Fleta is a young girl living in her Dollhouse with Egliette. She is also the third character to be introduced in Pocket Mirror.
Fleta was raised with a very controlling mother. Despite this, she lived a carefree and spoiled life together with her doll Egliette. One day, Fleta entered her mother's room and found some letters about her. It's unknown what was written inside, but Fleta fell into denial insisting that her mother was writing lies about her.
During the course of the game, it's revealed that Fleta is just a "facet" of Goldia's memories, representing her hysterical and spoiled behavior in childhood. The letters she found are implied to be about Elise and her contract with The "Strange Boy".
Fleta is a fair-skinned girl with strawberry blonde hair in the game but has been described as having "really light brown hair" by the creators. In the end credit artwork for the game, her hair appears a far more lemon-yellow color.
Fleta dons a dark pink headband with a white ruffled outline, with a pink ribbon on both sides of her head. She wears a pink puff-shouldered mini cardigan, which has a lacy collar and hem. Her dress is in two parts; a top that is a lighter pink than her cardigan and a whiter skirt that has a frilly hem and a carousel horse pattern was added as an extra detail on her dress for her final CG in her good ending. She wears pink flats resembling ballerina shoes, with pink ribbons laced up to her mid-calf. She is always seen holding her doll, Egliette, in her arms.
Fleta's eyelashes are dark blue green and the colors of her irises range from yellow to light green. When angered, Fleta wears a vacant, threatening expression, with her eyes turning completely red with rage.
Fleta is initially seen as a selfish, stubborn, and childish character. She likes coloring books, singing, listening to stories, and playing games with friends, though she'll quickly throw a tantrum and come up with excuses whenever she loses. Her resolve in situations involves beating characters in games and acting immaturely when she is beaten. Fleta hates losing and lying, sometimes claiming that her opponent cheats or that she went easy on them out of pity. According to the Mirror of Truth, Fleta is somewhat dishonest herself.
Despite these things, Fleta can be rather sweet and would happily share everything she has with Goldia, even having a statue of her in her garden. This demonstrates that she does truly value their friendship and can occasionally be selfless. Egliette reveals in the Bonus Room dialog that Fleta could have been queen herself, yet appointed Egliette the position because having everything exactly as she wanted it wouldn't have been any fun. In the Bonus Room, Fleta even follows Egliette's advice on becoming kinder by insisting that she ask Goldia politely to play with her instead of forcing her.
She enjoys having friends, such as Egliette and Goldia, to the point where she refuses to let Goldia leave. This is also most likely in relation to Fleta being said to be extremely lonely.
Goldia die Heilige[]
Fleta sports a capricious relationship with Goldia. Although she constantly berates and belittles Goldia, she's keen on having her around, even if it's to merely bloat her own ego. She's bitter in defeat, vainglorious in victory, and always eager to flaunt her possessions to Goldia. Fleta also exhibits sporadic mood swings which alternate between a "petulant child" facade and a more sinister, ruthless nature. Such a mood swing is exemplified during the "Game Over" scenario, in which Fleta pushes Goldia down a flight of stairs in cold blood. However, Fleta is shown to value her friendship with Goldia and is sincerely happy when her feelings are returned.
In the Bonus Room, when speaking to Fleta, it is revealed that she continues to desire to play with Goldia as a friend, and even takes Egliette's advice by asking her kindly rather than forcing her to play.
Egliette is Fleta's best friend and doll. Fleta says that she is never lonely because she has Egliette. She cares deeply for her, and every time Goldia is thanking Fleta for something, Fleta makes sure that she is thanking Egliette too. When Goldia tried to explain the importance of her pocket mirror to Fleta by comparing it to Egliette, Fleta was so deeply offended that she physically threatened Goldia if she dared to compare her best friend to a "mere toy" ever again.
However, Fleta is not above treating Egliette with rudeness when deeply upset, as shown in her bad end route. She calls Egliette "a stupid doll" when the latter refuses to obey her and suggests Egliette to "disappear" instead of herself.