A very smug pirate
Donquixote Domflamingo is a very influential information broker who has contact with a lot of criminal organizations and it gets worse when his power even reaches within the marine military and the world government.
The S Faction[]
He joined Sylar's group as to achieve a greater control over Earth with hell's forces cleaning up messy mistakes he would make that would have the evidence leaded to him. With his asset of being a great information broker, Donquixote Domflamingo can gather much intel on the enemies for The S Faction.
Powers and Abilities[]
Donquixote Doflamingo uses cutting strings like Walter of Hellsing except his is more versatile and powerful able to slice through a meteor into pieces. His strings can reach very far up into the clouds to ride on for air travel. When it comes to mind controlling his victims Donquixote Doflamingo can control groups of people to do his bidding while it takes Walter to do one.
Donquxote Doflamingo can use his energy strings to trap his enemies. The scary part is that his binding is so strong he can control a man made out of diamonds.
Donquxote Doflamingo possesses a great degree of durability coming out unscathed from getting shot by an armor piercing round bullet, attacked by a missile, and getting frozen able to break out of it without any negative effects.
He's also very fast in speed and body being agile to dodge. He possesses enough superhuman strength to block Sir Crocodile's giant golden hook and break right through a tower larger than his size.
With Busoshoku Haki, Donquixote Doflamingo can coat his strings with this type of energy to wound even intangible enemies.