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Doug Stamper is the main tritagonist of the Netflix series House of Cards. He is Frank Underwood's Chief of Staff and right-hand man, and is instrumental in his ruthless rise to power.


Quiet, cold, and calculating, Stamper is a vital cog in Underwood's political machine, serving as his chief of staff. His talents for discretion and subterfuge allow him to be ruthlessly efficient.

Stamper has demonstrated a willingness to control his targets mainly through coercion. Due to his proven skills and decades-long loyalty, Underwood fully trusts Stamper, giving him a high degree of autonomy in his work.

Double Life Emergance[]

Doug Stamper is one of the major villains of the story alongside Frank Underwood as they work against the other Cartel leaders partially Milton Midas as Frank Underwood needs the eagle gone.

Act 1[]

Episode 1[]

Stampler and Frank are both present for Eladio's meeting to introduce Professor Chang as the newest leader to the Cartel as they had lost Becker's replacement, which Doug is very well aware of because he and Underwood have been fighting with with The Cartel's main opposition and he is among the most eager to go after the team after Eladio puts a hit on the heroes.

Episode 2[]


He is quick to catch that Dee Dee Holloaway is accidentaly snooping around to their territory and warns the others about this as Jack Horner and the others are a bit loud. He and Frank decide they need to do something with Jack Horner, Underwood decides to try and kill Jack Horner and use the play Holloaway is to do it, Doug offers to set it up. Frank turns it down and informs he will need him for a later part of dealing with Holloaway

This was the hotel ambush, where he and other Cartel allies get into a shoot out with The heroes and alongside Jack Horner goes up against Bender who Frank wanted him to deal with in particular. He doesn't succeed in killing Bender, but he does manage to hinder Jack Horner's attempts to do so. Underwood and Stamper question why Horner is part of the cartel apart from his weaponry if he couldn't deal with the robot twice. Though Underwood does figure out he is the businessman of a front operation and Stamper decides to look into something that Chang and Midas are up to.

Episode 3[]

After the meeting with Bolsa, he and Frank managed to discover that Professor Chang was experimenting on superhuman work just like Becker was using a Superhuman. The two used The Salamancas and their lack of filter to find out about this as they want Midas dealt with so Underwood can take control of the criminal world as well as the political world.

Episode 4[]

Doug Stampler managed to discover the dents on Midas's plan and reports them to Frank who then join the Salamancas and Big Jack Horner as the two discover his super hero cloning project with Professor Chang and John Orm. As well as what Milton was doing with their own actions. Doug Stampler, Frank Underwood and The Salamancas all a meeting to Don Eladio to try and convince him to cut the eagle loose as he isn't co-operating with them and hid a project from him. Eladio dismisses this as Midas is in his top earner and efficent in dealing with foes and that he is concerned with dealing with Captain Hero and Nacho Varga for allying with Bender and Slade. Doug Stamper is not pleased with this, though Underwood says that Midas will face consequences, they just need to put some more actions involved here.

Underwood and Stampler both look into what Anton did to the supplier, Frank Underwood figured out, he took out. The two also discover Midas has to pay a fine of what occured in the law suit he put on the president. Frank Underwood decides to send Stampler to go after Jack Horner to figure what the clone is capable of doing and to see what Midas has in mind with the reservoir that Titan, Hector and El Mar Verde has looked into.

Episode 5[]

Having used Jack Horner to undercover the reservoir project that Milton is working on, he and Frank feel like Midas might have other designs that they and the others don't know about. Stamper offers to whack Midas for Frank before it goes underway. Frank though turns it down on account that if the duo did it, then they would be the first suspects as Doug and Frank show more disdain towards the typcoon con artist than the other members of the group. They will bring this to Don Eladio at their next busy meeting it is agreed on.

Stampler manages to record a conversation of the Salamancas as Hector goes on about the water park project Midas is working with his emissary at Lake Chaepla. Giving the tape to Frank, they decide to take Midas now a peg, though Hector beats them to it and it gets turned down by Bolsa.

Episode 6[]

Doug and Frank have become aware of Bunny and Claude's rebellion and decide to keep them alive as Frank has his own intents to expose Midas slowly but surely even though Doug points to Frank that if they do they can eliminate a possible link later. He also manages to discover that people are spying on Pi-Pi and reports that it's the authorites, this is when Frank tells him to tail whoever they sent into the park.

Doug goes after Lydia and Lincoln and is hard to lose due to his ability to track them and he's not easy for them to see. Stamper doesn't engage them directly, his presence does alert them and they eventually lose him in the water park of Pi-Pi by going through the lazy river.

Midas drags him away from Underwood aware of Frank's contempt for Midas and has Doug go investigate and bring a 55 page warrant on Bender as Midas ignores his allies's warning to go after Bender which he goes to do. Doug Judy arrives to drive Stamper on orders to Frank. The Two add what Doug found on his investigations on Pi-Pi's park and that the two can tell Midas and Pi-Pi have something corrupt going on here and that Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud suspect something as well. Stamper also informs Frank of Midas wanting a 55 page warrant on Bender.

He does deliver what Midas expects to him, but as Frank informed him they have to trick the eagle when it comes to the game of poltics as they sit down and play with a chess board together.

Act 2[]

Episode 7[]

Doug arrives on the lake base to investigate and oversee what is going on with Midas's project . He and Frank do manage to stop G-LO from getting info with Biceps though they don't inform Midas intent to make sure Milton doesn't know of their double dealing.

When Doug Judy, Bunny and Claude are captured, Stamper considers their options with them and watches as Frank and the cops discuss how they will do things in regards to them.

Episode 8[]

He spies on the operations of the Bliss for Frank to discover what their allies are going to do with their bliss, explaining that Frank's orders to keep the traitors alive might have be violated with the Bliss work. With Doug's help, Frank and him manage to get the traitors to the hospital and Doug decides to keep track of the medical records for Frank.

Episode 9[]

Doug Stamper takes actions under Frank Underwood to deal with the Blissed out people that Midas drugged and got hooked. Doug recovers what Bliss is able to do and gives to Frank noting how Midas is taking actions to control anyone with addictive tendencies and Frank believes this may include Eladio eventually. Not that Frank or Doug care, but Midas is more dangerous than the Don himself.

Stamper also managed to get some info on Bender that he needed to undercover and has to give to Midas to play the eagle further into Frank's hands.

Underwood is called into a meeting about his lack of action by Eladio and Bolsa and how he is not working with his partners while Frank has Doug Stamper clean up the Bliss situation at the school and uses what he found on some of Midas's actions like Bender and pretends to be on Midas's side in all this.

Later similar to Dee Dee, Doug and Frank Underwood arrives to inspect the destroyed lab and is noted that Midas is trying to keep any of his tracks blocked. Doug Stamper is able to extract something Midas was trying to hide from them and learns of one of the things Milton did before Slade and Bender arrived down here and infroms Frank. He has been keeping his eye on Dee Dee as well as he wants her to learn what happened here.

Episode 10[]

Frank Underwood returns to Doug and tells them that now the kid knows about how the real world works it's time to set the next part down for Midas. Doug has some glossy files about Midas sanctioning the transfer of a mutant monster that he is using for his farm plan. Frank does think and asks if it's about peaches, Stamper understands the context though tells him it's Mushrooms.

Frank and Doug have hid themselves from the acid rain as well over hear and while Frank does have to give credit for Midas's plans being all about power like him. He is still agahast at the fact Midas is acting insane like this for profit and that he has Doug destroy the recycling factory to hurt Midas. As Frank and Doug arrive in the limousine. Frank has Stamper bring Dee Dee back to her friends

Episode 11[]

Frank gives Doug a order to keep tailing Milton to see if he can errode Bolsa and Eladio's trust of Midas.Frank Underwood and Doug Stamper decides to keep their eyes on the heroes at the auction.

Doug becomes aware of Milton's pollution plan and he had stole more of Midas's fresh water and presents it to Frank Underwood, to insure they are safe from his plot against everyone he is up to on them. As the two are aware Milton is planning against everyone

Frank and Doug are both able to discover Milton Midas's plans that he is using contaminated water with rat Rot to control the public, and that he is extorting money out of people for protection from his secret to them gang associations and his plan to use shadow Pokemon as one of many ways to do so and to cure them from what his Rat Rot.

Episode 12[]

Frank and Doug discover Midas pulled one over them and has left Eladio and Bolsa incapacitated and that Frank failed to get one over him and now he's in charge. Frank stares down Midas as he taunts him and Midas has Underwood watch to see what he can do and what he will for those who work against him like Frank and Doug Stamper. Frank Underwood and Doug Stamper escape immediately to see who will follow Midas and who won't.

Milton releases the rat rot into the river and pollutes the  rivers with his poison and decides that he will spreading the rumors of what has happened here with the river and then he places the rats in a contraption to make rat's milk. He is also given 4 pigs, which are  Lincoln's parents and Lydia's parents that were the first test subjects of his rot before he when for Rat Rot/Frank Underwood and Doug Stamper observe this and Frank has it caught on video and keeps it to himself and manages to avoid Nasty Canasta, Rocky and Mugsy who try to capture Frank Underwood and Doug Stamper. He also discovers Midas has turned Doug Judy and Bunny and Claude into rats. He and Frank need to find deny Midas a victory for this so Frank has Doug Stamper go to pretend to be on Midas's side for this.

He joins the cops as they decide to arrest Bender for withholding evidence and is the one who kills Morgana by shooting her in the eye, though he does this to keep Milton Midas from getting his hands on her any further. Frank and Doug both talk about the death of Morgana as Frank and Doug need to start a rebellion against Midas as Frank rationalizes and he finds he can't even go back and decides he may need to follow this imposement by the president.  Something with have to go with them as he needs all the help he can to drive Midas down now that he's the last one standing against Midas.

Act 3[]

Episode 13[]

Frank Underwood, Doug Stamper, Captain Putty and Pablo Esacabar all end up a in a meeting with Midas afterwards as he allowed Underwood to operate still due to needing his cunning. Doug and Frank Underwood decide to take intiative in their hands now.

He later provides Frank with info to hand to Machine Head and Jack Horner, as what Milton is planning to do with new rule and what he intends to do with new plots. He also provides proof that Chang sanctioned off Leon's death to give to Deathstroke and the other heroes for Frank to use against Milton.

Episode 14[]

With Frank Underwood, Doug goes on board with him and they work to deal with Midas and his operations, and allows Frank to set the meeting with Toby and the others. While also informing him of what Colonel Kurbitz is intending to do to the kids who are in Russia as well.

Episode 15[]

The heroes regroup and discuss what happened at Herogasm with Mysterion enjoying it to Bender, Wile E and Mop Girl's disgust. Frank, Doug and Claire arrive as well to see the group and inform the group of what Midas has been up to and his plots. Frank also stops Bender from trying to kill Doug which Harry, Wile E, Dee Dee Mop Girl understand which Doug doesn't even respond to as he was just acting on Frank's orders to stop Midas from getting one on them.

Doug is also looking into what Midas is doing and informs Frank and Claire of it as the trio visit Deathstroke and his team who have gone their hands on food from Midas's concession stand. Later he and Frank turn the tables on Midas and Chang by bugging them and the two cartel leaders and their right hand man get into a major struggle as Midas tries to kill Doug and Frank for betraying him with Chang's weapons.

He also learns that the heroes have returned with success, just as Frank wanted.

Episode 16[]

Doug Stamper somehow makes way over to Lincoln, Lydia and their friends and informs of the Payback Causualities as he has to keep his cover in the Cartel to get one over MIdas and Professor Chang

Later on, he is informed of what Vostok is up to when it comes to a project which he did on his own term while Deathstroke has Rose and Alice do likewise. Later he assists the kids in finding out about Midas's Chickadatyls operation by kidnapping a few of them and deciding to bring them to Frank.

Episode 17[]

He is able to learn that the project Vostok is working on is the Fire Storm Project which she has the help of others to do. He also is instructed to get a hold of The Smoak Woman as Deathstroke had to get her back to his group after she put herself at risk to save her friends from Solider Boy before telling The Cartel how to get their hands on Affable.

Episode 18[]

With Midas going critical on them, is it time that the Underwoods need to take action against this and to insure the Cabinet rise to power, he is instructed to deal with Midas while Frank and Claire decide to insure their publicity becomes good.

Act 4[]

Episode 19[]

Using Subetferuge, He helps the team get into the base and hands a map showing where they need to go. Doug manages to kill some of the corrupt cops to get Tenpenny, Flass and Putty's actions off the heroes

Episode 20[]

He then locks Tenpenny and Flass with the heroes to insure they are killed and gets the cops to arrest Captain Putty on Frank's orders. Doug Stamper then decides to sabotage Midas's escape before taking a good amount of harm from Midas's new mech he had build to kill Bender, Luan and Wile E

Episode 23[]

As he heals, Frank visits him and thanks him for his service as they have closed in on the Cartel through Midas's exposure. Doug asks to keep serving Frank, though Frank tells him he has done enough for now and to relax for now as they play better in the shadows as Frank stays him by the hospital.

War of The Streams/House of Disenchanted Cards[]

Doug joins Frank in taking control of the Cabinet and leads his attempts in taking out potential threats to Underwood for the Cartel and themselves to take out. He is essential to sealing Slade and Anti Cosmo in Slade's Empire so Underwood can get rid of them having exposed them. He also brings in Bad Bean to keep Bender stalled from the others as he puts the dots together that the robot has connections to Slade and Anti Cosmo as well as the President.

He also is crucial in his and Underwood's attack on Anti Cosmo, Slade and their empire and manages to get the info needed for Frank to blackmail them and also plots the casualties of those he and Underwood consider threats as well as picking up who is working under Slade and their history as criminals.


Stamper arranges most of the heroes's causalities and is instrumental to getting rid of Prankster's allies so she can't rise against Underwood and the Cartel for disloyalty. Though a real tough thorn to take down out he is eventually brought in and with the Underwoods, Stamper is brought to Slade's empire and ends up getting taken down by Bender and killed by him, WIle E and Hero while Slade and Anti Cosmo take down Frank.
