Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"I am not Goku or Vegeta, I am Gogeta! It's over Janemba, I've come for you!" - Gogeta

Gogeta is a fusion character from Dragon Ball Z, Dragon Ball GT. Dragon Ball Super.

He is voiced by Sean Schemmel in Goku's voice and by Christopher R. Sabat in Vegeta's voice, both speaking in unison.

Gogeta is the result of the Fusion Dance between Goku and Vegeta. He first came into existance when Goku and Vegeta fused in order to stop Janemba from destroy the fabric of time and space.

Gogeta Super Saiyan 4

Gogeta as a Super Saiyan 4

"The Saiyans? They are here, I am they, we are one. Unfortunately for you, Omega." - Super Saiyan 4 Gogeta

He later appear in Dragon Ball GT as a Super Saiyan 4 to fight Omega Shenron.

Gogeta is proven to be the most powerful character in Dragon Ball GT, being able to fight Omega Shenron with ease while at Super Saiyan 4.



In Fusion Reborn and Dragon Ball GT, Gogeta wears the same clothes that all Metamoran creations of the Fusion Dance wear. However, Gogeta's vest is black with reddish-orange padding and his obi-belt is dark blue. He has Vegeta's hairstyle —a little longer and wider haired, though— and widow's peak, but with a bang down his forehead. Gogeta also acquires Goku's physique as he is tall and slender, but keeps Vegeta's facial features. His smile, though, is mostly like Goku.

In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Gogeta's vest has yellow padding and his belt is teal like Gotenks', though the rest of his clothes remain unchanged from his original design. With the reveal of his base form, he appears with jet-black hair like his fusees and also acquires Vegeta's mildly tan skin. However, unlike his first appearance, Gogeta does not have Vegeta's widow's peak, and his hair is more akin to Vegito, with only one bang.


Although made in a similar fashion, Gogeta's personality traits are different from those of Vegito, though it is impossible to tell which counterpart's personality is the dominant one or a composite of both Goku and Vegeta, but in terms of humor and a lesser tough attitude, Gogeta acts and uses catch phrases more similar to Goku.

As a Super Saiyan 4, it would seem that his personality is like that of Vegito's, as he is shown to enjoy toying with his enemies and pulling pranks, though he can be overconfident as his toying around with Omega Shenron ultimately resulted in his defeat as his fusion time was shorter due to the power of Super Saiyan 4.

In Dragon Ball Super: Broly, Gogeta displays self confidence bordering on arrogance, a trait that is similar to Vegito. However, he appears to be much more practical and efficient than his Potara counterpart. Whereas Vegito typically enjoys belittling his opponents, Gogeta rarely ever speaks during battle save for brief taunts. Similar to Vegeta, Gogeta can be ruthless once he had determined a foe to be a threat and will show no mercy or hesitation in eliminating them as seen during the final moments of his battle against Broly. However, he still retains Goku's benevolence, as after Broly was no longer a threat and teleported away, Gogeta merely smirked and ceased his attempt on Broly's life. Additionally, he merely restrained Frieza from firing upon Cheelai and Lemo's ship, rather than killing him as he easily could have. He also retains Goku's respectful nature, such as referring to Whis as "Whis-san".

Super Saiyan 4 Gallery[]
