Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

Crowley is a demon and one of the four most recurring characters in the series Supernatural alongside Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Ordinary a high ranking demon, after Lucifer was put in his cage, Crowley became the King of Hell. His main priority is him and he co-operates with anyone who fulfills his plans. He gave up the throne to the Lucifor family in between To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud and Chang's Guide To The Galaxy.

He is also the only villain who takes the Winchesters seriously as threats. Crowley reformed as of The Return of Weirdmagedon Cult and became an ally of Team Free Will as a result of Castiel's death.

Friends: Cricket Green, Castiel (Former Enemy), Lydia Lopez, Lincoln Loud, Ford Pines, Amanda Payne, Luz Nocada, Anne Boonchuy, Rick Sanchez, Eda Clawthrone, King, Amity Blight, Scratch Mcgee, Molly Mcgee, Marcy Wu, Team Free Will (Former Enemies), Truman X, Larke Tanner, Jaune Arc, Hilda, Joanna, Frida, David, Mulder, Scully, Jaune Arc, Lisa Loud, Luan Loud, Libby Stein, Tom Lucifor, G-LO, Vee, Camillla Noceda

Neutral: Slade Wilson, Bender, Anti Cosmo, Harrison Wells, Sasha Wayblight, Captain Grime

Enemies: Peter Pan, Dukat (Former Partner), Lucifier, The Leviathans, The Darkness, Eobard Thawne, Toffee, Bill Cipher, Zhan Tiri, The Weirdmagedon Cult, The Legion of Past, Present and Future Evil, Morag and Aggie Mclaughin, Rowena, Emperor Belos, The Belos Empire, Vecna

His theme

Moral Ranking: Completely Ambiguous

Phase 3[]

LOTM: Next Gen Island Tour[]

Crowley is working for Dukat as his right hand man who is revealed to be GBF Jr's new boss and he is shown as a way of them betraying GBF and Jesse. He and Dukat emerge as the heads of their new group Sector 32. Crowley is set ot be one of the main villains of the second half of the story as he sensed GBF and his squad to hell. He and Dukat find Phantom and Raticus and give them what they must which is keep surveillance. Crowley reports to GBF Jr and his allies as he is trying to maintain control of hell from Lord of Darkness who trying to take control of hell, he has the Colt ready and is using it to great effect against the Dark Lord. Crowley is still fighting the war and has Lord of Darkness cornered and he kills the lord off with the Colt before he works with Dukat again to ensure their plans work. Crowley deciding on destroying the interment camp find the heroes and Alpha Team and gives them the idea to use music to blow it up. At the end, He and Raticus pull up a chair waitiing for the show to start. Dukat and Crowley  split their jobs as Crowley takes his operation and kidnaps the Multiversal Resistance Guys and Batgirl, he knows the girls will come and plants a bomb to set off upon landing with Phantom, Ratiucs and GBF Jr though Raticus questions he would need to do this. Crowley then sings a song about wanting them to join him and it's revealed that he tortured the rest of the squad to death.

Crowley then lands in Neverland and works his own plan which revolves around not keeping the Multi-Universal Resistance males imprisoned which confuses Hama but he reassures her he knows what he's doing. Crowley leaves and his plan did work and they end up discovering the Pah Wraiths. Dukat now acting as emissary of the Pah Wraiths decides to move operations to the Fire Caves to release them with the others. He is to fight Dr. Strange and four his friends. Which he does not letting anyone get involved though Batman escapes comes back and sets Crowley's bones on fire killing the demon


Crowley is resurrected by Eobard Thawne and was forced to bring back some of the villains into his league. Then Thawne betrayed him and threw him back to hell. Crowley angered with Thawne decided to side with the heroes to bring him and his legion for intruding on his territory, using him and more we learn. He was imprisoned in Multiversal hell where he finds Slade and Ventress and makes a deal with the two to escape and take revenge on Eobard and his syndicate which leads to him being on board the Waverider.

Crowley while not friends with either team decides to make the best of being on the Waverider and proceeds to even join them in their attack on Thawne and his allies. After the blood bath, Crowley exits back to hell to try and find more on The Legion and to keep tabs. Crowley arrives on Bender's team ship as Starfire and the rest of the crew decide they have to find their own way to keep Joker's team from settling an alliance as Ray and Nate feel Joker is trying to alter time. Crowley arrives and confirms this, and then provides some artillery to them. When Dick Hardley to show up and eats Julian and Ray leaving Heywood and Django to fight him which the former does directly, while Django jumps in to save Julian and give Ray his Atom suit to hurt him from the inside. Crowley teleports in and keeps Dick restrained so that Nate can save Julian and Ray Palmer. Crowley then helps Jorgen by putting bullet though Skylar which stuns him enough for Jorgen to finish off Sylar before Asura uses his fear factor to scare them from trying to hurt them.

Crowley continues to assist behind the scenes using his sources to find out what he needs to know on the legion and provides info on the Spear while finding more parts for the heroes.

Phase 4[]

Crowley is one of the few characters alongside Lincoln Loud, Lydia Lopez, Ford Pines, Amanda Payne, Cleo Setori, Ronnie Anne, Bender, Luan Loud, Slade, Anti Cosmo, Harry Wells and Bruce Wayne to still have a role in the story.

Return of The Weirdmageddon Cult[]

Crowley having been spared by Bender, Skipper and the heroes for helping them with defeating Thawne and letting him run his Hell. Crowley just minds his own business and lays off antagonizing them, and when he learns of Bill Cipher's return, He joins up with Team Free Will to Castiel's reluctance to put the triangle demon back in place.

Chapter 1[]

Ford meanwhile who has been doing his own thing, exploring the world he ends up being a witness to Lord Dominator, Ushari, Glomgold, and The Reformation Sergant ressurect Tofee and Bill Cipher somehow made a return too while he was doing research. While Ford isn't seen, he almost gets heard by the Disney Villains and travels to the Adult Swim Verse. Rick Sanchez who like Ford works on a science expermient sees a portal where Ford comes out and Rick calls Ford for being rude for interrupting his work with Morty who is with him. Ford takes Rick away from Morty to share notes about what Ford witnessed and Rick deducts that it has something to do with the mutiverse and the resurfacing of weirdness in Gravity Falls and to look into Ford's bunker for notes about Bill Cipher. The Ressurected Tofee howver is on their heels waiting for them to leave the Bunker. So he and his forces can destroy the bunker. Ford discovers a ressurection chant was how Bill managed to come back, Rick almost bails out on account of that it's a Ford mission, not one of his. Ford convinces Rick to help him mentioning Morty will be targeted eventually and so will everyone Rick cares about and Rick's own freedom will be taked away. Rick mumbles how Ford knows where to get him and puts a contact to Doc Brown and Cas.

Doc Brown and Castiel with Crowley in tow arrive through a portal like Rick's portal gun created and Ford questions how the demon knows and came along for the ride, with Rick pressuing Crowley on the matter. Crowley informs the men of the return of Bill and Toffee, Which Rick states that they already know that with his new army, Crowley snarks back pointing that he's a king, the king of hell and a demon and that Toffee attacked his domain just a little ago and stoles Weaponry from Hell with an arms dealer as an inside man. Ford fears Lydia is in real trouble with Toffee and Bill back and both of them probaly wanting to get revenge on her or kill her. Castiel agrees with Ford  and makes a quick search among the muliverses with one of Rick's inventions, Rick and Cas find the locatiion and note how Lincolin, Amanda and Cleo are there too. Doc who has done some adjustments on the Delorean with Ford to house more people to pick up the others as they lack another vechicle of transportation.

Ford arrives with Castiel, Doc Brown and Crowley who stop other soliders of Toffee from attacking the kids. Ford brings the kids up to date with Toffee, Bill and the other Disney Villains, he saw. Lydia is a bit worried about the resufracing of her two advesaries who singled her out during the Spear of Destiny situation and how they returned, Lincolin also shows worry that Bill and Toffee is out to kill both himself and Lydia.  Lydia takes Lincolin aside and they discuss that as bad as it is that the duo has returned, this may been a solution to their situations or at worst help. Lincolin correctly assumes that Lydia just wants Amanda and Cleo to be her family to some extent due to her bond with them like Ford being like a dad figure to her, yet with the former it's obvous the two are in disagreements regarding her. Lydia concides with this point, but it's been a while since she went on a quest with her other friends, as she has only done things with Lincolin, Ford, Ronnie Anne and Sid though Lincolin doesn't take that aspect seriously understanding her view point. Ronnie asks for Lincolin and Lydia to join them in the portal to the bunker with Ford, Lydia and Linc follow suit.

Rick returns in his own flying car and Crowley who was waiting for him asks Rick did he get others, Rick cocnetrates on that Crowley stole his drink which Crowley states to focus on the objective. Rick did manage to get his hands on Blssina, Filmore, Dawn, Jin, James Rogers, Shark Boy, Qui Gon, May, Lava Girl and Louise. Rick mentions how they seem like a tag of misfits but somehow get the job done which was why Cas vouched for them as Castiel required Rick to do so. Castiel greets his others friends and decides to infrom of what Rick and Ford told him.

Chapter 2[]

Cleo and Amanda meanwhile ask Castiel and Crowley about the zoidacs sign and how they come into play regarding Cipher. Both of them deny any knowledge they know, but Castiel does hint to them that whatever meaning they have it must be significant and something the Weirdmagedon Cult fears, Crowley snarks that  the actual truth is that Bill doesn't fear it and that's it is a soft counter and that while they're a group, if they are only 10 of them then it's not really a group effort. Cleo concedes to Crowley's point, but begins thinking herself which gets the rest of the groups's attention with May, Dawn, Blssilina and Louise in particular noticing Cleo starting to ramble on something. Filmore puts it together that Cleo is worrying about her own world in the event that Toffee and Bill might have figured out her home and did something similar to Gravity Falls or The City judging by what Doc, Rick, Ford, Cas and Crowley told him.  

Ford and Qui Gon come back with Craft, Jin, Shark Boy and Lava Girl with the first location found, Qui Gon gives the info to Rick, Filmore and Doc Brown while the others report to the rest of the team and that Toffee's cult is already on to them their plan as Shark Boy and Lava Girl having encountered a grass knight while Craft and Jin eccounterd Pinstripe, who was equipped with a wierd but dangerous weapon and tried to shoot them and he has back up with teenage hoodlums and a bald guy.

Crowley puts it together what Pinstirpe was using and explains that it's a dark cannon to the confused group. Cas mentions is that among Crowley's weaponry and the demon confirms that it is indeed one of his own tools, but Crowley himself was heisstant to use it due to it's immense danger and cautious risk of being turned on himself so he sealed it away, he also only had one as well yet Craft confirms they were 7 of them and Jin adds that if they were replicated then whoever did it could maplutlate the weight of the cannons to work to one's physical strength, as he could lift one in a single hand if he had one where as Craft would need both for balance like a lot of the team

Castiel wondering what is taking the six of them so long decides to go after him through Blissina points out that there is a 2nd symbol here and Doc identifies it as the Liama symbol and Filmore thinks that the rest of the team should go looking for it and questions why Ford asked them to stay. Crowley liking the idea decides to ask Doc where to go for it.

Castiel, Blissina, Filmore, Craft, Crowley, Dawn, Doc, James Rogers, Jin, Shark Boy, Lava Girl ,Louise Beltcher, May, Qui Gon, Ronnie Anne and Sid Chang all take a lead to grasslands as that is the most likely place to find it with May and Dawn leading the way using one of their Pokemon to guide the way for any one else who will come.

Ronnie Anne on her skate board finds Cas and Crowley who are talking to Cleo after they took out some of Toffee's henchmen and tells Castiel that teenage hoodlums are holding May, Dawn and Filmore hostage and Fern is busy fighing Craft again and Crowley calls her a coward which ROnnie Anne says she's a girl not a super hero. Castel scolds Crowley for being hard on her though Cleo is easier and tells Ronnie Anne that she is just being realistic like Ronnie Anne says about Cleo except she's a mermaid. Cleo, Cas and Crowley with Ronnie Anne show up and wash away the group though Lalo did take his gun and fire a few blank shots. May and Dawn use Piplup and Warotle to spray him back and Blaziken and Quilava to attack the Gang Green Gang.

After wards, they run into Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Rick and Amanda who noticed Cleo saved them and the symbol

Chapter 3[]

Lydia, Lincolin, Crowley and Amanda meanwhile discuss Lincolin's own visions and Lincolin reveals he saw another one. The Death of some of their teammates, Amanda asks who and Lincolin doesn't know but he did see 3 or 4 fall. Crowley and Lydia ponder that what could Bill be doing to Lincolin considering his lack of personal history compared to Lydia and Ford. Lydia feels Bill is trying to personally trying to hurt Lydia through Lincolin, though Amanda does think maybe he saw that vision when Ushari was choking him. Lincolin tells Amanda that he saw it afterwards and it wasn't him as he was there when it happens, Crowley offers to smack him to see if he gets another vision which Lincolin tells him not to, Lydia doesn't deounce Crowley but does think Lincolin can see someone who knows something about visions and prohecies and she pulls a book out and start reading it. Amanda and Crowley ask Lydia who she is planning to call, Lydia tells them that she is going to get someone who can help figure this stuff out to why he's seeing things

Crowley decides to take time to enjoy some drinks as he is parched and then picks up some maganizes upon Abra Kabdabra facing off with Rick, Crowley is ordered by Rick to find Lincolin and Lydia and get Ronnie to the two. Crowley makes a bit of a joke at Lincolin's stare but Ronnie Anne just glares at him as does Lydia who both concerned as the latter is nearly getting killed. Crowley stalls Luv, Ace and Big Billy and does get under their skin by simply insulting them which gives Lincolin time to get Lydia out of danger. He then attacks Luv and overpowers her despite how efficent she was earlier just in time for Lydia to kick Morag out cold.

Chapter 4[]

Crowley and Castiel on their own assignment tells Doc and Rick about their processon on the symbols they have acquired and that they are essential to stopping Bill as fail safe. Doc questions how can that be and Castiel tells Doc that even a being like him has weaknesses and it's about trying to find a way to trap him and stop him, he even tells them that with all that unicorn hair around the multiverse, Bill despite his power can't really take too much direction  so they have time. Crowley mocks Doc for it, and state that he doesn't have time, and that pateince isn't a virtue he has and that he would rather bury the isocles in the ground right now. Rick agrees with Crowley but it's Ford's call as he knows BIll better than anyone here.

Ford lands with Crowley and they initally bicker about how they're going to get back to the others as Crowley scolds Ford for being careless and Ford likewise for being selfish. Doc contacts Ford saying that Louise somehow got to the ship and that Cleo, Ronnie Anne, Amanda and Blissina did manage to get back, but it will take a bit to get a safe spot for them.  Ford and Crowley have a truce and decide to go the safe spot. Ford is unsure of just their safety has it's too quiet, Crowley points out and lampshades the cliche and this is how NOS-4A2 makes his enterance and uses his powers to send them off a cliff and NOS-4A2 slams Ford to the wall, deciding to just kill him so he can't intervere with Bill Cipher as he slams Ford on the walls. Crowley eventually does land trying to think what to do as he watches NOS-4A2 brutally beat down Ford and Crowley just shoots him which has the energy vampire drop Ford.

Ford does take out his Quantum destabilizer and then uses it to attack the vampire while attempting to dodge NOS-4A2's attacks which include swoops, energy blasts and trying to slam his energy wings into Ford. Crowley does eventually figure out the weak spot is the body and NOS-4A2 is hiding it and Ford does just that and eventually NOS-4A2 is brought down and Ford intends to get rid of Toffee's right hand man and 3rd in command in the cult. NOS-4A2 turns into smoke and just disappears. Crowley don't blame Ford for it as he was unaware of it himself and Ford who limps after the battle finds the safe spot where is beamed up by Doc.

Chapter 5[]

Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Amanda, Cleo, Castiel, Rick, Crowley, Blissina, Shark Boy, Lava Girl, Ronnie Anne, Louise, May, Dawn, Doc and James Rogers Arrive at Newtopia. Ford and Rick lecture the group about Amphibia and that this is a new land to all them and to be  extra careful.

Ford and Crowley do research on Newtopia and Amphibia's king and describe this guy as a goofy huge salamander and when he means huge, he means big.  Castiel is a bit more suspcious of the king than Crowley and suspects something bigger at play, Ford listens and gives asks Cas, Rick and Crowley to get the others out while he talks to Lydia, Lincolin, Amanda and Cleo. Castiel, Rick and Crowley agree and head out.

After Toffee blows up parts of Newtopia, Ford, Lydia and Lincolin decide they must split up to deal with the split up group  and that they must keep the land safe. Cleo, Castiel and Crowley are the odd ones who head to the castle intend to reside safety as Rick instructs them that Sid is in there somewhere and they can get her there.

Crowley plays a role in diposing Emma and Rikki when Lalo invades with him. Cleo yells at him for shooting them though he's stated that he didn't off them.  Crowley then pretty much dipsoses the pandora and destorys it with Louise and Blissina after being informed of it from the others

Chapter 6[]

Lydia, Lincolin, Ford, Cleo, Amanda, Rick, Cas, Crowley, Luz, Anne, Cricket Green, Blissina, Dawn, Ronnie Anne, Sid Chang, King, Eda, Sprig all wake up after their night. Crowley shows up with stolen stuff from Newtopia and he tells Dawn, Sprig, Cricket, Blissina, Lydia, Lincoln and Luz to start getting armed.  Dawn asks Crowley why, Crowley tells Dawn that they must be prepared for all possibilties and that a king must be ready, Sprig and Cricket both seem to agree with Crowley's kelptomania and take sone. Blissina shakes her head in disappointment. As they all leave for the pirate ship leaving to Lydia, Lincoln and Luz

After a long trip, the entire group lands in Austraila and near the sea. As Rick lands the ship, he has the whole crew get off before turning the ship invisble. Cleo informs the team that they will all head to her house with Rick questioning why are they going to some girl's house for a hideout with King agreeing on this which Cleo shoots at them that it's her universe and she makes the calls in regards to the world. Crowley and Anne are both carrying Emma and Rikki and Crowley just wonders why can't they just put them in the sea and have them feast on fish while they work. Cleo states that she is not losing her friends again when her back is turned, Anne does concede Crowley isn't off as long as someone watches them. Cleo tells the group that it's a canal like house so expect to hear a lot of water as well as asking if anyone is afraid of water.

Cleo, Sid, King, Anne and Crowley set down Emma and Rikki on the bed and Cleo hears the doorbell and answers it. It's her boyfriend Lewis who Cleo got a hold of to help out and Ford asks Cleo who is he. Cleo introduces Ford, Lydia, Lincoln, Amanda, Luz, Anne and Cricket to Lewis, Crowley shows him to the bedroom.

Sid and King both return from a hour of fishing at the pier and they have a lot of fish in their hands. Crowley who is busy reading asks how did to the two of them get so much fish. Sid says that they had a way, King blantatly states to Crowley that he intentionally used himself as bait and basically grabbed fish and even bashed a few on the head with a baseball bat. Sid admits that King made fishing fun and it always seem so boring. She also admits that she feels regretful for having to do that with so much fish, Crowley tells Sid that it's necessary to keep the girls from attacking them, it placates them and that's the most important thing about monsters or something like Emma and Rikki. He knows from experience

Sid and King both place the buckets of fish on the bed and this manages to wake up Emma and Rikki who wonder what happened to them. It felt like they were asleep for months and havn't talked for months. Sid theorizes that the Pandora Toffee used must have muted them to King and Crowley. Crowley calls Cleo and Lewis in telling them Emma and Rikki are awake,

Cleo reunites with her friends still in mermaid form and explains what happened to them and Toffee's hand. Lewis adds that they were infected with fish fever as well which is why they are in that slate which Emma adds again, Cleo tells Crowley, Sid and King that she wasn't kidding, Rikki asks about the 3 of them and who they are. Cleo blantaly introduces Crowley as the king of hell despite his kill James Bond look but introduces Sid and King more fondly and tells them that the two of them were the ones who saved them out of their trance. Sid adds they are also trying to cure the fish fever again hence why the fish buckets are there, King eats a fish while they said so with Cleo and Sid both calling him on that it's for Emma and Rikki. King defends himself that one fish for him isn't a big deal.

Lydia, Ronnie Anne, Sid, Crowley and King come back with a lot of shrimp as Crowley had the hand to go shrimp boating instead and Lydia thanks Crowley, Ronnie, Sid and King for showing her a good time. Crowley states that it was his idea and that he wanted in on Sid and King's next fishing trip, Ronnie Anne offers the fish to Emma and Rikki and asks where Cleo is. Rikki states Cleo is on a date with Lewis and that Ford was looking for Lincoln she overheard. Lydia tells her he was on a date with Cleo's sister and Ford knew this. Amanda shows up and states that Ford is trying to save Lincoln as Lincoln didn't forsee this as Bill took away that power from him as he and Eda  saw Bill. Lydia realizes she needs to save Lincoln and Ronnie Anne offers to come with her, Lydia tells her to get her skateboard and Lydia will get her helmet.

Rick is on the boat getting drunk with Dawn, Cricket Sid, King, Crowley, Louise and Blissina on it with Rick playing an accordion telling everyone to go already.  Cleo asks where is Emma and RIkki, Dawn states in the back with Crowley basically making lobster in the back. Cleo asks did Crowley drain all the sea life from the ocean, Crowley denies this as he was with King, Lydia, Sid and ROnnie Anne fishing and the shrimp wasn't the only thing.

Upon the trip to Mako Island Cleo decides she wants to swim there and jumps into the water with Dawn and Blissina deciding to fly where Castiel and Crowley decide to teleport themselves here. leaving Lydia, Lincolnd, Rick, Ronnie Anne, Amanda, Lewis, Luz, Anne, Cricket, Sprig, Eda, King, Sid and Louise are on that sail boat

Castiel and Crowley both teleport to the sail boat and tell what took them so long and that Blissina, Dawn and Cleo have pretty much set up everything and just camped out  waiting for them. Lewis tells the angel and demon that it took longer than ususal and that it was a wavy night. Ford states nothing Lewis, him and Eda couldn't handle. Cleo, Lewis, Eda and Ford all mix the chemicals and use all the ingredients to make some quality fish fever cure. Dawn uses her pokemon and Blissina uses her heat vision to heat it up and then Crowley and Amanda both take the potion and poor it into a spray bottle, Crowley quips it's like spraying a cat, Amanda sprays Crowley with water out of a spray bottle to get him to stop. Cleo, Ford and Eda then take the spray bottles and thus cure the other 2 properly.

Chapter 7[]

Castiel and Crowley both find Lord Dominator and Lord DOminator doesn't seem moved by the duo as they just look like sharp deressed humans. Castiel proves this wrong and use teleknesis on Lord Dominator and Crowley goes straight in torturing Lord DOminator

Lord Dominator is very unwilled to give any info to Crowley as she restrains herself well. Crowley even goes straight to shoot her in the foot to get info, Lord DOminator still holds on to her unwillness, Crowley takes another approach and possess Lord Dominator and Lord Dominator begins speaking to Castiel about Toffee's plan to conquer the multiverse as the leaders of Disney and that the non disney villains are shaft and that Toffee was attempting to get rid of the non disney villains by setting up Grodd against Amanda and even intentionally took advantage of the Gang Green Gang's rivalry with Lincoln and Lydia by giving them powers so they can overuse them and die as a result of it.

Crowley then unpossesses Lord Dominator and she faints.Ford feels that he will have to inform the families and Crowley offers to do, Castiel rightfully questions why Crowley would do so, and Crowley confesses that the brutal action Toffee took was too much for even him. Ford hands him the phone and Crowley starts calling

Crowley is on his phone and is talking to the families informing them about the deaths at the hands of Toffee and Louise is quick to see how sincere and how he lacks his ususal sacarsm and states Crowley isn't supposed to be this way for a King of the hell.  Castiel feels that Crowley might have had a wake up call and that must explain it. Luz asks of Cas's history with Crowley and Castiel tells Luz and Louise of his uneasy history with Crowley.

Ford, Eda, Rick, Louise, Castiel and Crowley begin to set up the co-ordinates for their ravel. Rick is grateful that Marcy's connections to Andrias have allowed them to use a spot of the line vechil. Eda asks Ford what's his knowledge on Gravity Falls and Ford says he pretty much knows everything about Gravity Falls and all it's weirdness. Louise is fasciated with this and wants to get going now. Eda calms her down and Ford states that she will regret what she said, and to trust him. Crowley and Castiel also agree with Ford as well and Castiel asks Ford about Bill's orgins as he comes from Gravity Falls too. Ford tells Cas that Bill is active in Gravity Falls, but is actually from another universe it's just he was summoned by someone who knew the spell. Eda asks did Ford do so, Ford states to Eda that he didnt do so at least currently, he did years ago.

Ford assigns Castiel, Crowley, Ronnie Anne, Sprig, Louise and Blissina to go find the zoidac with the 6 fingers, which may be on a hidden jounral due to him being the one who wrote the jounrals. Ronnie Anne remembers that the journal was left in the forest and in a tree and that the tree it's in with a distinct sound. Louise questions Ronnie on how would a tree sound different, Crowley states that anything can sounds weird in this world and he takes out a crow bar and states it's about how trees feel plain. Castiel and Blissina roll their eyes to Crowley's comments as Ronnie Anne and Crowley go ahead.

Sprig and Blissina basically state why does Crowley have to just smack trees instead of just feeling them why the other 3 do. Crowley justifies himself that he doesn't like to get his hands dirty and that it's better that way

Sprig, Ronnie Anne, Blissina, Castiel and Crowley continue their search for the tree when Crowley smacks a tree with a distinct sound which Castiel, Ronnie Anne and Louise notice and ask Crowley that he may have found the tree. Crowley smacks it again and this refirms their point. Louise and Castiel open up the tree and they find an electronic device that looks very old and has one of its two wires severed. Louise fiddles with some switches, a trapdoor opens up in the ground, and they find a mysterious journal.

Ronnie Anne tells the others that this must be the journal Ford was reffering to and even shows them the 6 fingers on them. Sprig and Blissina agree with this, Sprig asks how they can even get that as a zodiac when it's stuck to the book, Blissina admits he has a point as it's just a mark. Castiel reassures them that Ford has a plan to do so.  

Chapter 8[]

Crowley is brought by Castiel and is asked to help him fish for whatever is in Lincoln's subconsciousness.Crowley is initally unwilling to until he convinces Lincoln to get his parents  best alcohol that aged 30 years as Crowley is intend to get Morag's soul over Lincoln's soul.

Crowley and Castiel decide to have Lydia join them as she is just as determined to help Lincoln and they prepare a remote winter cabin for them. Lincoln and Lydia finish packing and Crowley decides to take the duo hiking to the cabin with Castiel leading them

After the long hike, Crowley much like Lydia and Lincoln is tired and hungry and snacks on snacks and drinks before getting into his pjs like the kids. After Castiel puts the kids to sleep, Crowley joins Castiel in going into Lincoln's subconsciousness.

Lincoln leads Lydia, Castiel and Crowley around the brain as they must find the part of the brain will this will be. Lydia comments on how she has seen brains in science, but never actually seeing a brain herself. Crowley adds that he doesn't know his own due to him weating someone else's suit. Lydia states it's a good suit regardless. Castiel explains that him and Crowley both can possess other people and take their host body, in the case of demons  they don't remember sometime who they were before they were demons

Lydia states she has so much to learn about demons and angels, Crowley states she'll learn soon enough

Lincoln arrives at the center and the 4 step off and they see in the consicene of Lincoln of all things Jin Kazama to the shock of the demon.  Jin tells Lydia, Lincoln and Crowley as Castiel decides to invesitgate further that his ashes went into Lincoln as he was killed and he found himself inside the body of a kid like Linc. Jin states that he decided to put his physical abilites into Lincoln to make sure he could surive and be able to defend for himself, He decided not to give Lincoln any of his actual powers or devil gene powers because he doesn't want to ruin the kid's life. Lydia asks how they activate themselves and finds out they're a flight or fight situation. Crowley also learns of the stones and Jin's  soul in Lincoln  He finds an angle and tries his deal with the devil deal to get his soul and just return it to the afterworld. Jin though tells Crowley he can't do so as he is stuck here until Bill Cipher is defeated.

Bill Cipher finds the 4 of them and Crowley goes against Bill Cipher and saves the other 3 from him and withstands torture from Bill Cipher to keep the three safe and then under his direction he gets Lydia to stun Bill with the power stone before they escape. Crowley finds out that Weirdmaggedon has begun and that Morag has barricaded them. Lydia and Lincoln escape and get them back to Ford

Crowley like Castiel is tired of constantly seeing the end of the world and decides if he's going out one way or the other and he'll do stopping the end of the world.

Chapter 9[]

Crowley ponders the exixtence of the Weirdmagedon event occuring  as he sighs Marcy Wu and General Yuman and asks where they were. Marcy tells Crowley she was working on vaccines to protect them Weirdmagedon. Crowley is skeptical of this as Marcy explains that it's needed to deal with stuff like the bubbles of pure madness without being affected and that Disney Characters are immune to this. Crowley not out to take risks, takes one himself and asks Marcy Wu how she is going to deal with Toffee and Bill Cipher

He learns that Marcy is going to help her associates as they helped her with the vaccine plan and tells him she is heading to Royal Woods to do so. Crowley wishes her good luck to this as he and the others use the other vaccines provided

Crowley then learns Ford wants to put an end to Bill Cipher as soon as possible unlike Eda. Crowley is in agreeance with Ford and tells him does he have a plan to deal with Cipher. Ford does and Crowley hands him what could come in handy against Bill.

Despite Crowley's assistance, Ford wasn't successful with this and he joins up with Castiel to save Anne and Ford from Zhan Tiri and is informed of Toffee's fusion with Bill Cipher from Ford.

Crowley deducts that in order to defeat Toffee Cipher, he needs to be weakened or else the zodiacs will not do the job they were supposed to do, and that Toffee was ready for this. Crowley and Castiel realize that Zhan Tri is the bigger threat at the moment and they work together and kill the demon due to her being weakened from her faceoff with Hades and HIM earlier on. Zhan Tiri put a heck of a fight but was eventually outsmarted by Crowley and Castiel who used out side of the box tactics.

After Zhan Tiri's passing, Crowley takes the fight to the interdemenisonal henchman and tells Lydia, Lincoln, Anne, Luz, Ford and Cricket to go get Toffee Cipher as this is their best chance.

Chapter 10 (Final Chapter)[]

Crowley works with the rest of the team to stop the remaining henchman of Toffee and Bill Cipher while the rest of the team take on the two bad guys. Crowley is informed of Castiel's death and he mourns despite their history and makes a life changing sitaution. Crowley tells Team Free Will he is stepping down as King of Hell as he is born and tired of the role, He decides also while doing so to join Team Free Will openly.

To Live and/or Die in Loch Loud[]


At some point between the two stories, Lydia visited Crowley about her idea and he was a neutral party similar to Luz. He though Lydia was nuts, though he did take her to show how criminals act and tells her to observe as if she is serious. It's important to understand this aspect.

Chapter 1[]

Luz and Molly see Anne, Cricket and Crowley who teleport into the Boiling Isles and Crowley quips about how Eda keeps house. Cricket and Anne are intoduced to Molly Mcgee by Luz as she came along with Marcy and a ghost known as Scratch to tell them about something. Ford, Marcy, Eda, Scratch, Sid and King all enter the room and Marcy explains that they found Morag escaped prison with the help of a Separtian who leads the army of Separtians with some kind of plan.

Anne, Luz, Cricket, Sid and Crowley go to Lincoln's house and Crowley sneaks in and looks around for Lincoln as the others wonder if Crowley can find Lincoln. Crowley opens up the back door for the others to get in and they follow suit. Anne, Luz, Cricket and Sid enter Lincoln's bedroom and look for clues where he is and everyone finds something.

Crowley meanwhile finds Lincoln and tries to encourage him to let them get him and Lydes and he is quick to notice Lincoln's monotone like voice and realizes Lincoln is using a hologram to hide that he's out.

Sid, Crowley, Anne, Luz, Cricket, Ford, Marcy, Molly, Scratch and Raticus all meet out backside and Ford tells the others that the two are in Loch Loud or on the way to it. Anne says that they need a way to get there and quickingly before Morag finds or kills one of them. Marcy calls up her companion Joe Sparrow to give the crew a ride to Loch Loud which Luz and Sid deny as they want to try that hopping spell again.

Cricket wants to try it as well and decides to join them. Crowley snarks that don't expect him to teleport him there if he screws up and grabs Raticus intending to have him come along with them for hiding the truth about Lincoln's little trip. Molly tells him to ease up  before they leave.

Lincoln and Angus both try to think about how to stop Morag with the Sorcerer's Stone in her posession and Crowley asks are they going for Harry Potter, or CWB's Flash in regards to the stone and decides that the demon must personally find out about the stone. Angus and Ford agree with this, though again they must find out where the stones are to begin.

Anne, Luz and Cricket are busy drinking as they think about things that have happened when Crowley shows up scaring them. Anne tells Crowley not to do that and questions where he's been.Crowley tells the three he was invesitgating something and needed to go to Hell to do so. Luz mentions he's not the king anymore and just a crossroads demon. Crowley remarks even without being king he can get info through his deals, Cricket asks what kind of deals. Crowley states deal beyond the Green Kid's understanding as he states to them. That There is a failsafe for dealing with the witch and her little stone and he has  been looking into it.

Luz, Anne and Cricket ask Crowley about it and he states that the stone was made by demons and whoever possesses is basically the champion for these demons. Crowley spectualtes Morag is unaware of this and was only after power and revenge. Luz agrees with this theory as does Cricket who think those two motives are all Morag is after. Crowley mentions that the 1st bit of info he found and he's waiting on the others parts

Crowley assist Anne, Luz and Sid in going after the third temple which has Pestilence in it and he stays out of the fight until he shoots the horsemen straight in the back with a gun.Crowley then tells Anne it works to have someone covering your back. Luz asks why he took so long to help

Crowley explains to Luz that he has been working on a way to get around the Sorcerer's Stone and found the first ingredient to accomplish this.

Lincoln, Lydia, Ford, Anne, Luz, Cricket, Crowley, Marcy Wu, Sid Chang, Molly, Scratch all return back to the trailer and present to Angus and Raticus the Space Stone which Lydia reacquired and that is one stone.

The ground shakes and Morag arrives teleporting it with the Separtians and Morag is aware of what their doing and decides to chase them down. Angus speeds up to get the whole group away from Morag.

Back with the rest of the group, Lydia and Lincoln take out their Proton Pack and they release the ghost that Molly and Scratch questioned them about to Scratch, Molly, Anne, Cricket, Raticus and Crowley. Once they do, Scratch recognizes the ghost as Geoff his "friend" and asks how do two kids catch him.

When Cricket asks Lydia if they can take him ghost busting next time they want to do so, Scratch warns against it and Geoff doesn't understand why Scartch would, the Ghost Council has nothing against Lydia or Lincoln. Scratch states repeat offending may. Crowley seems unimpressed with this threat and states that ghosts are nothing to him and that he'll have them under control. Raticus asks Crowley what he was doing with the kids when dealing with Pestilence, Crowley explains in Sorcerer Stone and failsafe and that he suspects a higher power behind the witch and when RAticus asks what, Crowley responds another demon.

Chapter 2[]

Unknownist to his allies, Crowley is in hell working away to figure out more about the Sorcerer Stone and what is the countersafe against Morag. Frustrated about this to the point he tries to shoot something, with Crowley trying to look at a failsafe  until he stumbles into something.

This detail is that other demons do have some hand in the sorcerer's stone in Morag's possession and he learns it's the  universal personifications of moral sins. Crowley as a demon feels it may be necessary to unleash them to defeat Morag and her monsters, he admits to himself that it's a risky move and if he does he will doom the world by accident. Crowley being a self-presvationist decides that he can find someway to control the demons and then seal them off after dealing with Morag and maybe her monsterous henchmen.  

A crossroad demon arrives as Crowley is looking into the demons and is informed of the release of hydras at that the witch used her powers to awaken and control the hydras with intent to attack Loch Loud. Crowley decides to inform his teammates about the move, he finds himself trapped and tries to get a way out.

Crowley gets his fellow cross road demons to get him out of his trap and they eventually do though not without some safrices. Crowley heads off to the group and tells them that Morag has summoned and controlled hydras but the heroes already knew about this. Lincoln is puzzled since Scotland doesn't have Hydras which Crowley concurs revealing his Scottish heritage and Angus questions where Nessue is as the Loch Ness Monster is more associated with Scotland. Crowley and Lincoln ponder this and they both come with that Morag must have locked up or did something to it.

With a second Hydra, Crowley joins up with Sid, Marcy and Ford to take on it.

Crowley stalls it with quick thinking so Ford can strike at it with his weaponry and Ford is on the defense as as he keeps blocking the strikes the Hydra takes at Ford. As Ford beats it on the head so Crowley can take some shots at it and it strikes again slamming Ford into the wall with Crowley shooting it in the head to keep it from hurting Ford further

Ford recovers and avoid swoops from the Hydra and his attempt to block it fails and so he has to dodge it though he gets biten and then the two counter by Ford shooting it with a ray gun and Crowley using Thermokinesis to send it off.

Aftewards, Crowlet reveals to Ford, Angus, Lincoln and Lydia that he's been working on a counter plan to defeat Morag and that it's risky and may make them distrust him but he must do what is neccesary.

Chapter 3[]

Crowley doing more investigation on his plan is ultimately confonted by Sid who questions him on what exactly is that plan he has that he keeps sneaking off to do. Crowley tells Sid he already told Lincoln, Lydia, Ford and Angus about this and Sid states why he is keeping this behind their back. Crowley says he's a demon, it's demon nature to do so.

Sid states he's more than a demon and doesn't have to be this way. Crowley states that he will figure out the Seven Sins and will find out a connection to the stone on Morag and that he will learn how to control them.

As Crowley goes to hell, Tom Lucifor infroms Crowley disguised a cross roads demon about the attorney to enforce more polices and attempts to make her ultimate revenge unprosecuable. Crowley calls the woman nuts for that and he knows insanity. Crowley does more digging and manages to find out about the Dragon Stone with Morag and Aggie used as a way of corrupting dragons and he keeps the book to use as a foot note later.

Observing Scratch is investigating the Ghost Council, Crowley takes a similar stance and tries to lure them and investigate them like Scratch as he also suspects Aggie as some influence.

Chapter 4[]

Crowley was eavesdropping on Morag similar like to Ford and Sid in certain regards. Crowley putting his eyes on the Ghost Council decides that he must sniff out Aggie Mclaughin to see if he can learn more about her plan as Crowley gets ever closer to having The Sins on Stand by

Crowley sees Linka on the ship and Lydia and Lincoln as well. Crowley recurits Linka to help him sniff out the Mcalughin and the two manage to do just that as this causes Aggie and Respac to have act earlier than planned. When Aggie tries to kill the team, Crowley saves Lydia,Lincolin, Linka and Scratch from them and figures out Respac is the guardian of Haunted Island thus he is the problem.

Crowley has the 4 of them go after Respace while he goes after Aggie himself. Crowley shows up randomly and offers Molly a opporunity to go after Aggie with him as he reveals she basically abudcted and captured every ghost that wasn't Scratch. Molly agrees and helps Crowley catch Aggie and gets info out of her thanks to Molly's upbeat personality being torture for the ghoul.

Aggie caves to Crowley's demands and is forced to confess that Morag is attempting to frame up Lincoln and is planning something in regards to The Loud Name being tarnished so that the name will die with him, Crowley intends to just take her soul as a result though Aggie escapes at the narrowest of times.

is caught by Crowley and is tortured by him into revealing Morag's plans before escaping in the narrow time

Chapter 5[]

As he is informed of the Ray 03 by his colleagues, he and Cricket both ponder about the Metal Gear that the team engaged in and what Crowley disocvered about Morag' plan with Aggie. Crowley tells him that Aggie told him about Morag planning a revenge plan nothing short of a masterpiece. Crowley scoffs at that and Cricket asks what else did Aggie reveal to Crowley.

Crowley tells Cricket that it has to with a frame up plan apparently and that he mocked her about how that wouldn't work, as they stopped every frame up plan or it's been downplayed by Angus. Crowley tells Cricket that this one is something even Angus can't do anything about and suspects that Morag is aware that Lincoln is in a way protected by Angus.

Inpatient and fed up of the Mclaughins, Crowley decides to just unleash all 7 sins on the world to get rid of them once more as he tired of the scots that ruined Scotland to him. After Cricket makes a comment about Them Scots are pretenious people which Crowley just ignores. Cricket does ultimately talk Crowley out of unleashing the sins upon being questioned can he truly control their power and danger level.

This is when Crowley does realize to even his suprise, he actually does have some true fondess for the team, that he'll find a way and he'll do while being who he's best at being, Crowley himself.

Crowley and Cricket tell Angus about their suspcison regarding the Mclaughins and what their master revenge plan is at least to them. Angus thinks on this and decides that he pass the info to the others.

As the others go  on the quests, Crowley wonders around  and sees one of Lincoln and Lydia's comics which Raticus was busy reading and Crowley asks about it and the rat states he was reading this one based on the Shazam movie. Crowley takes the comic and just speed reads through it, this is when he gets an idea. He decides to head with Raticus to the Shazam domain which is where the duo find the Seven Sins  Statue

Crowley and Raticus both discover the sins and the Eye of Sin that contains the power of the 7 sins, the two realize that this power as Crowley feels is connected to the Sorcerer's Stone and that Morag descadited their temple as a show of power with the stone an opposing  power to the Eye of Sin. Raticus asks Crowley what does this means, and Crowley states that with The Eye of Sin, that is it the weakness of the sins and that it can be sealed away. If Morag gets the Eye of Sin, she will lose one stone's powers and gain the other's.

Crowley refuses to have anyone use the Eye of Sin other than him and he knows that might be the only way to put them away if he needs. Crowley takes the Eye of Sin and leaves with the rat.

With Anne and Luz discussing Morag and her power. Cricket with Crowley and Raticus state what they know on the 7 sins and their knowledge on the sorcerer's stone leading to the connection.  Crowley then goes to show everyone else about the Eye of Sin gambit he intends to use on Morag and Aggie if needed.

Chapter 6[]

With the Eye of Sin in both Cricket and Crowley’s hands, they make plans how to use it on the Mclaughins. Crowley informs Cricket that he has a rather high suspension about The Horsemen from the start not being truly gone. The demon explains that the 7 sins could ultimately be what keeps the horsemen  at bay in case Morag brings them back. Cricket asks Crowley about Morag and what it could to regaring her, Crowley  feels that they could be also used to kill Morag in case neither Lydia or Lincoln could do so. Crowley is doubtful that Lydia or Lincoln could kill her, though not because they’re not physically capable but because it’s not in them mentally to do so.

Crowley states to Cricket that he is having the 7 sins as a Plan B in that event, if the two do indeed go for the kill he wouldn’t fault them considering what Morag has did to them.

Eda, Angus and Ford arrive to tell everyone they’re going to The Boiling Isles and Crowley recultantly goes along as he feels he doesn’t weapons for the Septarains. He and Cricket both notice Anne practicing Sword strikes and sword play and the two inform Anne of their plan regarding the 7 sins and that he may need her help in they fall out of his control.

Upon returning and Lydia heading off with Linka to save Lincoln. Crowley notices the Septarians but also notes the Horsemen are once again on the loose which proved his point. Cricket and Crowley decide they must let the 7 sins out and so he uses the Eye of Sin to allow them loose so he can keep the Horsemen off him and the others.

As this is happening and The Septarains flee, during Ford’s contact with Lincoln, like the others he is called out and scolded by the boy who lashes out of grief unknown to Crowley.


Cricket observes Molly and Scratch pursing Aggie and asks if that is Morag, Crowley tells him that's her ancestor Aggie and that he remembers her. Crowley and Cricket both decide to chase her as well as Crowley said she got out of his cluthces after he used Molly to torture her. Cricket questions with her upbeat nature and Crowley gives a blunt yes to this

He and Crowley both corner Aggie with Molly and Scratch and Aggie decides to take revenge on Crowley and Scratch for their actions in Chapter 4. Cricket and Molly are instructed by Crowley to get the Poltergeist as he plays with Aggie like she's his food.

Crowley does just that and this succeeds in angering Aggie. He continues mocking her while he's at it and rubs in his success compared to the Mclaughins that he  has ran hell himself and that he finds their successes meanless and on top of that lacking integrity, something even hell had. Aggie casts more powerful spells on Crowley to get him to shut up and Crowley just continues prodding her until he is cornered. Crowley turns the tables on an gloating Aggie and Molly and Cricket suck up Aggie into a poltrgeist and Scratch delivers her to the Ghost Council.

Crowley then turns the 7 sins's attention to Morag by revealing she was the one who defiled their temple when she got the stone with Ratiskor and that she is the tastest soul for them to munch on for their services.

After this, Crowley traps the 7 sins with the Eye of Sin with Cricket's help and places it back at the temple avoiding tempation. Crowley is honored as part of Team Free Will by Angus who was reinstated with Morag and the Mclaughins's Fall. Cricket asks Crowley about the horsemen and Crowley reveals that he took care of them the way he saw the Winchesters do it.

Unlike the other adults, Crowley decides to return back with the kids to the other side. He does promise he will return to Loch Loud when he has business that will bring him there.

Chang's Guide to The Galaxy[]

Crowley returns after being on the run for reasons unknown to the Team. Crowley does work with them once again to put and end to Belos and Vecna especially as he fears the latter and realizes both Lydia and Lincoln encountered the latter more than the team and how much danger they could be in.



Lydia sees Ford, Anne, Truman, Larke, Ronnie Anne, Crowley and Cricket who wait for her respectfully.

Lydia asks about Crowley and why he is here. Crowley and Cricket explain that Crowley stepped down and gave the throne of hell to The Lucitor Prince. Cricket and his family were also keeping eyes on things and tell Lydia about Chip Whistler's arrest

Truman and Larke both notice something and Direct Lydia to it. Lydia puts on the stones and gauntlet and then heads to the location

Ronnie Anne, Cricket and Crowley notice and put this together that something is going on. Ford and Anne decide to take a look into the source themselves as a result.

It turns that he and the others were attacked by Belos's Empire and that Rowena was who attacked him who happened to be his mom. Despite Rowena's attempts on Crowley to get rid of his powers, it didn't work as planned, and with Cricket's help, Crowley scares Queen Dagmar, Becky and Cloyd, The Ghost Council/Chairman, Erik Alberg, Bianca Dupree, Rowena, Tzekel-Kan out with his hell hound to sic them.

Hilda and Jauna are dubious about this and Crowley explains that his mom is a witch and what Rowena did to him. Hilda feels a need to aplogize to her mom about her behaviour at times, Jaune says to do that later after the blessed event goes down.

Truman and Crowley ask Larke about Bianca. Larke states that Bianca has always been jealous of her for many reasons, mainly because of Troy. Crowley states jealous females can be tricked into anything. Truman states that's not completely true considering Larke and Lydia, Larke does warn it could be true for others as she goes to contact Deathstroke. Truman decides to go get Lydia and Lincoln to discuss a personal matter

Ford, Larke and Jauna manage to get a communication and they see Sid, Deathstroke and Kamela who the latter two managed to find. Jauna and other members of Team Free Will question who Kamela is and Ford and Larke tell them that she is Ms.Marvel someone who helped them, Bruce and Omni Man deal with an alien attack and the conspirator CSM. Brining Crowley involved in the events

Chapter 1[]

Lincoln tells Hilda that he will now show her Loch Loud. Crowley teleports in and tells the two that it looks a lot better than it was before. Lincoln and Hilda ask Crowley how he got here. Crowley overheard and that he did stay around the area, Eda did go back to the Owl House afterwards.

Lincoln, Lydia, Ford, Hilda, Anne, Cricket Green, Crowley, Jaune, Larke, Ronnie Anne, Truman all arrive in Loch Loud. Lincoln, Lydia, Ford, Anne, Cricket and Crowley indeed notice just how much it has changed  for the better. Ford and Crowley both state it's looks even better than it did when they left as Lincoln, Lydia, Anne and Cricket all take the observation.


Ford leads the others to Angus who was waiting for Ford and Angus goes to see the others and Angus is happy to see Ford, Anne, Cricket and Crowley once more.

Truman, Larke, Lydia, Lincoln, Crowley, Ford, Jauna and Hilda all follow Angus as Angus explains that he was getting the place ready for them after they all saved Loch Loud before and they needed to welcomed back as heroes.

Recultantly Anne agrees to truce with Sasha and Grime and does so. Cricket and Ronnie Anne both ask how the two even got here and Grime states that FBi Agents came and got them and Sasha was who talked him into helping out against Emperor Belos. Crowley runs a lie detector on them which offends Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Sasha and Grime and states they're telling the truth

Cricket and Crowley decide to bunk as well as quickingly as Lincoln did with Lydes. Crowley inquires Cricket  what he did since he was away. Cricket explains that he and Ronnie went to deal with The Prankster after trying a deal with the Casagrandses. Cricket further adresses that Prankster attacked his dad, but Marcy Wu brought her friends to help out and he was suprised about her connections and that with Bender, Slade and Anti Cosmo's help they succeeded. Crowley tells Cricket he actually knows them, Crowley states how long it was  since he heard anything from them. Cricket inquires this history, Crowley explains he used to be at odds with them when working for Dukat, and then assisted them against Thawne in the old multiverse. Cricket lingers on this and Crowley explains the spear of destiny to him.

Ford, Anne, Hilda, Jaune, Crowley, Cricket, Larke, Truman, Ronnie Anne, Sasha, Grime and Angus all seem to seen as they are busy trying to get rid of all them as they are crowded.

Lincoln, Lydia, Kamela, Grime, Ford, Jauna, Crowley and Truman all still decide to go after them and the ghosts of The Chairman. With Crowley working with Lydia to deal with Dagmar with his point being that Crowley is a demon and Lydia has the infinity Gauntlet giving her a edge against Dagmar's power.

Cricket and Crowley both realize that the book about the 7 sins is gone and realize that someone stole it. Ronnie Anne asks the two about it, and Crowley explains that they are 7 demons who are looking for a champion to unleash hell on the world or something. Cricket explains that they used them to kill Morag with Lincoln and Lydia and they visited the sancutary where they were. Ronnie Anne thinking on Lydia and Lincoln's wording states maybe this Mind Flayer wants it or Belos and his empire. Crowley tells the two of them that getting the Chang Kid on this could work as well even though Truman, Larke and Hilda are doing just that too.

Chapter 2[]

Anne arrives with Truman, Hilda, Cricket, Crowley, Larke and Ronnie Anne, and they tell Ford of what Luz, Amity and Hunter dealt with at the hands of unknownist to them Vecna as they talked to Luz, Hunter, Amity, Sid and the others

Cricket and Crowley both realize that Bianca must have done something in Loch Loud. Crowley feels she is trying to use some kind of demon knowledge for her own agenda. Hilda and Ronnie Anne both arriving feel this is true, Hilda thinks on Bianca trying to summon a demon or use them to get to Larke or them and that Belos's allegiance to her can make that work.

Ronnie Anne and Cricket both are in the same page as that's what Belos could do. Crowley states that Bianca is someone who could be tricked into anything as a jealous female. Ronnie Anne disagrees feeling she is knowingly doing some thing like this. Crowley shows what he knows on demons to the three and the fact Rowena is also with Bianca and Belos, Bianca could seek what she wants or gets closer, as he cannot suspect why Belos would hire someone who lacks malice like the over members of the empire

The three agree with this, Ronnie Anne and Hilda feel Sid and King could help out with this. Even if they can't they may be able to provide some help. They head back to the others as well to discuss their perspectives and what Ford, Jauna, Sasha, Grime, Truman and Larke have to say.

Lincoln and Lydia show Ford the D&D game and state their theory as Anne, Crowley and Cricket are there too. Ford agrees to this idea and thinks that it's very likely if the Mind Flayer and Demogorgons are real then who's to say Vecna is. Crowley shares this view too but inquires about the former two which Ford, Lincoln, Lydia and Anne tell him about their dealing with The Upside Down

Ford, Crowley and Anne note that it's all about teens like it's from a Nightmare on Elm Street movie as Lincoln and Lydia half truthly say.

Lydia, Crowley and Lincoln rember the place and notice it looks more haunted than before.

Ford, Crowley and Grime all wake up in a spot atfer Grungle and Jinx attacked them, the three  realize that they were just hurt and not affected by it. Crowley realizes Rowena is on here too with the other witches and that Belos had the ghost council ambush them and release Respac. Ford questions that name, Crowley tells Ford of his encounter with the ghost. Grime tries to get Ford and Crowley's attention as Crowley goes on about what Linka, Him, Lydia, Lincoln and others did on Haunted Island the first time. Ford compares it to an Evil Casper using the fact the name Respac is Casper backwards.

Grime finally gets their attention and shows them that Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Anne, Sasha and Truman were all turned into monsters by Mrs.Grungle's magic and put in cages. Larke was hit too, but was unaffected as Jaune comments. Ford and Crowley both wonder why they're weren't affected, Crowely jokes Larke's attractiveness is why she was immune, Larke is questioning this and tells him she doesn't need his apprasisal lookwise. Crowley states he was merering making an observation.

Cricket just states that they go ask Angus or something which Crowley, Ford, Grime, Jauna and Larke take him up.  

Ford, Crowley, Grime, Jauna and Larke consort Angus and tell them of what happened. Angus informs the 5 he was aware of Mrs.Grungle and that she is the ruler of the island and that Respac was the keeper, he has heard of what happened to the others before.

Jauna tell Grime that he is going to find the kids and bring them back, he swore to Johanna that Hilda is his reponsibility and he will not let her down and considering Angus and Ford see Lincoln and Lydia the exact same way he sees Hilda, That's why he's going in.

Grime and Crowley both feel he's nuts to do, Ford though trusts his judgement and wishes him good luck. Ford explains to them that he is doing what he'd do, and that unlike him he has a lover in Hilda's mom, who went after Hilda after she snuck out. Crowley admits he knew Hilda could be a handful and likes it.

Ford, Grime, Larke and Crowley visit the fortune teller and learn that they must complete the constant challenges to restore their friends back to their normal  states.

Ford, Larke, Grime and Crowley look at map and see the Spider Web to spell words, The Toad Well to feed bind toads. The Clock Tower to help a hunchback play songs on a clock tower organ,  a cemetery to complete inscriptions, they must uncover mummies by matching tablets, guide vampires to coffins and avoiding ghosts, lead pirates to treasures, measure ingredients to make potions to restore frog princes, experiment with setting in a greenhouse in a mutant swamp

Ford, Larke, Grime and Crowley all set off to do their tasks with the others in dole. However Respac, Mrs.Grungle and Jinx are right behind. The latter two manage to distract and use other beings to stall the group, while Respac forces the group to answer riddles and sends Grime and Larke to the labyrinth upon getting some wrong while they pursue Ford and Crowley

Crowley and Ford are nearly ambushed by The Ghost Council and Jinx as they coninue working away with Mrs.Grungle and Respac continuing to stall and attack them as Jinx is moving in to go after Larke and Grime escaped to contiune the challenges.

Ford, Grime, Crowley and Larke manage to do their conisstent travels to each part of the Haunted Island. They gather the keys and prepare to head to the house to go after Mrs.Grungle and the witches. However Respac and Jinx go after the kids respectfully and place them in the labyrinth. Larke and Ford go after the ghosts and Grime and Crowley go the Grungle House.

Crowley and Grime  enter the house and with Odalia, Kikmora, Rowena, Mrs.Grungle and The Chairman are here waiting. The 2 fight off the witches as The Chairman decides to purse a matter with the ghosts to go after Ford and Larke.

Grime and Crowley despite their number fare well as Crowley manages to kill Belos's soliders with his weapons and Grime manages to knock other ones cold during his encoutner. Kimora  and Mrs.Grungle both are taken out with Odalia eventually coming using the abominations and trapping Grime. Crowley does a similar thing to Rowena but decides not to pull the trigger because she's still his mother.

Grime, Crowley and Larke  ask Angus what does he know about ghosts?. Angus admits not much but something, The 4 of them state that they need to look  into certain ghosts as they were present during their plan to reverse the spell.

Angus nods at this.

Grime meanwhile asks Crowley about why he spared his mother, Crowley states that he hates her but she's still his mom. Grime acusses him of being a human blood hoarder, Crowley states he was willing to keep his son alive as well, he admits a part of him has changed. Grime doesn't deny it.

Chapter 3[]

Crowley finds the idea that Lydia pushes on Vecna beleiveable unlike the others who are miffiled, he inquires what else about Vecna/One whoever he is?. Lincoln states that Vecna's plan to escape hinges on Torturing and murdering people with repressed trauma to open gates, 4 spefically. HIlda, Luz, Hunter and Amity are all people who have repressed trauma, inseucrity whatever and hence that is why Vecna is after them. Crowley states it's demon work but advanced demon work

Grime, Crowley, Mulder and Scully decide to go to Angus and Flap and get an idea  where to find.

Lincoln, Lydia, Ford, Anne and Cricket decide that they with the mountains being their next stop, they are going to have to split the work in 2 seperate paths. Lincoln asks what lies there in the mountains, Ford states There are 2 particular magic musicial boxes here that can help in treasure chests.

Anne and Cricket implore him about the chests and Anne asks is Ford referring to the Calamity Box. Ford states Marcy has the box and Cricket confirms this as her friends and her are working on that.

Jaune decides to take Hilda who grabs Lincoln immediatly. Larke, Ronnie Anne, Grime, Crowley and Scully decide to join along with them.

Sasha and Grime, Mulder and Scully, Larke and Truman as well as Cricket, Ronnie Anne and Crowley wish each other good luck in this regard

Lincoln, Hilda, Jaune, Larke, Crowley, Ronnie Anne, Grime and Scully all proceed into their part of the mountains with the entire crew basically going up as Jauna is leading the way as usual like Ford told him to.

Scully is quick to notice something and realizes that the Belos Empire are here Ronnie Anne and Crowley inquire how, she states she sees something and it looks like blood. Crowley looks it and tastes it to the group's digust. Crowley say it's human blood alright

Ronnie Anne, Lincoln, Hilda, Scully and Crowley all make an agreeance to lure out the beast if it's there but Crowley also feels Belos's empire is here like Scully said, but not who they think it is.

Scully and Crowley inquire her and Ronnie states that Bianca is trying some kind of socerey tricks or interdimenisonal plans to get rid of Larke or something. Scully doesn't believe, though Crowley does and they decide that they need to warn Larke

Ronnie Anne, Crowley and Scully all show up and warn Larke not to kill Bianca, she intends her to do so. Larke asks what took them so long, Scully states they had Demobats to deal with swarming them and they were in large numbers. Crowley and Ronnie both manage to talk Larke from going further after indeed beating Bianca but not lethally. Bianca decides to just jump off a cliff to spite Larke.

Crowley and Scully both manage to help Jauna deal with Dagmar and her siblings. Except Dagmar tells Rainbird to do it and Grime becomes aware of this as he beats up Dagmar's siblings

Larke, Grime, Crowley and Ronnie Anne go right ahead and they find the music box there. Larke and Ronnie Anne both go ahead to grab it when it turns that the mountain king is there, but instead of attacking it gives them the music box. As it saw Hilda, Jaune, Lincoln and Scully and It recongized Hilda and Jaune.

Larke and Grime ask Ronnie Anne and Crowley about what Bianca was trying to do, The two state something most supernatrual in regards to having Troy for herself potentially but a way to out do Lakre. Larke puts it quickingly to herself that Bianca is willing to do what it takes to get Larke out the way and might even looking for power to beat her, knowing she is now weaker than Larke physically.

She does ask why she was told not to kill Bianca. Crowley states becuase Bianca may have wanted to make Larke mad enough to do so. But he feels that whatever she had in mind was sheer witchcraft.

Cricket, Crowley, Ronnie Anne and Larke are trying to put together what Bianca was up to with that trick in the case of the latter. Crowley realizes Bianca is up to something over some guy and saw a crown in her pocket, realizing this was her plan all along.

Ronnie Anne and Cricket ask what, Crowley states she wants control and power and was willing to kill even her own pet to achieve it. Larke knew Bianca was trouble, but she had no idea she was anything other than well being Bianca.

Chapter 4[]

The gang all arrive in Trolberg as Hilda and Jauna lead the way to Hilda's house so they can get some help with their quest.

Hilda also says she has her friends helping out with this and they're coming to help out with this. Truman asks if these friends are reliable, Hilda tells them they are. Crowley, Cricket and Ronnie Anne are brought up to speed on Trolberg as everyone has came before. Crowley, Sasha, Anne and Grime ask Mulder and Scully where to and Scully informs them that the two are going to do this themselves. Anne asks why, Mulder says that this is a FBI agent thing between him and Scully.

Ford gets a call from Deathstroke, who needs to head to The Boiling Isles but get some back up. Ford inquires why and Mike informs him that he'll find when he gets there. Ford asks Crowley and Grime to join him as he needs to go the Boiling Isles on Deathstroke and co's request. Grime agrees though Crowley isn't so on the nose about this though Ford says that Crowley is as smart as him and is a demon, he'll help just fine and Crowley's ego being appealed to, he accepts but asks who will be in charge when they're gone. Ford says to let him handle that part

The Crew arrives at home  to see Johanna who is surpised that Hilda and Juane brought the whole crew home. They all enter through the door and Ford aplogizes for them all coming and introduces Johanna to Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Crowley.

Ford calls the others in the room and that he has an annoucment. He, Grime and Crowley all going to be heading to The Boiling Isles to help Deathstroke and his forces with something there. Grime tells Sasha and Crowley tells Cricket and Ronnie Anne that they will take care of business as such and They ask who will take charge.

Ford, Grime and Crowley meet up with Deathstroke, Gus and Mike and notice that their men are enaging with Belos and his coven.

Crowley gets right to as he summon his hellhound and equips the colt to go after Belos's allies, Crowley is quick to notice Rowena, Phantom Blot and Jack Horner and asks if Ford and Grime are coming

Grime, Deathstroke and Crowley deal with Rowena and The Coven respectfully which mean they're  out numbered though neither of them are willing to give up, as Rowena's magic is putting them on the ropes, though the hexes don't work on Crowley. Deathstroke and Grime engage against the Coven Heads and are put on the defensive, though Deathstroke does use some his own tricks to keep the edge on Coven Members, he questions where the other 3 coven heads are like Mike said

Ford and Crowley both do their darnest to engage with Rowena and Horner when Eda and Lillith come in and help the two. Ford asks how they found them, Eda states that Kamela had Deathstroke get them too and they were uninterested in Hogwarts. Crowley in disbelief asks how deluded are there. Lillith says it does exist it's just they had to defend their home from Belos and their Covens. Eda is quick to notice Raine isn't here, Ford asks about Raine and Eda explains her history and all that. Lillith and Crowley both decide to keep taking on Rowena and Horner, Rowena uses her tricks to go after Lillith and Lillith struggles with Rowena as Jack Horner uses a Phoenix to try and burn Ford and Eda Alive.

Rowena and Jack Horner manage to escape as well from Crowley, Deathstroke and Mike and they get Eda, Ford and Lillith. They question the words Belos has said and the others. Ford, Grime and Crowley decide to help find out about it and how it works before returning to the crew

Crowley gets back to the crew and confirms the truth to Larke with Angus about Bianca.

Chapter 5[]

Crowley and Anne attempt to put what they learned from Luz together and what Vecna and Belos are trying to achieve as opposed to the others that did. He is told by Cricket and Ronnie Anne that they have met someone who is helping Sid, Luz and Marcy and who helped Luz escape. Crowley having not seen Bender or Slade's crew for a long while doesn't realize this, however he does note that Vecna escaped somehow with his own senses making the only other person other than Lincoln and Lydia to do so as the two of them know Vecna well enough to see this coming.

Crowley transfers this deduction to Ford with Lydia as they arrive to Hawkins with Ford heading out and having Sasha in charge to keep the crew safe. Crowley can sense the Upside Down leaking as he sees the ashes and informs them about what he does have figured in that there will be more than Demogorgons involved and that where other stuff to deal with and as a demon he knows some this.

Upon seeing the Blot, he ponders what did Belos or him do to repair the gauntlet that he knows Grime destroyed, He also sees Rowena who he tails with Cricket and Ronnie Anne in tow. However he is trapped by a secret demon hex by Rowena forcing Ronnie Anne and Cricket to deal with her. He tells them about iron being a way to hold off his mother and they do go through with this luring her off. The two manage to disable the demon hex and he figures a way to keep Bianca in place or to cure Troy of the demonic spell Bianca put on him as he informs Larke with the two kids.

Chapter 6[]

Crowley is came to Larke to help out with the demon hex Crowley agrees to do as Rowena trapped him in one and intends to return the favor. Though as he approaches Lydia and Lincoln. He tells them to go easy on his mom which they do agree on and they go on their own related Castlevania Trek

The 4 run into Bianca, Troy and Rowena as the others go after the former two, Crowley decides to after Rowena, with the knowledge of using demon hexs on him. He manages to distract her long enough for Troy to be trapped by the kids and he lets Lincoln handle his mom as the other 3 deal with exorcising Troy and dealing with Bianca. Despite being a demon himself, he is the one that does the excorist and is successful.

He and Larke bring Troy back and afterwards he learns Belos killed Rowena, For all his complicated feelings for her, he asks what can he do to bury the Emperor for this move or Vecna proving that he does have some love for his mother in spite of it all.

Chapter 7[]

Crowley arrives with the rest at Hexside and prepares his final stand against Belos and Vecna without the others knowing. He sees Bender, Anti Cosmo and Slade again and he learns that Castiel wanted them to leave Bill Cipher's and Toffees lair and they laid their lives to make sure Bill Cipher's influence was no longer around

He makes a decision of his own

Chapter 8[]

Crowley takes on Vecna's forces and brings in Cricket, Ronnie Anne, Larke and Troy to help him. Crowley reveals he is laying down his life to stop Vecna for good in case the Double L Duo can't and he has them help to this

Crowley kills  himself to insure Vecna is killed for good as soon as Hilda, Lydia and Lincoln take him down.



Castiel and Crowley Scene
