"C'mon, Mug! We have to find the Elder Kettle. He'll know what to do!" Cuphead to Mugman, Introduction
Cuphead is a playable character and one of the two main protagonists of the 1930's style game Cuphead.
War of The Streams[]
Cuphead is one of the members of the Streaming Resistance who worked with Peacemaker through many of the adventures that took place in streaming shows. This eventually comes to a head against Frank Underwood and his cabinet where he takes control of the Cartel against the multiverse and streamverse respectively. Working with Mughead and Miss.Chalice, Cuphead works to fight off his attempts respectively and takes charge of Frank's attacks in the Inkwell Isles. Cuphead also crosses paths with Slade's empire and The B Team who are all also going against him as well. Working with all of them, Cuphead manages to defeat the cabinet and cartel with his allies.
Cuphead, Mugman and Miss.Chalice join Peacemaker's side of the Resistance to tail and deal with Victoria Von Gale and Spot's disruptions in hopes of seeing what they are up to in regards to their targets.
Chapter 1[]
Cuphead and Mugman are contacted by the cops about them having the kids and the two are told to come respectively. Which they do leaving Elder Kettle who they were with at that point as Cuphead decided to leave Peacemaker for the time to get help from Elder Kettle.
Part 2[]
Cuphead with the rest of the gang arrive to the Police Station and they are told to split up to deal with the situations. Cuphead goes with Eleven and her side to help Lydia and the Cops. Cuphead takes his finger guns and with Mugman and Miss.Chalice gets the drop on Spot. They are then teleported and must fight White Dragon as the Cops and Peacemaker chase Spot. Cuphead manages to help his group deal with White Dragon by knocking off his power gauntlets off.
After the villains flee, Cuphead and his brother return to and meet way with Lincoln who they join up with to deal with Spot. Mugman and Cuphead went to Elder Kettle to see if anything is going on. Cuphead confirms Inkwell Isles is safe from Spot and his cohorts for the time being ever since King Dice was defeated. Afterwards, the magic school bus is prepared and they head to the Hissuan Region to try contain the damage Spot's cosmic flaw anomality status has caused.
Part 3[]
Lincoln and Lydia have getting their team get permission to take the other starter which they give to Nate who excepts and they tell him about how to use Pokemon. They then help Nate catch some pokemon respectively with Blinky's help and Eleven helps too. Lincoln warns Nate of how dangerous they are and rescues him from the hostile pokemon. Lydia states that Pokemon are not that hostile but this is a different region, and when the Pokedex was first expanded, Blinky knew this.
Lydia, Lincoln, Will, Mike and Eleven meet back with Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice and begin discovering the Noble Pokemon that are needed to be aquired. They contact Peacemaker and the others on this. According to what Cuphead and co found they are a select group of Pokémon in the Hisui region who are descendants of five of the ten companions of the Ancient Hero of legend, blessed by Arceus. Lincoln compares it to the Totem Pokemon of Aloha, which they did catch when there and used to capture the Ultra Beasts.
Blinky, Dustin, Lucas, Cuphead, Mugman, Miss.Chalice and Max learn about the Diamond Clan and decide to give them a hand respectfully after they finish the research tasks. They then talk the others in coming along for the ride.
The group keep Peacemaker in the know about the Noble Pokemon and after them deal with it while they investigate with the others. However, they run into the Noble Lilggilant, the second of the noble pokemon and Nate decides to deal with this himself with The Party and Wednesday helping. As Lincoln, Lydia, Blinky, Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice help the clans out and learn more info. The five discover Volo is behind this and must be in tangent with the Spot.
Holt, Hopper and Ecnomonos tell the six the info they learned after telling Peacemaker about Volo's plans and all that. As well as the lakes. Lincoln and Lydia acknowledge the deja vu they're dealing with it since they had to something similar with the Lake Trio last time but didn't have Dawn with them. Blinky is aware of the Lake Trio's importance and mentions the two must have had some connection to them. Lincoln validates it by saying Uxie chose him and Azelf chose Lydia, Mespriit chose Dawn but they have no idea where she is. Lydia tells Blinky, Cuphead and the others that Dawn was from Sinnoh and got them into Pokemon, she and May held the other starter of the region while they took two. Their thought pattern was that someone else should have the other starter and since Nate was here, they decided he gets the 3rd one here.
Lincoln, Lydia, Nate, and the rest of the team decide to head up to Mt.Coronet and they go on their way to learn some truths. This is when discover that they have been picking up plates yet again which Cuphead and the others were doing respectively.
Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice return to Coronet to find another plate and find Cresceilla. They remember what was told by Lincoln and Lydia said when they recalled their own encounter with it. They decide to not screw around and capture it with a Master Ball. Cuphead reports this to Lincoln, Lydia, Blinky, Eleven, Wednesday and Peacemaker and acquire the Dread Plate.
When everyone gets back together, this is when Volo ambushes the heroes and steals the plates with The Spot in tangent where the anti matter riff is once again there and Hissuan Region begins to collapse by using Giratina
Spot tries to once again take out Peacemaker and stops the heroes from helping him so Volo can deal with him
Peacemaker and the others try to fend off the holes and fend off Spot who makes this diffcult for them as he creates more portals for them to close
Lincoln, Wednesday and the others manage to defeat Giratina Orgin Form and Lincoln manages to rescue his gang from the collpasing temple
Nate decides to return his pokemon to the base as Lydia and Lincoln made a pc box for him. Jake and Amy lead the others back to a new base for travel respectfully so they can all take a rest after their mission and just goof off till the next anomality emerges
Chapter 2[]
Cuphead, Mugman and Ms.Chalice end up finding Hobie and Luna again and learn what they have been doing and how they tailed and helped Hilda. The trio also learn about their connection to Lincoln and Lydia as well.
He is brought with the others to Wednesday's meeting about Nevermore their situation and what they need to do respectively in their time there.
Cuphead and his friends all join the others in heading to Nevermore and they learn what Enid looked into from Wednesday's briefings from what they investigated on Spot and the stuff he is associated with. Upon this, Cuphead stayed at Nevermore with Wednesday so they look into what Thornhill is doing back here at Nevermore.
Part 2[]
Luna, Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice go outside and near the lake to investigate outside when Cuphead is entranced by the sound of a mermaid and he goes after it..It turns out to be Chelesa who also drowns Cuphead, but is saved by Miss.Chalice, Mugman and Luna who decide to take her with Luna getting her super hero alias ready as they fight her with the trident empowered
While the 4 do succeed in defeating her, Chelesa managed to distract them long enough to insurer N.Tropy can continue with his plans with Joesph Crackstone and they head off with the others to find Wednesday.Everyone meets back up back together and are in the woods and this is where everyone comes. Due to N.Tropy also ressurecting undead pilgrims, Cuphead joins up with Mugman and Miss.Chalice to take care of them respectfully.
Cuphead and the others are picked up by the cops and are told of what happened on their side with chicken farms being used for some of Spot's plans which occured outside the Streamverse. Given some time off, Cuphead and Mugman decide to go back to Inkwell to relax.
Part 3[]
Cuphead and Mugman are called by Emilia to get back to base as they have found the next location of where Spot caused an anomalty in the multiverse. He is unwilling to do, though he is dragged by Mugman to come back and help out.
Cuphead, Mugman and MIss Chalice are prevented from being able to help their friends due to White Dragon and Francis getting involved and trying to take them out with White Dragon's Gang. They are unable to kill Cuphead and his buds, but damage Inkwell Isles enough for them to leave. Which was the plan for the N.Trophies were banking on.
Chapter 3[]
Cuphead, Mugman and Ms.Chalice arrive in another universe and it turns out to be the Invinicble Universe as they discover respectfully and already hear of what White Dragon is up to.
Part 2[]
Cuphead, Mugman and Miss Chalice once again go up against White Dragon and they end up receiving the help from Allen who helps wears down White Dragon respectfully. However Mark steps in to face them respectively which Cuphead and his friends can't take on respectively due to being a Virtumite. Which leads Allen and his associates to take him out
Cuphead thankfully managed to chase down White Dragon and Francis and sets back to the others respectfully. The three return to the group with Mrs.Frizzle and join up with them to head to the Streamverse'es Castlevania verse on orders of the Chief. Cuphead, Mugman and Miss.Chalice take an active hand helping out due to what happened to their whole verse and succeed in helping Trevor Belmont
Chapter 4[]
Cuphead and the others decide to let Professor Membrane in on what had gone down in Invinicble which has him decide to check this up by sending Nate, Erica, George and Harold. Cuphead is informed of what has ultimately begun to happen at Peacemaker's universe and the crew all proceed to go there respectively
Part 2[]
Cuphead and the others make their way to the Peacemaker Universe to try and go looking for The Spot. They eventually do find him with his crew attacking Peacemaker's universe. Cuphead fights against the Virtumans respectively with Mugman until finding out what is going on in Boss Baby's universe and joins with Eleven, Wednesday, Will Robinson and Boss Baby to stop Francis
Using his skills, he and Mugman hold off the rest of the goons of Francis so the others can deal with Francis and all of his cronies respectfully. Returning to the others, Cuphead reports what happens to them as they decide that the group needs to leave Peacemaker's Universe.
Chapter 5[]
Cuphead and the others all arrive in Maine so they can discuss what they are going to regarding Spot and his cronies. Upon noticing Spot's cronies, Cuphead and his crew go to pursue Spot and his group as they go through the holes
Cuphead arrives at Flying Rhino Junior High and uses his finger guns to ultimately help deal with the rest of N.Tropy's mooks as well as the dice based mooks he has as they go to help The Streaming Resistance and The other Team Free Will teamates
Chapter 6[]
Cuphead acts reckless after Clyde and Dawn's attempt doesn't work and tries to deal with The False Groudon and gets sucked in early. Though he is brought back after the group deals with it and he decides to head back to Inkwell Isles with the others as what he dealt with was scarring with Mugman and Miss. Chalice joining him.