Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Fox Mulder is one of the main characters of the X-Files. He is a FBI agent who is part of the FBI division known as the "X-Files". He is a man who wants to know the truth of what is really out there.

Friends/Allies: Dana Scully (Partner, friend, love interest), Walter Skinner, John Doggett , Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, The Bad Guys, Joanna, Jaune, Team Free Will, Deathstroke and His Associates, Frida, David, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Marcy Wu, Luan Loud, Harry Wells, The B Team, Slade's Empire, Libby Stein, The Mar Mar Gang, Astrid, Phinium, Lydia, Anders, Dawn, Ruby Gillman, Pippi Long Stocking, Pop Pop and Myrtle Loud, Luna Loud, Hobie Brown, The Bad Guys, The Boys, Cavendish and Dakota

Enemies: Cigarette-Smoking Man, Knowle Rohrer , Alex Krycek, Demogorgons, Aliens, M.A.L.I.C,E, The Mind Flayer, Emperor Belos, The Belos Empire, Homelander, Lord Dregg, Vecna, Trundle, The Spot, Spot's associate, Kang and his allies

Moral Ranking: Inconsistency Admirable

LOTM: Dark Fates[]

Phase 4[]

Mulder and Scully debut around the middle of Phase 4 and over time become some of the most prominent characters of the main storyline. Mulder is one of the tritagonists alongside his partner Scully, Luz Noceda and Anne Boonchuy, this is more obvious in the latter parts of the storyline.

Double Life Emergence[]

Act 3[]

Episode 17[]

He and Scully were forced to go into Russia for some unknown reason and having to work with Colonel Kubritz to capture aliens and she almost has them go after Deathstroke and his group for letting people do things in Russia. However Mulder is able to see reasoning and tells Deathstroke of everything they know.

He and Scully are hired by Deathstroke as he wants to bring out of exile for their own work they did. He tells him that they had to capture An Akkaidon known as Varnatos Vex for Kubritz and that now they are on a case that Kubritz wants them to go after who let him free. He is able to deduct that the main masterminds of the break out were of all things kids.

Act 4[]

Episode 23[]

Deathstroke has him and Scully brought in and assigns them of what they will do for him as well offering them protection about what they are dealing with.

Team Free Will: Dissassembled[]


Chapter 3[]

Mulder and Scully are both revealed to be part of the F.B.I Who brought both Lincoln and Lydia to the FBI. They both have questions for the duo, thankfully Deathstroke found out and brought in Saul Goodman to help them brief them

Scully reveals that Lydia and Lincoln are not going to prison, Saul chatizes Lydia for worrying so much. Mulder infroms them that they actually are here in regards to what they saw, Lincoln asks about the alien and Mulder states yes that's why

Mulder and Scully reveal that they have been tailing these aliens themselves and that M.A.L.I.C.E Has some hand in it according to what they have been investigating. Saul asks then why bag his cleints and Scully states it was the only way to get them out of danger due to Lydia's bleeding wound and that it was drawn to the blood. Scully reveals to the three that the alien is known as a Demogorgon.

Lincoln puts it together as well and realizes that explains things. Mulder asks the two to help them out in this investigation for M.A.L.I.C.E as they explain they are looking into the leader, Lydia and Linc are both confused as they suspect Cleo and Omni Man are the leaders and Scully states they're aqquaintces not the leaders as well the most promient and active of the group.

Saul decides to talk to the two agents in an attempt to get the two out of trouble with the F.B.I outside of them questioning if they can be trusted.

It turns Saul was successful in barging a deal with him, though it has to wait as Mulder and Scully show up to Lincoln, Lydia, Saul and Mike  and state that they have been invaded and they'll handle this. It turns it's Martians from Mars invading with their fire power.

Lincoln and Saul are both led out by Mulder and Scully as they have find any the Martians disintergrating a good deal of the agents. The 4 get into one of their respective vechicles and drive back into get Mike and Lydia while telling them to get in.

The Six discuss what they just saw and that  Scully reveals that the deal they made with the lawyer is that they'll work on investigating M.A.L.I.C.E and will keep a working arrangement with Team Free Will in turn for protection and that anything that either of them find, they report to them and them alone. Also that they can not reveal they know about Mulder and Scully to anyone else, if someone does find out though that won't be on the kids if they don't say anything.

Chapter 4[]

As Joanna finishs her call to Hilda, she is worried about her kid, wondering what kind  of monsters her kid is encountering and how close she keeps getting to get killed. She is attempted to be talken down by Scully. Joanna states the worst thing to have happen to a mother is to outlive her child or watch her kid die. This makes The Bad Guys and The Agents silent

Mr.Wolf reassures her that they will make sure when they find her to save her. It's just they have these guys in M.A.L.I.C.E to deal with and Mulder adds that aliens as well are a problem as well

Mulder and Scully have gotten a track on the Demogorgon with the help of Lydia and Lincoln who sent what they figured out. Scully looks at what she found and states it seems to be heading to Hawkins. Mulder asks about it and Scully states that a lot of wierdness has happened there for some weird reason and the Demogorgon might have been lured into there

Mulder lets his mouth open and states it was these 2 11 year olds who found it a red head like Scully and a white haired plain boy with a chipped tooth. Scully gives him a look for that and Mulder states she asked.


Mr.Wolf agrees with this as well and asks the agents where to go. Mulder and Scully say Hawkins as they looked into. Mr.Wolf gets his car and tells the crew they're going his way. Wolf has everyone buckle up and all head up there with Wolf's crazy but efficent driving

Mulder, Scully, Joanna and The Bad Guys arrive in Hawkins according to plan and the former two do so with the intend to track down the   creature once and for all. They all decide to go around asking about the creature though they get no answers

Scully sends Shark to figure out answers and observes Shark interacting with the others. Webs hacks into the webcam with this and they observe how Shark manages to get info. Mr.Wolf and Mr.Snake pay attention and  M.A.L.I.C.E is involved at least their agents and Wolf finds something interesting there. A Cigarette, the other Bad Guys and Joanna wonder what so important about a cigarette. Wolf says it's still lit to them and asks Webs to close up and find out it's A Morley Brand Cigarette.

Mulder and Scully both develop surpise in turn and decide to step out in turn

The Two agents outside think back on what Mr.Shark and The Bad Guys and they have an realzzation. It's The Cigarette Smoking Man and he's involved with M.A.L.I.C.E. Scully wonders how did he surivive his death and does Mulder. Mulder goes on about CSM is like a cat as he seems to land on his feet and always seem to surivive


Mulder and Scully further think on this and state it's makes so much sense as there is a conpsiracy as Lydia and Lincoln have told them and they did see aliens. Stating the martians must have been operating under CSM. Mulder thinks about warning Lincoln as does Scully and decide to call up Lincoln to give them that heads up.

Mr. Wolf, The Bad Guys, Mulder and Scully see them Joanna come back and ask what Joanna was doing. Joanna states that was she lookng for something and ran into Demobats and this is where she Met Jaune.


Jaune De Arc hands the sampe of the Demobat that he found with her. Mulder and Scully intriqqued take it and decide to run a few tests on it

Mulder does state that the one thing that can hurt them is fire as that what's his kids have said. Scully states Mulder wishes they were their kids.

As Mulder and Scully do their own tests on the sample given by Jauna De Arc and that they try and figure out how to counter the Upisde Down Dentizens. Mulder notices that he missed a message and Scully gets the phone and the two look and see it's from Lincoln. Scully and Mulder both play the messgae and with Webs, Wolf and Snake the agents find out about Lincoln and Lydia's message about what happened with the aliens. This worries both the agents as they realize that Lydia and Lincoln both have encountered something even bigger than a simple Demogorgon.

Webs, Mr.Snake and Mr.Wolf ask about the Demogorgons and Upside Down residents and Scully explains about what she and Mulder encoutered earlier. Jaunne De Arc and Joanna contribute to this as well regarding Demobats as well that They found out about about

Sweet Pete, Lurantis and Alpha all show up and have  A Long heated battle occurs in regards to The Bad Guys, Joanna, Jaunne De Arc and Agents Scully and Sweet Pete decides to take the opporunity as everyone is distracted to notice him to do something. Sweet Pete attempts to knock out Scully and Mulder with an attack for his boss and he is almost sucessful at this as they are distracted

Mulder and Scully ask Bishop how did he find them, and Bishop reveals that another associate was tailing  them this whole time. Scully knows he's reffering to the lawyer and the elderly fixer and decides to go with Bishop. Joanna tend to Jaune in regards to his injuries as The Bad Guys help them get in to the vechile Bishop took to save them

As Agent Bishop takes the gang to see the president, Mulder and Scully return their phone call back to Lincoln and Lydia and state that they were looking into something in Hawkins and that they did find Demobats and studied samples regarding the Demobats from Mr.De Arc and that they will get back them to anything they can find on The Upside down.

The Group greets Deathstroke as he introduces himself as the president of the northern multiversal and the benefactor of Team Free Will. Deathstroke brings them all in to his office as Bishop, Number 2 and Saul wait

Deathstroke brings in Mr.Wolf, Mr.Snake, Webs, Mr.Shark, Mr.Taruntla, Joanne, Jauna, and Mulder and Scully and briefs them about what is going on.

Mulder and Scully ask about the kids and will they be fine, Scully has doubts on them due to their kiddish natures albeit only a few. Mulder has confidence though in them. Deathstroke agreed with Mulder and states that the Lopez Girl has use the Infinity Stones as M.A.L.I.C.E is seeking the Gems of similar power, The Loud Boy also has some use of it too and they are as his associates put it the two most level headed members of that team.

Mulder and Scully both decide to return their call to Lincoln and Mulder aplogizes to Mulder apologizes to Lincoln about not getting back to him and tells him and Lydia of what they encountered and both him and Scully tell the two what they found on what Lincoln told him. Mulder tells Lincoln and Lydia that what they encountered was the Mind Flayer and it's the most dangerous resident of The Upside Down that spanwed the Demogrodon

Lydia asks again about the Flayer and Mulder states that they might be aware of who is behind this, he asks about a Mortley Cigarette as a calling card. Lincoln states he saw one and Lydia picked it up, Mulder tells them that they may be dealing with an enemy of theirs it seems.

Chapter 5[]

Mr. X explains to Deathstroke, Saul and Number 2 that M.A.L.I.C.E is working with alien figures which is something he didn't sign up for and he found their actual leader is someone who is advovating it for something in regards to the human race. Mulder and Scully believe Mr.X and realize that CSM is clearly the leader of the team which they had supscions on. Scully asks if Mr.X saw the leader, X confirms that he knows of him and that the man is nuts as he is old. his allegiance to Nolan and Cleo is more of separate plan at this point, both of them as he notes are doing what they think is right for their people or the environment while this guy is more doing this for his own worth.

Wolf, Snake, Shark, Pirhana, Mulder, Scully, Joanna and Jauna all arrive at the headquarters that Mr. X sent them off. They are quick to notice that this is guarded and decide to sneak in with Snake using himself to get the others around and Shark disgusing himself as a security guard to get them in. Pirahna could have gotten crazy though Wolf and Jauna kept them from doing so.

Wolf does point out Mulder and Scully could used their credentals as F.B.I Agents to get in. Mulder states that their suspsected leader The Smoking Man could have took this into account. Joanna questions why they call him that, Scully states that's all they know what he is as he is a mystery.

Deathstroke calls them saying did they get in and Mulder and Scully confirm this. Webs states that the president got a hold of two government agents to help them get through this whole thing and their mutual associate is who found them. Mr.Wolf asks on this and Deathstroke tells them to keep an eye on them as they will be arriving right now.

Stan and Jack decide to take the lead on this and equp themselves as they are hired goons here made to ask  shoot first and ask questions later. Mulder and Scully follow suit  as does Jauna as the Bad Guys and Joanna follow along behind the armed team mates.

Upon the 4 entering the exhaust room and destroy the console to see a ventilation duct, Jack leads Stan, Mulder and Scully into it  so the explosion doesn't kill them. Scully makes some more guards appear by purposely shooting the walls for 4 guys to come  and then this allows Mulder and Stan to gun them down.

Jack hands all them body armor knowing some of them having been equipped with laser guns similar to what he saw a long time ago. Mulder asks what kind of gun and Jack states they're moon rakers as he remembers.  Heading to the Launch room and some more guards have automatic weapons shooting and Jack guns them down with Mulder. Stan sees a guy in the vent intend to shoot them and shoots him first.

Jack, Stan, Mulder and Scully all load their bullets into him and are jaw struck how much hits this guy can take as it takes a lot to ultimately put this guy down. Once they do, Mulder and Scully recover the smart card

Mulder, Scully, Jake and Stan head off with the Smart Card and go back the rooms staying alert of the guards with double moon rakers on them and reprogram a shuttle guidance and head back to the launch room, shooting more threats to head back to the main frame. The Bad Guys, Joanna and Jaune get back. The latter saving the others from the agents getting too close to the agents as they take the shuttle.

Wolf and Shark hand the info to Mulder and Scully and tell them what they found about CSM and The Mind Flayer. Mulder worried realizing Team Free Will is in trouble decides he needs to go have them. Webs and Deathstroke warn him that he may be putting himself in trouble and Mike decides to do it himself. Deathstroke instructs the others that Agent Bishop is bring Team Free Will to Banff and he has Welton getting the rest there and that will be where they make their stand and work together.

Chapter 6[]

Mulder, Scully and the others show up as awell as Deathstroke's agents Jack Bauer and Stan Smith accompany them. Mulder, Scully, Stan and Jack all arrive here is that this is where the alien invasion is set to occur and that finding Team Free Will is essential. The Bad Guys, Stan and Jack go looking on the way. Scully learns of the attack in Royal Woods and realizes that the Mind Flayer is now there and realizes Lincoln is going there and Lydia will have accompanied him, Mulder states that they can take care of this and at worst find out about the Flayer invasion. Scully decides to report this to Deathstroke to get back up. Joanna and Jaune both meanwhile head out to go finding Hilda knowing that Team Free Will has to be here as Scully and Mulder figured out Team Free Will did show up.

As their craft is parked, Bishop, Sid and the others all unexpectlingly run into Mulder, Scully, Joanna, Jaune, THe Bad Guys, and The Agents Stan Smith and Jack Bauer.  Upon the whole story getting told they all decide to go find Ford Pines and deal with this whole invasion on the double. Mulder and Scully get called by Lydia and Lincoln about their situation about Royal Woods, with Scully stating that she has been keeping an eye on Royal Woods since she heard the knews respectively. Mulder warns them not to go too nuts in this as they are just two kids and that this is bigger than anyone suspected. Lincoln gives no promises and sighs off.

Scully and Mulder tell Agent Bishop about this and decides to have it sent to his boss when needed. Mr. X tells the group to be quiet as the agents are here and he can sense them. This is true when Malestorm, THe Millers, The Ys, Sweet Pete, Steelbeak, Archdruidness and Mina all meet up and reveal that the plan has gone accordingly.

Scully and Mulder know it's the Smoking Man and that they tell Joanna and Jauna that this is the guy who let the extraterrisals invade and is the reason for the Demogrogon and Jaune realizes it was CSM that orchestrated his friends and loved one's death. He swears revenge but is talked down them it saying they need to be careful

Mulder and Scully agree realziing that they may have some reponsibility for Lincoln and Lydia getting involved in the Royal Woods situation without telling anyone. Larke asks if this is has to do with Lincoln Loud as Ford said he wasn't with him, Mulder honesty states it does and his partner in crime Lydia. Scully confesses that they have been helping deal with this since they found them at Dreamland and they encountered the two of them going after some kind of alien being that they were investigating. Larke questions how they knew of the alien invasion ahead of time, Scully only states that they knew for a long time and brought the 2 of them in this and to keep it to themselves

Deathstorke, Mulder, Scully, Saul, Mike, Welton and Agent Bishop all arrive at Royal Woods. Mulder and Scully say that they knew this would happen, Deathstroke and his assocaites ask about this and Scully says that it's what Lincoln said to them and that he went to investigate it. Deathstroke instructs the others to go find Lincoln and Lydia for Ford, handing Mulder, Scully, Agent Bishop and Welton heat weapons as he knows Demogorgon don't like heat.

This is when The Mind Flayer gets heated intensely by Mulder, Scully, Welton and Agent Bishop who show up to see Lincoln and Lydia. Mulder asks what the two were doing, Lincoln states he had his family to save and doesn't want to lose them just like Linka. He sympathizes and understands this need. Lydia states she was ready to go all throttle on the Mind Flayer, Welton states that would kill it but would kill her too or wound her severly. Agent Bishop states Deathstroke is looking for them and that they need to come back to them.

Lincoln states they need to get rid of the Mind Flayer first which Welton and Agent Bishop respond that their safety comes first. Mulder and Scully know that feeling and they can do this something about it as Deathstroke, Saul and Mike have Odival who can tell them something themselves and the two agree

Lydia, Lincoln, Mulder, Scully, Welton and Agent Bishop return to Deathstroke, Saul and Mike who have interrograted Odival about his knowledge. Odival reveals that he doesn't know M.A.L.I.C.E's real boss but he does know that the Mind Flayer can be stopped but it has to lose control of it's proxy body and he knows how.

Deathstroke asks how and why?, Odival states he's doing this to get revenge on The Arch Drudiness and M.A.L.I.C.E. He doesn't care if the heroes win he just wants the villains to lose and tells them there is a psychic connection to it and Lydia realizes it's Marcus, and doesn't want to kill him. Odival states the host doesn't have to be killed but freed from it's influence, he states gas can help there and setting it aflame. They have to find M.A.L.I.C.E's base and that it will be essential as that is where the Upside Down beings emerged. As long as he takes no beating from MIke he will be fine

Odival is though impaled by The Mind Flayer on CSM"s orders for giving out info to Lincoln as he wants to keep Lincoln from finding out the truth

Lincoln and Lydia despite their amonisty are sypmathetic to his death, though Deathstroke's assocaites state that they have their info and that they can use it now to save their families and friends. Mulder does comfort them agreeing to this.

However a snapping is heard and this is when Lincoln, Lydia, Deathstroke, MIke, Saul, Bishop, Welton, Mulder and Scully all realize Cleo has stolen the stones and now has used them.

Lydia, Lincoln, Deathstroke, Mike, Welton, Agent Bishop, Mulder and Scully return and see the others. Everyone is glad to see the two safe with all of them just glad to see them alive

Chapter 7[]

The Adults decide to send the kids out of the room so they can set on their own plan in this regards with Ford, Mulder and Scully leading this charge

As the others talk about Nolan and Cleo, Scully interupts and states that the Mind Flayer is also a concern too, as she and Mulder both know that thing can't be ignored. Mulder explains to Ford and the others that it is an alien like being from the Upside Down that's huge and has been flaying others and this is what Lydia and Lincoln dealt with.

Mulder and Scully explain that they were hunting after Demogorgons and all that residents of the Upside Down for a while with Lincoln and Lydia as the two found it before hand. Ford asks when did this happen as does the Team Free Will members. Scully states in Dreamland and the two hunted it.

Mulder explains it's buliding a body and it's getting bigger so they need to put a stop to it while they have a change. Jauna states and how will they stop it with Lincoln, Lydia, Bishop, Mike and the agents not bening able to hurt it. Bishop states that they have hurt it just not enough to actually kill it. Mulder has faith in Lydia being able to stop it with the stones but suspects she might need help

All the kids all set off to do their own thing but they are stopped by Ford, Eclpisa, Deathstroke, Mulder and Scully who ask what they're doing. The kids explain they're going to go stop M.A.L.I.C.E and the Mind Flayer. Ford states not alone they will, and that they're acting risky.

. Larke and Bruce state Lincoln and Lydia made the plan for them to excute. Ford asks Lydia and Lincoln about this and they explain.

Mulder and Scully both think the two are on to something and they tell Ford they can accompany the kids to keep them safe. Deathstroke agrees to this as does Ford.

The Team learn that Nolan has headed to intersect them with The Millers, Luranis and Alpha. Jauna also learns that the Mind Flayer has been found as well as he detects Upside Down problems, Mulder and Scully pay attention to this and Mulder states he knew it would show up. Scully wonders why is the beast taking interest in them and spectualtes maybe the Infinity Stones Lydia has is why. It wants to kill or other wise mame her for being it's main threat

Mulder disagrees and states it was in Royal Woods and mostly went for the Louds like Lincoln is on to something that Smoking Man doesn't want coming out. Scully ponders that Lincoln is a threat to The Smoking Man and he happly took any job to squash Lincoln knowing about the operation and that's why The Millers are here.

Mulder shows Jauna a file that he undercovered about his former loved one and that he was looking into it and this is what got his interest. Mr.X and Bishop both state the only info they know is the brand of smokes the head puffs.

Betty sents over Juana, Captain Hero, Luz, Mulder and Scully instructing them to bring in Lunanris like the others did for The Millers

Luranis is surpsied to see them get beamed down and decides to try to kill the 4 kids interveing by handling cannons to them as Betty instructs them to avoid the attacks. Jauna angered sucker punchs Luranis for trying to hurt Hilda.

Lurantis fights off the team with Juana and Scully using weapons, Mulder going for fistcuffs and with Luz and Captain Hero going for magic and super powers. He is outgunned but is still going strong with most of the team struggling to hurt him other than Luz and Hero and eventually Lunranis gets Luz's papers out of her hand to stop her from casting magic. Captain Hero works a plan to Stop him with Juana and realizing they both have a conncetion to Hilda, Hero and Jaunna decide to double team him together and they manage to get the drop on Luranis allowing Mulder and Scully to trap him and Luz recovers her papers and ensares the alien. Hero and Juana then go after the rest of the cruisers to save the 4 of them.

Luz is given her paper for gylpigs from Mulder and Scully telling her to drop them as they head back.

As Alpha is on the parameter, Mulder, Hilda and Scully go get Lincoln and Lydia were on the cusp of confessing their attraction to each other and get them.

After that, Mulder and Scully save the kids from Nolan and The Mind Flayer as Mulder watches and notices the Flayer and Nolan are at odds them selves.Mulder tells them that they need to go down back to Ford. They agree.

With Ford talking down Nolan, They manage to get Nolan on their side to help deal with the Mind Flayer after his people are attacked by the flayed. Mulder and Scully confirm this as they have been tracking this as well.

With Lydia, Lincoln, Ford, Amanda, Anne, Luz, Sid, Lisa, Hilda, Truman, Bruce, Larke, Mulder, Scully, Jauna, Nolan and Cleo all together they all put a plan to overcome the Mind Flayer and for the heroes to save Team Free WIll and Nolan to save his race.

Ford and Nolan are both heading to the gates so they can seal off the Mind Flayer's influence from the CSM as Nolan knows he is powerful enough to do so and Ford is smart enough to just that, they just need the the center as it's clear to go.

Lydia, Lincoln , Truman, Mulder and Scully all arrive too with them joining Ford and Nolan in heading to the center of the where the Mind Flayer orginated. Lydia is scared that she will have to go straight in the upside down but has to put a brave face. Mulder and Scully ask Ford and Nolan if the plan is safe, as they don't want a kid being on them. Ford states he will do what he has to do.

Deathstroke has managed to get the first part of the plan underway with the others and he has the Mind Flayer's attention and begins to engage against all of the Flayed foes.

Mulder and Scully both start off and use their laser guns to keep The Mind Flayer's servants from reaching Lydia, Lincoln, Truman, Ford and Nolan so they can start the Gates. THis works well enough as both of them are using different kind of laser guns. Mulder is using a laser riffle not unlike the Moonraker that Slade has and Scully is using a laser pistol. They are getting closer to being out numbered after some time of their own. Mulder calls for step 2

Ford, Nolan, MUlder and Scully manage to ultimately together manage to keep the rest of the Upside Down monsters from reaching the rest of them

As the rest of the team goes to the others as the Demo Dogs and Demobats arrive, Mulder, Scully and Deathstroke stand in front of the others to protect them.


After the defeat of M.A.L.I.C.E and the death of Amanda and Cleo, Dana and Mulder join the other heroes in seeing Lydia who is in her lowest moment so far. Mulder looks sympathetic to the loss of both of them as he can relate to what happened to his own sister

Lincoln apporaches Dana and Mulder and they realize this was the work of the Smoking Man who intentionally did this as revenge on Lincoln for stopping whatever his plans were and saving his family and Marcus Snarkus. Scully states Lincoln, Lydia and Truman are part of her and Mulder's world at this point thanks to their dealings with CSM. Mulder is more heistant as the three are just kids and yes they have proven their meddle, but The Smoking Man is targettig Lincoln and his relationship with Lydia was used to hurt him and That The Xs are also in danger as well. With The Smoking Man have escaped, this means that they have no idea where he;ll show up next

As Lydia and Lincoln are extracted, Scully and Mulder manage to talk Ed The Extactor into allowing them to keep an eye on the two as Scully wants to keep Lincoln safe from CSM and decides to bring the Xs in this. Mulder decides he has to what's best for his partner and the kids and he goes to get Truman.

Truman and The Xs work with Mulder and Scully to keep Lydia and Lincoln safe and keep track of the duo in contrast to Mr. X The Government Agent for the others. Truman also intends to go looking for the Smoking Man as Mulder and Scully figured was behind this as he is not happy about The Smoking Man did

Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]


Mulder and Scully concerned for what happened to the heroes mainly Lincoln and Lydia who Mulder feels he let down by being afraid of Smoking Man's blackmailing. He decides to atone for it with Truman X and his partner to find out info on The Smoking Man and all the while keeping tabs on the two and wanting to protect them, keeps them out of the loop.

Chapter 1[]

Mulder and Scully were waiting in the car respectfully for The Xs as they discuss what they're going to be doing afterwards. Scully and Mulder have indeed started a relationship with one another like Lydia said. Scully advises Mulder to keep on the low profile as no one can know of this, she does admit that part of it is out of stress as she wants both Lydia and Lincoln to be safe

Scully says seeing Lydia is like seeing a part of herself and Mulder like wise for Lincoln and that it's like having their own kids and considering she's infertile she wants to protect them. Mulder gets it and states that's why they have to try for them and they need to be upfront despite the blackmail.

Tucker, Trudy, Tuesday and Truman return to their car and they say that they have seen the two respectfully.  The Xs suspect Lincoln has been trying to sneak out from the reserve which Deathstroke's Extractor warned them about. Truman tells the two he confirmed they are living in the house respectfully to Lydia.

Mulder felt he failed Lydia to protect her which is why he and Scully agreed to the living in Lydia's house thing. Tuesday sees the look in Mulder's eyes and tells him he's doing what's right to him and so  does Scully as Mulder sees protecting Team Free Will's kid heroes like a 2nd chance in regards to his sister

Tuesday, Truman, Mulder and Scully basically now discussing what the Xs found before their cabin meet up with Lincoln and Lydia. They faced monsters, alien life forms and Soviets who were all gunning for them respectively. Truman theorizes that he was targeted by the Soviets in particular, Tuesday thinks Truman is being egosticial about himself. Truman defends this by saying, he's part of Team Free Will and with them being exposed and being on the run that it's like a man hunt is on with them.

Tuesday asks and that's why Lydia and Lincoln are so far up compared to the rest, Mulder and Scully say yes and that with the Infinity Stones in Lydia's possession that makes her a grave threat.

Tucker and Trudy come back and tell the others about the info they have and sent it to Deathstroke. Mulder tells  them that Lincoln and Lydia won't be told of this and they agree with Trudy taking matters into her own hands to talk to Truman about his hesistance.

Realizing what kind of a hole they are in, Mulder and Scully basically decide to tell the X Family about who they know was behind the Team Free Will Relocate Plan that Deathstroke set up. Mulder tells them it was The Smoking Man of the Conspiracy, someone that the two have faced multiple times.

Tucker questions how long were they holding out on them, Mulder states that the two didn't want to but he was blackmailing them. The Xs ask about him and Scully informs them about The Smoking Man/CSM though Mulder is the more bitter of the two towards him though he doesn't go in detail.

Truman is told by Mulder and Scully spefically that The Smoking Man was targetting Lincoln Loud out of the fact that Smoking Man was afraid Lincoln could expose him and that the kid is incredibly sharp. Truman states and that was enough reason for him.

Truman states that's the worst part, the fact CSM is praticial minded as opposed to crazy. Mulder states indeed, the man was blackmailing Nolan and gas lighting Cleo and killing his allies other than the ones he could use later. Mulder commends that CSM is ruthless, but is aware of the advantages of sanity.  In hindsight, they should have him figured out considering the Cigarette he left at the Setori House hold which they missed.

The other Xs chime in and say that The Smoking Man's associates were investigated by Deathstroke. WHile they didn't give info on who CSM Was, they did tell President Wilson's private investigator stuff about M.A.L.I.C.E to stick it to him.

Mulder, Scully, Truman and the family decide to puruse their next lead as Mulder received a tip about their situation coming up.

Deathstroke, Mr.Wolf, Mr.Snake, Mrs.Taruntla, Mr.Shark and Mr.Pirahana contact Mulder, Scully and The X Family and tell them that they are heading to space to deal with this threat that is going on. Mulder and Scully understand and say that they will deal with the ongoing threats that arrive on the earth.

Chapter 2[]

Troy defends his case of joining him and the others saying Larke sent him and she is busy at the moment and she worries about him and Lydia. Mulder and Tucker understand this as Mulder is aware of Lydia's own doubts  and worries and what they could do, as she is still fresh off of Amanda and Cleo's passings and Lydia did tell him she is seeing Mr.Candle still in sessions. Tucker also adresses that if anyone can keep her company through this it's Lincoln as Truman told him about when she did it for him.

The other Xs and Troy ask Tucker about Vought Coproation and Mulder and Scully do have something

Mulder gives his intel that he knows a good deal about Vought thanks to his own looking into the coporation. He learned that a girl and a man posing as her father or grandfather actually dug quite a bit up on the Coporation. Mulder admits he doesn't know why but does at least feel that they may have someone who believes them. Truman asks why he went there and Scully admits that she and Mulder have a bet going on regarding recongissance and he managed to win.

Mulder shows the Xs what he undercovered with his work and that he intends to find more out on them. He knows they are a shady coporation and feels more info can be dug up.

Tucker agrees and decides to take a left turn, where indeed some alien  creatures show up led by Lord Dregg

The crew encounter Lord Dregg who Tucker was tracking and in turn, Lord Dregg is quick to renogize the threats the spies pose as The Smoking Man did tell him to keep any eye out for the Agents or anyone aligned with Team Free Will. Truman, Mulder, Tucker, Scully aren't taking this and proceed to fight the aliens under Dregg's rule. Lord Dregg does put a call to Homelander about what he has found and that it could be evidence he needs for that man hunt as he recongizes all of the group namely Truman is affilated with Team Free Will.

Troy does restrain Lord Dregg from saying anything further with Trudy and Tuesday helping with this as the others unload maganizes of ammo on Dregg's alien allies or using weapons like Truman is doing so.

Homelander arrives and tells Dregg to just leave and help the Martian out attempting to get more of more people. Jovially, Homelander  greets the spies and asks to please hand over the kid to him. They ask who and Homelander says Truman X, and to hand him over to Homelander as he is part of Team Free Will and he and his allies are trying to hunt down and keep all the members at bay, locked up etc. Homelander after this threatens blackmail that if they don't he'll expose their identies and because of their ties to Team Free Will, they're done for and he does say if they comply. This will go smoothly.

Troy and the Xs refuse to comply with this as Truman is part of their member though Tuesday does joke to let Homelander after him. Tucker, Mulder and Scully all point their guns ready to shoot him if he lays a hand on the boy.

Homelander just without second thoughts grabs their guns, breaks them and grabs the agents telling them. That they have no idea who he is and that he is the beloved hero of this city and of the world, THey're protecting a criminal group, spefically the two members that he and his partner are after, and Homelander states that he knows Mulder and Scully know where they are or at least has ties to them. Homelander tells them that they can keep their jobs under his rule if they give up their location.

Mulder and Scully are both in disbelief, as CSM has been tracking them for a while  and know they have been living in Lydia's house. Mulder blindly states but truthfully that he is not giving up the kids, he loves them like his own kids and so does Scully.

Homelander decides to kill both Tuesday and Truman for refusing to comply, though Tucker saves both of them by tackling Homelander. Tuesday, Troy, Truman, Tucker, Trudy, Mulder and Scully all prepare to fight Homelander and do so. While they do get some hits, Homelander wipes the floor with them easy and warns them that the only reason they're not dead is because daddy's dearest wanted the man spefically alive referring to Mulder. Homelander tries to bring them in but Truman barely consciousness tazers him in his  crotch causing him to drop them and Tucker to get his backup vechile ready.

Mulder, Truman and Scully all then reveal they have bugged Homelander and now they can listen in on him. The other Xs ask about Homelander's comment about daddy dearest to Mulder, and Mulder reveals the Smoking Man is actually his biological father.

Mulder, Scully, Truman and Tuesday hear about the 2nd part of it and learn of Bruno Manneim's attack on Sid Chang that failed due to intervention from a robot and his magic pet who thinks he's a brit as Homelander tells The Smoking Man.

The Group realizes the Smoking Man is going to vouch for power and use his knowledge to do so and that they must be go after them. The Xs and Troy decide to play back what they know to learn of Homelander and The Smoking Man's other targets

Truman, Mulder and Scully decide that it may be a good idea to get back to Lincoln and Lydia and see if they're okay as they know Mulder's father is after them and using Homelander to go after them. Truman does remind them of their supply delivery though and that Lydia did send him a list of what she and Lincoln could need. Mulder begins to fret himself like Lydia does and Scully is more in contorl like Lincoln in regards to the situation. Truman asks on this and Scully calmly but concisely explains that she is sterile to Truman.

They bring their supplies and notice Lincoln and Lydia are just reading and have a blender out and Truman worrying about them hugs them saying he was scared something happened.

Mulder and Scully talk to the two and they advise them to continue being careful know that they know The Smoking Man is hunting them now though not telling Lincoln and Lydia about this.

Chapter 3[]

Truman, his Family, Mulder, Scully, and Troy all finally make their move in regards to The Smoking Man who has made his move in regard for acquiring more power and all. All of them are intent to turn him in now that they have where they want him

The Xs, Mulder, Scully and Troy all basically try and over hear all the info with Tucker and Truman preparing to hand this info to the spies situation

Mulder and Scully both are ready to leave to make sure now that learn CSM's conpsiracy is up to something and that CSM is using the aliens life from for his own purposes for the sake of power as well as colonization. Troy tells them that he will get the car for them in turn

However This is when Vladmir Makrarov shows up and he has them all at gun point and forces them to see The Smoking Man. The Smoking Man admits he was aware that they were all going to go after them and now he's going to get them put away. Jacob Hopkins and Bruno Mannehim drug the crew and place them in Z9's ship so The Smoking Man deliver them to the Warden

Tucker, Trudy, Tuesday, Truman, Troy, Mulder and Scully all wake up in a prison cell as they look out the window. There is a lot of snow and ice, which Scully immediatly recongizes as Russia.

Troy asks how she knows, Scully states they are somewhere at least up in the north and Russia is the most likely place.

Tucker and Trudy use their Homebase intel and state that she is right

Mulder realizes that his work has been destoryed by The Smoking Man, he was building a case against him for a long while so he can help Team Free Will. This breaks him.

Tuesday states that Mulder can just make another case and not to give up, Mulder states it had more than that in there. It had adoption papers in there, This gets The X's interests to why Mulder had those in the file.

Scully speaks up and states it was for The Lopez Girl, he wanted to adopt her and since Scully herself is infertile this was the only way to do. Mulder states that they actually bought the house next door to the Louds, to not just keep an eye on the Louds, but for when the whole exile thing is over, they can keep the two of them safe and sound and legal guardianship over Lydes. Troy states Ford could have just had legal guardian ship over her.

Mulder agrees, though Ford might not live for longer due to his age and he wants to be on top of things in case. Tucker, Trudy and Tuesday wonder where Truman when.

Truman, Mulder, Scully, Beckett and Sterling are all tossed into the cell and this is when The Warden opens the door and this is when the Soivet Demogrogon emerges out of the door having recovered from Lincoln, Lydia and Cassie's attack on it.

Mulder, Scully and Truman are familar with the Demogorgons, but they do admit that is seems different. Bekcett and Sterling inquire that this must have been the project which the three confirm is indeed the case

The Soviet Demogorgon leaps at the 5 of them.

All 5 of them have to resort to their wits as they don't have any weapons since CSM confiscated them. Truman, Scully and Mulder being familar with it know that they need to use fire or some kind of weapon to cut it up

The three basically use the time to make a kind of weapon to do this, Beckett and Sterling though  aren't yielding and decide to stall The Soviet Demogrgon as Sterling and Beckett settle for doing so until Truman, Mulder and Scully are ready

Jack takes out of the guards with ease and enters the room where he sees Sterling, Beckett invading the Demogorgon and the latter does get to them. Jack sees Truman, Mulder and Scully and saves them too. Truman, Scully and Mulder have finished up their idea, they decided to start a huge fire to ensure it can be hurt or damaged. Jack takes out a flamethrower and gives them a kick start.

Truman, Jack, Mulder, Scully, Beckett and Sterling all manage to escape from The Soviet Demogorgon with Jack locking the door in turn

Jack, The Xs, Troy, Mulder and Scully all escape and Jack gets Intel of the situation and that they will have to escape and now. Mulder asks what does Jack know of the situtaiton, Jack states that he was sent by The Crimsion Paw as well who has ties to Deathstroke. Truman suspects that this was a trap to get them coming. Jack isn't in denial over this but he notes sometimes you have to play along

Scully and Mulder are given guns from Jack to defend themselves as they all escape from the prison. Jack states that they must return to the other side and make sure The Governor knows they're fine.

Truman and Troy consider getting a visit in with Lincoln and Lydia before hand which Jack does agree to as he gets his plane ready. Mulder and Scully want to do as well and Jack asks if the two are fine, the 4 state fine enough

Truman and Mulder meanwhile see Lydia and tell her that they may be a little longer for their drop off as they have a thing to deal with. Lydia asks what it's about, Truman and Mulder basically just say a case for work to help Mulder and Truman cover it up in case The SMoking Man comes after the two. Mulder states that she has no need to worry as when this is all over, he'll have a suprise for her and Truman tells Lydia she'll like it.

Lydia asks about her parents and Mulder knows the truth but is hesistant to tell her as he doesn't want to upset her. Mulder just says that they're fine despite what happened,

Mulder, Scully, Truman, Troy and The Xs tell Lydia and Lincoln that they will be back when they time off from their mission as they see Jack Bauer, Walter Beckett and Lance Sterling wait for them. The Latter two ask about the kids, Mulder, Truman and Scully explain that their friends Lincoln and Lydia who they are working to protect from The Smoking Man

Chapter 4[]

As the Spys and Jack Bauer go off, they take a plane provided by the president, They once again decide to head to Russia once again to continue their fight with the russians. Jack informs them that Vladmir Makarov is in league with more than just The Cigarette Smoking Man and that was why he was there.

Scully talks to Mulder if he's okay as she was aware of how concerned he was for Lydia and all that. He states he's okay, he does worry for her and that his failure to get the papers provided frustrate him. Scully puts her hand on Mulder and tells him that they wil work on this afterwards, She knows Lincoln is around and he will come through for Lydia.

Jack implores the two that that they need to get their piroirity straight for their situation. Scully is more in agreeance with this as they do.

Mulder though is still in thought, and has an eruka moment realizing what his father is up to.  Mulder analyzes what he knows about what he did to Lincoln and CSM sees The Loud Boy as a threat to him, for his accomplishments to his knowledge and for exposing the Millers. He then ponders why would he expose Lydia apart from being Lincoln's partner and writes down a theory about The Smoking Man had another partner who figured out Lydia's alias that wasn't the Mind Flayer or Omni Man.

Upon Arriving up north, The Crimson Paw/Diana Foxington meets up with them and introduces herself as Deathstroke's associate and an associate with Mr.Wolf. Mulder managed to put that together without being told.

Diana managed to find intel on the Russians with Vladmir Makarov, who is the main russian informant of The Smoking Man. With the exception of Lance and Walter, the whole team joins The Crimson Paw to go after the Russians.

Mulder sneaks around as they follow Makarov, who is with Berko and The Warden. The Latter with an Soviet Demorgon. Both Mulder and Truman are in disbelief that the beast came back and even more so when it's possible that The Upside Down was opened up or even inbreeding occured.

Mulder and Scully get info from Sterling and Beckett with the others and learn that The Smoking Man and his russian allies are planning to use a Chronton Dentator  with the intent to do well what ones does. Everyone other than Jack is baffled on this, Jack though knows what one is and explains that an ally of his once tried to use one a long time in his evil days to blackmail a hero to join him, it was a dud but still.

However Makarov, The Russians and The Warden hear this and they sic the newly bred Soviet Demogrogon on them. Another monster appears too and it was orderd by The Sales Guy to take care of them as he advised it to Makarov.  It turns out to be a small monster, but a deadly one on top of that.

Scully, Mulder and the others take out their fire arms and open fire on the monsters and The Soviet Demogrgon.

The Soviet Demogorgon is no different from the previous encounter, it's such they're not in a prison cell so they're able to have more at their diposoal against them. Mulder and Scully decide to take the big guy out himself as the others take on The Monsters.

Mulder and Scully realize that they are going to have use to do more than just shoot at or use fire on The Soviet Demogorgon, they need to get rid of the eggs that The Soviet Demorgorgon has layed for it's offspring.  They also manage to take out the Russian Soliders working With Makarov and Berko with Jack and The Crimson Paw

The 4 of them all put together that The Smoking Man is attempting to control the multiverse but not the ususal way most are attempting, he intends to control space and time as he who controls space and time, can control the multiverse. Mulder admits that it's defiently more than what he suspected from CSM, which Jack and Scully agree with.

Jack decides to allow them some time to be with their kids or want to be kids. Scully thanks Jack but their mission takes top opporunity, Mulder stops her and says that they will gladly take it. Mulder also gets Truman to come with them too, as Lydia and Lincoln are his best friends.

Mulder, Scully and Truman head to the cabin with their christmas stuff to see Lincoln and Lydia. Scully admits she was talked into it by Mulder to celebrate Christmas with them as they might as well spend with people like family. They stay for the day and decide to leave on the 27th. Mulder does wonder if the two of them are okay being distant from the world and all that, He reassures Lydia that he will help her anyway he can when this is all over as they're half way through the exile period.

Chapter 5[]

Mulder and Scully return back from their time with Lincoln and Lydia alongside Truman. He did admit it was a good break from all this and how the world can wait from all this multiverse things that keep going on. Though Mulder's troubles have keep him from telling Lydia of his and Scully's intents to adopt her as their own and that they have her house now to keep her live as normal as possible before what his dad did. This is something that doesn't go unnoticed by Troy.

Ford and his Guys get in touch with them about what they found. Mulder is informed of the head crabs that attacked Truman's family and that they need to something and quick before they are attacked or possessed themselves. Mulder heeds this warning just as the head crabs possessed Xs attempt to attack them, and try to have more of their race possess them.

With the help of Diana, he and the others escape from them with Jack and Lance distracting them. However Makarov and his guys counted for this and ambushed them and apprehend him and the others into an another Russian Prison.

He and Scully tell Truman, Jack and Diana where they are as Scully snuck a cell phone, and advise them to seek help from Ford and his others if possible. He and Scully then talk about how they're won't make their weekly visit to the duo and he starts to worry. Scully tries her best to calm him down from this.

Chapter 6[]

Mulder and Scully learn what CSM has been doing and The Two are trapped with the Demogorgons to be killed.

Ford arrives and helps them escape

Ford's crew help deal with the headcrabs and afterwards regroup with Deathstroke's team to prepare their fight. Mulder overhears from Larke, Troy and Truman that Lydia went AWOL as did Lincoln and he gets worried, feeling that CSM has put his crosshairs on them.


-Mulder and Scully decide to handle the Smoking Man themselves, though Lance and Walter decide to come along too. Mulder fights through the aliens CSM has and corners his dad eventually attempting to take him .Though he has him at gun point, Smoking Man does escape but with the help  of Beckett they manage to keep him from escaping anywhere near Spear Pillar.Deathstroke is informed who tells them that he has his agent on it.

Truman, Mulder and Scully use the paper trial of CSM's work with the Russians and they send the files of The Smoking Man's transactions with the Russians to the authorities and the actions of M.A.L.I.C.E are exposed though also with the help of Saul, Bender and Slade's empire unknown to them.

Deathstroke hands Mulder the adoption papers he wanted Mulder and Scully with Truman pick up Lincoln and Lydia and informs the latter about the adoption papers  he has signed for her and them to live in the same house she lived in.

Mulder tries to steel himself to talk to the Louds as he decided to find the other louds and get them home. He eventually does with Scully and learns Luan and Lisa are already home and they are noticed by Anti Cosmo and Bender who also are at The Louds as well.

Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

With The Mind Flayer's return, Deathstroke contacts both Fox and his partner Scully to investigate this case and asks if Lydia and Lincoln are safe and the two reveal that they have been keeping tabs with The Lopez and Loud Families and bought The Lopez House to live together. The events in-between the two stories reveal what Mulder, Scully and The X Family have been doing with the kids.



At Ampihibia, Mulder and Scully visist Toad's Tower and see Sasha and Grime. The two are prepared to attack the agents until Mulder states that they need their help with something. Sasha questions who wants to know, Scully states Anne Boonchuy and that former members of Toffee's empire are around. Grime doesn't believe this as Chip was sent to prison and so was Odalia.

Scully states Belos managed to get Odalia out of her prison and restored her powers and that The Shadow Blot has joined up with him. Sasha and Grime being former allies of Toffee means they will be targeted. Grime sees this as an opporunity to go closer with their plan to claim Newtopia, Sasha agrees but feels that the situation must be serious if Anne needs her help despite what went down and that Odalia did try to kill them for betraying Toffee.

Grime concedes and states that the President has their eye on them so they need to establish more trust in order to do so and these agents are smart enough by his impresssions.

Mulder asks the two about their answer, and Sasha agrees with Grime to go do this task. Grime and Sasha then leave with Mulder and Scully with them putting their head toads in charge while they're out.

Chapter 1[]

Dana and Fox were revealed to be how Sasha and Grime arrived in Loch Loud as they discretly contacted Angus and got him to pick them for Team Free Will as they learn that Angus has ties to the Loud Family, in particular Lincoln who looks up to him.

He and his partner arrive at Loch Loud and realise that Lincoln and Lydia are doing their own tricks as they're not in bed and realize they're up to something apart from the others. Kamela confirms this to the two as she sees them. Mulder, unlike  his partner isn't that worried as he knows that they can take care of themselves and theorizes the two are trying to learn more about the dimenision they learned about previously.

Mulder knew Lincoln and Lyida were up to something. Scully explains that were trying to protect the two of them and Kamela thankfully knew the two would going to do something. Lincoln and Lydia tried to defend themselves, the agents state they are heading back to Loch Loud. Mulder does ask what the two found out on what they were looking into, Lincoln states unfathomable horror. Scully and Kamela both look unerved as Lydia menitoned what she and Lincoln overheard about the Mind Flayer respectfully. Though they keep certain aspects to themselves.

Kamela adresses that what the heck is even going on, Lincoln tells her it's a him and Lydia thing. Kamela tells the duo that whatever this thing is they can't handle themselves and that they will need help. Scully agrees as they do as they get back to Loch Loud

Lincoln, Lydia, Kamela, Mulder and Scully get back into the castle and this is it becomes obvious that the place is haunted as Kamela and Mulder see ghosts haunting the castle.

Lincoln, Lydia, Mulder and Scully all get The Arggh kit and use to suck up plenty of the ghosts

Mulder and Scully radio Deathstroke back and explain that you know which two kids have their own thing to deal with. Deathstroke explains that they will deal with this later.

The rest of the team arrive back and see the deceased dragon and the spihoned magic items.

Ford asks Lincoln and Lydia what are they holding from them. Mulder, Scully and Kamela nod to the two as does Truman.

Lincoln, Lydia, Deathstroke, Mike, Gus, Kamela, Mulder and Scully are all meeting about what the former two told the crew and that it may be wise to look into what consitutes the event that happens. Scully tells Lincoln and Lydia that the rest of the team will find out at some point, she doesn't approve of the two going behind the team's back to find stuff like this out. Mulder interjects and explains that while she doesn't like it, getting them involved is at least something so they can prepare when The Flayer attacks them.

Scully tells Mulder not to put words in her mouth and that wasn't she was saying. Deathstroke summarizes to Fox that Scully isn't for this due to trust and all that, but she can feel fine that Lincoln and Lydia can trust them with such info as they're the ones above all else that need to know.

Mulder and Scully decide that they will accompany the team on their mission as Mulder does admittingly worry for the kids, especially as he promised the Lopez Family and Loud Family that he will keep them safe. Scully does understand this need and that she feels the same way as does Truman. Mulder is confident that Lincoln and Lydia will reveal the whole truth when they're ready and that pressuring them will be trouble.

Chapter 2[]

Both Mulder and Scully arrived at Haunted Island, tracking down the Blot. This is when they see Jauna running and they stop him.

Jauna is stopped by Scully who ask him what is he doing. Jauna tells her, he's going to find Hilda as well as Lydia and Lincoln. Scully tells him that he's going on his own on an island he doesn't even know and trying not to get lost. Mulder also being there with Scully, tells Jauna that they are coming regardless.

Mulder is already running to get to action telling Jauna and Scully to hurry up. Scully just rolls her eyes with a smile on her face. Jauna asks are they a thing or something, Scully admits that they are, and she likes Mulder exactly for who he is.

Jauna, Mulder and Scully are in the Haunted Amusement Park, Jauna knows that Hilda has been here by looking at foot prints. Scully gives an odd look as  she wonders how, Jauna lowers his head and sniffs it and says yeah they that have been here. Sully finds it a bit ridculous that he can even smell their sense

Jauna states to trust his instincts. Mulder is more open to this and feels like Jauna may be very much on to something and decides to follow it. However Belos arrives saying and they wonder how he knows it. Jaune tells Belos where to stick it and if he has Hilda, Lincoln and Lydia let them go.

Belos admits he has no use for them at this point and he's here for him. Mulder and Scully point their guns to him, telling him to back off.

Belos uses his magic to send the two away with Mulder saving Scully from being attacked by Belos again. Jauna and Belos fight each off and Belos tries to tempt Jauna to unleash his secret on him and that he won't be able to hide it, Jauna is determined still as he fights the Emperor

Scully and Mulder overhear and they agree to not press Jauna about it until he's ready. Mulder asks Scully exactly how many people are keeping secrets, as they know Lincoln and Lydia are and now Jaune is. Scully gives a flirtarious look saying to him and they don't keep secrets from the others. Mulder states that their relationship isn't know to much of them apart from Jauna, Lincoln, Lydia and Truman and that in spite of it they have a lovely time together. Scully doesn't deny it.

Mulder and Scully sneak up Behind Emperor Belos and Mulder punches Belos in the mask causing him to loose control.

Scully picks up Jauna as Mulder attacks Belos while he's stunned and they continue to look for the kids. Belos unfazed but admires Mulder's will.

Jauna, Mulder and Scully show up right in time to save Lydia, Lincoln and Hilda and the six proceed to fight The Blot who also made ink like henchmen. The Blot is sucessful in forcing Jaune into his secret, he is a wolf and he mauls the ink like henchmen and the mummies as Mulder and Scully get the kids to safety.

Mulder tells The kids that Ford is waiting for them and that they will just have to wait. Lincoln asks how they found them, Scully tells Lincoln that Jauna tracked their footsteps and Belos was privy to this and all. Hilda decides to go back into the tomb to get Jauna and Mulder follows her.

Mulder and Hilda come back out with Jauna to Lincoln, Lydia and Scully. Mulder and Scully hand Jauna some healing items as they watch for the others

Lincoln, Lydia and Hilda are trusted by Jauna to keep this to themselves, Joanna, Mulder and Scully.

Mulder and Scully agree to his term and the six see Ford and head off. Mulder and Scully smile as they are happy that the kids are safe

Chapter 3[]

Ford is busy playing a games of D&D with Mulder as Ford is showing him how to play the game and what the pieces are. Mulder is quick to notice how everything ussual in the Upside Down is on D&D terms like The Demogrgon and The Mind Flayer.

Ford explains that Lydia had an idea and he went for it, he loves the game and wants to show Mulder why he likes the game and to enterain.Mulder admits he's having a fun time as he hasn't been this loose for a while.

Scully asks what Mulder and Ford think they can undercover further than the Demogorgon and The Mind Flayer

Ford states that Mulder and her both went to Hawkins where they discovered the creatures and with The Soviet one emerging it could help.

Mulder being giddy like a child at his sucess interupts this and this gives both of them a look, Mulder states he's just having some fun. He asks what the next move is. Ford states he'll roll next and that they're deal with it. Mulder does add that, the kids have been looking into something but they need to have them speak up.

Scully states that what if they never do, Ford even agrees on this point. Mulder states maybe they will say something later, but he feels that with Hilda being on the cross hairs of this guy, they will be more willing to address it.

Ford, Scully and Mulder continue playing D&D as they discuss matters

At Breakfast, Mulder and Scully join the crew the picture they have and it's Vecna.

Mulder, Scully and Ford look at Lydia and Lincoln as the latter two realize Mulder was right as Lincoln and Lydia reveal something they actually know about Vecna.

Sasha asks how long were they holding off on this, Lydia tells them until they could figure out what to say. Ford asks who could have told that kind of stuff, Lydia states both Vecna and Martin Brenner. Mulder recongizes the latter as he mentioned Dr.Owens gave him the adoption papers for Lydia so he and Scully can be her legal guardians. The others implore how they met Brenner and Owens.

Truman, Mulder and Scully add that they also had an encounter with that beast themselves in a Russian cell just like  Lincoln and Lydia who paused at this.

Grime, Crowley, Mulder and Scully decide to go to Angus and Flap and get an idea  where to find.

With the mountain enterance on the way for the team. Ford and Jauna take the lead and decide that they will split the group up to find the music boxes. Ronnie Anne asks if they will get in contact with Sid, Luz, Marcy Wu and Lisa. Mulder and Scully adress that Deathstroke, Kamela and Gus have sent  Mike to go after them. If anyone can things done, it's Mike.

Ford and Lydia have Anne, Truman, Mulder, Sasha and Cricket to come along for the ride in turn

Sasha and Grime, Mulder and Scully, Larke and Truman as well as Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Crowley wish each other good luck in this regard

Meanwhile with Lydia, Ford, Anne, Truman, Mulder, Cricket and Sasha they all going through the other part of the mountain. Ford inquires Lydia on his concerns he mentioned and states that he and Mulder both are showing concern on this whole Vecna thing.

Lydia asks what about it, Ford feels she's digging too much into Vecna, over her parent's insutaltization and Amanda and Cleo's deaths in part being caused by Vecna's actions. Lydia denies this saying she's just trying to stop him due to the damage he can cause, not revenge. Mulder states but why and how, Lydia states she doesn't want others suffering from Henry and her and Lincoln will do what they have to.

Truman, Mulder and Ford here that out and state that they have a feeling something is here and Lydia agrees as she senses Demogrgons. The three don't doubt her and tell Sasha, Anne and Cricket to follow behind

Lydia, Ford, Truman and Mulder all run directly into a bunch of Demogrgons and one being the Soviet one that both Lydia and Mulder encountered at certain points. This is when Abomdinations show up and grab them and this is when Odalia appears.

Lydia and Truman use their weapons to allow Ford and Mulder to go try and get the Music Box from Odalia. Anne, Cricket and Sasha show in this as they all attack Odalia,

Ford and Mulder continue fighting with Odalia for the music box, and almost get it into Odalia summits The Soviet Demogrgon off Truman and Lydia to keep it form doing so. Anne and Sasha however tag team it and Cricket taunts Odalia calling her a chicken and she does indeed runs after them. Ford then manages to steal the music box in turn and Mulder manages to stop Rainbird who tries to shoot them as well.

Ford and Mulder find the giant wolf and decide to give it back the box, But The Wolf communciates that it wants them to have it which they do.

Anne reassures Lydia that while the latter is strong and has the Infinity Gauntlets, her and Sasha can deal with it when it comes back.

Mulder isn't so sure himself as he remembers the time he and Scully were in The Russian Prison and it scared him. Truman states at least the crew is ready to deal with it this time. Mulder does admit this is true

The Whole Crew all meet back up with the boxes. Angus and Flap call them and see they got the music boxes.

Lydia and Mulder see Lincoln, Scully and Hilda who the latter is still in wound from her gun shot. Scully states she treated Hilda, Mulder and Scully check each other and are glad they are fine, Mulder tells her about The Rainbird attack and the Demogrgon where as Scully tells him what they dealt with.

Chapter 4[]

The gang all arrive in Trolberg as Hilda and Jauna lead the way to Hilda's house so they can get some help with their quest.

Mulder and Scully discuss among the others, that they will invesitgate the area to find some kind of magical items. Ford and Jaune question what they will find and Mulder says that they will find something here in Trolberg.

Crowley, Sasha, Anne and Grime ask Mulder and Scully where to and Scully informs them that the two are going to do this themselves. Anne asks why, Mulder says that this is a FBI agent thing between him and Scully.

The Crew arrives at home  to see Johanna who is surpised that Hilda and Juane brought the whole crew home. They all enter through the door and Ford aplogizes for them all coming and introduces Johanna to Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Crowley.

Mulder and Scully tells Lincoln, Truman, Hilda Cricket, Anne and Lydia that they will go out and see what they can find. The Others discuss how to apporach The Belos/Vecna threat and how to get around.

Mulder and Scully are looking into Trolberg, observing everything as such. Mulder asks what are they looking into, Scully  says that that they looked into  nearly every anomality in Trolberg and it's weird all right what they looked into. Mulder phones up Lydia and she is heading back with Lincoln to the house. Mulder asks what the two found.

Lincoln tells Mulder, that he and Lydia went to see her Flying Rhino Friends as Lydia suspected a possession on Them in part to Vecna.

Mulder and Scully sign off as Scully has all the notes from everything they found and Mulder asks about Hilda and which one to go for when showing her everything. Scully states it really doesn't matter what they tell Hilda, her and her friends proably know the real truth of all this so they'll ask what the time comes. Mulder asks and Safety Patrol?, with a file in hand, with Scully says that they will pay a visit to Alberg's partner.

Mulder and Scully are listening in on this and Mulder records this and asks about Trolls, Scully says Trolberg was meant to keep Trolls out,  Hilda and Johanna lived there according to her knowledge on the family, there was a cabin out there and they moved into the city. Mulder questions how will Trundle use his troll army if they can only come out at night, Scully doesn't have the answer though Belos might have helping Trundle get around this.

Mulder and Scully call warning them about Trundle is looking for Hilda and Jaune,and that he is here and so is Erik Alberg and Tezkekl Kan. Hilda freezes up again but Lincoln and Lydia calm her down as does Joanna. Jaune asks what else and Scully infroms of Demogrogons being here too so keep an eye for Vecna too.

Erik is raised in the air and has his eyes gogued out and his limbs broken. His Body left lifeness as Vecna's hand stick out of a portal.

Mulder and Scully notice this as well and they realize Vecna's influence has grown if he can do that and need to go looking for the others. They load their hand guns in turn.

Lydia sees Mulder and they basically work together to save Hilda by keeping Trundle distracted through their effort.

Mudler and Scully stun Trundle with bright shocks of light.

Lincoln and Lydia who keep Hilda down recongize this and they make a plan, use The Reality Stone to stun Trundle and have Bells appear to do so. Mulder and Scully showed this right there so they need a way.

Lincoln then asks Ronnie Anne if she has her skateboard because they need to do this to the trolls. Ronnie Anne does and shows up with Cricket as they take Lincoln, Lydia, Mulder, Scully around town to stop the trolls. Jaune gets Hilda on him and asks for the soul Stone which Lydia hands him as they go to save the rest.

Mulder and Scully then tell them that Vecna killed Erik and they saw it happen so he can act more freely. Lincoln states then they need to leave Trolberg quickingly

Mulder shows Hilda and friends that Erik Alberg has been killed by Vecna which shocks the trio and tells them that leaving is needed and quick. Despite their feelings for Alberg, Hilda feels even Alberg didn't deserve that death and Frida and David agree.

Lincoln, Johanna, Jaune, Mulder, Scully, Frida and David all return home as well and to their shock they see Hilda and Lydia fight. Mulder and Johanna both get their respective kids apart from each other and decide to have Lincoln talk to both of them as well as Johanna and Jaune talk to them too. Frida sees something fall out of Lincoln's pocket and she grabs it,

Scully states what was Lydia even thinking getting into a fight with Hilda, Mulder states that he's seen it to her. They were fighting over Lincoln, Scully rolls her eyes at this saying "T]he oldest story in the world: Two men. One woman. Trouble." except it's 2 women and one guy. Mulder says and that Lincoln already made his mind up and was trying to let the other party down.

Johanna, Lincoln, Lydia, Mulder and Scully all rush in as they help Johanna get there and Vecna shows himself to them scaring all of them. Vecna uses his powers to hold all of them back so he can claim Hilda. Vecna deflects the gunshots Mulder and Scully are firing off at them which Frida protects them  with magic.

Jaunne manages to save Hilda from Vecna and she falls into Mulder and Scully's hands who decide to save Hilda

Johanna, Mulder and Scully check Jaune's life pulse and note he is dead, Lincoln and Lydia decide to use the infinity stones to basically reboot his heart so he can still breath to not allow Vecna a defeat as Johanna and Hilda watch as they try to restart his heart that as soon as they had some happiness.

As Lydia, Lincoln, Ford, Hilda, Anne, Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Crowley, Truman, Larke, Mulder, Scully, Sasha, Grime, Frida and David all set off to leave to head to thier next destination as they have Jaune in the back resting as he is set up in the back with Larke and The FBI Agents setting him up carefully

Chapter 5[]

Mulder and Scully with Hilda and Joanne check on up on Jaune and Scully confirms that Jaune is breathing though his condition is still at a tie respectfully. Discussing certain matters with Ford, Johanna, David, Frida, Hilda, Scully and Angus they make a choice of their own. Mulder, Scully and Ford will go check the Hawkins Lab once they arrive to see what is being hid by the government as there is still something suspcious going on.

Talking with Ford, Mulder convinces him to let Hilda come along for the ride as a way of distracting her as Hilda seems to be mad about something and Mulder is smart enough not to inquire abou it. Ford agrees to this, and then he and Scully discuss the possibility of Lydia doing her own thing while in Hawkins, as she did tell Ford about Vecna opening the gates and escaping which Scully doesn't disagree on. They also put it together that although Vecna is against Lydia for more personal reasons, he hasn't attacked her like he attempted with Hilda or the others due to her more stable and open mind.

Mulder goes to Frida and David and asks them to accompany Lydia if she indeed does what he thinks she'll do and they agree.

Upon arriving in Hawkins, he goes with Ford and the others, he does wink to Lincoln and Lydia if they need to something. they should go do it. This not so subtly states to them that they have his okay to do their own thing respectfully. Mulder and the others head to the laboratory and get the info from the Labs, though he and Scully do find someone else was there and looked at the info already. Though this person is likely and unknown to them "is" on their side, he and Scully find a chip as well during their investigation and bag it as evidence.

Trundle and Tezkel Kan arrive to go after them and Mulder heads against them with his allies as they are intend to make sure they don't escape with this info. Mulder drives away Tzekel at the very least as he and the others don't have a way against Trundle in a hellscape like Hawkins having no light. Mulder does get hurt on the way but he does get away and checks up on Jaune again. He notes there is a pulse there so things may not be as hopeless as he thought. He and Scully tell Lincoln and Lydia about the chip they found and feel if anyone may be aware of what it was for, it's them since they know the most about Vecna and his origins of the group.

Chapter 6[]

Mulder and Scully make it their next mission to get the Belmont Vampire Whip, as it's a holy weapon to dealing with evil. Realizing he can't go for it alone, he and Scully recruit David, Frida and Joanne to help and he Promises Hilda they that will look after her friends and mom, Mulder brings them along to acquire the whip

Scully and Mulder talk about their own thing going on and if will be enough to stop Vecna and Belos what they're doing in regards to what their plan.The Gang all wander through towns, entry ways and temples while fighting off an assortment of Castlevaia Monsters

Upon getting the final upgrade, Trundle shows up intend on going after them through proxy to Hilda.He is eager to fight, but Johanna steps to deal with Trundle this time with the flaming whip despite the protests of the agents regarding her pregnacy. They do save Joanne from getting crushed at some point

Upon Return, Mulder and Scully do another check on Jaune's signs for Hilda and Joanne, and learn that he is starting to make a recovery, though he still is comatose.Ford informs them they are heading to The Boiling Isles and Hexside

Chapter 7[]

Scully and Mulder head to Hexside and take charge in case anyone tries to harm them. Mulder learns Vecna has broken off from Belos and learns of what Vecna's actions have done.They meet up with Slade and Bender's group, recongizing Anti Cosmo and Bender from the events of Countdown.

Mulder and Scully decide to help Lydia deal with Vecna

Chapter 8[]

They go after Vecna and help the others deal with the Demogrgons. Scully and Mulder go after Lydia, Lincoln and Hilda upon learning the latter went along with them

Mulder saves Lydia and Lincoln while Jaune and Scully save Hilda after the three kill Vecna


Mulder and Scully take Lincoln and Lydia to see Johanna and Camilla. He and Ford then take the others to the ceremony and are present. Mulder wonders what could be the force that is still present.

The Bad Guys and The Boys[]

Mulder and Scully arrive to help Deathstroke with his situation and meet up with Betty as well, it turns how he is checking up on Lydia over Scully and knows she is dating Lincoln due to observationThey meet both Betty and Skinner and discover what is exactly going on respectively with Kang and others and he decides to help the Bad Guys and Boys upon learning of the syndicate's involvement regarding the First Elder and Well Mainicuared Man

Mulder is working away on what is going on and suspects something greater involved in regards to Kang and learns info on the situation from Well Mancuared Man who is working secretly to help them and he directs this to Skinner. As they go on the adventure, Scully suspects something is off with Betty and talks to Mulder about it, and they agree to talk to her about it


He and Scully manage to get some key info about the plan by Well Manicuared Man who is secrely on their side all things considered. Upon saving Betty from near death, they learn from her what has happened. When Scully admits she isn't the best person to confide in admittingly due to her own screwed up ways, Mulder feels that ain't true respectfully due to his ability to confide in her and her with him Scully and Mulder are seperated due to the  Quantulm Realm and Kang's actions

He ends up in the orbit of Dakota and Cavendish with others and they team up to liberate the slaves Kang has and he texted Lydia and Lincoln about comics for advice on this. Being reunited with Scully and the others in part to Deathstroke's allies and the others, she was worried Kang killed him, but Mulder admits he almost was

The group leads a final stand on Kang, and he goes against Cheng Chi with Scully and Deathstroke and helps deal with The First Elder bringing him in as well.He and Scully have Betty check on up on Lydia and discover what they did. Skinner goes through what they reported.

Mulder is admitting glad that his kid does have some supernatural interest after hearing Lincoln and Truman working with her to deal with it.




Mulder was first mentioned by Lydia in regards to her parenting and how she loves him and Scully, but does wish they can have more time with her instead of being workalocholics, Mulder at some point tried to help HIlda overcome her trauma to no avail even taking her to investigate supernatural but she is unresponsive. He tries to encourage her to keep sketching too as well.


At some point, Mulder stumbled into The Fairy Isles and learns about Johanna's orgins and Mulder is suprised to learn she's half fairy. He visits Joanna's apartment and tells her he knows where Johanna confindes about the diffculties of telling Hilda and Jaune this and wants Mulder to keep it between them. He agrees and explains the diffcultiies of having his own kid in that he is regretful that he puts work so high up on priority when he should be there for Lydia which Johanna even sympathizes with. Mulder states he just want to protect her the way he couldn't protect his own sister from being abducted and he feels like he leans too much on Scully at times and doesn't how to stop himself.

Mulder and Scully are called for an investigation by Skinner to look into as something has gone array due to hole related thefts as well as super natural activity being a occurance in regards to weather. The two head off, but consider doing something for Lydia.Mulder and Scully think back to their adoption of Lydia as they explain to her they adopted her and the situation with her family. They comfort her about this and Mulder tells Lydia that they tried to get her aunt Dr.Lopez to adopt her but she wasn't able to. Mulder presents her with the papers to confirm her adoption to them and gives her the location of her brain dead cataontic parents so she can visit them on hours.

Mulder and Scully both lead some kind of investigation and learn of some heists that were done and attacks done by Marlyin Thronhill and Tylet Gapin as they look into what has occured at the crime scene.

Chapter 1[]

Mulder and Scully investigate the incident and find out about some DNA of the monster respectively. This is when Johanna calls and she tells them what happened to Lydia and Lincoln. Mulder and Scully don't blame her and even note the high tendecies that the two get into unknowingly.

He presses Johanna if she has told Hilda or Jaune about what they know. He understands she isn't ready for the rabbit hole to go further. Mulder has Johanna tell him about Von Gale who he has done work on in the past. Mulder asks Johanna to keep him updated and when he is told of Anders being there he suspects Anders of something. Scully keeps him on track before he thinks about questioning her ex-husband. Mulder thanks her and decides to seek a contact for Johanna

Mulder has one point during his investigations and when he met Phillinum and Lydia, he also got in contact with Astrid who was who took him to the Fairy Isle to hear his wounds from the attack he went under in Trolberg. Mulder learned about their connections to Hilda and he went to see Johanna about this.

Part 2[]

Astrid recalled how she met him when she resuced him from ancient gaints and allowed him to observe the Pooka as she heard about him and his fondness for the supernatural. She was breaking the rules to bring him there, but Astrid had a feeling this man could be trusted as he did so.

Part 3[]

Mulder and Scully upon hearing from Johanna about what happened decide they have to get home to help them out of regret. He feels that this wouldn't have happened if they were just there. Mulder and Scully get into the car and on their way. Unknown to them they are going right into where Tyler and Marliyn are

Mulder and Scully think back to how they raised Lydia, and how they head off on missions, and he feels gulity with Scully for leaving her to herself and Lincoln. Scully tells Mulder that she knows that as much as Lincoln is her best company, she needs parents. Mulder promises he will do something nice for her afterwards or bring her and him on their missions. He decides to also consider bringing them to Trolberg as well when he wants to check some more supernatural work.

Mulder and Scully are called by Johanna respectfully and are told about what happened on their side. Mulder learns that Hilda is trying to uncover something and that some guy dressed like a spider is actively encouraging her. Mulder and Scully both know it's Hobie, but they do tell Joanna that he is trust worthy, they have worked with him before. Despite Johanna's reservations about this.

Scully asks what does Mulder know about Johanna, Mulder explains it's confidental between them and Scully reminds him that she is his partner and whatever he knows, she shouldn't be kept in the dark. Mulder decides to just explain Johanna is not what she seems, not when it comes to a parent or person, but what she really is.

Scully accepts the answer for the time being as they pull into a hotel respectively, they stay there for the night.

A Few Hours Later, Mulder and Scully are sleep in bed. Skinner calls Mulder and tells that he has ran some scans on the DNA and that it belongs to an teenager and that it belongs to a Nevermore Academy student. Mulder asks where it is, Skinner states it belongs in the Streamverse which has no real idea where to break into but there may be another way to find out. He refuses as he needs to save his kid. Skinner advises that he better act quick, because he heard it will attack the hotel and tonight

The Hyde attacks and before it can hurt Scully, Mulder yells her name and tackles Tyler. Scully wakes up and saves Mulder by shooting at it. Mulder and Scully fight off and eventually capture The Hyde. They intterograte Tyler about what he knows about the Streamverse, who sent him and the explainations. Tyler holds off on the interrorgration, and that he mentions he is just acting under orders and was after them under his boss's orders who he decides to finger Spot respectfully

Mulder and Scully also learn about the Spider Frog and Mulder questions where it came and recalls something that he did hear back at the mound. Scully asks about Tofoten, Mulder explains it was a place that Johanna used to live in. Tyler manages to escape though not without Scully planting a tracking chip on him after Spot interveres and uses his hole powers to keep their gun shots from doing anything to him

Mulder and Scully get back to sleep and they think back to what they did regarding Lydia. They taught her how to ride a motorized cycle, which they bought to teach how to ride for her due to Lydia being good. They even go to help her repair it so she can impress  others.

Johanna calls Mulder and Scully. They are told about what happened with Jaune and his fairy sickness which she whispers. Johanna tells Mulder that he can tell Scully about it now what they discussed. Johanna asks on the way if they look into this, She states she has dealt with this illness before and no doctor was able to help her which was all she remembered. Maybe Scully can, she's unlike the other doctors to her

Mulder reveals the truth of her heritage to Scully. Scully decides to look into this thinking there is a solution  outside of faustian deals.

Chapter 2[]

Mulder and Scully are seen in a flashback where they are seen getting ready for a day with coffee which baffles Lincoln and Lydia on how coffee does this. When the two drink all the coffee, Mulder gets overdramatic and explains why they adults need coffee and why the kids don't need it. He calms down when he notes they haven't hurt anyone and Scully finds more coffee

Part 2[]


During the time the other heroes were doing something, Mulder and Scully were assigned to investigate a chicken farm situation respectively by Skinner who noted had ties to Dr.Orm who he profiled as Spot. Mulder learns that He became the Spot due to an incident involving  the destruction of a Super-Collider,  where he was mutated by dark matter. He also gets a laugh at how Spot was hit in the head with a polo ball during an encounter with someone known as Christopher Smith

Scully and Mulder also met and joined forces with Holt, Hopper, Jake and Amy in order to insure the take down of the business behind one Melisha Tweedy which they managed to do. Mulder also told them about why they were such in a hurry

Mulder and Scully were also shown in a flashback to one of their jobs in Texas where they took Lincoln and Lydia with them to investigate an incident around pork products, investigate a cult and to have some time for Lydia. They took matters into their own hands to spare their kid from seeing the sight of what befallen them. Mulder, Scully, Lincoln and Lydia also got involved with the Spenglers who were also looking into this as supernatural activity was afoot here as well. Afterwards, they took the kids to Alamo Land respectfully.

Part 3[]

Mulder and Scully are called up by Johanna and are asked how it's coming along. Mulder tells Johanna that he and Scully have found ways to cure Jaune of what they found to be Fairy Illness but they are risky ways admittingly. Mulder tells Johanna it's possible but they will find some ways to make some cure. He refuses to even consider having Jaune die like he heard from Frida

He and Scully decide to make both potential options of Non Lethal Poison or Cold Iron, but he prefers the former due to them being aware of Jaune being a werewolf and what sliver bullets can do. Mulder and Scully call up Hilda and inform her of the progress they're making with curing Jaune Arc. Mulder talks with Hilda about Tofoten and Hilda's desire to find fairies, he confirms she's right about this and that Hilda was even looking in the right spot as well

Scully asks why would Mulder tell Hilda about this and Mulder explains she's part of Astrid and by default Johanna's family and thus is an exception to the rule.

A Flashback reveals that just like Lincoln, Lydia and Jaune He made an effort to try and help Hilda out of her funk with being a chaffleur to a Sparrow Scouts Trip even defending her, Frida and David from the others over their hijinks

Mulder learns from Skinner about the others relocating to Trolberg. He and Scully decide to catch the next trip there. Though Mulder is a bit unsure with what he knows on the creatures in Trolberg and what may be in mind there.

Chapter 3[]

Mulder and Scully arrive in Trolberg with the help of Scudsworth and go looking around to try and find Hilda and her friends to no avail. He does recongize that something has indeed being happening and realizes that Johanna will have to explain the truth at some point. Johanna explains to Mulder in another flashback about him asking her about Fairy Mound and Johanna doesn't know about much but she explains to him that she used to live there. But did forget other stuff but she came under Astrid who looked after her like her own mother but feels her parents died or abadoned her

He heads off into the woods respectively to go find them as Scully decides to do some reading. Mulder finds the group and tells Hilda how he found her respectivefully. When Johanna decides to come clean with Anders and Astrid, he watches as something bad might go down. Something indeed does

Mulder tries to explain that he knew about the Hilda family being fairies. Hilda unlike with her parents and Astrid understands why he didn't and tells Mulder she doesn't hold him accountable he was just trying to spare her the truth or it doesn't bother her because Hilda knows his field of work is all about cover ups and secrets. When Frida, David and Clyde try to help her, Mulder like Pippi, Hobie, Jaune and Ruby all know she just needs to time to think this whole thing through.

Part 2[]

Mulder accompanies Hilda's family to try and find Hilda, he learns from both Jaune and Anders that they accept he knew the truth ahead of time and Jaune notes Hilda isn't mad with Mulder at all unlike them.

Mulder finds out from Skinner about what is going on in Trolberg and learns that Ruby, Pippi and Hobie have found Hilda's foot prints. As soon as they head into Trolberg, He and Astrid find Scully, Pop Pop and Myrtle and learn what they picked up on and report this to Scudsworth as well.

Mulder and Scully both note that Jaune, Johanna and Anders are going to the Bell Tower to deal with Spot, as Mulder opens fire on The Spot as Scully goes to get Johanna's car so they can get to safety as the two feel what Spot will do is inevitable. Mulder and Scully are proven right but Scully managed to hotwire the car and drives everyone back and enter the Nowhere Space where they have to rest up and wait for the residue to fade

Mulder learns Hobie and Hilda are both not there, he tries to cheer up Johanna and Jaune and says as long as Hobie is still around, Hilda isn't completely doomed.

Chapter 4[]


Mulder and Scully in the nowhere space inform Jaune and Johanna about what they had in mind to cure Jaune of Fairy Illness. Scully has Jaune on the operative table as Mulder decides to assist her with this operation respectively

Mulder has Jaune follow his instructions and just rest with the sleeping gas which he agrees to and the two prepare to operate on him. Mulder and Scully decide some kind of device like a pacemaker or something artificial into Jaune should be installed to repel Fairy Illness and to fight the illness. He hands Scully some of the non lethal toxic to double up on keeping Jaune safe as Mulder hopes this really does respectively

Upon seeing Jaune Arc coming back to himself, he and Scully get Joahnna to tell her, it was a success. Mulder and Scully are both hugged by her for saving her soon to be husband again. She Promises him and Scully top spots at her and Jaune's wedding. Mulder smiles as Scully gives the health report to them fine with this. Mulder and Scully then decide with both Royal Woods and Trolberg being unsafe, they may have to complete the trifecta here and go to an abandoned place respectively.

As Jaune heals up, he decides to go get HIlda. Jaune decides that Mulder and Scully need to go with him and just them due to their knowledge on the matter. Mulder gets his hazmat suit and gas mask and packs 2 fire arms due to him losing one on occasion. Jaune, Mulder and Scully leave the Nowhere Space and head out. Mulder and Scully drive Jaune through the wreck of Trolberg and they stop at Hilda's house and investigate and find the destruction of Jaune's home respectfully which he and Scully give Jaune some room. The trio then head to Frida and David's house and find out how badly David's parents were burned by what N.Tropy used.

When Jaune begins to question how all this could have happened with Mulder and Scully deciding to explain to him about the cold war to give him perspective and the potential destruction of what could have happened. The three drive into the forest and they eventually find Hilda's old cabin and they look into it to investigate it. When Scully notes the spider frog, He and Jaune follow suit respectively and they decide to go deal with the monster together

Mulder and Scully go through Toftoekn with Jaune which Mulder knows his way around and they arrive at the fairy mound in time to take down The Spiderfrog with the former two stunning it and Jaune killing it. Mulder can't help be happy to see Lydia and Lincoln and apologizes about his work alcoholic tendencies and that he will do better by her respectfully. Lydia and Lincoln turn Mulder and Jaune's offer to get back to the others as they still have to help the Streaming Resistance which Mulder trusts her to handle to go her own way. When she finishes up with Lincoln and The Resistance to go find them.

Mulder, Jaune, Hilda and Scully return before they get sucked into the blackhole and tell Johanna and the others what happened. He has Jaune tell Johanna about finding Lincoln and Lydia. He hears from what happened with Skinner and the agents decide to take charge to head to Flying Rhino Junior High.

Part 2[]

Mulder and Scully arrive at Flying Rhino Junior High and lead the way into the school for the others. Upon Hilda questioning this, Mulder explains to Hilda that he kept in touch with the authorities and that he learnt the school was being rebuild and retooled respectively. He and Scully decided Lydia was to stay in Royal Woods, though they gave her the choice if she wanted to.

The group heads into the Boiler Room and find Walter Skinner, Raticus and Marcus who Skinner recruited to help out respectfully with research and knowledge. Mulder and Scully administer a blood transfusion to Hilda to help stabilize the radiation poisoning problems as they explain to Johanna about what happened with her.

When the computer malfunctions in part to Neil Kandy and Samson, Mulder and Scully both decide to go after the two and are joined by Scudsworth respectfully who has a hand with Samson respectfully. The Agents manage to take their own path respectfully and end up rounding a foul into the two who were behind the whole action and hold them down with Scudsworth attempting to bring them in

Kandy escapes, but Candide Sampson is arrested by Mulder and Scully. and they take her away respectfully. As it turns out, Mulder and Scully learned about Lydia's parent hunting situation and learns that she intents to go down to Four Winds, Prince Edward Island to meet them respectfully. The two decide to allow this as long as Lydia is responsible.

Mulder and Scully with Hilda notice an incoming connection from the Streaming Resistance and the Time Agents about the location of Phinium and Lydia.

Chapter 5[]

Mulder joins up with Hilda's family and Jaune to go save Phinium and Lydia. He has Marcus and Skinner inform them where they are located . The two Agents discover it is Area 51 where they are being located. Mulder explains to Hilda's family that this where the government places things that they don't want other people to know about

Using their government connections, Mulder and Scully get Hilda and her family in so they can start investigating. Astrid senses her family and Mulder lets her let the way as he, Jaune and Scully lead the way for Hilda and Johanna

They are ambushed by Spot's cronies respectivly and the two agents take on Chelesa so Jaune can have his way with Crocker, Hilda can go after Van Gale and Johanna and Astrid can free their family. The two agents intially have a tough time restraining her, like their encounter with Cleo respectfully though they do remember what they learn and then restrain her respectfully

Chelesa explains to the two that she is trying to get away from Spot's benefactor who is the one setting up a very dangerous sitaution for the multiverse and destroyed Trolberg respectfully. She wants to stop this plan like the other villains. Mulder and Scully both seem to believe this as they use a lie detector to see if she is telling the truth and she is respectfully

They tell Hilda of this and the three get the rest of the crew and decide to head back to Flying Rhino as Chelesa and Crocker both confirm Spot's benefactor is targeting there. Mulder and Scully drive back and learn of the reasons their foes decided to go after their boss. Learning of his benefactor, Mulder suspects a conpsiracy is afoot and that Spot was just the emissary as opposed to being the one behind all of this

Mulder finds himself with the others brought back to Flying Rhino Junior, where they help deal with the rest of Spot and N.Tropy's forces and mooks respectfully. After Lincoln and Lydia return with Hobie, he is overjoyed they are okay still and decided to join them all. When he is told of The Spot  being here, he allows Lydia to go after Spot with her friends and crew respectfully

He, Scully and Jaune decide to help Johanna deal with The Spot after she voices valid concerns to Jaune. They fight long distance and after a long duel with Spot with the others they manage to bring down Spot. Mulder and Scully let Jaune and Johanna get their answers as they decide to look into what could be happening.  They feel the rumbling and get back to the others and learn that a major fossil is rising up and watch as it turns into a pure evil like monster.

Chapter 6[]

Mulder and Scully get their car respectfully and take Lincoln, Lydia, The Spot, The Robinsons and The Robot in there as they drive to find the lab where N.Tropy created the False Groudon. He can tell something troubled Lydia and Lincoln, but he decides not to press it until they are ready. He and the others eventually get to the lab and he tells the kids and Will to go on and take care of the monster with The Spot

Mulder with the others keeps the fort by working to distract The False Groudon, Jaune saves both him and Scully from being sucked into it for a time as he wanted to return the favor for them saving him twice. While the agents do eventually get consumed, it isn't long before they are restores thanks to the heroes as well Spot and Crocker reversing the polarity

After everything is all dealt with, Mulder and Scully have Lincoln's grandparents take Lydia as they decide to help Hilda and her family get back in Trolberg after hearing the news.



Mulder arrives at Hilda's house and he has news respectfully for her, Johanna and Jaune Arc. He tells them that he had Jaune's death faked so the government won't pursue him as a werewolf which he arranged with Skinner. He also mentions that he brough in Anders to work for him and Scully as well wanting to help him out with living in Trolberg and using what Anders loves doing. Johanna asks about why Scully isn't here and Mulder confirms she is taking all the kids out for a suprise. He also explains he has agreed to chauver the kids to Sadie Hawkins as Johanna was originally going to but she got too busy.

As Mulder notes the construction of HIlda's house with Jaune and The Robot, he decides to help the two with this. Mulder also promises after he drops off the kids, to come back and help Johanna and Jaune Arc to the cabin to help them and Pippi prepare, which he feels will be easier than having to help Astrid, Phinium and Lydia blend into human society. Mulder and Scully inform Johanna and Jaune Arc that they will pick up the kids so they will be on time So they can pick up Lincoln, Nate, Pippi, Lydia and Erica for the wedding. As Scully gets Nate and Erica, Mulder gets Lincoln, Lydia and Pippi

Mulder picks up the three and wonders why neither girl is dressed up. With Lydia saying how she didn't want to dress up again so soon and wants to be herself and Pippi is adamant to really dress like that. Mulder gets it as he does like the weirdness with them. He and Scully head off to Trolberg and to find the cabin.

He lets the kids go off as he hugs Astrid to praise her on raising the bride and he talks with Phinium and Lydia who he has go fetch Johanna and help her. He and Scully take a seat in the front with their parents, as Mulder watches happy that his own daughter is walking down the aisle with her love interest and best friend. Mulder is among the most enthusiastic for The Robot to declare them man and wife.

He and Scully check up on Jaune Arc after the frying pan incident with his mom and point out he is okay. Mulder addresses that Jaune was comatized not to long ago. Johanna secret fully hopes he will marry Scully and they will attend their wedding as opposed to Clyde and Frida like Hilda thinks.



Mulder and Scully both decide to get involved with Deathstroke's operation with Bender, Lydia and Lincoln against N.Tropy

Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

Mulder arrives to tell Lydia and Lincoln that they are just about to be packed and that they'll need to have a quick breakfast before picking up Truman and Clyde

They do that with Lincoln calling up Clyde to tell him when they'll be there to pick up and to let Truman know. Lydia uses Anne's phone to text Anne to tell Ford that she appreciates Ford reaching out to her on this whole ordeal. Scully gets the keys as Mulder sits with them eating when Lincoln protests why they can't go themselves as they're trustworthy and know how to drive. Mulder and Scully agree but point out that they and Hilda did use a RV to follow them, Johanna and Jaune when getting the latter's stuff to move in and did so without telling them so this is just fair play.

As Mulder and Scully arrive at the Camp they drop off Lincoln, Lydia, Truman and Clyde telling them that the long trip was worth it to see their similing ward and tells Lydia don't have too much fun while away. Lydia promises not to as she has a hand crossed which Mulder can tell and shakes it off, The two tell Lincoln and Truman to keep their eye on her and don't do anything crazy. Clyde thought takes it completely seriously.

Mulder and Scully drive off and Mulder is aware that Lydia will do something like this and that Truman and Lincoln will join her as those 3 are the great musketeers and that while he promised this to them, he does want them to be kids. He does question why Clyde was so serious about accepting it. Scully acknowledges Clyde as always been the more uptight one and worrisome due to his own child status and having dads.

Part 3[]

Mulder and Scully having heard from Pop Pop and Myrtle about the train attack, are trying to find a possible way to get a hold of their ward. Scully knew it was too to be true to have her go there as now they can't contact her. Mulder is calmer this time and tells her that Lydia can take care of herself just fine as can Lincoln and Truman, he has already alerted Hilda's family incase, he does feel back for intterupting Jaune and Johanna's honey moon hence why he sent it to Astrid through Anders. He does suspect after what Pop Pop and Myrtle gave him on the work in Hilda's universe that someone is coming back to finish the job. Scully does remember that Lydia did tell her that Will Robinson, Erica and Nate came along too with them and sends a text to Pop Pop and Myrtle to see if they can find the Streaming Resistance on anything.

Betty manages to find some foot prints and informs Mulder, Scully and Sterling about them saying that something is here alright but she's not sure what it is. Mulder instructs her to give it to Walter to look into with his own science acumen.

Betty decides to call it in and report it to Mulder and Scully. Mulder and Scully have already arrived around there unknown to them. Mulder and Scully get what Betty told them, and they inform her that the Fairy Country is being drained of it's fairy energy, Betty is curious how he knows this. Scully is the one who feels it and notes someone really was trying to finish the job, she asks if Phinium, Lydia and Astird managed to escape, Betty doesn't know who she is talking about. Mulder tells Betty that it's Hilda's aunt and grandparents. Betty says she hasn't seen them. Mulder and Scully both look at one another and pray that they weren't there when it happened.

Fox and Dana have arrived at Tofuken and have discovered the people have taken down their fairy lures and go into Astrid's house with the two armed in case. Scully notices how no one seems to be here which is a relief to Mulder that Astrid wasn't harmed. Mulder does find a note and it's from Astrid who said that she had left for the time being to go with her family somewhere nice and green. Scully runs down and sees the date and notes it was a few days ago. Mulder then says that their family is fine. Despite this he is worried that if something could happen to the fairy country then who is to say something worse will happen.

Chapter 2[]

Part 4[]

Mulder and Scully call up Deathstroke about what has happened down at Hilda's universe which was exactly was Deathstroke, Scudsworth and the others figured was going to happen. Though the two were not able to find any proof who was behind this and that Hilda's family wasn't there.

Mulder decides Tofuken is a better place to start looking around as maybe Astrid left some clues for them before leaving with Jaune, Johanna and Hilda for a trip. Scully just rolls her eyes as Mulder shows his ability to enter Astrid's house like nothing which he does through a window using Mayguver tricks. Mulder lets her in and they find that Astrid has some awarity of what was going on with some link to the universe they live and another world that exited in the Streamverse that Astrid suspected would cross upon seeing the six eyed troll.

Mulder stays around the house as Scully goes to evaculate people and he finds Astrid's pet Loam and her hoarding neighbor Pooka. He hands it to Scully as they discovers what happened with it.

Mulder and Scully discover the leak of assess to how this was all able to down and it was linked to Arcadia. Mulder then remembers what Hilda and Johanna did tell him about a trip/vacation to Arcadia that the whole family took as Hilda insisted on this. Scully decides to bring the Loam to the hopsital as Mulder goes off to find Frida to get some help as he feels a book worm like her who is a witch in training can be help in getting to Arcadia.

Part 5[]

Mulder and Scully visit Frida's home and they discover she was petrified and turned to stone by some kind of magic.  The two take Frida to the hopsital as Scully is unable to diagnose until they come across Van Gale

Van Gale informs Mulder and Scully of what occured with  the Streaming Resistance and the Fairy Mound. Even learning of the peptratos, and what Van Gale discovered while touring there.

Mulder and Scully head to Hilda's apartment as Mulder remembers the Tontu have the ability travel through some dimensions. Mulder and Scully try to bribe the Tontu and eventually manage to do so with pancakes as Mulder remembered Johanna did this. The Two then head up to Arcadia.

Mulder and Scully manage to arrive in Arcadia and they decide to look for any clues on the unsuality that occured here, he is able to discover the activity of Changlings and remembers that when Hilda was turned into a troll is was in part to a Changling Spell and suspects that maybe this happened again. Getting back to his partner he learns of Troll Market and finds some strands of hair which he recongizes as Hilda's as well as Phinium;s thank to DNA Tests.

The two go intro Troll Market and find out the same effects the Streaming Resistance did. Except the two notice Gumms going through Troll Market. He and Scully hide from them and they decide to go looking around. Mulder does manage to undercover something in the heartstone and informs Scully of this, he sees Hilda, Jaune Arc, Johanna, Astrid, Phinium and Lydia are in solid stone and petrfied.

Part 6[]

Mulder and Scully hide out and find Queen Usurna who is revealed to have been the one to have found and had Hilda's family stoned and they overhear the reasoning and actions which came down to Hilda's deal with Trundle after she was a troll due to a changling spell. Mulder remembers this was something Hilda and Johanna told him when they were in Trolberg dealing with Belos and the whole aftermath of that.

Mulder and Scully decide they need to learn more about this situation and continue to sleuth around while disguising themselves as Trolls

Mulder and Scully discover how Usurna got her hands on them and discover the changling nest using some kind of ancient weaponry at the hands of a troll itself. Before they can look further, They are abducted by Usurns'a Gumms and brought back to her and are about to be wiped by Cate until Scully frees Mulder.

Mulder then is able to blind the Gumms Gumms and helps his friends and the Streaming Resistance get away from Cate and Usurna. After finding Enid, he tells her what happened with HIlda's family

Mulder and Scully having found out about the Troll Hunters activties decide to also see if they can the other two members of the troll hunters as well as find Anders

Chapter 3[]

Part 7[]

Mulder and Scully find Anders and discuss the case they are looking into regarding Hilda, her family and Jaune Arc. Mulder believed that with Anders being aware of Hilda's adventuring lifestyle and that he inherited it from her and this does seem to work as Anders while not aware of evil trolls outside of Trundle, does seem to know a thing or two about petrification.

Enid arrives to join up with the two as Anders explains his theories could be about gorgeons too as they have the ability to do so, When Enid understands what Anders mean as she was in love with a stoner gorgeon. Mulder has to defend her from Anders who Anders automatically feels had a hand in the petrifcation to Hilda. Mulder lets Scully step in and talk as he and Enid discuss her love interest and if it was possible it had. Beleving Enid is telling the truth, Mulder, Scully, Enid and Anders head to Nevermore for this very answer.

Mulder and Scully apporach Eugene while Enid and Anders go looking for Ajax for answers and Eugene does give his own answers that he believes it was some kind of magic used by trolls as Lincoln, Lydia and the others were here too are in the know about it. As Scully intterogrates Eugene, Mulder is studying Nevermore Academy with interest and discovers that Nevermore is for misfits and is home to werewolves, gorgeons, sirens, vampires, telekientics etc. He compares it to Area 51 except without aliens.

Returning to Scully, Eugene, Anders and Enid from looking into if Enid's beau did have some hand in Hilda's family petrifcations and other events. He noticed he is being followed by Angor Rot and Gunmar who are evil trolls recalling what Blinky told them. Just by looking he is able to tell Angor Rot was who petrified Hilda's family and Jaune and he goes to pursuit the two with Scully, Eugene, Enid and Anders to find out what happened.

Part 8[]

Mulder, Scully, Enid, Anders and Eugene all manage to run into Angor Rot who was joined by Gunmar and Usruna and Mulder wants answers about Hilda's family and her being petrifcated. Angor Rot , uses pixies to go on and trap the five in their worst fears as Gunmar and Usurna decide to go on have them all killed while they are suffering. Mulder is suffering from his failure to save his sister a long time ago as well and his fear of not being able to help or protect Lydia, Lincoln, Hilda, Jaune Arc and Johanna and this nearly get him killed until he is saved by Daniel who went looking for them.

Afterwards he and Scully gun down the trolls that Usurna and Gunmar had trying to kill them. Gunmar and Usurna are able to put the universe in the enternal night before they leave. He later learns what happened from Toby Domlazi who arrived to help them with something. Mulder and Scully recognize him and interrogate him about what he did back in Russia and years ago as they are aware that he had some involvement with aliens the Tarrons and what happened with Payback Member Black Noir. Upon getting answers of Toby's activities back then and what he was involved in, the two agents decide to let him in on this as Toby mentioned Lincoln and Lydia and trolls which the two feel could help. Mulder talks with Scully about how Toby could have known the two at the time apart from what they do know, Mulder feels Lydia knew something about Mexico and the past so Toby can help get this as long as he explains what they know about the petrifaction and Toby explains his experience.

Having remembered something about Camp Masaton from Lincoln, he tells Toby to go there to find them and they'll overlook what he had did with the Tarrons and what happened at Payback. Toby agrees with this. Anders asks what the kid knows back then and Mulder explains that there was some actions in the past that he found out were in the past and that he had a big troll with him at the time.

Part 9[]

Mulder, Scully, Anders and Eugene return to Arcadia and begin to look into what they have to do regarding Hilda and her family. Wednesday and her friends arrive to assist them on this and when Mulder questions where Peacemaker and Eleven, he is told the former is going to Camp Mastadon with Lydia and Lincoln and that Eleven is heading to Trolberg. Mulder and Scully request her to get in touch with Eleven to get Frida as well

The Group discovers and learns of the past actions that were caused by actions of the Gumms Gumms, with what Usurna did to Vendel as well as Angor Rot indirectly did to another troll. As The Group investigates Troll Market, they are attacked by The Gumms Gumms where Mulder and Scully take on Gunmar who manages to be a rather tough oppopent due to his nature which leads Mulder and Scully to have to trick him to expose himself to the sun knowing he has a weakness to this. It does manage to work and causes him to use changlings against them which Mulder and Scully work with Wednedsay, Enid and Doug Judy to deal with and stop the Gumms Gumms from shattering Hilda's grand parents. Keeping the stones to themselves, Mulder and Scully discuss with Anders and Wednesday about a way to keep Jaune Arc and them safe from potential shattering.

Mulder and Scully call up Lydia and Lincoln as well as meeting Toby and AAARRRGGGHH to discuss what they and the Streaming Resistance are up to on the petfication and what has happened to Hilda and her family. The two discuss what they had undercovered and are aware that they noticed alien work and troll work back in Russia and know AAARGGHH was that troll. The two ask for their help in helping Hilda, Jaune and the others. The 4 agree to this and after signing off Mulder wonders how long the two kept this knowledge realizing that the news on aliens and a troll in Russia must have said some connection to the duo. Later they are warned of being in grave danger by the two and they must head down to Mexico to stop the release of the death god.

Before Mulder, Scully and the others can do this, Eleven has managed to get a hold of Frida's statue and tells him and the gang about Van Gale's death at Neuman's hands. Mulder and Scully decide to follow suit and join Wednesday and her group in Trolberg to investigate.

Chapter 4[]

Mulder and Scully do some looking into the Dufus Family, and discovering the plan they are up to as N.Tropy is intending to unleash a demon/god that can end the world, which they discover with The help of Lincoln, Lydia, Pop Pop, Myrtle, Walter, Lance, Juri, Carmen, Truman and Clyde as well. The two of them join up with the main members of The Streaming Resistance to go deal with what is going down in Mexico.

Chapter 5[]

Mulder and Scully with Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday and the main members of the group end managing to arrive in Mexico. The two themselves find it suspcious that no one is going after them and this proves to be more than accurate as N.Tropy pulled them out to have the death god deal with him, which N.Tropy unleashes. Rejoining with Lincoln, Lydia, Ford and the team they go up against the death god

Chapter 6[]

With the help of Team Free Will, Mulder and Scully are able to take out Urcumuu and afterwards join with Lydia, Lincoln, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Ford and the Streaming Resistance in heading to Neuman at the hospital. At the hospital, he discovers Neuman's own actions and that they do connect him and Scully to her time in Russia and how Deathstroke brought the two agents in and how close they are getting to Dr.Nefarious Tropy. The two visit Deathstroke and ask about what he did back in Russia regarding Solider Boy and get their answers, afterwards they and David manage to bring Hilda, Frida, Jaune and Johanna's parents back to consciousness.

Mulder informs Scully of the knighting that went on with Lincoln, Lydia and The Streaming Resistance and they watch on TV and Ford calls both of them asking what to do with Lydia about her keeping Team Free Will out of the loop regarding their actions with The Streaming Resistance as he isn't sure what to do. Mulder is more on Lydia's side here and unlike Scully seems to be fine with this.

Book 2: Interlude[]
