Deathstroke is a villain from the series Arrow and the main antagonist of Season 2 completely.

Being one of the many Slades in the multiuniverse, he is the first one apart from the first Slade to take a major villain status. He was once a friend of main character Oliver Queen until the love of his life died and he blamed Oliver for her death and swore revenge on him. Sadly it was a misunderstanding. This was eventually rectified.
He also has a son from the future that followed in his footsteps Grant Wilson
Moral Ranking: Inconsistently Admirable
Phase 3[]
Deathstroke appears as an ally to Eobard Thawne. Deathstroke is the right hand man to Eobard alongside the Joker. He Serves as one of the main antagonists of the story. Deathstroke serves as Thawne's Top Henchman and like Toffee and The Joker he's one of the founders of the legion.

He serves as the deuteragonist to Bender, Lydia and Skipper and is the villain with the most screen time. He is also arguably the main villain of the story as a result until the last 3 seasons where he betrayed his master.Deathstroke is first introdced in Episode 2 as part of the 4 man ensemble of the legion and sets out to recurit The Legion's Followers for Thawne. This angers The Joker and the two almost attack each other over this, Thawne stops this and they all head out to their missions

Deathstroke returns from his mission to do the legion's recruitment using time travel and multiversal travel where he informs Thawne of his sucess and while Joker and Toffee inform the legion of their mission. Deathstroke asks to see Thawne so they can discuss an arrangement. He has brought in his group and already has occupied a capture on Amanda's father, and his group have already talked together about what they since Deathstroke intends to make sure everyone can get a hand out of their alliance.
Having joined Thawne and the legion in time, Deathstroke is instructed to chase down Bender, which angers The Joker though Deathstroke defends himself and the choice of him as he's more functionally and level headed. He and his team managed to capture the Crystal Gems of Steven Universe though Steven escaped, but he figured that would happen as he consorts with his allies. He decides to go pursue Bender after he splits up from the team while talking with Slappy, Guzma, Jasper and Thawne. He and Thawne spy on Bender's group and plan their approach with his henchmen Guzma and Malcolm Merlyn. He assigns Guzma to go after Django, King Julian and Jake with some of his allies. Deathstroke though chases down and succeeds in finding Bender's party. He grabs Phineas out of nowhere causing the Benders and Isabella to point shotguns at him. He admits he's stalling the team and managed to fly paper the jet the team was using to make sure they can't intervene with Toffee and Thawne. Then he fights Bender, Skipper and Jorgen without any superpower and then retreats after a stalemate. Deathstroke after Welton points out what point did that have stated that he wanted to see if Bender was worth attention to Thawne and happily admits Bender is very much worth it and looks foward to their next encounter considering it a victory even. Deathstroke is next seen talking with Joker and Toffee and once again arguing with the former as he is aware that Bender will tell the others about him. Deathstroke also mentions his handy work to them and Thawne where Joker is unimpressed and offhand mentions his knowledge of the Wave Rider what saved Slade from Asura. He hears a snap on a twig and correctly assumes someone i.e Lydia is spying on them and he goes after her and while he doesn't succeed. He notes that it may be for the better in the long run. He then plans carefully and reveals his plan to Amanda's dad with Guzma and Mark. He then ambushes Slade's ship undetected ready to steal the chromoskimmer from him.
He makes an ambush on Slade's ship to steal the chromskimmer he isn't successful but manages to plant a video eye in the ship which was his true plan which Thawne and Toffee both considered masterful, Afterwards, The Four plan together to their next move.
The Joker sends Dennis after Bender and Skipper which Deathstroke disagrees with and goes after him personally. While giving his villains assignments before making his prepartions by playing a game of chess with Guzma. Deathstroke sends over Guzma, Welton, Malcolm, Mark, Tiger Claw, Scudsworth and Number 2 to keep tail on him. Number 2 tells Deathstroke that Bender is here and Deathstroke knowing they want to get Axel sends his men after them While he faces Bender and Marco again and manages to be victorius when trying to get the amulet, Skipper and Star do get one over him on this, albeit he's not fazed. He also learned of Lydia's getting around and has a robotic duplicate to chase her and has the rest of his minons go after Slade on top of that. Darhk and Jafar however join Chrysatlis in overthrowing Equestria. After restoring the sun he directly chases Lydia which leads her to Bender and Skipper. He also tries to cripple Tombstone's empire with Azarel helping him by exposing his alias. Tombstone does manage to get Deathstroke to flee after using his great strength to overcome him.
Thawne and Deathstroke both observe and Thawne knows that Bender is holding the Amulet as does Deathstroke who also knows that Scorpion is who Bender's looking for. Deathstroke brings his main followers plus Jafar to join him in his attempt to try to ransom the amulet or something like that. Deathstroke meanwhile has Welton and Scudsworth masquerading in the netherlands so he can get an easier access in. Thawne and him both sit down observing their interactions. Deathstroke and his allies show up as Scudsworth and Welton report this to Deathstroke. Bender, Skipper, Scorpion, Starfire, Jorgen and Jimmy are feel surrounded by the group. This is when Deathstroke shows up with the intention to acquiring the amulet which all they refuse to give to him with Scorpion ready to clash with Deathstroke. Deathstorke unflihly sends his henchman after them to over whelm them when he gets Bender and Skipper to both face him
Skipper and Bender are give blades by Scorpion and charge at Deathstroke who clash them 2 on 1 and like Tigerclaw it's very even matched and dangerous as both are doing so over lava. Deathstroke defiently isn't holding down while Bender and Skipper are using their team work to keep up with his swift speed. Eventually, Bender gets his own blade and knocks Deathstroke off his feet and Skipper then chops Deathstroke on the chest and Deathstroke throws Skipper at Bender. The two get back up and Bender decides to screw it and blast Deathstroke with a gun, Skipper then uses the stall to attack him, nearly knocking him into the lava. Skipper and Bender then both pin Deathstroke down which impresses him and admits they're now 1-1 and tells the team to get them later, which suprises Malcolm, Mark, Tigerclaw and Jafar as they were going against the others rather well with Scorpion having the upperhand against them
Guzma and Number 2 confirm Deathstroke's order and when questioned, The three reveal that Deathstroke knew it would be a lost cause to try and do so, but felt that he could learn the enscription through Scudsworth and Welton which they did succeed in. Malcolm takes the encriyption and goes with Number 2, Scudsworth and Welton to learn more Where as Deathstroke, Guzma and Tigerclaw all begin observing the rest of the heroes as Deathstroke's plan unfolds. Star and Marco make a decision to see The Mewni Family to learn about their magic. Deathstroke has his eye on this and say that his plan is going accordingly. Darhk with the rest of Deathstroke's allies go to Mewni under his order. Guzma and Tiger Claw join Deathstroke as the three decide to go to Mewni on their own terms. Deathstroke also managed to sneak in to Mewni's Castle and knocked out the guards with Tiger Claw and Guzma's help.
Deathstroke and Guzma get the Magic Wand and Antauri finds them and Deathstroke unsuprised with him showing up. Antauri tells Deathstroke he wants the wand back and Deathstroke decides to just have Guzma release his pokemon to fight the monkey. Antauri fights Guzma's team until he is eventually taken down by Golisopod. Guzma and Deathstroke decide to bring Antauri back to the base when Star arrives and takes the wand back and attack the two. Guzma and Deathstroke both throw explosives to blind Star who brings Antauri back. Guzma and Deathstroke get back on their ship and start playing pool while having a discussion about the ambush and their move on Castle Mewni.
The crew is nearly back together until Steven is captured with the Gems by Deathstroke who reveals that he led the gems lead him to Steven to capture him and the Crystal GemsSteven wonders where the gems and Thawne is informed by Deathstroke that they're on road to him and he asks Deathstroke why isn't Steven with him, Deathstroke explains that he asked only for the gems and that he has plans for the boy. Anti Cosmo gets in contact with his past self to help out with this and has him travel all over the place to find them. This is When Deathstroke arrives on the scene and reveals that he managed to track them here with every intention of preventing from getting to the others. Sideshow Bob asks how does he know this, because he has eyes and ears everywhere Deathstroke says. Tombstone catches that and tells Bob and Anti Cosmo that the Ensemble was bugged by Deathstroke
Deathstroke confirms this and explains how he needed a way to stay one step ahead without getting blood on his hands yet. Eddy wakes up with the other V Team members and stand in front to go after Deathstroke who decides to go after the ship directly now that the heroes know too much. Deathstroke unfortunalty has the keys to the ship as he managed to swipe them from Eddy as he knew he had them. Tombstone puts a hole in the window and brings the others in through so they can stop Deathstroke.
Tombstone catchs up with Deathstroke and reminds of their last physical encounter which Deathstroke recalls as him being suprerior in strength to the assassin. Tombstone and Deathstroke clash once again with the former this time ready to put the eye back on Deathstroke. This is a success for Tombstone as he manages to get it on stealthfully and gets back to the team
Deathstroke is right there to confront Uni Kitty and the others. Puppycorn asks how did Deathstroke find them and get there 1st. Deathstroke mentions he knew they would try to find their friends using the lighthouse. Unikitty and the others are ready to fight Deathstroke, Deathstroke mentions that he is here for an answer on the mysterious teen they and Lydia worked with in Equestria. Unikitty asks what his business with this and Deathstroke tells her, that he's trying the easy way to learn her identify without going through the long hard way. Dr.Fox identifies his allegiance to Thawne and tells him to get lost or fight them. Deathstroke brushes off Dr.Fox that he isn't here to fight them and even if he did, He wouldn't be able to take on Uni Kitty and Hawkodidle who he commends as a great warrior also throwing out there that she herself is a beloved ruler of a kingdom he is wise not to anger. Their signal is found by Rip who beams them up with Deathstroke watching before returning
Thawne, Joker and Toffee all go on his case for not attacking Unikitty, though Deathstroke points out that he doesn't necessary need to go for violent approaches to get info. And He more than got his info.
Deathstroke tries to convince Steven to help him conquer Beach City as opposed to give him to Thawne. He gets his info out of him and lets him go and gets more work related to the Spear done. He also confides in Steven that he wants the Spear to get his life back, his eye back and not to lose what he lost over the years. He also finds Oliver and thinks trying to get revenge on him as well, but eventually decides not to let his revenge overcome his goal.
Deathstroke gets a lot of work and manages to score quite a few more hits on The B Team, he is the one to kill Suede, Djnago, King Julian and Colress and severs Finn's arm and manages to uncover the Galactic Federation by giving tips to Bender and Skipper and kills Dennis. He also steals some of Scott's technology to use to surveil the multiverse while Thawne, Toffee and The Joker kill them.
When Lydia loses herself in the black hole and the amulet, Deathstroke doesn't listen to Thawne and decides to actively go looking for the amulet himself believing it still exists. He is proven right and has his associates help him find it where he tails Lydia and The Loud Family . He tracks them masterfully and attacks them though Ford and Amanda help them against him. Lincolin and his sisters though save him from being killed at a point, and Deathstroke ponders to himself afterwards and decides not to tell Thawne about Lincolin or what he encountered as a thank you for that.
When Thawne comes back, Deathstroke reveals he got the manuscript after Thawne scolds him for disobeying him. Thawne points out that he was so worth it the recruitment despite his disobedience. Deathstroke goes back to his followers and tells them he has the manuscript and it's revealed he has freeze guns pending and tells them to save using them until Thawne tries to backstab him and he reveals to the team another thing. Thawne is a time remnant and needs the spear to restore his existence and then something is pursuing him and that this can be used as well. When Welton and Tigerclaw ask Deathstroke about his loyalty to Thawne since it's implied that he wants to overthrow Thawne. Deathstroke reveals he's taking out insurance policies in the event and takes another unknown one.
After a few more seasons, his suspicions become correct when Thawne brainwashes Amanda and has her kill her own father. Deathstroke is present for the actions and when Thawne declares war on the heroes, Deathstroke is pissed about Thawne's action and disguises himself to help Bender and Skipper be spared from the spear. Deathstroke when Amanda gets the spear reads the manuscript to change the multiverse to their liking
Everything he lost was restored and Deathstroke is happy about his life being back in balance. However he feels remorseful that his actions screwed the majority of the people he knew were only doing what was best of the universe. He learns and is shocked what The Joker and Thawne did with many of the heroes, He ponders afterwards and is ambushed by Thawne Deathstroke confesses his betrayal to Thawne and tells him that Deathstroke was the face of the legion, he provided the legion with their resources and even recruited their followers, also that he got most of the work done and Thawne never thanked him. Thawne calls him out for going behind his back with his plans and Deathstroke defends himself that Thawne did this too and lied to him and his henchmen. He is set to be killed by Thawne and Deathstroke reveals he build a escape mechanism on the execution wall in case he was on there, taunting Thawne that he is no one's servant. Deathstroke decides to rally his followers to repel against Eobard, though a few actually turn on him and reveal they are more loyal to Thawne than him. However Guzma, Malcolm, Welton, Tigerclaw, Number 2, Mark, Scudsworth, Darhk, Gus, Mike and Ra's Al Ghul all side with Deathstroke to help him attack the legion.
Deathstroke defends his team from Thawne and nearly dies from Thawne though he is successful. He meets Bender, Skipper, Lydia, Rick, Marcus, Twilight and The Loud Sisters at a restaurant and tells them, that he needs them to help him defeat Eobard and take the multiverse back. Bender and the others are suspicious and question him, Deathstroke reveals that his deal with Thawne was to give his henchmen and him what they wanted or he won't follow him and what he did to Amanda was made him betray Thawne since Welton wanted her of her own will to be his partner in evil. Deathstroke and Bender decide on the truce and get Slade back to help them and fight off Thawne's forces. Deathstroke reveals his 3rd ace on Thawne, in that he stole the page about deactivating the spear to use on Eobard since his betrayal was something he suspected.
Deathstroke also tells the heroes that he knows Alt Doof, Discord and Hunson are alive and that he is reaching out to them to help them. Then he leads the 2nd round against Thawne and that Discord and Hunson are getting the spear parts. After a long fight between them against Thawne and Amanda. They bring Amanda back to normal and trap Thawne, Deathstroke gets the spear until Toffee and The Joker put them back in place and Toffee betrays Joker and Thawne and reveals he also knows what Deathstroke knows on Thawne's weakness. Then he watches The Joker be killed as a result of Toffee, NOS-4A2, Mandarin, Rodney and Marie's getting the rift and unleashing their triangle master.
Before Toffee kills him like he did with Thawne and The Joker though Bruce and Selina save the gang as does Deathstroke's followers. As they escape, Deathstroke points out that Toffee was always a little sketchy as he noted, he still had no idea that Toffee was planning to cause an event that is like Armageddon. Deathstroke thinks about how to best defeat Bill's cult and like the rest of the team insists to find their own base and own powerful ally, When some of the other places are ravished by Bill, Deathstroke decides it might be better to use Lian Yu but it was blown up as he finds out, When Twilight suggests to go to Mewni, Deathstroke thinks that the Magic Comission won't let him and indeed they won't since Moon tries to attack Deathstroke.
Twilight tells Moon, that they have a truce going on and that Toffee is loose where Moon lowers her wand and says she has her eye on Deathstroke. Deathstroke and his followers reveal they still have the magic wand they stole and decide to use against Toffee. He does ponder that Toffee may know they''re here in Mewni and indeed Toffee has led an attack with the cult against Mewni and Deathstroke fights some of his former allies again and once he sees Toffee, he chases after him
Deathstroke tracks Toffee and finds the magic comission in tears and all near if not dead. Moon dies right in front of him, and tells him to led the heroes stop Toffee. Deathstroke and his followers after mourning Moon's passing all begin an invasion on the castle. Guzma and Malcolm question why does Deathstroke want to kill Toffee and Deathstroke mentions that Toffee is too dangerous even for him to exist in the multiverse and that Cipher is a bigger threat at the moment and Tiger Claw as well as Number 2 mention that the spear could give them what they want at their hands.
Deathstroke and his followers tell the heroes their plan to get in Toffee and Bill's hideout. Deathstroke joins Bender and Skipper to fight Toffee and comes with a way to block Toffee's magic powers and his plan does work until Toffee attacks them. Toffee tells Deathstroke is he tried of playing hero and gives Deathstroke an appreciative response to keeping him on his toes unlike their teammates and that Deathstroke was smarter than them as well. Deathstroke tells Toffee he intends to stop the lizard from his goals and won't let him run his multiverse. He and Bender talk about to stop Toffee agreeing he's nothing like Thawne deciding to attack him in sword play. After a long fight, Toffee stops them and leaves, Deathstroke believes that knowing Toffee will try to find and kill Lydia now for the spear, when the two question him. Deathstroke states that's what he would do.
Deathstroke, Bender and Skipper go through the castles ready to go after Toffee again and they see him and Cipher get split and the three fight Toffee for round 2. Toffee isn't amused and asks are the three finished, Toffee then threats them will Starfire and Marceline's death because they and the others intervened with his deal. After another long fight, He brings out the big guns with them and utterly obilterates Toffee with the combined force this is when Toffee tells the three that he is in control and only he knows out this will turn this is when he is crushed by Heloise, Anti Cosmo and Slade. He reveals that Thawne was trying to make them think Heloise was dead, and blackmailed to create robots for the legion and science stuff.
He says that he and Heloise eventually decided to counter Thawne and has Heloise assist him in making counterplans to take out his master with freeze guns and anti speedster weapons. He joins Bender and Skipper to find Lydia and Marcus since Bill will try to kill them and this is when Bill surprises the three and uses them as bargain chips against Lydia and Marcus.
When Ford makes the deal to stop Bill, Deathstroke watches as the rest finish up Bill and Deathstroke uses a weapon he found to restore Ford's memory. The six ask who to use the spear among them in changing their multiverse. Bender gives him an offer and Deathstroke tells Bender he has no interest in getting what he wants anymore as he realizes wanting is better than having. He does reveal to them that he doesn't want the easy way out of this and wants to actually work to make things right. When the timeline is altered, Deathstroke and associates go on their own journey to make things right in their eyes.
Elseworld Saga
Deathstroke took his own journey to make things right through politics where he ran and won the position of President of a great deal of the multiverse with his cabinet to improve the multiverse further that he helped form out of atoning for his evil actions working under Thawne, He recongizes something is on and gets to the heroes to assist him in his investigations. He gets Dib, Bender and Lizbeth all their own missions to help him. He is behind Dib and Lizbeth's involvement in their own battles as their infomatnt and is a main character in Bender's involvement as he needs to work with the latter more directly.
After becoming President of a considerate part of the multiverse, He put his ideas into working recuritng some of his fellow allies, as well as Heloise, Bender and Skipper to work for him as a mean of giving them employment and safety under him. He also has Darkwing and associates working for him as he recongizes DW's heroism and capability.
Phase 4[]
Deathstroke takes on a main character and acts as the main leader of the heroes due to being the president of the northern multiverse and takes part in both storylines. Deathstroke has the 4th most appearances in Phase 4 of the characters tied with Ford Pines, Marcy Wu and Captain Hero in 9 stories, making him one of 13 characters to appear in half or more of the storylines.
Anglesmith Origins[]
Deathstroke is relieved Bender finally answered his call and asks Bender about the job and learns Bender agreed it, but also he has a request to have Wile E work for him too and he accepts this after Wile E was fired from Acme upon successfully suing them. Deathstroke gives Bender the conditions of his employment to him as well as to Luan and Wile E which he and Number 2 work in detail.
Double Life Emergance[]
Deathstroke serves as one of the main characters where he is involved in the Cartel feud as the employer to both Bender and Wile E Coyote. He does end up recruiting his followers to help as it will be needed. Compared to the other heroes, he leads his own plot and is one of 4 triagonists.
Act 1[]
Episode 1[]
Deathstroke has Bender and Wile E work under him now as they took his offer, the two report to him what they had dealt with and what's going on with The Cartel. Deathstroke agrees to help Bender out with this case in China Town and The Cartel.
Deciding on getting more help, he decides to go look into an another ally to get into the China Town Case. After sending his allies, he decides to go looking into the Cartel attempts at killing Bender and his friends to see what was the consistency or who could have tried to do so.
Episode 2[]
With Gus, Mike, Tigerclaw and Malcolm Merlyn, Deathstroke manages to discover that it was Anton Chireguth that tried to kill the others and tries to get it sent to Bender on this, though The Cartel blocks off his attempt to do. Guzma arrives back with Leon Kennedy who Deathstroke decides to sneak out for help due to his skills as a field agent.
Leon and Deathstroke decide to go after one of Professor Chang's secret operations which was discovered by Tiger Claw and Malcolm as Gus and Mike work on to fight back against Don Eladio and get the message over to the others. They discover Chang's work that he has in mind with Dr. Jonnie Orm and how he is repeating what Becker did with supes.
Through Gus Fring, Deathstroke discovers the cops were following Bender and Slade as they arrived in China Town and they bring in Mike to give this info as Gus learned the Cartel was going to attack The Holloaway's hotel where his allies are.
Upon MIke's return, he tells Deathstroke the message was sent, and then Guzma, Leon, Malcolm Merlyn apparently made some connection to one of Chang's associates when it came to his operations. Deathstroke, Leon, Guzma, Tiger Claw, Malcolm, Mike and Gus all arrive in Goodkin University as that is where Leon, Guzma and Merlyn found something. The associate is a bald eagle who Mike identifes as Milton Mundas who took control of the College and a con artist, enivronmental polluter and businessman and Deathstroke is aware of him and knows he's bad news considering his sheer unethicalness.
He also notices the Salamancas and their goons are on their way and alerts the others on it, he does quesiton if they're protecting Midas or trying to go after Midas themselves. Afterwards Gus and him get the others out with their own gem and while they didn't get any clue to what Midas is doing with Chang they do get a good idea what Midas is going to do in China Town.
Episode 3[]
He investigates The Woods by sending his allies to go infiltrate this while he does his own work looking into the eagle as he works to discover some of the things Midas is petaling to the Cartel. As he discovers Midas has been making his own connections to the EEW! Corporation and has been using it to supply the cartel with the income. He finds that Midas hid the truth about this and managed to make more of a snack known as Flavor Blasted Beardly Yum Yums which turns eater into snacking machine like feral people with toxic waste Midas needed to get rid of sell.
As the others return he informs his associates that of the work he did on Midas and his coproration and well as Leon and the others dealt with their own investigation, Which Midas has also been working with the corruption of the university.
Deathstroke discovers that the Flavor Blasted Beardly Yum Yums have made way to China town through Bender, Luan, Wile E and Dee Dee and the 4 saw that eagle who tampered with the food as they found out. Deathstroke informs the 4 of what he did discovered and he found a way to help them and informs them to use water to get out of the toxins in their bodies which the gang does use.
Working with Guzma, Gus and Leon, he also begins to discover something as well on what John Orm and Chang have been working and it seems to be a clone of a familiar person to him.
Episode 4[]
Deathstroke with his allies do their surveillance on Professor Chang and his cloning of Captain Hero and how it all managed to go as planned. He was able to figure out through Bender, Wile E and Luan that Captain Hero was in prison due to a set up from the cops to get back at him for ratting out the Cartel. Tiger Claw though comes in with a message that Milton is suing him for trespassing and leaking out private info.
Deathstroke annoyed by Midas decides to take this court and he decides to have Saul represent him though as he needs someone to go after Midas's lawyer. Mike, Saul and him take into account that they will have to score a blow against Midas even if they lose. Through Guzma he also discovers Midas placed warrants on him and Malcolm due to their shadier actions before joining him.
He appears in Court and tries to vouch his case against Midas about his actions as well as trying to bring attention to Midas's illegal activities. To his annoyance he loses the case despite being in the right though as Saul consoles him that they forced the eagle to pay a hefty fine, which Deathstroke feels he will be able to recuperate as he discovers from Gus that Eladio and the higher ups protect their top earner.
With a restraining order on them too and his allies in prison the same one, he must put another operation into effect.
Episode 5[]
Deathstroke begins to put together what he has in mind to help his colleagues out of jail with Leon, Tigerclaw and Mike. As he points out, they will have to deal with either bail or a way to get them legally out by using their allies as he and his associates are on a restraining passing order. Leon and Tigerclaw go to fetch his number 2 guy while he and Mike decide to put their other end up here.
He and Mike are able to find Luan and Dr.Wells and the two decide to have them stay in contact with his associates that he is working on a way to save them as Mike is going to bug the prison to figure what is really going to go down. This is proven smart when the bug and police radio manage to catch Pablo is going to try and murder them.
Episode 6[]
He keeps in contact with Leon and Tiger Claw when it comes to their surveillance of the Salamancas as he needs to insure that if he can't touch them, then he can spy on the Cartel if possible. He and Mike are both given the bail that Saul Goodman and Number 2 managed to negotiate with Tom Hagen to insure of the release of their comrades that they will need to get. Thankfully since Number 2 is head of a billion dollar company he finds a way to insure that they can release them from prison.
Mike and Deathstroke however become aware of something that makes them realize they will have to act quick. Their suriveillance of the prison makes them realize Warden Norton is comlplicit in Pablo's plans to kill Malcolm Merlyn and Guzma to cover Midas's tracks. Gus Fring confirms this as well to the two and that Bolsa gave the order to give Midas to in turn to give Pablo as Bolsa can't risk the two of them escaping prison on bail which is in part to Tom Hagen who told them only because he had to as Hagen didn't want them knowing he negoatied with Saul and Number 2.
He and Mike head to Number 2's operations and acquire the money which was set at 7 million dollars. He is unsure that Number 2 can get the money back after this, Number 2 reassures him that the companies he has managed to run or have a steak in are Starbucks, the 90 billion dollars a year Virtcon made and the 9% agent fee he did for Holly Wood. Deathstroke is relieved that he made him fiancial security in his cabinet.
Mike and Deathstroke find Luan, Bender, Harry and Wile E Coyote and inform the 4 of the bail for Malcolm and Guzma as well as Pablo Esacabar making an attempt on them under Midas's order through Don Bolsa who Deathstroke reveals is the 2nd in command of The Cartel. When Bender decides to forgo this and break them out, Deathstroke tries to talk Bender from taking a reckless decision reminding him of all of the crimes he has committed in the past and how Deathstroke's group is on a restraining order so he could implicating himself further.
To his suprise Bender decides to forgo it, but Luan decides to go through with the break out as Saul agrees with that since the cartel is motivated by the money, they'll just take and with Warden Norton on the payroll it may not work. Deathstroke tells Luan to back off from this as if Bender can be talked out of it, she can too. Realizing she is serious, he decides to advise what he really thinks could work as Luan isn't considering things as he and Mike decide to help Luan with this.
Act 2[]
Episode 7[]
Arriving in secret considering the restraining order, Deathstroke informs Luan that she will have to be careful with this operation and that if the bugs he and Mike placed there are found there. Then it could spell real trouble for them all. Formulating a careful plan with Number 2 and Mike, he is able to secure this as Luan had Elfo do her end as they needed a small person to do it.
Given the Bugs, Deathstroke decides to get all the information decoded off the bugs and audio off it. He settles at this point to counter MIlton Midas's own actions and give unquestionable proof of his criminal actions. Leon arrives back from his own time with Lincoln and Lydia and tells him what has gone down on his end. On one hand, Deathstroke is baffled that Lydia and Lincoln are in this as he feels that they should be no means in this, despite how he scared the former at times. On the other hand, The kids did find some more thing in those corpses in the lake and that it could be linked to something even bigger.
Thanks to Bender informing the president of what he under covered with Wile E Coyote, Deathstroke decides he has everything he needs to counter sue Milton with water regulation and water park activity considering Pi-Pi is working under MIlton Midas, and decides to plot his plan to do just this.
Episode 8[]
Deathstroke had brought in Felicity Smoak to hack into the bugs and use her skills to make video form of what happened with Norton and Midas with his allies. He is saddened to hear what happened with Oliver and his passing, gives his sympathies and can understand why it bothers her. As Felicity brings everything to him on what had happened at Norton's prison, he asks if Malcolm will serve as a witness of this which he does. He intends to get that restraining order lifted and to get back at Midas for that frivolous lawsuit.
Deathstroke, Saul, Felciity and Merlyn take Midas to court and explain what has happened at the prison at the hands of Midas who let Pablo in with the intent to kill them. Felicity and Saul bring the video footage of what happened and Merlyn who did actually take some harm from Pablo due to the fact that Guzma and Merlyn were both taken to the hopsital after wards. He points out that Midas made false lawsuits against them and that they weren't done in right ways and were only done because the jury was rigged. Deathstroke manages to win the trail this time, though Midas is just able to pay a fine to avoid it's at least some damage to him as it's out of his own pocket.
With Mike reporting what he had came cross with Bender's and Slade's people. Deathstroke declares a war on the Bliss drugs and that he will be clearing the street of these drugs. Felicity is able to figure out how Midas got the deal done and hacked a webcam to do so which shows the deal between him and Skumm. Deathstroke sends her to give the info to his active man, so Luan and Bender can know what's going on as this will be necessary as they can take active hands without him getting any trouble.
Episode 9[]
Deathstroke hears how Felciity got to Bender and his gang and they must learn what they know on Bliss and that he and Merlyn warn them that the dangerous of Bliss are worse than they they think. Due to his agent's visiting the hospital Guzma gets out of the hospital and decides to rejoin the Staff on Deathstroke's payroll. He does explain to them that he saw the affects of this on some other patients referring him to Daffy and Maria.
Deathstroke decides he needs to patrol the streets and has Merlyn and Guzma join him with this afterwards. He notes the effects of Bliss as well as who is the main demopgrahphic being children and teens. Disgusting Deathstroke and Tigerclaw as well as Guzma and Merlyn for the fact what he's doing against kids.
Deathstroke and his posse use their authority to get the drugs on the street from where Mike and Leon are able to get this from. Pablo and Machine Head are the drug dealers for Midas who report this as Deathstroke has his henchmen claim the drugs off them and goes so far to refund them not wanting more homelessness in his time as the president.
Deathstroke hears of the news that had occured with the schools and the students from Felicity. Guzma, Merlyn and Tiger Claw are at least relieved that they were able to save a few people. As Gus, Leon, Mike managed to discover that Midas was running something as well and it was under covered by those kids. Deathstroke is questioning why the kids are very much in this
Deathstroke calls up Lincoln and Lydia on what they are doing here and while he wants them send home, He is convinced to keep them on their own trek by 16 and Carmen. He informs them of what they are doing here and what they have found. He has a special assignment for the Multiverse Resistance to help him with if they're interested.
Episode 10[]
Deathstroke informs his colleagues about what he has come up with the Resistance and how they come around into all this as well as what he has found out at the abandoned recycling factory.
Team Rocket and Rose show him what Lydia found with them, and as Rose reveals that Midas has some other grand plan to cause environmental damage with Deathstroke and Mike with Felciity. Jessie, James and Meowth thankfully have a way to help protect them from what Midas will do. They hand what they need to Number 2 who agrees to get for the group
He sends Guzma, Mike and Leon to go with Team Rocket, Mysterion and Rose to go where they have found Midas's operations and to undercover more about this plan he has to rain on farmland and anyone who crosses him. As all Deathstroke and Felcitiy know is that what he has in mind and has something to with coal as Rose and Team Rocket were able to find some remains of coal.
Anti Cosmo and Bender ask Deathstroke about the farmland Morgana has that Midas invaded. He informs the two about another building that produces coal and that they are looking into it and it could be used further to harm what Morgana has been setting up
Deathstroke and Felicity see that Number 2 is back with the resources needed and he instructs them to lay low as he and Merlyn will secure the office down with the steel shutters. Deathstroke and Felciity discover from their group a secret rain making formula being used, He is called by MIdas, Professsor Chang and Hector who are taunted and gloated to by Midas who says that he and the Professor have managed to make something spectaular so he can take revenge on all of them As Well as Hector being able to sabotage Gus's own business. Deathstroke calling Midas a coward, questioning why does he just go after them now. Midas says because he and the boy have been creating something to destroy infrastructure and it's just about time for the storm to begin, he sees it as an acid rain storm.
Deathstroke, Merlyn and Number 2 all observe the acid rain storm and how it basically is just destroying the infastructure of their surrounding and shorting out the power. Deathstroke feels that this must have been the plot Midas had. Number 2 deducts that it will take a lot of money to repair all of this and that it won't be easy of an investment. Merlyn does add that Midas is thinking like a businessman so he knows redundacy isn't the key like he did. Deathstroke asks him on his opinon, Merlyn explains that Midas is trying put himself on top and how will he do it is by using not just money, but environmental sources.
He and Felciity using the auxiliary power are able to tell Bender and Anti Cosmo this.
Episode 11[]
Luan, Bender, Wile E, Dee Dee, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison call up Deathstroke and tell him about the water sanctions/auctions that Tom Hagen informed them about. Deathstroke advises the group to go the auctions and buy rations of water so they can sent it to him so he and others can test in case Midas has other angles.
Deathstroke decides on sending Felciity to secure some of the water resources so he can study them himself as to to keep an eye on Midas attempting anything on Slade or Bender. He also gave an order to Leon to assist Guzma in what he feels is needed to be done regarding the Shadow Pokemon. Gus has a lab prepared with Merlyn and Mike as well with the president so they can study whatever they suspect is Milton Midas's plan with this auction of water. Gus and Mike both show awarity that Milton is plotting a trap with this water auction. Merlyn concurs due to redundancy being a consistent as a businessman that one has to learn. Deathstroke explains this is why he put them on the job to understand a corrupt businessman.
Thanks To Felicity managing to get some of the water from Midas handing to Deathstroke, they go down to the lab with Gus where the three run tests on the water handling it like meth which Gus has build his own empire
The three manage to discover that Milton Midas has contaminated this water and some of the other water he sold, Deathstroke suspected this the whole time due to what he knows on Midas's actions. Felicity decides that they should dump it, Deathstroke declines this as if they do it may be what Midas wants with this. He considers doing what was advised if nuclear fallout ever struck the world to do with the water.
Deathstroke, Saul, Number 2 Felcity and Malclom Merlyn learn of what the rest of their allies have been up to. Deathstroke warns Mike about the water that he, Gus and Felciity and keep them away from the water when they get back to what Midas is up to. Felicity and Deathstroke doing some research from what they have learned from what Team Rocket gave them. That a Snagem Machine will be needed to take the Shadow Pokemon back that are being made and that they will guide the group to where Team Snagem has it
Episode 12[]
Deathstroke, Felcitiy, Malcolm Merlyn, Saul and Tigerclaw discover the contaimation effect of the rat rot and realize how contagious it is and that the President is going to have make an announcement to his area. Guzma and Team Rocket decide to take this matter in their hands to do so and Deathstroke decides he has to warn Bender and his friends about what he has to possibly do for the group.
Turns how Midas had managed to do more than what was expected and he was able to infect Gus, Saul and Tigerclaw with Rat Rot as it happenes in front of the remaining Deathstroke Associates and Resistance. Deathstroke decides that he has to report and insure his quarantine orders immediately which he does with the others serving as his camera crew as he gives orders to his allies outside of the area to precure themselves for this and to do the research needed to make a cure.
Deathstroke and Felcitiy having overheard of what happened with Morgana from Bender, he decides to send in Leon to go investigate the car she tried to go into and Leon proceeds to go and arrives at the scene of crime which is now mostly defunct and Leon manages to get it checked in the odometer, the kind of vehicle, the gas cup and all that and even sees the blood on the seat and he reports this to Felciity, Mike and Deathstroke. Deathstroke knows that drastic times need drastic measures and tells Leon to meet up with his Investigator that he has been working with for a while and informs Mike to tell Leon where to meet up with him. Deathstroke, Felciity and Mike see Mysterion and Rose return and the 5 of them try to ponder what is Midas's next move and that the former did see Stan Marsh so he asks if Bender is here and Deathstroke says he is. He hopes Bender and Leon get work on this case unknown they already know each other as he lets Bender go back and forth.
Act 3[]
Episode 13[]
After escaping Professor Chang and Anton, Bender, Slade, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Wile E, Stan, Dee Dee, Bean and Captain Hero tell Deathstroke of what had happened down at the hotel room and what they are attempting to blackmail them about. Deathstroke considers that they made the right call and that they must get the super weapon to use it against Milton Midas, He does instruct Stan, Bean and Hero to stay so the rest of the team can do just that.
He also tells Lincoln and Lydia's group of this as well and decides to have them join up with The Russia mission, though he leaves Bender and Slade out of his description. Keeping his ratified allies safe, Deathstroke, Mike, Felclity, Malcolm and Number 2 set up their dominos to start dealing with what Midas has on the plate now. Malcolm being aware of Russia and what happened with Oliver Queen, deciding to join Bender and his posse in acquiring Solider Boy. Deathstroke sends his other allies to go work with the rest of the team as he and Merlyn go to get Bender the resources to travel out and to get around what he sanctioned.
Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry, Bender, Luan, Wile E, Dee Dee, Mop Girl all meet up with Deathstroke and Malcolm who have managed to a hold of a way of transportation for them to arrive in Russia. He decides then to find Stan, Bean and Hero where they meet at G-Lo's prison cell with the Space Bandits and find Tom Hagen who has been able to figure out some of Midas's operations have to do with going on territory of the Cartel leaders he threw down.
With his other allies, he manages to find more trouble coming their way in what happened to Gosalyn, other kids Jack Sullivan knows and with Stan and Celes, discover that Midas is taking control of Los Pollos Hermanos having what he did to Gus for his own operations as well as Hector's Ice Cream operations and Jack Horner's operations. He also discovers that Midas has been using anyone he turned into a rat to do labor at a farm and make rat milk while also witnessing what Midas does to those who fail him.
He learns that the heroes arrived in Russia and Little Nina waiting for him, he insturcts to wait for Little Nina to make move. He is aware of who she is as a Russian crime boss and it will not be wise to engage against her unless she strikes first.
Episode 14[]
Deathstroke puts Mike and Felicity in charge of an operation he has suspected after what Bender told him about Midas. He decided he needs to witness relocate Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Lizbeth, Boomer, Edd, Nina, Darkwing, Launchpad, Golalyn and Starfire considering Midas and Captain Putty are attempting to blackmail him and has them accomplish this mission. He then joins up with Stan and the others to take action against Midas and discovers that Dee Dee's parents are among the rats he is using to make milk as is Don Eladio and other Cartel leaders.
Deathstorke and Wendy both try to insure Stan doesn't get too reckless considering what he witnessed last time and while the former does try to get Stan to consider this. He eventually allow Stan to help, as Bean and Hero are busy also trying to prove G-LO's case while helping as well which comes in handy against Midas's allies.
Bender and his friends then consult him about teaming up with Solider Boy, Deathstroke plays neutral as he does agree with Luan about how dangerous he can be, but does feel Bender and Slade are right to act on this as Solider Boy is voatlie, but better to have help them then oppose him. He admits giving up Payback's lives is not a easy task, but Deathstroke concedes the needs of the many outweight the needs of the few.
The operation turns out to be a success and he is able to get Midas's operations dealt with, and considers the eagle's actions truly disrespectable considering he robbed Morgana of her own resources after what happened to her.
Episode 15[]
Stan, Wendy, Deathstroke, Mike, Felicity and Number 2 discuss what the latter had discovered and the projected work he did. Mike, Stan and Wendy decide to go undercover here with the cover of a grandfather and his kids. Deathstroke studies the notes of Midas's own work thanks to zooming in on Midas and Gavin's meeting that Felciity was able to undercover. There is some trouble since the agreement is crooked Gavin cooked up, but airtight, Deathstroke knows he will have to expose the corrupt actions for good, for all his efforts Midas has always been able to escape
He is also informed by Officer Affable of what has happened with Midas not being too bothered by what he had Mike do earlier and tells him what he will have be done. While later he discovers Carmen and Juni tell him about Solider Boy which they went into before breaking out their friends.
Mike, Stan and Wendy hand over what they bought over to Deathstroke, Felicity, Celes, Bean, Elfo and Luci. Frank, Doug, Claire also arrive and ponder about what is the operation here and he is eager to send Bender back to town after learning he finished up with the Payback situation.
Malcolm and Guzma return to Deathstroke and tell them of what has happened on their ends with Bender, Luan, WIle E and Stan all being told of what happened with them and what as Midas has been up to when it came to his operations Deathstroke tells the 4 of what he did by relocating the former's friends due to Putty and despite this he and Bender suspect that the cops will do something else. Dee Dee, Stan, Wile E and Deathstroke converse about what else has happened as they hear of what happened with Hector and the Cousins.
Episode 16[]
Deathstroke decides to bag some reinforcements and he is told he has to meet with the Russian Authorities which he does as he must smooth over what Bender, Lincoln and Lydia have done in Russia regarding Solider Boy and the Cartel. He also goes to insure G-LO gets released and decides to inform the top authority over Captain Putty when it comes to what he tried to set G-LO up for.
He is able to get a pardon for Bender and his team as well as Lydia and Lincoln and uses the former to get him out of trouble when the cops try to arrest him.
Episode 17[]
Deathstroke ends up hiring Mulder and Scully to his operations and has them brought back with him. He does upon discovering that Kubritz was in alliance with someone to send them to Russia for getting too close and that they captured an alien for her. After this, he heads on back town where he discovers what has been going on and Felicity being infected by radioactivity due to Solider Boy.
Episode 18[]
He gives Bender advice how to deal with the threat Midas has looming over him and says that he will help contain the situation with his allies and that he is working on a way to cure Rat Rot, The Chickdatyl effect and what his agent has. He also lets Bender know of what he would do with SOlider Boy and agrees that it will be best to use non lethal actions.
When Wile E presents what he wants to do, he agrees to this condition/idea the Coyote has.
Act 4[]
Episode 19[]
Working with Slade, Bender and Anti Cosmo, he instructs how the group will take of their tasks as they must save the country from Midas and his men. As he orchestrates the duplication of Rat Rot to the people Midas effected, he also has his men look into radioactivity to help his hacker as he is able to bring the men who were ratified back to their normal selves
Episode 20[]
In order to expose the Cartel fully like what Bender, Luan and Wile E, he has them capture Gavin and then has Saul Goodman put the tacks in them. He also works to discover a cure to the Chickdatyls. Having curing his allies, he sends the cure all over the country so he can keep the populace safe before Midas can turn them into his next item menu. Though he has many successes, he realizes he can't readioactivty so he designs a freeze chamber to allow a chance of survival in the future
Episode 21[]
Having offically exposing the eagle and his business, he finds the others have managed to cure Dib, Bubbles, Lizbeth, MIlo, Boomer, Starfire, Nina, Blossom, Edd and Buttercup from their status as well as Darkwing, Gosalyn, Jimmy Neutron, Launchpad and Ada Wong. He aplogizes about the situtation they are in and decides to help them get home. After this he decides to help Bender, Luan, Wile E, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harrison in dealing with Professor Chang and Midas.
He manages to do this and has the ice box ready for Solider Boy as he agreed with them in just putting him away and not killing him. When Solider Boy goes nuts, Deathstroke takes the first shot on him
Episode 22[]
He tells his group to heal the Cartel too, which he points out that the members not on Midas's team are as much harmed by his actions as they were with this logic. Deathstroke fights Solider Boy with Slade, Anti Cosmo and Bender and finds him a very tough oppopent despite the advantage of numbers. Having noticed Captain Hero being depowered, he has a plan which he tells Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade of it that they should depower Solider Boy themselves.
With Slade and Bender helping him, he fights in a rematch with him with Anti Cosmo using his magic to stop his nuclear powers, this rematch manages to go in the 4's favor as Lincoln, Lydia and Toby's group did manage to take some energy out of him. He helps the team seal him later after getting rid of his radioactive powers as Wile E, Luan and Harry gas him.
Episode 23[]
After discussing the aftermath, he has Bender not to leak any info of what happened here to his friends, as it was a very dangerous situation they were in due to Midas and Captain Putty's investigation and they could have been killed and likely fried. Later he assigns Mulder and Scully their tasks of what they do under him and decides to insure they will be safe under him.
Episode 24[]
He gets an message from Mexico's leaders wanting to honor him and his crew for saving their country from Midas and THe Cartel, being given the choice to bring a few of his crew. He invites Bender, Luan, Wile E, Stan, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry and Dee Dee with him. He does have to work to invite Dee Dee, due to her trauma but Stan gets through to him
Having Morgana and Leon's funeral and dealing with the gods, He tells Bender, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan and Harry of the situtation and to inform Wile E of it. He allows Slade and Harry to invite Celes and Jessie Wells, Stan to invite Wendy and Bender to invite Bean and Captain Hero.
The 14 of them receive their honors for saving them and exposing a true monster under the business facade.
Multiversal Noir[]

Chapter 1[]
Deathstorke as acting President has found out about Toffee's return from his colleagues and this is when he gets a call from Bender, Luan and Wile E Coyote who he goes on for not telling him as the president learned of Bender and Wile E's role against Toffee, which Wile E points out this wasn't on their on hours and Bender explains that he couldn't have Toffee come out as it would ruin both him and Slade's crew attempts to investigate Toffee.
Deathstroke lets it go and asks why Bender really called him and this is when he finds out about Lizbeth's disappearance and eventually decides to help Bender with finding Lizbeth and creating a multiversal dimensonal traveler and that he and his associates will work on it. Agreeing with them, he sets Lizbeth and Milo's former home town Halverston and Area for set up and tells Bender, Wile E and Luan to meet him there.
Recuriting Guzma, Malcolm Merlyn, Mark Mardon, Professsor Scudsworth and Welton, Deathstroke heads to the Zaragoza House and they do an investigation wanting to find something that belongs to Lizbeth with the theory that it could be used in some capacity and they settle on her stuffed elephant Chester.
Deathstroke meets Bender, Luan and Anti Cosmo and their associates at Milo's old house which is still up for sale and they construct the machine and with the help of Captain Hero and Mark Mardon they manage to get the machine to work. He instructs Welton and Scudsworth to keep the machine functioning and to keep anyone possible on speed dial in case anything happens. He, Guzma and Merlyn all begin to ponder about Bill Cipher's return and could anyone else have been brought back
Chapter 2[]
Deathstroke and his associates keep an eye on the multiverse machine as promised until the energy sources really spark the juice in Halverston and Area. The News goes to find him where he must deal with the stress over this situation
Deathstroke explains that he is attempting something new to give to the multiverse inter dimensional travel and that he and his men are working to make it safe for useage by testing it.
Deathstroke shows the press to Welton and Scudsworth who explain the machine to the press and they got the idea from an associate that the President worked with and they decided to make this a reality.
Deathstroke continues to hold a press about it with Malcolm and Guzma holding the public off and taking questions for him to answer. As he waits for Bender, Anti Comso, Luan, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero, Cleo and Hilda to get back.
Deathstorke informs Bender of his encounter with the news and that people are starting to hear about this. Deathstroke tells Bender that Lizbeth Mattie was a version of her to be and just because she shares a name doesn't mean she'll share a last name or looks and tells him to advise that for next time. He also gives some pouches of magic that came from unknown to them Amity and read that it came from Marcy in the event of Sepratsis attacks.
Chapter 3[]
Deathstroke and his forces look into more of the multiverses with Cleo as Bean and Hero take Anti Cosmo and Bender's alcohol and deliver to Luci. Cleo begins showing some sparks to herself which frighten her as she starts seeing cracks open and close randomly which Deathstroke and co are curious about which Cleo Sub Prime as no idea how she's doing it. Darthstroke and Welton seem eager to try to see it until they are found by Separtians
Deathstroke orders his crew to take them on and to bring Bender, Luan, Hilda, Anti Cosmo and Wile E back which they do and this is when Deathstroke and his forces with Bender and Co all fight off Ratiskor and his Separtians who damage his machine as they are chased off.
He decides to get repairing the machines with Wile E and Mrs Tarnutala as the rest go to Los Pollos Hermanos on Bender and his request. Deathstroke's associate Gus Fring is the owner and Deathstroke send the team there with an idea to get a new place to do their work. After Hours, Deathstroke joins Bender, Luan, and Anti Cosmo in arranging a chicken farm as a place to do their work.
He and the crew take their supplies and stuff to Gus's chicken coup and put the machine back together for everyone to go into.
Chapter 4[]
As Bender and the other 8 enter the portal to the next mutliverse, he and his associates begin to think how much longer they can operate the machine. When another portal opens up randomly and it's revealed to a girl looking like Hilda and a boy looking like Lincoln. Deathstroke and the crew are intitally confused but learn that it's an alternate multiverse form of Lincoln and Hilda who just by concidenance found the portal
Deathstroke and his assoicates learn of their history upon bringing them and are asked of to be returned home. Deathstroke decides to make a deal with them at the request of his number 2 man after calling him up, he'll help them get home to their multiverse if they help him with his own task of finding a missing person which they agree to
Deathstoke sets up a multiverse for AU- Hilda and AU Lincoln to go through and hands them a picture of Lizbeth for them to go through
After a good deal of check ups but no success, this is when Bender, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero, Cleo, Hilda and Webs all emerge out of the portal and Bender has a confirmation to London and he's going with Anti Cosmo there. Deathstroke thinks something might be too good to be true and will still look.
Chapter 5[]
Deathstroke as he signs off on papers for his duties is informed of what Bender and his associates told him in regards to what they found out. Bender and Anti Comso are set up for a ride by Deathstroke to London so that the former two can find their friend.
That being said, he is warned immmediatly by Gus. Gus warns Deathstoke that the Septraians have come through to the farm with other monsters.
With Ratiskor and the monsters arriving to vent steam, Deathstorke has his enforcers with Bender's pals engage in a fight with Ratiskor's army to get Anti Cosmo and Bender to London through a distraction.
Deathstroke contacts Guzma and Gus contacts his men to get the duo to London safety as Deathstroke continues to cut through Ratiskor's 3rd of a Septraian army.
As everything cools down, Deathstroke realizes just how much danger this could be. He has AU Lincoln and AU Hilda come back to this multiverse and cancels the project on sigh.
Upset, Deathstroke couldn't hold up his promise to the AU Verisons of them, Deathstroke keeps AU Hilda and Lincoln as his house guests and give them a life in this multiverse as he intends to find a less risky way to find their multiverse for them.
He and Mike discuss the possibilites of what could come out of their actions they have pulled. Mike advises Deathstroke to be ready for a lot of questions once it comes out. Deathstroke agrees, he asks did have the kids be placed at the home he has put out for them, Mike states they have and that he is looking into the parents of one of them feeling that the multiversal dimensional hopper probably brought in another party of people
Team Free Will: Disassembled[]

As he is The President of the northern Multiverse, after his work on the multiversal dimensional hopping machine. Deathstroke took a rest from anything truly drastic to settle into simply helping those in need like he promised.
He wants to give Bender sometime to settle the situation he's in. Deathstroke learns about Team Free Will's disestablishment at the hands of them sheltering a turned rogue Cleopatra Setori and learns of Nolan Greyson trying to smoke out Lydil Red's real identify. Deathstroke settles to look into Anglesmith's associates and gets into contact with Lisa Loud who knows a guy through a guy. Deathstroke decides to bring Team Free Will back together on account of them being wrongly prosecuted and sends his super spy Larke Tanner who he recruited before the events of the story after meeting her after an encounter with some rivals of his., his Private Investigator Mike and his lawyer Saul Goodman to find the team he can.
Deathstroke settles on informing the group of their situation and recruits Bean and Captain Hero to assist him and the others.
Alongside Larke Tanner, Deathstroke serves as the duteragonist of the story to Lydia, Lincoln, Ford and Sid.
Deathstroke is currently looking at his papers that he has found and is looking into the latest debacle. The Escape of Cleopatra a former Team Free Will Member who left prison, he notes immediately that it’s a cover up. He considers Bender to help but doesn’t want to take him his sabbatical.
He consider calling Team Free Will to help him though he is informed by Larke through her spying on Lincoln that the group was disestablished in part to Cleo going rogue. Analyzing both papers, Nolan Greyson is who he considers the tipper in regards to this, suspecting someone else gave the info to Nolan. He considers looking into it.
Deathstroke phones Larke to bring Lincoln and friends to him with his proposition to bring the gang back together. He makes Contact with Bruce and Lisa Loud and instructs them to find the leader Ford Pines as he knows he’s absent for what his P.I Told him and instructs Saul to have the kids present the info.
Mike is also dispatched by Deathstroke to find the team that isn’t in Royal Woods as he needs utter discretion and Mike is the man for it. Using his connection to Lisa, Deathstroke also contacts Captain Hero and Bean to help as if he can’t get Bender, he can get his associates and through the younger Loud.
He recognizes that Lydia is Lydil Red looking at the videos he has observed through Larke Tanner’s spy work. President Wilson is proud of his hire of the teenage spy as she allowed him to expand his influence. Looking again at more of Nolan’s paper, he learns of him trying to smear Lydia and compares to Jameson on Spiderman drama.
Deciding on something important, he must tell Lydia of this and swear to her that he will keep this info to himself. He does this as he recognizes a heroine who wants to truly make a difference and feels she is being treated unfarily by the press, with him backing her it could help her.
Lincoln, Lydia, Truman X, Anne, Luz, Sylvester, Tweety, Molly and Scratch arriving on Larke’s return. Deathstroke reveals himself to them as Lydia and Lincoln both know him and reveal their history to the others.
Deathstroke reveals the situation in regards to Cleo and Nolan Greyson. Being upfront, he wants to reassemble Team Free Will as both him and Larke suspect they are innocent of the supposed crime of protecting the instigator of the Weirdmagedon Aclopayse. Lydia states they know it was Toffee.
Deathstroke reveals he knows too, and that his P.I Anglesmith told him, Lincoln states he knows him too, as his friend Hilda knew him too. Wanting to get to bass tacks, he wants to bring the team back together as he has already talked to Ford and Amanda Payne as well.
Asking for Lydia alone, He tells her knows she is Lydil Red. Deathstroke tells her that her secret is safe with him and he will protect her alias and help her. He brings in Bean and Captain Hero to help as his private investigator’s associates other than his other guy (Mike).
His first power play is to recruit Nolan Greyson’s son Mark who he knows is the alias of Invincible and Omni Man respectively.
Chapter 1[]
As he observed with Number 2, Saul and Mike he realizes that The Millers have noted their bug and they did it quick. Number 2 asks what is next with this, and Deathstroke tells Number 2 he did anticpate this and has a wire tapper for Larke and Truman to use and plant elsewhere.
Both him and his Lawyer believe they need eyes on anything the agency the Millers are working for and to keep contact with. This gives them an idea as soon as they are told by about Hilda's sneak out. Deathstroke has Mike go tail Hilda's mom in case someone figures out the connection or has plans for Trolberg.
Selina arrives at the White House and tells him about the spies that Anne and Sylvester noted and following them. Deathstroke, Selina and Number 2 do their own investgiaton upon Selina writing down what they looked around.
Having Selina with the wiretapping device, he ask her give it to Larke and Truman to use for what they need in order to keep an eye on another situation. The 3 continue their look into it and this is when Deathstroke makes a find
The Group is M.A.L.I.C.E and that Deathstroke realizes they were the ones who are running the show it seems and may have conncetions to Nolan and Cleo. Deciding it may be an good idea to get the spies back to him as well as Bruce, Lydia, Ford and Lincoln to the white house even calling Larke about this.
Chapter 2[]
Deathstroke calls Larke Tanner after she calls her boyfriend and asks about where they are currently. He is told they are stopping at a campsite for the night, and he understands due to how close it is. He asks to bring all their info and he'll present his own side which she agrees.
Selina suprises Deathstroke and Number 2 at their office and Selina hands something to Deathstroke that she undercovered from the Illonis Attack. Deathstroke asks how she got it, Selina states that she had to one heck of a stealth mission due to both Mr.X and Steelbeak becoming supscious of her.
Deathstroke states that this was going to happen with spies and with M.A.L.I.C.E. Selina also adds that neither Cleo or Omni Man are actually working for M.A.L.I.C.E they're just working with them. She has no idea who the actual head is. Deathstroke seems pleased regardless, and sents her out before his meeting with Team Free Will starts.
Deathstroke, Lincoln, Ford, Truman, Number 2, Larke and Bruce all exchange their actions and info. All in regards to the Illonis Attack, Cleo, Omni Man's arrival and ambush on Captain Hero and Amanda, The Info on Omni Man that Ford found and the M.A.L.I.C.E reveal that Lincoln uncovered with Lydia and Hilda
He notices Lydia is barely there and thinks maybe she knows something as well and Lydia is eventually there when she reveals the Nano Gauntlet, she suspects is what M.A.L.I.C.E seeks or at least is trying to complete. Lydia tells him that it's a weapon that was created a long time ago orchestrated by a duo of unlikely heroes who led a way to undo a snap, she doesn't know who though. Deathstroke asks about Toffee and Bill Cipher causing Weirdmagedon and how similar to it is that in regards to the snap as he was told by his allies. Ford states that he did see Toffee have one in Gravity Falls when they were facing The Cult, but only that one time. Number 2 and Deathstroke question why Toffee would just ditch it afterwards and that M.A.L.I.C.E found it at some point, maybe one of the villains working for him worked for Toffee before
Afterwards, he and Number 2 find out about a M.A.L.I.C.E arms deal and how it might be linked to what Lydia said. The both of them decide to get the group on it and learn that Killain is the one running the operations. He gets Bruce and Selina first, followed by Ford and Larke and lastly Truman, Lincoln and Lydia and sents them off.
Number 2 and Deathstroke both decide to place a call to Mike about Hilda's mom Joanna, and they are told of Joanna finding and joining forces with The Bad Guy under Mr.Wolf. Deathstroke does a background check and states she'll be fine since he knows Marlamade is working with M.A.L.I.CE and Mr.Wolf is opposing them.
Chapter 3[]
At The Castle, Lydia, Lincoln, Ford, Hilda, Amanda, Larke, Anne, Luz, Bruce, Lisa all call up Deathstroke and report what they all did and what happened all of their ends and mentioning the P.I Office they found in Luci's Inferno which HIlda was aware of the detective but she wasn't aware the office was there
Deathstroke does mention ultimately that the P.I does work for him and the office he didn't know was there. He does mention that he has done some digging into the Nano Gauntlet and that Slade and Anti Cosmo made the Gauntlet. This confuses the others about what they know and Deathstroke explains that the duo made it somehow a long while ago to stop a bigger threat.
Deathstroke also reveals to Larke that he has Mike investigating it as well so it won't be necessary for her or Truman to do so.
He finds out about Lincoln and Lydia being brought into custody by Mike who was looking into this and Deathstroke gets Saul to them in turn.
Deathstroke sees Saul and Mike return from the agents Scully and Mulder. Deathstroke finds out about them, and decides they will be worth while allies. Realizing that something is bigger going on regarding Saul, Mike, Lydia and Lincoln's encounter with them. Deathstroke decides he must go further investing M.A.L.I.C.E directly
He does just that and finds the base that Mike and Saul referred to him. He does an autopsy on it and is joined by Scully and Mulder and working with them he finds out about them being from another dimension and that even they are unsure of them and how M.A.L.I.C.E managed to contact alien life. Deathstroke suspects Nolan had a hand in this due to his alien heritage
Chapter 4[]
Deathstroke and Saul are in contact with Mike and are reported to about the Bad Guys and Joanna crossing paths with Fox Mulder and Dana Scully
He is told that the agents are heading to Hawkins to deal with whatever that alein was which Deathstroke admits he doesn't even know what a Demogorgon is. Deathstroke learns that Lincoln and Lydia were both indirectly revealed by Mulder to Joanna and he is in agrreance that to prevent Joanna from doing anything nuts and that he needs undercover operatives to figure out these alien creatures where he and his lawyer look through some kind of Roldex
Larke communicates to Deathstroke what she found about the gems and what she suspects. Deathstroke thinks on this for a bit and what Larke told him and he realizes something important.
He is questioned by Tanner about he knows since he was in Halverston and Area. Deathstroke exlpains that it was a personal matter and that he was doing something for an associate of his, it didn't work out accordingly though. Larke pushs more info on him asking would he know about the gems and where they come from as a result of that. Deathstroke states that whoever made those gems proably came from some alternate dimension and now M.A.L.I.C.E is after him
Joined by Sid, King and Eclpisa. The 4 ask about the aliens HIlda encountered with the others. Deathstroke states he did have both Mike and Saul see something classified and that M.A.L.I.C.E may have had a hand in it but has no suspcions on it at the moment.
Deathstroke suspects Nolan had a hand in this due to his alien heritage, which Larke shuts down.
Sid, Eclpisa and King ask about the Plutonians that Lincoln and Hilda saw in Amphibia, Deathstroke does have an answer for this and states that they came from outer space and that were contacted by an unkown party, it wasn't Nolan. He does admit however, that it might be government connections and he needs to look into it.
Sid, King, Eclpisa and Larke ask about said connections, Deathstroke admits that it might be someone with a lot of pull or even from an another side of the multiverse. and that's he will see what he can find.
Deathstroke sees Saul and asks him to do some digging into the governments of the Southern, Eastern and Western Side of the Multiverses to see what comes up.
Ford, Mark, Sylvester and Tweety are in a lab with Number 2 and Deathstroke and all of them testing ways to figure how to defeat Nolan. Mark is cautious of this as he knows his dad "was" the greatest hero for a reason. Ford states that he is vulerable, and there is a way to beat him. Deathstroke asks for a sample of Mark's blood as Mark is at least half Virtumite. Mark states how with that help, Deathstroke and Ford both state if they can understand the biology or something it can help. Ford reassures Mark he is not out to kill his dad, he just needs to defeat Omni Man to prove humans are not to be conquered by aliens or the virumites spefically. Deathstroke states he is sure it's about that only, or is it about Nolan threatening his kid. Ford realizing how quick Deathstroke commented on that and Ford states it falls into both categories. Tweety takes out a syringe and hands it to Sylvester.
Sylvester holds the syringe and restrains him so he can take the sample. Number 2 takes the blood sample from Sylvester and looks at with Deathstroke. Ford, Tweety and Sylvester say to Mark they'll have to wait for a result.
Mark thinks he's just half virtumite so how will this truly help, Deathstroke states that they can understand his DNA. Sylvester and Tweety go with Number 2 and they analyze carefully the blood sample and observe this. Deathstroke, Ford and Mark wait patiently as they come back and Number 2 states that while they did learn a lot. They weren't able to figure anything out with weaknesss, he implies power is the only way so far to take him out.
Deathstroke states Ford will fine a way and he knows Ford can get one over Nolan, Mark agrees with Deathstroke and thinks he could test and see what hurts him he's Invincible afterall. Tweety considers this and begins putting Mark through a lot of physical punishment which has Sylvester cringe a bit with the cat even telling Tweety to tone it down.
Mark states he can take this all day, Number 2 asks Deathstroke and Ford if they should allow this. Ford does tell Number 2 that until they get back. Ford, Deathstroke and the others return to the team and the former two decide to talk to Amanda about getting her uncle and father involved. Amanda curious to this ponders why, Deathstroke reminds her that Welton works for him and that her dad could be most helpful.
Amanda states she isn't sure on her dad for reasons, Ford suspects it may have to do with happened to his little girl. Amanda denies this and says he knows Amanda is all grown up, an amazon and well other things. Deathstroke and Ford state to themselves that it may truly be about her not wanting to be undermined by her father and keep this to themselves.
Deathstroke then goes to see Ford and Truman's parents as he has something to show them
.Deathstroke and Ford both realize that their bug might be compromsed further than they realize in regards to what Deathstroke heard in regards from the families Deathstroke, Ford, Mr and Mrs X and Amanda all listen as Deathstroke plays a recording he found recorded at the Setori House hold. Deathstroke explains that it seems their bug was compromised further than they realized and that things indeed when wrong
Deathstroke reveals that Cleo's parents are dead now too and that Kim has been infected by a virus herself. Deathstroke states what exactly do they think and Ford states like someone intended to use her as a weapon.
Mr. X has his spy vechile and brings Mrs. X, Ford and Deathstroke into the car as he discusses what his plan is in regards to Ford's device. Deathstroke has a call himself coming from Mike and is told about Hawkins and the aliens. Deathstroke asks Mike on what else did he find and Mike tells him that they are investigating the true head of M.A.L.I.C.E. According to him, the head is another man who those agents call The Smoking Man. Deathstroke asks Mike to see what info he can find on CSM and see what he can do. He needs to give this to Team Free Will
Mr X, Mrs X, Ford , Deathstroke all arrive at the Setori House as Amanda, Mr X, Mrs. X. Ford, Deathstroke, Amanda, Captain Hero, Eclpisa, Tweety and Sylvester all arm themselves in the event of being attacked by Cleo as they go up the stairs and quietly so Cleo can't know they're here.
Cleo is quick to notice this and asks what the hell are they doing here. Ford and Amanda both take the lead and try to calm her down saying they are here to help her with Kim. Deathstroke advices the two to keep their heads up as Cleo may be dangerous. Cleo states she can do this herself and uses her own powers to attack the others and that she doesn't need them.
Kim's unconsciousness body is sealed into chrysatlis and the group tries to blow it up or damage though this doesn't work as it is harded as a result as the others try to break the chrysatlis in turn.
Deathstorke have hung back and noticed the chrysatlis decides he will need to taka bigger plan of his own and remembering what Mike told him, he asks Saul and tells to Goodman to send that alien government agent of his to Hawkins. Saul is hesistant, though Deathstroke reassures Saul that things will be fine in turn.
This agent they got earlier turns to be Agent Bishop who Deathstroke, Saul and Mike all manage to get a hold of and through them he sends him after Sweet Pete, Lunaris and Alpha.
Agent Bishop brings the Bad Guys, Joanna, Jaune De Arc and Agents Mulder and Scully to Deathstroke who is seen with Saul Goodman and Number 2 and infroms his boss that he found them
The Group greets Deathstroke as he introduces himself as the president of the northern multiversal and the benefactor of Team Free Will. Deathstroke brings them all in to his office as Bishop, Number 2 and Saul wait
Deathstroke brings in Mr.Wolf, Mr.Snake, Webs, Mr.Shark, Mr.Taruntla, Joanne, Jauna, and Mulder and Scully and briefs them about what is going on. He has Team Free Will after the Inifinity Gems now that M.A.L.I.C.E has half of them, an alien invasion being led by alien invaders which they all confirm basically to him and what Cleo and Nolan are up to.
The Crew is understandably unaware of who they are, Deathstroke states that he has his P.I Track them and that they are dealing with alien threats while he has Team Free Will deal with M.A.L.I.C.E as he needs someone on the outside to invesitgate this. So they're his guys
Mulder and Scully ask about the kids and will they be fine, Scully has doubts on them due to their kiddish natures albeit only a few. Mulder has confidence though in them. Deathstroke agreed with Mulder and states that the Lopez Girl has use the Infinity Stones as M.A.L.I.C.E is seeking the Gems of similar power, The Loud Boy also has some use of it too and they are as his associates put it the two most level headed members of that team.
Joanna then ask about Hilda and he reasures her that Hilda is just fine but to calm down and Joanna flips on him saying Hilda is all she has and she worries sick about her ever since what ever happened to the father. Deathstroke tries to explain Team Free Will has her, safe which she accepts but she is still a single mom.
Jauna calms her down and points out that he knows what it feels like considering what he lost and he feels haunted by his inability to have saved his lost love. Joanna states she can help with that and Jauna decides to let his guard down and tells her everythig happened between them.
The Bad Guys ask Deathstroke what they can do to help him and his associates. Deathstroke tells Mr.Wolf if he is up for something that requires putting their skills to use and He states he is. Deathstroke asks Mr.Wolf if and he and his associates would like to work with him and after some brefing they agree.
Chapter 5[]
After Deathstroke, Saul, Mike and Number 2 instill the employment papers for the Bad Guys. They are visited by Mr.X who defected from M.A.L.I.C.E upon learning their true intentions. While The Bad Guys, Joanna and Jaune are suspcious. Mike holds him at gun point to explain his intents and why they shouldn't pull the trigger on him
Mr. X explains to Deathstroke, Saul and Number 2 that M.A.L.I.C.E is working with alien figures which is something he didn't sign up for and he found their actual leader is someone who is advovating it for something in regards to the human race. Mulder and Scully believe Mr.X and realize that CSM is clearly the leader of the team which they had supscions on. Scully asks if Mr.X saw the leader, X confirms that he knows of him and that the man is nuts as he is old. his allegiance to Nolan and Cleo is more of separate plan at this point, both of them as he notes are doing what they think is right for their people or the environment while this guy is more doing this for his own worth.
Jaune De Arc asks who are Nolan and Cleo, X states Nolan is a virtumite and an alien he didn't even know this until recently though. Cleo meanwhile is a human turned mer person who once served Team Free WIll until betraying them thinking they ditched after thinking Toffee killed her. Deathstroke stops him there and states Team Free WIll didn't explain this to him, Mr.X states that who is Toffee to Deathstroke. Deathstroke tells X that Toffee and him both worked for Thawne and that both them betrayed Thawne for opposite reasons and that he assisted the heroes in putting him away for the 1st time. He also knows Sweet Pete is working for Toffee and as Mr.X confirms Sweet Pete being who got the gauntlet and is working on the gems situation with the thought Cleo would spare him as if she gets all six gems she will wipe the humans she deems unworthy will a snap of her fingers.
Deathstroke rolls his eye stating how Thanos of him to do and he recalls how his unoffical free P.I is aware of this himself and that the bespecaled doctor of his contractor found a way to keep them all safe from said snapping according to his colleagues.
. Deathstroke requests Webs to stay around for them to keep a bird's eye on the gang
Deathstroke, Number 2, Saul Goodman and Mike think about maybe following the team as Mike suspects this could be a trap. Deathstroke pulling out his connections to agents states he already has that taken care of. He hands two files to Number 2 to call with Saul Goodman, he also instructs Welton and Mike to keep a wire tap in the event on the hopsital and decides
Deathstroke calls them saying did they get in and Mulder and Scully confirm this. Webs states that the president got a hold of two government agents to help them get through this whole thing and their mutual associate is who found them. Mr.Wolf asks on this and Deathstroke tells them to keep an eye on them as they will be arriving right now.
The Two Agents arrive and introduce themselves as Jack Bauer and Stan Smith. The Former being a Stan and Jack decide to take the lead on this and equp themselves as they are hired goons here made to ask shoot first and ask questions later. Mulder and Scully follow suit as does Jauna as the Bad Guys and Joanna follow along behind the armed team mates.
In the compound, Stan and Jack kill some guards and grab their ammo giving it to the agents as they all go through the compound and with more guards showing up the 4 gun them down. As the team go through the door and play more cat and mouse with them.
They cross a bridge and grab all the ammo and go in the comms room and are surrounded by guards which the 4 get into a gun fight with the many guards. The Bad Guys, Joanna and Jaune use this chance to sneak pass them and get closer to the top of the base as Deathstroke, his assoicates and Webs guide them through.
Deathstroke and Webs get a photo of it from Wolf and upon doing their work. They state it's a Demogrogon. Wolf and Joanna don't really believe it, though Snake does point out it's from the Russians. Webs states it's from the Soviets and by the looks of it they kept it as a way to excute prisoners or people. Jaune states he does't want to think about it, Shark tries to get him to talk about it and he explains not now they have to see what this guy is up to
CSM states that his plans are coming closer to fruition knowing now that the Upside Down has come in contact with them further and with the Mind Flayer have Flayed it's victims he can take control of and that he has started with the nerdy kid that came into contact with it
Wolf is recording this to hand to Deathstroke, Mulder and Scully. as he talks and Shark having managed to discuss himself as a guard in record time does so too
Wolf and Shark hand the info to Mulder and Scully and tell them what they found about CSM and The Mind Flayer. Mulder worried realizing Team Free Will is in trouble decides he needs to go have them. Webs and Deathstroke warn him that he may be putting himself in trouble and Mike decides to do it himself. Deathstroke instructs the others that Agent Bishop is bring Team Free Will to Banff and he has Welton getting the rest there and that will be where they make their stand and work together.
Chapter 6[]
Deathstroke arrives and tells everyone to stand down and both sides. Deathstroke arrives to ensure everything went smoothly he explains that the Federation assumed the aliens were them and Team Free Will were trying to help causing an invasion. It was M.A.L.I.C.E's intent to do to weaken their forces and acquire the power gem to accomplish a plan of a crazy mer person. He shows the evidence
Deathstroke overseeing this realizes this will get to drastic and he is told by Bishop of the other heroes being around the area. He asks about Lydia Lopez and Lincoln Loud and Bishop states that they must be in Royal Woods . Deathstroke remembers the news and decides to set out to find both of them and has Welton, Mike, Saul and Agent Bishop join him in getting them back to Moose Jaw.
Deathstorke, Mulder, Scully, Saul, Mike, Welton and Agent Bishop all arrive at Royal Woods. Mulder and Scully say that they knew this would happen, Deathstroke and his assocaites ask about this and Scully says that it's what Lincoln said to them and that he went to investigate it. Deathstroke instructs the others to go find Lincoln and Lydia for Ford, handing Mulder, Scully, Agent Bishop and Welton heat weapons as he knows Demogorgon don't like heat.
Saul and Mike both have Odival captued and Deathstroke states that it's time to find out what Odival knows on this.
Lydia, Lincoln, Mulder, Scully, Welton and Agent Bishop return to Deathstroke, Saul and Mike who have interrograted Odival about his knowledge. Odival reveals that he doesn't know M.A.L.I.C.E's real boss but he does know that the Mind Flayer can be stopped but it has to lose control of it's proxy body and he knows how.
Deathstroke asks how and why?, Odival states he's doing this to get revenge on The Arch Drudiness and M.A.L.I.C.E. He doesn't care if the heroes win he just wants the villains to lose and tells them there is a psychic connection to it and Lydia realizes it's Marcus, and doesn't want to kill him. Odival states the host doesn't have to be killed but freed from it's influence, he states gas can help there and setting it aflame. They have to find M.A.L.I.C.E's base and that it will be essential as that is where the Upside Down beings emerged. As long as he takes no beating from MIke he will be fine
Mike and Saul having had a lie dectector indicate he was truthful and decide to keep him alive in the event it's needed. Odival is though impaled by The Mind Flayer on CSM"s orders for giving out info to Lincoln as he wants to keep Lincoln from finding out the truth
Lincoln and Lydia despite their amonisty are sypmathetic to his death, though Deathstroke's assocaites state that they have their info and that they can use it now to save their families and friends. Mulder does comfort them agreeing to this.
However a snapping is heard and this is when Lincoln, Lydia, Deathstroke, MIke, Saul, Bishop, Welton, Mulder and Scully all realize Cleo has stolen the stones and now has used them. Saul is first to be dusted and Lydia uses the stones and their full power to keep the others safe from being snapped after realizing what's going on. Lincoln hands her food to eat as she does it as she doesn't burn herself out.
Lydia, Lincoln, Deathstroke, Mike, Welton, Agent Bishop, Mulder and Scully return and see the others. Everyone is glad to see the two safe with all of them just glad to see them alive
Chapter 7[]
The Adults decide to send the kids out of the room so they can set on their own plan in this regards with Ford, Mulder and Scully leading this charge. Deathstroke, Mike, Welton and Agent Bishop take tallys and announce who was snapped out among their crews.
Deathstroke having overread the results states that everyone who was snapped was human and not protected by whatever the kids did.
Deathstroke states that they need a plan and that will be risky if they rush in. Eclpisa states that she, Sid and King will think so too. Captain Hero asks Amanda was is her plan and Amanda states that even though Cleo just got rid of people and snapped people out of exixtence, the gems will weaken her making her a easier oppoent though she will still be strong. Amanda states and throught that she will just stab her right there and there in her heart. Hero states he can help with that.
Ford states he is not killing Cleo, and this is agreed with by Sylvester, though everyone states Cleo needs to die as she is too dangerous. Ford and Sylvester argue that She can be still reasoned with as Lydia, Sid and Lincoln have faith. Eclpisa changes her tune and agrees. Deathstroke and Jauna both state while faith isn't bad they lost friends and loved ones to the snap and Jauna promised to keep her daughter safe as Joanna was dusted and feels Cleo is too dangerous with Hilda
Scully interupts and states that the Mind Flayer is also a concern too, as she and Mulder both know that thing can't be ignored. Mulder explains to Ford and the others that it is an alien like being from the Upside Down that's huge and has been flaying others and this is what Lydia and Lincoln dealt with. Bishop and MIke both state that the thing is indeed worth their time to deal with, it's powerful and Lincoln's family and Lydia's family as well as Marcus were assmilated and Marcus was the oringial host
Mike states that he didn't even know that when putting him in the infirmary. Jauna, Ford and Deathstroke inquire on this as Jauna wants to know more in regards to what it did to Pyrhtya and that he encountered, Ford due to his worry for Lydia and Lincoln as they faced that thing and Deathstroke states he found out about it and sent his men to find Lincoln and Lydia
Ford, Amanda, Eclpisa, Deathstroke, Mike, Wleton with their decision made decide to settle for the spies, Ford does so to keep Nolan distracted so he can deal with him. He feels bad putting Lydia potentially in harm's way but he'll have the others protect her in case or she'll do like wise
Deathstroke, Amanda and Ford discuss the kids and think they should get their input too regarding Cleo due to their knowledge and that they should be allowed a say too, as Deathstroke can trust. Amanda states Eclpisa talked her out of trying to go for the stab but she will fight with exterme prejudice if she must. Ford tells Amanda that he is working on a way, but does admit Cleo is inddeed weakened and that the gems's unstableness work to their edge.
Deathstroke and Ford stop the kids from trying to take on the alen life though he does agree when Mulder and Scully decide to help them.
Mike, Deathstroke and Ford lead the way as they make their way to the rest of the operatives as a result knowing they are not protected by their forces.
Deathstroke, Mike and Welton all take on Sweet Pete and Sweet Pete uses the amanglation of himself to fight the trio of Deathstroke's associates
They are able to take on the foe, Mike using precise shots and plans to hinder Sweet Pete and Welton uses his own devices to keep Sweet Pete further down. Sweet Pete breaks off of the holds as Deathstroke prepares a pistol shot with laser sighting to shoot Sweet Pete in his feet. Sweet Pete uses his own cannon to attack the three. Welton uses sheild technology to protect the three from the cannon shots
Mike and Deathstroke both observe carefully as Sweet Pete is going on them. Mike takes his sniper riffle and decides to take a shot to the head. Deathstroke uses his stealth and uses twin pistoles to stun him and then uses his stickfighting skills to keep Sweet Pete distracting when MIke gets his sniper riffle and shoots Sweet Pete
Sweet Pete attempts to kill Mike, but Mike is a step ahead and equips his pistol to keep him stunned as Deathstroke notices he is bleeding out of the head and then he takes his sword and stabs him in the heart
Sweet Pete uses his last stand to kill the two and Welton uses the technology to protect them as he dies. They announce he's dead to the crew and Deathstroke pilots a ship
Lincoln, Lydia, Luz, Bruce, Larke, Sid, Mark, Truman, HIlda and Deathstroke all get back together respectufly and approach Anne, Kim and Amanda as they have Cleo all pinned down.
The whole crew exchange their own ends respectfully. Deathstroke asks about Nolan and Mark says that Ford must have found him. Lincoln, Lydia, Luz, Bruce, Larke, Truman and Hilda mention that the Mind Flayer was what stopped Nolan like it was to kill the man.
Deathstroke confused a bit asks why Nolan would be attacked if M.A.L.I.C.E has connection to the Flayer. He then realizes the leader of M.A.L.I.C.E wants to cut off loose ends to anyone.
Larke, Bruce, Sid, Mark, Amanda, Truman, Mark and Deathstroke all notices the flayed approaching them and sees many of them merge into spider monsters and they notice it includes Virutmites. The Group all engage against the monsters to allow the Infintiy Stone users and Kim to be able to take on Cleo.
Sid, Truman and Deathstroke all basically keep each other's backs clean protecting each other with their attacks to stop the monsters made by the Upside Down to keep the others all safe. Sid and Truman are spefically protected by Deathstroke who uses his skills and his marks men to protect them in case.
Mark and Deathstroke come to Ford and tell him that the kids need help. Ford states he'll be there.
Mark and Deathstroke come to Nolan and Nolan decides to tell the two what he knows and that they may have a bigger problem on their hands
Deathstroke has managed to get the first part of the plan underway with the others and he has the Mind Flayer's attention and begins to engage against all of the Flayed foes. This is when Sid and Lisa both put Marcus through serious torture through the heat which does the trick as Deathstroke and his men recongize and then the groups all do their own thing. Deathstroke is present with Sid and Lisa as they keep the heat up despite Marcus's protests and the three say that it's to save him from the influence of the Flayer. Deathstorke puts himself in front of the kids in case anything goes down and he prepares to hold Marcus down to prevent the Flayed part of him to do anything else. He instructs Sid and Lisa to nativagate the rest of the team as he does his best to get them to the center as Marcus under posession breaks his shackles and Deathstroke holds him down
As the rest of the team goes to the others as the Demo Dogs and Demobats arrive, Mulder, Scully and Deathstroke stand in front of the others to protect them.
Deathstroke defeating M.A.L.I.C.E and the alien invasion heads to the hopsital to see The Bad Guys and offically puts them on the payroll. He also decides to bring Kim on his team as well and that with Kim
As he celebrates with Number 2 and Agent Bishop, Mike arrives and tells them to turn the news and they find out that Lydia's secret identify was compromised and leaked. Deathstroke tells them to fetch the heroes as he has a plan with Saul Goodman to help them
Bringing in Lincoln, Lydia, Ford, Sid, Anne, Luz, King, Eclpisa, Mark, Sylvester, Tweety, Bruce, Selina, Molly, Scratch, Mark and Ibuki he tells them what happened and that they will have to be relocated and extracted. Deathstroke says Goodman has a guy for it and hands them the Vaccum repair card of the Extractor. He and Mr.X decide to go help them get there to safety and watches Number 2 put a cash barrel of 11 million dollars in the vechile and he questions this.
Number 2 states that the kid will need extra protection compared to the others.
Deathstroke and Ed both put down the instructions and locations they are relocating everyone to. 1 month for nearly everyone and 3 for Lincoln and Lydia because of their deeper assocations. Deathstroke helps Lincoln get Lydia to the propane truck and lets them say goodbye for a while as he is upset of the situation that has happened.
Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]
Deathstroke finds out about what he believed what was going to happen after the alien invasion came true. Ford and Nolan both had this suspicion too and Deathstroke brings the two in to help him with the new alien invasion. Knowing the team is in exile, he limits Ford, Bruce and Larke Tanner to join on the mission as Nolan is a respected figure who will vouch for Ford. He realizes that this will need more eyes than what he has and gets The Bad Guys to get a hold of his multiversal private investigator
Chapter 1[]
Deathstroke is patiently waiting in his office for the reports on what he has been hearing after sending Mulder and Scully to do some recongissance. He is curious to how this alien invasion is happening all over again. As he recalls that Luranis was stopped before and other life forms were too. He thinks that the head of M.A.L.I.C.E must be behind this in turn
Agent Bishop and Mr.X both enter with their reports they hand to him. As The President reads the reports. Bishop adresses that Irken Invaders have landed on the planet according to his investigation as well as Lord Dregg of his franchise's world and that there may be more on the way.
Deathstroke asks what Mr.X was able to find. Mr.X states that Dregg is indeed part of an alien kind of empire and that Irken Invaders are part of an empire based on how tall they are, his reports indicate that the tallest of their species is the leader. Mr.X further states that he looked into a kid with a big head and a paranormal obession and that he learned that he suspected a person from his school was an irken invader
Deathstroke asks about the kid feeling he knows him, Mr. X states that he was created by his so called father, but his real father has passed on and it was made to look like an accident. Agent Bishop comments on how it's always made to look that it seems, but his real father may have discovered something and that he needed to be silenced
Deathstroke asks if Mr.X meet him, Mr.X confirms this as he was actually at the funeral investigating and learning about the situation. He asked The paranormal kid into the Irkens about stuff like this and his little girlfriend spilled a lot out.
Deathstroke states that Mr.X has meet the people he himself knows through his agent. Mr.X states that they don't know he's with the president and that's he just an agent.
A Knock on the door is heard and Agent Bishop gets it and sees it's Ford and Omni Man who have arrived to his office. Deathstroke, Agent Bishop and Mr.X question this as Ford is supposed to be in hiding with the rest of Team Free Will.
Ford says that Nolan came to get him and that he needed his help with something so he left the cabin to help him and got some of his other bandmates to watch Luz. Deathstroke tells Ford he was supposed to and now they can be comproimsed with what was on the news.
Nolan says he will have Ford protected in case Homelander or anyone targets him and that Homelander isn't acting alone, they also have an alien invasion and a struggle for Virtum's rule
Deathstroke understands this thanks to what he knows on Mark and Nolan and asks what is the struggle. Nolan says while much of his kind are willing to follow him in his new era ideals, some are not so opposed most promiently Thragg.
Deathstroke gives his theory that the one behind this is the whoever lead M.A.L.I.C.E and suspects that Homelander is with him as well.
Nolan confirms he is right about this and that he knows the man, though the only thing he knows is that he is an older man who smokes. He was being blackmailed just like those agents even when he was on his side. He believes Thragg is a bigger concern and that that him, Ford, Bishop, X and Deathstroke need to stop him and the aliens he has as The Man will have more alien life at his call
Bruce Wayne and Larke Tanner arrive just like Ford and Nolan, Deathstroke comments does his security just let everyone in and that did anyone really listen. Bruce states with the death of this other guy called Bruce Wayne, he is techinally off the suspcion which Ford agrees to.
Deathstroke asks why are both of them here. Bruce states he is here for the reason he mentioned and if possible to get permission to investigate from Larke. Ford says that Mr.X already did some recongizzance though it was about aliens.
Larke explains that was why she came too, she saw aliens invading and monsters as well.
Deathstroke states one at a time to the two teens and tells Bruce to continue
Deathstroke explains Bruce might by of some help to their play as his multiversal P.I is on the case and reported this to him. He does ask Bruce what he knows about Vought, Bruce admits not a lot but he can tell there's something fishy with them.
Ford and Nolan overhear this and decide to ask Larke next what she was dealing with.
Larke states that monsters were invading her world, fire breathing octopuses, block monster, beetles with sword you name it. She was working on something she got from Betty's DNA, her own serum and mixing it in with Exteremis to create a hero like herself in the future.
Deathstroke isn't pleased that she went behind his back. Larke admits she should have but she wanted to do something to create a sucessor to his work and that she and Troy talked about this as they trained together. Ford and Nolan feel it's a grey area as does Deathstroke and tell Larke to use more disperancy next time. Mr.X asks about the monsters Larke was talking about.
Larke said that it felt like it was unsual for such beings to appear and that it felt like a corporation was making them. Bruce, Ford, NOlan and Deathstroke all suspect Vought but Larke said Vought is a pharmatical company who just so happens to knows Supes.
The 4 roll their eyes at this.
Agent Bishop tells Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Mr.X, Bruce and Larke that more people came to visit and it's Betty, Master Chief and The Aribter. Deathstroke states that he actually hired them out in regards to this whole thing to help out and they know space so they will take a spaceship and head out to go against the invaders.
Master Chief and Arbiter were observing things from Space and Betty was busy taking on Maximus as a result. Betty thinks it's odd that Maximus is working with alien invaders instead of the Nightopshere ruler wondering if he betrayed Hunson Abadeer or not
Deathstroke doesn't rule out the possiblity though he does advice that with them in space at the moment, they can at least keep Maximus and other aliens off them. Arbiter and Master Chief give Deathstroke the info they found and that Martians attacked earlier as well but not the one that his agents encountered but they were under another Martian General.
As if that wasn't enough Mr.Wolf and the Bad Guys enter as well and tell him that they found his P.I and told him what Deathstroke wanted them to know.
Deathstroke, Mr.Wolf, Mr.Snake, Mrs.Taruntla, Mr.Shark and Mr.Pirahana contact Mulder, Scully and The X Family and tell them that they are heading to space to deal with this threat that is going on
Truman says he knows as he had to learn the hard way as he wanted them to be told, though is mom talked to him about it. Deathstroke also informs them that he will be having his multiversal private investigator too as he's has been already doing leg work on Vought Coproation. Scully questions who he is and Deathstroke states he's just a off the books employee of that knows both sides of the law.
Webs goes forward to tell The Xs that Deathstroke told them that the main Supe of Vought is organizing a man hunt for the remanining Team Free Will members that havn't been found which are the two of them, Sid Chang, Ford, and Bruce Wayne and that the latter two are with them. Tucker asks about Larke and his son, Deathstroke states that the two are safe as The Man didn't know about their connections and that Larke works with him.
Agent Bishop, Mr.X, Betty, Master Chief and Arbiter get The Bad Guys, Deathstroke, Ford, Nolan, Bruce and Larke and tell them that the ship is ready and that are ready for take off. Deathstroke and Nolan decide to take a lead as a result to head off to space and Master Chief, Betty and The Arbiter take the front seats
Kamela tells Deathstroke and Mr.X that she is in on the ship with them and that she will emerge once it's needed.
Kamela tells the two that someone else was watching Homelander put his man hunt on the Team Free WIll team and it's someone not of this multiverse, meaning that Ace and Hilda weren't the only two that crossed over from here.
Chapter 2[]
Deathstroke and his allies Agent Bishop, Kamela and Mr.X communicate with Deathstroke's allies and learn that Intergang may be an issue and should keep an eye out for Bruno Mannheim incase he tries anything. Deathstroke and Bishop do some look into them and they do notice Intergang could be an issue but they can proably deal with them. Mr.X asks Deathstroke about his allies and Deathstroke explains that they are his group led by his private investigator other than Mr.Entermuahut and his scientist in the business. Kamela also goes saying that she met them as well from his main henchmen so she knows they are on to something.
Deathstroke also learns about Sid being busted by Intergang, hence why they coomuciated with them and that Lisa ran away to be with her. Deathstroke and Mr.X are a bit questioning how she was found, They realize that someone was looking in on Team Free Will potentially without them realizing it. Agent Bishop considers maybe looking into Mulder and Scully
Master Chief and The Arbiter see Virtum ahead and infrom the crew that they are landing which Nolan decides to get take the lead and that he will communicate with the Virtumites. As everyone gets off their shop. Nolan takes the lead with Ford and Deathstroke right behind them and the crew apart from The Bad Guys, Bruce, Larke and Betty are all on their way to do.
Nolan and Ford request a meeting with the Virtumies as the embassors of Virtum and Humanity. Most of the other role their eyes at this, Deathstroke states it's egotistic but they will need the help of other Virtums
Nolan, Ford, Deathstroke and Agent Bishop take center stage and they manage to get a lot of Nolan's race present with Kamela's help in getting everyone attention as she is aware they will need a way to get their help.
Ford, Deathstroke and Bishop all admit that some alien race should unite with humanity to stand against more hostile alien life and while they are loyal to Virtum, they shouldn't be indoctrinated into conquering. Deathstroke states that they can help each other as with his position in power, he can help estbalish their ability to rule, but for the good of all and that Nolan is willing to do what it takes to keep his race alive.
Ford, Nolan, Agent Bishop and Deathstroke are found and they managed to talk at least a good deal of the Virtumites to work with them, but some are still willing to help Thragg. This is when Bruce, Larke, Betty and Crpyto arrive fighting off Irkens.
Ford, Nolan, Bruce, Kamela, Larke, Deathstroke, Agent Bishop, Betty and Crpto arrive with the ship with the Virutmites all at war, those following Nolan and others following Thragg. So they can prepare a new plan to resuce Mr.Snake, Mr.Pirhana and Mr.Shark.
Everyone goes after Dregg, The Almightly Tallest and the Virtumites. Ford puts on a space helmet and gets his stuff to fight Thragg and Nolan is ready to fight the alien. With Betty and Crpyto mainly backing him, they go for the attack and Cypto reveals he was aware of him the whole time and decided to help him for his team so the president can establish connections with him and his squad.
Despite the resisance of them all and Deathstroke, Betty and Cypto's leading the attacks efficently and intellgently. They are still one ship against a fleet and it looks to be the end as Dregg and The Irkens intent to destory the crew while they're tired. This is until another ship manages to arrive and stop the forces from destroying the ship and magnets the crew up
Bruce, Deathstroke and Larke overlook Ford and Nolan recovering from that battle with Thragg, Deathstroke feels that it may take something more and that these other guys are at least a good start to helping them out. Larke is instant that her boss should acquire his detective to find out more about them. Deathstroke says that is what his plan is as one of his closest friends did believe in Irkens invading earth.
Chapter 3[]
Ford and Nolan are busy recovering from Thragg's attack on them and Deathstroke is watching them recover. He advises them that Thragg could have killed them right then and there. Ford states he needed to test Thragg compared to Nolan. Deathstroke does point out that he should have realizied that Thragg is more powerful than Nolan was
Nolan explains that Thragg was unique even among them Thragg is the strongest Viltrumite in the entire series, trained from birth to be the strongest of all. He's so strong he can fight several Rognarrs by himself and win without trouble. Deathstroke nods at Nolan's wordings.
Deathstroke isn't pleased that Ford is burning his energy and tells him to take it easy. Agent X agrees with Deathstroke as does Kamela.
Arbiter and Master Chief look at Ford's look and The Two recongize how they look like it's from The Metroid universe. Deathstroke agrees and states that the leader may have connections with them and The head of the conpsiracy. Cypto questions how he knows this, Deathstroke admits that this is some kind of conspiracy going on and is after to find the leader of it
Agent Bishop reports back to Deathstroke and tells him to keep an eye on Maximus in case he tries anything. Deathstroke agrees to this, trusting his Agent clearly
Deathstroke, Ford and Nolan watch as the other Virumites are pushing them into space as the gas is running out. Deathstroke gets two texts from Crimson Paw and Agent Bishop, and he observes them
Deathstroke finds out from Agent Bishop and Crimson Paw that The Conpsiracy on earth and space is being masterminded by The Cigarette Smoking Man. He informs Ford and Nolan about this
Thragg attacked the big ship and has laid waste to Deathstroke's soliders and uses his Virtums as sheilds for Deathstroke's assaults. Deathstroke and Thragg corner each other and Deathstroke is not letting him go after Ford or Nolan. Thragg tells Deathstroke that as long as the latter lives, he cannot claim the title of Emperor and that Ford is a danger to him because he can take on Virtums, despite what he did earlier. Thragg offers to spare the president's life if he hands them over
A Shot to the shoulder gives him his answe as Deathstroke refuses. Thragg and Deathstroke procced to fight and Deathstroke is doing this so Ford and Nolan can get away as soon as he saw Thragg come, he had another ship brought up deciding he needs to safrice this ship.
Deathstroke is badly beaten by Thragg, though like the other two he got serious damage on Thragg using his skills and he has Thragg damaged conisderably throught the uses of explosives, he rationalizes he has to give up Maxmius to him. But this will just be a short term lose as he does so.
Deathstroke blows up the ship in time and joins Ford and Nolan on board. Thragg is damaged but he manages to tank through it with Maximus and brings him back away from the President.
Ford feels frustrated that once again Lincoln and Lydia snuck off on their own thing without informing them, Deathstroke and The Bad Guys ask Ford of this. Ford mentions that this happened last time with The Unowns and their threat, he didn't intend to have them involved but somehow his codec reached them and they went after The Unown King and his Unowns
Ford really stressed because Lincoln and Lydia were once again doing their own thing without informing, he is aware of the kids and for how smart and sane they are, are they really that equipped to deal with things on their own as much as they think.
Nolan agrees realizing that was something he did too and Deathstroke is regretful of this too as he reveals that he had a son that came out a way he didn't want him to. The three are basically say they're fathers trying to look out for their kids and Thragg's own shitick, power and insanity is something that they feel their kids can't deal with.
Chapter 4[]
As the rest of the crew tole away on their own stuff, Deathstroke with Mr.X, Deathstroke and Kamela receive some new info frrom Diana with The Bad Guys in regards to the Russian Side of things.
Deathstroke tells Diana to keep the investigation up and when it comes to the head crabs, give him a update on the case as it goes.
He also learns from P.I Anglesmtih about the involvement of Blackfire in the operation and her family connection to the queen of the planet Tazmarian
Bishop trades the info off with the three and they decide that it may be a most worthy pursuit to go now to the planet and see what help they can acquire. Kamela and Deathstroke are in agreeance to find more benevolent alien life to help their cause alongside Nolan's people though Bishop and Mr.X are in their mostly alien distrusting view points.
Kamela, Agent Bishop, Deathstroke and Mr.X inform the crew that they are heading to a new planet. A Familiar Planet in Tazmarian, Deathstroke tells the crew that he wants to settle peaceful negotations to gain the allegiance of the people as his private multiversal invesigator has ties to their queen and her sister is involved.
Upon setting foot on the planet ,Deathstroke senses something and decides to split the group up with some staying on the ship and the more combat capable coming with him. Deathstroke prepares a treaty sign so he can establish an alliance with them in fine print.
This is when they run into the other royal Tazmarians spefically Starfire's father figure and Deathstroke puts his pitch to work. He is pleasantly suprised to learn that they are in agreeance but they have to so without Blackfire's knowledge. He is told Blackfire taking the throne while Starfire was out helping with the funeral of the great Bruce Wayne (Batman) who they offer their condoelnce too in his son.
Deathstroke agrees to this as he believes that this warrior should have leaden in Starfire's asbence. His attempt to sign the treaty of alliance is halted by Blackfire, Thragg, Maximus and Dregg who want them taken away to prevent anything from being done.
Ford, Nolan and Deathstroke once again all decide to fight Thragg, Thragg is amused as he beat them before and thinks it's foolish for them. Nolan and Ford both say that it don't matter they will do what it takes and they proved he wasn't invicible.
Nolan and Thragg go head to head with each other and Ford and Deathstroke both equip their weapons intend to kill the Virtum. Thragg finds this funny and attacks the two himself which leads Nolan to jump in and save them.
Deathstroke shoots him in the neck, though it no sells and Thragg slams Deathstroke to the ground which Ford takes the opporunity to shoot a raygun at his chest causing to reel back.
Nolan holds him allowing Ford and Deathstroke to continue with their wall on him. Thragg decides to just stop fooling around and uses his powers to beat Nolan down savagely and he doesn't hold off as Nolan to him betrayed the race. Ford and Deathstroke both go to save Nolan which Thragg just swings them away. Ford in time saves Thragg from killing Nolan and hits him in his head with the ray gun.
Thragg and Blackfire both flee as now Omni Man is beyond injured and unable to help the Virtums.
As Ford treats Nolan, Deathstroke gets back to the others where he regroups with Bruce , Larke and Mr.Wolf go to tell the truth of Operation Countdown. This operation is being used for The Smoking Man to rule over the multiverse by being able to control space, time and what else. Deathstroke feels that his plan is insane, but feels that he can make it happen.
He presents this to the Tamzarian Race and sucessfully gets the treaty of alleignace signed so they can begin the counter attack on The Conspiracy.
Ford asks Deathstroke to see if he can talk to his P.I about Virtumites and get some invesitgation on getting to Thragg as he is no mere Virtumite.
Chapter 5[]
Deathstroke discusses his finding and proceedings with Mr.X, Agent Bishop and Kamela as this whole plan he learned that The Conispracy is up to should be dealt with in anyway possible. He also has been revealed to have gotten into contact with his invesitgator, though he knows already as Deathstroke reveals about him.
As he hears from the raccoon to go after the Ravengers, Deathstroke agrees to this and joins him in recuriting the Ravengers. With Betty's help he is successful at this as he convinces them to help with money as a benefit to them. The President hears something and instructs RJ and Crypto to investigate the situation as they are equipped for this as he, Rocket and Betty sign off from them.
Upon being informed of the Neutralizer and Dregg, he informs his tazmarian and Nolan's virtums of this and leaves it to Betty to recruit one more force with Agent Bishop and Mr.X.
Chapter 6[]

Deathstroke and Betty lead the negotation with the Yugoptamians to get their assistance and they manage to succeed. Deathstroke then informs Bender who he is contact with that he has the Tazamrains coming to help out
He and his group get their help and head off to meet back with Mulder, Scully, Truman and Ford. With Thragg's invasion occuring, they set up to fight
Deathstroke launches an attack on the Russian Terroists and sends the group to do that, He and Kamela go after Omega Pirate and destroy him. Deathstroke contacts N.Brio to sent the Conpsiracy's space station crashing to prevent more alien life from arriving
He overhears Mulder and Scully deals with the CSM and what occured, Deathstroke has Bender on the case chasing him down
After The Conspiracy's defeat, Deathstroke sents his crew to pick up Team Free Will to get them back to a normal live. He needs to have his crew clean up as he tells Betty that Bender is in his contact with Hunson. Deathstroke got the adoption papers for Mulder and hands them to him
Hunson ponders if anything escaped The Upside Down and deducts that only 1 managed to escape and informs the president of it and to get Bender on this when it emerges after that sabbatical Deathstroke mentions.
Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]

Deathstroke returns to deal with Mina Loveberry who returned according to his intel and help Team Free Will and later on Bender and his associates deal with her and her boss Belos. Deathstroke despite his involvement with Team Free Will who aren't exactly looking fine upon is still beloved by the public and with Larke's help faciliates damage control. He brings Team Free Will together through Larke Tanner and informs of what he belives to be The Mind Flayer's return
Deathstroke's actions between the stories will be revealed as well
Marcy put a phone call to Fring as it turns out as she was dealing with the Blot, and this is when Gus and Deathstroke send Mike to go find them using Marcy's phone co-ordinates. Mike equips himself with a sniper riffle and heads out.
A Limousine appears and it's Deathstroke and Gus Fring who tell them that it's not safe here in the Boiling Isles which the Owl House crew agree with considering Belos. Deathstroke states that he was thankful that Mike got here. When questioned why he didn't take action himself, Deathstroke admits he couldn't tip his hand to Mina and her allies, she would figure out yes but he wanted to be smart.
As Everyone gets in the limousine for Deathstroke to take them, Sid wants to find the others, Thouhg Eclpisa states that they will have to do this on their own path due to Belos and Mina proably anticapting this. Deathstroke does offer to get a contact to the trio of Ford, Lydia and Lincoln through Larke. Ms.Marvel is there too and Deathstroke introduces Sid, Luz, Eclpisa and Lisa to Kamela Khan as a superheroine on his team as he has been finding some to help protect the northern multiverse and the rest of it if necessary
Ford, Larke and Jauna manage to get a communication and they see Sid, Deathstroke and Kamela who the latter two managed to find. Jauna and other members of Team Free Will question who Kamela is and Ford and Larke tell them that she is Ms.Marvel someone who helped them, Bruce and Omni Man deal with an alien attack and the conspirator CSM.
Kamela and Deathstroke adress that attack with that monster that Ford and Jauna told them about was a Demogrogon but one from Russia. Deathstroke states that he has Mike do some digging with Gus and they found out about the Upside Down that The Mind Flayer may have returned.
Jauna doesn't believe saying that they killed the Mind Flayer. Deathstroke states that some kind of influence may still linger if that thing was still around. Anne and Ford agree with Ford suspecting Marcus may have opened the Upside Down again because of his posession.
Kamela and Deathstroke state Mike and Gus did a through investigation on Marcus and they say that Marcus didn't open any gate and that The Soviets may have had a hand as one was kept as a way to feed prisoners.
Deathstroke states he will have the Agents recruit Sasha and Grime. Anne is supsicous about Sasha gettting involved due to their bad blood, Ronnie Anne doesn't blame her as she understands though Sasha did help with one instance of their own.
Chapter 1[]
He is texted by Larke on Lincoln's advice and he decides to take Kamela, Gus and Mike with him to Loch Loud in turn who Lydia and Truman see come in.
Deathstroke and Kamela get transferred by Gus and Mike. Deathstroke and Kamela greet the two of them with Lydia asking Deathstroke what's he doing here and Kamela states that Larke texted them to come here. Truman asks about Mulder and Scully, Deathstroke explains that they are investigating something of their own as he and his crew do feel the Mind Flayer has remerged, Lydia and Truman both don't deny this claim as the former mentioned the Soviet Demogorgon.
Deathstroke curious asks if someone else managed to acess the Upside Down, Lydia gives the half truth that someone did if this thing is still around. Kamela tells the two about the attack on Sid and the others and that Belos was personally trying to kill Sid while distracting them.
Truman finds this notion a bit laughable as he thought Belos was trying to kill them as opposed to stall or hurt them and quesitons why Sid would be the target of all people. Kamela and Deathstroke remind him of Mina Loveberry.
Deathstroke does mention that Eclpisa, Luz and co, Lisa and Marcy Wu are with her like they saw and she has a good chance of being safe.
Deathstroke and Kamela decide to go to the castle with the others to stay as Angus shows everyone their rooms to stay for the night.
Ford, Grime, Jauna, Truman, Deathstroke,Larke and Sasha are all on the hand doing research on the subjects at hand as they try to find more stuff on Belos. Ford is really slamming the books hard despite Grime and Jauna's warnings.
Deathstroke, Truman and Larke are all discussing what Mike and Gus found and suspect and that that they are scoping what Mike and Gus think. Truman and Larke tell Deathstroke what Sasha told the latter and that they need to keep an eye out for their next move. Deathstroke reminds them that sucess will be nice but they don't have to figure out something out.
Ford wakes up and tells Jauna, Grime, Sasha, Truman, Lakre and Deathstroke that Belos is coming and he wants Sid. Deathstroke admits he knows that but he doesn't know why. Larke and Truman feel Belos is aware, and that Ford says Lydia may know something as well that she is hiding from everyone that Belos heard. Ford suspects Belos is mapituplating him and Larke does believe this to do an extent as does Truman that Belos may really know something
Ford and Jauna though both agree that they need to go after Belos and wait with Deathstroke getting a contact to Gus and Mike so they can set a plan
While Anne, Hilda, Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Angus have their own suspcions with the latter two realizing that they have to find Leia as the dragon could be in danger as Mike, Deathstroke and Gus radio them and reveal that Belos is after magic and that they have been scoping them. Ford notices too and decides to pursue it leaving Jauna in charge.
Deathstroke does advise that maybe something coldish will be have to be done, as they are not aware of what they're dealing with. Mulder and Scully radio him back and explain that you know which two kids have their own thing to deal with. Deathstroke explains that they will deal with this later.
Lincoln, Lydia, Deathstroke, Mike, Gus, Kamela, Mulder and Scully are all meeting about what the former two told the crew and that it may be wise to look into what consitutes the event that happens. Scully tells Lincoln and Lydia that the rest of the team will find out at some point, she doesn't approve of the two going behind the team's back to find stuff like this out. Mulder interjects and explains that while she doesn't like it, getting them involved is at least something so they can prepare when The Flayer attacks them.
Scully tells Mulder not to put words in her mouth and that wasn't she was saying. Deathstroke summarizes to Fox that Scully isn't for this due to trust and all that, but she can feel fine that Lincoln and Lydia can trust them with such info as they're the ones above all else that need to know.
Lincoln and Lydia notice how MIke and Gus aren't calling them on their secrey, Deathstroke states the two of them appreciate the discretionary they are using.
Kamela decides to help Mike and Gus to invesigate the empire which Deathstroke agrees puting a phone call to.
Chapter 2[]
Mike phones Gus and Deathstroke and infroms them of what he saw and observes what was up as a result of the attack. Deathstroke advises Mike to follow the Empire in case and that spefically puts him in charge of a certain target
Mike inquires the target, Gus informs him that of Big Jack Horner and he may be bit of a top consideration. Deathstroke and Gus inform Mike that he will have to be careful which Mike states he will and heads out.
Kamela and Mike both discuss the matter and learn of Jack Horner's work with The Emepror. They decide to regroup with the others as a result.
Kamela and Mike inform Deathstroke of Sid, Luz and Lisa's rabbit hole thing.He tells them to go after the three of them and then follow through. Kamela uses the portal that Sid, Luz and Lisa went through to follow them with Mike in tow and Traloc follows as well.
Deathstroke and Gus radio Eclpisa and the others and they explain what happened to Hunter, Amity and the others to the two. Deathstroke ponders back and forth on this and comes to an idea. When The others notice this, Deathstroke tells them to head to another place where magic is bound, and also to cure Globgor of his wound. Deathstoke advises Eclpisa to let Kamela and Mike find Sid, Luz and Lisa for him
Chapter 3[]
Deathstroke and Kamela both radio them and they hand the crew a map of the mountains to try and find the boxes. Kamela says she was looking at the mountains like Angus and the bat asked and found a map, Deathstroke states she actually made a map.
Deathstroke and Kamela reveal that they have a situation in Brighton to Marcy, Eda, Lillith, Eclpisa, Gus, Hunter, Amity, Willow, Globgor, Edlric, Emira and Alador and it's dealing with a ongoing ghost attack at the hands of the ghouls that the others dealt with ealier.
Marcy explains that Sid, Luz, Lisa, Traloc and King have gone missing, and Deathstroke states that they will find a way back. This is urgent as he puts it, Marcy decides to text Luz and Lisa about this development before joining him.
Upon Arriving to Brighton, chaos gets even worse when nearly the whole crew has to deal with saving Amity and Hunter. This leaves Deathstroke, Kamela and Marcy to have prepare somethign else to counteract ghost lives with the remaining others.
Thanks in part to Marcy getting some contact with Libby, this is made doable and Deathstroke joins Kamela and Marcy Wu in going ghost busting
With Respac and Jinx leading the ghouls and with Rowena and Erik contenting with the others. This leads Deathstroke and Kamela to go have their forces directlty. While Marcy is basically doing so but also getting into communcaitons about what's going with Hunter and Amity which Deathstroke calls her out for constant distraction tendencies
He finally comes face to face with Jinx and the two try to basically do in one another, though Deathstroke pretty much just takes Jinx away in an Poltergeist. Relaizing she got out before he makes a point to make sure she stays sealed in there as does Kamela with Respac
After repelling the forces of Belos Empire, Deathstroke meets back with the others and the returned Sid, Luz, Lisa, Traloc and King and all share personal antidotes about what happened with them all as a result. With Sid considering using a magic school as a safe haven to learn more about advanced magic that what Eclpisa can show her. Deathstroke decides to have them all deal with this while he, Gus and Mike continue their own business
This Business is something that the three find is unnatural.
Chapter 4[]
Ford gets a call from Deathstroke, who needs to head to The Boiling Isles but get some back up. Ford inquires why and Mike informs him that he'll find when he gets there. Ford asks Crowley and Grime to join him as he needs to go the Boiling Isles on Deathstroke and co's request.
Ford, Grime and Crowley meet up with Deathstroke, Gus and Mike and notice that their men are enaging with Belos and his coven. Deathstroke informs them of what they have been dealing with, He and them have facing off with Belos's coven and they have been part of certain kinds of magic according to Belos's tight rules.
Ford, Grime, Deathtroke and Mike all get equipped and Jack Horner takes a lead with his crossbow and unicorn horns and fires them at all of them. Ford goes after Jack Horner and takes him on trying to avoid his magic tools, as he questions how he did so and has to deal with him and Horner's goons and Belos's own men.
Grime, Deathstroke and Crowley deal with Rowena and The Coven respectfully which mean they're out numbered though neither of them are willing to give up, as Rowena's magic is putting them on the ropes, though the hexes don't work on Crowley. Deathstroke and Grime engage against the Coven Heads and are put on the defensive, though Deathstroke does use some his own tricks to keep the edge on Coven Members, he questions where the other 3 coven heads are like Mike said
Ford, Grime, Deathstroke and Mike continue to do what they can against Blot, Rowena and Jack Horner and Belos's Coven. Deathstroke's soliders do their best to help him and Mike deal with the minions of Belos. Though many are turned to confetti by Jack Horner
Rowena and Jack Horner manage to escape as well from Crowley, Deathstroke and Mike and they get Eda, Ford and Lillith. They question the words Belos has said and the others. Mike has the gauntlet and will have this thing looked into by Deathstroke.
Chapter 5[]
Deathstroke gets a call from Kamela learning that Bender and Slade's forces are in the game now as they went to save them from Belos and his agents's trap. He also is made privy about Bender's investigation in Hawkins with Libby Stein and what they managed to undercover. Inspired he decides to look into it on his own accord and hands his assignments to Gus and Mike.
He keeps a connection with Larke, Mulder and Scully about their own ends which involve looking into the labs and the Creel Household respectively. Learning what Lydia and Lincoln were who considered heading to the Creel House, he attempts to figure what the two are up to respectfully.
Deathstroke nods both Lincoln and Lydia going else where to the abandoned hospital. Sensing that the kids are more aware of things that they let on, he follows the two in the hospital but discretely. This pays off when he runs into them running from mutant Upside down Monsters and helps the two fight off such monsters, He informs them subtly about Bender and Slade's forces helping out in this situation. He also learns about Lincoln and Lydia's tracking the case for a long while without hinting to him that they were told by The head scientist of the lab.
Deathstroke goes to talk to Fring and Mike about what Lincoln and Lydia knew and similar to Mike, they knew his real name was Henry Creel.
Chapter 6[]
Armed with this knowledge, just like Lydia, Lincoln, Bender, Libby and Mike. He recovers the file on Martin Brenner and learns that he was replicating Henry's powers for other children a long time ago. This backfired when Creel rebelled as he isn't suprised and he learns from Kamela in a contact that what Slade and Bender are up to and learns what happened to Sid respectfully.
Deathstroke, Mike and Gus consider their plan and decide to get some of their own operatives respectfully to help out as they plan to restrain Vecna's chip as one thing that they can say about Brenner is that he did restrain Henry's powers.
Chapter 7[]
Deathstroke, Kamela, Gus and Mike arrive at Hexside with Mike's opeatives. He crosses with Bender and Slade after they arrive and meets up with King Andiras.He and The King lead the others in going after Vecna and Belos
Chapter 8[]
Deathstroke goes after Vecna's forces with Mike and Gus and others ,He helps Larke deal with Bianca and kills plenty of Demodogs. With both foes being defeated, and with them trying to take the others with them, Deathstroke protects all the heroes from the implosion of both Vecna and Belos's actions
He cleans up the aftermath with Darius and they set up a new system for how The Boiling Isles will be ruled over.
The Bad Guys and The Boys[]
Deathstroke calls in some favors after learning he has been targeted by Terrorists by Larke respectfully. He decides to take some actions himself and join the groups as he brings them in, he brings The Bad Guys in on his own, and due to learning of Bender's allignace with The Boys he brings them in too.

He is informed by Betty that it is Kang who is behind all this and they must stop him as he employed Trout and Cheng Chi who are both set on bringing him and his party down. Larke and him decide to do this themselves as he doesn't want to disrupt either side but does accept Bruce, Sasha and Grime's help as well. Deathstroke also recuits Foxington too as well to help with this knowing of her skills. Through Bruce, Mulder and Scully he manages to complete an investigation of what to do and goes all over the place to deal with Kang and his forces. As an active leader, this works to his advantage physically and politcally as Cheng Shi is attempting to blackmail him
With Mark and Eve, he also manages to deal with Robot wanting to have him summit to his own rule as well seeing Deathstroke as a threat to him. He eventually is placed in a bad spot when Agent Trout arrests The Bad Guys and pulls up their criminal history in a way to blackmail him to resign so Cheng Shi can step in power with Kang having be a puppet ruler and a way to control Atom Eve's powers. This gets worse when his allies get separated from The Quantlum Realm
Mark manages to get him to focus again, by reminding him of the good he has done and how he brings out the best in people while trying to put his past behind him. As Trout, Kang and Cheng Shi close in on him. This manages to work and he makes a counter attack on Kang while working on his way to get his allies back. This manages to work and he is suprised to see Thawne again, but is relieved that it's not the one he worked for and learns Bender and Slade dealt with him with Mike who we learn died alongside Gus and Hector Salamanca at Kang's hands
After did his recongissance, he and his entire crew take their last stand against Kang and his alliesHelping Mulder and Scully he defeats Cheng Shi and has the authorites take away Trout
He is informed of the Cartel's brief attempt at remergence and learns of the escape of Dr. Johnathon Ohnn the right hand man of it's brief new leader Frank Underwood
House of Disenchanted Cards[]

Deathstroke appears as one of the main characters alongside Slade, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Wile E and Mop Girl and engages against fellow president Frank Underwood leader of the cartel remains and president of the streamverse. He does with his reputation on the line as Underwood can expose him along with Bender and Slade's Empire. He has his allies help the heroes and manages to get The Boys Hughie, Starlight and Billy to help Bender, Wile E and Mop Girl.
He plays a major role in taking down Underwood.

As the current president, Deathstroke works to make the multiverse a better place like he desired to, though he accepted he can't get his other goals accomplished. He does this out of gulit for helping Thawne in the first place and keeps contact with Bender, Skipper and Heloise. Due to his role in the time line change, He realizes in Entropized that this peace can be threatened and needs to maintain with Bender, Lydia and their friends. With his associates that stayed with him, he decides to have them brought to him when he hears of what's going on. Deathstroke works with Bender, The B Team, Lydia and Team Free Will as they all have something at risk more so Deathstroke than anyone else, so in a ironic fate he acts as the leader of the hero group while he was a villain leader in the previous story.
Book 1: Overture[]
Chapter 2[]
Part 4[]
He was the person who found out about the damages done to Hilda's universe and he sent Mulder and Scully to look into all of this. He was also who got Walter and Lance involved here as well.
Part 6[]
Betty, Sterling and Beckett inform Deathstroke of what they had all seen and what had gone with the Dupus Family and what has occured with Pop Pop and Myrtle. Deathstroke considers that someone having breached time to settle some score against Lincoln Loud and his family by pulling Rufus out of the timeline . He believes Likely this is from the future, he will see that if he can some authorization for going through time in case.
Pop Pop, Myrtle, Sterling and Beckett are infromed by Deathstroke that he was able to get time authorization and he was able to get a vehicle reserved for the operation.The 4 of them are informed of the constant effects of time line breaching before hand hence why he had to do this. In that the timeline was breached with random time bombs at least 4 times in the most recent of times.
Chapter 3[]
Part 9[]
Having gotten in contact with Cavendish and Dakota, he has them bring back Lincoln's grandparents and Walter/Lance to the timeline. HE is informed of what they discovered as well as what happened a long time ago with The Weirdmagedon Cult. Like Lydia and Lincoln, he discovers that the latter's grandparents forgot who it was that targeted him and Lydia which he passes off as senile and agrees to their request to send them back to Lincoln and Lydia. He also learns about what Mulder and Scully are up to with The Streaming Resistance as well as Troy's death and begins pondering about the actions he sanctioned a long time ago when it came to Vought.
Chapter 6[]
After everything is cleared, he explains to Mulder and Scully who want answers on his actions with Vought and the circumstances of how he hired them to the agents.
Eobard Thawne[]
His Former Boss and co founder of the Legion of Past, Present and Future Evil. He served as Thawne's right hand man and most successful of his henchmen. To the point he was allowed to get away with going against his orders. Deathstroke turned against him and the legion when he back on one of his deals and sided with Bender and his friends by helping them escaping the Spear of Destiny's effects and kept in contact. Thawne nearly killed him in turn for betrayal, but Deathstroke was saved by his loyal allies and then personally assisted the heros in taking his former master
The Joker[]
One of his partners and he has a tense working relationship to put it best with Joker, While both DC villains, and shared a main rival in their foe. Deathstroke was the opposite of Joker, and Joker was too eager to kill him for revenge for betraying Thawne and saving Bender, Who Joker wanted dead.
Deathstroke unlike Joker and Thawne did get along decently with Toffee for their shared rationalty and logical plans. Both of them also had their own agenda regarding Thawne and betrayed him. Though this vanished when Toffee announced his true intents with the multiverse and tried to kill Deathstroke like Joker and Thawne before him. However Deathstroke got the last laugh, with Lydia, Skipper and Bender's help in using the spear of destiny.
The Neo Equalists[]
This was his group under the Legion, Where Joker was an asshole to his allies, Deathstroke was mostly a benevolent boss to his associates and was in for their own needs as well as his. He wanted the Spear of Destiny for them and himself which was the reason he made a deal with Thawne and the reason he went against him. Some of his allies turned him, but the others assisted him after his treachry, Deathstroke remembering their loyalty, included them in his party when he became president.
Oliver Queen and Team Arrow[]
Bender and The B Team[]
Deathstroke is Bender and his team's most formidable rival and eventual employer. He clashed with Bender and Skipper primarily and unlike the vast majority of the duo and their friends's enemies, he has a even win lose ratio against them. Unlike Thawne and Joker, Deathstroke has nothing against Bender and respected him as a worthy rival due to doing his homework on the robot and his exploits. Deathstroke sides with Bender and his friends after Thawne breaks their deal and helps the group defeat the remaining villains. Bender lets him go out of respect and gratitude and Deathstroke in turn upon getting the presidency position requests Bender, Heloise and Skipper to work under him in turn and provide protection from anything threatening him or them.
Darkwing Duck[]
Deathstroke met Darkwing Duck at some point before Entropized and brought him into his associates out of recongism of his capability as a hero giving the caped crusader some well earned respect and loyality. He also knows Gosalyn and Launchpad who are aware of his role as acting president and work for him as well.
Allies and enemies[]
Friends: Guzma , Damian Darik Malcolm Merlyn , The Weather Wizard, Welton Payne-Smythe, Tiger Claw, Principal Scudsworth, Number Two, Ra's Al Ghul, Gus Fring, Mike, Bender, Skipper, Lydia, Lincoin Loud, Luan Loud, Heloise, Wile E Coyote, Hilda, Larke Tanner, Cleo Subprime, Captain Hero, Bean, Larke Tanner, Lisa Loud, Ford Pines, Luz Nocada, Anne Boonchuy, Truman X, Amanda Payne, Ibuki, Tweety Bird, Sylvester The Cat, Molly Mcgee, Scratch Mcgee, The Bad Guys, Mulder, Scully, Jack Bauer, Atomtic Betty, Johanna, Jaune Arc, The B Team, The Mar Mar Gang,
Neutral: Twilight Sparkle, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Rick Sanchez, Harry Wells, Barry Allen, Shadow, Naseasla, Nolan Greyson
Enemies: Oliver Queen and Team Arrow (Formerly), The Joker, Bender (Formely), Skipper (Formely), The B Team (Formely) , Slade's Ensemble (Formely), Eobard Thawne, Toffee, The Legion, Bill Cipher, Red Skull, Hydra, Dr.N Tropy, Ratiskor, M.A.Li.C.E, Emperor Belos, The Belos Empire, Vecna