Enid Sinclair is the deuteragonist of the 2022 Netflix TV Show Wednesday. She is a werewolf student at Nevermore Academy as well as Wednesday Addams' roommate and best friend.
She is portrayed by Emma Myers.
Enid is an energetic, excitable and optimistic teenager. She is very caring towards her friends and is one of the few who actually bond with Wednesday. However, she hides an insecure side about her total transformation into a werewolf and is pressured by her mother. She is also very loyal to Wednesday whom she considers a true friend, which is shown when she is the first to want to reconcile with her after arguments over their differences and the events on the show. She is also the one who saves her in the woods in her werewolf form and fights the Hyde, showing her selfless side.
War of The Streams[]
Enid joins up with Wednesday to investigate The Underwood Cabinet at Nevermore, intend to help out deal with Frank Underwood and his treacherous nature against The Streaming Resistance. Enid manages to get Wednesday to openly assist the others and to try and at least try to trust Slade's allies as well as Bender's allies when it comes to dealing with Underwood.
Using her Werewolf form she manages to save Wednesday as well as Eleven and Peacemaker from The Spot's holes and manages to also get a chase on Thornhill respectively waiting for the Hyde to emerge once again if possible
Chapter 2[]
Enid is mentioned by Wednesday who she sent notes to about their investigation into what is going on and Wendesday's concern that she may be in trouble.
Enid arrives at the front of Nevermore to find Wednesday and her crew all arrive as she quietly takes them to the norm. Warning Wednesday and the others of Marlyn's reemergence. She did her investigation work for Wednesday and briefs the others about what she found related to The Spot and his anomality work. Enid is revealed to be aware of the multiversal werewolves aware knowing about Jaune Arc's lupine when asked by Lincoln
She sticks with Wednesday and the others to investigate Nevermore and Marlyin as she suspects something will happen as she did mention a chimera of a tadpole and spider did make some attacks around here.

Part 2[]
Wednesday, Enid, Luna Loud, Cuphead, Mugman, Miss.Chalice, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Penny Robinson all start their own investgiating at Nevermore
Enid joins Wednedsay who discovers the attacks and has visions that Marliyn has Tyler attack multiple people as the Hyde to get Wednesday's attention respectfully and that The Spot is here as well but just doesn't know where he is. Enid and Wednesday both break into the office of the academy to see if they can find anything else. Marliyn arrives with a gun and tries to shoot both of them, Wednesday admits it's the smartest thing that she has done. Marlyin attempts to shoot Enid more due to her werewolf genetics and Enid distracts her while Wednesday goes looking for more clues. Wednesday figures out what is going on and heads off alone, Enid learns what she knows and Enid goes to get the others to inform them of this.
Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes. Enid decides to try and help her friend deal with Crackstone, Having helped before with Tyler respectfully. After the cops pick up the heroes, Enid decides to let the others go respectfully as she feels she needs to work more behind the scenes with the rest of the Resistance as Nevermore is burnt down. She hugs Wednesday, Lincoln and Lydia respectfully. She tells the latter two to thank Jaune when they see him about helping her with her wolf out problems. She then goes to see Steve Harrington who has been working discrete as well.
Part 3[]
Enid and Steve are informed by the others about where the next Spot Anomalty has happened and tell Lincoln, Lydia, Dustin and Will Robinson respectfully as they were helping get in contact with Hilda and the others.
She investigates Hawkins with Steve when they end up discovering the Demogrogon's and other creatures emerging out of the Upside Down. This gets their attention and they contact Dustin to insure he is informed and gets the others to work on this.
Chapter 3[]
The group meets up with her and Wednesday with Dustin and others decide to work with her and Steve respectfully. Steve brought Enid up to date on the events of Vecna/Henry/One respectfully. Steve then asks the party to insure they get here so they all work together to deal with it respectfully.
Through some investigation and dealing with many of the Upside Down Threats, Steve and the others discover The Upside Down was eseential to Spot's plans due to what the Russians attempted with the Upside Down. With Wendesday and Dustin he discovers that the invasion of the Upside Down was partially due to Spot managing to recover the data from the lab to get a Soivet Demogrogon back when they were acting under a shady figure playing both sides.
Enid with Dustin, Nate and Wednesday note said shady figure had ties to the Streamverse as well through some associates. She and Wednesday then defend the other from the Demogorgeons that attack them are on site with Nate and Dustin going to get back to the others with Steve defending them with his bat respectfully.
Part 2[]
Enid joins the others and heads to the Castlevania Universe and uses her wolf powers to help out deal with Death and his cronies respectfully. She manages to help do just that with her helping Trevor getting to Death
Upon hearing what had happened, Enid is concerned Wednesday is in very real trouble and hopes she and the others can get back safety
Chapter 4[]
Enid remeets up with Wednesday and is glad she got back unharmed and found the cops respectfully
She asks Lincoln and Lydia about Jaune Arc after hearing about them seeing it and they confirm to her it was fine as he got over his fairy illness and the agents found them too. Who they convinced they need to work with the resistance
Part 2[]
Enid is busy breaking protocol and investigating the black hole in Trolberg where she discovers somethings as she investigates Hilda's house and finds something that could be nice to look into upon recognizing Jaune Arc's stench.
Chapter 5[]
Enid found a wormhole opened in part to Spot and she finds something unusual, The Twins who Enid picks up and recognizes that that they are Jaune's kids. She head back to the wormhole to get out of the black hole.
She is ultimately helped by Tildy who helps Enid get back as she is trying to insure Trolberg gets placed out of the black hole. Due to it being a while since the detonation went off, the fall out is non existent so she is fine.
Enid is brought back to Flying Rhino Junior High and she heads off meeting the others in turn and she is recongized by Frida and David as who Jaune was talking about her and she has the twins in tow with herself. She helps them take on the mooks sent by Spot and N.Tropy respectfully helping them and is helped by the return of Hilda and her friends thanks to Marcus and Raticus
Jaune Arc introduces her to Hilda and Johanna as they help deal with the rest of his forces and Jaune is thankful to see his twins again and to Enid. With The Spot under way here, she wishes Wednesday good luck as Wednesday decides to arm up and take on The Spot
Chapter 6[]
Enid and the others notice the terrifying monster and Enid decides to follow what Crocker and Spot have said. She even convinces Jaune to have him go with Crocker in his fairy van so they can deal with what's going on
Enid manages to avoid the tentacles for the most part being quick on her feet, however the gelatntious tentacles do catch up with her and snag her though she does allow HIlda, Jaune and the others time to get away
After she is brought back, she is thankful for Wednesday for helping saving the day as usual and since Nevermore academy and her universe is still in flux over what The Spot did. She decides to relocate to Trolberg joining Anders on that as well.

Enid and Anders both come to visit HIlda, Pippi and Johanna to see what is going on. Enid also sees Johanna and Jaune's kids and plays with them happy to see they are werewolf like herself and Hilda and Pippi just watch this
Jaune invited her to the wedding as his protege in turn she brought Wednesday as her +1 , When she hears Hilda is inviting Will Robinson she offers to send the invite to him for Hilda. Enid picks up Wednesday and they head to Trolberg, she asks how Wednesday's time in Royal Woods is with Will, Penny and The Robot. Wednesday answers like it's just an usual thing for her though her real highlight was hanging out with Lucy and the Moritcan's club.
Enid and Wednesday both look after Joan and Jaune Jr as Jaune comes back with the flowers as she will be flower girl which excites Enid that she can help out her mentor with his wedding. She is given the flowers by Phinium and Lydia to throw when the time comes. Enid waits as Jaune comes along with Johanna and she throws flowers down there as they do so and then takes her seat at as she also uses bubbles too.
After the Robot officiates them, Enid watches happily as Jaune and Johanna take the first step and helps The Robot stop Jaune's mom from hitting too many times with The Frying Pan. She sighs romantically hoping she can do this sometime though Wednesday just snarks at this.
Enid hands Johanna the bouquet to toss respectfully which Jaune's family tries to catch in turn.

Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
Penny and Wendesday reach Ander's apartment and ring the door bell. Enid does answer and per her usual ways hugs Wednesday. Penny asks if Anders is here, Enid says he's out on some kind of assignment regarding super natural stuff that Lydia's legal guardians found out and when after. Though he is doing some of his own work. Wednesday decides to cut to the chase and tells Enid that they have a problem, another wacko is going after them.
Wednesday presents what Peacemaker and Jake had to deal with and tells Enid of how this occured and her theories. Enid agrees with Jake feeling that that Jake, Amy and Rave are getting close to unraveling a huge truth hence why Ham Hand was sent to send a message. Penny then says that if this is true, then they all could be in real trouble and that Enid has to come along before she becomes a causality. Enid goes into her room and writes a letter to Anders about where she will be and that she'll be back.
Wednesday, Enid and Penny all manage to arrive back to base with John, Vigilante and Emila and announce that they have gotten back. Emila inquires what took them so long, Wednesday and Penny were getting into a disagreement about directions and gathering evidence for the case. Enid explains that the two wanted to make their own investigation on what was going on to help their friends and Penny's brother. John Ecnomos asks if anyone followed them, Wednesday admits no one did, anyone who did would be foolish. Vigilante inspects the three and confirms there are no bugs on them. Penny and Enid also wanted to get Hilda and her friends involved but Wednesday declined this. Emila agrees with Wednesday on this suprising the other two.
Part 2[]
With the gang, all basically in agreement that the group must go looking for Spot's remaining allies, former and not. Wednesday, John Ecnomos, Emila, Viglante and Jake look into who is still alive as the others discuss the idea.
Peacemaker isn't completely sure if this will pay off as they may not know who the guy is either, He comments that Spot didn't know who his backer was either. Blinky observes immediatly that this guy doesn't trust pretty much anyone.. Eleven feels like this will may be more diffcult as does Lucas since everyone has no idea who even did this. Enid compares N.Tropy to a shadow or phantom in all this and that one of the few things they do is that N.Tropy was who nuked Trolberg and Spot wasn't aware that was the plan.
As Things are getting settled. Mike, Lucas and Max meet up with Jim, Claire, Penny and Enid and they decide to try and get any call to Dustin, Will, Rave and The Robot. Mike, Lucas and Max attempt to communciate with Dustin however they are noticing nothing but static on the other side from their walk talkies about useage. Penny after noticing deicdes to try call Robot and Will , but is still not getting anything.
Enid decides after noticing the lack of success decides to finally try Rave on his and for the third time, no one is picking up. Jim begins to question where are the others as they're not picking up. As it turns out all their communication devices are all in lock up by Victoria Neuman and she had removed the batteries on top of that.
Claire and Enid consider getting some potential help as well after their investigation to see what is going on their end. Maybe sending another members as Claire suggests could help out which Enid and Jim try to think on who in that case.
. Blinky has Jim, Claire and Enid accompany him to find where Chandler McCann was placed.
Enid, Blinky, Jim and Claire have all been dropped at Royal Woods at juvie hall, to find what Chandler Mcann knows on this. Blinky knowing Chandler's irrational dislike towards Lincoln tells the other 3 to stand by if he pushes it. Jim asks isn't Blinky the non violent type, Blinky says he is it's just Chandler does grind his gears and how he bullied Lincoln just angers him.
Claire agrees she doesn't like bullies as they enter the juvie hall and find Chandler. Chandler recongizes Enid as her best friend cost him a part of his essence. Claire points out he had it coming. Chandler knows they're here for something and what. Jim says that they're looking into something in regards to The Spot and think he knows an answer about who was backing him. Chandler does concede someone is backing Spot, he had more direct interaction than the other he worked with due to his dislike of Lame o as he puts it. Blinky isn't suprised that Chandler is doing out of personal dislike towards Lincoln and Enid asks why did he do this. Chandler says because it amuses him to do and to keep in check when he takes his dog off a leash.
Claire and Jim both look rightfully annoyed with Chandler for it, Chandler says that his bosses really have a personal problem with them and he gets it he got his nose broken by them just because of friendly ripping. Enid looks like she wants to kill him, but restrains herself knowing to not let it get her. Chandler does say that they really have no hope protecting Team Free Will, his boss will kill them he already managed to take out plenty of the team. Jim decides to just let him rant knowing he's gone insane
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor.
Eleven asks about Von Gale, they still havn't found her. John Econmos admits he hasn't found anything on Von Gale. Enid, Penny and Wednesday do admit they were in Trolberg and maybe Van Gale was around there even if Economos couldn't find her. Mrs. Frizzle decides to set a location to Trolberg for the crew so they can get all go looking for Victoria Van Gale.
Part 3[]
Wednesday, Penny, Enid, Jake and Professor Membrane all decided to take another way all together. Wednesday snuck her away on to the Tofuken Train so they can down there as she has a hunch as do the other 4. Though Penny does ask why Wendesday brought them down here, she says she was here before when she, Eleven and Peacemaker came down here to get her brother, Lincoln, Lydia, Hobie and The Robot out of trouble when they went with Hilda to find her grandparents. They're fairies or whatever the sacchrine term for mystical creature is. Enid says it is a fairy to her and for some reason they don't take well to Robots.
Professor Membrane and Jake both go around and ask about fairies go to get slammed on at every opporunity. Enid points how rude they are and that they'll look themselves and she knows where. Wenesday follows suit with Penny as the three end up finding a fairy mound. Professor Membrane and Jake catch up to them and ask what the trio found, Enid informs them that she has a feeling Van Gale might be here as she did recall she was fasicinated by the fairy mound or whatever it's called.
The Streaming Reisstance has managed to arrive at the fairy Mound and a good deal of the group wander how to ulimately get in there. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday themselves are baffled how are they even able to have gotten in there to begin with to find the others.
Penny though does manage to find a secret way using her own deduction skills alongside Enid in part to their time they spent with Jaune and Hilda's family. They ask Claire if she can use her magic to do so and she does and the 3 girls manage to get into Fairy Country
Blinky gets a wiff of the Nesse and leads the others to it. Peacemaker's crew follows closely behind with Wednesday and Enid not to far behind them. As Eleven and her friends as is the Troll Hunters, Membrane and Jake just follow suit. Just like that they all find Victoria Van Gale.
Van Gale finishes explaining exactly what had gone down to the parties involved. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all find this interesting that Van Gale was found in the hole she was stuck in by not one but two of them, and was brought on the plan to help them under pretenses of doing good for man kind. Only to them to be used for a revenge plan against both Lydia and Lincoln. Wednesday adds how they still didn't get the names, Eleven and Peacemaker feel that she didn't know the names as much as the others didn't. As least they have something, Penny does have a suggestion and asks if Economos can look into alternate selves and Enid agrees to this idea too.
The Streaming Resistance manages to escape Fairy Country, though Van Gale is hurt from Rodrigo's ambush and they watch the Fairy Country be drained away from the energy it once had. Mike, Lucas and Eleven try to hold Van Gale considering her injury and ask what they shall do.
Enid asks if Proffessor Membrane can tell if Hilda's family was among them. Membrane confirms they weren't there and they were fine for now. Penny is thankful Mulder and Jaune managed to get them blending in society.Wednesday asks what are they going to with Levy, she offers to kill him. Peacemaker says that they need to see what he knows as Emila and Viglante present Levy unconsciousness as this could be the break through they need.
With the return of the other 4, they inform of Van Gale's condition and also of what Doug told them. Penny, Enid and Max gather that whoever was behind Spot is clearly even more insane that he ever was. Peacemaker decides on following Wednesday's ideas and interrogate Angstorm Levy.
Peacemaker, Wednesday and Vigilante decide on that they need a place to intterograte Levy that is safe. Enid decides they could go to Anders's apartment to do so, Mike asks why there. Enid feels that if they did at Johanna's house then she would question them more likely than if Anders did so. Blinky doesn't want any part of the intterogration which Peacemaker allows, Lucas decides to join Blinky on this as he isn't too comfortable
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
Enid and Penny both begin to note how rough everything is getting and Enid with Penny decide to try to not risk anything with Anders and go into HIlda's House as well. The two manage to get some ideas where Hilda, Jaune and Johanna went to on their family vacation. Enid gets this from Tontu when she asks anyway and figures that they must have went down to somewhere else in the Streamverse, her wolfey senses act up as Penny starts to feel something regarding looking for fish, though Enid just shakes it off for the moment.
Enid and Penny return with what they have found and Enid worries that her friends could have ruined Anders's place and her own home if they don't clean it up. Jake and Eleven decide to help with Enid's job as she notices the damage Levy and Redneb caused and she wants to make it look nothing happened to him.
After the call that occurs between the 2 groups, Enid decides to work with Peacemaker, Wednesday and the others to go investigate The Woods with Lincoln, Lydia, Amy and Will. She also decides to make it look she is not recongized as she holds a package in her hand.

Part 5[]
Enid dyed her hair brown has a way to disguise herself as a detective she saw in a show she wanted. This goes noticed by the others on why she would do this considering who she is. Enid wants to be taken more serious she admits, Enid and her friends meet Bender and Anti Cosmo as well who are working on the investigation like them, Enid does seem more accepting of working with Bender than Wednesday is like Peacemaker she knows the two through Bean, Stan and Nacho.
Arriving to the Woods, Enid tags along with Lydia, Lincoln, Bender and Anti Cosmo to go looking into James Rogers where the five manage to undercover what had happened with them. Though they don't have a culprit they do have a cause of death and place. The five are eventually ambushed by Cate and Fifi, the former touchs her and commands her to do something which Lydia and Lincoln have to take control of her back as they also deal with Fifi. Enid is able to break out of Cate's control and becomes a were wolf where she mauls Fifi with the two of them before finding Myrtle and Sterling arriving to get them out, which Enid does with the others.

After getting back out, Enid is told by Wednesday what she saw in the visions and how it lines up with what she knows and that Enid and Peacemaker decide to talk to Membrane about his actions with the Shetty Virus he has.
Enid returns back to the others and is brought to light by Max, Blinky, Jim, Claire, Mike and Lucas about what they had found in their brief investigation of Arcadia.
Part 6[]
Max, Enid, Vigilante and Emilia have arrived in Troll market, With Enid developing a sense of trouble towards Jaune Arc being here with the other 3 following suit using her werewolf senses and she goes to investigate this with her senses.
Enid detects and finds Hilda and Jaune's petrifired states. But she is found by Usurna who tries to petrift her as well. Enid does take her cell phone to take photos of the stone statues of Hilda, Johanna and Jaune Arc so she can have her proof.
Enid returns to Max, Emila and Vigilante and tells them what she found with Usurna and prepare for a deal of trouble.
-Max, Enid, Vigilante and Emilia are in the cross hairs of Queen Usurna who had managed to track the 4 down and has her Gumms fight the 4 as she tries to take one of them awayMulder and Scully discover how Usurna got her hands on them and discover the changling nest. They are abducted by Usurns'a Gumms and brought back to them as Enid has found something.
Max and Enid almost get their minds wiped by Usurna who has Cate as Emilia and Vigilante are dealt with and are brought Mulder and Scully as well. Though Scully is able to break loose last second and the others take their fight to her and the others. Enid mauls them to protect her friends so they can get away from all this.
Peacemaker and the others arrive back to the 4 of them observe Enid talking to Mulder and Scully which is all about what happened to Hilda and her parents. The three agree to work on this together and they decide they need Anders to get involved despite Jaune and Lydia's indiffference to him since it's a step up from hating him. Enid also learns of what happened with Frida.
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wedesday, Jake and Enid talk to Will and The Robot and they learn of the return of Nevermore which means Wednesday will likely look move back there and that she is informed of Eugene's safety. The Pruning is also revealed by Will and The Robot which has Wednesday and Jake suspicous, Enid is a bit hesistant due to liking the time she spent in Trolberg and tells them she needs to think this over.
It is decided with what the heroes acquired at Troll Market that a close look into it will be needed and that Professor Membrane has a lab back at home he can use to his advantage so he takes decides to take his team there. Enid follows suit like the others.
Chapter 3[]
Part 7[]
The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House. Enid and Max both check on Penny to see if she is okay and the two do ask if she's alright due to how much she talks with fish and how she seems to be near a lot of unusal certainities. Penny admits that she is fine though not without some feelings.
Enid then asks Professor Membrane what has he figured on Jaune Arc and Hildas family. Membrane has no idea on this, though he says if they keep looking around and conisder Aracdia, then maybe. Jim, Claire and Blinky apporach the two and the trio do admit that they have dealt with being turned to stone with a friend of theirs and that they feel that maybe The Gumms Gumms are working with Neuman. Mike asks for their history with this and they are more than happy to provide
Wednesday, Professor Membrane, Enid, Blinky, Penny, Mike, Lucas, Emilia and John all end discovering some answers about Hilda's petrification with her family. Enid, Mike, Penny and Lucas manage to get something important with their research and that Hilda, Jaune and her family were ambushed by Angor Rot who was acting on orders of Queen Ushurna in troll Market, and he somehow managed to turn them into stone. Professor Membrane has an idea to use some chemistry to make a vital to cure petrifycation, he made one before when it came to aging so he can make one for this. Blinky does address he does know a way to do it without having to fetch things like that, as he has cured his best troll bud before. Professor Membrane, Enid and Wednesday though want to do this themselves in the case of Membrane and Wendesday, while Enid wants to help Mulder and Scully with this.
Enid informs the group that she will be looking for Mulder and Scully to help them as they also want to look into this too and she heads off
Enid arrives to join up with them as Anders explains his theories could be about gorgeons too as they have the ability to do so, When Enid understands what Anders mean as she was in love with a stoner gorgeon. Mulder has to defend her from Anders who Anders automatically feels had a hand in the petrifcation to Hilda. Mulder lets Scully step in and talk as he and Enid discuss her love interest and if it was possible it had. Beleving Enid is telling the truth, Mulder, Scully, Enid and Anders head to Nevermore for this very answer.
Mulder and Scully apporach Eugene while Enid and Anders go looking for Ajax for answers and Eugene does give his own answers that he believes it was some kind of magic used by trolls as Lincoln, Lydia and the others were here too are in the know about it. She is relieved that Anders is able to be talked down from this and convinced of his innocence.
Mulder notices he is being followed by Angor Rot and Gunmar who are evil trolls recalling what Blinky told them. Just by looking he is able to tell Angor Rot was who petrified Hilda's family and Jaune and he goes to pursuit the two with Scully, Eugene, Enid and Anders to find out what happened.
Part 8[]
Enid and the agents are able to find the trolls and she engages without hesitation to go after the trolls for answers about the petrification. Though Angor Rot tampers with them all with pixies to exploit their worst fear with hers being corned by hunters with sliver bullets to kill her and how she is disparately fleeing from all this. She is nearly killed as a result by Gunmar and Anger Rot until freed by Daniel Russo who works on her team as she had discovered only recently due to Amy and Will Robinson
Out of Angor Rot's situation with the pixies, Enid defends herself and her friends from the Gumms Gumms and saves Daniel and Eugene from them and while Nevermore does end being placed in Eternal Night. Enid is able to get out mostly unscathed though does her answers about petrifaction from Toby and is able to find Wendesday and her friends find them as well as Toby and Enid returns back to her friends wishing Mulder and Scully good luck and to stay in contact.
Part 9[]
Enid with the Trollhunters, Wednesday and Doug Judy join Mulder and Scully in Arcadia and it becomes obvious that the Streaming Resistance is quite aware of the situation provided to them regarding Hilda's family and Jaune Arc and decide to get a way to cure them. When the Gumms Gumms led by Gunmar attempt to attack them, she teams up with Anders to go after Queen Usurna to get some answers which she receives and goes so far to save Anders from the Queen's attempt to have Anders join Hilda.
After what she, Mulder, Scully and Wednesday deal with at the hands of the Gumms Gumms, Enid rejoins Eleven and Blinky in Trolberg to show what they have found on Hilda's family and her history with the Gumms Gumms linking back to the Trundle which Toby and AAARRUGGHH also knew about as well. Hearing about the end of the world from their allies, Enid decides that despite that, they also must focus on helping and investigating the history Hilda, Jaune and Frida have with Gunmar and the Gumms Gumms while making an antidote for the group's friends and Enid's mentor.
Chapter 4[]
Enid uses the time to go undercover and assists Anders in finding a way to cure out the others and discovers what Wednesday was trying to do, all the while looking into what is most important
Chapter 5[]
She joins the rest of the Streaming Resistance to head back to Mexico so they can find the rest of the heroes and help deal with the rise of the demon. She asks to first see if she can help The others in rescuing Jim, Claire and Blinky which they do and this is when Enid makes a discovery on Slade's forces and what they made on top of what N.Tropy has commited to doing. She regroups with the heroes and finds the demon beginning to rise which has her conerned.
Chapter 6[]
She helps the rest of the team take him on and takes down the demon and she moves back into her universe though she first does help David, Mulder and Scully in bringing Jaune and his family back to the living. She receives an invite with the rest of her team to a knighting and eagerly goes establishing their alliance with Team Free Will.