Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Dib 72

Dib is a android-created human who is the leader and one of the main heroes in the side stories of LOTM. Dib is the son of Bruce Wayne (Batman) and is a devoted leader to his friends. He is the one of the two Tritagonists of the The4everrevival Storylines alongside Boomer Jojo.

He is one of the 2 main male protagonists alongside Bender and the First hero of the group.

Greatest Strength: His knowledge of conspiracy theories and science have came in handy in frequency

Greatest Weakness: His tendency to cry wolf (At least according to others in his universe)

Love Interest: Bubbles Utonium

Best Friends: Bubbles, Bender, Captain Flamingo, Lizbeth, Boomer and Edd

Worst Enemies: Slade, the Joker, Sigma, Lord Commander

Voiced by: Andy Berman

Alignment: Good

Stories where he had the most importance: The Beginning, Slade Strikes Back and The Multi-Universal War of Destiny

Story where he had the least importance: LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour

Moral Ranking: Heroic Benchmark

His theme


He's a boy of 10 or 11 with anime like black hair and pale skin who wears a coat and smiley shirt

Baby dib 1

Dib as a baby


Dib is a good guy, Like most of his pals he's a outcast among his friends. At first he doesn't seem like a leader type, But as the series he becomes a better leader but loses focus as this happens. He does have a sense of responsibility but has a hard time trusting redeemed villains and also Eddy when he decides to help them. He has strong moral understanding which gets him in fights especially Bender who is also his best friend and often does morally questionable things like stealing. He also is a strong lover towards his girl Bubbles Utonium and they have inspired others to go together. Dib is one of sanest heroes in the series rivaled only by Lizbeth who is even more sane than he is, because she reins him in when he goes overboard. While a conspiracy theorist he doesn't believe in the Disney Angels at least initially since he and Bubbles have plans to help them like Bender, Starfire, Skipper and Axel did for Season 1. He also like being open with everything and knowing things since he likes to know what he can do to help. He hates people who state his head is big because it isn't that big.


The Beginning[]

He was the first character to appear and the main hero as he led against Slade with Bubbles, Bender, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer and Edd's help while falling for Bubbles and eventually confesses his love for her. The two have been a couple ever since.

Slade Strikes Back[]

Dib returns again as the leader, as he returns with pals against Slade, Anti Cosmo, and the villains. He meets many new pals in his journey such as reformed villains Emperor X and Luciaus' gang. and heroes like Darkwing Duck, The Penguins of Madagascar and Daxter. When Joker makes his return Dib puts his trust in Bender to help out and he goes to rescue his distressed friends. Then he goes to X's wedding with his friends.

The Great Time Travel Adventure[]

While he didn't appear in Bender's adventure, he returned but not the main hero this time. He was distrusting towards Slade, Eddy and the others wanting to help due to his personality. He lead the gang until his knock out where Bender took lead after wards and then he became leader again, he realized that Marceline's dad took over behind their backs and when they try to stop him Marceline's dad used a backup plan to have put in their place

Legends of the Multi-Universe (Menslady's Story)[]

He and Bubbles after the adventure leave to find the Disney Angels and they join up with them against Profion and then Albert Wesker afterwards. They are successful but they are now confronted by the soul-sucking Galvatron and false Disney characters when the duo meet up with Axel again who went to help them. Unfortunately, Galvatron, stooping to a new low and crossing the line got everyone in a bad situation and took the Disney Angels. Dib, Bubbles and Axel all begin entering a depressive mood after this. Dib, however, gets back on his feet with Lizbeth's help and is ready to stop Galvatron. They leave after season 2

Dib is revealed to be a descendant that of leadership and team spirit alongside his friends Bender, Lizbeth, Skipper, Boomer and Scorpion

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

Dib is set to return as one of the main characters and heroes where Dib and his friends face Discord and Sigma to stop their plans for the Multi-Universe. He will have a side of the story focusing on him and the people who went with him

It is unknown what happened with him, Bubbles and Axel between Season 2 but he clearly is not taking this chaos well since to him it makes no sense. He decides to go on a double date with Bubbles, Boomer and Nina but this is a trap by Gideon and Whooping Crane. He is saved by Nina's seviling snarking off on Crane. Dib decides to sue Crane and he hires Edd as his lawyer the trial goes well when Crane admits he tried to kill but Dib was getting mad that he was shifting the blame to Lizbeth who had nothing to do with it. Afterwards he and Jorgen begin suspecting someone is acting against them.

After Gosalyn's death he cut ties with Bender blaming him for her death

He travels with his friends and teams up with The Scorpion Squad and then he fights Sigma and Discord's forces. After the fight he arrives in Ponyville and meets Celestia he also learns about Discord. He informs his team about this. Next up he alongside Boomer and X lead an attack on Loboto's robot armies before Noob get killed by Havik.

He gets back to Ponyville and allies himself with Hiscord and then alongside Hiscord foils Noir's plan against them and meets the Warner Brothers. He is brought in by Carmelita and learns from Discord about Bender's involvement against him

Surprisingly, he isn't annoying or mad since this is what the robot does and this hasn't been the first time. He goes with John Price to find the final two. He encounters everyone and after deciding to take the fight to the villains, he goes with Boomer and X to defeat Sigma and they succeed

Dib, with his friends, tries to stop the abnormality, but they only succeed when he sacrifices his life to save the others and Bubbles comes with him. Through his death the Multi-Universe is permanently without a time abnormality. Dib was willing to do this to make sure his friends were alive, and able to follow his traditions etc.

As of this story he is killed off for real and won't be coming back at that time.

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Edd, Darkwing are all brought back temporarily from the dead by Lizbeth, Boomer, Hunson Abadeer, Maka, Soul and the V Crusaders though they're all don't know who they are haven lost their memories so Nina, Marceline, Starfire, Jorgen, Finn, Julian and Django who Lizbeth called help do it while Boomer has a picnic date with Lizbeth where the two talk about what went on when Garak informs of an attack on the Paradise Kingdom where they all go to. They Investigate the Paradise Lost Kingdom with help from Ryan Hardy a friend of Lizbeth and the V Crusaders. He learns of Pan before they all go driving. Homer reveals that Springfield is under attack which gets him up in arms until the whole group meets Jack Bauer who phones to assure Homer's family is fine and that they should find him. Dib and his friends arrive and they meet Jack Bauer at Homer's house and they follow him where they join Castiel and then follow Lizbeth to the docks where he sees Bender  is there and late for the party and gets unnerved when Discord shows up.

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Edd, Darkwing, Casper, Wendy, Starfire, Julian, Jorgen, Nina, Finn, Marceline and Django with Hunson wander into cavern 1 where time in Casper and Wendy's universe froze and they did everything possible in the world. They end up stumbling upon a loyalty which Lizbeth and Boomer pass and go looking for a piece of the final puzzle piece. He and the M.O.D.A.B team work against the Neo Umbrella Crops and take on the Smoking Man with Isabella's help  who has controlled half of the souls. He gets the heroes with Lizbeth and Knuckles and like ahem he is eaten by the Niburu. Dib does get brought by Castiel and informs the robot is alive and Dib is glad before he parts ways.

The Alternate Ending to LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

In the alternate ending planned, Dib would have survived the events of the stories until The Multi-Universal War of Destiny happened and be still living with his friends, though he is confused when Bender states that he and the others are supposed to be dead, Dib tells him that never happened and that they're all alive and that he may get ready for the evening as quiet a lot of things are happening that night.


His Past Self will appear here alongside his friends, and get drafted into the adventure by Past Bender at times. It also was revealed, that he wasn't supposed to die in Multiversal War of Destiny but that Eobard Thawne messed with time and his actions led to his and Bubbles's death.

When Thawne and the legion are defeated as well as Bill and Toffee. He is brought back from the dead and is brought back into the circle of friends he formed over time which is confirmed by Bender and Skipper when they go on vacation to Aruba

Anglesmith Origins[]

Dib appears at the start with the others as they are just recently settling it from Brick and Butch's Death. It proves difficult, though he and Darkwing are able to tell that Bender is acting erratic and irrational and has been since the event being against him going to Mexico for adventures. He, however does ask Bender to pick some things for him and the others if he is down there.

Luan finds them and asks them for helping in getting Bender. They turn her down as they know he can take care of himself, they're busy and feel Bender should just take his own time with things.

The Team all welcome Bender back to their place and ask him certain questions, but don't ask him about his quest as they didn't know he did so. Lizbeth asks Bender what was he really doing in Mexico, and says that when he's ready he can talk to her or Dib they won't rush him and if he doesn't want to talk. That's fine too, all that matters to her and Dib as well as the others is that he is fine.

Multiversal Noir[]

Dib returns in Multiversal Noir where he joins with Boomer and his friends to find Lizbeth who has gone missing after some trip she was on. He and the rest are going through some hibernation sickness as a result of being turned into petrification statues from Weirdmagedon.


Dib, Bubbles,Blossom, Bender, Dexter ,Buttecup, Milo, Dexter, Nina Edd and Darkwing are all having their breakfast getting ready for the day. With the exception of Bender, all of them are feeling the same hibernation sickness Boomer has. Boomer shows up and asks if they heard from Lizbeth.

Boomer shows up and asks if they heard from Lizbeth.The group feels a little uncomfortable  and Boomer asks what's up. Blossom and Dexter both look a bit nervous and Boomer asks them what's going on. Blossom states that Lizbeth went missing and Dexter states they just found out even though it happened a bit ago. Boomer and Milo feels distressed and Dib tries to comfort both of them about it.

Dib decides to place some calls  to figure out what really happened and Bubbles goes with him. Boomer and Bender meanwhile believe they must investigate this case and put their heads to work.

Skipper, Starfire and Heloise were brought in with the rest of the group and they are told of the disappearing Lizbeth situation. Skipper wonders how this could have happened as that trip was supposed to be safe for everyone involved. Starfire stills feel some hiberation sickness and she asks her friends if they do. Heloise states she still does and the others do too, Bender states he's fine. Darkwing and Dib snark that of course he doesn't have it as he's a robot, Bender points that he wasn't suspended by a evil doritios chip which Dib states that he is willing to believe a lot of things, but that's crossing the line even for him

Dib, Boomer and Bender all hand their walkie talkie radios to keep in contact. Darkwing and Dexter get their vehciles ready for the rest of the team to board.  

Dib, Boomer and Bubbles find out Bender set out with his own mission to figure this out. The team questions this decision. Boomer has Edd put in the  co-ordinates to where Lizbeth was and explains she was in London.

Darkwing, Starfire, Heloise and Skipper wonder why Lizbeth went there and Dib states that she went with the V Crusaders to explore London. Buttercup feels that was a odd place for Liz to go towards. Milo and Bubbles start to think that The V Crusaders may have caused or know something about her disappearance. Dib and Boomer scold them for thinking V and co actively put her in danger as She is like family to V and The V Crusaders as well.

Dib and Bubbles put in the suspects of Hunson and The V Team and decide to question the V Crusaders first due to their friendship and they  will do Hunson afterwards.  Darkwing, Nina and Edd think who else to question as two suspects aren't enough.

Chapter 1[]

Upon arriving in London, Dib takes the  scenery before he agrees with Blossom, Darkwing and Nina to split up the work to get info the from The V Crusaders. He goes with Bubbles and Boomer to find V.

Dib finds V and learns of the vacation they took in England which Hunson and Maka were part of as well as foiling a supervillain plan that Xerek another advesary of Lizbeth was commiting nito London.

Dib asks about the Armagedon event and finds out about Ciel was also affected. Dib asks about Maka and Hunson's involvement and V states that they may know something and that Maka should be visited 1st as she saw Lizbeth one of her best friends. Dib talks to Bubbles about this and that another one of Lizbeth's enemies may have had something going on to make sure she was gone.

Bubbles asks who else would go after Lizbeth to Dib, if not Xerek. Bubbles suspects Hunson could have done something behind the scenes which Dib denies because it wouldn't be in him to do so but it's worth a talk. Dib does ponder who are Lizbeth's other archenemies other than Hunson Abadder and Bubbles mentions Dr.Weil and Ares who Dib writes off.

Dib, Bubbles and Boomer get back to the others and tell Bender about what they unearthed. Dib learns that Bender is trying something in Halveston and Area where Lizbeth lives thinking he can find something out. Dib and Bubbles both also get info from Bender regarding that what they have him and tells them that the situation was ambigous and an opporunitst took advantage of the situation maybe to get rid of Liz. He also mentions to Dib that what his P.I told him is that the effects were random for everyone although petfication was the main thing and that what happened to Lizbeth and Ciel was something set up by someone who just wanted to hurt The V Crusaders and them by default. Dib asks him who should they talk to next and Bender suggests Maka since she is one of Lizbeth's best friends.

Chapter 2[]

Dib makes a choice to see Maka Albarn as she was Lizbeth's best friend outside of The V Crusaders and M.O.D.A.B and maybe she has different peprspective than the Crusaders. Boomer, Bubbles and Nina are all agree with this and they set their destination to Maka's Universe.

As they land, the 4 go to see Maka who lets them in as it's good to see them again as it's been too long. Dib wants to dispense with pleasantries and ask Maka about Lizbeth but even as serious as he is, he agrees to hang with her and ask how things have went. Maka does figure out Lizbeth is why Dib and co are here and does explain the story to him.

The V Crusaders were telling everything from Xerek to them which Dib confirms they knew to Maka. Maka explains that she and Lizbeth were finding out about other events after that time and that they wanted to stop those too, but Ciel encouraged them not to as they're on vacation and that she already had to do that for Zero. Dib does admit Lizbeth does work too hard like Maka

Maka is able though to describe the event in her eyes of seeing bubbles of pure madness and some demon with a top hat being the active instigator of this as Maka was told to swear to him for all enterity like many other people. Dib seems unsurpised considering that he has dealt with Discord though Maka tells him that he was somehow cruler than Discord and that before her own petification the top hat demon mangled Black Star and Kid's faces and show a photo which horrifies Dib and Bubbles and mortifies Boomer

He asks what Hunson's knowledge on this and Maka explains Hunson may know than any of them do and that Maka came closer than anyone to saving Lizbeth from being sucked into the dimension but she was petified before she could. Maka exchanges numbers with Boomer to give her a call with anything Hunson knows on Lizbeth.

Dib decides to see Hunson but is ultimately convinced by The Powerpuff Girls to see their sister Bliss who does have some idea herself. Curious about this, Dib does agree and Bender seconds that motion when they tell him. Dib also brings up to Bender about his P.I Friend and his investagtion in what Edd and DW found out about The Whistler and Blight situations, Bender points out not to doubt him about his Multiverse detective friend and Dib states not to doubt them in turn in that they can find things on their own term and don't need to rely on Bender's hypercomptetncy.

Chapter 3[]

Upon arriving in Townsville with the team, Dib goes to the Utonium Household to see Bliss with Bubbles, Blossom, Boomer, Nina and Milo about What they found about the event. Bliss is all too aware and tells Dib and the others about the Weird Armagedon Event. Dib questions how Bliss knows and if was Blossom that told her everything or did Bliss know something

To his surpise, Bliss actually knows and tells them that A Group of Villains led by Toffee were the instigators to it and that She was part of a team called Team Free Will that worked to stop Toffee and his cult. Dib unaware of Team Free Will asks about it and Bliss confirms that it was a team devoted to free will under an angel known as Castiel who gave his life to save them. Dib wonders about Bliss's petrifacationn and She tells him she was turned but was saved by Marcy Wu with the help of Mojo she was brought back to state. Dib wonders why Mojo would fight Toffee as it seems unlike him but learns that Mojo was working with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Anglesmith to stop Toffee and they saved her from being part of a throne with them.

Dib and Boomer both realize that Marcy was the one who put the vaccines at their doorstop to try and save them from it and checks his phone and sees a lot of texts about it. Dib states that they were trying to be warned about this and it was too late by that point.

Dib exchanges this info to Bender with Bubbles and Boomer about Marcy Wu, vaccines and Bliss's knowledge on Tofee. Bender being aware of everything but the latter part tells Dib that Bliss is telling the truth and Anglesmith told him about that. Dib states that his guy really gets around and it's remarkable or suspcious. Bender states it's Remarkcious and that he should look into who Toffee may have been working with, Dib agrees but tells him that Hunson is their last hope and that only he may have some answers left.

Chapter 4[]

Dib arrives at the Nightosphere with Blossom, Bubbles, Boomer, Buttercup, Nina and Dexter and they ask to see Hunson who isn't busy and sits them down to ask why they're here. Dib, Boomer and Bubbles ask Hunson about London and the attack by Xerek.

Hunson realizes that they're talking about Lizbeth's disappearance and Ciel's so he decides to tell them he did come with the team, He used it as an excuse to do business but he did admit he a great time there. Xerek was attempting to come after him as well as Lizbeth as he reveals. Hunson helped Lizbeth, Zero, V, Linkara, Ciel, Maka and Alucard stop him and then continued to relax.

Dib sweats Hunson if he was doing any secret evil, Hunson states that why would he do so in regards to Lizbeth, he was off the clock and even paid for the vacation with his own money. Blossom, Dib and Dexter all point out that Lizbeth and Hunson have a weirdably admiable relationship for archenemies.

Dib and Boomer both tell Bender about this and they have found a locale on Ciel and Lizbeth ad to meet up with them at the location. They make a mention that a demon indeed was involved and Boomer asks Bender about his familiarty with the symbol of Bill. Bender identifies it as Bill, Boomer and Dib question how Bender knows Bill Cipher.

They find out that he has looked into Bill Cipher and has investigated the trignaular demon, Dib thinks back and realizes Bender was talking about Bill as the evil corn chip. Before telling Bender to meet up with him, he aplogizes to Bender about calling him nuts about that.

Chapter 5[]

Dib and his friends arrive in London and their location of the team's quarry in regards to Lizbeth and Ciel. He waits for Bender and The V Crusaders as Milo and Boomer go on ahead. Bender shows up with Anti Cosmo in tow and this is when Dib questions what the Anti Fairy is doing here.

After Anti Cosmo clarifies he's helping Bender investigate Lizbeth's disappaerance and that he's doing this without anyone in Slade's ensemble. Agreeing to this, Dib and everyone else head over to the sight.

However this is when they just find certain clothing parts and Dib is convinced that Ciel and Lizbeth are both pretty much dead. Sad he won't see one of his best friends again, he arranges a service with Hunson Abadeer and Blossom so they can honor her as well as Ciel

That Night, Dib and the others light up candles as they mourn the loss of one of their oldest teammates.


Now with the memorial service and funeral set up for Dib, Bubbles, Bender, Milo, Boomer, Nina, Darkwing and the others. Dib lets everyone in and takes a seat as Hunson starts the ceremony with his speech in regards to what happened to all thoes fallen. Dib saddened that a part of his life was taken as Hunson goes on and realizes that nearly everyone sitting here was affected by this as well.

Dib stands up to give his speech for Lizbeth, He states how she managed to be a great friend, a level headed though open minded girl who allowed him to stay level headed. He also states he never regretted the fact they're just friends as he never wanted to be more than friends for her. Liz may be gone but she won't be missed.

After everyone hands their speech, Maka finds Dib and Bubbles and tells them what she found about Toffee. That 40ish people brought down the cult and that this was around the Disney universes which Toffee was trying to instill himself as in charge as he was convinced that Disney should rule the multiverse. Dib thinks Toffee is nuts for this and that he's thankful someone brought him down.

Afterwards he discusses matters with Boomer, Nina, Bubbles and The V Crusaders about their situtation and how they are going to deal with this. A friend they all really loved and will figure out to best deal with what Lizbeth left behind. Boomer tells him, not to as he feels Lizbeth is still alive which Dib and Nina both put him gently down and tell him that she is gone and that constantly griefing isn't going to do any favors. He does suggest that Boomer should do something to honor the memory of his girlfriend with something special

Dib finds out Batman was murdered and he goes with his other friends to mourn Bruce Wayne's Death and stays at Townsvile with the others where he is quarantined there by CSM, and is saved by Professsor Membrane, Bliss and The Resisty who make amends with Dib for being a negligent work alcoholic father.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Chapter 3: Solider Boy's Final Stand[]

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter are all sucked up into the future. He was busy with his own conspiracy theories when this asked and they all go looking for where they are. Dexter, Blossom and Heloise figure out they're out in the future. They nearly get attacked by some soldiers so they can go to the next house which ends up Chloe's. As it's summer Chloe decides to help out and explain the situation.

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter follow Chloe and they meet Commander Mcbragg who decide to help them. They are encountered by Skullface who was trying to have the Commander killed. Dib and the others help deal with Skullface and deal with Payback 2.0

However this get complicated by Sharon Carter and Solider Boy who arrive on the scene and they fight the two to a stalemate.

Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Blossom, Buttercup, Darkwing Duck, Edd, Nina Cortex, Boomer, Skipper, Starfire, Heloise and Dexter all get the information they need from what SB is up to. They and Mcbragg work to get away from the Soliders fighting them all at many times. This is until they see Colonel Kit Coyote and Sergant Oakely Homa who work with them to get the heroes though Commander Mcbragg gives up his life for them. As they return, they see Jimmy, Jorgen, Kowalski, Private, Rico, Phineas, Isabella and Marceline who are relieved to see them home and ask what happened with them. They explain in a quick way what really happened with them.


Dib, Boomer and Bubbles all discuss the recent events together that happened. After this, The three find a paper that tells the events that occurred with Dakota, Cavendish and the others that dealt with Thawne.


Book 1: Overture[]

Chapter 1[]

Part 1[]

It is nothing more than a normal day back at the M.O.D.A.B House where everyone is attending to their days and plans. The Powerpuff Girls are once again gearing to head to Pokey Oaks, Skipper and the Penguins are to be doing their commando stufff. Nina, Heloise and Dexter are to be doing science experiments. Gosalyn, Darkwing and Launchpad is prepared to go with Milo to his home to prepare to help little kids while Dib, Boomer and Edd are preparing to go to school as well and make their plans that Lizbeth would have wanted

A call is taken in by Professor Membrane. Dib asks his dad what's up and is everything okay, Professor Membrane says everything is fine to his son and he asks if they are still on after school for what he wants to do. When Dib says yes, Membrane said that he'll pick him up afterwards he's done with his meeting at Vought as well as the Powerpuff Girls , The others ask if he'll bring back what he has been up to there, Professor Membrane says he will, though he does have a problem that he made something that could help Vought with their Supe Issues, but he left it in the last place he went and feels his rival for control will find it and use as leverage against him.

Bender offers to go get it for the Professor which surprises Dib, Starfire, Boomer, Skipper and Heloise that he wants to do so. Professor Membrane agrees to this and tells him that he'll provide the details and that he'll be there earlier for his son.

Dib is proud his dad is taking time for him and is being such a respectable pillar for the company he and the others looked up to. Darkwing does wonder how he got there as did Blossom. Blossom though does seem happy to say that she is glad her dad also works there too and is glad he is helping reform what P.I Anglesmith exposed on them.

He is then seen with the girls as they greet Bender who is drinking out with buds those he and the others don't see Wile E Coyote, Bean, Captain Hero or Dale Gribble.

Chapter 3[]

Part 8[]

Mojo Jojo visits Dib, The Powerpuff Girls, Dexter and Boomer to confirm what is going, mentioning blackholes and what Slade has in mind which he and Dexter share what they think on for all this.

He calls his dad to confirm that he and his friends will be coming to the Manor with him, he does question why Mojo came to see them on that, he discovers that his father was busy with something and decided to sent someone who knew about Townsville as a way to convince anyone watching him of what he's up to. He decides to gather his friends to go relax and questions why is his dad at odds with Vought when he runs it and who is after him.

Part 9[]

Dib arrives at Tek Manor and goes into the kid area and he sees his dad come to see him in a panic and he asks what's going on and learns that Tek Knight is out to exterminate non supes and that they need to leave. Which he follows suit and helps take out some of the supes after them. His Dad aplogizes about all this and Bender lands near them and learns what happened and he tells Dib to let his pal Anglesmith handle Tek and his own plot.

Book 2: Interlude[]

LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]



Bubbles is one of Dib's two best friends and his love interest. At first he was shy about his feelings towards her but he overcame them and confesses his love. Afterwards they spend lots of time together and he protected her from dangers and they even confessed plans for a promise ring. Bubbles loves Dib so much she stayed by his side while he was in a coma. The two decide to go together to find Angewomon and the gang under Bender's orders to help against Wekser, Profion, and even Galvatron himself. A fight the two will never forget.


Dib's other best friend, While they are at odds. They are best friends and trust each other. They first met in the beginning and started their close friendship. Dib and Bender seem to be opposites at times due to Dib being more moral and Bender more willing to violate norms. In Slade Strikes Back, Bender and Dib worked hard together and they worked against Slade rather well and all that. Dib and Bender's friendship was put to the test in the next story, when Dib found about Bender's lies about where he was last summer and his alliance with Eddy. But the two eventually reconciled after Bender explained to Dib the situation. Bender and Dib are yin and yang often as Bender believes things Dib doesn't and vice versa,

One theory being the Disney Angels as Bender meet them with 3 of his friends so he decides to prove it to them. Dib sees Bender as the best leader to his team after him and believes the team is in good hands if he can't lead. Throughout the series he sees Bender a parental substitute even after he finds his father. Dib once again may get distrusting with him considering he hasn't been in the latest adventures and Bender will probably lie again. Even more so now with Profion an enemy of his having joined Bender in the robot's quests against Vilgax and Iron Queen and his involvement with Slade in Slade Strikes Back though it was against the Joker.

Dib breaks up with him and denounces their friendship after the recent events of what happened they make up though and work together against the villains Sigma and Discord. His death haunts Bender for months in Legends of Light and Darkness which he is helped by Skipper, Slade And Anti Cosmo. He was brought back to life by Bender and his group through the spear of destiny and made a point to keep him safe or give him a normal life.


He was more or less Dib's nemesis. In the first two series as his antagonist. But it's unknown if they still are enemies given their team-up here. Dib regards Slade a worthy opponent for his persistence and vice versa. They mutually respect each other and feel the two are made to face each other. As Dib got more involved in the Multi-Universe he saw Slade less threatening as a result, which hurt the villain so Slade decides to prove him wrong by being a very reliable ally in this adventure. Dib was surprised to learn how wrong he was


While he is not known as first, he was eventually revealed as Dib's father which makes sense as he was abandoned by his archenemy the Joker's troubles. Now he lives with his dad and with his girlfriend. Despite this he keeps Membrane as a last name.

The Joker[]

A major enemy of Dib though not to the extent of Bender, Scorpion or Marceline. Joker has caused several problems in the series and has tormented a vast amount of his friends for no reason other than boredom. He finds it coincidence that everyone wants to kill this SOB.

Lord Commander[]

Lord Commander is one of the enemies of our heroes.

Allies and enemies[]

Allies: Bubbles, Bender, Milo, Lizbeth, Darkwing, Edd, Boomer, Nina, Peep, Luciaus, Gosalyn, Dr.Doof, Dr.Blowhole, Stewie, Oscar, Emperor X, Starfire, Skipper, Jorgen, Axel, Django of the Dead, Launchpad, Carl the evil Cockroach, the Disney Angels, Children of the Autobots, Raz, Crypto, RJ, Cassandra, Android 18, Delta Force, Sagat, Princess Celestia, Megaman X, Hiscord, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, John Price, V, Alucard, Zero, Ciel, Linkara, Commander Mcbragg

Enemies: Slade, Anti Cosmo, Hades, Joker, the V Team, Marceline's dad, Darkwarrior, Alt Doof, No Heart, Eggman, Nega, Taurus Bulba, Galvatron, Albert Wesker, Profion, Discord, the Dystopia League, Sigma, the Sigma Organization, Lord Commander, Solider Boy, Payback 2.0


  • Dib did not appear in The V Team Island Adventure, The Great Summer Season Trek or Totally Mobian Spies. Coincidentally, they are the ones that focus on Bender his right hand.
  • He was the first character to appear and to start a romance
  • He is the only Invader Zim character to be a protagonist while Zim and Gir are antagonists working for Slade and then for Vilgax and Gaz who didn't care
  • Dib is one of the characters without a mother because he was created for some reason by his dad Bruce Wayne
  • Dib is one of the characters who has taken a level in badass as the series who has gone on. He was the first example
  • He was a main character in three stories, much like other characters
  • Originally The Great Time Travel Adventure was going to have Dib fall in love with Lizbeth instead of Boomer causing Bubbles to be jealous and worried that she would be dumped. But it was switched to Boomer
  • He has a large head that has been mocked a lot but Bubbles, Bender and the others ignore it
  • He is very skilled in science due to him being capable of knowing how Irken Technology works Irkens being an advanced race though he's not as skilled as Heloise.
  • He has been out of focus, at times to Bender, Lizbeth, Skipper, Heloise, Slade and Anti Cosmo
  • Dib is the leader of M.O.D.A.B , but Dib sees Bender just as capable of being the leader.
  • Despite the above, Bender feels Dib should be in charge. As Dib is more careful, tries to stray away from immoral deeds and tells the team his plans. Bender though often rushes into the situation, is willing to kill or steal from his foes and is very secretive about his plans only telling his main allies.
  • It's been pointed that he has designated protagonist syndrome, this will be averted in Entropized

