Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Fire Lord Sozin was the instigator of the Hundred-Year War and the Fire Lord before his son, Azulon. He was grandfather to Iroh and Ozai and great-grandfather to Zuko, Azula, and Lu Ten.

As a young prince, Sozin was best friends with Avatar Roku. After Sozin took up the throne and Roku became a fully realized Avatar, their friendship became strained to the breaking point as Sozin desired the Fire Nation to encompass the world, a plan to which Roku was strongly opposed. Following a confrontation over this which ended in Sozin's defeat, neither spoke to the other until they were both very old. Sozin betrayed his old friend to his death and began waging war. Using the fire-enhancing power of a comet, Sozin eradicated the Air Nomads to try to eliminate the next Avatar, but failed. He spent the last years of his life hunting the new Avatar in vain. Shortly before his death, he regreted all he done.

The Viking Alliance[]

Future Warfare[]

Allies: Roku(formerly), KVA, MadLeomon, Emperor Palpatine, The Inquisitor, Galactic Empire

Enemies: Roku, Air Nomads, Task Force 141, Talon Laboritories, Atlas Corporation, The B Team, Slade's Ensemble, Team Free Will, Sentinel Task Force, The X Team, Crystal Empire's Rebel Alliance
