Medical Officer Super Private First Class Frank DuFresne, nicknamed "Doc" or "O'Malley", is a character from Red vs Blue.
He's a medic for pretty much both the Red and Blue Team.
He's also a pacifist, always thinking of ways that don't resort to violence. This was basically abandoned altogether in Season 13 after being caught in the Teleporting Cubes radius in Season 11, causing him to enter a dimensional rift and "losing his mind, and finding it again". This caused his sanity to become damaged along with the fact that no one was aware of his disappearance (with the exception of Lopez), and now tends to talk as if he were still possessed by Omega, going as far as to refer himself as O'Malley.
The P Team Storyline[]
The Wrath of the God of War Rise[]
Meister of War[]
Fire Rebellion Storyline[]
"One of the two primary medics of the Order. You think he'd have better training?" - Rainbow Dash's outlook on Doc.
Doc is one of two primary medical personnel in the Order along with Dr. Zoidberg. He's also the medic for Christopher Aonuma's Blue Flare.
He has no experience for animal health as he is a human health medic, so therefor cannot be of much help to animal members of the Order, such as Zoe Trent, Littlefoot, etc.
Princess Luna is considering getting more medical personnel for the Order of the Just to help both Doc and Zoidberg.
LOTM: Fire Rebellion: Season 5[]
Doc will appear in Season 5. Due to having gone through a dimensional rift, Doc will speak in both his original voice and his voice as if he were possessed by Omega, although he isn't.