Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Death Puss

WARNING!!! MASSIVE SPOILER FOR PUSS IN BOOTS: THE LAST WISH!!! READ AT YOUR OWN RISK!!!Death, also referred to as the Wolf or Lobo, is one of the two main antagonists (alongside Big Jack Horner) of DreamWorks' 43rd full-length animated film Puss in Boots: The Last Wish, the sequel to the 2011 animated film Puss in Boots and continuation to the 2010 film Shrek Forever After.

Like the name says, he's the incarnation of Death itself, and he comes for Puss after he squandered eight of his nine lives.

He was voiced by Wagner Moura in his first villainous role.

Allies: Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Hilda, Jaune Arc

Neutral: Bender, Luan Loud

Enemies: Bender (Formerly), Kostas Becker, Henry Creel/Vecna, Eobard Thawne

Moral Ranking: Villainous Benchmark


Lincoln Loud[]

Death has keep his eye on Lincoln ever since his near death attempt, as he recalls that his older sister tried to kill herself once before. He recognizes that Lincoln is someone that has a great deal of potential alongside Hilda and Lydia as he observed them deal with Henry Creel in The Upside Down someone who disgusted Death with his disregard for humanity and life. Death similar to Lydia sees something to Lincoln that others don't as well

Luan Loud[]

Death encountered Luan when she was younger when the latter tried to kill herself by overdosing on ADD meds. While it's his job to lead souls to the afterworld, the tragic situation of Luan's was something he made an exception for as he saw it as unfair. Through this encounter Luan decided to make her life live the fullest and he is amiable with her calling her "Mrs. Loud" while She respects him in turn. This would indirectly lead to him missing his attempt to claim Bender legit.

Lydia Lopez[]

Similar to Lincoln, he has been aware of Lydia for a long time. He shows a great deal of respect for the heroine as despite her young age she understands the concept of death and what it does to people as well as the complicated feelings it brings off, as she helped Lincoln deal with. Both him and Lydia are the only people who see the kind of person Lincoln can also be as well

Bender Rodriguez[]

His most significant relationship is with Bender Rodriguez, who he menaced in Angle smith Origins. Death didn't like and felt contempt for him for being so reckless with live and Bender's claims he mocks the concept and laughs at the face of death really set him off. Death also knows a lot about him to the point he can recall every time he nearly died from the very Beginning. He enjoyed the chase with him as he can be somewhat sadistic. However he does display fair play when it comes to him and just wants the arrogant manbot to appreciate life and respect Death. He gets his wish at the end, when he has Bender admit this to him. Death stands out as the one person, Bender admits he could never defeat. Fittingly as Death states that everyone thinks they'll will be who defeats him but No One really escaped him.


He came across Hilda during Chang's Guide To The Galaxy, as he was prepared to take her to the afterlife as Henry Creel was just about to kill her to get back at Jaune Arc, Lincoln and Lydia. When Jaune Arc stopped this, Death didn't see reason to pursue this as he had his own encounter with the grieving Arc before. He recongized Hilda was a reason Jaune had to live and decided to help him by lending his indirect hand to Hilda against Henry Creel at the end. Much like he when he killed Kostas Becker in Anglesmith Origins.


Death taught Frida and David to protect themselves, like he did with Jaune and Lincoln. As Hilda and Lydia both already knew how to protect themselves with a sword and The Infinity Stones.


Death taught Frida and David to protect themselves, like he did with Jaune and Lincoln. As Hilda and Lydia both already knew how to protect themselves with a sword and The Infinity Stones.


Similar to Luan, Death met Johanna when she was a child. She nearly died from her attack by a wolf, which Death came and killed the other wolf, sparing Johanna from sending her to the afterlife as she was still young.

Jaune Arc[]

His relationship with Jaune Arc, is similar to the others he is on decent terms with. He sees him as someone who was unfairly robbed of someone precious by Henry Creel someone he has personal contempt similar to Kostas Becker and Bender before the latter showed he changed. He reaped Prythra after her death and told him it was quick and painless, respecting she went out fighting. Death taught Frida and David to protect themselves in part to this kinship, he also saw Hilda's connection to him and helped them, Lydia and Lincoln deal with Henry Creel. He had enough respect for him to even attend his wedding with Johanna which was baffling for Astrid and Will Robinson until Lincoln, Hilda, Lydia and Jaune explained.


Anglesmith Origins[]

Death appears as one of the two main antagonists alongside Kostas Becker of the story and serves as Bender's adversary for the storyline where as Becker served as the Enemy for Anti Cosmo and Slade. Apart from Luan and Anti Cosmo eventually, no one really believed Bender was dealing with him.

Despite being the grim reaper and sadistic, Death is a rarity as despite being a main villain he is in the grey area of morality.


He first appears at the bar Bender is and unnerves him with him whistling before stopping and greets Bender. Death makes it obvious that he recognizes Bender to a terrifying degree, knowing his last name, his trademarks all the while giving praise to this. Unsettling the robot to a degree who he calls a "creep."

Death hands Bender a Wanted Poster to sign as an "Autograph" and he has been following him for a very long time. He admits he usually doesn't do this, but this is a special occasion.

Bender does not feel threatened and seeing the wolf as some one sent by the law enforcement to catch him. Bender goes so far to say he mocks the idea of death getting him, calling death his bitch and laughing in the face of death. Bender states he won't make this so simple for him. The Wolf in turn gives a crypt message saying that "Everyone thinks they'll be the person who bests him but nobody has really escaped him yet in all his time"

Smacking the robot's pistol away, and Bender drawing a sword against him, He and Bender fight and the Wolf curb stomps him while claiming he doesn't live up to the legend he claims himself to be and basically slashes him to the point of putting the fear of death into the robot with his head being cut ouf halfway.

The Wolf taunts the robot that he can tell his past lives are basically flashing in front of his eyes and tries to get him to finish the fight. Though Bender runs and escapes through an urinal. Death then taunts the autómata to run.

Chapter 1[]

As Bender escapes Becker's hideout with Slade, Anti Cosmo, Luan, Harry and Wile E, he whistles yet again and Bender hears it. The Wolf reappears in the criminal crowd and whistles which terrifies Bender as he stares at him.

He sends a non verbal message to Bender, he is going to get him. He does this by placing two coins on his eyes and extends his finger giving him the aye-aye point at the robot that he is going to get him. This causes Bender to get the others to speed up.

Chapter 2[]

During The Fight between Bender's crew, The Dreamland Court and Becker's group, The Wolf once again appears with his whistle. Drawing his sickles and showing Bender an Ace of Spades Card which he uses his sickles to edge a drawing of Bender's head into it. This terrifies Bender as he sees the sickles and causing the robot to flee in fear from the fight and Bender as he runs swears he sees The Wolf stare him down in rock form and the clouds as he runs.

Chapter 3[]

The Wolf is seen once again as Bender talks to Wile E and he gets fearful once more as he stares at Bender and sends another cryptic message to him by planting a chrysanthemum in the grass.

Chapter 5[]

The Wolf shows in the cavern Bender was in and unlike other times, directly confronts him as Bender is leaving and cussing out of his past selves. Bender is scared as He starts shattering the reflections of Bender's lives calling them his near deaths and how he was there for all of them and how he witnesses all them. Bender is confused as well as The Wolf show 11 tallies to them on the sickles like a clock which makes Bender think about each of them

  1. Joker's attempt to kill him in Slade Strikes Back
  2. What happened to him in LOTM: The Disney Angels at a mind controlled Emperor X
  3. The Incident that nearly resulted in the multiverse after Hunson Abadeer's defeat
  4. Discord nearly taking him out with Skipper, Heloise and The Ponies
  5. The Situation Bender got into with Tuxedo Lovelace
  6. Almost get wiped out by the second Big Bang with Slade, Skipper and Anti Cosmo
  7. Predaking nearly killing him under anger that he killed his kind
  8. The Niburu Entity almost killing him and the others
  9. Eobard Thawne and Toffee nearly taking him out
  10. What Darkseid did it to him
  11. What happened at the very start with the monster in Mexico.

The Wolf states that Bender never noticed him on any of these times and he throws Bender's mocking claims of laughing at the face of death, mocking it and calling it his bitch back at him. But The Wolf states that Bender isn't laughing or acting mocking now. Bender shits hundreds of bricks upon putting it together to himself who The Wolf really is. The Wolf finishes his wording and reveals himself to be Death and he is brutally honesty that he is indeed the Grim Reaper, and he has come for Bender's shiny metal ass.

Bender states that Death can't come for him as he's not dead. Death admits he's not a person who likes the idea of people having multiple lives in different timelines, he compares it to cats He finds this very concept absurd and tells Bender that the robot never appreciated any of them. Death calls out Bender for treating mortality like a game and feels Bender doesn't appreciate the valuable gift of live, then he doesn't deserve it.

Death feels he is doing Bender a favor as a result to take him which Bender states he is cheating. Death just shuts him up saying not to tell and admits that he knows he overstepping his bounds by attempting to kill Bender before his time, But Death has been so angered by Bender's attitude towards the mortal coil that he is breaking those rules and getting personally involved. Bender refuses to fully buy he's Death saying he's just trying to further spook him.

Death decides to make his point fully, he shows Bender the multiverse if he wasn't around and where his friends were all be. Death points out that the story was always Bender's and he never realized it. As Death shows him more, he states that Bender never realized the personal effects he had on the multiverse. So much wouldn't of happened if he didn't crash into the past, and people's lives would be worse if he didn't arrive in the past calling M.O.D.A.B and The B Team in particular and that it's clear his presence effected everyone and how he his own daughter wouldn't exist if he wasn't there. Death tells Bender that he really had a wonderful life, and makes it obvious that Bender needs to see what mistake he made to not consider it.

Having proven his point, he chases down Bender and terrifies him intent to teach him a lesson, putting Bender in even greater fear than before as he runs.

It also turns out that Luan had her own encounter with Death as a child, but it turns out Death had a part in Luan not going to the light after something happened to her. It shows that Death does have some sense of fair play and honor as Luan talks to Bender about Death.

Chapter 6[]

Death arrives late to the stand off and whistles his tune to make his presence known. Bender hears it as before, but he's not the only one as everyone hears it with some of the heroes asking what this. Anti Cosmo asks Bender who he is, and Bender states that Death is here for him.

Bender, Luan, Anti Cosmo, Slade, Harry Wells, Wile E, Bean, Captain Hero, Elfo, Luci, Nacho Varga, Stan, Wendy, Mora, Zog and Oona are just watch place his scythes on the floor and no one wants to fight him. Death then places a wall of fire between him and Bender so no one gets involved. Death states that the chase was fun, but now they reached the end.

Death calls Bender's reason for wanting the Infosphere the coward's ways out to either run away to immortality, or to once again disrespect him by getting the return of Brick, Butch and Stardash. Which he sees as not respecting the cycle of life if he can just use something to get them back. Death challenges Bender that will he do that which is yellow of him or will Bender take the road which leads to a duel with him. Seeing Bender hesitate, he tells Bender to pick it up like he did before.

Bender, though is ready to take him on and tells the Grim Reaper he's done running and repeats what Luan said to him. Pleased, Death states this will be fun and the two have a showdown in the flames. This duel is more evenly matched, with Bender eventually landing  a hit on him. Death is pleased by this and decides to get serious and combines his sickles and puts Bender on the defensive, knocks him down and knocks Bender's own blade from him. He tells Bender he really needs to stop losing his weapons, while hurting his right arm and right leg with slashes during this period.

Death almost kills Bender straight up with his twin edged reaper, but Bender saves himself with a funny business dagger Luan gave him and they continue their fight with Bender slashing his weapon and knocking him down Bender repeats his Pick it Up sentence to him, the robot admits he will never defeat him he accepts this as he learned from someone who taught him as much as he taught them. The robot declares he will never stop for this life and that he knows he will screw up constantly but he knows how it's because he has something to fight for.

Death angered goes into his face, goes to his face and throws a fit that Bender is ruining this for him and chastises himself for toying with the robot. Recognizing Bender isn't the egotistic robot he saw on his first encounter, Death lets Bender go and tells him to live his live and well. He reminds Bender that they will meet eventually again at some point, which Bender concedes to. Death then amiably departs to Luan as Mrs. Loud and Luan states Mr. Reaper and he sees Luan is living out her second chance to it's fullest. After this he leaves

It turns out that Death did indeed leave not empty handed, as one of Death's Sickles killed Kostas as well. As Death heard Becker's boasts about being death and decided to take him instead of the robot who learned his lesson after Anti Cosmo and Slade used their missile launchers on him.

Chronicles of Zaragoza[]

Chapter 8: Earth X's Last Stand[]

Death arrives as Bender, Anti Cosmo, Slade and the Time Travelers kill Thawne. Death has arrived on orders to Reap Thawne, Thawne tries to avoid his death after the 5 kill him, Death claims him and then heads off tipping his scythes to Bender as he leaves.




Death was on Jaune's invite list which was baffling for Hilda's grandparents who didn't have his history with him.

To the surprise of many he does attend respectively taking time off from his job respective fully which Hilda, Lincoln and Lydia all note as they are amiable with him though questioning why the grim reaper would come of all people would come. He is tells them of what he saw when it came to Thawne. And that Bender is behaving while mentioning it was not easy for him to have to keep claiming so many lives as a result of the Trolberg Nuking

He was also aware of what Lydia did as did Lincoln when it came to the timeline considered they did change it when they saved Hilda from Vecna he admits he did have some hand in it.


  • Lobo is based on the folkloric character of the Grim Reaper, whereas the tune he whistles is based on El Silbón, a legend associated with the Los Llanos region of Colombia and Venezuela about a tall skeletal man whistling as a sign of death.
  • He takes a sense of inspiration off westerns, as he has two sickles that he is depicted spinning which is a reference to a cowboy wielding two revolvers. He wears a Poncho, and wears leather bands
  • He bears some similarities to Anubis, the Egyptian God of the Dead

There are several subtle hints about Lobo's identify in Anglesmith Origins,

  1. His weapons are a pair of sickles, and he wears black. His first encounter with Bender where he claims he laughs in the face of death and mocks it while making it his b**ch, has Death subtly show anger towards, him. The fact he knows him fully and the line he says how everyone thinks they'll be who beats him, but no one has
  2. Upon Bender, Luan, Wile E, Slade, Anti Cosmo and Harry escaping Kostas Becker, Death puts two stray coins over his eyes as he watches them leave and points his narrowest finger at Bender. This is a reference to how the Greeks buried the dead with coins over their eyes so they would have money to enter the Underworld and also an reference to the Aye Aye which was believed marked people for death when they point their narrowest finger
  3. His second scare encounter with Bender has him use an Ace of Spades Card to taunt him, The ace of spades was often used to mark the graves who were killed.
  4. The third encounter with Bender, has him planting a chrysanthemum which is the flower associated of death and reserved for funerals
  5. He doesn't appear in Chapter 4 of the story, "Four" and "death" sound the same in Asian Languages and it's considered an unlucky number. Also it meant something was up as his only appearance was Bender thinking he saw him.
  6. When he confronts Bender in Chapter 5 shortly revealing who he is truly is. He holds his sickles like a clock, stating the 11 times he nearly died. A Clock is a symbol of death that time is limited and every minute that passes is one closer to death. Clocks have 12 numbers as well, and Death intends the 12th time to be the time where he doesn't near die but DOES die.
  7. The fact he is always able to find Bender no matter where he goes

While one of the two main villains of Anglesmith Origins, he serves as an Aesop enforcer and lesson to value live and to respect death. On top of that, Death doesn't target anyone other than Bender. Though he does subtly reap Kostas Becker at the end, seeing the true arrogant legend the man he is and had met Luan Loud at a earlier point of the latter's life.

Lobo can be seen as an evil counterpart to Santa Muerte, a Spanish folk character who also personifies Death. Though he is sadistic and resentful, though not without completely unwarranted.

He is the only main character other than Bender, Luan, Slade and Anti Cosmo to appear in the Prologue of Anglesmith Origins, the other 5 first appear in Chapter 1.

Lobo is one of the only 2 main characters with no interest in the Infosphere apart from seeing as a cowards' way, Luan is the other main character with no interest in the Infosphere.

Lobo alongside Lydia and Lincoln is the only character to appear in all 3 of the major storylines between Chang's Guide To The Galaxy and En.Tropized
