Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Gorn in his Bio Armor

Gorn is a Dragon Ball Oc created by ItzBeto and a character in the LOTM stories/series. A member of Frieza's Race, and commander of the Galactic Squadron G, Gorn is really not, and doesn't consider himself, a space tyrant like his other kin, and is rather more "Neutral".


Height: 156 cm

Weight: Unknown

Power Level(s):

3,750,000 (Current)


Unlike Frieza, Gorn does not consider himself evil, but rather neutral. He might conquer some planets as well, but in fact, he might even help others on occasions, either to leave a good impression of them, or simply to convince them to join his squadron. Despite that, Gorn can get desperate depending on the situation, and won’t hesitate to do dangerous tactics (Such as blowing up a planet)


Physical/Racial Abilities[]

As usual, Gorn possesses the ability to fly, Charge his Energy and use Ki. Some of his racial abilities include able to transform into weaker forms, which Gorn rarely seems to do.

Ki Blasts[]

Gorn can obviously use Ki Blasts, which are energy spheres made up of Ki. Gorn's Ki blasts are purple in color.

Gorn-Energy Spheres

Power Blitz[]

Gorn is able to draw his hand back and charges two swirling pink/blue energy spheres, and then brings his hand forward to fire two purple energy spheres at the opponent.

Death Beam[]

Like Frieza, Gorn is able to use the Death Beam technique.

Death Beam

Emperor's Edge[]

Gorn is able to fire a fiery gold and red slashing energy wave at the opponent. As soon as it hits the opponent, a large explosion in the shape of a blade appears, knocking away his opponent.


Violet Buster[]

Similar to Raditz's Weekend technique, Gorn is able to charge two purple Ki spheres, and fire them in unison, creating a powerful energy beam.


Emperor's Death Beam[]


Supernova G[]


DBFZ Cooler AtomicSupernova2


  • Gorn was made on Xenoverse 2, as seen in his image.