Super Saiyan Rose
"I look down on existence from a much higher perspective than you do. I witness this world, this universe and the truth of all things. That yields deeper understanding. Wisdom. The realization that all mortals should be destroyed. The one and only mistake among all divine creations. That is what mortals are. And this mistake is egregious. To shape existence into the beautiful utopia it was always meant to be, the mistake must be corrected. I will purge all mortals from existence. In place of the gods WHO REFUSE TO ADMIT FAILURE!!" - Goku Black to Future Trunks
Goku Black (ゴクウブラック, Gokū Burakku), usually just referred to as Black, is the main antagonist of the Future Trunks Saga of Dragon Ball Super. His true identity is Zamasu (ザマス; Zamasu) from an unaltered timeline, in which he stole the body of Goku and sought to destroy all mortals alongside Future Zamasu. He was given the name "Goku Black" by Future Bulma when he initially referred to himself as Son Goku.
Before acting on his dark impulses, as Zamasu, he was a calm and patient individual, willing to listen to his teacher's words. However, he long harbored an utter hatred for mortals, perceiving them as a blasphemy and the gods' greatest mistake. He also came to hate the gods as well for not doing anything about their "mistake". After giving in to his desires, Zamasu mercilessly killed his former master as his first step down a dark path. Despite his cruel, aggressive, and certainly unsympathetic actions, even to his own kind, Zamasu feels perfectly vindicated, truly seeing no evil in his actions, after he scoured several timelines as proof that mortals are a corruption of existence as a whole that prevents it from becoming a true paradise. He also believes that humanity has only continued to exist for all this time because the gods are too prideful to acknowledge their failure in creating mortals. Also, rather than using the Super Dragon Balls from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 6 to wish for mortals to be exterminated, he preferred to wish to switch bodies with Goku from the unaltered main timeline within Universe 7, displaying his infatuation with the Saiyan. This also seems to suggest that he wanted to destroy mortals by himself, as he believed that it was his own responsibility as if he were the Supreme God. He became much more emotional upon his wish to switch bodies with the Saiyan being granted, and Zamasu becoming Goku Black, gaining many opposite characteristics to his host body's personality. Like his future counterpart, he is extremely sadistic, callous, bloodthirsty, and hypocritical, as seen when he kills Bulma, along with the vast majority of the Earthlings, believing it to be "justice", despite his blood-lusting delight in it and his delight in the anger of Goku from the main timeline within Universe 7 over him killing Chi-Chi and Goten from the unaltered main timeline within said universe. Goku Black showed a sense of brutality and certainly ruthless savagery, when he coldly tortures his foes/target, hoping to extend the pain and suffering, as shown when he fractured Future Trunks' arm and shoots a barrage of ki blasts at his defenseless opponent. However, he retains his past self's politeness and is shown to be graceful during his first fight with Goku as Black. Also somewhat of a masochist, Black is shown to revel in others inflicting pain on himself, both from his newfound passion for battle and personal drive to grow stronger from every attack that strikes his new body. This trait seems to have been drawn somewhat from Goku from said timeline within said universe. In addition, Goku Black appears to be somewhat unhinged, as he occasionally bursts into slightly deranged laughter, as shown when he fought Goku from the main timeline within said universe for the first time, and also due to his sudden shifts in mood, as seen when he explains his motivation for wiping out mortals. While willing to kill regardless, he prefers and desires to fight strong opponents, even going as far as holding back his full power in order to further enjoy a fight, always keeping it just ahead of his opponent's. Black also shares the sense of determination of Goku from the unaltered main timeline within said universe, never letting up on a goal once he sets his mind on it, as he vowed to find Future lTrunks after he escaped to the past. He also shares Goku's sense of general independence, wishing to grow stronger through his own personal effort rather than taking shortcuts. This shows a distinct difference to his counterpart. Unlike Future Zamasu, who views immortality as an ideal trait worthy of a god, Black openly stated his disinterest in such a power. Also, he is somewhat vain, as when he first revealed his Super Saiyan Rosé form, he described it as beautiful, towering above "the whole universe", and stated to Goku that he should rejoice, as he had reached the height of beauty by his hand.
In the manga, however, Black's personality was drastically different from his anime counterpart. While Black in the anime always manages to stay calm and never lose his composure, even when losing a battle, Black in the manga is more prone to losing his composure the moment things do not go his way. This was shown when he was losing his battle against Vegeta from the main timeline within said universe, where he breaks down in a fit of rage. The difference in their personality is also reflected in their contrasting fighting styles. Black in the anime performs his attacks with a sense of finesse and flamboyance. Black in the manga, however, prefers to use brute force alone to overwhelm his enemies, taking a more aggressive fighting style. The difference in personalities is likely due to Black in the manga never meeting Goku personally prior to their encounter in the future timeline, and thus never had a personal connection with Goku. This ultimately resulted in none of Goku's traits such as a composed demeanor when fighting or his passion for battle. Similarly, his relationship with Future Zamasu in the manga was significantly different from that of the anime. In the latter, he and Future Zamasu genuinely considered each other as kindred allies, while in the manga, Goku Black considered Future Zamasu to merely be a pawn, while Future Zamasu likewise considered Black contemptible for forsaking his divine body, for the sake of power, and at one point, when they were on the ropes, they were even willing to turn on each other briefly. Black was also more sadistic in the manga, as evidenced when he not only proceeded to mortally wound the standard Gowasu when the latter attempted to talk sense into Goku Black, but also asked rhetorically while stabbing him whether Gowasu really thought it would have worked a "third time", referring to Gowasu's earlier attempts at talking him out of his plans.
Another interesting trait is one he and Future Zamasu share with each other, using the fact that Future Trunks violated the taboo of time travel as a justification for their morally questionable goal of exterminating all mortal life. They are also similar to Android 13 who likewise uses mortal failings to justify his goals.