Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Original Creation by Xander Michael Shelton
This page, Emperor Satan, is property of Xander Michael Shelton. Please don't edit or do anything else on this page unless asked with permission. Thank you.

"I have destroyed multiple infinite worlds and the entire Mirror Omniverse. Becoming the true omnicidal warlord. Pathetic forces of light and order always bore me. I will crush the bones of their necks to their last deaths and destroy them. I shall destroy all of existence itself, including all different omniverses and beyond, to recreate them in my own image, and they all shall obey or die."
— Emperor Satan reveals how he completely destroyed the Mirror Omniverse.

"Order is nothing to destroy me! Feel the true power of Emperor Satan!"
— Emperor Satan's catchphrase.

Emperor Satan (born as Lucifer Morningstar) is one of the overarching antagonists of The JaxCo/XMS Studios and outside of the company's shared omniverse. Created by Xander Shelton, he is based on Lucifer and Satan in Judeo-Christianity, and inspired by Angra Mainyu, Darkseid, Satan, Scarlet King, Thanos, and Zalgo.

He is an absolutely powerful dark infinite deity warlord who commanded the Satanic Empire and ruled over Hell and later the Satanic Omniverse with an iron fist to spread death and destruction across all omniverses and beyond them. Being one of the eternal archenemies of every omniverse and beyond, he is the former archangel-turned-arch-nemesis of God and later his complete opposite after Amara, the Original True Anti-God of the Main Omniverse.

As Lucifer Morningstar, he assisted God and his brothers in defeating and banishing Amara to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. However, between the fifth and sixth day of creation of the Main Omniverse, he turned chaotic and malevolent on the inside and truly decided to destroy the Main Omniverse and beyond to recreate them in his own image as "One True Supreme Being" unopposed. He believed that humans across the omniverse are "beyond correction", deciding to "cure" them by twisting them into his servants and worshippers. He corrupted Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population against God, starting the First Multiversal Civil War by betraying him. He and Archangel Michael start fighting during the war until the Fallen Archangel's defeat and banishment from Heaven.

After his banishment, Lucifer became the First Fallen Archangel and the True God of Pure Evil known as Emperor Satan. Satan raised to dark absolute power and possessed the true power of the True Anti-God by force. He built the Satanic Empire and his gigantic castle made of obsidian with red-stained glass. He became the absolute ruler of Hell during this process. He destroyed his delusional beliefs as he finally admitted that conquering and destroying the entire omniverse and beyond brings him to his sadistic amusement in spite of God creating them in the first place. He corrupted Lilith's soul to transform her into not only a more malevolent being, but also his right-hand empress and pawn. He destroyed the Garden of Eden while casting the Forbidden Fruit into Adam and Eve, causing the two humans to be banished from the Garden. He destroyed the Land of Uz and tortured a wealthy and blameless Job to near death.

After the birth of Jesus Christ and rise of Goddessa, Emperor Satan attempted to corrupt Jesus' soul by manipulating him into worshiping him as "god". After the Messiah's refusal, Satan caused the rise of Sorath as his biological son and apocalyptic apprentice. He had him being behind Jesus' execution and death until the rise of Christ as the Son of God. Satan ordered Sorath to unleash the Multiversal Apocalypse until the day the Antichrist will complete his father's ultimate plan against the omniverse. The event caused Multiversal Forces of Light and Darkness to wage wars against each other, as well as the return of the vengeful Amara with the invention of destroying the entire omniverse and the rest of existence by returning them to their original state of darkness in spite of God.

In the middle of the Three Main Battles of the Multiversal Apocalypse, Emperor Satan confronted and fights Amara until he overthrown her and betrayed Lilith by killing them both. He kicked them both to the Lake of Fire to ultimate destruction. He became the Second True Anti-God of the Main Omniverse. Enraged by Sorath's failure, Satan betrayed and tortured him out of sadism before throwing him to the Lake of Fire to make him suffer for eternity, although that the latter deserved it for everything he did against the entire omniverse. He caused the rise of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and began conquering Heaven once more. He expanded the entire Multiversal Apocalypse over the entire omniverse, making the entire event worse than it was before. He and the Horsemen fought God, Goddessa, Jesus, and Michael in Heaven until the satanic villains defeated them. Just before Satan could kill God, the true final battle between God's Forces and the Satanic Empire raged. In the middle of his fight against God, Satan fights Shadowiera until he moved her to God, causing the latter to fight each other. The three deities fight each other until Satan is knocked out. He caused a powerful dark electricity towards the edge of the omniverse and spread across the entire omniverse, causing the opposing deities to break out of the destructive, powerful vines the Dark Lord summoned.

After Goddessa defeats Shadowiera, God and Satan unleash the final showdown until the Dark Lord's defeat and banishment to the darkest of the Spiritual Realm for eternity by God. God ended the evil deities' reigns of apocalypse and terror once and for all.

600 years in the Spiritual Realm, however, Emperor Satan started a spiritual war with his spiritual army of chaos and destruction against his opposing cosmic entities. During the spiritual war, he slaughtered and absorbed every cosmic being and deity from existence before unleashing his ultimate true form. He returned from the Spiritual Realm and continued his reign of apocalypse and terror once more. Just before the revival of Sorath from the Lake of Fire by Sorath's followers in 1985, Satan caused the rise of the Satanic Sisters, Sataniera and Exeratha. After the revival of Sorath from the Lake of Fire in that year, Satan ordered the Satanic Sisters to bring Sorath to him so he could use him to merge every multiverse across the Main Omniverse with the Satanic Omniverse to completely destroy the entire targeted omniverse once and for all.

Since in Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth III, Emperor Satan and his massive army conquered the Mirror Omniverse and killed even more cosmic beings and deities before taking their servants as his own. During that process, he sent out his Satanic Abominations to conquer and destroy the entire Main Omniverse as a distraction towards God, his forces, and his associated allies. He later completely destroyed the entire omniverse and became the most powerful being in all of existence.

In spite of God creating the Main Omniverse and all of existence beyond it, Emperor Satan plotted to conquer and destroy the entire omniverse to recreate it in his own image, and do the same thing to all the other omniverses with at least one omniverse successfully conquered and destroyed with his omniversal army in December 2016. He also plotted to kill God, Shadowiera, and everyone else who opposed him and his entire empire.

Emperor Satan will be portrayed and voiced by Josh Brolin in motion capture, who played Thanos in the Infinity Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and Cable in Deadpool 2.


Emperor Satan is the overarching and overall main antagonist of the Bible Cinematic Universe. He serves as the main antagonist of the Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth film trilogy, serving as the main antagonist of the first film, as the overarching antagonist of the second film, and as the titular main antagonist of the third film.

Outside of the entire franchise, Satan also serves as one of the overarching antagonists of both the Action Jaxon and Alexandra Green and the Green Machine franchises.



As Lucifer Morningstar, he has double wings and maroon eyes and while being used to have blonde hair and wore a white Archangel armor. He wears a black Archangel armor with double wings attached to it. During the First Multiversal Civil War, he has glowing yellow eyes and his wings became black and darker.

As Emperor Satan, he is a complete tall, bulky, and muscular dark absolute deity with extremely maroon skin. He had black sclera and glowing red eyes. He wears a black armor with neon-red highlights. He had the Satanic Empire symbols on his arms, boots, chest, and shoulders, as well as black large horns on his head with five lines each.

In his ultimate true form, his appearance appeared to have darker skin and be more darker and nightmarish than his true form. He had glowing red sclera and neon-red highlights on his armor and horns became neon-maroon.


"This is the Satan who is in reality, not the one in the Bible. From here, Emperor Satan is far worse, powerful, and stronger than he ever was in the Bible."
— Xander Shelton / The Green Machine about Emperor Satan's true personality.

"All of your foolishness means nothing. All life served no meaning or purpose. They shall soon be destroyed along with all of existence itself. I am going to enjoy it, very, very much."
— Emperor Satan shows his nihilism and sadism.

Emperor Satan being the ultimate deity of all chaos, megalomania, and pure and utter malevolence only cared about himself, as well as spreading death and destruction across infinite worlds and beyond.

As Lucifer Morningstar, he was once a benevolent and caring Archangel who assisted God and his brothers in defeating and banishing Amara to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. However, it all turns out to be a facade as he revealed his true nature as an extremely power-hungry and ruthless individual who truly decided to destroy all of existence itself to recreate them in his own image since the fifth day of multiversal and omniversal creation. After the seventh day, he publicly revealed his true nature by corrupting Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population against God and treacherously betrayed God. During the First Multiversal Civil War, Lucifer became extremely arrogant as he briefly conquered Heaven and the entire Multiverse by force until his defeat by Archangel Michael and banishment to Hell.

After being banished to Hell and became Emperor Satan, he is the dark absolute deity of all chaos, megalomania, and pure and utter malevolence. He became power-hungry during his rise to dark absolute power and possession of the True Anti-God's true power. He was completely tyrannical after building the Satanic Empire and absolutely ruling over Hell for millennia. Not only did he corrupted Lilith's soul and transformed her into a more malevolent being, but also destroyed the Garden of Eden while casting the Forbidden Fruit into Adam and Eve and caused them to be banished from the Garden, as well as destroying and terrorizing the Land of Uz and torturing Job to near death for his sadistic amusement. After Uz's destruction at the Dark Lord's hand, Satan lied to Job, claiming that his friends betrayed him during the terrorism before torturing him to near death. He believed Job to be dead and taunted him by calling him weak as all the other ordinary humans.

After the birth of Jesus Christ and rise of Goddessa as the Daughter of God, Emperor Satan became unsatisfied with all of this and decided to corrupt Jesus' soul into his servant but Jesus refused, which lead to his anger. He caused the rise of Sorath as his biological son and apocalyptic apprentice so he could use him as his pawn for his ultimate plan, despite the Antichrist's pure ruthlessness. He took absolute sadistic pleasure of Jesus' execution and death being behind by Sorath and taunted him for it until the rise of Jesus as the Son of God. He unleashed the Multiversal Apocalypse for not only his sadistic amusement, but also used the entire event to spread destruction and fear across the Multiverse and above.

During the Multiversal Apocalypse, Emperor Satan ruthlessly ordered Sorath to defeat and kill Jesus and his army during the Three Main Multiversal Wars of the Multiversal Apocalypse. He expressed his sadistic amusement while watching the war between Jesus and Sorath, as well as the other deaths and wars throughout the event. He became enraged when he saw Shadowiera and Amara participate in the event, punching the monitor and showing no care for any of his servants or anyone else at all. He cruelly disrupted and interrupted the duel between God and Amara by confronting Amara in front of God. He sensed that Sorath will ultimately fail his war against Jesus and expressed complete failure-intolerance. He overthrown and betrayed Amara and Lilith by killing him both and ruthlessly saying to them "Long live the True Anti-God." He kicked them to the Lake of Chaos and Destruction through his power-hungry glee. He showed true ruthlessness after killing them and Sorath after his betrayal of him for his failure. He mongered Sorath and knew the latter would kill him out of anger and vengeance, expressing his sadistic glee.

When the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse came to aid the Dark Lord since the apocalyptic and cataclysmic event, Emperor Satan used them as not only his servants but also pawns, although the Horsemen were unaware of that. After God, Goddessa, Jesus, and Michael came to end the event, Satan threatened to destroy all different omniverses to recreate them in his own image so everything will be forced to worship him as "One True Supreme Being" before motioning the Horsemen to fight the Heavenly Heroes. After summoning the entire Satanic Empire to conquer and destroy all omniversal worlds, he showed no problem with attempting to kill God before God's forces confront him. He ruthlessly taunted them that the time had came before attempting to kill God. After God's forces charged against the Satanic Empire, Satan evilly smirks as he motions his empire to attack.

When Shadowiera and the Shadowic Empire participate in the true final battle, he fought her before God does. After being knocked out by God so the Supreme Being could fight Shadowiera, Satan furiously not only stop the opposing deities with his destructive vines, but also had his third duplicated half of the Satanic Empire and led them to mass genocide across the Multiverse and above, making God watch everything dies. Before he could kill them in the final blow, Satan furiously fights God as the latter kicked him. The three deities fought each other until Goddessa defeated Shadowiera. In the middle of the process of God and Satan unleashing their powerful beams at each other, the Dark Lord became dishonorable as he cheats to nearly win against God until Jesus and Goddessa stopped him from doing so, getting the Supreme Being an opportunity to banish the dark god to the Spiritual Realm. Satan refused to accept as he vowed to return in vengeance before being teleported to the Spiritual Realm.

In the Spiritual Realm, Emperor Satan showed his true ruthless and sadistic amusement as he slaughtered and absorbed every cosmic being and deity from existence before returning from the realm with his ultimate true form he unleashed. He continued his reign of apocalypse and terror once more as he brings back the Satanic Empire to spread death and fear across all omniversal worlds.

In the third film, Emperor Satan expressed his sadistic smirk as he and his massive army arrived at the Mirror Omniverse. He showed his true ruthlessness and sadistic glee as he slaughtered and absorbed even more cosmic beings and deities from existence before taking their former servants as his own. He completely destroyed the Mirror Omniverse as part of his ultimate plan. He used his new servants as pawns so he can expand his empire more to easily complete his ultimate plan.


Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth film trilogy[]

Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth[]


Before the Creation of the Main Omniverse, God separated light and himself from Amara and the darkness. He started creating worlds of the Main Omniverse but Amara betrayed Him by attempting to destroy all of existence itself. Lucifer was the second of the Archangels created by God, the younger brother of Michael, and the older brother of Raphael and Gabriel. They were created to join their Creator against Amara and her powerful army of primordial darkness entities. They managed to stop Amara and God banished her and her forces to the Spiritual Realm for eternity.

Ultimate True Plan Changed[]

God successfully managed to create the Main Omniverse by starting off with the Multiverse and beyond. However, after the fifth day of Omniversal Creation, Lucifer was on the other side of Heaven. He turned chaotic and malevolent on the inside. He revealed his ultimate true plan to destroy all of existence itself and beyond to recreate them in his image due to God creating the omniverse in the first place. After this reveal, Lucifer subverted his care for his brothers and God.

True Nature Revealed / First Multiversal Civil War[]

On the sixth day, God created all the land creatures and planted the Garden of Eden. He created Adam and Lilith but the latter betrayed Adam, resulting God banishing her from the Garden. God created Eve, Adam's second wife, and the two humans spend their time in the Garden.

On the seventh day, the Main Omniverse was fully developed and God's work was finished. God commanded all the angelic beings to bow before humans. However, Lucifer refused and instead revealed his true nature by corrupting Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population to his side. He ultimately betrayed God by starting the First Multiversal Civil War, resulting in countless deaths and wars, as well as all forces of light and darkness waging wars against each other.

Duel of the Archangel Brothers[]

During the war, Lucifer and his forces charged at God's Palace. Archangel Michael, having realized that Lucifer betrayed God, decided to defend God by having his forces charging against their enemies until they all clash. Lucifer landed outside of God's Palace and was confronted by the first half of the second angel population. He killed them and stood victorious until Michael confronted him. Lucifer glowed yellow eyes as he cruelly stared at him. Michael told Lucifer that God created him and the other Archangels and lower, and that the treacherous Archangel betrayed Him. Lucifer showed no remorse as he claimed that all of existence itself served nothing without protection and survival so he decided to destroy them all and beyond to recreate them in his image as One True Supreme Being. He attempted to corrupt Michael by convincing him to join him in this quest but the latter saw his brother was indeed gone by refusing to do so.

Enraged by this, Lucifer lashed at Michael and the two Archangels engaged in a vicious and brutal sword-fighting duel that moved to near the wall of God's Palace. Lucifer knocked him out against wall of the palace and made him lose his swords in the process. The remaining half of the second angel population came to Michael's aid. Unfortunately, Lucifer slaughtered them all in front of the now-defenseless Michael. He cruelly pinned him against wall and looked like the end of the benevolent Archangel.

Just before he could kill Michael, Michael empowered himself with his wings and pushed Lucifer away from him and made him lose his swords as well. Enraged by this, Lucifer empowered himself back with his double dark wings and glowed yellow eyes. He dash-kicked Michael but the latter dodged the attack and made him dash-kick the wall instead. Lucifer jumped and kicked Michael downwards and the latter dodged the kick. The two men continued their duel but with supernatural combat and defense. They moved their duel to the edge of the frontyard of the palace. Lucifer attempted to push Michael off the edge but the two pushed their duel to the center of Heaven in mid-air.

The two Archangels continued fighting in mid-air and punched each other's fists that sent them both flying to knocking out their respective opposing Angels. They dashed at each other and continued dueling until they punched each other's chins upwards and sent them both flying to the dark sky. As the lightning flashed and striked, they continued fighting until Lucifer roundhouse-kicked Michael's head downwards that sent the latter falling to the bottom. Lucifer dashed downward and pushed Michael to make him fall to his death. He taunted him by telling him that this will be the ultimate end for him only for the latter stated that banishment will be Lucifer's. He pushed him to the small cliff of Heaven.

The two Archangels perfectly landed on the cliff and confronted each other. Michael told Lucifer that the war ends now and the latter taunted him by saying that his ultimate plan will be complete and that Michael won't be there to stop him after that. Michael again tried to talk sense into Lucifer by telling him that killing and overthrowing God would end all of existence itself for him to successfully complete his plan but the latter was having none of that and declared the God-worshipping kept all life weak. Michael declares then he truly was lost before they resumed their battle. Soon Lucifer told his brother that he should die and lashed at him. The two continued their duel until Lucifer knocked him out against the tree. He brutally beaten him up and attempted to push him off the cliff to his death.

As a teenage Shadowiera cruelly killed Lilith in Eden, it was revealed that God gave Michael a secret command to banish Lucifer from Heaven to Hell in which Michael succeeded by pushing him off the cliff. After Lucifer was being banished from Heaven and transformed into the dark omniversal deity of pure and utter malevolence known as Emperor Satan, Michael collapsed to the tree and Raphael and Gabriel came to his aid. They carried him to God's Palace and the war ended.

In the aftermath, God healed Michael from injuries by Lucifer. He revealed that he knew this from the beginning and decided to successfully have Michael take Lucifer's place as one of God's favorite creations and children.

Rise to Dark Absolute Power[]

After the war, Lucifer became the Supreme God of All Chaos and Destruction known as Emperor Satan, the dark absolute god of pure and utter malevolence. Satan landed on a hellish cave that took him to the omniversal dimension of Hell. He walked to the center of the dimension and raised to dark absolute power by force. He built the Satanic Empire and his omniversal castle made of primordial darkness and indestructible obsidian with red-stained glass. After all of this, Emperor Satan felt all-powerful unchallenged and used the Satanic Empire to spread death and destruction across all omniverses and beyond while remaining his dark absolute powers to himself, as well as to kill God and Every True Supreme Being and True Anti-God who stood in his way.

Lilith was teleported to Hell following her death at the hands of the teenage Shadowiera, who later became the dark multiversal goddess and built the Shadowic Empire, and was confronted by Emperor Satan. Satan sensed that he already turned evil after betraying Adam in the Garden of Eden, and grinned evilly as he proceeded to corrupt her soul and transform her into a more malevolent being and his right-hand empress by torturing her with dark electricity from his hands. He bestowed him upon the title of "Empress Lilith", the Supreme Goddess of All Chaos and Lust.

Destruction of the Garden of Eden[]

After Lilith's corruption as Empress Lilith, Emperor Satan arrived outside of the Garden of Eden and confronted the angelic protectors of the Garden. When they prevented him from entering the Garden and called him Lucifer, Satan stated that he is no longer Lucifer but instead described to them who he is now. He slaughtered them in cold-blood without their second thought. He entered the Garden by force.

Inside of the Garden, Emperor Satan confronted Adam and Eve and attempted to corrupt the latter and then her husband into eating the Forbidden Fruit to become like God. When they refused to do so, the Dark Absolute Deity used the soul of the fruit into Adam and Eve and ruthlessly destroyed the entire Garden, causing God to banish them from the Garden. Satan confronted God for the first time and taunted his job to protect the Main Omniverse by lying to him, claiming that the omniverse is "made for the weak". He teleported away as God realized that the Dark Deity already became an all-powerful being as him and Amara.

Corruption of Cain[]

In Eden, Eve gave birth to Cain and then Abel so the two humans now had two children. When they grew up as a tiller of the ground and a shepherd, they brought their gifts to God during harvest. God accepted Abel and his gift but didn't accept Cain and his gift, resulting in the latter becoming furious. After the discussion between God and Cain, Emperor Satan encountered Cain and caused the former to fall to the dark path as the human bowed before him. Satan tasked Cain to kill Abel with his anger and envy, which was successful, causing God to banish Cain from the ground.

When Cain built the first city of Nod and his wife gave birth to Enoch after the city, Cain publicly revealed his true nature by killing many people of the Land of Nod and killed his wife in cold-blood, despite being unaware of Enoch being secretly kept safe from the mass murder. Cain built the satanic portal with his victims' blood to Hell. He became the First Knight of Hell under Emperor Satan by bowing before him, causing Satan to grin evilly.

Destruction of the Land of Uz[]

Emperor Satan arrived at the Land of Uz and watched the hologram recording of God explaining the information about Job, crushing the hologram device in the process. Having heard enough about Job's innocence, Satan, with his massive army, the raiders, and Empress Lilith, ordered terrorism against the entire land. When the raiders stole half of the animals and killed Job's servants, Empress Lilith seduced and killed many men in cold-blood.

Emperor Satan summoned a destructive firestorm to wipe out all animals and Job's servants, as well as everything across its path. He destroyed Job's children's older brother's house and left them dead. Just before the family of Job could leave the entire land, Satan confronted them and used his Satanic Beam at their hearts with homing effect, leaving Job completely defenseless as the blameless man watched. Without a second thought, Satan summoned a massive magma pit below the land to completely destroy it in front of Job.

Job prayed to God about everything the ruthless absolute deity Emperor Satan had done from the fifth day of Main Omniversal Creation unstopped. Satan taunted Job's pray by chucking at him. Job accused him of destroying the entire Land of Uz and told him that God and the Light Messiah will stop him in his plans. However, Satan says he doubted that and lied to him, claiming that his friends betrayed him after the terrorism and destruction of the land he caused. He tortured him with his dark electricity and caused extremely painful boils on Job's skin and nearly killed him in the process. Satan believed Job to be dead and taunted him by calling him weak compared to all ordinary creatures on the omniverse and beyond. He and his massive army teleported away.

In the aftermath, God became fed up with Satan's purely evil actions and decided to decide who's going to be the Messiah.

Multiversal Apocalypse[]
Before the Multiversal Apocalypse[]

In 4 B.C., Jesus was born to Joseph and Mary through the power of the Holy Spirit. Upon hearing this, God created a biological daughter of his own and named her 'Goddessa'. Emperor Satan was enraged about this and caused the rise of Sorath as his biological son and apocalyptic weapon and apprentice. Sorath selfishly bowed before his father.

In the Judean Desert at forty days and forty nights, Jesus fasted and became very starving. Emperor Satan confronted Jesus for the first time. He attempted to corrupt him by manipulating him into worship him as his "god" but Jesus refused. Satan furiously stared at Jesus as he ended his confrontation with him by teleporting away. Enraged by Jesus' refusal to worship him, Satan ordered Sorath and massive army to kill him and everyone else who go against the Satanic Empire without failures, or he will bathe the starways in his blood through eternal torture with the Lake of Fire. They leave Satan's throne after bowing before him.

Sorath had Jesus executed in the cross in the Old Rome Palace. After his execution and death, Sorath corrupted half of the soldiers into the dark path and they worshiped both him and Satan as "gods", much to Satan's sadistic amusement.

During the Multiversal Apocalypse[]

God resurrected Jesus as the Son of God and introduced Goddessa to him. The two Messiahs became two of the Children of God. Emperor Satan had enough with all of this and ordered Sorath to unleash the Multiversal Apocalypse, an apocalyptic and dangerous event that spread across an entire omniverse and result in countless deaths and wars. Sorath and his massive army participate in the event and confront Jesus and his massive army in the apocalyptic battlefield; and Shadowiera confronts Goddessa in the apocalyptic mountainous battlefield alone. Amara and her massive army returned from the Spiritual Realm and became more powerful than before. They confront God and his massive army in Heaven. Those forces of light and darkness fought against each other and caused the Three Main Multiversal Wars of the Multiversal Apocalypse.

In the middle of this, Emperor Satan and Empress Lilith were seen watching Sorath fighting Jesus in the apocalyptic battlefield. As time goes on, Satan saw Shadowiera fighting Goddessa, and Amara fighting God. Enraged by Amara returning from the Spiritual Realm, Satan furiously punched an unbreakable monitor and teleported away. He sensed all wars in the omniverse during the event. Until he spotted Amara fighting God in Heaven, Satan used his absolute speed to travel to Heaven to interrupt their duel as Amara nearly defeated God.

Satan revealed to Amara how he started the Multiversal Apocalypse until the day he will destroy all of existence itself and beyond to recreate them in his own image, vowing to rule them as "One True Supreme Being." Amara doubts that but the Dark Deity taunted her as he already became a dark absolute deity by force while she wasn't even watching, despite her omniscience. She furiously punched Satan but the latter blocked her attack. He taunted her by saying that she must choose her power carefully for her to die before roundhouse-kicking her in the chin, sending her flying backwards and landing perfectly. The two evil deities dueled with absolute combat.

The two deities moved their duel from the dark clouds to the dark sky and continued fighting in mid-air. Satan forcefully moved the duel to his throne as he punched and pushed Amara to the room downwards. In Emperor Satan's Throne, the two knocked apart. Amara hitted the column while Satan perfectly landed near his desk. He started shooting dark electricity from his hands at her until the latter stopped the lightning from the Devil. They summoned their respective armies and motion them to attack each other until they all clash. Satan and Amara continued fighting in the room with Empress Lilith watching the entire duel.

As time goes on, Emperor Satan threw Amara at Lilith and caused the two start their duel while Satan slaughtered half of Amara's forces. He sensed that Sorath will ultimately fail against Jesus, and decided to ruthlessly overthrow and betray Amara and Lilith. He walked to them and, just before Amara could finish Lilith off, stabbed them with his True Omnipotent Slayer. He said to them, "Long live the True Anti-God". He then heartlessly kicked them into the Lake of Darkness and Destruction, leaving them ultimately destroyed for eternity.

Becoming the Second True Anti-God became successful, Emperor Satan returned to his throne and saw Sorath encountering him. He revealed to him that he successfully became the Second True Anti-God after overthrowing Amara. He ruthlessly betrayed Sorath for his failure against Jesus and caused the Antichrist vow to kill and overthrow his treacherous father with anger. He taunted him that his anger made him powerful and stronger that Satan can feel it. Enraged by this betrayal, Sorath lashed at Satan but the latter catched his attack with destructive space manipulation. He grabbed his throat and ruthlessly crushed it, killing him. He threw him to the ground and then threw him to the Lake of Fire as eternal torture towards him.

When the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse came to Satan's throne, they bowed before him as a purpose to serve and worship him since the Multiversal Apocalypse started. The Dark Deity and the Horsemen arrived at Heaven and confronted God, Goddessa, Jesus, and Archangel Michael. After Death revealed to God about his change from neutrality to evil, Emperor Satan taunted the heroes that the balance between good and evil wasn't permanent, and revealed that he knew the difference between good and evil but chose to spread death and destruction across all omniverses and beyond. God said that destroying the entire light-darkness balance would cause all of existence itself to cease to exist even if Satan just already killed Amara, only for him to say that he sensed that not only Satan did that but also overthrew her. Satan stated that Amara proved herself to be truly weak against him. He then announced his ultimate plan of destroying all of existence itself and beyond to recreate them in his image as "One True Supreme Being." When God noted that all of them would be built from chaos and destruction, Emperor Satan said that as long as they all worship him, they still worship him. He threatened to destroy everything God created before generating earthquakes to force them to separate the four into two. Satan ordered the Horsemen to kill them and engaged the heroes in a brutal battle.

During this ensuing fight, the fight started with Archangel Michael and War starting their sword-fighting duel. Pestilence and Famine fight Goddessa and Jesus while Death confronted God. The two started their omnipotent duel while Satan is watching the heroes and the Horsemen fight, grinning evilly. In the middle of the fight, Emperor Satan caused the cosmic storm that caused the Horsemen empower themselves and easily defeat the heavenly heroes in an unfair way.

With the four Heavenly Heroes defeated, Emperor Satan taunted them as he will enjoy razing the Main Omniverse and beyond and claims that he will succeed once more. He then summoned the entire Satanic Empire (including Demons, Fallen Angels, the Knights of Hell, etc.) which emerged from umbraportation, chucking evilly as he stood victorious. Just before God could rise from the ground, Satan beaten him up and cruelly pinned him against the ground. He taunted him as he proceeded to finally kill him once and for all.

However, the trumpets were sounded and it was revealed to be the Angels, the Forces of God, and their allies, who all confronted Emperor Satan and the Satanic Empire. Satan taunted them by telling them that the time had come and that God will never protect the omniverse as he furiously attempted to kill him, only for the latter to teleport away from that blow. God teleported Goddessa, Jesus, and Michael behind him. After everyone formed up to face Satan and the Satanic Empire once and for all, all the allied forces charge at Satan's forces as Satan himself smirked and motioned his empire to attack before confronting God.

After God ended his duel with Death, God and Emperor Satan confronted each other. They summoned her dual massive thick weapons and lashed at each other as they started their omnipotent duel with absolute combat and defense. The Dark Deity moved their duel forward until he stopped moving the duel where he nearly defeated God, only for him to be confronted by Shadowiera and the Shadowic Empire. Satan knocked God out of the way and shooted dark electricity at him.

Emperor Satan duplicated the Satanic Empire into two and motioned the duplicated army to attack Shadowiera's forces until they all clash. Satan and Shadowiera started their duel with the powers of ancient darkness until the Second True Anti-God himself threw her against God so the two of them started their duel. Satan proceeded to fight against God and Shadowiera, resulting in their truel.

In the middle of the truel, God knocked Emperor Satan out so he and Shadowiera continued their duel. Enraged, Satan rose from the ground and unleashed his furious breakdown as he furiously roared like an Lovecraftian Horror. He summoned two destructive vines against God and Shadowiera and caught them with those vines, as well as knocking Jesus and Goddessa out when the two Light Messiahs tried to come to God's aid. He unleashed a powerful dark electricity against the entire Outer Ring of the entire Main Omniverse to proceed destroying those in that omniversal ring, forcing God to watch while taunting him. He taunted him as he proceeded to nearly crush the two opposing deities to death.

After reminiscing of the best moments with his creations and family, God told Emperor Satan that he shouldn't have killed and overthrown his sister, before harnessing his own primordial light powers, breaking free from the crushing vine, much to the latter's complete anger. God then kicked Satan in the face and the latter furiously lashed at him as the two continued their duel. In the middle of the duel, Shadowiera broke free from the crushing vine and joined the fight God and Satan, resulting in their second truel during the true final battle. As Shadowiera finally fought Goddessa, God and Satan continued their duel.

After Goddessa defeated Shadowiera and the Shadowic Empire much to Jesus' delight, God and Satan unleashed their powerful ancient beams at each other and locked their blasts. In the middle of this process, Satan proceeded to use destructive earth to overwhelm God to cheat to nearly win, only for the Light Messiahs to stop him from cheating.

God changed his beam to the powerful beam of spiritual banishment at Satan. The Dark Lord felt all-powerful and taunted God at first, but then soon realized that the beam from God was banishing him to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. Satan refused to accept defeat or imprisonment, vowing to carry out his ultimate plan once more. The Dark Deity was now taken to the Spiritual Realm and his reign of apocalypse and terror finally ended once and for all, as well as the Multiversal Apocalypse ending.

The Satanic and Shadowic Empires turned to dust as their respective deities were defeated. The deaths of their victims were finally avenged and they all rest in peace.

After the Multiversal Apocalypse[]

In the aftermath, God repaired every damage Satan and Shadowiera caused, such as the Destruction of the Garden of Eden, the Terrorism Against the Nonexistent Palace, and the Destruction of the Land of Uz. The Main Omniverse was now at peace without the return of the evil deities.

In the post-credits scene, in the Spiritual Realm, Emperor Satan was seen in the realm slaughtering and absorbing every cosmic being and deity from existence. He flashed an evil grin as he continued slaughtering and absorbing them from existence, only for him to laugh evilly off-screen.

Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth II[]

During His Stay in the Spiritual Realm[]

600 years after his banishment to the Spiritual Realm, Emperor Satan had been killing and absorbing every cosmic being and deity in the realm and became more powerful and stronger than before. He confronted an unnamed light cosmic deity and engaged the deity in a duel. However, Satan managed to defeat the deity easily due to his superior power. He stabbed and absorbed the deity from existence. He then unleashed his ultimate true form and sensed that the Satanists built a portal in Salem, Massachusetts for him to escape from the Spiritual Realm.

Spiritual Return[]

Emperor Satan re-emerged in Salem, Massachusetts where he encountered the Satanists, who briefly brought him back from his spiritual imprisonment. During this encounter, Satan revealed to his cultists how he killed and absorbed every cosmic being and deity from existence in the Spiritual Realm and how he became more powerful and stronger than before. He them brought back the Satanic Empire, recreated and reshaped Hell into his omniverse, and separated it from the Main Omniverse, taking them almost all to that omniverse. Satan named his omniverse the 'Satanic Omniverse' and did all of this to continue his reign of apocalypse and terror once more.

Rise of the Satanic Sisters[]

After the Influences of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Emperor Satan caused the rise of the Satanic Sisters, Sataniera and Exeratha, his biological daughters. The sisters bowed before him with their selfish desires to carry out his ultimate plan. Satan used his daughters to replace Sorath as the Antichrists, although Sorath is the Antichrist himself.

Encounter With Sorath[]

When Sorath and his followers decided to take over the Old Rome Empire by merging it with the Satanic Empire, Emperor Satan appeared as a hologram to Sorath. Hearing that Sorath had returned from the Lake of Fire and seek vengeance against the Dark Lord, Satan taunted him that his experiences of his failures would cost him even more eternal torture with the same lake for eternity. He told him that the latter had been replaced by the Satanic Sisters. Sorath furiously stabbed Satan but the Dark Lord was in the hologram the whole time. Satan told him that the Dark Lord himself can no longer be destroyed or imprisoned. Even if Sorath continued to serve him, Satan would still use him and his followers as nothing but pawns to carry out his ultimate plan. Sorath and his followers bowed before him, saying that not only will he merge the Old Rome Empire with the Satanic Empire like a tyrant, but also merge every world across the Main Omniverse with the Satanic Omniverse that refused to worship them as gods. Satan grinned evilly as Sorath continued to serve and worship him with nothing but selfishness. He ended his hologram call with Sorath so the latter and his followers merge the Old Rome Empire with the Satanic Empire, but doing so with Sataniera and Exeratha in the process.

In the aftermath, Sorath and the Satanic Sisters joined forces as they managed to merge the Old Rome Empire with the Satanic Empire and later decided to merge all worlds across the Main Omniverse that refused to obey the Satanic Empire once more.

After the Defeat of Shadowiera and Sorath[]

After the defeat of Shadowiera and Sorath in Shadowiera's Castle, the Satanic Sisters enter their father Emperor Satan's throne and bow before him. Satan told his daughters that Sorath was no longer useful to him and later subjected him to eternal torture with the Lake of Fire if Sorath comes to his throne, even though the latter totally deserved it. Despite the sisters' competence for the most part of carrying out his ultimate plan, Satan betrayed Exeratha as the latter outlived with her usefulness by having his guardians execute her. Seeing that Sataniera destroyed her care for her sister, Satan threatened her that he will bathe the starways in her blood if she dares to betray him. The Demon told Satan that there were three omniverses that were known so the Dark Lord decided to destroy the Mirror Omniverse with his omniversal army with Sataniera assisting him in this new quest.

Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth III[]

Destruction of the Mirror Omniverse[]
Destruction of the Mirror Omniversal Mount Olympus[]

Emperor Satan and his omniversal army arrived at the Mirror Omniverse and Satan himself flashed an evil grin as he proceeded to destroy the omniverse while using the Satanic Abominations to conquer and destroy the main one. They arrived at the Mirror Omniversal Mount Olympus where they attacked and terrorized the entire mountain. He taunted the Greek gods by claiming the protection of the mountain to be weak against him and the Satanic Empire.

As the Mirror Omniversal counterpart of Zeus confronted the Dark Lord calling him out for his full insanity, Satan them threatened to kill the Greek gods and their children if he did not surrender to him. Zeus rathered for Satan to die before striking a lightning bolt on Satan's right eye. However, Satan didn't feel any pain from the lightning strike from Zeus. He then used his Satanic Beam to slaughter the Greek gods in front of Zeus and his children, who dodged the beam. Satan admitted his full insanity but with true sadistic amusement. Zeus asked him how many cosmic beings and deities did he killed and absorbed from existence. He responded that he killed and absorbed everyone of them from existence in which he summoned a group of his victims that turned into Satanic Abominations. Zeus and his children started their fight against Satan.

In the middle of the fight, Emperor Satan knocked them out but Zeus was able to get up quickly with his lightning. Unfortunately, Satan, without looking at him, stabbed the deity in the stomach and chest and made him face his near death. Zeus defiantly told Satan that he will never rule all of existence itself and beyond after destroying and recreating them in his own image. Satan later stabbed the deity in the chest to his death in front of his children. Taunting the gods by calling them pathetic and weak, he absorbed him from existence and slaughtered his children with his Satanic Beam. As the Greek humans finally climbed the mountain, he taunted them that it's too late and their gods would never be resurrected this time. He used the destructive energy manipulation to destroy the entire mountain with everyone else in it. He teleported away with his omniversal army.

Attempted Conquest and Destruction of the Main Omniverse[]

When God, his forces, and his allies prepared to protect the Main Omniverse once again, Emperor Satan sensed it and his counterpart from the Mirror Omniverse is preparing to protect the Mirror Omniverse from Mirror Omniversal God's tyranny. He sent out his Satanic Abominations towards the Main Omniverse and used them to conquer and destroy it, using this as a distraction while Satan himself is conquering and destroying the Mirror Omniverse.

During this event while Shadowiera killed Mirror Omniversal counterparts of herself and Goddessa and destroyed all worlds her counterpart saved from the evil Goddessa, Emperor Satan and his omniversal army arrived at Hell and confronted themselves from the Mirror Omniverse. The complete opposite versions of Satan and their respective armies confronted each other. Emperor Satan first blasted his Mirror Omniversal counterpart with his dark electricity, sending the beneficial Dark Deity across the omniversal dimension knocking him unconscious. Satan taunted his beneficial omniversal counterpart stating that both the Main and Mirror Omniverses will soon be all but lost but the latter telekinetically pushed his evil omniversal counterpart with both Dark Deities starting their intense sword-fighting duel with their dual massive thick double-edged swords of primordial darkness. As both Dark Absolute Infinite Deities of good and evil dueled, their respective armies clash each other. Their fight moved from the center of the dimension to the throne room.

Emperor Satan was nearly overpowered by his beneficial omniversal counterpart in their sword-fighting duel and only managed to even the field by finally beginning to use primordial destructive darkness to combat Mirror Omniversal Satan. The maleficial Dark Deity relished the chance to destroy his beneficial omniversal counterpart by using the destructive source of primordial darkness to hurl several columns at him, causing the roof of the castle to nearly collapse. However, Emperor Satan failed to kill his beneficial omniversal counterpart with his telekinetic assault and was forced to close range by him but was able to rip his swords from his hands with a blast of dark electricity, forcing his beneficial omniversal counterpart to block the superior attack.

Although Satan came quite close to overcoming his beneficial omniversal counterpart with the lightning attack, Mirror Omniversal Satan was ultimately able to win their struggle by returning the lightning causing a blast so powerful that it knocked the two Dark Deities apart. Satan wasn't clearly blasted off the arena as his beneficial omniversal counterpart was on near the Lake of Fire before Satan superiorly got up and superiorly charged at him, pushing him to his near death. Satan dishonorably stabbed his Mirror Omniversal counterpart with the true power of his True Omnipotent Slayer. The good Satan told the evil Satan that the omniverse would now cease to exist after killing him. The latter showed no care about it and smirked evilly as he ruthlessly kicked him to the Lake of Fire to his death, causing the entire dimension to be destroyed. Just before the destruction, Emperor Satan and his omniversal army teleported away to finally confront Mirror Omniversal God and his omniversal army.

With the omniverse slowly ceasing to exist, Emperor Satan and his omniversal army arrived at Heaven in the Mirror Omniverse. They saw the omniversal dimension being familiar to the one from the Main Omniverse. They found Mirror Omniversal God and his omniversal army confronting them and Satan himself instantly said that he killed his counterpart and his army from the omniverse in cold-blood. Mirror Omniversal God told Satan that the good Satan is the True Anti-God while he himself is the True Supreme Being of the omniverse, and that killing the True Anti-God of the omniverse would cause the omniverse to cease to exist thanks to the evil Satan. The latter showed true ruthlessness for the omniverse slowly ceasing to exist and ordered him to surrender the omniverse to him; otherwise, he threatened him that he would do the same way like how he attempted to kill God from the Main Omniverse but this time, in a successful attempt.

Without a second thought, Emperor Satan striked Mirror Omniversal God with dark electricity from his hands and taunted him that the latter won't be able to destroy or imprison him. The evil God telekinetically knocked Satan to the ground but the latter quickly rose from the ground. The opposing supreme deities summoned their ancient weapons to prepare for a duel. Mirror Omniversal God and his omniversal army charged at Emperor Satan's forces as Satan himself smirked and motioned his army to attack until they all clashed. The opposing supreme deities shortly started their duel as Mirror Omniversal God lashed at Satan. The deities used absolute conditions during their combat.

In the middle of the fight, Emperor Satan and Mirror Omniversal God lashed at each other's weapons and locked their blades. Satan taunted him that his entire existence always bored him and called him nothing to stop him from conquering and destroying the entire omniverse. Mirror Omniversal God arrogantly told him that he cannot be beaten or destroyed by "anyone less powerful than him" and that he is the most powerful being in all of existence itself, even though he is one of them himself. However, Satan said that he doubted that and claimed himself to be the most powerful True Anti-God all there is. He kicked his weapons and mocked him for his arrogance before attacking with his weapons. Mirror Omniversal God dodged and blocked every bladed attack from Satan and knocked his weapons out of his hands. He kicked him in the face that pushed him in greater speed but the latter briefly blocked this attack. Waiting for him to lash at him, Satan brutally headbutted him and made him lose his generating bladed weapons. He leaped absolutely high that he performed a downward kick at Mirror Omniversal God but the latter dodged the kick and proceeded to shoot projectiles of ancient yet destructive light at him. Satan also shot projectiles of ancient darkness at him. As the deities kept keeping it and blocking and dodging each projectile, the two generated spheres of their respective ancient powers and the spheres hit towards each other that greatly pushed them apart.

Mirror Omniversal God summoned an evil Angelic Abomination behind Emperor Satan and the Dark Lord knew this from the beginning of this process. He fought the abomination and proved to be capable to even kill Eldritch Abominations as he successfully slaughtered the abomination alone. Mirror Omniversal God's army finally came into combat with the Dark Lord but Satan easily defeated almost all of them. Just before Mirror Omniversal God could stab him, Satan replaced himself with the "real" Satan and the True Supreme Being stabbed the "real" Satan, making him to turn to dust.

As he finally stood victorious, however, it was revealed that the real Satan actually tricked him into killing his fake clone. Mirror Omniversal God attempted to stab the real Satan several times as the latter attacked him with his bladed weapon and Mirror Omniversal God dodged and blocked those attacks. He tried to stab him in the chest but instead stabbed him between the chest and stomach. At first, Satan was "finally defeated" as Mirror Omniversal God pressed his weapon against him. However, it all turns out to be a pretend as Satan told him that he should have gone for the head and then quickly stabbed him with absolute speed with Mirror Omniversal God not ready to do about it. He brutally kicked him to the ground and pinned him against it. Mirror Omniversal God told Satan that now the omniverse was about to be destroyed after killing the True Supreme Being and True Anti-God of the omniverse. Satan smirked evilly as he taunted them that the omniverse was his to conquer and destroy completely. He then held his weapon against him and absorbed him from existence. Satan watched him and his entire army turning to dust with true sadistic amusement.

Successful Mirror Omniversal Destruction[]

With the Mirror Omniversal counterpart of God dead, the omniverse increased the speed of ceasing to exist and was about to collapse in a slower time. Emperor Satan stood victorious and enjoyed how the omniverse was going to end soon. He and his omniversal army teleported outside of the omniverse to proceed to conquer and destroy it entirely. As a result, many of former followers of Mirror Omniversal God became worse by turning against their former deity to worship Emperor Satan and killing those who were still loyal to their deceased deity. While assisting their new deity, they destroyed homes of their own and left everyone else in them in cold-blood.

Just as God and his forces saved the Main Omniverse once again and the new Satanists survived the Mirror Omniversal Destruction, Emperor Satan summoned an omniversal destructive blast towards the Earth and expanded it to spread across the entire omniverse until the omniverse was turned into nothingness. Satan took joy in conquering and destroying the entire Mirror Omniverse, and teleported with his omniversal army and the new Satanists.

Marvel Cinematic Universe[]

Action Jaxon[]

Emperor Satan was seen in the very beginning of the film until he was revealed on ABC News that he is the one who sent out the Satanic Abominations to conquer and destroy the Main Omniverse while using this as a distraction so he conquered and destroyed the Mirror Omniverse with his omniversal army.

After the defeat of Xer Llignittep and the Dark O'Androids in Florida, Rednax Leahcim Notlehs felt furious that Xer had failed against the Action Squad of Justice and the Teenage Elemental Princess with Xander Shelton / The Green Machine. He showed no intolerance of his failure. He contacted Emperor Satan that Xer had failed against such heroes but the Dark God did never tolerate any failures or they will be tortured with the Lake of Fire for eternity. Rednax vows to find the most destructive energy source in existence, which would be later called the Power Stone, one of the Infinity Stones, to destroy most of all worlds that refused to worship him or Satan as "gods" across the omniverse.



  • Attempted absolute infinite cataclysm
  • Attempted absolute infinite conquest
  • Attempted absolute infinite omnicide
  • High treason
  • Malefic
  • Mass abuse
  • Mass deicide (inc. Cosmic beings, deities, True Supreme Beings, True Anti-Gods, etc.)
  • Mass destruction
  • Mass enslavement
  • Mass murder (inc. child murder)
  • Mass terrorism
  • Mass torture
  • Multiple genocides
  • Omniversal cataclysm
  • Omniversal conquest
  • Omniversal omnicide
  • Omniversal terrorism
  • Spiritual jailbreak
  • All other major offenses


  • Full Name: Lucifer Morningstar
  • Alias:
    • The Darkness
    • The Devil
    • The Second True Anti-God
    • The True Anti-God
    • The True God of Pure Evil
    • The Ultimate Destroyer
  • Origin: Since Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth
  • Classes:
    • Cataclysmic Masterminding Warlord
    • True Anti-God


  • Age: Likely more than millennia
  • Eye Color:
    • Maroon
    • Yellow (both formerly)
    • Red
  • Eye Sclera:
    • White
    • Black (formerly)
    • Red (currently)
  • Height: 18 ft. tall and above


  • Affiliation:
    • Forces of God (formerly)
    • Satanic Empire (supreme founder and leader, and god; currently)
  • Occupation:
    • Absolute Ruler and Leader of the Satanic Omniverse and the Satanic Empire
    • Dark Absolute Infinite Deity
    • The First Fallen Archangel
    • The Second True Anti-God (after Amara, The Darkness)

Data/Powers and Abilities[]

  • Powers/Skills:
    • Absolute Conditions
    • Absolute Destruction
    • Absolute Will
    • Apocalypse Manipulation
    • Apocalyptic Force Manipulation
    • Big Destruction Manipulation
    • Demon Manipulation
    • Fallen Archangel Physiology
    • Flawless Indestructibility
    • Meta Power Immunity
    • Omega Physiology
    • Omni-Corruption Manipulation
    • Omnicide
    • Omnimalevolence
    • Omnipotence
    • Omnipresence
    • Omniscience
    • Omniversal Destruction Manipulation
    • Totality Collapse
    • True Anti-God Physiology
    • All other absolute abilities
  • Weakness: Spiritual Imprisonment (although he cannot absolutely be destroyed or killed by anyone in all of existence)
  • Durability: Innumerable
    • Absolute Deity Manipulation
    • Absolute Demon Manipulation
    • Meta Power Manipulation
      • All applications of Meta Power Manipulation


Angra Mainyu[]

Angra Mainyu

Angra Mainyu, also known as Aŋra Mainiiu and his Middle Persian name of "Ahriman", is one of two central deities in Zoroastrianism. He is the powerful god of evil, destruction, and darkness, and the brother of the benevolent Zoroastrian god Ahura Mazda, who created the universe. He is often seen as the Zoroastrian equivalent of Satan/The Devil and the Antichrist but unlike the two, he is not a creation of Ahura Mazda and is instead the Anti-God. He is also said to be the personification of the negative moral concept called the Druj ("The Lie" or "Lie", from an old feminine word in the old Avestan language meaning "falsehood"), a terrible energy that "designates" all beings to choose chaos over its ethical opposite called the asha ("Truth").["Villains Wiki" references 1]


Darkseid (DCEU)

Uxas, better known as Darkseid, is the overall main antagonist of the entire DC Universe. Serving as the main antagonist of the New Gods comic book series, he later became one of the main antagonists of the Superman series and the main antagonist of the Justice League series.

He is a merciless and tyrannical member of an extraterrestrial race of deities known as New Gods. He rules over the nightmarish world of Apokolips alongside the multiple other worlds he has conquered. He seeks to conquer all life using the the Anti-Life Equation to bind all living things to his will. As a New God, his true form exists outside the universe in a realm called the Fourth World.

He is the archenemy of Orion, his son, Highfather, Wonder Woman, Mister Miracle, the rest of New Genesis, the Justice League, and the whole DCU, especially Superman, and is widely regarded as one of, if not, the DC universe's most powerful and malevolent villains of all time.["Villains Wiki" references 2]

Darkseid (DC Extended Universe)[]

Darkseid, born as Uxas, is the main antagonist of the DC Extended Universe, serving as an unseen antagonist in the 2016 superhero film Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice and the overarching antagonist of the 2021 film Zack Snyder's Justice League.

He is an ancient and all-powerful cosmic warlord who reigns over the New God planet of Apokolips and desires to rule the multiverse with the Anti-Life Equation. After he invaded Earth thousands of years ago in which the planet contained the Anti-Life Equation, he was beaten and lost the three Mother Boxes used in the invasion in his retreat. He then tasked his exiled uncle and herald, Steppenwolf, to retrieve the boxes and finally take over Earth after Superman’s death. He is the arch-nemesis of the Justice League. In a potential dark future known as the Knightmare, Darkseid was successful in activating the Anti-Life Equation, using it to corrupt Superman and turn the Earth into a hellish wasteland.

He was portrayed by Ray Porter, who also played Count Grisham in The Scarecrow, Dale "The Whale" Biederbeck in Monk, Hestler Jones in Justified and the Nightmare Train in The Little Engine That Could.["Villains Wiki" references 3]

Biblical Satan[]

Codex Gigas devil

Lucifer, also known as Satan or simply The Devil, is the main antagonist of the Book of Job, the Four Gospels and the Book of Revelation. He is the supreme overlord of Hell and demons. He is alternatively considered to be the living embodiment of evil with his power being second only to that of God.["Villains Wiki" references 4]

He is an entity who seduces humans into sin. In Judaism, Satan is seen as an agent subservient to God, typically regarded as a metaphor for the yetzer hara, or "evil inclination". In Christianity and Islam, he is usually a fallen angel who have rebelled against God, who allows him temporary power over the fallen world and a host of demons. In the Quran, Shaitan, also known as Iblis, is an entity made of fire who was cast out of Heaven because he refused to bow before the newly-created Adam and incites humans to sin by infecting their minds with waswās ("evil suggestions").

Although he is not mentioned in the Book of Genesis, he is identified as a serpent in the Garden of Eden. In the Synoptic Gospels, Satan tempts Jesus in the Judean Desert and is identified as the cause of illness and temptation. Satan appears as a Great Red Dragon in the Book of Revelation, who is defeated by Michael the Archangel and cast down from Heaven. Bound for one thousand years, he is briefly set free before being ultimately defeated and cast into the Lake of Fire.

Although Satan is generally viewed as evil, some groups have very different beliefs. In Theistic Satanism, Satan is considered a deity who is either worshipped or revered. In LaVeyan Satanism, Satan is a symbol of virtuous characteristics and liberty. Satan's appearance is never described in the Bible, but, since the ninth century, he has often been shown in Christian art with horns, cloven hooves, unusually hairy legs, and a tail, often naked and holding a pitchfork.["Wikipedia" references 1]

Scarlet King[]

The Scarlet King

Khahrahk, better known as the Scarlet King is one of the overarching antagonists of the SCP Foundation Mythos, serving as the unseen antagonist of the articles SCP-231 and possibly SCP-2317, and the main antagonist of the "Verse of an Endless Song" series. He is an ancient and demonic god who appears in numerous articles and tales across the SCP site, often tied to the end of the existence itself, and is one of the many SCPs proposed for "SCP-001". He is the archenemy of the Brothers Death.["Villains Wiki" references 5]



Thanos is one of the main antagonists of Marvel Comics, serving as one of the main antagonists of the Avengers comic book series, as the main antagonist of the Guardians of the Galaxy series, and as a major antagonist in both the Iron Man and Silver Surfer comics.

He is a powerful extraterrestrial warlord born on Saturn's moon, Titan, born to the Eternals, a race of demigods. He also served as one of the main antagonists of the Marvel Animated Universe, and as the main antagonist of the Infinity Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe.["Villains Wiki" references 6]

Thanos (Marvel Cinematic Universe)[]

In the Infinity Saga of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Thanos served as the overarching antagonist of Phases 1 and 2 before returning as the main antagonist of Phase 3. He also served as the posthumous antagonist in Phase 4.

He was an extremely powerful Titan warlord who commanded three massive armies, the Chitauri, the Sakaarans and the Outriders, as well as a small group of his most powerful lieutenants and fanatical followers whom he takes as his adoptive children known as the Black Order. He is the overall archenemy of Iron Man and the Avengers as a whole.

Thanos formed an alliance with Loki to invade Earth, and later forged a partnership with Ronan the Accuser to destroy Xandar - both in exchange for the deliverance of two powerful Infinity Stones, only for the pair to end up failing their tasks before they betrayed Thanos afterwards. Thanos was also indirectly responsible for the creation of Ultron as his supplying of the Mind Stone to Loki was what gave Ultron free will to rebel against humanity in the first place.

He later obtained all six Infinity stones, fought with the Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy, and successfully wiped out half the life in the universe. His actions would ultimately be undone, however, after the Avengers successfully retrieved the Infinity Stones through time travel. Soon after, an alternate version of Thanos from the past, time traveled to the present in an effort to destroy the Avengers and erase the whole universe in order to create a new one, but was defeated and erased from existence once and for all before he could carry out that plan. However, even after his demise, Thanos' actions still haunted the Avengers.

In The Avengers, the first of the tetralogy, he was portrayed by Damion Poitier, who also played Kaita in Pair of Kings and The Incapacitator in Lab Rats vs. Mighty Med. For the rest of the MCU, he was portrayed and voiced by Josh Brolin in motion capture, who also played Dr. William Block in Planet Terror, Tom Chaney in True Grit, Derek Bates in Into the Blue and Cable in Deadpool 2.["Villains Wiki" references 7]


Zalgo Creepypasta

Z͠a̛'l͘ga̶t҉ot̡h, better known as Z̤͂â̢ḷ͊g̹̓ȯ̘, is an internet phenomenon and a meme-status urban legend often seen as the personification of chaos and evil, in a similarly to the later adaptations of the late legendary horror author H.P. Lovecraft.["Villains Wiki" references 8]

Powers and Abilities[]

Being the omniversal supreme dark divine deity, Emperor Satan is considered one of the most powerful beings in all of existence, even surpassing multiversal deities. No matter how many times is he banished to the Spiritual Realm, Satan can still be defeated but still cannot be absolutely destroyed, making him truly indestructible, even he claimed to no longer be imprisoned.

  • Fallen Archangel Physiology: As the former Archangel, Lucifer Morningstar is unnaturally powerful who possesses unnatural levels of durability, reflexes, regenerative healing, and strength as well as immortality. After the seventh day has passed, Lucifer became unnaturally power, able to easily overpower and kill beings as powerful as the other Archangels. Betraying God, he ruled Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population unchallenged during the First Multiversal Civil War.
  • Complete Monster, True Anti-God Physiology, Omnimalevolence and Omnipotence: Despite his banishment to Hell by Archangel Michael, Lucifer became the First Fallen Archangel and the Supreme God of All Chaos, Destruction, and Pure Evil known as Emperor Satan. The True God of Pure Evil, Satan became absolutely powerful and stronger who raised to dark absolute power and possessed the true power of the True Anti-God by force unopposed. He became the Second True Anti-God after killing and overthrowing Amara. He is the ultimate source of all chaos and evil as he is truly immune to powerful users of all good, order and purification.
    • Absolute Condition: Emperor Satan is an absolute dark deity possesses absolute levels of attack, combat, destruction, durability, immortality, reflexes, regenerative healing, strength, etc.
    • Demon Manipulation: Emperor Satan is the supreme master of all demonic beings in his entire leadership over the Satanic Empire.
      • Demonization: Emperor Satan can also turn his victims into demons after killing them at will.
    • Eldritch Being Manipulation: Emperor Satan is known for creating and manipulating an ultimately powerful group of Lovecraftian Horrors known as the Satanic Abominations. He can also create those Lovecraftian Horrors by turning most powerful deities into them. The Satanic Abominations serve as the purpose of Satan conquering and destroying everything he desires, such as the Main Omniverse. Despite their powerfulness, they are still less powerful than their satanic master as Satan himself can also destroy and kill other Eldritch Abominations as well.
    • Omega Physiology: After his banishment from Heaven, not only did he became the Supreme God of All Chaos and Destruction, Emperor Satan also became the most powerful of the omega deities who is immensely yet omniversally powerful beyond all the members of the Satanic Empire and even many to all the entities of an omniverse and beyond. 600 years later after his return from the Spiritual Realm, Satan became absolutely, infinitely powerful than ever before.
      • Satanic Beam: Emperor Satan's most destructive use of his Omega Physiology. He focuses this power as a form of concussion that fires from his eyes. He has complete control over it that he can change its path or its intended purpose at will allowing for teleportation, transmutation, instant disintegration, power disabling and erasion. He can make it travel in different multiple ways. These beams can even split up. and lock onto a target's atomic frequency making them impossible to avoid. When it hits a target, it quickly reduces the target into nothing. Satan used the Satanic Beam towards the chests of Job's family to leave Job completely defenseless against the Dark Lord during the Destruction of the Land of Uz.
    • Omni Corruption Manipulation: Emperor Satan is the master of all corruption as he is able to corrupt absolutely anything, even those with pure hearts and souls. When the seventh day is passed, as Lucifer Morningstar, he corrupted and manipulated Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population against God, causing the First Multiversal Civil War. After his rise of the Satanic Empire, Emperor Satan begins the corruption of Lilith into a more malevolent being and his right-hand empress.
    • Omni-Telepathy: Like his arch-nemesis God, Emperor Satan possesses limitless telepathy as he can read and sense, communicate with, and control an infinite number of minds across all universes, planes and dimensions to essentially absolute degree.
    • Omnicide and Omnislayer: Not only is he can wipe out all life in whatever level he desires, Emperor Satan can also kill from amoral beings to True Supreme Beings and True Anti-Gods, even if they are more powerful than him.
    • Omnikinesis: Emperor Satan can absolutely manipulate anything and everything at his will.
    • Omnilock: Despite being an omniversal supreme dark deity, Emperor Satan can still be present outside of the omniverse.
    • Omniversal Manipulation: Emperor Satan is an omniversal-to-absolute dark infinite deity with the true dark absolute power of an omniverse. After his return from the Spiritual Realm, Satan recreated and reshaped Hell into his own omniverse and separated it from the Main Omniverse.
      • Omniversal Destruction, Omniversal Destruction Manipulation, and Totality Collapse: Emperor Satan is the Ultimate Destroyer of Worlds as he can destroy all of existence itself, including all different omniverses and beyond, as well as controlling and manipulating apocalyptic forces. He first conquered and destroyed the Mirror Omniverse and everything else in it.
    • Primordial Chaos Manipulation: Emperor Satan is the master of all chaos as he is truly immune to powerful users of all order and law.
    • Primordial, Esoteric, Conceptual Darkness Manipulation: Emperor Satan is the master of all darkness as he controls the most powerful darkness in existence and is truly immune to powerful users of all light.
    • True Illusion: Emperor Satan is the master of true illusions as he controls illusions and make them real.


  • Emperor Satan's Dual Bladed and Polearm Weapons: Various double-ended massive thick weapons that used to be Satan's most powerful weapons made from primordial chaos and destruction. Capable of being used effectively by Satan with his absolute physical power and skill, both as melee weapons and throwing weapons that returned to Satan's hands like boomerangs.
  • True Omnipotent Slayer: An absolutely, infinitely powerful polearm that allowed Satan to kill from amortals to True Supreme Beings and True Anti-Gods, even if they were more powerful than him. He became an absolutely, infinitely powerful dark deity and no longer needs the polearm as he had the true power of omniversal destruction and even totality collapse. The polearm now remained unused and protected in an unknown palace so that no evil deity could kill True Supreme Beings.

Former Weaknesses[]

  • Spiritual Banishment and Imprisonment: Despite his true flawlessness, Emperor Satan's only one weakness he had was that could be imprisoned to spiritual worlds, such as the Spiritual Realm. In the near end of the true final battle in the first film, God finally managed to defeat Satan by banishing and imprisoning him to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. However, 600 years later during Emperor Satan's killing and absorbing every cosmic being and deity in the Spiritual Realm, Satan unleashed his ultimate true form and can still be defeated by others with similar power and strength but can no longer be completely destroyed. This made the Dark Lord truly indestructible. No matter how many times is he banished to the Spiritual Realm, he still always come back from the entire realm once more.


Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth[]

"I wouldn't say bowing before those pathetic creatures. More like destroying all of existence itself to recreate them in my image!"
— Lucifer Morningstar reveals his true nature before corrupting Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population against God, betraying God by starting the First Multiversal Civil War.

"(Job: I came naked from my mother’s womb, and I will be naked when I leave. The Lord gave me what I had, and the Dark Lord has taken it away. All of them. Disgrace the name of the Dark Lord!) *chuckles* What do you say, God? Do you forgive him for everything I have caused? (Job: You have destroyed the entire land and taken everything that I had. There will be someone to stop you!) Who? God? And his forces? God’s power is strong, but it won’t be enough to hold me longer than he ever fought. Your friends had betrayed you after the terrorism and destruction of the land at my hands. (Job: Liar!) *chuckles* Your innocence and the protection of this land always bore me. It did absolutely nothing to defend or protect you so it never will."
— Emperor Satan mocks Job before sadistically torturing him to near death.

"In my years of conquest, destruction, slaughter, vengeance, and violence... I became truly unstoppable. And now, the time has come. My ultimate plan shall be complete!"
— Emperor Satan after defeating God, Goddessa, Jesus, and Michael in Heaven.

"You are too late to save your Father from us! The time has come! God and all of existence itself shall soon meet their ultimate end, now!"
— Emperor Satan's breakdown as the Heavenly Forces of God confront him before he attempted to kill God in the final blow.

"Everything you created across the omniverse will soon be gone. After my ultimate plan is completed, I will rise as One True Supreme Being of all of existence itself in my image."
— Emperor Satan taunts God as he forced him to watch the Dark Lord's mass genocide across the omniverse.

"This is going to take more than that to destroy you and all of existence itself!"
— Emperor Satan as he fights God in the final phase.

Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth II[]

"600 years in the Spiritual Realm, I have killed and absorbed every cosmic being and deity from existence. Unleashed my ultimate true form and becoming truly unavoidable. Before my return, I sensed that you built the satanic portal for my return from my spiritual imprisonment. And now, the Satanic Empire now resumes!"
— Emperor Satan after his return from the Spiritual Realm.

"Recreate and bring Hell to its own omniverse! Reshape Hell into the omniverse of the Dark Lord, Emperor Satan! Separate it from the Main Omniverse!"
— Emperor Satan as he recreates and reshapes Hell into his own omniverse, and separates it from the Main Omniverse.

"If you dare to betray me, Sataniera, I will bathe the starways in your blood with eternal torture by the Lake of Fire!"
— Emperor Satan threatens Sataniera on what will happen to her if she betrays him, despite herself subverting her care for Exeratha.

"The Mirror Omniverse is found, Sataniera. We will stop at nothing to conquer and destroy it completely. Ready the omniversal destruction. We will become true conquerors and destroyers of all omniversal worlds and beyond them."
— Emperor Satan orders the omniversal conquest and destruction of the Mirror Omniverse.

Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth III[]

"Your religious sacrifices always bore me. Your protection means nothing to destroy or stop the Satanic Empire with your pathetic sacrifices. My ultimate purpose against all of existence itself and beyond shall come. What to end? Everything. All of them. At the hands of mine. All of existence itself shall be reborn in my image after I destroy them. And they shall be mine. Obey us or die."
— Emperor Satan's speech against the Mirror Omniverse to Mirror Omniversal Zeus and the other Greek deities.

"Surrender to me, Zeus, or your children. After that, you will be next."
— Emperor Satan threatens Mirror Omniversal Zeus to kill him and his children if he doesn't surrender to him.

"How pitiful. My full insanity is with my absolute sadistic amusement."
— Emperor Satan shows his true insanity with sadistic amusement.

"I killed and absorbed them from existence and turned them into my mindless yet ultimately powerful group of servants. They are no longer called deities. They are instead known as Satanic Abominations."
— Emperor Satan reveals to Mirror Omniversal Zeus how he killed and absorbed every cosmic being and deity from existence, and turned them into Satanic Abominations.



Despite having many allies and servants on his side, Emperor Satan showed no true care for any of them but treated them as pawns for him to complete his ultimate plan whether they are truly egotists, ruthless, both, or not. He eternally tortured them for their failures and even betrayed and/or killed them with the Lake of Fire when they are no longer useful for him.

Satan and Cain[]

Born in Eden, Cain was the first son of Adam and Eve and the older brother of Abel and Seth who served as the farmer and tiller of the ground. He loved his parents and brother Abel from the very beginning. During the harvest, Cain brought some crops as a gift to God. However, after God only accepts Abel and his gift, Cain became very envious and furious of Abel. He proved that he ultimately never care for his brother or even his own parents destroying his true care for them. After the harvest, Cain had a discussion with God about his anger and being warned about committing sin. Following the discussion, Emperor Satan encountered Cain and the latter wanted to sell his soul in exchange as revenge against Abel. Satan manipulated him into worshipping him by successfully killing Abel with his anger and envy. As punishment for his crime and Devil-worship, Cain was cursed to wander the Earth by God and beared the Mark of Cain that forbade any man from avenging Abel by killing his murderer, having exposed his true nature to Adam and Eve.

After his banishment from Eden, Cain built the first city of Nod named Enoch and became the first founder of the city. He had an unnamed wife of his own while having his son who is named after the city itself. However, just after the birth of Enoch, Cain became a true psychopath and publicly killed many people of the Land of Nod and ultimately his own wife in cold-blood while his son was secretly kept safe in his house. Cain built the Satanic Portal with blood magic and earned the title of the "First Knight of the Satanic Empire". He bowed before Satan after all of that.

Satan and Sorath[]
Main article: Sorath

"I'm Sorath, the Son of Satan. I have come here to merge every Multiverse across the Main Omniverse with the Satanic Omniverse to wipe out the entire main one for my father Emperor Satan, only for my own benefits."
— Sorath.

Sorath, also known as The Antichrist and The Son of Emperor Satan, is a major antagonist in the Bible Cinematic Universe, serving as a major antagonist in Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth, as one of the two main antagonists of its sequel, and as an minor yet pivotal antagonist in its sequel. He is Jesus Christ's arch-nemesis and complete opposite, being the main reason why he is responsible for Jesus' execution and death in the first place.

The apocalyptic general of the Satanic Empire, Sorath is the biological son and apocalyptic apprentice of Emperor Satan, the younger adoptive brother of Shadowiera, and the older brother of Sataniera and Exeratha. After Jesus' revival and resurrection as the Son of God with Goddessa, Sorath brought about the Multiversal Apocalypse with his father Satan being the mastermind behind the entire event. After his well-deserved defeat at the hands of Jesus, Sorath was tortured by Satan with the Lake of Fire for eternity for his failures. Satan later expand the entire event across the Main Omniverse after Sorath's well-deserved torture unless it's time to use him for his ultimate plan only for his own benefits.

In 1985, Sorath was brought back from the Lake of Fire by his supporters in Washington, D.C. and vowed to bring back about the Multiversal Apocalypse across the Main Omniverse. 20 years after Satan ordered the Satanic Sisters, Sataniera and Exeratha, Sorath and his army nearly took over the Old Rome Empire like a tyrant. He later joined forces with his sisters to take over the entire empire by merging it with the Satanic Empire, much to their father's sadistic amusement.


After the birth of Jesus Christ and rise of Goddessa as the Daughter of God, Sorath served as the Son of Satan and his father's apocalyptic apprentice. Satan threated him as his apprentice than his son, showing no true care for him, his army, or anyone else. After Jesus' refusal to worship him, Satan told him that Jesus must be killed for his refusal to worship him. Sorath became the mastermind behind Jesus' execution and death which Satan took sadistic amusement of. Sorath brainwashed humanity and corrupted him into worshiping him and Satan as "gods." After the revival and rise of Jesus Christ as the Son of God, Satan unleashed the Multiversal Apocalypse and had the whole event to spread across the Main Omniverse. Satan provided Sorath a massive army to kill Jesus and every one of his oppositions. Satan warned him if he fails, the Dark Lord will eternally torture him with the Lake of Fire.

During the Battle between Amara and Lilith, Emperor Satan sensed that Sorath will fail the war against Jesus and his army. He overthrown and betrayed them by killing them both before kicking them to the Lake of Chaos and Destruction. After becoming the Second True Anti-God, Sorath became enraged by his father's betrayal against him and threatened to kill him out of anger and vengeance. Satan taunted his attempt to kill him as he can feel his anger and vengeance and told him that they made him stronger and powerful. Satan cruelly crushed his neck and throw him to the Lake of Fire to eternal torture.

Satan and the Satanic Sisters[]

After the Influences of the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Emperor Satan caused the rise of the Satanic Sisters named Sataniera and Exeratha. They served as replacement for their older brother Sorath, and daughters and pawns of their father Satan.

After the defeat of Shadowiera, the Sisters, and Sorath, Emperor Satan was fed up with Exeratha's failure despite her killing towards her enemies. He ruthlessly had his servant execute her. After that, Satan threatened Sataniera that he will bathe the starways in her blood through eternal torture if she fails him again.

Satan and Sataniera[]

Sataniera, also known as The Female Antichrist and The First Daughter of Emperor Satan, is a major antagonist in the Bible Cinematic Universe, serving as the central antagonist of Bible Cinematic Universe's Heaven and Earth II, and as one of the secondary antagonists of its sequel. She is the second-in-command of the Satanic Empire who is the biological right-hand daughter and enforcer of Emperor Satan, the younger sister of Sorath, and the older sister of her right-hand assassin Exeratha. She sought to conquer every Multiverse across the Main Omniverse so that his father could conquer and destroy them with the Satanic Omniverse. She later joined forces with Sorath as the purpose of not only conquering such Multiverses, but also merge all of them with the Satanic Omniverse.

In the relationship between her and her father, just like the rest of her father's children, Satan and Sataniera never get along with each other and Satan threated her, her sister Exeratha, and Sorath as his most trusted pawns. Despite that, their arrogance distract them from knowing that their father only used them as pawns for his own benefits.


Former Allies[]
Heavenly Forces of God and Allies[]

The Heavenly Forces of God and allies are without a doubt Emperor Satan's greatest enemies and Satan showed true hatred of them.

As Lucifer Morningstar, he was the second of the Archangels of the Heavenly Forces of God until the seventh day where he publicly revealed his true nature by corrupting Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population, ultimately betraying God by starting the First Multiversal Civil War.

Satan and God:

  • Lucifer Morningstar first assisted his father God and his brothers to defeat and banish Amara to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. However, after the seventh day as God commanded all angelic beings to bow before humans, Lucifer revealed his true nature by refusing this command and corrupting Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population, as well as starting the First Multiversal Civil War, ultimately betraying him for cataclysmic power. During the battle between Michael and Lucifer, Lucifer was unaware of God's secret command to Michael to banish the treacherous Archangel from Heaven.
  • After his banishment to Hell, when Lucifer became Emperor Satan, God became the arch-nemesis of Satan but his complete opposite yet. Satan expressed his true hatred towards God and his power of omniversal protection. After rising to dark absolute power and possessing the True Anti-God's true power, Satan's absolute power became equal to God's and kept all the power to himself unchallenged. Since his leadership of the Satanic Empire with an iron fist, he taunted God by destroying the Garden of Eden and the Land of Uz, as well as casting the Forbidden Fruit into Adam and Eve and torturing Job to near death.
  • After the birth of Jesus and rise of Goddessa, those lead to Satan's true hatred towards the Messiahs and God himself even more. He sadistically taunted God for Sorath being behind Jesus' execution and death until the rise of Jesus as the Son of God. After Satan unleashed the Multiversal Apocalypse, God became aware of this event and prepared Jesus and Goddessa for the Three Main Wars of the cataclysmic event. After he killed Amara and Lilith, Satan became the second complete opposite of God after also overthrowing Amara as the True Anti-God.
  • Emperor Satan and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse confronted God, Goddessa, Jesus, and Michael and defeated them. Upon summoning the entire Satanic Empire across the Main Omniverse, Satan taunted God that it looked like the end for him before attempting to kill him in the final blow, only to be confronted by the Heavenly Forces of God and their allies.

Satan and Angels:

  • Lucifer Morningstar was the second of the Archangels, being the younger brother of Michael and the older brother of Raphael and Gabriel, as well as other angels. He assisted them and his father God in defeating and banishing Amara to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. However, after the seventh day of Omniversal Creation, the Archangels and other angelic beings bow before humans, but Lucifer wasn't one of them and publicly revealed his true nature by corrupting Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population to his side, ultimately betraying God by starting the First Multiversal Civil War. He slaughtered the first half of the second angel population with sadism and fought Michael for refusing to join him in his quest to destroy all of existence itself to recreate them in his image. Lucifer knocked him against the wall of God's Palace and slaughtered the remaining half of the population who came to Michael's aid. Attempting to kill him, Michael empowered himself with his wings and pushed Lucifer away, only for the latter to empower himself with his double dark wings, resulting in the two continue fighting with supernatural combat. As they moved their duel from the outdoors to the small cliff of Heaven. The Archangels continue fighting until Lucifer beaten him up and attempted to push him off the cliff to make fall to his death. Michael pushed the treacherous Archangel off the cliff and banished him from Heaven to Hell.
  • After his rise to dark absolute power and possession of the True Anti-God's true power and the rise of the Satanic Empire, Emperor Satan's Fallen Archangels joined him and Satan himself began his reign of apocalypse and terror. Satan slaughtered the protectors of the Garden of Eden before destroying the entire garden.
  • In the final battle of the Main Omniverse, Emperor Satan and the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse confronted God, Goddessa, Jesus, and Michael before the Horsemen attack them. After the heroes defeated, Satan taunted them as he summoned the entire Satanic Empire.
Satan and Amara[]

Lucifer Morningstar was one of the four Archangels who assisted God in defeating and banishing Amara to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. 1,000 years later in the middle of the Multiversal Apocalypse, Emperor Satan saw Amara participating in the event by fighting her younger twin brother God out of vengeance for banishing her to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. Satan confronted Amara in front of God. He revealed to her how not only did he raised to dark absolute power and possessed the True Anti-God's true power, but also started the Multiversal Apocalypse 1,000 years later. Taunting her flawlessness, Amara lashed at Satan but the latter blocked the attack and roundhouse kick her in the chin, causing the two dark absolute deities to duel and moving from Heaven to Hell.

In the middle of their duel, their massive armies clash each other before the two opposing deities continue their duel until Satan telekinetically knocks her out towards Lilith. He killed half of her forces and, after sensing that Sorath will fail the war, overthrown her and betrayed Lilith by stabbing them both before kicking them to the Lake of Chaos and Destruction, proving to be fully capable of killing True Supreme Beings and True Anti-Gods unchallenged. This made Satan the Second True Anti-God after all of this.

Satan and Shadowiera[]

The multiversal dark divine goddess who hated Emperor Satan the most was Shadowiera, as Satan not only confronted and fought her before, but also slaughtered half of her empire and defeated both her and God with powerful destructive vines so the Dark Lord unleashed his powerful dark electricity from the entire edge of the Main Omniverse.

Satanic Omniverse[]

Main article: Satanic Omniverse
Satanic Omniverse

The Satanic Omniverse, originally known as Hell, is the hellish omniverse that serves as the dark omniversal domain of Emperor Satan ruled by the dark absolute infinite deity himself. It is a spiritual omniverse where evil spirits resided and the Satanic Empire is headquartered. It was originally an spiritual omniversal dimension until Emperor Satan rebuilt the entire dimension as his own omniverse known as the 'Satanic Omniverse'.

History of the Satanic Omniverse[]

After the end of the First Multiversal Civil War, Hell was created when Michael and the Heavenly Forces of God banished Lucifer and his forces from Heaven for attempted usurpation and high treason against God. After becoming the dark absolute deity himself by force, Emperor Satan built the Satanic Empire and his gigantic castle made of indestructible obsidian with black-and-red satanic symbol stained glass. He began his reign of apocalypse and terror to conquer and destroy the Main Omniverse and beyond with the Satanic Empire and his powerful servants due to God creating the entire omniverse in the first place.

After the end of the Multiversal Apocalypse, Hell was ultimately destroyed when God banished Emperor Satan to the Spiritual Realm for eternity. However, after Satan's return from the Spiritual Realm, not only did Satan brought back the Satanic Empire, but also recreated and reshaped Hell into his own omniverse, separating it from the Main Omniverse. He did all of this to continue his reign of apocalypse and terror and carry out his ultimate plan (to destroy all of existence itself and beyond to recreate them in his image) once more. He renamed his own omniverse as the 'Satanic Omniverse'.

Emperor Satan's Castle[]

Emperor Satan's Castle, also known as the Castle of Emperor Satan, is a gigantic, hellish, omniversal castle that is both home and sanctuary of Emperor Satan in the Satanic Omniverse (originally Hell), serving as the capital of the hellish omniverse itself. The dark absolute deity himself reigned supreme over the entire omniversal dark dimension-turned-hellish omniverse for more than countless millennia.

Appearance of the Castle[]

The dark omniversal castle is made of indestructive obsidian with black-and-red satanic symbol stained glass.

Floors of the Castle[]

The dark omniversal castle is made up with tenth floors, such as the main floor and the last nine floors that are based on the nine circles of the Satanic Omniverse.

  • Main Floor: The main floor serves as the first floor of the castle. It features six stairways.
  • Limbo Floor (Second Floor): The second floor of the castle is based on Limbo the first circle of the Satanic Omniverse.
  • Lustful Floor (Third Floor): The third floor of the castle is based on Lust the second circle of the Satanic Omniverse. It is a dark desert-themed floor that has strong winds that is blowed back and forth.
  • Glutt Floor (Fourth Floor): The fourth floor of the castle is based on Gluttonous the third circle of the Satanic Omniverse. It has the ceilings covered by endless freezing rain.
  • Greed Floor (Fifth Floor): The fifth floor of the castle is based on Greed the fourth circle of the Satanic Omniverse. It is a dark forest-themed floor that features acidic pool and walls covered with acidic vines.
  • Anger Floor (Sixth Floor): The sixth floor of the castle is based on Anger the fifth circle of the Satanic Omniverse. It is a dark swamp-themed floor where walls are covered in magma rocks.
  • Heretic Floor (Seventh Floor): The seventh floor of the castle is based on Heresy the sixth circle of the Satanic Omniverse. It is a flaming floor with flaming tombs that summons Pyrotic Demons.
  • Violent Floor (Eighth Floor): The eighth floor of the castle is based on Violence the seventh circle of the Satanic Omniverse. It is divided into three rooms:
    • The first room of the floor that features rivers of boiling blood and fire.
    • The second room of the floor is a dark forest-themed room that features Acidic Demons.
    • The third room of the floor is a burning desert-themed room that features burning rain falling from the sky and the Aerotic Demons.
  • Fraud Floor (Ninth Floor): The ninth floor of the castle is based on Fraud the eighth circle of the Satanic Omniverse. It has ten rooms of the floor that are based on the ten Bolgias.
  • Throne Floor (Tenth Floor): The throne floor of the castle serves both as Emperor Satan's throne and the tenth and final floor of the castle. Based on the treacherous circle of the Satanic Omniverse, it is an icy-to-dark floor that Cryotic Demons and Satan's bodyguards resided. It also features the Lake of Fire behind Satan's castle.

TV Trope[]

  • Abusive Parents and Bad Boss: Despite having children and many servants on his side, he showed no care for any of them or anyone else but instead abused and tortured them, whether they are truly egotists, ruthless, both, or not. He really doesn't care for Lilith, Sorath, or Sataniera and Exeratha. And what happens when Sorath failed his war against Jesus and his army? Satan cruelly snapped his neck and tortured him with the Lake of Fire for this failure!
  • Adaptational Badass and Villainy: He is portrayed as being far powerful and even worse than the Devil in the Bible as he didn't planned to rule Heaven and the rest of the universe but instead to conquer and destroy all of existence itself and beyond to recreate them in his image as "One True Supreme Being."
  • Apocalypse How / Class Z and Omnicidal Maniac: He revealed that he destroyed multiple infinite worlds and the entire Mirror Omniverse and became the true omnicidal warlord. He threatened to destroy the entire Main Omniverse with his powerful servants.
  • Arch-Enemy: For all of existence itself, including all powerful deities and the Heavenly Forces of God.
  • The Bad Guy Wins: He managed to succeed most of his ultimate plan to destroy all of existence itself to recreate them in his image. He completely conquered and destroyed the Mirror Omniverse and indirectly took every followers of every cosmic being and deity he killed and absorbed from existence as his own.
  • Big Bad and Greater-Scope Villain: He serves as the main antagonist of the Heaven and Earth film trilogy of the Bible Cinematic Universe. In the trilogy, he starts off as the main antagonist of the first film, became the overarching antagonist of the second film, and then returns again as the titular main antagonist of the third film. He also serves as one of the Greater-Scope Villains of outside of the Bible Cinematic Universe.
  • Body Horror: He has the Satanic Empire symbol carved into his chest.
  • Cold-Blooded Torture: He subjected every one of his enemies and victims in his hellish omniverse to eternal torture for eternity. He subjected Job to torture with dark electricity to near death. He subjected Sorath to eternal torture by the Lake of Fire for his failure during the Multiversal Apocalypse.
  • The Corruptor: After God commands all angelic beings to bow before humans on the seventh day, he first corrupted Archangel Samael and the entire third angel population to his side against God as part of revealing his true nature.
  • Dark Is Evil: He has maroon-to-completely black skin and is covered in his neon-red-to-neon-maroon armor.
  • Dimension Lord: He ruled over Hell in an omniversal level and later reshaped the entire omniversal dimension into his own omniverse, having separating it from the Main Omniverse. It became known as the Satanic Omniverse.
  • Evil Is Bigger: He is the evilest of the Satanic Empire and naturally also the tallest.
  • Evil Sounds Deep: As befitting the overlord of a Death World, his voice sounds deep but scary as Zalgo.
  • Evil Wears Black: He wears his black armor with neon-red highlights with the Satanic Empire symbol on his chest. After his return from the Spiritual Realm, neon-red highlights on his armor turned neon-maroon.
  • Eye Beams and Homing Laser: His Eye Beam is capable of changing direction mid-blast to reach their target. He used it on the entire family of Job during his destruction and terrorism of the Land of Uz, leaving Job defenseless.
  • Fallen Hero and Faux Affably Evil: He acted as a benevolent Archangel before turning chaotic and malevolent after the fifth day of Omniversal Creation, remaining completely irredeemable.
  • Glowing Eyes of Doom and Red Eyes, Take Warning: As Lucifer Morningstar, he glowed yellow eyes as part of his true nature. As Emperor Satan, he glowed red eyes in his black sclera and later glowed red sclera in his ultimate true form.
  • God of Evil: He holds the omniversal title of the Supreme God of All Chaos, Destruction, and Pure Evil, and is the ultimate source of all chaos and evil.
  • Horns of Villainy: He possesses black large horns on his head with 5 lines each and darker highlights, like his armor.
  • Sealed Evil in a Can: At the end of the final battle and Multiversal Apocalypse, he was defeated and banished to the Spiritual Realm for eternity by God, having his reign of apocalypse and terror to end for good. Despite his imprisonment, Satan killed and absorbed every cosmic being and deity to 600 years later where he returned from the Spiritual Realm and reshaped Hell into his own omniverse, having separating it from the Main Omniverse itself.
  • You Have Failed Me: Having had enough with Sorath's failure to kill Jesus and his army during the Multiversal Apocalypse, he cruelly crushes his neck and eternally tortured him with the Lake of Fire after killing Amara and Lilith.


  • He shares some similarities with his biblical counterpart:
    • Both are fallen archangels.
    • Both ruled over Hell for millenia. For Emperor Satan's case, he ruled over the Satanic Omniverse in a similar way to how he ruled over Hell until the Multiversal Apocalypse where he reshaped Hell into his own omniverse and separated it from the Main Omniverse.
    • Both were outcasts of Heaven and became Satan themselves.
    • However, unlike the original Satan who is less powerful than God, Emperor Satan is portrayed as being more powerful and stronger, and even far worse than his original counterpart as he is one of the most powerful beings in all of existence itself alongside his complete opposite God. While the original Satan decided to rule Heaven and the rest of the universe, Emperor Satan decided to destroy all of existence itself to recreate them in his own image. While the original Satan is genocidal, Emperor Satan is portrayed as the true omnicidal warlord who destroyed the entire Mirror Omniverse in late-2016.
  • He shares some similarities with Shadowiera:
    • Both are dark infinite deities and leaders of their certain empire. The Satanic Empire for Satan, and the Shadowic Empire for Shadowiera.
    • Both are dark infinite deities.
    • Both destroyed multiple infinite worlds that do not benefit them or refused to worship them as "deities."
    • Both raised to their respective dark powers. Satan to dark absolute power, and Shadowiera to dark multiversal power.
    • Both were spiritually imprisoned but later escaped hundreds of years later and become infinitely powerful.
    • However, unlike Shadowiera who is a multiversally powerful dark infinite goddess, Emperor Satan is more powerful and stronger, and even far worse than her because he became an omniversal-to-absolute dark infinite deity.


"Villains Wiki" References[]

"Wikipedia" References[]

  1. Wikipedia Foundation, Inc. "Satan." Wikipedia, Netesp, 26 January 2003, https://en.wikipedia.com/wiki/Satan.