Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Denzel Crocker is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Vicky) of The Fairly Odd Parents.

He is the main arch-nemesis of Timmy Turner and his fairy godparents when he sees Jorgen as the Boss of Fairyworld he turn him into a dog but He was defeated by both crossover cartoon Jimmy Neutron and Jorgen Von Strangle.

He is voiced by Carlos Alazraqui.

Joining Forces with the Alliance Led by Vilgax[]

Crocker survived by the attack when the trio (Yeah, Vilgax sent them to get him) Hopper and Princess Morbucks recruited him and Crocker says yes in order to get his revenge on Jorgen, He aids Trevalyn in their CIA scheme and meet the B Team the Team Jorgen. Crocker stays at the base and makes his plans carefully. He continues to make more attacks until the final battle where he battles Jorgen, Billy and Julien. He may have had more power than Jorgen but did not anticipate the stupidity of the latter two and was killed in this action.

Chronicles of the Children of Megatron[]

Crocker is the head science officer of the Children of Megatron.

LOTM: Mageddon Trilogy[]

LOTM: Premageddon[]

LOTM: Armageddon[]

LOTM: Weirdmageddon[]

LOTM: Tales from the Ultra Despair Knight[]

LOTM: Darkmageddon[]



Mr.Crocker was hired by the N.Trophies to help with their plan being promised fairies. He and Melvin Borg assist Chandler and Chelesa in handing an device to help them with their plans. His fairy detector detects fairies in Royal Woods and he considers chasing them but is stopped for the moment.

His presence also has Lydia and Phillntium have to leave Royal Woods as he is after fairies.

Chapter 1[]

Crocker is his fairy van manages to find Astrid going to CLyde's house. Crocker knew this would pay off as he knows those two fairies are part of her family. Crocker feels that as long as he keeps track, he'll find The Fairy Isle and he can capture the fairies so he accomplish his plans. Crocker ambushes the group and chases Johanna with the intent to capture her as he knows the truth on her. He was given the Spider Frog by N.Tropy to use in his pursuit. He corners Johanna and tries to capture her with his pet, but Jaune foils him but Crocker is resistant and manages to get his little pet to go Hilda and her friends as he wants to see if there's more fairies than Phillium, Lydia and Johanna.

Part 2[]

Crocker finds the Spider Frog and realizes that the family has control over magic charms though her aunt. He uses his Fairy detection van to find out Astrid is also a fairy and decides he needs to stay away from Jaune Arc as well. When kids try to get ice cream from Crocker due to him disguising it as an ice cream truck. He chases the kids off by turning it into a spinach truck as he contacts Victoria Von Gale on his findings that he needs to use the fairies to find the isles, aware the fairies he is dealing are unlike the ones he is familiar with.

Part 3[]

Von Gale and Crocker are present with N.Tropy as he gives the orders to Marliyn respectfully and Crocker manages to decuct Mulder knows the truth oh Johanna like he does. Crocker considers finding Tofoten and getting rid of the horseshoes.

Chapter 2[]

Working with Francis, he continued to track Hilda and the others as they moved location to somewhere else. Chandler and Chelesa get in contact with him over the Jaune/Fairy Iillness thing. Crocker explains how Jaune got affected to N.Tropy managing to engineer the sickness to what he desires. He refuses to put this on Lincoln when Chandler tries to get him out, Crocker states he's a boy and not some chimera of fairy/human mingling

Crocker attacks Hilda and the others intent to capture her or her mom. He kicks Jaune while he is down due to fairy illness that N.Tropy used keeping him from fighting at full power. Dawn helps Hilda deal with Crocker using her pokemon to stop Crocker's traps before distracting him enough for Hilda, Frida and David to trash his van and slash his tires. Upon being bested and hospitalized by Dawn and Hilda. Crocker is brought back to the others.

Part 2[]

Crocker recovers from his injuries due to cartoon physics and he is picked up by Volo who uses his Pokemon to try and find them respectfully. Crocker gets his fairy tracker out and manages to deduct something in The Royal Woods Middle School. Crocker is given fairy types, Volo straight out stole and he uses them to try and break into the school this he does and Crocker has fairy gear ready to capture Hilda while he has Volo deal with Dawn and the others

Crocker's Fairy Type manages to track Hilda with Pippi in hot pursuit so Crocker can tire her out and capture her. This is stopped in part by Will Vandom who uses her time powers to freeze Crocker in place to allow HIlda to escape. Crocker loses his fairy pokemon as well

Once he unfreezes, Crocker manages to find a strand of hair that he recovers as his fairy detector can sense it.

Part 3[]

Crocker used his fairy detector to scan the hair and he made a discovery and a plan of his own and allows N.Trophies's forces to come to Trolberg so he can insure his plan goes accordingly to capture fairies.

Chapter 3[]

Crocker having gotten both a hair sample and a blood DNA decides to stalk Hilda and friends for his own desires. He sees them as a way of getting what he wants. Crocker shows to ambush the party in Trolberg and makes an attempt to catch fairies in Astrid, which he nearly succeeds at and manages to hold off Johanna and Hilda. Before he sets his sights on them. He almost captures them but is mualed by Jaune going werewolf on him and Crocker decides to back off. Stunning Jaune with a stun gun before leaving

Crocker returns to Trolberg with the others as N.Tropy sets up his gambit respectfully

Part 2[]

Crocker content with what he does, decides to wait for an opportunity to spring capture on the fairies. With the dark matter and chronotron detonator in play, Crocker can take the opportunity to catch fairies unhindered as a result

Crocker finds The Group that went came from the streamverse and ends up going after them with his weaponry as well as clones of Manis which the heroes fight off to stop them from taking over them. Once the group deal with the rest of the Manis and each of the heroes do something to Crocker and his fairy gear, he runs off.

Chapter 4[]

With The Fairy Mound being noticed as part of why The Hilda Universe hasn't been placed in the black hole yet. The N.Trophies decide to have Crocker go seek the Fairy Mound and Crocker heads out with his gas mask and hazmat suit respectfully

Crocker has the Spider Frog and The Robotoid with him as he makes his way to the Fairy Mound intend to get some way to find fairies. The Robotoid manages to allow Crocker to enter which he does and with a group of cloned Spider Frogs he makes his move.

Crocker attacks The Fairy Mound and manages to capture Phinium and Lydia under their nose thorugh this plan. He is estactic he has captured fairies and that Hilda led him straight to the mound like he suspected.

Crocker escapes afterwards  to head back to N.Tropy's hideout with the Robotoid deciding to stall the group.

Part 2[]

Crocker manages to harness the powers of Phinium and Lydia to use into his fairy suit to use to achieve his new world order. Though Spot tells him to focus on priorites and help Kregg with his plans respectingly in the Peacemaker Universe

Crocker joins up with Melvin Borg and Van Gale respectively as they help try to secure or destory Peacemaker's universe

His plans come to a halt when cofronted by Kate Bishop and Atom Eve who try to learn the location of Hilda's grand parents from him. Crocker fights back with his gear respectively and uses their magic to attack them with it. Crocker decides to use raw power as Kate out marnervers him and finds himself contending with Atom Eve's own powers while doing so

Knowing he can't win, he decides to flee but Kate again made a measure to track where Crocker is going.

Chapter 5[]

Mr. Crocker ends up discovering what is really going on with N.Tropy and he is rather horrified at this and decides that he was thankful he stuck to just fairies. He meets with Van Gale, Chelesa and Polly Sparks who have also discovered this as well and they decide to leave

This gets them in trouble with Moro and Volo who decide to try kill them for trying to betray N.Tropy, though the 4 manage to escape. Moro seals them off in Area 51 and instructs them to make themselves more useful and kill the fairies. Crocker still wants his fairies to give him their magic to accomlpish his plan, he senses Astrid, Johanna and Hilda. Crocker decides to double down on this and catch them

He fights off Jaune Arc and he gets mauled bad by Jaune Arc in were wolf form, Though Crocker is able to land some decent hits on him too

Jaune manages to beat him and tries to kill him but is stopped upon coming to his senses, even realziing Crocker is trying to tip them off about Spot's benefactor who destroyed Trolberg. Reclutantly, Crocker allies with the others to stop what N.Tropy is up to.

Crocker explains to Hilda and the others about Spot's plan and his benefactor who is explaining how he was promised the fairies he had seeked. Yes he got them, But Crocker felt that it's not worth capitalizing the multiverse for Spot and his benefactor's plans who never even told him his name. Crocker says that whatever he has with Hilda and her family, this is more important.

Crocker and the others are brought back to The Boiler room, where he takes on his former allies with the others trying to warn them about what Spot's benefactor has in mind. They think he's crazy as ususal and that he is nuts.

Crocker upon being told of Spot's arrival, thinks N.Tropy has sent Spot to finish him off and begs the others to defeat him so he can live.

Chapter 6[]

Mr.Crocker gets his Fairy detecting van and has some of the others get into it as He drives off avoiding the tentacles of The False Groudon

He tells Jaune and Hilda's family about what this monster intends to do and what it's past was and that was enough for him to get away from it. Crocker also reveals that he knows that they have the ability of flight as well and knows Johanna can do so as does Hilda if she tries hard enough to figure it. When he is asked of this, Crocker explains he knows his work on fairies even ones outside his universe. He also knows where the lab is respectfully and how to show the inner fairy works.

Crocker somehow gets Johanna to fly all of a sudden which suprises Jaune and Hilda as well as Johanna's aunt and parents. Crocker explains that since the timeline changed that means the rules themselves have changed for the fairy mound

As they arrive to the Lab, The others get out to defend the group. While Crocker heads into the lab with Dustin Henderson as the others go to reverse the polarity keeping the kid safe

After The monster is destoryed, Crocker is arrested by Jim Hopper, Jake and Amy and placed into an asylum.


Book 1: Overture[]

Part 2[]

John Economos has found the mental asylum with Peacemaker, Emilia and Vigilante. He tells them that this is where Mr.Crocker has been confined in part to his fairy obession. Peacemaker wanders why Jaune Arc didn't kill Crocker when he had the chance. Emilia says because if he did he would be arrested and unable to marry that british woman from behind bars, even if Crocker did deserve it, it's still murder and attempting would be worse considering the insanity plea.

Peacemaker does admit he would have done so if his family was danger, Jaune has the family he always wanted and not because he meet and drove them to the wedding. Vigillante decides to observe for bugs if someone is observing them.

Mr.Crocker is found and he notices the Streaming Resistance and asks what brings them to his asylum, here to mock him. Vigilante admits yes he is here to mock him, Peacemaker takes charge and asks about Spot and if he had someone backing him and who. Mr.Crocker says that someone was backing Spot, and not someone but two people, and they tried to kill him himself.

Emilia questions why would they try to kill Crocker, Mr.Crocker said that he discovered the real plan and it was to devour the multiverse or destroy it and because he found out about it, Spot's benefactors tried to kill him.

Peacemaker asks it's the False Groudon wasn't it, Crocker says yes it was that. Economos asks for a description, Crocker says he was blue, was a brit and had a fetish for clocks. Emila writes it all down intend to look into the database. Peacemaker and Vigilante decide to leave and the former thanks him for co-operating. Crocker also lets them know that the backer was how he learned of the fairy heritage of the Hilda family. Emilia and John just roll their eyes as they leave

Peacemaker admits this is most interesting.

Allies and Enemies[]

Allies: N.Tropy, The Spot, N.Tropy and Associates, Victoria Von Gale

Enemies: Timmy Turner, Cosmo, Wanda, Jorgen Von Strangle, Bender, Skipper, Heloise, King Julian, Django of the Dead, Finn, Marceline, Ice king, Twilight Sparkle, Frida Suarez, Spike, Shining Armor, Sagat, Flame Princess, Princess Bubblegum, Sari Sumdac, Stan Smith, Snake, Mandark (former ally), Princess Morbucks (Former Alley), Vilgax, Hilda, Philanidum, Lydia (Hilda), Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Johanna, Jaune Arc, Frida, David, Clyde Mcbride



  • It was gonna be Vicky but Crocker knows Timmy's fairies and their world.
  • When joining Vilgax's side, Crocker made the wand who stole the last of the Fairy World and gave it to him.
  • Crocker and Wart become friends and team up.
  • He is one of 3 characters to become a major character in Phase 4 that debuted in Phase 2, The other Two are Betty Barnett and Wendell Howe (Commander Whooping Crane)