Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki


Wade Wilson was an international assassin who had worked for various governments when he developed an aggressive cancer. In an effort to find a cure, he enrolled in the Weapon X program in Canada, which gave him a healing factor from another member and set him to work for them.

When he killed a team member, Wade was thrown out of the program and was sent to have his abilities removed, where he was experimented on instead. The results of his stay there were a diminished mental state, a healing factor that could not cure his cancer or heal his scars, an infatuation with death, and his freedom to return to for-hire mercenary work.

As "The Merc with a Mouth" Wade set out as Deadpool to kill and have a good time doing it.

Deadpool was created by Fabian Nicieza and Rob Liefeld, first appearing in New Mutants #98. (1991)

His theme

LOTM: Darkness Incarnate[]

Deadpool tagged along with Angewomon, Lizbeth and Maka after they fought him during the Nod attack on New York. He proved to be helpful to them, but he also proved to be a big pain in the ass.

A League Storyline[]

Deadpool was watching TV in his apartment when he is suddenly summoned by Samael (although he doesn't know who he is at the time) and is tasked with killing Frankie. While hesitant to do so at first, he immediately jumps on board when Samael promises $5,000,000 in cash along with a lifetime subscription to Cosmopolitan Magazine and chimichangas.

Deadpool is sent to the Southern Air Temple where he confronts Frankie, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Iroh, and Zuko. He easily defeats them all and is just about to kill Aang when Frankie, under the assumption that he was killed from being impaled by Deadpool, is brought back by Aria and becomes a False Super Saiyan. He then proceeds to beat up on the mercenary until the transformation wears off. When Deadpool is about to kill him off, Frankie promises that he will be paid by a literal goddess if he joins up with them. Deadpool agrees and he joins the team on their adventures.

LOTM: The Angels Return[]

Deadpool had been hunting down Metal Face, who had been causing trouble in the Marvel universe. He finally tracked the metal chatterbox down to the Mighty Orbots universe...and killed him, saving the Disney Angels and their pals.

Angewomon is grateful for Deadpool's help and is pleased to have him, but Oswald does not seem excited at all.

The Protectors of the Multi-Universe[]


LOTM: Mageddon Trilogy[]

LOTM: Armageddon[]

LOTM: Weirdmageddon[]

LOTM: Darkmageddon[]

