Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Gendo Ikari is one of the most notorious villains of the franchise Neon Genesis Evangelion, being an anti-hero of the original series, a secondary villain of the film The End of Evangelion, and the main antagonist of the film Evangelion 3.0: You Can (not) Redo, the third film in the Rebuild of Evangelion series, and is expected to return as the role of central antagonist in the latest installment of the series, Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0. Cold and calculating, he is the commander of Nerv, the main leader of the war to annihilate the angels, and one of the masterminds of the Human Instrumentality Project.

The Miracle Elite Storyline[]

Trouble in London[]

Gendo joins the Brotherhood of Anarchy as the executive director alongside with Rufus, Hugo, and Issac.

Dynasty Warriors[]

Gendo Ikari becomes one of the villains in Dynasty Warriors. However, Gendo got reformed. He eventually met his death against Gemdeus.

The Miracle Elite's Villains

Main Antagonist
Dormammu | Izaya Orihara | Pandora | Hades | Robert Hirano | Dorian Gray | Sheriff Vaisey and Jack the Ripper | Richmond Valentine |
Major Members
Kousuke Kira | Dr. Fetus | Elder God | HAL 9000 | Morpheus D. Duvall | Marvin the Martian | Phantom Blot | Karkull | Cthulhu | Shuma Gorath | Shadow King |
Minor Antagonists
BIG Cheese | Shadow Master (Double Dragon) | Hirudegarn | Archie Mitchell | Riliane Lucifen d'Autriche | Duskmon | Black Lantern Corps | King Henry | Princess Hilda |
Villains from othe stories
Malachite | Galactus | Zeus (God of War) | BlackGarurumon | Mister Sinister | Jesse | Albert Wesker | Loki Laufeyson | The Smoking Man | Dukat | Crowley | Peter Pan |
Active Groups and Alliances
The Children of Pandora
Angel | Arakune | Beatrice | Bernkastel | Black Lady | Cal Devens | Coconuts | Delia York | Diva | Dune | Eriol Hiiragizawa | Erza Knightwalker | Haku | Hansel and Gretel | Hanzō Urushihara | Haruna Niekawa | Lambdadelta | Lune | Mai | Minatsuki Takami | Minene Uryuu | Mysterio | Mirai | Nina Williams | Overlord | Princess Devilotte | Princess Snow Kaguya | Prowler | Re'gish Wamik | Regina | Rumia | Scratch and Grounder | Shingen Kishitani | Slender Man | Suigintou | Sunako Kirishiki | Sunny Tennyson | Tenshi Hinanawi | Thetis | Toshio Saeki | Ty Lee | Ultear Milkovich | Umehito Nekozawa | Virgilia | Yumiko Takagi | Zeref Dragneel |
The Bizarro League
Chief Blue Meanie | Colonel H. Stinkmeaner | Hateocracy | Darth Baras | Heather | Khyber | Leatherhead | Medusa Gorgon | Nemesis T-Type | The Fur Ghost | Pearl Forrester | Observer and Professor Bobo | Riptor | Poison | Toad | Le Frog | Tobi | Zira | Seth | Eggplant Wizard and King Hippo | Ribet |
Phoenix Inc.
Morpheus D. Duvall | Admiral Daro'Xen | Ma'alefa'ak | Koragg | Necrolai | Sinistar | Pyron | Dr. Pyschobos | Gizmo | Mr. House | Sammun-Mak | Emperor Pilaf | Star Sapphire | The Great Intelligence | Origami Killer | Featherine Augustus Aurora | Kin Tsuchi | Lord Raptor | Imperiex | Vertex | Swarm | Mister Mind | Bad Rap | SCP–049 | Alexia Ashford | Professor Hojo | Darth Jadus | Angel | Eirin Yagokoro | Saya, Sheath, Dokugozu and Dokumezu | Ciseaux | Raidriar | Walpurgis Night | T-A.L.O.S. | Anti-Monitor | Athena | Garnac | Technovore | Pluton | Mack Salmon | Nouhime | D'Compose | Yami |
Court of British Underworld
Shogo Makishima | Mary Sibley | Hagoromo Gitsune | Otoya Takechi | Yandere-chan | Prince Gasket | Princess Archerina | Lelouch vi Britannia | Barry the Chopper | Audrey II | Diaboromon | Sachiko Shinozaki | Alphard Alshua | Creed Diskenth | Pluie | Princess Shroob | Ghost | Mr. Mxyzptlk | Diagon | Raff (Ben 10) | Yamai Sisters | Souichirou Kuzuki | Caster | Kayako Saeki | Ludo | Succubus Queen (Vindictus) | Ryouko Kusakabe | Emperor Dalek | Rataxes |
Brotherhood of Anarchy
Gazelle | Gendo Ikari | Balalaika | Dr. Hans Reinhardt and Maximilian | Gleeman Vox | Blockheads | Vincent Moore | Dorothy Catalonia | Gargoyle | M.O.D.O.K. | Esdeath | Decoe, Bocoe, and Bokkun | Konstantin and Ana | Master Computer Program (MCP) | Sark | Takeshi Gouda and Suneo Honekawa | Sir Isaac Ray Peram Westcott | Ellen Mira Mathers | B-ko Daitokuji | Big Daddy | Mr. Tinkles | Mutant Leader | Rufus Shinra | Hugo P. Vasquez | Satyajit Shyamalan | Speckles | Selvaria Bles | Arthur | Professor Mystery | Ace Hardlight |
True Assassin | Atman | Moon | UBOA | Morpheus | The Groke |
Fallen/Destroyed Groups and Alliances
The Inferno Clan of Hell
Zabuza Momochi | Nergal Jr. | Ashleigh Crichton | Adolf Hitler | Wilhelm Burgdorf | Hans Krebs | Joseph Goebbels | Otto Gunsche | Alfred Jodl | Delilah Barnsley | Mephistomon | Klaus Adler |
Izaya's Syndicate
Namie Yagiri | Mairu and Kururi | Master Hand and Crazy Hand | Grapefruit | Big Bad Wolf | Chemo | Big Chill | Vladikoff | Malware | Zzzax |
The Nega-Acolytes
Hirudegarn's League
The Mystery Club
Duskmon's Alliance
King Henry's Forces
