Dee Dee Holloway is a major character in The Big Nate comic series, Dee Dee also first appeared in the graphic novels of the franchise and was transplanted into the comic strips after they ended. When the series was adapted into a cartoon show she was promoted to one of the four main characters of the show and serves as the show's deuteragonist behind the titular "Big" Nate in the TV Adaption
She is most recognizable in the school for being the president of the Drama Club. Her interest makes a very real drama queen and she tends to get way into her roles. Dee Dee likes when people give her credit for her skill as an actor.
Dee Dee is also highly intelligent and caring, always helping her friends in bad stuff. She is among Nate's most level headed and helpful friend. Like Nate she is mischievous but she is better at avoiding being caught.
Double Life Emerged[]
Dee Dee is one of the main characters and is the duteragonist of the events that occured in Chinatown. As a witness and eavesdropper to Cartel plots and plans, Dee Dee has to join forces with Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Luan to deal with the Cartel and to keep her family and potentially her friends safe as the former end up in witness protection.
Act 1[]
Episode 2[]
Dee Dee is about to get ready for a touring play where she is the lead role for P.S:38. Dee Dee ends up in a way spying on the Cartel and their actions and learns about an actual group of assassins and gangsters in China Town. She decides to scoff it off and just do what she came for, though she is nearly murdered by Riff Raff and Jack Horner.
However she is saved in part to Bender, G-LO and Wile E of the B Team as well as Jesse Wells of Slade's Team. She is taken out of the theatre with the others and is taken out by Bender and Harry to go back to her hotel her parents went to. She is told of what exactly is going on and Dee Dee knows she was spying on a group of gangsters, but didn't think they would take her spying on them even indirectly that seriously.
Knowing she is a witness, Bender and his friends protect her and her family from Cartel gunfire and the others. Upon learning the hotel is not safe, The Holloaways want out, but Dee Dee decides to stick with the heroes despite their protests from both sides. As she is a witness to what is going on.
Being informed of what the heroes are doing here, she decides to join Bender, Wile E, Stan and Luan to head to Morgana's restaruant and head as Luan wanted to try the food. Wile E and her both come to an idea to let the restaruant so they can see what The Cartel may or may not do here as Dee Dee did overhear something of a sabotage of fine dining. She is proven right when she joins Wendy and G-LO to observe cameras from Morgana and with the latter having gotten into the game regarding the Cartel indirectly, this is why Morgana may be struggling. Dee Dee worries that she may have gotten her own family in danger too by eavesdropping inadvertingly.
After the others return, and The Police arrest Captain Hero. Dee Dee decides to investigate this like the others knowing something fishy is up.
Episode 3[]
Dee Dee is asked by Bender, Slade, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Celes, Wile E and Elfo about what she had overheard at that time. Dee Dee does tell them that The Cartel has some real perturbing plans to go after Nacho and Captain Hero in revenge for their betrayal. They also are intending to insure they develop the perfect counterweapons against Slade's Empire and Bender's group as its very clear that they are the reasons The Cartel is taking such actions. Dee Dee then is told that she will have to see her parents go into witness protection.
She is told to that this is occuring due to her being a witness to The Cartel's actions and that if they stay, Her parents could be killed or kidnapped by The Cartel, she isn't happy about this that this is happening. Dee Dee decides she will need to save her parents from The Cartel.
Dee Dee is placed with Bender, Luan, Stan, Wile E Coyote, Wendy, Jessie and Morgana to head to Morgana's restuaruant to see what will happen. She and Wile E stay out to spy which she does as a bob cat which gets everyone confused and baffled with Wile E in particular rolling his eyes about being surrounded by drama queens. Dee Dee acts like a cat as Wile E stakes out and figures out Milton Midas is here in the resturant and notice him tamper with her food with high dusty does of some particle which Dee Dee eventually realizes is Flavor Blasted Beardly Yum Yums. Rembering what they did to her, she and Wile E jump head into the restuarant to help defend the others from the eating machines Midas has made with his tampering. Even sharing her knowledge on them when Bender, Wile E and Luan talk to Deathstroke about this.
When they eventually do manage to do, Dee Dee sees how Stan is picking up the particles and how he wants to investigate what makes this do the things it does.After learning Bender is going to walk in the den to deal with Midas, she is allowed to go see her parents for a time through Luan and Anti Cosmo.
Episode 4[]
Dee Dee is brought to her where her parents are in witness protection and Luan and Anti Cosmo allow Dee Dee to have some time with her parents. Where she apologizes for getting her parents involved in all this and that both Dee Dee and her parents are worried about returning home afterwards with the Cartel going after her and not to her knowledge, the Cartel is trying to find where they're holding off. Dee Dee says that she is working with the P.I and that he'll help make this possible.
Upon her return to the others with Anti Cosmo, Dee Dee admits how hard it was to be in that spot with her parents and asks Anti Cosmo and Morgana is this going to be her life afterwards, where the two don't know what to say though Morgana does tell Dee Dee that it did help with her business and she will make it a opening week thing for her restaurant. Dee Dee does then go back to Stan and Wendy alongside the others and learns what they discovered, Dee Dee knew already and learns from Bender about Milton Midas's own actions in this which she suspected like he did. The rest of the gang decide to go after the snack machines and destory them, While Dee Dee is cautious about alerting the cops concerning Hero and Nacho, the others point out that if they don't then it enables them which she does agree to and then she goes with Slade to engage in their destruction with axes alongside Celes and The Space Bandits which they do to acquire all the change from it which Dee Dee just pickpockets so they can all insure of the destruction of MIdas's corrupt actions
After everyone else meets up and discovers what everyone had to deal with in the vending machines and Anton's supplier. When Zix informs them about the reservoir of what they found and it's a new unusual thing. Dee Dee joins the others in looking into and is observant of what Titan is saying when he arrives on them and what the Space Bandits have to say.
Later that night, after helping Morgana with her second night, she with the Wells Family and Elfo end jup joining Bender, Wile E and Mop Girl who all decide to continue their own investigation on the reservoir unknown the Cartel is on to them.
Episode 5[]
Dee Dee pulls her phone to try and take pictures except there isn't enough power, so she has WIle E and Bender take photos as she did see some kind of blueprints for this. Jack Horner and his cartel guys show up trying to get her for what she found out and she is nearly thown into the aqueduct. Though she is taken to safety by Mop Girl, Wile E and Bender as the 4 are being swept down the irregulation process and are saved by Elfo who brings them up to the duct which Dee Dee goes up with them
The next day she and Bender discuss what they found there and that they decide to join Morgana in going to her mushroom farm so they can investigate. She joins Bender, Anti Cosmo and The Space Bandits. Like them, she is able to discover some clues that hint back to what was going in the reservoir earlier and the drought that has been going on. When the group is attacked by crazy animals, she decides to help Stan try to get the crops to safety for them
After dealing with the animals, Dee Dee heads with the others to check was going on and what happened was like what happened earlier and that Midas was behind all this. She is out to prove he did this and though the gang agrees, prove is what she clearly needs.
Stan with Dee Dee considers what she saw as well during the witness and Dee Dee does mention that water was one thing, but asks does Stan recall use of water that could be used as a cover for something, Stan does remember that there was a water park he went too.
Episode 6[]
With the rest of her friends, Dee Dee marks out farm lands so the gang will have to check to figure if or any other damage that has been occuring as a result on the drought. She and Stan decide then to watch some TV and they see a commercial for Pi Pi's Splashtown which they develop sucspions with Dee Dee even going into her monologue she did in a play once. Wendy arrives to see the two and the two show her the commerical and this causes the trio some suspicion conisdering they are in a middle of drought and yet there is one open.
Dee Dee, Wendy and Stan inform Luan , Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Harry and Wile E about this having some suspicon of this. Dee Dee knows this is true considering what she, Bender, Wile E and Harry all found at the reservoir. She thinks that this could be connected which Bender agrees on as does Anti Cosmo and Slade. The former does consider checking it later.
Luan, Morgana and Dee Dee arrive at Lincoln's friend Liam's Farm and go looking around, Luan is quick to note that no one is around and this makes her supscious. Morgana does find a note and shows the two as Luan discovers that Liam was evicted off the farm land by the actions from Chinatown as lack of water had caused the land to lose it's value. Dee Dee is a bit skeptical about Luan's thoughts. Luan says that the climate has been different than usual and very atypical for the season and bad for farmers.
The Chief of Police however is arriving with his men intend to arrest the girls, as he is intent to keep them from finding the truth or in the case of Luan trying to get Bender for not backing off against Milton MIdas. Luan and Dee Dee address that he can't arrest kids, Chief of Police says he knows the law here not them and tries anyway. Luan manages to avoid them by pranking them with Dee Dee while making their getaway from them as she slashed the cops's tires. Returning back to base, Dee Dee addresses her allies about what she discovered with the farm land in Royal Woods and how it was rendered unviable by the drought here stating the climate change being why.
Dee Dee and Stan both find that Zix and the others looked into their theory and can confirm something is indeed up. Though they know Midas has been bribing the water commissioner to keep quiet for some reason. With the Lake being mentioned by The Bandits, Dee Dee decides it will be a good idea to check it out with Stan, Wendy, Bender, Wile E Coyote, Slade and Anti Cosmo as something feels off with the biggest Mexico lake being a place of interest for Milton, though they all are in agreeance they all can't go or someone will suspect something.
She is still worrying about her parents hoping the Cartel didn't find them. This causes Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender to note and the latter hands a burner phone to her to use and tells to break it afterwards. Slade and Anti Cosmo explain that burner phones are used to keep people from tracking them and don't use Caller ID so it's safe. Dee Dee does do so and tells her parents of what she is doing with the others, This causes a roll from the others about her telling her family about what they all have been doing.
Bender eventually settles on a crew to join him for his lake investigation plan and Dee Dee is among the crew for it alongside Wile E Coyote, Stan Marsh, Wendy Testaburger G-LO and Luci
Act 2[]
Episode 7[]
Dee Dee joining the gang, heads to Lake Chapula where she discovers G-LO got in touch with her partner Biceps and her at times boss Captain Putty, when they decide to go looking through the area together. She tags along with Stan and Wendy, questioning the very idea of the colorful cast of characters all together on this plot considering like a fan fiction
She also buys into Stan's idea of this being like a movie he heard about when it comes to the plot going on. When Bender, Wile E and Luci come back and hand them water park tickets as the trio suspect something. She dimisses Stan's concerns that urine could be in the water alongside Wile E as the two both think it's just riduclous that something like that could even happen.
Though when they arrive, Dee Dee is forced to admit Stan is right and that it is pretty urine like though this was to placate them as Wile E, Luci, Bender and G-LO when looking for clues to their case. Dee Dee does discover through her time with them how long Bender has been in this whole game as well as Slade and Anti Cosmo. She even keeps it in a file saying "Mysteries of this Multiverse file" that her character is taking. Though it comes to an end when Putty has them evacuate due to G-LO discovering a corpse.
Returning with their finding, Dee Dee, Bender and the others are found by Slade, Anti Cosmo as well as Nacho and Jessie to discuss what everyone found on their tracks.
Episode 8[]
Dee Dee discusses the results of the water park finding with Bender, Wile E and Luci as it was obvious that Midas was behind it when he runs into corporation that brought those controversial snacks to Ratcliff and wanders if Midas was aware of her universe for a while, questioning how different universes can become of other people and universes when they aren't self contained.
Stan and Wendy talk to her about this as Dee Dee is questioning more than she should as the multiverse is weird and she should choose her quesitons more wisely. She agrees and just watches as Luci basiscally steals things from a pit stop. Rolling her eyes at Luci's antics reminding her of Nate and the others. When Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo discover a bunker, they get in with the help of Bicep and Captain Putty.
Discovering Doug Judy, Bunny and Claude, Dee Dee can recongize what is going on with this due to this being like those snacks and that the trio are criminals and likely betrayed The Cartel and Midas. Dee Dee is taken away from Slade and his guys so she doesn't discover what kind of fate befell his allies. Dee Dee joins her friends later in looking up the Brotherhood of Evil trying to find a case on who betrayed Slade and Anti Cosmo, and is acting against her, and Bender as well. She does suspect Captain Putty is complicit in this as why does he have powers like that and why does he only arrive when called by G-LO.
After narrowing it down, Dee Dee and her friends get back to the gang and discover Bliss occured in China Town and that Morgana is pregnant and like Wendy is baffled why Morgana breaks down over compliments.
Episode 9[]
Felicity shows the video footage to Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Luan and Dee Dee to show how Midas got his hands on Bliss. Showing the evidence of Milton killing Skumm and acquiring some other precious properties too, though neither of them are identifed yet by the heroes. Dee Dee addresses how this is like the Island of Dr.Moreau going on around here except she remembers it went the other way when it came to the experiments.
Bender and Slade's group go to look around for the bliss to destroy it, only to run into teens and kids on Bliss who are out to kill them as Midas has ordered their deaths and even gave them firearms with Pablo and Machine Head leading this. It turns into an all out mexican stand off between the heroes, Midas Pablo and Machine Head, Hector and The Cousins and Big Jack Horner. Slade, AC, Harry, Dee Dee take charge of all this while trying to stop kids and teens from getting their fixes and to kill others for it. Though they are still trying to detox them and hold them now as opposed to causing too much harm to them including Slade and Anti Cosmo themselves. Dee Dee is not amused about this and just goes to get syringes so she can calm the kids down from their outage, she is able to do this thanks to her quick thinking.
The Group retread what they saw happen, and Felciity goes to return to Deathstroke and the others with what happened. With Putty deciding to cover it up to take care of it. Though they are able to get the Bliss and the other drugs away from the public.
Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo decide to bring Dee Dee to her folks in witness protection for a night with her folks where she was in witness location in the town as Bender decided to make a dinner for them under Morgana.
Later, Dee Dee hears about the Lab being destroyed and she decides to look into this with Zix, Travltron and Tee to see any clue to what Midas is up to with this and to see how this is all going down and what had happened. The Bandits do pick up on something on the hiding of Bliss.
Episode 10[]
Dee Dee and The Space Bandits are joined by Bicep on their investigation and Dee Dee finds that Bicep was told to contain it by Captain Putty and this gets her suspcious. Zix and The Bandits are though able to discover that Midas was indeed using this as a cover to make blue prints for an operation that wipes sea life and makes pig feed, coolants and explosives from the same product.
Dee Dee still thrawling in her persona, does end up discovering something with the Bandits and Bicep and that it ends about the water transportation with Pi-Pi is up to and that it is not only be hoarded but something is going on that will cause Midas to drain and control the pockets of everyone who relies on lake water as well as the farm land itself. The Space Bandits and Dee Dee have to refrain Bicep and Tee from trying to deal with Pi-Pi as they are both outraged at what Milton is up to.
Dee Dee and the Space Bandits managed to find the factory and the Space Bandits are able to tell how this was a great cover for Midas to use to hide his illegal plan. Dee Dee asks if Captain Putty knows this to Bicep. Bicep explains that his boss doesn't really have too much knowledge on the situation and that he is looking into this himself. Dee Dee does manage to find something there about Pi-Pi and that he and Midas are making some more plans with the water supply which goes beyond what she imagined. Taking photos of this on her phone
Dee Dee with the Bandits and Bicep take cover in the acid rain storm as they are aware this was Milton's intent and that Dee Dee is aware of a bigger scale in that Midas will trying to poison the supply so he can sell clean water for high prices not just for drinking, bathing, farming and every other use. She calls the eagle insane for considering this as she was already aware Pi-Pi was doing something with urine but this is just insane. Dee Dee wants to report theses actions but is warned that if Midas was able to slip out of lawsuits only losing money, then he could slip out of EPA's pockets with enough precision.
Dee Dee, The Space Bandits and Bicep notice more shots being heard with Anton once again emerging to shoot Dee Dee under orders to silence her yet again. The Space Bandits and Bicep defend her with them using their own weapons. As Frank and Doug arrive in the limousine. Frank has Stamper bring Dee Dee back to her friends. Upon her return she tells the others of what she got into.
Episode 11[]
Luan, Bender, Wile E, Dee Dee, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison call up Deathstroke and tell him about the water sanctions/acutions that Tom Hagen informed them about. Deathstroke advises the group to go the auctions and buy rations of water so they can sent it to him so he and others can test in case Midas has other angle. Bender already suspects this to be fair as does Wile E and Luan. Dee Dee comments that it says a lot about the insanity of the cartel to vouch for such a decision for more money, Putty tells her that anyone will do anything for money as it's one of the greatest motivations this gives Dee Dee, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Slade and Anti Cosmo suspicion
Bender, Luan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Dee Dee Harry, Wile E, Stan, Wendy, G-LO, Bicep and Captain Putty all decide to pool their money together as they head off to the auction that Midas has set up for the water that the group does know he stole. Bender, Dee Dee, Luan and the kids decide on using this as a perfect cover so they can discover Midas's true agenda with this as what Deathstroke suspects
Dee Dee, Wendy and Stan are all in Bender's chest cavity hiding there so they can help get into this. Bender takes advantage of the auctioning and then he decides to go make way to the secret room that Midas was into before he started and he tells the kids he is on his way to it and is joined by Anti Cosmo who decides to aid in acquiring the info. Stan, Dee Dee and Wendy ask about the auctions where Bender and Anti Cosmo explain that Slade had managed to acquire a few quarts of water and that they saw Felicity there too who was purchasing for the president. As well as mentioning that Midas really had no interest to give his supply as he has his own allies serve as this.
Bender and Anti Cosmo manage to break into Midas's secret room and let out Stan, Wendy and Dee Dee out of the former's chest cavity. The 5 go looking in the dark so Midas's allies are not alerted as Dee Dee, Stan and Wendy turn off their flash. Bender uncovers files on Midas's plot and learns that Midas is going to force people to pay for his water and protection or else he will make rats out of them. Dee Dee, Stan and Wendy also note that Midas will pollute the water and those who don't will suffer due to something known as Rat Rot. Reporting back to Luan, Slade, Harry, Wile E, G-LO and Bicep informing them of what is going on with what Midas is planning with those who don't buy his water, and that he is extorting the country and anyone he feels of their money for protection or else he will pollute their water.
Bean and Morgana return back to the heroes and inform them what the fruits of their labor have done for them. Mop Girl also came with him and she says it's glad Bender and Wile E Coyote are here as she will need them to come with them to dreamland. Wile E and Bender both are curious as Mop Girl said that she simply found what they were looking for. Harry, Luan and Dee Dee are a bit questioning to all this, Mop Girl just doesn't want to risk more them. Though the three of them can see what Bean and Morgana have done
Harry, Luan and Dee Dee decide to ask Morgana for themselves about the pregnancy having taken some time to think. Bean thinks they have a point and decides to ask Morgana. Morgana realizing she won't be any to keep hiding every detail comes clean about one more thing
Now with Slade knowing Eladio is behind this. He decides to not mess around and go to plan an attack on Eladio immediatly to cripple the Cartel. Anti Cosmo and the other members of Slade's team decide to aid Slade in their tacial plan. Dee Dee and the Space Bandits decide to go looking for Eladio's House so they can plan the attack most needed. Dee Dee and the Space Bandits make haste to find Don Eladio's house so they can give it over to Harry to use to aid Anti Cosmo and Slade.
Episode 12[]
Dee Dee and The Space Bandits follow suit back there to try and track down Don Eladio's location . The 4 of them are able to find a ranch out and find out it's the home of Juan Bolsa. The Space Bandits are able to inform that Bolsa is Eladio's right hand man and head of logistics when it comes to everything. Dee Dee doing some snooping herself is able to discover that Bolsa knows where Eladio lives and has head there as there is some kind of meeting that he and Eladio have made with Milton Midas but the details are left vague. The Space Bandits and Dee Dee have an idea that every Cartel member who is a head of a division clearly knows where Eladio lives and considers Gus Fring for answers as he has been there
Dee Dee and The Space Bandits were able to get some info out to Los Pollos Hermanos and have a meeting alone about how to find Don Eladio, as Slade and Bender know he's the leader. Gus decides to use this as part of his design to go after the Cartel and tells them where Eladio lives. He does tell them to leave Hector for himself and as well as tell them. Dee Dee calls up Slade and Anti Cosmo and tells them that they got them, now they need to wait for Bender to get back. Gus does warn them to stay away from the water that they purchased unless they boil it as it was tainted.
Dee Dee and The Space Bandits return with what they discovered about the whereabouts of Don Eladio and that Gus wants the heroes to save Hector for him which Harrison decides to get ready for as Slade, Anti Cosmo and Jessie now have a map on way to his whereabouts and a inside view of his home thanks to Anti Cosmo and Slade's own abilities to do just that. Harry decides to bring Dee Dee on his mission to go after Don Eladio though Celes warns him about getting a child involved. Slade and Anti Cosmo have managed to secure the entrances and exits to Don Eladio's house in secret instructing Harry to go through them and to either capture or gather incriminating stuff about Eladio with Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo joining him
Bender, Harry, Wile E, Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo and all arrive into Don Eladio's house and using what Slade and Anti Cosmo managed to acquire. They break into the house undetected and begin snooping around for files on Eladio, Midas or whoever. Dee Dee, Mop Girl and Elfo notice rat dropping and snoop them showing them to Bender ,Wile E and Harrison who keep them and they are suspcious as Eladio isn't here. Dee Dee, Elfo and Wile E Coyote manage to discover something is off with the water thanks to Wile E's science mind and realizes it was poisoned by Rat Rot which means Eladio was taken out and likely by Midas. Mop Girl sees the police and warns the 5 to leave before they're caught
- Milton Midas arrives with Tenpenny and that he isn't surprised to see Bender snoop on his house. Wile E and Dee Dee question Midas on why he is doing this water plan, this food plan all this for adding how much money he has, and why does he need more and how much better does he need to live it. Midas explains that he is doing for the future and that the future is the vision he has and sees everything as a necessary for himself to make himself more rich and powerful. Bender, Harry, Elfo, Mop Girl, Dee Dee and Wile E are disgusted with this. Tenpenny and Milton Midas then force them to drive the two to see Morgana
As Morgana is about ready to leave for town, this is when Bender, Elfo, Mop Girl, Harrison, Wile E and Dee Dee all arrive to where and this is where Putty, Hadley, Flass, Doug Stamper and Affable are as they decide to arrest Bender and Harrison for withholding evidence handcuffing them by the leg and arm. Elfo tries to convince her to let the police handle which gets a sting eye from the other 5 as they all know who as Morgana puts it "Midas owns the police". Morgana then shoots Midas and drives off and this is when the police decide to fire at her with Hadley and Flass taking shots at the car and missing thanks to Bender and Harry restraining them down after Wile E gets their legs uncuffed. Stamper just rolls his eyes and decides to just shoot Morgana to deny Midas a victory which he does and through the eye. The Car stops and honks and Dee Dee, Elfo and Mop Girl check with the former screaming in terror as Morgana's body just drops.
Every one remaining has headed to the hospital where the news is dropped about what happened to Morgana with some of the gang trying to calm Dee Dee down as she was so left in trauma and shock over the actual deceased corpse. Dee Dee, Stan and Wile E get a call from the former's parents and notice that Midas did actually find them and straight out affected them with the water to turn them into rats. Dee Dee ends up desperate calling for her parents as it happens, she is dramatic as usual but justified as Wile E and Stan get as they tell Hero, Bean and Wendy
Bender goes later decides to check on his friends as they tell the others and Morgana's baby is given to her parents to keep an eye on her, he needs someone to accompany him there and Dee Dee offers to due to everything she has dealt with and Bender agrees as Bender and Dee Dee take a drive to see the former's friends on the news.
Bender and Dee Dee arrive at the house where Bender often stays with his friends and goes to share what he knows. As he enters he is warned by Dee Dee that Captain Putty followed Bender here and the two both know that Putty was the one who leaked his connections of his old team to Midas. Bender and Dee Dee return to Slade and Anti Cosmo at the archvies and are joined by The Space Bandits and Mop Girl who has been aiding the two in their search. They all discovered that the press actively avoids discussing anything about The Cartel hence why Morgana's death was conisdered a car accident. The reason as Anti Cosmo, Slade and Mop Girl put it is because the last one who did was shot in the head for it. Bender and Dee Dee are both more agitated because it feels like the difficulty keeps climbing for how they will deal with Milton Midas
Wendy shows up to them and tells Bender and Dee Dee that Stan, Luan and Wile E found something he needs to see and to meet them at the hotel room. Which Bender and Dee Dee both set out to do.
Bender, Dee Dee, Luan, Stan and Wile E Coyote all meet back in the room and discuss what was found and yes they found Gosalyn's hair confirming Bender's suspcions. The 5 are trying to figure out what their next move needs to be and how Slade and Anti Cosmo have gathered the others for something. Bender, Stan, Luan and Wile E all coach Dee Dee about everything she has dealt with recently when they hear a knock on the door
It's Leon and he is surprised Bender is in on this with the others and he questions if the others know about him being here. Bender informs him they don't and it's just him with his friends. Luan remembers Leon and so does Leon. Leon Questions Bender on not telling the others implicating how he still hasn't learned even after Morgana died. Wile E, Bender and Dee Dee all saw the death and don't deny this but Bender tells Leon he can't inform him he has no idea what he has to contend with here and deal with. When Leon says he is going to make clear to Dib, Lizbeth and the others that they know what happened to Morgana until some wind is felt by Wile E and he alerts Bender. Bender and Wile E sheild the kids as they back away with Stan and Dee Dee questioning how did someone get in as Leon says that Bender cannot hide the truth from M.O.D.A.B
The reason that Dee Dee, Bender, Wile E, Stan and Luan were backing away becomes evident as it's Anton who shows up. Dee Dee tells Leon to just turn around and go. Though Anton shoots Leon straight in the head and his fluids splat all over the room and his head hits the floor freaking out everyone involved. Bender says how he told the meat bag to leave for his own good as Wile E is left surprised Anton targeted Leon over them. Luan and Stan are just freaking out about the casual murder and Dee Dee is further traumatized by this second murder. Anton just rolls his eyes at this and shushes the 5 of them to be quiet as Professor Chang enters the room as well and tells them it's time to talk.
Act 3[]
Episode 13[]
Dee Dee is still freaking out from the death as Chang and Anton decide to torment Bender with the death of Leon and attempt to blackmail him. Thankfully, Luan and Wile E are on to something thanks to Bender and she goes up against the Cartel forces and angrily beats down Chang's men screaming in their faces for what they did to her, her friends and family which acquires Stan to calm her down and the rest of their friends to arrive to calm her.
She is more than willing to help Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Deathstroke get the super weapon to get revenge on the Cartel, Slade does hand her something that could keep in a magic pendant which he found out his ally Bowser had on hand. Dee Dee keeps it as a memento in case. With Mop Girl, Luan, Wile E, Malcolm Merlyn and Mysterion joining the ride, Dee Dee sets off to Russia.
Learning what they need to know on Solider Boy, the heroes are all preparing to take their own actions though they feel that Professor Chang wasn't feeding them all the info they truly needed. Anxiety looms on some of the gang regarding what Midas had did with Anton and Chang's back up. Then this is when their ship is attacked by Pirates and Air Ship group. Luan, Dee Dee andMop Girl go against Skurvy where she uses the pendant to get a cat box which she uses the Cat Suit's powers to fight off Skurvy.
The Aftermath has them consider what they already thought and decide to turn what Midas is intending to do against him with Solider Boy and whatever contact he has to lead them, there they will need to kill. Arriving to Russia, Dee Dee finds Little Nina who leads them to Solider Boy, she feels uncertain about trusting Little Nina knowing she's a brutal Russian crime boss from Deathstroke. Upon their arrival to the lab containing Solider Boy. Little Nina handcuffs them and prepares to kill them, Dee Dee switches the pendant to the fire flower and uses the fire flower to fight off Little Nina's henchmen and is able to let the heroes defeat and kill her. However one particular fireball does accidentally cause the tube Solider Boy is in to break loose and Solider Boy breaks his restraints and heads off which Dee Dee follows apologizing to her friends for being reckless with her fire flower power.
Episode 14[]
Dee Dee goes after Solider Boy to find him and joins Anti Cosmo in looking for him in the sky which she uses the super leaf in the pendant on Slade's insistence. They discover Solider Boy is taking clothes and eventually gets into his uniform where the two are wandering what his goal is here where they tell the group of this.
She and the team find Solider Boy and upon hearing Slade and Bender proposing a team up with him, She is one of the few to show suspicion on this as they don't know what to do regarding him. Dee Dee does come to some agreeance on this and does decide to look into where Payback is upon learning Soldier Boy's own mission. Changing the pendant to the cape feather, Dee Dee uses it to fly up to where Crimson Countess and is thankful the rest of The Cartel they faced isn't on to them. Then Switches to the Tanooki Suit, to prank the team when they arrive and helps hold off Countess so Solider Boy can deal with her.
She decides to use the cape feather again and is nearly shot down by Captain Putty and finds the others where she has to fight off the cops when it comes to their actions and Solider Boy. Upon hearing that Putty is intending to go after the heroes again and get to Bender's friends. She fears that her own family will be collateral damage, though she does cool down a bit when Stan tells her they were liberated as rats.
Dee Dee doesn't join the team in going to the TNT Twins mansion due to the content and how Solider Boy mentions how he started Herogasm.
Episode 15[]
Dee Dee notices Solider Boy running off and has Luan go chase after him with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender as she gets an Ice Flower to help freeze off Chang and Vostok's allies for the crew. Dee Dee then regroups with the team to discover what else remains of Payback for them which leads to a visit from Gunpowder and Mindstorm later on.
The Latter ends up getting Dee Dee a case of her worst nightmare as she is struggling to overcome her taunts as a bad actor, a bad child for failing to save her parents and a terrible friend as well. All the while being rejected by everyone she knew. It takes Luan, Mop Girl, Bender and Wile E to break her out of it which does work though she does have witness Mindstorm's brutal death which does set her thoughts into a bad state of mind.
She is left trying to sum up all the death and destruction that has happened since she has been doing this, Dee Dee is nearly arrested by Kubritz but is able to escape and reunite with the rest of the team after the events and she talks with the rest to discuss what they found out about The Salmancas being turned into chicken/lizard hybrid.
Episode 16[]
Dee Dee joins Bender in investigating Midas's work and helps steal Chickadatyls so they can investigate further into his plans. She puts Stan and Wile E in charge of looking into what makes this all work. She equips the Tanooki suit to keep herself out of sight as Midas tries to have the cops arrest them and she overhears Deathstroke and Underwood clearing their charges.
When she discovers G-LO was released and what Putty is doing, she is skeptical about why Putty hasn't been charged despite the crimes she learns about him
Episode 17[]
Discovering that Midas has tampering with food and that he has making Chickadatyls out of customers. Dee Dee finds something truly horrifying that he is canalizing his customers and that it keeps getting worse the more she gets involved. She also recognizes that he will likely have done to this to her parents if he turns them into those creatures too and that she will have to go rescue her family. Bender tells Dee Dee that they need to shut Midas's business down first and then do so.
She is halted by Midas trying to harm Bender again out of sheer pettiness and she goes for using the ice flower at the pendlum which freezes the Chickdatyls as she was informed not to kill them.
Episode 18[]
Dee Dee decides to go sneak out on her own without the others and finds the slaughter house which she does find and is able to recognize her parents and that she goes to resuce them by letting them out and managing to avoid Anton and the other Cartel members while at as she took inspiration from Stan, Luan and Wile E using black spray paint on web cams.
Upon her return she is brought in with Bender, Wile E, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Celes where they are informed of what they have found on Solider Boy and that they will have to put him down non lethally. She is left to quesiton what she should do, help fight the Cartel or help Stan and others cure her parents from the effects of the sauce.
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 1[]
Part 1[]
Dee Dee is present when Nate has his own invite as well and he tries to convince his friends to join him. Dee Dee is the only one to agree, as she wants to test herself on what she did on their own camping trip when she stopped a bear from mauling Nate. Nate asks if she has other reasons, Dee Dee admits she wants to get away from dealing with her drama teacher who is in charge of summer projects.
Dee Dee joined up with Nate to go to his road camp ideas. Her arrival questions the other members of The Streaming Resistance as well as Lydia, Lincoln, Clyde and David.
Nate talked to his own friends about his camp and Dee Dee decided to come along due to her dramatic personaltiy. Lincoln snarks to Lydia it'll be liking dealing with Lola and Luan in one body, Lydia adds it'll depend on which one they see more of.
This is when Victoria Neuman arrives and informs them all that she is the offical head of this camp and that it's on a road camp for them all as they all have something very special about them hence why she accepted all of their requests to do so.
So the entire party consisting of Lydia, Lincoln, Truman, Clyde, David, Will Robinson, Erica, Nate, The Robot, Dustin, Rave and Dee Dee all end setting their tents as Larke and Troy accompany Victoria back to her cabin.
Part 2[]
It is set in stone that the first of the major camping destinations that the group will take is at Bizarroville. Nate and Dee Dee camp out with Nate asking about why Dee Dee came along with him. Dee Dee reminds Nate that she has been trying to camp for the longest time since the incident with the bear and saw this as an opportunity. Also Dee Dee wanted to meet who Nate was friends with in his team. Nate just hopes it won't be like that last time's event with the bear, even if it's Bizarroville which makes him suspicious even if Rave knows about the place.
That next morning all the others have began to snack and eat breakfast, while Neuman claims all their cell phones as she explains rationally that cell phones are not meant to be used for campling. She sees her own daughter and they talk about the night and how it was.
Dee Dee, Nate, Erica and Dustin all hold on to some stuff. Dustin went to Camp Know Where secreting and took Erica with him and they managed to get their hands on what Dustin made. Will and Truman take curiously with this and Dustin shares with them his time there. Erica admits it was a better camp than the one she and the boys had to go under Mr.Krupp and explains what happened to them as well. Will takes an interest in the ham radio known as Cerebo and Truman looks at the Slammer. Dee Dee and Clyde both tries to get David and Nate as it turns out to appreicate camp and while Nate was successful to an extent with Dee Dee's attempt, David wasn't as much due to bugs. Dee Dee questions what he has against bugs, Clyde explains he is just jumpy around bugs.
The Group get to the train station and Neuman hands all them of their tickets. She does note that Larke and Erica missing, Dee Dee tells her that she saw Erica go after Larke as the latter got a call, Victoria said she collected everyone's phones, Dustin said that she had a pager a loop hole. Troy offers to look after everyone for her, which she decides to agree to and put Pop Pop and Myrtle also in charge as she goes looking for them. Nate and Dee Dee discuss Erica and Larke and decide to go after them as well.
Victoria managed to be able to track where the others went and Nate as well as Dee Dee caught up to her. She asks why weren't they with the others, and Nate explains that he and Dee Dee wanted to see where Erica was. Neuman decides they could just come with her since they're here, Dee Dee curious thinks what could Larke and Erica be looking for. Nate and Dee Dee both arrive and find Erica and Larke which have their note books. Larke was gathering infomation of the upcoming storm. Dee Dee states that Larke couldn't tell them about this, Larke wanted to be sure and she actually knew about and decided to find a way to look into it. Nate and Erica both head back with them and Nate tells her that it's thankful Victoria when with them and helped them find the girls as they left.
Dee Dee, Larke and Troy decide to set up a camp site at the nearest woods. Neumann however insists at parking them close to a manison, she also suspectfully asks where are Pop Pop and Myrtle, Larke says that they had something.
Part 3[]
With the others, she gets trapped in Dabble's mansion and work on finding fuses to deactivate the security system, Rave finds a droid feeder to get the right totals and he helps up working with Dustin to to just that as they have to make 5 totals of ingredients, so they can get another fuse. Dee Dee joins the two and helps them with all this before finding Erica, Nate and David.
Upon reaching a further part of the mansion, There is a dresser where they must use their mathmathics to their advantages. Larke takes advantage to dress up which Amy and Dee Dee decide to join up with this. All the While Lydia and Erica both roll their eyes at this and decide to head to the radio system.
Nate finds Dee Dee, Larke and Amy where Dee Dee was overacting as usual and Amy with Larke did dress up. Troy likes what he sees and does David. Clyde then notices as the security shuts down and they must shut down the Big Brain as Rave informed Dabble was using it.
Lincoln notices it's Bikini Bottom of all places where they are going next which Truman remembers as well as Clyde, Dee Dee and Nate know as well. As all of them have shared space with Spongebob in their network as Nate explains in the 4th wall way. Clyde and Dee Dee don't get what Nate is doing though Lincoln and Lydia do explaining it's a kind of power only they really know.
Upon overhearing about Cartel stuff from Lydia and Lincoln's discussion with Ford this makes her uncomfortable, Amy notices and asks Dee Dee with Nate about the cartel stuff, Dee Dee says it's all fine and she's okay. Nate isn't so sure himself. Will, The Robot, Nate, Erica, Dustin, Dee Dee and Rave all have awaited their morse code results. This is when Neuman's daughter asks if Will wants to play with her, and Will agrees to asking the others to do which The Robot confirms it will. Dustin and Nate both are curious about what Dee Dee was getting to when it came to reaction regarding Lydia and Lincoln's friends mentioning Mexico. Dee Dee tells the two not to press it, as what happened there is something she has no interest in saying due to some rather uncomfortable things happening there, She tells Nate not to even consider going to her parents, on this. Nate asks if this is her being a drama queen again, Dee admits to Nate that while she is one, in this case she ISN"T, Sending concern to Nate's way
Amy and Will both get Dee Dee to join them back with the two discussing what Bruce and Selina have suspected about Neuman. Dee Dee spies on them and asks what are the two discussing, Amy tells her to get to the sub where Frizzle is waiting as she will cover them in case. Will tells Dee Dee that Lincoln and Lydia both have some interest in the detective work and Amy is helping them accomplish this.
The next morning, Lincoln observes Anne's phone with Nate and Erica and decides to take what he got from his and Lydes's informant, Dee Dee looks over his shoulder and asks about what he and Lydia are talking about. Lincoln, Nate and Erica just look at her and Lincoln just says that the two of them got an informant who can possibly identify what has been going on with the massacre. Dee Dee compares it to the role she played once and how she once got involved in this role and when she did for it real something unmentionable happened.
Ruby takes in charge of the kids and brings them to Jellyfish Fields and Sand Mountain to catch jellyfish and to go sand boarding she advises them not to kill or overmilk the jellyfish they catch. Lincoln, Lydia, Will, Truman, Clyde, David, Dustin, Erica, Nate, Dee Dee and Rave all agree and go to catch some jellyfish treating like capturing butterfiles. Lydia intitally wants to roller skate again but Lincoln does stop her saying this is grass areas and not pavement. Dustin, Clyde and Truman actively join them with Truman having made contrapations to trap them and get a little jelly.
David had joined up with Erica, Nate and Dee Dee who decided to use skate boards and Erica decides to help David learn to skate.
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
Being surrounded by N.Tropy's mooks that Madame Kassandra, The Dupus and Dr.Dabble brought in, Dee Dee decides to take the fight to them using whatever she is able to get her hands on to take out the jelly creatures with Clyde, Nate, Erica and the others to save themselves and the others. After she overhears what Amy decided to hold up as a meeting in what everyone was able to gather.
Dee Dee also overhears everything between her friends about what Lydia and Lincoln dealt with The Dupus and The situation with Angstorm Levy of what happened in Hilda's universe.
Truman and Bruce take charge of the gang and they decide it was their best interest to move on from there and look into what the Dufus and Dabble are up to. Dee Dee asks about Lydia and Lincoln and learns from Selina that they, Amy and Will are heading to the Woods as they got a hot tip about their investigation of Team Free Will's disappearance and deaths.
Dee Dee, Nate, Erica, Bruce, Truman and Larke all made their own analysis of their own situation, as Dee Dee is a bit skeptical if Lincoln and Lydia are to get out of the situation they're in unscatched. Nate tells her nothing is going to happen that is bad as Amy and Will are with them too and it's not like anyone is gunning for them in a case of dramatic irony. Dee Dee isn't so assured, remembering that she had heard those words before.
Part 5[]
Dee Dee and her friends arrive at Ratcliff where she calls home and like Nate she is given some time to get her house in order like Nate. Where both her and Nate talk to their friends and families about everything that is occurring with them and that she wasn't kicked out of camp. Her Mom and Dad warn her of once again get involved in this multiverse situation considering what they had to do for her the last time this happened. Dee Dee tries to lower their concern and says she is with the Streaming Resistance and Team Free Will this time. She is approached by Nate and the others and is told she needs to leave considering their universe is falling part. Dee Dee has to leave her folks and watch like Nate as the universe is disppearing where she moans how she is the last surivior of Ratcliff other than Nate.
Dee Dee tries to tell herself things are fine as usual and tries to employ some methods to calm down.
Part 6[]
Dee Dee like Nate finds herself having to be comforted over what happened to her universe with Nate like Lincoln. Dee Dee explains that this was not the first time she dealt with something, she had a problem when it came to her family being under fire due to her involvement in the game and what she had to see there. It wasn't even something that was dramatic it did happen. She had to get some help to deal with this, and she doesn't consider herself healed perfectfully which Lincoln steps away with awkwardness as he and Nate dodge the questions for now
Fifi Dufus sabotaged the Magic School Bus and lands in Nevermore Academy where as Dee Dee has no idea what happened down, she is briefed by the others about what did occur down here as they go investigating on the history of Nevermore after everything that happened due to Spot's actions. That time stopped as well and it was marked for a universe to be destroyed by a pruning device due to what happened down here
Lydia, Lincoln, Amy, Truman, Larke and Bruce all return to Nevermore as they discuss what the former two have engaged them selves in and the double life lifestyle. Nate, Dee Dee, Erica, Will, Eugene and Neuman approach the returning 6 about what they found out about Nevermore and why it somehow returned despite what The Spot had did with it being universe damaging.
Chapter 3[]
Part 7[]
David, Truman, Nate, Dee Dee and Erica all helping Mrs.Frizzle with repairing the school bus to help after what Fifi did. Nate and Dee Dee discuss the possibility of bringing their own universe back somehow and if Wednesday does move out, then they can move in with Will as well as The Robot.
Mrs.Frizzle, Nate, Dee Dee, Erica and Truman have all managed to find more trash to put into the Magic School Bus to fuel it. The rest of the team see this and Amy questions if someone was stealing from Doc Brown. Erica said that she actually had given to her by Doc's Kids and that they all managed to work together to make it functionable to the School. Rave says it was hard but he managed to get done.
Lincoln, Lydia Amy, The Robot, Erica and Truman having went off leaves the others to their own activities. As Nate and Dee Dee go with Mrs.Frizzle and Clyde to pick up more trash to use as resource for the travel.
Part 8[]
Dee Dee scares off the Gumms Gumms with her catatonic screams and having a flail she uses to hit and attack plenty of Gunmar's Trolls and manages to help save WIll from what Angor Rot puts him through as a drama queen this ability came natural. Later after dealing with the Cobra Kai Zombies and Gunmar's forces, She agrees with a visit to an actual camp, Camp Mastodon to be exact.
Dee Dee and Nate decide to stay low, though unlike Nate she is a bit more eager to get involved in this situation which worries her. Though Dee Dee is forced to admit her own trauma and troubles she dealt with to Nate when Lincoln and Lydia return from camping with Bender and Anti Cosmo who Dee Dee knows from her China Town situation. Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, Dee Dee, Bender, Anti Cosmo and Toby who also arrived with the two with his wingman AAAGGRRUUHH, explain the situation that occurred with Milton Midas and the Cartel a long time ago which resulted in Dee Dee being traumatized by the events that happened there and how she needed a lot of therapy and coping skills to begin to live once again. Dee Dee is a bit anxious to work with Bender and his friends again, albeit not for distrusting them it's because of what they encountered with Midas and Solider Boy has her question if she really has a place in the multiverse, though Erica is able to get through to her on this.
Part 9[]
She covers for Lydia, Will, Amy and Lincoln after hearing what Neuman has to say and decides to help them expose her since if Bender is telling them what he suspects on Neuman, he must be right. When Nate and Erica ask her about this, Dee Dee tells the two that Bender, Anti Cosmo, Lincoln's sister Luan and AC's boss Slade helped her deal with the Cartel and got her parents saved from being turned into a meal. She says the matters are way too graphic to describe but it was a very stressful time due to the gravity of the situation, hence why she'll stay as mission control instead of risking herself.
This turns out to be smart as she kept a flail in handy and uses it against Bean who attacks the heroes on Cate's order who uses her powers on Stan, Her and Hailey at certain points and this allows Dee Dee and the others to knock sense into Bean. When Troy is declared decased and she is told of the warning they recieved, Dee Dee decides that she will have to return back there with them and this time face whatever fear she left back there with her friends, both the ones she made now and Bender and Slade's allies as well. Once Lincoln, Lydia, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Toby, AAAARRRGGHH!!, Steve, Amy and Will return from what Tom has to tell them alongisde Jack Sullivan, Bender and Anti Cosmo bring her up to speed on this while The others go to warn Eleven and Wednesday which she decides to accompany them on despite what Anti Cosmo and Bender warn her about.