm and Guzma warn them not to go too far, and act too hasty

.Gus is also quick to notice and orders the commander brought in. Sunblast shows up to intimdate Gus and he orders Tyrus to get the men to surround Sunblast which they do.

Tyrus and the rest of Gus's Men engage with Sunblast, they actually manage to do a great job at fending off the crazy man, though this is when Sunblast gains the upperhand and uses his true capabilites to put Tyrus and his men to shame. Knowing of Gus's criminal work, he decides to turn the chicken man in under Captain Putty. Gus keeps his cool and sees a plastic bag which he puts on Sunblast's head and knocks him over. Tyrus recovers and with some of Gus's men tie up Sunblast with zipties and the bag.

Gus arrives in a limousine with Victor driving and he states he has somethings of his own to report and it's about the newts, and some other people that they saw here. Gus doesn't mention this to Ace, Hilda or Kamela that it looks like his associates of associates are looking further into this.

Chapter 4[]

Gus holds a meeting with Bender, Marcy and Tom and discusses their deal with the cartel and what this means. Gus makes some calls and proves who was really behind he advises them to keep an eye in this regard.

Gus arrives to his other associates, Kamela asks about Gus, and Guzma explains that he was busy with their other contacts who are after The Prankster and the Pranks A Lot MOb.

Gus reveals to them that he has spoke with the P.I and his quirky partner and learned that The Cartel was involved and Prankster is working with them and their resources to use for her own plan. According to what he learned from his call to Bolsa that Eladio did so.

Malcolm and Guzma ask about what else did Bender and Marcy Wu figure out and Gus states he has Victor and Tyrus observing for any moves as  Mike is busy with the president. Gus reveals he also has another enforcer keeping eyes on things and Guzma states they'll get Scudsworth if needed.

Gus instructs his hencmen to head to Duckberg. Guzma and Merlyn both realize that Bender is there too in regards to Scudsworth taking a call with Bender about looking into that bug that Libby, Marcy and Bender planted in Chip's vechile in the gas tank and seeing if it's still active as they havn't as much as they know.

Malcolm gets his limsoine and has Guzma, Ms.Marvel, Ace, Gus  and Hilda get in and they take a long drive to Duckberg intend to get to the bottom of everything involved.

Ace wants to help himself and decides to fly off and face Titan. Kamela and Airlock continue fighting with each other neither side letting up while Guzma is doing what he can do to regardless of what's going on.

Titan and Ace's fight results in a draw as Titan reveals he was only sent to intervene and not kill them despite Airlock and other's orders. Malcolm drives his limosuine into the Mafia of Cooks as they try and take pot shots at them making Hilda go a little nuts and Gus remains calm and composed.

Ace is wrapping his head  around why isn't Prankster out to kill them despite being enemies, Hilda and Kamela are as well as they know she's a criminal and a villain but is refraining from murder unlike her associates.

Gus noting this as well even has the gun and arrow fight goes on and has his realzation in private. He knows what The Prankster is deisring and it's not simple destruction or anything it's a goal associated with what a typical teenager proably wants.  

The Trio are eventually corned by Razorbeard and Kaptain Skurvy corner them and attack them with a Robot Mecha and Skurvy holding a blunder buss

Ace, Kamela and Hilda all face them in the closed off room and they do their darnest to fight them off. The three do succeed in this though Razorbeard tries one more try to bring them over to the boss though this foiled by Merlyn who arrows them and arrives on time.

Ace beats Kaptain Skurvy and throws his cannon ball back at them as they all leave. Merlyn has a motor boat at the island and drives them back to Duckberg where they see Guzma and Gus waiting.

This is when they see The Prankster who is on her own way to a hidden temple and Guzma decides to purse this with Ace and Kamela not to far behind. Merlyn, Gus and Hilda though stay as the three head off.

The Prankster shows up with Lorenzo, Captain Putty, Chip Whistler, The Robot Mafia, The Cook of Mafias, Dr.Carol Lineus, Bradford, Black Heroin, Commander Airlock, Kaptain Skurvy, Razorbeard, Dick Dastardly, Titan, and new recruit Fat Cat and Shocker which shocks Ace and Hilda as they put him away with Gus, Malcolm and Guzma as they radio them on this. Gus states that his men found out about this and they have their man on them,

Chapter 5[]

Slade, Sasha, Tom, Libby, Celes, Gus Fring, Scrooge and Amity all make a visit to Quahog as they arrive at the Griffin Household.

Slade explains Stewart is a genius, and has been to build time machines and dimenisonal travel before. Gus states and he is relaible, Slade states that he is as reliable as a genius in a baby's body can be here. Celes sides with Gus and questions this though Tom and Scrooge decide to keep a close eye on Sasha and Libby in turn.

Gus and Celes both ask to see Stewie's stuff and Stewie shows them his stuff and Celes states that yeah this kid is a genius but is still a baby. Gus thinks on this and states that they will allow but under supervision for the baby, though he will not endagner this child. Stewie takes offense to this nautrally and state as long as that libarbian doesn't keep underplaying him he'll be fine.

Libby states that Gus is just a cautious guy to Stewie and that he'll be fine and that they just need him for a while.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Celes, Cleo, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Gus, Malcolm, Tigerclaw, Guzma, G-Lo, Sasha, Grime, Libby, Amity, Tom and Scrooge all come back with Lucius, Stewie and Dr.Blowhole and the latter 2 go to help out Harry, Wile E, Scudsworth and Benny with their stuff as they put the Innator repair into work.

Chapter 6[]

King Andrias, Wile E, Cleo, Ms.Marvel, Libby, Ace, HIlda, all find Deathstroke's associates Gus, Malcolm, Scudsworth, Guzma and Tiger Claw who arrive at the restaurant  and they all arrive to take a seat in place of the Springfield Mafia and Gus keeps his eyes alert to make sure they can't finger him here

Libby and Hilda sneak out of the diner and Gus sees them and this is when Gus has revealed his trap, he needed the house address of both Don Bolsa and Don Eladio as Libby presents them to him. Hilda asks what Gus is going to do with this and Gus states he will stop them from preventing from them from feeling safe and that The Salamancas will have to be drawn out and that he can take out the rest of them. Libby and Hilda understand this as Gus sends his men to keep the houses guarded as they got their IDS

Gus comes back to Guzma, Tigerclaw, Malcolm and Scudsworth and warns them and the others that Lorenzo might have cut out the Cartel and they themselves chased them out. The Cartel will continue to operate and that it will take something bigger to do, though he intends to save that for later.

Marcy, Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Cleo, King Andiras, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Celes, Wolverine, Homer, Hit Girl, Kick Ass, Callohun, Libby, Tom, Amity, Scrooge, G-LO, Sasha, Grime, Kamela, Ace, Hilda,  Guzma, Gus, Malcolm, Scudsworth and Tiger Claw all observe as the dimension shatter and bring in another universe. This is when they all see the Nimbus with Bender moaning why is he here?

The Nimbus then beams the entire crew up with the whole group wondering what the hell is going on.

Chapter 7[]

Gus Fring after meeting with Nixon and the others with the rest sits this operation out. However he decides to oversee the plans made by the group as they are equipping for their battle with Luan Sassfrass.

Gus not a fighter, decides to co-ordinate the overall battles with The Death Stars and the mutant rabbit and has his men who go after The Mafia Goon and SHocker.

Eventually Gus kicks Zapp out of his commander position and acts as commander allowing the operations to go smoothly.  As Zapp caused casusalites with his carelessness.

Gus brings up the anomality after the Mob is taken out and advises the crew the way to shut it down.


Fring oversees the gangsters, mob and cartel assoicates locked up and he seems pleased that The whole team managed to bring some damage to the Juarez Cartel. Knowing about the Blights situation, Gus hands Emila and Eldric their payment of the job for weakening the Cartel to give Alador

Gus gives a offer for Marcy, Bender and the others to join in taking out the Salamancas and the Juraez Cartel with their skills, they can truly help him get his revenge on the Cartel.  Bender turns him down as he works for the President unoffically, as does the others. Though they are willing to help him at least take down the Juarez Cartel remains after realizing that The Prankster was working on the inside to bring the Cartel to Fring and was only using the money and resources they had to get to her own goal.

Gus accepts this choice knowing that Marcy, Bender and their friends are allies of the President like he is and tells them to see him at one of his restaruants and to call his head of security in case they stumble upon cartel work.

Tigerclaw is waiting for Gus and Gus asks Tigerclaw if he did recover some things in relation to the Cartel. Tigerclaw has IDS, and the weapons and presents them that it was given them to Putty. Gus states that Putty was working with the Cartel, the Pranks A Lot MOb and being a diry cop all just for money. Disgusted with this from both of their perspectives and are unimpressed that despite this, The Prankster was a step ahead of Putty and managed to put him into the ground.

Tigerclaw offers to keep an eye on Putty in the cell they're putting him in away from the rest of the mob. Gus advises against this as it will tip their hand and Putty may know of their connections and that it must be unimpentrable.

Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Gus and Mike join Deathstroke to go after Emperor Belos and his crew, though they are the only anti heroes part of his associates to work with him as Deathstroke decided to give his men some time off.


Marcy put a phone call to Fring as it turns out as she was dealing with the Blot, and this is when Gus and Deathstroke send Mike to go find them using Marcy's phone co-ordinates. Mike equips himself with a sniper riffle and heads out.

A Limousine appears and it's Deathstroke and Gus Fring who tell them that it's not safe here in the Boiling Isles which the Owl House crew agree with considering Belos. Deathstroke states that he was thankful that Mike got here. When questioned why he didn't take action himself, Deathstroke admits he couldn't tip his hand to Mina and her allies, she would figure out yes but he wanted to be smart.

Kamela and Deathstroke adress that attack with that monster that Ford and Jauna told them about was a Demogrogon but one from Russia. Deathstroke states that he has Mike do some digging with Gus and they found out about the Upside Down that The Mind Flayer may have returned.

Jauna doesn't believe saying that they killed the Mind Flayer. Deathstroke states that some kind of influence may still linger if that thing was still around. Anne and Ford agree with Ford suspecting Marcus may have opened the Upside Down again because of his posession.

Kamela and Deathstroke state Mike and Gus did a through investigation on Marcus and they say that Marcus didn't open any gate and that The Soviets may have had a hand as one was kept as a way to feed prisoners.

Mike and Gus  hand Marcy a envelope telling her that the two did some digging around and that they have found more info on what Marcy's projcet is about. Gus does advise Marcy that she shouldn't proceed with this on top of what is now known and hand to her associates.

Marcy proceeds to do just that.

Chapter 1[]

Deathstroke is texted by Larke on Lincoln's advice and he decides to take Kamela, Gus and Mike with him to Loch Loud in turn who Lydia and Truman see come in.

Lydia and Truman both notice something and it's Deathstroke and Kamela being transferred by Gus and Mike. Gus and Mike managed to make contact under Marcy and Deathstroke's orders and know they have contacts as well as no risk can be made when dealing with what's going on.

Mike is busy investigating something as he finds out stuff about Loch Loud and comes to realize that the magical items of Loch Loud and the Dragon Nessie might all fueled by magic and that if this empire Deathstroke mentioned wants anything, it could something about these artifacts and dragons as he and Gus discuss matters

Gus is skeptical, but doesn't rule it out and orders Mike to set a steak out for the Empire and wait for a move. Mike Agrees and makes a request to get some good operatives.

Ford suspects Belos is mapituplating him and Larke does believe this to do an extent as does Truman that Belos may really know something

Ford and Jauna though both agree that they need to go after Belos and wait with Deathstroke getting a contact to Gus and Mike so they can set a plan

Deathstroke, Truman and Larke are all discussing what Mike and Gus found and suspect and that that they are scoping what Mike and Gus think. Truman and Larke tell Deathstroke what Sasha told the latter and that they need to keep an eye out for their next move.

While Anne, Hilda, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Angus have their own suspcions with the latter two realizing that they have to find Leia as the dragon could be in danger as Mike, Deathstroke and Gus radio them and reveal that Belos is after magic and that they have been scoping them.

Lincoln, Lydia, Deathstroke, Mike, Gus, Kamela, Mulder and Scully are all meeting about what the former two told the crew and that it may be wise to look into what consitutes the event that happens.

Gus and Mike will need time to figure out stuff on Belos. Lincoln and Lydia notice how MIke and Gus aren't calling them on their secrey, Deathstroke states the two of them appreciate the discretionary they are using.

Kamela decides to help Mike and Gus to investigate the empire which Deathstroke agrees putting a phone call to.

Chapter 2[]

Mike phones Gus and Deathstroke and infroms them of what he saw and observes what was up as a result of the attack. Deathstroke advises Mike to follow the Empire in case and that spefically puts him in charge of a certain target

Mike inquires the target, Gus informs him that of Big Jack Horner and he may be bit of a top consideration. Deathstroke and Gus inform Mike that he will have to be careful which Mike states he will and heads out.

Deathstroke and Gus radio Eclpisa and the others and they explain what happened to Hunter, Amity and the others to the two.  Deathstroke tells them to head to another place where magic is bound, and also to cure Globgor of his wound. When Lillith and Eda question this, Gus shows them a map of where to go next. He and Deathstoke advise to let Kamela and Mike find Sid, Luz and Lisa for him

Chapter 3[]

Gus is called by Mike who reports what he found out on The Horner and Magic High Comission due to their tailing of Sid and the others. Gus takes a second to think and advises Mike to not allow Horner to preach their defenses and that he should put a call to the robot in case Horner goes after him with the Comission, as he states that if he does. That could be bad for them too.

Gus is infromed of Sid once more being careless by Mike, and upon hearing of The portal, Gus begins working on the case of interdeminsonal scissors as this seems familar to him and believes some of Deathstroke's old assiocates may know something about this and pays them a visit.

Gus is called by Mike that he found the kid and that she also has a pair of those scissors. Gus informs Mike that Deathstroke's old associates are familar with them. They remembered that Toffee lead an attack on The Magic Comission, he also states that what he does know is that The Spear of Destiny must have ressurected them to an extent when it was used, simlar to wha was reported by The President.

Though he does suspect accruately that the Comission was corrupt the whole time and that for as bad as Toffee was. They were no better.

He instructs Mike to get the crew and find Deathstroke so make the next possible move.

Gus eventually arrives in Brighton after Marcy and the others repel the two of The Chairman's ghosts. He is quick to note something is going on and learns Deathstroke and Mike to it, he has gotten word of Belos's plans and that they must do something about them but as well as unusal water temperature rising in north west.

Chapter 4[]

Ford, Grime and Crowley meet up with Deathstroke, Gus and Mike and notice that their men are enaging with Belos and his coven. Deathstroke informs them of what they have been dealing with, He and them have facing off with Belos's coven and they have been part of certain kinds of magic according to Belos's tight rules. Mike states his operatives have been looking into things and apart from 3 of them every single head of the coven is working with this guy.

Gus directs Mike to look into The Phantom Blot and go after him due to what he and Mike looked into. Mike equips himself with his pistol and sliencer to go after Blot and he notices the Gauntlet on him and observes how Blot just drains anyone rebelling against Belos of their magic.

Rowena and Jack Horner manage to escape as well from Crowley, Deathstroke and Mike and they get Eda, Ford and Lillith. They question the words Belos has said and the others. Mike has the gauntlet and will have this thing looked into by Deathstroke. Gus is quick to note that Belos's intent was a distraction and that it will take shape so they need to see what Belos and co are up to, but also to study the gauntlet The Blot was using.

Chapter 5[]

Deathstroke hands Gus and Mike their assignments upon learning of Bender's involvement from Kamela, who was with the others. Gus's assignment is to figure out what is exactly going on Sid's side of things now knowing that Bender is with them as well as Slade and his group. He figures out that the crew is heading to Anti Fairy World for something, persumably related to the Calamity Box as he was privy to when he assisted them against The Prankster.

This is what he reports to the president, and Mike recovers the Henry Creel file from the lab and all of Dr. Brenner took in which Gus overlooks as they discover Brenner was trying to replicate Henry's psychic powers on multiple test subjects

Chapter 6[]

He hands this to Deathstroke and learns that Bender and Slade are planning something with Celes and Eclipsa to get reinforcements to prepare for Belos and his fight with them respectfully. Gus decides a counter measure to make is have Mike get reinforcments to help out with this plan as he learns from Kamela.

Chapter 7[]

Gus and Deathstroke with Mike and Kamela arrive in Hexside with their reinforcements to see Team Free Will and Bender who have both crossed paths. Gus and Mike made their own strategy plan with Deathstroke and their group to take out Vecna and to help Lydia defeat Vecna as the Infinity Gauntlet might be the best way according to Mike and him

Chapter 8[]

Gus, Deathstroke and the others take on Vecna's forces and Gus masterminds the sealing the Upside Down sealing with them


He learns Bender dealt with Jack Horner and that's another blow to the Cartel that Deathstroke's group, Bender, Marcy Wu and Slade's empire have been facing off with. He and Mike decide to take it from there.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Gus sends Mike to help The Bad Guys, Bender and his friends as well as Slade's Empire deal with Don Eladio and The Cartel, through this, Gus takes down the Cartel and has Hector delivered to him by Mike, The Bad Guys and Team Rocket.

The Bad Guys and The Boys[]

Hector was confirmed to gave died at the hands of Gus, though Gus Fring was also killed himself by an unknown assailant alongside Mike



Gus kills the Cartel - Breaking Bad "POLLOS"
