The Ginyu Force is an elite team of mercenaries who serve Frieza in Dragonball Z and Dragonball Z Kai. It consists of five powerful warriors: Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, and Captain Ginyu, the leader. They are the secondary group of antagonists of the Namek Saga, while Frieza's Army serve as the main group of antagonists.
Voices: Captain Ginyu - Richard Newman, R. Brute Elliot, Katsuyuki Konishi, Bruce Armstrong, Hideyuki Hori, Dale Kelly
Jeice - Scott McNeil, Christopher Sabat, Jason Liebrecht
Burter - Alec Willows, Don Brown, Vic Mignogna, Mark Britten, Christopher Sabat
Recoome - David Kaye, David Kaye, Christopher Sabat
Guldo - Terry Klassen, Greg Ayres, Yasuhiro Takato, Bill Towmsley, Kozo Shioya, Dylan Thompson