Legends of the Multi Universe Wiki

"I'm unclear. What's in it for me?" - Crosshairs

When the chips are down, Crosshairs is the kind of guy you'd want on your team. Or you would, if it wasn't for the fact that he's self-loving and more than a bit of a jerk. Crosshairs is a paratrooper who's a mouthful of snark with a bad attitude. He's got little respect for Optimus Prime, harboring a desire to just be on his own or otherwise be in charge himself.

Despite these vices, Crosshairs is still a crack shot who always hits the ground running and makes mincemeat out of Decepticons with his firearms before they even know what hit them. And if the chips are really down, he'll come through in the end for his fellow Autobots.

This Autobot paratrooper has a knack for catching his enemies by surprise, either by dropping in from above, or with a lightning-fast draw of his Sidearm Blasters.

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