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Cryptosporidium, commonly known as just simply Crypto is a Furon warrior and protagonist of the Destroy All Humans! games.


Crypto's most obvious trait is his taste for destruction, making him an effective soldier for the Furon Empire. Needless to say, he's very sadistic, taking pleasure from torturing human beings. While he started out by hating all things human, he mellows out by the time the sequels came out, no doubt in part due to spending years mingling with humanity (and even becoming romantically involved with a human female). In the first game, he shows a mild perverted side when he's about to probe Miss Rockwell, but said perversion is exaggerated in later games, though this is probably due to having acquired genitalia.

When with others, Crypto is very rude. Between being very sarcastic, mocking, or simply threatening people, Crypto has few moments of honesty, usually when he's in serious trouble. Crypto is often inclined to killing those who he simply doesn't like unless ordered against such urges due to mission requirements. Despite his sociopathic traits, he does show that he cares about his allies. Crypto freaks out when Natalya dies on the Moon, and when Orthopox is almost destroyed in Fantasy Atoll. He also mourns the Master when he fakes his death.

The Multi-Universal War of Destiny[]

Crypto will later find out the group that plans to destroy Earth is a group lead by Discord and if Discord destroys Earth then it's not only the death of Humans but Crypto's people as well. He may have to defend the humans as well from the other villain Sigma. Hopefully Crypto will recognize the good humans from the bad ones. But not right away as he went insane from the thought of not killing them all. He helps the Membrane Elite in their missions and after the 1st incident, Crypto gets called by his officer to help cause they have a situation.

Countdown To Chang's Guide To The Galaxy[]


Chapter 2[]

Cypto was tailing Irkens upon hearing the communciation between Thragg, Homelander, Maximus and The Almighty Tallest and he decides to go stop the other aliens.

He saves Bruce Wayne, Larke Tanner and Atomtic Betty from an Irken assault, He infroms he had a mission form his team to deal with aliens and the 3 teens join up with him as they head off to find the others the 3 are working with.

Cyrpto helps the three get back to Ford, Nolan, Deathstroke and Agent Bishop as he takes care of Irken Invaders with ease.

Ford, Nolan, Bruce, Kamela, Larke, Deathstroke, Agent Bishop, Betty and Crpto arrive with the ship with the Virutmites all at war, those following Nolan and others following Thragg. So they can prepare a new plan to resuce Mr.Snake, Mr.Pirhana and Mr.Shark. Mr.X has Maximus brought to a cell so he can inttergorate him about the info and how to ultimately get the crew back.

Thragg's plan works pefectly and he has the Almightly Tallest , his fellow Virumties and other aliens contacted by CSM and Homelander to attack them. Master Chief and Agent Bishop make an connection that Dregg is on the alert as well and he has arrived with other reinforcments causing a drastic attack.

Everyone goes after Dregg, The Almightly Tallest and the Virtumites. Cypto gets ready to go nuts on the aliens attacking him, and he put his stuff on their ship and planned to help Deathstroke the whole time as they all go after the alien forces.

Despite the resisance of them all and Deathstroke, Betty and Cypto's leading the attacks efficently and intellgently. They are still one ship against a fleet and it looks to be the end as Dregg and The Irkens intent to destory the crew while they're tired. This is until another ship manages to arrive and stop the forces from destroying the ship and magnets the crew up

Rocket and The Resisty were who saved them and are against the conspiracy. Cyrpto is questioned about his reasons for being here as the others with their own stuff for being fame or just wanting an excuse to kill things

Master Chief, Arbiter, Kamela,  Cypto and Agent Bishop are busy learning about Rocket Raccoon and The Renasisance. Cypto suspects as he is hearing everything that maybe his enemies might be working with the Conpsiracy as well and Rocket does seem to be in agreeance with this as they make need help, though The Reisisty is seeking something entirely.

Chapter 3[]

Ford calls in Master Chief, Arbiter, Cyrpto, Rocket Raccoon, Agent X and Kamela, he gives them all a mission. Ford implores them to go after another potential alien group, that he has been checking up from his bed

Master Chief, Arbiter, Cyprto, Rocket Raccoon all load their weapons and Kamela gets ready.

Arbiter and Master Chief look at Ford's look and The Two recongize how they look like it's from The Metroid universe. Deathstroke agrees and states that the leader may have connections with them and The head of the conpsiracy. Cypto questions how he knows this, Deathstroke admits that this is some kind of conspiracy going on and is after to find the leader of it

Master Chief, Arbiter, Rocket Raccoon, Crypto and Mr.X are all traveling to get closer to their onoging destination. Mr.X overlooks things and states they are closing in and it looks like alien pirates and it's being led by The Omega Pirate

The Ship is invaded by Space Pirates and Master Chief, Arbiter and Cypto all get their weapons and being facing off with pirates while taking them all to insure Mr.X to be able to take them to the base.

Rocket jumps in and the 4 all begin fending off all the Pirate Troopers, while Mr.X is working to shake the rest of them off them.

Master Chief, The Arbiter, Mr.X, Kamela Khan, Cypto and Rocket Raccoon all managed to keep the ships off them. Mr.X however does prompt them that they may have to take the base for themselves or damage it.

Kamela decides to take an immediate action and goes headfirst in into the base. Mr.X decides to let this go and gets the rest to hear him out.

They learn from Transfer Getaways from Mr.X which he reveals to the crew respectfully. He tells Master Chief and Arbiter to help out with Kamela  in dealing with them. Rocket, Cypto and himself will keep stalling them so no one can deal with Master Chief, Arbiter and Kamela .

Mr.X, Crpyto and Rocket are unexpectingly are dealing with The Martians are attacking once more and the same ones that Lincoln, Lydia, Mulder, Scully, Saul and Mike saw before. Despite all their success against the Pirates, The Martians do pretty much take them offguard to the point that Master Chief, The Arbiter and Kamela instantly return to base to help them.

Betty, Larke, Bruce, Agent Bishop, The Bad Guys, Mr.X, Master Chief, Arbiter, Cypto, Rocket and Kamela all return back from their expoditions to see the three who arrive with their new ship

Chapter 4[]

Cypto got the crew to their new ship which was brought by his fellow Scorpion Squad Member. RJ who unlike Cyrpto isn't in to get President's approval but to actually do something right for once.

Cyrpto brought back some stuff from the previous stuff and shows it to RJ as they overheard the recording of Maximus and play it back  so they can more infomation on what The Conspiracy is really after in regards to their operation behind the curtain.

The Almighty Tallest attack them intent to take this secret to the grave, Cypto and RJ decide to stop this with Agent Bishop, Atomtic Betty, and Rocket Raccoon. Cypto makes short work of the Irkens attacking them with RJ and Rocket as he wants to get rid of The Almighty Tallest right there and right now and he instructs Betty to deal with this as it would look suspcious if he did anything.

Betty more than does this, as someone else bombed the area and killed them, though Betty did still bring them down. Cypto is satisifed with this regardless as he utterly hated the Irkens. Though he does suspect that the Irkens will find another to serve.

Upon landing to Tazmaurain, with Cypto suspecting Starfire is going to get involved, he is ready kill more aliens. He learns Starfire is not present and with Dib and the others. Seeing this as his chance to shine, he is against tipping off Dib and the others, however he is proven right on this when Blackfire prevents this.

With the Conspiracy aliens on the group, Cypto eagers joins Agent Bishop and fights off Dregg and his forces.

Upon the forces retreating, Cypto and the others decide to forge a truce with the Tazmarians with the intent to have their help dealing with The Smoking Man as they have other alien races to content with or join up with.

Chapter 5[]

Following Rocket's lead he goes with him to recruit the Ravengers, as the alien sees no intent to get any more dumb humans to help out, he does admit Ford is the only smart human he thinks. Crypto and the others reach Rocket's Ravengers recurits and he stays in the back as Rocket, Betty and Deathstroke look to convince and recurit them to help lead an attack on CSM as they already have Nolan and his people as well as the Tazarmains.

After they success, the base get rumbled by something. He joins RJ in their look into it and this is where find The Neutralizer and Lord Dregg who were behind the attack. The Two team up against them with Crypto going against Dregg and during this, Cypto finds out about the capusle send to them and heads back to tell the idotic humans.

He is intent to stop it, but to his relief. Ford, Lakre and Bruce managed to deal with The Heavy Lobster.

Chapter 6[]

Cyrpto joins Agent Bishop's gang to get the agents with the head crabs They also take on the alien forces as they do so, only for Thragg's invasion to take effect. He also regroups with Ford and the others to take on Thragg


Rocket, RJ, Crpyto and Mr. X are sent to deal with The Martians CSM has working to colonize humanity.Using Arbiter, Master Chief and Betty distracting General Z-9, they manage to take out the aliens forces before getting vaporized themselves

This allows Ford and Nolan to deal with Thragg a bit easier as well as he doesn't have any reinforcments. Working with Deathstroke's associates, the 4 manage to squash any other alien that could come their way

Afterwards, Crypto is informed that Deathstroke feels that he owns an alien a favor in turn for helping him. Crypto decides to ask for something he always wanted and he obliges.

Allies and enemies[]

Friends: Pox, Scorpion, Cassandra, Raz, RJ, Android 18, Delta Squad, The P Team, Dib, Bubbles, Milo, Boomer, Brick, Butch, Edd, Ice King, Nibbler, Luigi, Meowth, Frost, Megaman X, Hiscord, Yakko, Wakko, Dot, John Price, President Deathstroke, Ford Pines, Nolan Greyson, Larke Tanner, Bruce Wayne (Gotham), Agent Bishop, Mr.X, Mr.Wolf, Webs, Atomtic Betty, Master Chief, The Arbiter, Rocket Raccoon, The Reissty

Enemies: Humans, Martians, Galactus, Discord, Dystopia League, Sigma, The Sigma Organization, Lord Commander, The Irken Empire, The Conpsiracy

