Eve is a megastar and a diva who's part of NSR corporation. She is Tatiana's right hand woman. The 2 women don't always agree on everything but they have utmost respect for each other. Eve has shown to be devoted to her employer as Tatiana has embraced her uniqueness.
Eve has a unique design to her as one half of her skin is white and the other half is pink. This has no doubt caused some issues for her in the past as she has shown to have a great deal of discontent towards her pink half as demonstrated in one of her videos.
Eve was once in a relationship with Zuke when they were younger, having worked on a number of art projects together, but Zuke ran away long ago, motivating Eve to share her art style more than ever.
No Straight Roads- Eve's Past
Eve's past videos. A clear indication of her mental instability, but also of her exceptional artist talents
When Zuke and his new partner, Mayday, came face to face with her, she demonstrates that she still thinks about him and tries to bring him back, but to no avail. However, Zuke has shown to still care about her. He does believe in her, mentioning that she's always been stronger than him and that she doesn't need anyone to complete her as she has what it takes to fill the voids within herself.
It is also revealed that Zuke's brother, DK West, is into her, though she did not feel the say way.
Eve's real name is Nadia. She had always been known to be quite manic as well as has a few problems with her mental health, but she has shown to be an exceptional artist, creating all sorts of unique forms of art.
Her music consists of psydub.
Passionate, dedicated, creative
Insecure, demanding, a bit mentally unstable, also obsesses over Zuke
She allows herself to be more confident in herself, to understand herself a little bit better and let go of some of her insecurities
The Fayelons Story[]
Eve never made an appearance in the story, but her music can be heard. Jewel has taken a liking to her music.