Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Pegasusmon b

Pegasusmon is an Animal Digimon. He armor-Digivolved through the power of the "Digi-Egg of Hope". The "Digi-Egg of Hope" has the attribute of "Holy", and those that don this Digi-Egg are able to obtain sacred power. Those that acquire this power are able to exhibit their absolute strength toward evildoers.


  • Star Shower (Shooting Star): Shoots a cluster of stars from his wings.
  • Equus Beam (Silver Blaze): Shoots a green beam from his forehead.
  • Mane Wind (Needle Rain): Blasts a shower of needles from his mane.
  • Rodeo Kick (Rodeo Gallop): Kick with his hind legs.
  • Pegas Drop: Attacks with a powerful headbutt.
  • Golden Noose (Sanctuary Bind): A unison attack with Nefertimon; binds enemies with a rope of nigh unbreakable golden light.

