Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

House (full name Doctor Gregory House) is a character that hails from the House Universe. He is one of the Multi-Universe's finest doctors as he almost always manages to cure any of his patients he had.

He is played by Hugh Laurie.

Best Friends: Dr.Wilson, Saul Goodman, Bender and Skipper

House is a cynical, athetlsist jerk who is highly misanthropic and is very snarky of others often calling people idiots. Very Often He does things that would cause any normal doctor to get arrested and / or his medical license revoked. His Only True Friend is Doctor James Wilson who he occasionally fights with but has proven to be a true friend to him when he learned Wilson has cancer. Despite his cynicalness and insanity, he is a fine ass empathic doctor who desires to save people and the reason he acts cynical is because he doesn't want to be hurt again after his bad breakup with his old girlfriend over a surgery that cost him her and his right leg that he has to walk with using a crutch. As apart to the amoral things he's did, his most amoral act was driving a car into his ex-girlfriend's house.

The Grand Summer Season Trek[]

After a good long years of his show, he faked his death while contemplating life and this meant he couldn't practice medicine. That is until Bender and The B Team met him. House is hired by Bender and The B Team to be their doctor whenever they have a medical problem, He agrees to their cases knowing that dark and trouble pasts are required to go within 100 distant feet. His cynicalness and eccentricity may cause troubles but he is brilliant and finds way of solving just about anything. He manages to find a way to cure the incurable Bubblegum but she refuses which he respects, Then House calls up Bender to report about his new patient, Bender knowing who it is allows him to treat the patient but tells House not to tell them that House works for him. Dr.House is Bender's most commonly seen Honorable member and he also helps Flame Princess by finding a way to restraint her flame powers. House shows again when The Shadowness is degenerating and he finds a way to save it with Julian and Snake's help. By using Foxdie to overwrite his corrupted genes, He continues serving as the doctor to the team, such as when he checked on Flapjack after a gunshot from Bertham and he managed to figure out Sari's true origins quickly when he tested her after an injury. House is also friends with Boomer, Nina and Lizbeth as he helped in solving Nina's cancer.

Totally Mobian Spies[]

He shows up on the ship to treat Mandark and his infected brain due to Nemesis and during the time he decides to go with brain surgery. The Surgery is a successful one and he manages to get with help from Frost. When Snake begin suffering rapid aging, House is determined to fix Snake's genes despite the unlikeness. His friends wonder how he gets away with doing things like bonging Rainbow Dash on the head or punching out patents, House answers that he is the best there is and people need him. House then takes Bender, Skipper, King Julian and Asami to see Snake's condition. House then gets Fiona and the girls in his clinic and notices that Fiona has actually some stretchy marks from her pregnancy a year ago. House then takes the entire crew as his patients should they be injured and decides to have Brass Derobotized while also nursing Betty's friends with the right treatment. Frost wonders how he does this. House is not just successful with Brass but he also manages to get Jerry back to health.

House then somehow finds Bender and the rest as Starfire is ready to deliver. He explains to them why Starfire got pregnant and then delivers the babies.

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

House returns and once again assumes his role as the doctor and he even does more stuff like that. Like Brick and Butch people outside of Bender's team know him mostly Starfire. He treats Master Chief who got a bit hurt in his battle and he meets The Arbiter. He then gives treatment to their new member Angry Video Game Nerd while making his assumptions on the cryptic enigma given to the team

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

House returns as the doctor again when Skipper and Liz call him, he helps Strange with his tests and diagnosis. They confirm regarding Isabella that she has a mutation that has being dormant since Legends of Light and Darkness. When some of the others wonder how it's possible House states "Because that's the Multi-Universe any crazy thing can happen."

House enters Gold's pawn shop with the rest as they revive J.O's power gloves and he sarcastically points out if they have gotten any closer to finding out about all the water he feels his feet are in almost all day in. House is with Dr.Strange as they diagnose a second condition in the mutantism which he sees as scalding. House is called by Jack regarding Isabella collapsing. House decides to be his usual self and cracks “Hello, sick people and their loved ones! In the interest of saving time and avoiding a lot of boring chitchat later, I'm Doctor Gregory House; you can call me "Greg." I'm one of three doctors staffing this clinic this morning. I am a board... certified diagnostician with a double specialty in infectious disease and nephrology. I am also the only doctor currently employed at this clinic who is forced to be here against his will. That is true, isn't it? But not to worry, because for most of you, this job could be done by a monkey with a bottle of Motrin. Speaking of which, if you're particularly annoying, you may see me reach for this: this is Vicodin. It's mine. You can't have any. And no, I do not have a pain management problem, I have a pain problem. But who knows? Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm too stoned to tell. So, who wants me? And who would rather wait for one of the other two guys? Okay. Well, I'll be in Exam Room One if you change your mind.”

Before checking the case and telling them she is going to mutate into a mermaid again. House finds himself with Mr.Gold on his mission and House learns that Victor Sullivan has been recruited by Mr.Gold to help him in his plan against The Children of BlackGarurumon. Aeon takes the crew successfully back to the 1930s where he, Gold and House head to the Wizard of Oz universe with the other three taking a head to the Snow White Universe.House comes in briefing them while waiting for Trunks, Travis and Victor as Aeon and Gold are looking for herbal plants to cure mermaidism. House gets the heart from the Hunter Force and begins working on it while the others chill and deal with Cronus.

House then is called to treat Captain Hook by the heroes as he conditions him as having broken rips. He also does this with Belle and he with Twilight calls Black Star for a way of restoring Belle's memory. Everyone joins up and destroys the Internment camp, burning it to the ground with "Another Brick in the Wall" while killing any army remaining.

Allies and enemies[]

Friends: Dr.James Wilson, Bender, Skipper, Jorgen Von Strangle, Finn, Marceline, Ice King, Heloise, Django of the Dead, King Julian, Twilight Sparkle, Frida Suarez, Spike, Shining Armor, Sagat, Stan Smith, Sari Sumdac, Flame Princess, Solid Snake, The Shadowness, Princess Morbucks, Mandark, Q, Brick, Butch, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Boomer, Nina Cortex, Lizbeth, Raiden, Soldius Snake, Sally Acorn, Jake Miller, Applebloom, Sweetie Pie, Swolattoo, Protoman, X5, Sparkley, Noah Parker, Hugo Brass, Professor Calamitous, Master Chief, Cortana, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, Asami Sato, Frost, Merida, Pinky, The Brain, Edd, Atomic Betty, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Aang, Katara, Zuko, Hiccup, Astrid, Picard, Riker, Worf, Master Chief, Cortana, Spyro, Cynder, Sparx, Danny Phantom, Dipper Pines, Mabel Pines, El Tigre, Princess Bubblegum, Falco Lombardi, Phineas, Ferb, Isabella, Gru, Hellboy, Jack Sparrow, Jill Valentine,Princess Morbucks, Professor Pericles, Asoka Tano, Profion, Mushu, Betty, Noah, X5, Sparkly, Obi Wan, Protoman, Sherry Birkin, Tak, Megaman and Roll, The Arbiter, Wizardmon, Fox Xanatos, Balthzar Blake, Starfire, Axel, The Arbiter, Angry Video Game Nerd, Axl, Alie, Jack Frost, Saul Goodman, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Discord (Possibly), Kratos, Dr.Strange, Alexander Fox  Xanatos, Android 16, Batman, Batman Beyond, Big Barda, Blythe Baxter, Carl  Clover, Dan, Eska, Grey, Jessie, James, Minster Miracle, Mysterion, Norman, Sam, Sunil, Zoe, Tony Animeda and The Flash, Sora, Anna, Biyomon, Death The Kid, Jack Bauer, Suede, Gohan,  Mr. Gold, Discord, Makoto, Dr.Manhattan, Stan, Wendy, Will Vandom, Blue, Protoman, Magneto, Jesu Otaku, Salem, Ozymandias, Aleu, Jean Grey

Enemies: Vilgax, Discord, Vilgax's allegiance, Iron Queen, Iron Queens Syndicate, Sigma, The Sigma Organization, GBF and his squad, Minster Sinister, The Sinisters of Evil, BlackGarurumon and The Children of BlackGarurumon




House M.D, Opening Theme - HD - WideScreen


House M.D. Clinic with House.

House= multiuniversal's most ecentric doctor
