Val Morando, or better known as General Morando, is the General of the Taylon Phalanx who was exiled from his home planet, Akiridion-5, for his treachery against House Tarron, and in turn, returned and took over the planet through a military coup. He is also the one in charge of the bounty hunters who are raiding through the galaxy in order to hunt the royals, Aja and Krel Tarron, as well as the mastermind behind the death of the family of Varvatos Vex. After discovering that the legend of Seklos and Gaylen is true, Morando sets off to find and merge with Gaylen's Core to remold the universe as he sees fit.
Enemies: Aja Tarron, Krel Tarron, Varnvantos Vex, Toby Domalziki, AAARRRGGHH!!, Eli Pepperjack, Steve Punchak, Zadra