Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki
Warning Spoiler Alert: This article/section contains details about future plotlines of LOTM: Sword of Kings described. Do not proceed unless you want to be spoiled.

Mbol by kullervonsota-d7arux5

The Cult of Scathach are the hidden main antagonists of the LOTM: Sword of Kings Spin-Off - Rise of the Blue Haired Heroine that first show up in Part 2 and are a powerful group of five reality-warping Black Demons, each corresponding to a finger or thumb, directly below the Scathach in power and authority. All of them were originally humans who were chosen by Scathach to serve her purpose of giving reason for humanity's suffering. They each possessed and used a behelit only Vincent Nightray used the Behelit (The Egg of the King) in order to transcend their humanity. It is unknown whether there are five Crimson Behelits or whether the same one came to each of them in turn.


The origins of the Cult of Scathach are mysterious and unknown, but its members are known to have once been human before using a Crimson Behelit during the Zoyineian Solar Eclipse (caused by Scathach's demonic energy upon Earth) that occurs once every 216 years. Once they do this, they transcend their current status and are reborn as Zoyineian Black Demons and emissaries of the Scathach. In order to do this however, they must offer a sacrifice of their loved ones and their souls will be used to fashion a new form. 

Since then, the Cult of Scathach has served as overseers of humanity and have shaped many events of human history while supporting Scathach in her quest for genocide, interacting with the physical world while also recruiting new members into the organization and gaining servants in humans who become Apostles or establish various faiths and religions in their honor. 


  1. Vincent Nightray (Fate)
    1. Atala Arck - (Fate Successor)
  2. Jeanne (Temptation)
  3. Oda Nobunaga (Deception)
  4. Negev (Famine/pestilence)
  5. Deus Ex Machina (Gravity/Space)



  • Despite their power, the Cult of Scathach cannot completely predict the flow of fate and causality nor are they invincible. Vincent himself has admitted "[they] are not God [Scathach] herself".