"Which Life is the normal life, and which one is the secret life?:
Double Life Emerged is a prequel to the events of Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult and takes place after the events of Anglesmith Origins
Intro Theme: We Gotta Get Out of This Place
Credits Theme: His World
As of January 21st 2025, the story is complete
Taking place after Angelsmith Origins, everything had managed to return to some sense of normal afterwards. Apart from a few battle and tussels with the multiverse Cartel and it's enforcers as The P.I Business of Bender's and the Empire of Slade's begin to establish themselves
Though things decide to take yet another turn when a new job reaches Bender and his eyes that takes place in the Mexican China Town as well when Slade and his Empire end up getting constant sabotaged and attacked by Cartel Goons.
With Both situations going on Bender, Luan, Wile E Coyote, Bean, Captain Hero, Stan, Wendy, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells and Nacho Varga all proceed to head out to do what they can on their ends. Little do they know, Neither The B Team or Slade's Empire really know what they're getting into as they work alongside Bender and Wile E's employer President Deathstroke, Darkwing Duck's girlfriend Morgana, and the drama queen theatrical president of the drama club Dee Dee Holloaway who is a witness to some of the Cartel's plans. Serving front and center of the of the Multiverse Cartel is the business typhoon, anti environmentalist con artist Milton Midas.
Meanwhile Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud overhear said ideas that Bender is taking and decide to go down to Mexico together for something new and to help Lincoln with his creativty after he finds a purple crayon that allows to draw things to life. Similar to Bender and Slade, the duo find themselves in a situation where they get recruited into an investigation among themselves that brings them to the borders of Mexico to deal with a terrifying supernatural presence with a extreme love of murder and hatred.
Main Characters[]
Bender Rodriguez (Main Protagonist)
Slade Wilson (Main Protagonist)
Luan Loud (Main Protagonist)
Anti Cosmo (Main Protagonist)
Harry Wells (Tritagonist)
Wile E Coyote (Tritagonist)
Stan Marsh (Tritagonist)
Deathstroke Wilson (Tritagonist)
Professor Chang (Secondary Villain)
Dee Dee Holloway (Deuteragonist)
Milton Midas (Main Villain)
Solider Boy (Secondary Main Villain/Situational Ally)
Major Characters[]
Major Heroes[]
Morgana McCawber (For Act 1 and Act 2)
Leon Kennedy (For Act 1 and Act 2)
Lydia Lopez (Tetartagonist)
Lincoln Loud (Tetartagonist)
Major Villains[]
Don Eladio Veurte (For Act 1 and Act 2)
Anton Chrieguth (For Act 1 and Act 2)
Other Characters[]
- There are to be 24 episodes to this storyline released in 6 episodes at a time as En.Tropized is released in regards to The B Team and Slade's Ensemble storyline. With Episodes 1 to 6 being the first quarter of the story. There will be classified as Act 1 to Act 4 and the releases will be different in every act.
- This is the only time Lydia and Lincoln have had lesser roles in a storyline than Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade, they are also the only Team Free Will Members to appear in the storyline. This is in part to it being a prequel to the first Phase 4 Story Return of the Weirdmagedon Cult where Team Free Will hasn't begun their quest
- Double Life Emerged is to be one of the darkest and most brutal storylines in The4everrevival's storyline and arguably of the LOTM website as a whole.
- A Major inspiration of this storyline was Chinatown which was a dark film even for the time period it was released. Other ideas were from Blood Meridian,
- On top of Anglesmith Origins, it also serves as a prequel to War of The Streams and House of Disenchanted Cards and a sequel to LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour.
- It's an inverse of En.Tropized to an extent
- The Storytitle comes from the double life concept of living two differing lives which is prevalent in the main characters particularly Bender, Slade, Dee Dee, Deathstroke, Milton Midas and to some extent Lydia and Lincoln.