Gilgamesh Junior is Gilgamesh's son and an OC character created by daveg502.
Before Legends of the Multi-Universe: Weirdmageddon[]
Somewhere before his death in Armageddon, despite believing he and Adachi would be victorious, a small part of Gilgamesh somehow knew that he would die. So in the event of that happening, he used samples of his DNA combined with powerful magic and he created Gilgamesh Junior, who was to be his son. His son was to continue his legacy and end the heroes if he failed. But Gil Jr did not turn out the way his father expected.
Legends of the Multi-Universe: Weirdmageddon[]
Gilgamesh Junior debut as an anti hero and an rival ally to the heroes.
Legends of the Multi-Universe: Darkmageddon[]
Gilgamesh Junior returns with his father.
Saber/King Arturia Pendragon[]
Much like how Bowser Jr. thought Princess Peach was his mother, Gil Jr. believes Saber is his mother. However, against his father's wishes, Gil Jr. always tries to help Saber whenever they are together. While Saber hates that Gil Jr. calls her his mom when she is not, she notice's how different he is his father and is glad for that.
Tohru Adachi[]
Konohamaru Sarutobi[]
Konohamaru is one of Gil Jr's friends
Ox Ford[]
Ox Ford is one of Gil Jr's friends