Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
DinoSquad Logo

Team's Logo

The DinoSquad is a small team composed of eight characters who (excluding two) can turn into dinosaurs at will, they mainly battle and stop the evil Victor Velocсi and his company Raptor Dyne. The DinoSquad is a small team of only eight heroes, but their morphing abilities and skill allows them to make up for it. The group was created in order to stop Victor Veloci, mainly his plans to mutate all life back into dinosaurs while causing ecological damage. The DinoSquad is also pretty good, not losing a single battle with the Raptor Dyne company.

Team Members[]

Rolf Maxwell - The Leader of the group

Joanne Moynihan - Mentor and Teacher of the group

Roger Blair - The inventor of the group

Liam - Bee and Insect expert and strategist of the team

Fiona Flagstaff - A car and speed expert

Irwin Caruso - A star filled eyed member of the group

Neil Buzzmati - The chill punk kid of the group

Rump - the pet or animal buddy of the group


None (as of current)


Raptor Dyne
