Jane Ives, (legally changed to Jane Ives-Hopper-Byers), better known as Eleven and El, is the female protagonist of the Stranger Things franchise.
Kidnapped and raised in Hawkins National Laboratory, she was experimented on for her psychokinetic powers. Upon escaping the lab, she found Mike Wheeler, Lucas Sinclair and Dustin Henderson and helped them find Will Byers who went missing. During the time she spent with them, she developed a bond with the boys, Mike in particular who Eleven fell in love with as did Mike with her.
It was ultimately revealed that, in a lab experiment, she made contact with the Demogorgon and accidentally opening an inter-dimensional gateway. Jane eventually faced and destroyed this monster in a showdown at Hawkins Middle School, mysteriously vanishing in the process.
Eventually, she was found to be alive, secretly living with Jim Hopper, Upon getting impatient from being separated from her friends, Jane went on a journey by herself, discovering her past in the process and meeting another child experimented on.

Eleven (With a Wig On) and Mike
Unwilling to leave her friends behind, she returned to Hawkins to reunite her friends and defeat the Mind Flayer. In turn she was adopted by Jim Hopper and started a relationship with Mike.
Realizing that she could not leave her friends behind, she returned to Hawkins, reuniting with them, to help defeat yet another extra-dimensional threat. Jane was then taken in by Hopper as his adopted daughter.
Jane's romantic relationship with Mike continued to blossom, to Hopper's annoyance who took steps to make it tricker. This allowed her to becomes friends with Max Mayfield who she was initally cold to when she saw Mike with her. Upon learning that the Mind Flayer had reappeared to stop her and get revenge, taking over Billy Hargrove the step brother of Max and other people in Hawkins in the process, she joined her friends to defeat it.

While suceessful, Jane lost her powers, and beleiving Hopper died, she was adopted by Will Brey's family and moved out of Hawkins. Despite this, her and Mike made plans to visit each other and she professed her love for Mike.
Later it was revealed that she had a history with Henry Creel/Vecna/One who she was accidentally reponsible for creating due to banishing him to the Upside Down which she had to relive to get her powers back
Friends: Mike Wheeler (Boyfriend), Lucas Sinclair , Dustin Henderson, Will Byers (Adopted Brother) Max Mayfield (Best Friend), Erica Sinclair, Joyce Byers (Legal Guardian), Jim Hopper, Nancy Wheeler, Jonathan Byers (step brother), Steve Harrington, Robin Buckley, Murray Bauman, Argyle, Sam Owens, Benny Hammond, Peacemaker, Wednesday Addams, Enid Sinclair, George Beard, Harold Hutchins, Erica Wang, Emila, Vigilante, Economos, Cuphead, Mugman, Miss.Chalice, Jake Perlaita, Amy Santiago, Captain Holt, Nate Wright, Boss Baby, Professor Membrane, Rave, Trevor Belmont, Blinky, Claire, Jim Lake, Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez,

Enemies: Vecna (Archenemy), Martin Brenner (Complicated Relationship), The Demogorgon, Connie Frazier , Troy Walsh, Angela, Two, Frank Underwood, The Underwood Cabinet, The Spot, N.Tropy, N.Tropy's associates
Moral Ranking: Pure Good
War of The Streams[]
Eleven joined up with The Streaming Resistance respectfully with her friends and managed to assist in taking out many threats to the Streamverse. She also had dealed with Vecna for the time being. This eventually reaches a head with Frank Underwood emerging as the new leader of the Cartel and the president on top of that where Eleven learns of the multiverse on a grander scale.
Both her and Mike rally their friends to help out with this and she works with Peacemaker and Wednesday to lead the team to stop Frank Underwood and she has total confidence due to Mike's unquestioning trust in her. Eleven uses her powers to help her friends and put the pressure on them. She also becomes aware of hero teams that are defending the multiverse through Erica's connections to Slade's Empire and The B Team who are also opposing Underwood.
Eleven working with Peacemaker and Wedensday go after The Spot as well frequently and are the ones who manage to defeat him to force him into running off despite Spot's abiltiies while she helps and saves Bean, Hobie and her friends from Underwood.
Afterwards, Mike, her and the other members of the party learns about the situation with Vecna's death at the hands of other kids who dealt with him. With the others she decides to find a way to get the hold of the two kids who defeated him.

Eleven serves as one of the main characters of Streamverse once more and is one of the tritagonists alongside Hobie Brown and her fellow partners Wednesday Adams and Peacemaker, where she meets Lincoln and Lydia and teams up with them to save the Stramverse and Multiverse from Alternate N.Tropy and Dr.Orm.
Eleven spied on Spot with her friends and learned of his target plans for them as well as Lydia and Lincoln. Eleven learns from Hobie and Will that the reason they are being seeked out is that they defeated Vecna. This makes Eleven defend getting them to Peacemaker who questions it. Eleven contacts her friends and informs them of what they just found and try to find some way to keep Spot from getting to the kids
Eleven, Hobie, Will and their friends find out about what Spot is doing and Wedneday's vision so they decide to insure of a way to insure it goes awry for whoever Spot is working with. She trains her psychic powers to insure they are strong enough to work
Chapter 1[]
Eleven, Will and the others are hanging out respectively all the while waiting for the others when they get a page from Holt, Hopper, Amy and Jake and are told that they have Lincoln and Lydia. Eleven and Will get the others so they can head to the police station.
Part 2[]
Driving off White Dragon, Eleven regroups with her team and the gang reports on everything that they encountered during their time at the station at the hands of the villains respectivly and saves Lydia from The Spot getting out of the way during their faceoff.
Eleven quickingly accepts Lincoln and Lydia as part of the team due to them representing what the team saw in them as Blinky told them. Eleven asks Lydia if she was also exprimented on like her which Lydia states she wasn't and just has the Mind Stone which allows psychic powers like her
Eleven and the party share their own encounters with the Upside Down to Lincoln and Lydia who they know stopped Creel. When hearing of Hilda and Jaune, Eleven like Blinky knows they played a hand in his defeat when mentioned. Eleven has a feeling thought that the Upside Down isn't completely out of the picture as she felts the Ruler created some beast that is still on the loose. When questioned by Lincoln, Eleven states that it's a chimera of Demogorgon and Mind Flayer work.
As the gang heads to the Hissuan Region, Eleven hangs out with the kids as best as she can due to limited social skills and thinks where the gate to the Upside Down was moved to regarding this revelation. Eleven seems to trust Lydia and Lincoln not just common connection to Creel, but also in noticing them interact with her friends as she explains to Mike who asks her about this.
Part 3[]
The Magic School Bus arrives in the Hissuan Region with Peacemaker, Vigilante, Emila, Blinky, Amy and Jake all seeing this region as Jake and Amy are driving the Bus respectively.
Emila wakes up The Party, Wednesday, George, Harold, Erica, Boss Baby respectfully and tells them they have arrived and breakfast has been made for them since Amy and Jake were at work
Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Wednesay, Eleven, Blinky, Peacemaker and Will all go to the site before hand and the group sees Lincoln and Lydia get their teams respectfully. They hand access pokeballs to some of the others as Lincoln knows it's unlike the Sinnoh Region
All the others have a meeting and upon recongizing the vast region they decide to split up respectively. To do the job, Blinky, Eleven, Wendesday, Lincoln and Lydia decide to take charge on one side while Peacemaker, Will and the others decide to lead the others.
Lincoln and Lydia have getting their team get permission to take the other starter which they give to Nate who excepts and they tell him about how to use Pokemon. They then help Nate catch some pokemon respectively with Blinky's help and Eleven helps too.
Wednesday and the Stranger Things cast begin looking into the region, and learn of the upsets of the timeline here as well. This was picked up by Dustin and Wednesday who looked very much into the history as advised. Mike, Max, Will and Lucas do some filed work and learn of the legendaries Dialga and Palkia respectively. Wednesday detects some anti matter in the air as does Mike feeling something is up
Lydia, Lincoln, Will, Mike and Eleven meet back with Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice and begin discovering the Noble Pokemon that are needed to be aquired. They contact Peacemaker and the others on this. According to what Cuphead and co found they are a select group of Pokémon in the Hisui region who are descendants of five of the ten companions of the Ancient Hero of legend, blessed by Arceus. Lincoln compares it to the Totem Pokemon of Aloha, which they did catch when there and used to capture the Ultra Beasts.
The team decide to get to work on research tasks, afterwards and discover thanks to Wednesdsay's visions that the anti matter is coming from some pokemon as is Mike who felt earlier. Lydia and Lincoln know exactly what it is and it's Giratina but they can't detect his presence as Will and Eleven can't despite. Nate questions how they can even do and Eleven like Will had some conncetion to the Upside Down and beings like it due to experimentation and Will being trapped in the Upside Down. Mike doesn't want to bring it due to the senstivity.
Nate, Wednedsay, Eleven and the others come back with their success and are told of the situation they learned and where to head next. Happy that what they learned is working they go off. With Lincoln, Lydia and the others they head to Lake Valor, and Lydia with Eleven takes charge hoping they are going to see Azelf yet again. However all they see is a Overqwil who Lydia decides to take on with intent to capture it with Eleven providing the pokeballs for her to use with Mike and the others
Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, and the rest of the team decide to head up to Mt.Coronet and they go on their way to learn some truths. This is when discover that they have been picking up plates yet again which Cuphead and the others were doing respectively. Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Eleven and Wednesday discover there are still plates to find with Dustin putting a track on the location respectively for them in regards to the Lakes, Firespit Island and Moon view Arena. They tell Will and Peacemaker this who decide to take their own mission
Eleven, The Party and Wednesday decide to look on Firespit Island for a second plate, and remembering what Peacemaker said that look where they found the Arcanine. They manage to find Heatran. Dustin, Mike, Lucas, Max and Will were also lended some pokemon which they use to capture Heatran, Which Volo also saw happen. They get their hands on the Iron Plate as well
Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice return to Coronet to find another plate and find Cresceilla. They remember what was told by Lincoln and Lydia said when they recalled their own encounter with it. They decide to not screw around and capture it with a Master Ball. Cuphead reports this to Lincoln, Lydia, Blinky, Eleven, Wednesday and Peacemaker and acquire the Dread Plate.
When everyone gets back together, this is when Volo ambushes the heroes and steals the plates with The Spot in tangent where the anti matter riff is once again there and Hissuan Region begins to collapse by using Giratina. Lincoln and Lydia realize he enslaved Girtaina and the heroes all need to go after them to the Celestica Ruins. Which they all do and try to repair all the holes in the area as some of the heroes go after Spot and Volo with Eleven and Peacemaker's posse going to stop this
Peacemaker and the others try to fend off the holes and fend off Spot who makes this diffcult for them as he creates more portals for them to close
Eleven and her friends manage to fix all the holes while Peacemaker and the others manage to keep Spot under control and when Lincoln and the otehrs come back. Spot cuts his losses and brings back Volo and harms Peacemaker before returning.
Jake and Amy lead the others back to a new base for travel respectfully so they can all take a rest after their mission and just goof off till the next anomality emerges
Eleven and Wednesday and the others talk their mission and Wednesday concedes the two are trust worthy and really are who Blinky states they are. Through Will, Mike, Eleven, Dustin, George, Harold, Erica, Wednesday all discover that the Spider Frog is around and is part of the Upside Down as they were informed by Hobie and that he is coming along with his protege to help them respectively
Chapter 2[]
Eleven and the Party manage to get back in touch with Hobie and Luna who arrive and inform her about their own activity with Hilda and her friends. While Also mentioning their own deals with the Spider Frog, Eleven recognizes it as she saw it when she found Will in the Upside Down and Will also mentions he saw it and that he knew someone else was trapped alongside him.
Upon seeing Lincoln, Lydia, Will and Blinky return. She and her friends alongside Hobie and Luna get back to them and inform them of what they just learned. She and Will tell Lincoln about the Spider Frog. She is brought with the others to Wednesday's meeting about Nevermore their situation and what they need to do respectively in their time there.
Eleven ending up spying on Jake, Holt, Amy and Hopper's conversation about the detectives joining the other cops. When confronting them about this, because Eleven feels Lydia and Lincoln should know about this way out. She is told that the way they have found it not safe due to what Spot did to their universe and the Cops/detectives want to find a safe way to insure proper travel to the Streamverse. Eleven decides to inform the others on this due to this being necessary info that can't be kept to herself.
Eleven takes Lincoln and Lydia aside to tell them spefically, which they take decently well enough. They head to Nevemore through Wendesday and Enid and learn what the two looked into. Eleven get assigned to go with Mike and the others to go around town to prepare in case Crackstone does resurface. Mike and Eleven talk about what Peralita and Sandiago found out, Mike doesn't agree with them keeping this info from Lydia or Lincoln though Eleven doesn't either as Eleven told them. Mike understands the logic though but also because he likes them. As does Eleven who knows Will and Penny is also rather fond of them as well as well as Blinky, Nate, George, Harold, Erica and the other Party members.
Part 2[]
Eleven, Mike, Will Byers, Dustin, Max, Lucas, Emila Harcount, Vigilante and John Ecnomos all head to the cafe to wait for something to go down noting something will happenSomething indeed does happen when Crackstone and Spot arrive respectfully and Eleven strands herself out fighting The Spot as Mike and the others try to capture Crackstone. Vilgiante, Emila and Ecnomos help provide backup for Eleven as Spot holds off them with his own hole powers
Upon hearing the Spot Escape, Eleven and the others rebound with Mike and the others and learn Crackstone has escaped and must pursue him. Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes to see Crackstone. Eleven uses her powers to save Wednesday in time from Crackstone killing her. Afterwards, Eleven joins Wednesday in taking on Crackstone matching him with her own psychic powers and through their fight she manages to freeze him in place long enough so Wednesday can deal the final blow.
Eleven and the others are all picked up by the cops respectfully after their work respectfully is finished and learns of the what that the cops have covered respectfully and their own work respectfully. Eleven is given some free time which she spends with Mike as well as Lydia and Lincoln as well. At the movies as well as the ice cream social respectfully so they can just take it easy with their flex time.
Part 3[]
Eleven gets back to base with the others and learns what has occurred next at the results of Spot's actions. Eleven senses the anomalty's damage is growing over time due to the interference of what Melvin Borg has done respectfully
Afterwards, she decides to see if she can sense the Upside Down's spiderfrog anywhere and to try and look into what Lincoln and Lydia asked to do regarding Hilda and Anders
With Their arrival to the Captain Underpants Universe, All the threats that were from the comic books of Captain Underpants have now been on the loose respectfully due to Melvin Borg and his machinations. Eleven and her friends head down town to deal with the Booger monsters respectfully as well as the Bionic Booger Boy which Chandler decided to use with Melvin Borg on his past self. Eleven returns with Peacemaker to help Wednesay, George, Harold and Erica deal with the rest of the attack Melvin Borg has put down respectfully. Before deciding to get back to base
Eleven then uses her psychic powers to quarantine the treehouse noting it was the most damaged of the areas allowing Harold and George to acquire their stuff first and foremost. Professor Membrane approaches Eleven and her friends and tells them as he has detected some Upside Down Creatures have emerged in Hawkins despite Vecna/The Mind Flayer's defeat. Eleven knows it's the work of the Spot respectively
As The Party decide to head to Hawkins for answers as Will feels he needs to close the Upside Down once and for all as does Eleven.
Chapter 3[]
Eleven and her friends end up discussing what exactly should they wait for in Hawkins after their return in turn. She and Will are both in agreeance that they will have to shut the Upside Down completely down once and for all. Regardless of what it takes. She opens up to them that she is ready to deal with the Upside Down again when Mike asks her if she'll be able to this time.
Wednesday informs her about what Lincoln and Lydia informed her of what they know on "Papa" Brenner and they met with him before. Eleven doesn't exactly want to mention anything to do with Brenner and is uncomfortable wanting to return to that. She asks the two on what they know on Brenner and Dr.Owens which she overhears on them and tells them what Brenner did to her respectively which the two did have an idea on this.
Eleven joins up with Lydia, Lincoln and Erica to look for the doc. Which Mike, Lucas and Max join her with respectively. They find The Doc and he allows them to go looking for the info needed. Eleven discovers Brenner's time where he was formely allianced with M.A.L.I.C.E and how he broke off from them due to his moral digust at what his boss was up to and his horror at watching his boss decide to deal with the soviets something he wanted to stop. Eleven also learns Brenner also refused to target The Louds respectfully as well and left with his research in turn
When Chandler arrives with his own upside Down controlled monsters given by the N.TRophies. Eleven takes them on her psychic powers and like the others manage to cut through them though she thinks back to her hospital encounter with the Flayed as well. After the defeat of this, she and her friends make a Snow Ball like event where she dances with Mike as does Lucas does with Max and Lydia eventually does so with Lincoln
Upon their return, Eleven learns of what is happening to Will and offers her sympthany to Mike and she wishes she can help both Will Byers and Mike. Learning that he intends to be there for Will Byers, She decides to help Peacemaker who wants to help Lincoln and Lydia keep Trolberg safe even if it's against the streamverse rules. Mike wishes her good luck and she thanks him as she joins them, Wednesday and Will Robinson.
Part 2[]
Eleven arrives in Trolberg and is ready to help deal with what is going on as she has her mind set to help out. Though Crocker, The Mani and The Spiderfrog arrive to make things bad. Eleven uses her psychic powers against the latter two to hold them down and help her friends deal with the Spiderfrog and ghosts
After Will disables Crocker's devices, Eleven then breaks his arm with a neck jerk with the others and to insure Crocker runs off as he isn't a threat at this point. So they can focus on Spot. She joins Peacemaker, Lincoln, Lydia and Will Robinson in finding the Spot and then she helps fight him on the Belltower and tries to help WIll disable the detonator
Her powers do allow the others to keep some pace with Spot and for the three to hurt The Spot. Eleven then runs to Lincoln and Lydia as they have their own shared vison to try and talk them out of it alongside Peacemaker. Afterwards, The Spot holes them out and they run back into Wednesday, Blinky and Penny again and they all run from Trolberg being destroyed respectfully due to the hopeless scenario. Thankfully that the time stone managed to keep them from being stuck in place.
Eleven and the others reached the cabin remains and she watches as the PATSY-2000 is making materials to remake the cabin which they all go into in time before any more fallout occurs. As Peacemaker communicates with the chief, Eleven hears what happened to Mike and she is saddened by this. She wants to be there to help Mike with this and informs the others of this. Eleven is upset about having to stay in quarantine unless they use hazmat suits and gas masks respectfully
Eleven shares the bed with Wednesday and she just tries to sleep trying to deduct what to do in regards to stopping Spot and protecting her friends. She is thankful that Hawkins is safe though.
Chapter 4[]
As the party of 8 wait their 14 days respectfully through the fallout of The Hildaverse, they decide to take turns every 2 days to investigate, Eleven goes with Blinky to check Trolberg's library respectfully in a hazamat suit and gas mask as they do so they see plenty of dead bodies and she finds herself get attacked by wolves that were mutated by the radiation of N.Tropy's denator
She defends herself with her psychic powers with him but refuses to kill them like the time when she refused to kill a cat.
When the two get back, Eleven tells the others about the mutated wolves that attacked her and Peacemaker confirms that this indeed like The Soviets all right, Eleven also mentions that she saw the dead bodies of two witches as well. With the next 8 days going by, She hones in her powers, writes down when she and them have done to Mike respectfully to remember to tell him. She also helps Wednesday put her next novel together as well
With Day 10, at the table where she eats Eggos with the team, Peacemaker and Blinky both announce what they are going to do for this 5th investigation. The two made connection with the others and the 8 meet Trevor Belmont who is a honornary member of the team as well learn Geroge, Harold, Nate and Erica have done their own looking into one of the universes Spot's associates attacked. Peacemaker decides to made a more direct investigation with Eleven, Penny, Wednesday and Blinky respectfully as it getting ever closer that The Black Hole is eventually going to suck the HIlda Universe into it and they also note the Moon is getting closer to crashing into Trolberg.
Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker, Penny and Blinky all manage to get a good look around as they manage to get a look around to all of the rest of Trolberg and this is when they notice more and more of Trolberg is getting sucked away into the black hole resepctively. Eleven and Peacemaker both notice that it should have been sucked earlier, and realize that something ultimately was keeping the Hildaverse in tact. They also see Jake and Amy who came in from quarrintine and to try and bring them back and help them get back to the reisistance. Eleven also meets Trevor Belmont as well. She and the others learn from Professor Membrane that the Hildaverse is imment to be sucked into the black hole with Boss Baby so they need to get the others all back before it's too late.
Eleven gets back to the base and detects Lincoln and the others presence and leads the way to Toftoken and then the Fairy Mound respectively and then assists the others in dealing with The Robotdroid which was used as back up. The team gets back to the base and learn what next is going on with Spot's forces. She and Mike get into communication about what to do respectfully going foward.
Part 2[]
Eleven and her friends all arrive in the Peacemaker Universe and they go through each and every house to see what they can find and see if they can anything regarding Spot and his other alliesNeither Peacemaker, Emilia, John or Vigilante are able to find Spot in their own home as each of them suspected something was going on.
This is when things do indeed get back when Spot attacks with White Dragon and Kregg in tow respectively all attack the heroes all at once. Eleven fights using her own psychic powers against them and holds Virtumties off while working to help save other people but due to her frame and size, she does tire off though she has to eat food to regain her power
-As she is noticing Spot opening up Portals and noting what is going, Eleven, Wednesday and Will Robinson note they have more problems in The Boss Baby Universe and get Boss Baby to help out with other heroes. This is where they all go face to face with Marlyin Thorn Hill, Tyler and Francis who are going out to cause even more harm to this universe taking advantage of it's lack of fighters respectively
Noticing the damage, Eleven decides to seal off the rifts of time with her powers so they can fix Boss Baby's universe as the others proceed against the rest of the group. After the team succeeds, they head back to Peacemaker's universe and run into the gang and also the Time Agents respectfully
Grace Wain decides she needs to bring the crew on board for her needing to see her big boss, and Eleven is brought along respectfully. Mike and Dustin also arrive ready to help Eleven and her friends with this as Lucas, Max, Hopper get back to the others respectfully.
Chapter 5[]
Eleven and the others manage to arrive to the Time Bureau and learn all about what has happened respectfully through the timeline respectfully and their history. Learning Will Byers was supposed to die, she does question why that had to be though Mike and Dustin are the ones to get that answer
She and Hobie join Lydia, Lincoln, Jules and Verne in witnessing the horror that befalled them. She compares it to what happened at Hawkins Lab to the gang respectfully. Before anyone can really mention what was seen, this is when Melvin Borg and The Robotoid attack and she uses her psychic powers to help and protect the time agents.
After defeating the rest of the time robot agents, Eleven is brought in with the others to take the Time Train with Grace, Jules and Verne to head back to Flying Rhino Junior High which they do. Eleven leads the cavalry with Peacemaker and blows the threats Hilda is dealing with across the room and helps deal with the rest of Spot and N.Trophy's forces
Eleven recongizes Hilda and her family as fellow Upside Down opposers and brings in Hilda to help deal with Spot as Spot makes his presence know. She uses her powers to help fight The Spot and to keep him at bay while everyone is fighting Spot respectfully and holds him down to insure the others can pave holes in Spot to keep him from using his powers
When the heroes to get to Spot, Eleven allows Spot to talk as she is not as lethal as her friends and thinks Spot may know some answers which she is more than right about when they hear of his benefactors and how there is a greater scope threat emerging from said benefactors.
Chapter 6[]
As the Monster makes it's way to the group, Eleven joins her friends in heading ot the car Max hotwired with Jesse as they take to the street to stay away from the monster's geletantious tentaclesEleven does manage to use her psychic powers to keep the monster's tentacles off them as they head to the lab under Peacemaker and Wednesday finding it
She is however distracted and watches as her friends are consumed by the monster with Dustin managing to escape. Eleven joins her group of friends as wella s Hilda and The Spot to head into the lab so they can reverse the polarity and drain the monster's energy
She decides to let Will take care of the machine with Lincoln, Lydia and The Spot and that she will do what she can to keep the monster off them. Eleven doesn't care if she lives or dies as long as the monster is stopped. Eleven and the others manage to hold off the monster with the help of the Time Agents even knowing their efforts are a bit in vain
After everyone is restored and everything is brought back to normal as much as it can anyway. Eleven and her friends decide to head back to Hawkins but she makes it clear that she will see Lincoln and Lydia again soon with Mike, Lucas and Max respectfully.

Eleven gets back to Hawkins, deciding to just relax and wait for that night in question to come in turn. She is given mail and it's from Trolberg explaining that she has been invited to Jaune and Johanna's weddings thanks in part to Will Robinson, Lincoln and Lydia. Eleven decides to have Mike her +1.
Eleven arrives to Mike's house to pick him up for the Sadie Hawkins Dance as she decided to chaperone herself with him. The two pick each other up and use one of Hobie's own devices to travel to Royal Woods so they can get ready respectfully as Hobie lent her one. Eleven and Mike both arrive and meet all the others respectfully and they enter the room for the posse's big night
Mike has his dance with Eleven like he did at the Snowball event back when times were starting to escalate. The two watch as their friends do so as well and they find out what Lincoln and Lydia managed to do those other girls who were eyeing the former. He allows Eleven to use her powers despite being in public to do things for them as he decided to loosen a little up for this.
Mike and Eleven both arrive in Trolberg once again ready for their wedding attendance to Jaune and Johanna. Mike does notice that both Lydia and Will Robinson are not exactly dressed up, though he notes the former didn't want to dress up like this after already doing so at the dance
He and Eleven sit down and watch everything unfold, Mike is curious with he have his own happy ending as he watches Jaune and Johanna. Eleven does concede it won't be that easy for them but they will reach there eventually despite her upbringing. The two afterwards join the other Streaming Resistance members enjoying their time together.
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
Eleven and Max both arrive and come inside as Dustin heads out. Max asks where Dustin is going and Dustin says he's going to camp, he got a personal invite. Eleven asks if it's a little supscious that only he got an invite in Hawkins to her knowledge. Dustin gives a look as does Mike, Eleven admits Max and her spied on people. Lucas rolls his eyes with amusement at this as Dustin heads out.
Peacemaker and Jake have called a meeting with his guys, and sees that Eleven and her friends, Penny, Wednesday, Jim, Claire, Frizzle and Blinky have arrived. John Economos asks about the others and their locations or why they're not here
Professor Membrane arrives at the hideout and apologizes for being late as he was working on something and asks if the others can tell him the news. Peacemaker, Eleven and Jake agree to this. Levy and The Dupus family are all being investigated by Peacemaker and his crew, Professor Membrane, Jake and Eleven who run background checks on them as Economos remembered what Levy looked like.
Eleven can tell he was enhanced somehow by some kind of techology, as she herself was expermented on. Or some kind of mutant accident, Something Economos agrees with on as he notes. Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake, Mike, Lucas, Max, Jim, Blinky, Claire, Membrane are joined by Doug Judy who go with Mrs.Frizzle to the Captain Underpants Universe so they can find the boys and can their help with this situation.
Lucas and Eleven arrive in George's House and Peacemaker with Jake goes into Harold's House and they notice their parents tied up and gagged. Lucas and Jake decide to untie them and learn what went down, This is when they learn their boys were attacked by chrome like agents one looking like a cowboy and the other being a bald headed guy. Peacemaker and Eleven both notice the marks and the sand marks, Eleven tells Peacemaker what she sees. Peacemaker has a feeling that the perptrators are what he was told about a while ago. Eleven, Jake and Lucas ask what he means. Peacemaker explains a bit after dealing with The Spot, That both Lydia and Lincoln talked to him about what they saw and explained how they were chased by chrome cops with metallic armor over his body and they had weapons called Sanders
Eleven and Lucas both observe the marks on their friends's parents and wonder why these cops targeted them despite their profession. Jake feels that this was a further warning not to deal with whoever is behind the Team Free Will Massacre, that these agents are also who Ham Hand is under and know that the Resistance is getting close to some answers.
Peacemaker and the rest of the posse all return and they inform the team that Geroge and Harold were all kidnapped by mirror agents. Eleven, Lucas, Jake, Jim and Claire all tell Peacemaker's friends about what they saw in that universe.
Part 2[]
With the gang, all basically in agreement that the group must go looking for Spot's remaining allies, former and not. Wednesday, John Ecnomos, Emila, Viglante and Jake look into who is still alive as the others discuss the idea
Peacemaker isn't completely sure if this will pay off as they may not know who the guy is either, He comments that Spot didn't know who his backer was either. Blinky observes immediatly that this guy doesn't trust pretty much anyone.. Eleven feels like this will may be more diffcult as does Lucas since everyone has no idea who even did this. Enid compares N.Tropy to a shadow or phantom in all this and that one of the few things they do is that N.Tropy was who nuked Trolberg and Spot wasn't aware that was the plan.
Jim and Claire who weren't with the team ask about that event with Eleven, Peacemaker, Blinky and Penny explaining what went down in Trolberg and what it all lead down.
After everything is set in stone. the others get back to the ones in charge. Mike tells Peacemaker, Wednesday, Jake, Eleven, Blinky and Professor Membrane that they have attempted to tell the others about what had occured but they havn't gotten any calls. Peacemaker, Wednesday and Eleven all begin to brainstorm a possible way around all this or a way to at least help this. Each of them come to a certain thought process, Peacemaker considers getting Professor Membrane to find some way to travel without using the school bus to find their friends if they are in real danger, Eleven adds to this that she can be blindfolded to find where Dustin and the others are or what danger. Wednesday finishes with using any possible shortcoming of whoever they will deal outside those little spies.
Jake, Professor Membrane and Blinky all decide to hand out the assignments to where they all are to go to find Spot's associates. Eleven, Mike, Lucas and Max all are given the location of Candice Sampson.
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday and Jake ask Professor Membrane about that and Professor Membrane informs them that it was Victoria Neuman, the adopted daughter of one of the former heads of Vought, before Homelander took over. Peacemaker has some knowledge on him and knows about the screwed up things he has done and his orgins as well as what happened to Homelander and the rest of those who followed him
Eleven approaches Professor Membrane and inquires if he's okay as he is concerned. Professor Membrane tells Eleven that he thought what he dealt with in Homelander and The Conspiracy was just some kind of hallucination, and now knows it was real. He feels like he has endangered his son and his friends by staying aligned with Vought. Eleven tells him he did so to protect his them and he did his job as a dad. The Professor also has her and the others in his corner as well to deal with Victoria Neuman. Professor Membrane tells Eleven that the Streaming Resistance has no idea what Neuman is capable of, and he inform them of what that is.
Eleven, Mike, Lucas and Max are dropped off at one of the holding cells and that they make their way to the prison cell where Candice is. Candice is not that suprised to see the kids here and knows that they must want something from her. Max decides to cut to the chase and straight out asks what does she know about the massacre and who was backing The Spot
Candice straight out says she wasn't too active in the ongoing plot, mostly she was against that nut job of a principal Scudsworth who she was supposed to keep an eye on. Eleven can tell a part of her is lying. Mike and Lucas ask how, Eleven explains through her body language though does agree that Candice really didn't too much and asks about the Trolberg nuking.
Candice taken back said she did help there, placing the choronton dentator up there with him but also with an associate of theirs but 2 of them. Mike points out what else other than being 2 of them, Lucas was also under the impression of there only being 1, but there is 2 backers. Candice says that considering she had cloning technology this was not unbelievable. All the while admitting she also did sabotage a reality warping computer as well. Eleven explains to her friends the one from Flying Rhino where Lydia used to go too. Candice hearing the name takes some delight in the fact that is who it's about and how helping her isn't going to much for her.
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim, Claire, Blinky, Penny, Vigilante, Emila Hardcourt, John Ecnomos, Mrs.Frizzle, Mike, Lucas, Max, Doug Judy and Enid Sinclair all return and explain what everyone has found out. As Peacemaker's posse tells the others that most of the others were co-operative, though Chandler and Richfield were rather uncompromisnig with Richfield trying to kill the Professor.
Eleven asks about Von Gale, they still havn't found her. John Econmos admits he hasn't found anything on Von Gale. Enid, Penny and Wednesday do admit they were in Trolberg and maybe Van Gale was around there even if Economos couldn't find her. Mrs. Frizzle decides to set a location to Trolberg for the crew so they can get all go looking for Victoria Van Gale.
Professor Membrane is placing a wire on Doug Judy alongside Jake as they prepare to make another counterplay against Vicky. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all arrive asking what are the two doing.
Professor Membrane tells them that he is haivng Doug Judy go undercover to inflitrate Neuman and her followers. Peacemaker admits he knows what Neuman is capable when it comes to popping heads and being insaneably durable. Eleven questions Membrane and Jake using Doug this way. Eleven and Peacemaker discuss if this is really fine to use Doug Judy for this, despite acknowledging the potential effectiveness of it. Peacemaker decides to hand Eleven the opposite of the wire due to lack of talking so much compared to them.
Part 3[]
The Streaming Resisitance has arrived in Trolberg,and they go around trying to find Van Gale with each of them giving a try of finding her.
Eleven and her party go looking at Van Gale's Weather station first thinking she would be there, though they do find traces of her having once been there, they don't find her though Mike finds notes about something Van Gale had worked on pirorly and shows them to Lucas, Eleven and Max and Lucas identifies how much like Spot this kind of plan was, though it's worth noting this is many years ago. Max and Eleven both take note of the weather machine Van Gale had and they simply destroy it so no one else can use it. Mrs.Frizzle picks them up and she had with Jake and Membrane conducts a vet on Van Gale that explains her intentions about joining Spot as well as what happened before that point.
The Streaming Reisstance has managed to arrive at the fairy Mound and a good deal of the group wander how to ulimately get in there. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday themselves are baffled how are they even able to have gotten in there to begin with to find the others. Jake, Eleven, Wednesday, Peacemaker and Professor Membrane all having aquired a sample of hair from Van Gale use to find her location. Max is baffled how they got a hair of hers for that long, Jake explains it's a way to get a sense of someone's dna and Membrane adds it can be used for cloning or any other great science work. Everyone give Membrane a look which he looks a bit embrassed to have said.
Van Gale is suprised to see The Streaming Resistance again and is more impressed how they got into. Peacemaker says they need to ask questions about her former employer, Van Gale wonders if it's about Spot, Wednesday shakes her head and tells Van Gale it's about her true employer and the Dalamnian's backer. Eleven and her friends decide to join this as Jake, Membrane, Claire, Jim, Blinky and Mrs.Frizzle stay behind as they intend to hear back from Doug Judy on his undercover mission.
Van Gale finishes explaining exactly what had gone down to the parties involved. Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednesday all find this interesting that Van Gale was found in the hole she was stuck in by not one but two of them, and was brought on the plan to help them under pretenses of doing good for man kind. Only to them to be used for a revenge plan against both Lydia and Lincoln. Wednesday adds how they still didn't get the names, Eleven and Peacemaker feel that she didn't know the names as much as the others didn't. As least they have something, Penny does have a suggestion and asks if Economos can look into alternate selves and Enid agrees to this idea too.
Rodrigo and Angstorm Levy have arrived with the mini Chaos Bots and have arrived to kill Van Gale for saying too much.
Peacemaker, Eleven and the others all manage to fight the Chaos Bots and together they defeat Levy, With Peacemaker and his crew even dampering Levy with an inability to use his powers. Levy asks where Rodrigo is and is told that he escaped. Levy naturally angered he was left to die by his own comcrade swears payback, but Peacemaker and Vigilante make it obvious that they have questions for him with Emila knocking him out.
The Streaming Resistance manages to escape Fairy Country, though Van Gale is hurt from Rodrigo's ambush and they watch the Fairy Country be drained away from the energy it once had. Mike, Lucas and Eleven try to hold Van Gale considering her injury and ask what they shall do.
Once informed of Van Gale's condition and also of what Doug told them. Penny, Enid and Max gather that whoever was behind Spot is clearly even more insane that he ever was. Peacemaker decides on following Wednesday's ideas and intterograte Angstorm Levy.
Eleven inquires about Mrs.Frizzle and John reveals that she went off to get the co-ordinates to what The Robot did. Emila says if anything is assured then they find Will and thus find Lincoln and Lydia. Penny hopes Will is okay as does Eleven.
Peacemaker, Wednesday and Vigilante decide on that they need a place to intterograte Levy that is safe. Enid decides they could go to Anders's apartment to do so, Mike asks why there. Enid feels that if they did at Johanna's house then she would question them more likely than if Anders did so. Blinky doesn't want any part of the intterogration which Peacemaker allows, Lucas decides to join Blinky on this as he isn't too comfortable
Jake and Eleven decide to help Peacemaker and Wednesday with this with the usual routine. Professor Membrane gets the portal gun and shoots it to Anders's apartment for the others to go into.
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
Levy is interrograted about his role in the Fairy Country's destruction, his motive and his reason by the team. Jake, Eleven and Emila take the good cop approach as they try to play easy with Levy and end up discovering what is Levy's goal and purposes here with N.Tropy though he doesn't bring up it's N.Tropy due to Levy not knowing who his boss is. Eleven puzzles about what is the plan to get what is needed and if he may know about Team Free Will.
Eleven and Wednesday Decide to press Levy for more info in regards to what Angstorm's plans on Mark after his travel to the future. Eleven refrains Wednesday from escalating it again as she is intent on figuring what is his plans regarding her friends. Rodrigo Redneb arrives to go acquire Levy back from them, she uses her telekentic powers to fight back against him, Though she is able to challenge Redneb, He is able to endure her out due to her nose bleeding.
Afterwards, she assists Enid and Jake in cleaning up Anders's apartment as Enid shows fear she will be booted out if Anders discovers the mess when he was away.
Eleven is brought into the fold of what Lincoln and Lydia are dealng with in their investigation and she insists like Peacemaker to join them as well as Will in their investigation of the Woods to help her friends find out what happened with Team Free Will's old allies. She is then joined by Enid, Penny, Jake and Wednesday as Peacemaker and her make their way to the woods to meet Lincoln, Lydia, Amy and Will.
Part 5[]
Amy finds the rest of the team waiting for her, Will, Lincoln and Lydia where Amy explains that she had a situation she thought was critical. Eleven meets Bender and Anti Cosmo and is told by that this is who Lydia and Lincoln have been in contact to help investigate the situation. Eleven doesn't say too much about this but is just glad to have any help with this as she tells Enid and Penny about this. They all arrive at the Woods with Her team, Lincoln, Bender, Lydia and Anti Cosmo decide to split up and go looking around.
Eleven goes with Peacemaker, Wednesday, Will and Penny, Peacemaker and Eleven show uneasiness with the lab due to Eleven's own history being experimented on and Peacemaker seeing the locked up metahumans he compares this to what he saw the Thinker do with subjects. Eleven is particually unnerved as she remembers what she dealt with at Brenner's hands and worse the grooming mapulation of Henry Creel who was using her to get back at Brenner. Ham Hand and Sam arrive on them with orders from Fifi or others to deal with The Streaming Resistance as well as the heroes. Eleven decides to use her psyhic powers to deal with their hired goons alongside Wednesday so Peacemaker and the Robinsons can deal with the threats. She is quick to notice that Myrtle and Sterling are in the area and alerts Peacemaker and the Robinsons. Myrtle informs them that the Woods is coming crumbling down due to Fifi Dufus deciding to explode The Woods. She uses her powers to push the 4 out as Will and Peacemaker help her escape.
Eleven and the others regroup with what they know and inform Lydia, Lincoln, Will and Amy that they are heading to Arcadia and to try think Hilda and her family as they went to Arcadia.
The other six return to them and inform of what they found in The virus Professor Membrane had stowawayed with and the file of what happened to the Robinsons. Eleven joins Peacemaker and Penny in calling Professor Membrnae on his attempt to make the Shetty Virus for Supes without caring of the consequences.
Later, Enid, Wendesday, Jake and Eleven are also brought to light by Max, Blinky, Jim, Claire, Mike and Lucas about what they had found in their brief investigation of Arcadia.
Part 6[]
Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday decide to ask for the portal gun so they are able to go deal with the troll problem head up. Though As Professor Membrane points out, Enid has already made way into troll market. Jim and Claire join them as well in part to their knowledge on the area it's self.
- Peacemaker, Eleven, Wednesday, Jake, Professor Membrane, Jim and Claire enter Troll Market and find that Queen Usurna is on the warpath to find Enid Sinclair, Eleven goes up against the Gumms Gumms and uses her psychic powers to harm the Gumms Gumms and send them back. To give the others more time and she becomes aware that this may have been intended
Eleven, Jake and Peacemaker join Jim and Claire in trying to find Enid and deal with the Gumms Gumms, She helps Jim and Claire with this in particular as Jake and Peacemaker shoot up the Gumms Gumms to find Enid. Eleven manages to rescue the others with her powers from Cate and Usurna as they head back with Enid back in the tow and she notices Mulder and Scully as well feeling Lydia and Lincoln now need to know something.
Peacemaker, Eleven, Wedesday, Jake and Enid talk to Will and The Robot and they learn of the return of Nevermore. Lincoln and Lydia are then informed by Peacemaker, Eleven and Wednedsay of the portal gun that Membrane was working on from that robot gave him. Lincoln and Lydia remember from the Fearmid with Toffee and Bill Cipher and how Rick gave his life.
Eleven, Peacemaker, Wednesday, Emila, Viglante and Max all get into contact with Lincoln, Lydia, Amy and Daniel where they are making the 4 privy to the where abouts of Arcadia and the events while also being told of Nate's Universe.
It is decided with what the heroes acquired at Troll Market that a close look into it will be needed and that Professor Membrane has a lab back at home he can use to his advantage so he takes decideds to take his team there. She is promised that Membrane will not experiment on her despite her own reservations about this kind of thing.
Chapter 3[]
Part 7[]
The Entire Group has arrived at the Membrane Household and Professor Membrane has informed the others about His son not being here so he and his own friends won't have to worry as they're at the Utonium House.
Peacemaker, Jake, Eleven, Wednesday overhear that Daniel will be in touch with them at some point. Though they are told, he might meet up with the others first before and and that it will be Daniel who decides this as Lydia and Lincoln inform them as they head to the Last Kids On Earth Universe. Peacemaker and Jake both think on anything that could be happening here as the trio did come before to this universe and are questioning how they are going to make only to learn that the duo had the Magic School Bus repaired and have Mr. Fusion on it so they can use garbage as fuel.
Eleven senses something with her senses and goes to follow to see what she sees, Mike asks if she is okay. Eleven says that Mike needs to stay safe in here as she senses danger and not danger he can deal with without it weighting on her. Peacemaker, Jake, Vilgilante, Claire, Jim and Max all decide to follow up with this.
Peacemaker, Jake and Eleven decide to prepare to fight to deal with this to protect their friends and themselves
As Peacemaker, Jake, Eleven, Vigilante, Max, Jim and Claire all follow what Eleven suspects this is when Zib and Angor Rot both make their strike against them and that Queen Usurna has the Gumms Gumms accompany the two on her own orders to deal with the Streaming Resistance. Zib does this so he can get his hands on his father before he makes a plan to settle with his main enemies.
The Fight continuing to go way between them all and Zib and Angor Rot are just about ready to petrify and capture Jim and Claire. Until Professor Membrane and Wednesday manage to arrive and help turn the table and realize Zib is controlling Rot and Membrane can tell as he can see how Zib is controlling the Gumms Gumms and the others all get back to base at Membrane's house and her psychic powers help push them back.
Professor Membrane, Wednesday, Jake, Peacemaker and Eleven all check what Professor Membrane and Wednesday found and that Zib and Ushurna are controlling him with a ring that controls the troll hunter slayer. Upon hearing about lookng for a Mr.Sullivian in the universe as he had gone missing and that Will, Lincoln and Lydia both feel that they could get his help with this. Eleven offers that she and the party can go looking for him too as Lucas tends to Max who did take some blows at the hands of Angor Rot.
The Streaming Resistance find an invite in Professor Membrane's mailbox and it's an invite to Vernon Manor which has Peacemaker, Eleven, Jake and Wednesday look into this and show supscion at all this with the others to make a plan to deal with this. As Professor Membrane has reservations about this and once Enid gets back that they will tell her as they can also talk to Lydia, Lincoln, Will and Amy on this.
Part 8[]
The Heroes discuss the Shetty Virus under Professor Membrane as he has been in contact with Lisa about and that Bender and his friends gave it to her. As well the plan to infiltrate the Tek Knight Manor. The Group also meets up Daniel when it comes to what the heroes said would come as they agreed to. Eleven does show concern that her ally Professor Membrane made something like that and confides in Mike and The Troll Hunters about what if Membrane thinks she's too dangerous due to her own powers. They point out if he did, he would have been more upfront of it.
The Group makes their arrangements when it comes to what they need to do for the Tek Knight situation and the whole thing with Angor Rot comes out as well with some of the heroes due to their encounter with him and Zib as what Rot did in his encounters with Mulder, Scully and Enid was use their greatest fears against them through pixies/fairies.
Eleven, Mike, Lucas go looking for Max and find out she has became older due to a combination of cocktail vitals and potions, Max wanted to use to make herself stronger and to be a more useful addition to the team. Though Lucas and Eleven both think she already had uses and that she had no need to do this. Max says she has a war hammer like Jim and Claire's friend and wants to keep being helpful to the Streaming Resistance. Eleven, Mike and Lucas decide to tell Membrane about this, to their surprise Membrane decides to accept this and ask her join him and the others on their Manor plan.
As Peacemaker, Professor Membrane and Wednesday all take their own initiatives, Eleven is placed in charge of the heroes.
Part 9[]
She keeps the walkie talkies with the group, so they can keep tabs with Peacemaker, as he and his group help Lydia, Lincoln, Will and Amy with their own situation in Camp Masatdon. When Wednesday tells her about the sitaution they have been doing in Arcadia. Eleven and Blinky take matters in their own hands and head to Trolberg to look into how Frida was affected by The Gumms Gumms. She also discovered Van Gale's burst head horrifying Eleven and the kids. Being someone who gets nose bleeds from using her powers, she can tell this was Neuman's handy work this being agreed on by Mike and Blinky who noted this too.
She tells Wednesday this when they meet to compare notes. Eleven is then informed of the grave danger they are all in and that the end of the world might occur and it will be at the hands of some ancient being that Neuman's boss will be trying to bring about for his own plans. Eleven and Wednesday both tell Lincoln, Lydia, Will and Peacemaker that this is likely to stop the gang from getting any closer to figuring out who butchered the team back what they were fighting the Spot. The Girls also hear from Amy and Jake about the history of Neuman's boss that she told them and Wednesday is able to confirm that this is indeed the case and that who is after The Team Free Will Group is likely after The Streaming Resistance as well for getting their noses in on this.
Chapter 4[]
Eleven helps Wednesday in deciding to track Neuman thinking she has ties and answers when it comes to who they are all looking into. This ends up with noticeable encounters with the Villains and an eventual abduction at the hands of the Dufuses which has her decide to go join the main members to get down to Mexico to help their team as Mike and Max join up with the rest of the team to save their other colleagues
Chapter 5[]
With Peacemaker, Emilia, John Economos, Viglante, Nate, Dee Dee Jake, Wednesday, Enid and Penny they join Mulder, Scully and Anders as well the rest of the team to go down to Mexico and find themselves going on a clear way which has Peacemaker and Jake suspect something is at play here. This is proven when the rest of their team report what they found and that they found a reality warping machine and that it has been fired already. Eleven has a sixth sense that suspects that the end of the world is going to happen and that it will be necessary to find the team. Eleven and the other succeed in this and find Victoria Neuman who was found by Team Free Will and learns she has an idea of what is going on which Eleven hears out on.
Chapter 6[]
With Ucrumuu rising, Eleven uses her telekinetic powers to help fight back against the demon. She also tries to use her powers to their best, considering that she was up against the Upside Down beforehand. She also helps Team Free Will put them away and nearly over extorts herself. Eleven and the rest of the resistance join with the 4 main members of Team Free WIll as well as Bender and Anti Cosmo to learn what Neuman knows about N.Tropy who they are yet to learn about. She herself was also checked at the hospital as well.
She and the rest of the Party recieve an invite to be knighted and Eleven joins the Streaming Resistance as a result being one of the major honorees alongside Peacemaker, Wednesday, Will, Toby, Jake, Amy, Lincoln and Lydia.