Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Grace Wain is a character who was first introduced in The Tenuous Takedown of the Tyrannical Teachertrons, replacing Melvinborg as the superintendent of Jerome Horwitz Elementary School.


In The Taxing Trauma of the Treacherous Tattle Trials Part 2, it is revealed that she is actually a future version of Erica Wang, who time-traveled to ensure her child self's entry into Eliteanati Academy.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Chapter 7: X Marks The Spot[]

Mrs. Wain is an ally of Luan and while Luan is in charge of her team, she calls a good deal of the shots and manages to get the group together with Cecil, Larke and the others to go after the 2 stones in sight.

Joining Luan, Ren and her friends they start at Japan and save The other Thieves from Dark Arrow and his forces with his alter ego Plungerina.

Learning of the Time Stone, Grace figures out immediately that what it really is and where through her deductions and manages to get the others to Hong Kong to find the Time Stone.

The group finds the stone and this is when Stormfront and others try to bring them down for the Time Stone and try to have Hellboy cause the end of the world. She leads the others with them to their escape and decides to let the Time Stone go to Dark Arrow, as they still have the edge

Grace reports what they dealt with and while not acquiring the Time Stone, they take relief at a Gauntlet not existing.

Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]

Grace helps the heroes and sends them off to find the Power Stone as she runs an investigation about the strange occurences as of late, she discovers Felciity Smoak has absorbed some of the energy of the Space and Reality Stones. As Felicity explains to them, Mrs. Wain realizes that it went further than that looking at the camera and notices that she also has some of the energy of the time and mind stones.

Grace feels that Dark Arrow may be sizing her up to use for his own ends, or alternatively Elsa Schindler is trying to use this for her own ends. She is right on the money as it turns out and then as Plungerina goes to the other heroes and tells them what happened with Felciity and sends them off to save her as they deal with The New Reichmen

During her own fights she finds the shards of the duplicate Infinity Stones, realizing someone destroyed them and she takes them to make sure they're destroyed so no one else can use them. Afterwards, she asks Dakota and Cavendish to drop her off in the past. She has something she needs to ensure.

War of The Streams[]

It turns Grace wants to assure her past self gets to where she is going and she helps out the Streaming Resistance as a result to ensure it. Learning of Frank Underwood and his plans for the Streamverse and Mutltiverse, she makes an effort to guide the group respectfully. Knowing of her Luan's alliance with Bender and Slade's groups as well she gets Bean and Nacho to work as well learning that Cartman had also found them as well.

Through their trivalations, they manage to bring down Frank Underwood though not without taking personal losses, she decides to return to her timeline knowing that Erica is on the right path now.


Chapter 1[]

Erica before the events got in contact with Lydia as a 10 year old which Grace decided she needed to keep an eye on Lydia who Grace knows as Luan's little brother's 14 years and ongoing girlfriend.

Chapter 2[]

Grace has been secretly aiding Erica and the Streaming Resistance respectfully having returned to help out. She did this to keep track of Lydia and Lincoln who Grace was friends with respectfully and knew on a personal level. She and Kate Bishop worked together to have Allen go looking for them respectfully as Team Free Will's leader is connected to the Virtumites

Chapter 3[]

Part 2[]

Grace and Kate are with Allen and they go after N.Tropy's associates with Kregg leading the charge. Grace comes prepared with the weakness of the Virtumites she knows from her time. She uses her knowledge well to help tranquilize Mark and then helps Allen deal with Krell who tries to kill Mark and Allen.

Using her skills and status as a seantor, Grace gets Mark to care and advises Allen to leave a note for Mark when he feels better. Grace decides to use her status as a time agent to see if any help should be needed. She calls up her past self and informs what she knows on The Trolberg situation.

Chapter 4[]

-She and Allen respectfully report what they know to Thandues as Kate Bishop does her own observations on Mark respectfully. She learns the boys, Erica and Nate have came to see Mark through Kate Bishop and the two go respectively to the room. She tells Mark about why they're here and that Lydia and Lincoln are on this case as well

Realizing what Melvin Borg and Kregg are up to and with a temp ally, they go chase them through the planets against their armies and finding the crystals to neutralize him. After sending the 4 back, Grace Wain decides to head back To Trolberg to find the kids

Regrouping with Kate Bishop, the two women manage to nativgate through the waste land and notice Mulder, Scully and Jaune and follow suit to find them. The two do not some Spider Frogs, which Grace deducts is cloned from certain technology

After Crocker flees with Phinium and Lydia, Grace heads off to pursue the situation in the Peacemaker Universe

Part 2[]

Grace overhears of what has gone from the other agents and the recent mass causalities that has occurred respectfully which has her pick up the details and realizes that this was a personal attack. She and Kate find out Spot and his forces are making some plans in the Peacemaker Universe and decide to get the other agents to follow suit with them.

They arrive to the Peacemaker Universe and find Crocker, Van Gale and Melvin Borg and Grace goes after Melvin Borg as she has suspect he may have a hand in the actions committed she heard of. She ain't far off on this as he does some assess to have some of their technology and once he flees. Grace figures out Melvin Borg is working with either a rogue time agent, a time master or something as she reports.

Grace decides to get her past self, Lincoln, Lydia, Wednesday, Eleven, The Robot to join her. She compares notes with Wednesday as she finds out the Addams was looking into this.

Chapter 5[]

Grace manages to bring the team to the Bureau and mentions how they have a sense of control over time and that she has been put in charge of the other agents that keep eyes on the group.

When Lydia and Lincoln question this, Grace admits that the two are of them are a different case as they are her friends too. Grace says that she, Lydia and Lincoln have all been friends since their childhood and still are in their young adult years,  Grace keeps some of the details from them so they don't know too much about their future, apart from certain facts like they are still together, are perfectly functioning and living a normal life

When they discover what happened and why the Brown Kids, Lydia and Lincoln were brought in. Grace tells the 4 that she wanted to make sure they were aware of this so they do what they can to avoid similar fates. She has her past self find them to insure their safety, though Erica was always going to become friends with them.

Grace asks Wednesday for her visions respectfully and uses a machine to assess her sight of them and then decides to look into this after this is all done. When Melvin Borg arrives with N.Tropy's time agents. Grace fights back against them and when she learns Lydia and Lincoln are being sent into a hunt for the Robotoid, she suspects something is going down unlike timeline events and sends Hobie to go after them as he has the most personal history with them and having came across Mulder and Scully.

Grace decides that it's more important to get the others to safety and she joins up with The Brown Kids to get the others to Flying Rhino Junior High

When they arrive, Grace and the others all work together with The Streaming Resistance and the Team Free Will crew to deal with the rest of Spot's associates

Grace Wain keeps the others safe as the main characters all go to take on Spot who has made his arrival in Flying Rhino.

Chapter 6[]

Grace Wain decides to tag up with the others to avoid False Groudon and to insure the group is able to reverse the monster's energy. She joins Jules and Verne in their time train to distract it, but they end up get tentacled by the False Groudon. Grace isn't upset knowing the group will restore it

This is she is proven right about after being restored and False Groudon being destroyed and afterwards, she heads back to her timeline with her other allies.


Grace and her friends as well as allies return to their timeline and she sees Warren as well as LL007. Grace is apparently revealed to be the latter's boss but is on first name basis with her, she tells LL007 and Warren to just take it easy for the time being. The three discuss their past selves and how they are getting close to learning about N.Tropy and how Wednesday should be the one explaining him to them, as she is getting the closest to learning about him.

She knows N.Tropy is in hiding but she'll find him and his female counterpart. Grace advises they go to P.E.I for a week or two. She can handle both jobs for them, noting they work a bit too hard when on the clock.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 3[]

Part 8[]

Joining Spider Noir, she and him both get to her old school and join Bender and Anti Cosmo in their investigation and help the two get their hands on Melvin Borg who she detained to get info from him to get closer to what N.Tropy is scheming. When the others discuss what she is up to, Grace deactivates Melvin Borg and the 4 discuss what they do know about N.Trophy's plans and end up dealing with the OMENS that have come after them which she is familar with.

Afterwards, Grace and Noir discuss Bender and AC going back to their timeline that as much as her friends think Lizbeth is the old multiverse's anchor. She believes Bender is the actual anchor and persumably the anti fairy and his own employer for the multiverse's old era. When Noir questions if Grace should tell Lizbeth, Grace says that she isn't completely sure she knows Lydia and Lincoln are the new era's anchors and she needs to be absolutely sure the three are the ones for the old era.

Grace arrived back in her timeline to tell Lizbeth of what she undercovered and leant from Bender and Anti Cosmo. As Lizbeth is desiring to do something about this sensing something about being unusual. Grace decides to agree despite the rules of time as Lizbeth can inflitrate Tek Knight at Veron Manor using that she is a supe and an beautiful young woman as a good cover.

Part 9[]

She and Spider Noir send off Lizbeth, Cassie, Ren, Kate and Kelly to the past with Cavendish and Dakota so they can investigate the matter. Grace also hands a wire to Lizbeth and her friends to look into any other connections as She and Noir both need an eye on Lincoln, Lydia, Bender and Anti Cosmo since Noir has a gut feeling about Anti Cosmo being the old multiverse's anchor like Bender just like Lydia and Lincoln are this in the new one. They both keep track of everything through their observations and even notice the reverse uno cards pulled by Fifi and Tek Knight.

Grace has Spider Noir hijack the Time Bureau with Grace discovering he was right int that Bender, Anti Cosmo, Lincoln and Lydia are holding the multiverses of old and new. Due to Bender as well as Anti Cosmo and Slade still being highly active now and The other two being a different kind of hero according to Grace Wain.

After Lizbeth returns with her friends, she and the gang question Grace on what she knows on Bender, AC and Slade's involvement with all this and she just gives answers after having Lincoln's grandparents return.

Chapter 6[]

Grace informs LL007 and Detective Steele of what N.Tropy has been doing and that he was intentionally trying to keep them distracted to prevent Neo Vought from doing anything here. She says that they will have to make an operation that will have to go underway.

Book 2: Interlude[]
