Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Glowface is the leader of S.N.A.F.U. and the main antagonist of Nickelodeon's short-lived cartoon The X's.

The X's arch-enemy and the leader of S.N.A.F.U., Glowface's head is encased in a glass globe with electrical discharges.

He was voiced by Chris Hardwick impersonating Eddy from Ed, Edd, and Eddy,

Like traditional evil villains, Glowface is megalomaniacal, supercilious, conceited, ruthless, neurotic, arrogant, pretentious, loudmouthed and delusional, but he possesses little sophistication or maturity and believes himself to be much more of a threat than he actually is.

Similar to Dr. Evil, he also tends to think up idiotic evil schemes like building a giant ray gun in order to bring the Eiffel Tower and Big Ben to life in order for them to wrestle so he can sell tickets. He’s extremely disdainful and contumelious of his nephew Brandon's relationship with Tuesday. Glowface is also allergic to Zucchini.

Double Life Emergence[]

Act 2[]

Episode 1[]

He and his right hand man/butler joined with the Cartel to get one step closer to S.N.A.F.U's goal to rule the world. He sees this also as a way to get respect and everything as he decided to take an active break from going after the Xs and is assigned to work under Professor Chang, which he's not pleased about taking orders from him, thorugh Lorenzo and Titan convince him to do so.

Episode 2[]

Glowflace is seen at the beginning of the episode with Lorenzo, Nasty Canasta and Titan as Chang and the Cops decide to make a move against the group. He considers one of them himself though it's not sure what he has in mind.

The Trio though do manage to stop Deathstroke from informing Bender of Anton.

Episode 3[]

He joins Milton and Lorenzo in heading to the Shadow Chateau for dinner as Midas decides to check on loose ends. He and Lorenzo order out as Midas decides to stick to his plans and the two find themselves enjoying the cooking which makes Glowface a bit sad that Midas has to target it. Once Milton's plans are shown what he does with the Flavored Beard Yummy Yums, he and Lorenzo are appalled at Midas's callousness to make profit. He and Lorenzo are told to deal with it, fearing Midas he listens and goes after the heroes to stop them, He is foiled and leaves afterwards. Glowface does though leave and is deep down relieved it was dealt with.

Episode 4[]

Glowface with Titan, Lorenzo Suave and Professor Chang decide to go looking for the Hollaways to see if they can find them through witness protection anyway possible. Glowface though proves he is quite a bumbler and is unable to get the info out of anyone when it comes to Dee Dee's parents being where.

He, Lorenzo, Titan and Warden Norton are introduced to Tom Hagen who Lorenzo got in contact with to help Midas with his lawsuit he is planning to Deathstroke for his investigations on him as they send the message to the group about MIdas planning to sue them.

Episode 5[]

Glowface works under the other lap dogs to prevent the tracker's location from being found out and takes on Slade, Harry Wells, Luan, Wile E Coyote, Jessie Wells, Elfo, Luci, Captain Hero, G-LO, and Nacho. His electric powers do some wonder for him though he is eventually short cirucited by the others and brought down.

Episode 6[]

As Yates and Chief of Police intend to bring the corrupt water comissioner to Milton Midas, Glowface comes along and manages to stop the protest Morgana, Stan and Wendy are putting against the boss. He shocks them with his electric powers as the Cartel members take the corrupt water comissioner after this.

He reports this to Midas who is intent to silence the man, though Glowface shows concern for Midas's obession with bringing down Bender, even nodding in agreement with Lorenzo and Titan when they try to talk him from taking his rivarly with Bender too far and focus on his evil businesses.

Act 2[]

Episode 7[]

Glowface with other villains tails Leon, Lincoln and Lydia as they try to figure out what they actually know on the Cartel and their actions. Glowface is quick to note later on that Titan is upset with Machine Head for deciding to not let him go despite paying his debt. He and Lorenzo offer to help him out of the Cartel if he joins S.N.A.F.U, and do what he wants with what branch he wants.

Episode 9[]

Glowface meets up with Milton Midas, Professor Chang and John Orm as they discover their plans with the Slurry, Glowface wants it gone as does John Orm. Midas and Chang both decide to go for it anyway and is eventually assigned to go after who invaded the factory under Gaff

Midas's men attempt to dipose of them before they get rid of his work and they do show that Pi-Pi's part of the plan. That the water plans go even further than the water park and  has Lorenzo get all the farm land up. With 16 deciding to take matters in his own hands  as he fights the cartel over what they did to the environment for them with Carmen and Carmelita ready to exile them out of the factory under criminal charges with Aaron helping Speedy, Daffy and Maria. Glowface decides to personally go after the kids and is ready to electrocute them which leads to Lydia and Lincoln working together against him and Toby fighting him with his war hammer. Glowface does however decide to let them have the recipe after seeing them get the Bliss recipe as he tells them that he wants it gone anyway, he's just acting under orders of his employer. He still fights them but for the sport of it as he recongizes Lincoln as a upcoming spy which Lincoln does thank him for recognizing.

Episode 10[]

Titan, Glowface and Lorenzo find themselves having to get more protection moneys and loans for Machine Head and Hector Salamanca to help with their proudction. Hector decides to take some of the money so he can present it to Eladio. This to cut some of Midas's profits. Titan and Lorenzo keep track of this and Titan decides if he can get rid of Machine Head one way, then he'll allow Hector to do this which Glowface and Lorenzo agree as it isn't their money.

It turns out the trio does this as if They go against him Machine Head, then he can consult Professor Chang and have them sent off to Russia and be exiled there.

Episode 11[]

Titan, Him and Lorenzo decide they have enough of bad bosses enough Jack Horner and betray him and his forces to run a more benevolent organziation of crime and this leads them into a situation where they must fight off Jack Horner and Lincoln, Lydia and the heroes as well. Though Lincoln, Lydia, Toby and Salem are able to get the three to work alongside them to deal with Horner, which Glowface agrees to and helps them escape despite their capture at the hands of Machine Head.

Episode 12[]

Jack Horner and Machine Head putLorenzo, Titan and Glowface through torture or sub-ordination for betraying them and overhears how they aided the heroes in Arcadia. The three point out how they mistreated and threatened them into serving them.

Arnold Flass arrives in the room with Machine Head and Jack Horner and uses some of the water he had and hands them to Titan and Lorenzo. He then loads his gun and shoots Glowface who has no use for them anymore
