Glentina is an Ultimate Story OC made by Fanfictiondreamer. It was created as a better plot for Twilight Princess. She felt that Ganondorf receiving the Triforce of Power by some "divine prank" seemed weak and decided that it was given to him by some outside source.
Glentina is one of 2 sisters who are essential characters for her fanfic, Legend of the Clashing Sisters. She and her sister, Malbella were mystical proteges of their clan and were brought to the elders, the 7 Wisemen, to begin their training. Both sisters excelled; however, Malbella was obsessed with her powers and became unstable. The Wisemen attempted to discipline her, but it proved to be ineffective as she wouldn't comply and vowed to get back at them.
During Malbella's absence, Glentina continues her training and mastered them. A celebration was held as she was surrounded by family and friends. Although, she was sad that her sister couldn't be part of the festivities. Malbella then showed herself before the crowd, including her sister, who was greatly distraught over her darkened appearance. Malbella then used her powers to swallow up everyone in a void of Darkness, but Glentina survived. She was, however, devastated from losing everything and then proceeded to fight against her sister, thus beginning the many centuries of their ongoing battles.
After much searching, she eventually sensed out Malbella in a distant land known as Hyrule. There, she was shocked to see the aftermath of Ganondorf and her sister's brutal assault of the Sage. She then overheard them talking about finding pieces of a power source known as the Triforce. From there, she seeked out Link and Princess Zelda. She unveiled everything to them, and they soon noticed that Malbella had been gaining in strength, wanting to achieve the Ultimate Power after she discovered the Triforce. Soon enough, she, Link and Zelda came face-to-face with Ganondorf and Malbella. She, however, found a way to protect Link and Zelda's pieces from Ganondorf and Malbella. From there, they continued to protect those pieces.
Later on, as the problems escalated throughout the land, she sought out to find the four Guardians to strengthen her Light energy and purge the Darkness over Hyrule.